The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1904, Image 7

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The Old Reliable Dealers
H. C. Maken
and Son
And are Ready to Deliver it
in Any Ouantitv.
Orders Promptly Filled
Plattsmouth Xos. VI, 7:! and 'Jl'.i
Nebraska No. 1
Union Block Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fine Watch and Clock Repairing a
Specialty. A complete line Watches.
Jewelry anri Silverware.
Extra Fine Eight-Hay Clock
diia ran teed. . . .
I'arker Alarm Clucks, Cuar
anteed ".
I Baggage
a Line
Reraoviiii,' of Household (Joodrf a
Specialty. Also, Heavy
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
. f .
bj keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanK of Cass County
You can give a check for any part of
it at any t lino and so have a receipt
for payment without asking t r one.
hen you have a hank account you
will he anxious to add toil rathertliaii
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more abu it it.
fcnfr. ln-nv!lr4. Or ic c t
t III SI I it H I.X.I.IMI in Kr.l
Itolil in, -In1!;,' h'X''V '.u-l with hlnw rt''."H.
Tnl.e no oIIhi. Itcriir 1mirrn nliil
tlllloitB nll liulluf Inn. Ituv il your l'r ia'i-1,
nr M'lul Ir, In -iiei p I t Pnriiriil!-, l-t.
mnnlnU an! "Itllr Cur l.mlla-i."
by rrlurti Hall, lu.uou 1"KUih,i:ii:1'. euij by
all Priim-i-n.
cmcnrpTr.R chemic.m. ro.
tlUD JIaai.on Smin-. I'll ILL, 14,
Mcntlua Ull fptt.
1 f I I'
co Ife a
Action Continues From Morning of
May 27 Until Dawn of May 30 De
tails and Figures of Losses Lack
ing Situation Bad at Port Arthur.
Ltao Yang, Juue 1. Continuous
fighting has taken place northeast of
Feng Wang Cheng and on the railway
above Kin Chou rltice May 27. A
sharp action has taken place eastward
f Simstsi, thirty-five miles north of
Feng Wang Choigg, which lasted from
the morulug of May 27 until dayllgUt
Muy 30. Iloth side suffered severely.
Detailed figurtu are lucking. The en
gagement resulted In the Russians re
tiring on Slmatsl, followed cautiously
by Japanese detachments. Throo
companies of Japanese are reportesl
to have ambushed a patrol of the
Nerinsky regiment near Ilunslan,
wounding throe Cossacks. Severn
fighting Is reported along the railway
between stations Yfungoy and Yfun
dien. The .lupaueso suffered heavily
and would have Ixvn annihilated to' '
not Infantry reserves come up and
forced the Russians to retire
Battle Near Port Arthur.
Che Foo, June 1. An unconfirmed
rumor Is current among the Chinese,
thnt a battle occurred sin miles from
Port Arthur yesterday.
Japanese Victory at Nanshan Hill
Costs Heavily.
Toklo, May SO. The details f the
fighting at Kin Chou otuphusues the
heroic tenacity of the Japanese in
their conduct at Nunsliiiu hill. Nino
successive times the Japanese charged
tho fortified height in the race of a
btorm of duith-dealhig ulssihss, and
in their last effort they curried the
forts and trendies only after a bayonet-to-bayonet,
conllict with the Rus
sians, who made a desperate despair
ing struggle to beat back tho un-coui-iug
The final assault of the Japainfe,
In which they at last .succeeded in
taking possession, was marked by the
most doaperuio huml-to-hand eaciiuut
er that has thus tar characterized the
war. The Japanese kit throughout
tho entire action, until night, was ex
posed to an enfilading lire from the
Russian Infantry, a gunboat on Talien
wan bay und four guns posted ut Tn
fengcheu. At a critical moment, the
ammunition of the artillery ran low.
and it was decided to cast the remain
ing ammunition into one limit desper
ate assault. Fortunately, however,
at tho moment this decision was
reached the Japanese s'piudroii in Kin
Chou bay, which had ceased bombard
Ing when the infantry had first moved
forward, suddenly resumed the shell
ing of Nanshan hill. Then it was that
tho issues of tho day wi re determined
at a moment when the outcome was
OutU'rinj between success and defeat
for Japan that r.ioinent wils almost
certain repulse converted into victory
so successful that the forces of tho
czar were swept into confusion and
disorderly retreat." With every Japa
nese gun centering its flro upon the
Nanshan forts and trendies, the Japa
nese infantry sprang over the bodies
of the dead comrades who had sacri
ficed their lives in the previous fruit
less charges. The entire line rushed
forward toward the Russian left,
where the tiro of the Japanese squad
ron had proved most deadly and
which was the first to weaken under
the death dealing bombardment. And
It was there that tho first breach was
made In the human stone wall that
all day had been an Invincible barrier
to the impetuous assaults of the brown
men. It was the Fourth division of
the Osaka men that stormed the litis
Plan left. It had once been said that
Osaka men wore not brave. It will
never tie 6ald again.
Tho First division of Toklo. which
had the center, and the Third division
of Nagoya, occupying the left, and
which had been exposed all day to the
Russian fire against the front Hank,
now followed the example of tho
Osaka men and rushed forward and
the battle became transformed fmm
an artillery duel Into one of personal
conflict, with the bayonet as the In
strument of warfare On every par
apet the resistless, death-defying
Japanese surged forward In Increas
ing numbers, and hustling tho Rus
sians from their entrenchments, swept
over the hill. At 7:. 10 p. m. the flag
of the land of the rising sun floated
abov? the blood sodden Nnnshnn hill.
The Japanese paid for their victory
In 3.5i"'0 killed and wounded. To the
RuFslnns the humllltntion of defeat
was intensified by tho loss of Flxty
tight cannon and ten machine guns,
while lying dea l in the forts nnd
trenches were r0'" ru n, the victims of
the accuracy of lung dis
tance marksmanship and of close
ranee fighting.
The beate.i fnrcci, badly shattered.
rrtpMted towar I Pert Arthur, cxplod
In the Tafengehen mils"1.. :ri" ns they
recc de.l. A di t ict.n.t tif of Japanese
Infantry pursue I the r"'re.i
rlans far Into tho r.'.gh?.
Oku estimates that Hie r ir
' Rns
Ci'I.eri'l f tho
y, seme
e'.emy c.'1'.i
twn batteri
fer're-s ".r
t '. 'V.e 1
)ltmel "
Cl'.l' I
'. 1 ar
s o; ..
',!'.( ry an I
; ger.s. a it;
f n-jshn
lite ,Tap"r,
o.Jlrers nii'l
r arir.r?. Pe
.ce'.lar.eeiis as
iriper'y wn
-e r'ii'urrl a
numb" r
i"i'ii-im Fcllcwi Arthur.
I,. .'.s, May L's T S Incrn
rn,,, .. ,Miu,t gran.l t ti ! f engineer
rf the It:- therl'.ood of Loci'niotlvo En
glni. ts. ilroppcil d'n. at t'.s detk tt
thi cenv'-ntlon In this citr.
Women as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable bj Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys ujhui the niiiul,
discourugcsuudlt-sM'tisumhilion; lieauty,
vigor uml cheerful
ness sM)ii ihsiipju-Hr
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
Inirii afflicted with
weak kidiicvs. If the
child urinates toooftcn, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches hh
uge w hen it should te able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with hrd-wrt-ting,
di'iK'iid upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys ami bladder and not to n
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild ami the immediate ctl'ect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized
It issobl
by druggists, m tifty-
. . ' i ... i ii.
ccui auo oiie-ooii.n gvmj
size bottles, v oil may 5y.i
have a sample I Hit tic
by mail free, also a H.nne of BwunivKool
pamphlet telling all alxmt Swamp-Koot,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sutTerers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer K: Co.,
liinghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, liiughamton, N. Y., on every
Trnlm-il TnrtiiUon,
Jiipam'se and Korean showmen in
addition to their skill as Jugglers ami
acrobats display a truly marvelous
skill In teaching animals tricks. They
not only exhibit educated beurs. span
iels, monkeys and goats, but also train
ed birds and, what Is the more aston
ishing of all. trick llsh.
One of the most curious examples of
patient training Is an exhibit by an
old Korean boatman of u dozen drilled
tortoises. IMroiitl by his sonirs and
a small drum, tiny inarch In
line, execute various evolutions ami
conclude by climbing iimhi a low table,
the larger ones funning of their own
aeconl a bridge for the smaller, to
Will" b the feat would otherwise be 1 1 11
possible. When they have all mounted,
they dispose themselves lii throe or
four p'.li-s like sj many plates.
Ttie Sltitly of Nature.
I eonfi-ss I have not much sympathy
with the laboratory study of nature ox
cvpt for ee'inomical pui-nisi's. Nature
under the dlsstvtlug knife and the nil
croseolie yields Important s.-etvts to
t!ie stuih uls of biol icy, but the unpro
fessional students want but little of all
this. I know a youni; woman who tool;
a postgraduate course In biology at a
noted summer school, and the one
thing she learned was that certain ha
cllli were found only In the lenieous
humor of the eyes of white mice. The
world Is full of curious facts like that,
that have no human interest or educa
tional value whatever. --John lfur
ruughsin Country Life In America.
oiip llellcr.
Mrs. Wise--1 wouldn't have bought
cigars for my husband If I were you.
A man doesn't like his wife to do that.
Mrs. Mcltride I know It's risky unless
you're very careful to get the best, but
1 was careful. Mrs. Wise--Were you?
Mrs. Mcltride Yes. I picked out a Imix
called "Finest made." There couldn't
possibly tie anything belter than that,
you know.
Irlle "f Aiirmfry.
"We can't atTord to recognize them.
Their ancestors were In trade.'
"Weren't ours 7"
"Of course, but our trade ancestors
lire two generations further back than
theirs."--Chicago Post.
Probate Notice.
In the Col xi v Ciirirr.
l'a-.N County, Neli
In the hiMOr of I lie eslntc of .l.,lni C. I'tnk.
All persons liitcri'sliil in the sulil estate
are hereliy iiotltii-il that a petition has liei n
Hied In saM I'onrt alli i:ii!g I hat said iln'raseil
lias left mi last will ami testament, ami pray
t ii if for ailmlnlsi ration iimii saPI i-tau-. ami
thai a lieaniik! lie hail iikiii sahl piTltloli l -fori'
said i'onrt on the l-tli "lay of June A. 1 .
I'.i"i4. ,'il line o'l-loek p. in ; that iflln y fail In
appear In said court on said ilav M I'otilest
tin' salil pi-tllloli the i'onrt may irranl ami
Issue letters of ailiiilnlst ral h in to Anionic
I'tak. or some oilier snltalile person ami pro
cceil to a settlement of salil cstati'.
Witness my haml ami the seal of this court
this u'sth ilay of .May. A. !.. I;l.
IsiiAid II u rv Ii. Titivis.
County .bulge.
(Willi,, -wt yj
ci .y..: . ; J I
l: , v.". a y i j .1.-8 if '.
or v. ir y j j jr.:
" 0 s
eriesa tM-'i
i ,:ib-,, M.!.m.:r .:'''j
l- .v f ., ...ii, y" KV;
r- Me v. I. :i....- Lt M
.V'.H V"ir ll-.-i Jut-
jci-N : -t;;x ,r c co.
r s . ".-..t-., ;.i. i
Troti. the la k-ist, r
Horn -May to Mr. and Mrs. .I.uvb
Khlers, a sou. Tliur.sday, May P.', to
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie K. I My, a
Mrs. Katie Chapman returned Sat
urday afternoon to lu r liome at Ash
land, after a few ilais' pleasant stay
wlth her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Peter
Clarence Murray, living the miles
south, was a business visitor 'Puevlay
aftertioon, ami on his return Ii huc
carried with him one of Morns Pol
lard's famous breed of rat dogs.
(uy Klrkpatrick has exchanged bus
iness positions, leaving the Swift Co.,
In South St. ,loep!i to an advanced
pisition in thej iJerman Anieiican
bank in St. Joseph, Mo.
Miss Yay Uichy, who has been leach
ing at the Maple timvc school for
some time, closed the school lat week
and passed through here Saturday
on her way to her home in buaha.
Work on the new hank is progress
ing very nicely; the hollow cement
bricks are being placed on the stone
foundation and in another week work
will he coniiiieiised laying the brown
pressed brick. It will he a beauty
when finished.
W. II. Selioniaker ami wife made an
overland trip to Nebraska City Salur
day, lorly-lwii miles, on business.
Henry sold his heef cat tie for the next
eight years to Komiman, the lnil.'h
er. They returned in t he evening,
Miss Her! ha aeeoiiipatiyiiig them
Ii" une.
A I ! I midnight rnlilieiy occurred
Wednesday night al the home of Wil
liam Chapman, while the two inmates
of the house were peacefully dreaming
away the quietude of rest. The mid
night prowler entered the kitchen
door, went to I he ciiphnanl ami rc
ineved a loaf of luvad ami then enter
ed the bedroom and took from Mr.
Chapman's pants several dollars that
were inside of a pocketliook. leaving
the hook.
''Yes. I put t he pi ice on uiy lour-year-
! team at :;oo. not i hinking
anioiie would lake me up. hut that
progressive farmer, Canning, knowing
a good thing when In' saw it, w roll
out his check, and now I have no train.
If 1 had thorn-lit, Charlie was mi the
look' mi lor a go"d team. I surely
would not have whispered .so loud.
Th'-y are gone, so you can see I am
still busy mowing the grass from in
front of the lesidenc"'," wen- the ut
terances made hv our "hick" liij;-,i r
scn. M' indav morning .
I'lnlll the l.llli'l -prise.
Louisville now has four full Hedged
liooze joints.
ieorge Cut l.-r was here from Kalis
pell, Mont., forepart of the week.
A I-'oii 1 1 h i "t .1 uly eagle will scream
at ( IrceiiW'.od in the good oh) demo
cratic style.
Miss 1'iianche Ilurlbut left Saturday
for I reel Cloud, where she will spend
the summer.
Mrs. John ( 'otmali.y and daughter,
Mabel, of Murray are here visiting a
few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Josiah (.'line.
Prof. I'.ronson has leased A. 1. Wcl
ton's rental property opposite Ihe
school houseand has moved his family
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider of
I'ialtsmouth visited over Sunday ami
Monday at the home "f Mr. and Mrs.
(lenrge Dollenheck.
Kkler I'tterhack has been at DeWitt
for the past ten days aiding in conduct
ing a revival meet ingat that place. He
expects to hold a revival here in the
near future.
You can't make, a whistle out of a
pig's tail ip-r a bulbul ma of a donkey,
and you will only he wasting your time
if you try it. Hut a pig's tail and a
donkey have their places and are use
ful in It, or ornamental, which is being
useful in a way. The moral is, do what
yui can do well, ami don't be spending
your time and money trying to do what
someone else can do a good deal better
than you ever can, and not half try.
Cedar Creek
Siii'i l il C'erri'spniiileni i-.
Most of the fanners of this vicinity
ere kept busy this week replanting
Kniil Keisi'hstailt of 'it aha was vis
iting with his broth"!' KllgS'UO over
A go' I n;,i' y hridgc-, were damaged
by high 'a a! ei and son,"' are unsafe t"
c; ' 'Si.
M. P. Wi;'.:ai:..s shipi d a car Imidof
hogs to South miaba last. Tiiesday.
N ii'k Schafcr was transact ing husi
ip'ss in Pialtsiniiuth" ii'- day last neck.
Herman 11 mn is reported to be
much Improved after a severe attack
of pneumonia.
John Melsinger shelled and delivered
his corn last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. tici'ige Walradt were
visiting with I leu i-v Horn last Sun
day. The other evening after a heavy
rain a young man standing on a bridge
I Poultry
! Wanted
T5he Clarindoc
8 Poultry Butler & Egg Co.
8 To lr il.fiUMVtl to ZucUwcilci- V . ut.,
Craws to Kmptv.
O 1 1 I ' V s 11 1 1. 1 I'l l I I' l's o,o- n, n o, I
V? IlllNSian.l I'ri.l.KTs per pmrnd
V' II l V 'I'l' hi - I'C, I
Si 1 1, 11 1 1 1 r. i .-s pel 1 'ou 111 1
nl.HToM Tl NUIlYs p. r "in 1 1 1. 1
0 YtU'N'i: TiM TI'IIKIIVS per pound ..
N l-'AT DI'CKS, full featheicl, per pound
O I'A T til'.lMl, lull tealhered, p"l 1'oinid
J) A LI. lit 11 1 I'llKs per do,eii
saw soiiiel lung going down the swill
current which he Ihoughl was a huge
gold tish but which pined to lie a
1 m roc Jersey hog, and it ItnaMy lodged
in t he I ices along I he bank.
Meple Grove
Spi i'lal l',tlesi,'ll'li ll" I .
Misses I lade and Mamie husle ihoiiz
made a I rip to Nebraska Cit y week he
lore last .
John Porter and sislci. Mrs. '.
Snaw-lv, lett lor 11g1n1a his! week,
being called t here i in aco uml o 1 he
severe ll lliess of I hell' In i! her.
Mr. Went, and family iii I:e-I
Week I" Nehawka. Wll.-ie IlieV Will
make I h"'i 1 hoi lie ill I he tut ure.
Mr Joe Klein of P!a' Imih-uI h c. as
willing insurance in Ibis ocahl l.i-.i
Mrs. Maileii and daughter. Annie,
of I'laltsiiio'illi. violcd al the Imi 1
her daughter. Mis. ( hailes Lngell-.e
meii'i', lasl Suu'b'.y.
.1. A. 1 1.1 vis shelled c irii WediM'sdav,
and delivered il to Mont lb hhat Mm
ra v.
i ii, ile a number of li iends and n la
t ives visited al t In1 home of Mr. and
Mrs. August Lngelkemei''!' and family
'.Miile a lit t leconi has to he replant
ed on accoiinl of the heavy rains last
week in t his ne ighhorl I.
Messrs. John I lock. Schafcr hrolhers.
Will Philpot and 'ie.ii'ge Ingt.M'ison
shipped fat cat t k ti t he Soul h 1 buaha
market Monday.
Mrs. Lena llildwas i he guest of Mi
ami Mrs. I;iiste:li"lt. and family Mon
William Puis and Charles Ilerreude
livered hogs at Murray Monday.
Mrs. 1 'liaiies I Icrren ami daughter, I
Minnie, weie an" g t he Plat tsinoiil h
visitors from this part of t he ceiml y j
Momlay. 1
Asthrrja Sufferers Should Know This.
Foley's Honey and Tar lias cuied
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Hies-!
ing, I'd West Thud street, Davenport,
la., writes; "A severe cold con! .raided '
twelve years ago was neglected until
it, linaliy grew into asthma. The bcsl
medical skill available could not give
me more ban temporary relief. Foley's
Honey and Tar was recommended and
one litly cent bottle entirely cured me
of asthma, which had been grown, gnu
me for twelve years, and If I had taken I
it at tin slart I would have been saved 1
years of sullei ing.'' For sale by P. U. j
Fricke Co. i
PKoPlMLToi: -
The Yellow Front Saloon
Beer, Wines and Liquors
! Acjcnt for the Popular Willow Spriiujs Kecr
' Iv.ery Case and Keg Hears tic I'nimi La hi I
Nate the Prices Ws nre Maklnrj
r ni.i.ii ,n ( he.
W . I'lir .' It
-:lv" r W. .1. : 1 1 -.
M-IVsl Pie ',,..
I el I nsli,.m ! i
M. S. 11 1 ,r
M "iir..s.- K, . .
Wlille live. ,'i.
o, . .
'I :-ll
I . II, -In llhei' .er IP.
Ami. r-oii ('... W li
,.'..h"-l. I-" pr f,
ell 'tlg'llll'lil h'V
I ll1 1 I .ii TV. L'l "11.
. L'a.i
ii . . .
Call ami Scv l' or Sen-1 Vtnr Orders In
M 8
iS-'r. 8
vtT''T'ji - ' 0
. cent s
locelils k
'..ecu Is N
(ceils k
..eeiils ft
Speela: ' '. I les,l,l. hi
'has. M spent Sunday of bed week
with his parents al Nehaw ka.
Miss Tniilie l.aiu is spei ding a lew
la s at Merlin-. Neb,, u it h friends.
Those from Miinay who alli-niled
the "(lis-, Play" l-'iiilayeveiiing were:
I 0'. and M Is. ( iihnoie, ( ha i li s SI one,
( 'a I lie Allison. Lizzie I'M n Hinds. Miss
I'uigesoii, iia l;.ioi, , I, lines Maimers,
Li:la Leek, Kal n- Lauglilin. Mere
ger, l-'lemii'g llohh. lu. .hike P.ii'nll.'
and 1 liis'i" 1,'ohii.
Joliu 'oiiuallt . m'e.uid i hi 1 10 1 t ,-r ,
M : 1 1 h I I'tillii'd ,, liom SI.
I 1 .011 i w heie 1 1 1 1 ha v I ''in v n a ii g
, ,l1'' "! in.- u-uH s t.m.
M.llk I'.'ll'loii Is pell III!.- .1 lew il.lJS
1 ah. 1 I ' is v,i i'k.
Mr.. M.n v N -'ui;- sp. ni a p w
with Ih'i dan, 1 1 : . t . ". Mi ,-k D.nis
West 111 ..,i.
Miss Ai::i' s K 1 1 1 1. -i.i is I,'. 1 e tor hel
vacal ion, ha ing i .. .ed hei -i i ,( , , ,i ,
1 i . II.' Ms" .i,l he pliolop 1 a I In I , spenl
11 I a couple ol days heir lasl we. I taking
ii'WS "I' I lie lw; iliii-s. lo.
W. 11. 'opelaiid speii! hiiiel n 10
low II.
Thrown Fron) 11 Vafjoti.
M 1 . o'l'i'.!"' K. H.ibcock was thrown
from bis waipni aii"l si'Vei'i'ly bi ui ,ei .
lb- applied ( 'liaiiiiierlain's Pain Halm
i I I'i'cly ami says it i-. I he best
he ever used. M r. I'.abcoek a well
known citizen ol North Plain, Conn.
There is not hing eipial lo Pain Halm
for sprains and bruises. It will elb-cl,
a cure ill "lie thud the I Mile I .'. , l i led
by any ol her I real metil . I 'or sale by
all druggists.
Independent Cigar
t'hiiih'iigi s ("iiiiiiiMrison In g.ullty
ami Workmanship,
on Fine Oh! Wines und Wlnskjes
i ,
i r.
M i-. a, 1 W
l:..v,l ',.rt v.,
I. ', ,, s,, , , V ,
An.'. i W n ,
M i i.-1 Wit i
ll i,i. "illy 111
hi c llei r " I :i
he.' llei r p'li
as,, ll, r
t :i" 11. " r i n
1 1 e I v -.'.llii'ii
I L'.e inns. . .
,n. ,!
I' ill ' 11 .