COl'NTY OFFICIALS. ...Jus. M. lie CI rk Mstrict Ceurt County Juittfe Ci uiityClcrW Vr'surr MitTltT Att'Tlley SuiHTltitcinicit i)f . Survcyer t I'm Ciniiinlsslu . Il.irvcy i . A I. ... il. Ii. '.v !, f.i r ...leid l. I.-Itr . I.. l!.,.t C. . Wort n ;iti . .. 1 1 K. 11: n Turmr.v; ... v, . i. I . 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 ll:t.ioII:! They Do Love. To tl.e tact that fo.,s un m;i't i'i ji tii'r.s due vi. ne v;i'i;ul!e tvt! t ;t!ni .),(' pr, i. bu' t.c v time of fools' inifstioiis is made l.'.i.i-.v of frivolity -iii-l produces ben-tit wi:;iievt-r. says tin- m. 1... THE HIGH DIVE tvv.'i CITY OFFICIALS. Mayor Clerk Treasurer. AttlTlU'V.. IVllce .lu.H MillNllJll... . . Mi l r 1; Ocriii - II. V.. S-. I ni.-lM :i ... I;, w. c , t... n !!. .. William VY,i.,i- .In-. I'h.'i rVil 1 1 ; i ink. - .i I In- th VKUBEHS Of CotNlll.. Firt Ward Kd l'ili:er:ilil. I W. Kl' ifi-oiid Wurd. . Frank Itutirry. V. C. TlH'iis Tlilrd Wurd .1. II. Il. rol l. 11. stU n;k. r Fourth Ward Win. lliillancc. 1'. A. Newman Fifth Ward I. M. Yuiulran. Win. slater Time Table Pl&ttsmouth. Neb. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joe, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. Denver. Helena, llutte, Portland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. Trains Leave as Follows: No. Is l'lielllc Junction 1I:M pin No. 2 Local express, to town points. ChloiiKO and the cast 4:3i pin No. 14 Fust express, ilully. from Lin coln to St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago, anil all points east and south s:iT pin No. Vi For Pacllle Junction I2:2T pin No. 34 Local to l'ueitlc Junction !:.'- urn No. 2ii From Omaha 4:l.'i pin No. 30 Freight, dally except Sunday. to I'iii-ltic Junction ;):.Vipni No. ti ThroiiKh vestlhuled express for all points east 7:2' am No. 20 From Omalia 4:10am No. 1! Local express, dally, Omalia. Lincoln. Denver and Intermediate stations 7:rlam No. 27 Local express to Omalia. via Ft. Crook ami South Omalia. dally except Sunday '.uSUiim No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Omalia and Lincoln 2:13 pin No. 33 Local ex press. Louisville. Ash land. Walioo. Schuyler, dally ex cept Sunday 3:50 pin No. 13-Llncoln. tirand Island. Mack Hills. Montana and I'acillc north west 10:2s pin No. 2!i-l-ocal frelnht. to Cedar Creek. Louisville and South Hi nd, dally except Sunday H:"fl am No 11 From St. Louis and St. Joe and Nebraska City H:-,'.atu Dully except Sunday Sleeping, dliilnir and reclining chair cars (seats free) on throuirh trains. Tickets sold mid Iiij:l'iii-'i' el ked to any point In the United Stales or Canada. For Information, time tallies, maps and tickets call on or write to W. L. I'lckeu, local uccnt. l'luttsmouth. Neb., or .1. Francis. K'en tral passenger uncut. Omaha. N.-h. , Uepubiic. A ! ol t Lis ween, not li.n.' o.s.-1 :i u.ind. u : ii'ii'.t ,.s t i whether men u ' ii.i iiilieis rn tu:i!: v - i ti the I .;:.'!. Tl.e very ohv jiiusness aiis"er.v.i'i:!.l ivavnah.v preclude dis- ei.sMiM of ,t. '"it tl.e mere fact tha"! tl.e point i'lts been raist il, i.ovu-m i : ' trli'inw'. sometimes warrants .iiscus-1 i .liuii which wu'd otherwise lie s'tpcr-, j th.ous. An inteiT'ikMtinii nivulvir. I it lie iovo if women of any sort for! j their husbands otuht let to lie left in I the air. That club women are constantly nn'i'tiiitf considerations of their 1ms hands' happiness and welfare and up liftintr ouclit to be suillcient answer alone. That these women In the un seltisu and self sacritieiiikr pursuit of such considerations will often no two thousand miles fmni home, forsaking even children, is overwhelming. The subject, at club mectinj.'s. conventions, federation assemblages and other places where these members nather pertain to the husband's well-heinc from every standpoint How to keep liini liome at nights, how to interest him in things lie ouht to he inter ested in, how to comfort him and make him pmd pies, how to make the servants stay and respect him, how to train up youiikf women to be food wives and housekeepers -these occupy the women's forum almost exclusively. 1 on never hear of such things as tat ting, euchre and pink afternoons ab sorbing women's clubs: they are top ics too purely feminine. Tlie theory of the women's clubs seems to be that woman's best opportunity lies in :et tinjl the most out of the husband. The husband is full of latent possibil ities which out'ht to be developed, and to develope them is her lovini: task. The fool who asks whether such women truly love their husbandsoiiv'Ht to be exhibited as the prize ass of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Wom en may not love their husbands ro mantically, but to love them scientifi cally is far nobler and better. .Missouri Pacific Time Tabic TIIAINS OOINO NUKTH. No. M No. .17 No. No. 2.TI local (r.-l.-M TI! A INS t.OINi No. .V No. ;.i World's Fair I ' . y r No. 12 No. 232. local freight .1 ;;, am ..5.4'i pin . ii m pin .. 11-47 pin Si'lTII. . II .V icj, . ''.:IO pin .12.-;:' am . . 7 s am QK. MAUSilALL. I'KNTl- T ill s le s n thai llile. All klii'lsof Dent a I work. I'i III. 2i vei'.rs i- in rii-in'i'. I'm W ork ftiaral:t"i il. OFITC K- IMlkiiai ii III oi k. Tki.KI' No H nil 17 .. . JOHN M. LEYDA, ATTORNEYATLAW, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing alisiruclsnf title, coiiveyaiiclni; and exumliilin; lilies to real estate a spi-cl.i,-tv. Work property done and diaries reason able, t mice: Knoii. s ii ami 7. John tr.tnd llullillni.'. teur Court House. FlaUsmoitlh, Nebraska. W. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. Plattsmoutt, Nebraska OIIICL: Waterman block I'iatts. I'honi'.H lOlllce HI I lies 24.1 DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteopathic PhysiciGn Chronic Disease a Specialty Coiites Idock. riiolns I.'.', and .'.'i'.. Illtlce hours Ii t" I .' ,i. in.. I to .1 p. in. and 7 to n. in. I-V ii .lltllielll. Tell-l lielu s, otllce II I, ; le,i. In e tit Vrkiii Hoo-i, Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block, V Abstracts f Title V Jf?oma5 Ufalli, (.MFICE-Aiihenser-Ilash lilifk. !rt ;tr :r.U!K'v.;h goods -:m.iv t! ill t r. I WE ARE SHOWING New Shirt Waists Wash Dress Goods Waistings Hosiery and Undcrvvca Queen r a" I Qua itv Shn., H i " Sfl U Ncv Oxfords Just R'Vfiu-d. W I 1 rai'ISEli ATTAMIIl-it BHCCKLYN HAS AND OTHER VECSELS FOLLOWTNO. D.ind ts" Prisoner Is in a More ''.?"lou Fcsi'.i-'n Triar Before Warship Ar rlvt.i at Mircccan Port Aoj'd Wel come Aid cf France. T:.i r. M rmn. M.iv ;!1 TT.o I'i:;''-.. S'ti'i-s itm.-ir UtiM.kljn. H.miik I t!.o tl.tu' oi Krar A.'.mliul l",ia-.!!i 1. j l.titt ki:iiVi.l tii to. t r ! 1 1 r veSM-li it I tl.o I u : . I St.itia M;uu.!ru:i uro lo! loWlt.Kl. Tl'.o :iu!l'.orlM' s t. re cutivli'.er I t.a tho posilUti if t!in Atticrti at-.. Ion Pordii urts, iit.i his stepi n, t rottiwell ts & I.nw ( 'tils lii all I in Tads for IViiinilnc i',lsllinll,'bi' fun! wear for. O X F o R D S S2 Wc bavc a very graceful OXFORD. Itelble MfKav sole, iatenl tis, Fifth avenue toe, Cuban heel. Tisan Ideal shoe, for a nicilium pi'liT, that lias service and stvle. I,el, lis slmw It to von. See our Child's Slippers. Sherwood & Son ii ov r)nt nn FrlnrnUnn Pnv? Orison Swett Marden. Ill June Success. lines it pay an acorn to become an oak? I hies it pay to escape beiiik'a rich iR noramusV Does it pay to lit oneself for a super ior position? I toes it pay to et a "llmpse of the joy of 1 i vi nr"' I iocs it pay the chrysalis to unfold into the butterlly. I oes it pay to learn to make life a tflory instead of a jrrlnd". Iioes it pay to open a little wider the door of a narrow life? I Hies it pay to add power to the lens of the microscope or telescope' Hoes it pay to taste the exhileration of feeling one's powers unfold? Docs it pay a rosebud to open its petals and llinjf out its beauty to the world' Hoes it pay to push one's horizon farther out. in order to (!et a wider outlook, a clearer vision:' Does it pay to learn how to center thought with power, how to marshal one's mental force effectively". Does it pay to acquire power to 'ct out of life hinh and imble pleasures which wealth cannot purchase' Does it pay to acquire character wealth, a soul-property, which ito dis aster or misfortune can wreck or ruin' Dues it pay to have expert advice and training, to have hidi ideals held up t.ione in the most critical years of .he Doc?, it pay to make iife-lonn friend ships with bii;lit, ambitions uwi people, many of whom will occupy hi'.'li places later on D"(-s it p.iy t" become familiar with all the lessons that history and science can teach as to how to make life hea!th and success! id" Does It pay to become an enlichi- eiied citizen, able to see throuk'h the sophistries of political claptrap and vote intelligently on public matters' Does it pay to change a bar of rotinh pih' Iron into hairsprings for watches, thus increasing its worth to mure than lifty times the value of its weight in Hold' Does it pay to experience the joy of self-discovery, to open up whole conti nents of possibilities In one's nature, which nilk'bt otherwise remain undis covered' Does it pay tbe sculptor to call out from tbe rouch block the statue that sleeps in the marble, and which shall tell the story of heroism and neatness to unborn generations" Ihm-s it pay t have one's mentality stirred by tbe passion of expansion, to feel the tonic of nrowtli, tbe Indescrib able satisfaction which conies from the consciousness of perpetual enlargement'.- I Hies it pay to have four years tilled with the n. i st delightful associations with cultured people, at an ane when ambitious and hlh Ideals have not been dulled or shattered by disappoint ment, or the unbounded faith In hu man nature shocked by violated pledps' Carpets, Mattings, Etc. about that new Carpet? If you have not it vet, we have Plenty of Choice Patterns to Select From. Mill! E.G. Dovey &Son Count Them Double. Van Orbeeck, the Dutch painter, noted for his extravagant life fell sick, and physicians assembled at his bed side were founditin some hopes upon his ac. I!ut the artist said, "Gentle men, have no regard for my -in years: you must count theni double, for 1 have lived day and nl:ht." A man of best are. but exhausted, because he did not know the value of life. Many of us do the same: relying on their physical strength, they Hive im rest to their body and mind, they do not renew the vitfor and energy spent, and they usu ally die prematurely. Triner's Amer ican Kli.xir ol Hitter Wine would re store tlieirstreiigtli, would reii'-w their blood, would make them healthy and vigorous. It cures every stomach, every indigestion, every blood disease. I'.eing made of pure grape w ine, it has a delicious taste and a decided stimu lating cllect on all parts of the body. The advantage's over other blood puri tiers are that it contains no potash or mercury, that it does not spoil the stomach, that every member fa fam ily can use it. and that itsi':!u t is in all cases admirable. At drug stoics .los. Trim "W So. Ashland, Ave.. (.'In cauo. 111.. PiNi'ii Million. Still Have Hopes. I'aciiic .liinetion railroad men have not given up hope thai their town will yet. lie restored to its former Import ance as a division siaiion. - grievance committee of the railroad men on the Iowa division has been sent loChicago to protest against, the long runs and long hours that arc involved In the runs k'tween r.urlington and Omaha or Lincoln. The ,1 unction people be lieve that if a change is made it will make Chtirilon and I'acitic .1 unction division points, and should this lie the case the .1 unction w ill be an Important point.. The citizens take .someencour agement In the fact that a less propor tion of changes have been made here than at. any other pointalong the road, illenwiHid ( la ) 'pinion. Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Hrlght's disease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benelit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure Incipient. P.right'sdiscasc and diabetes, and even in the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight dis orders are cured in a few days. "I had diabetes In Its worst form," writes Marion of Dunreatli, Did. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." For sale by 1". (i. Fricke - Co. THIS IS NO BLOW BUT STRAIGHT GOODS You Will Find it So if You Will Coll ot the "Hub" Clothing House and See How they are Selling Goods. SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST In Order to Close the Steely out as Soon as Possible. e mean pist what v.i ami mean pist what we -,,iv when we tell "U t hat our dot bin ai.d gents' furnishings ;ii'- all up-ti da 'i.' oo(;ds, ):e entile -,!orl: bill bought, within the p. 1st s; u;oi: , and a giva? deal "t it i ol Ihissnring j seiec! ions. j t 'ome and s e how n uiarkabtv i j we can lit you out with a ie w suit. We invite t he and look over they do thisand banners to i ! i - 1 1 in air stoel; and whi-n lind how cheap these goods are going, t hey will be sure to take home with them a new suit. Seize onto this opportunity of ;ip plylng yourself with clothing at half the retail prices. Don't wait until next week, or to morrow, but come right now. Till-: HIT.. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute may be your last Mich was the experience of Mrs S. II News'in, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she wiitcs, "I endured insuf ferable pain from indigest ion. stoma. 'h and bowel trouble. Death seemed In evitable when doctorsand all remedies failed. At length I was induced tot ry F.'.eetrie Hitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at onee and now 1 'in completely recovered." For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel troubles F.leelric Hitters is the only medicine. Only .VV. It's guaranteed bv F. C. Fricke ; Co.. druggists. in l-riiDlfAnn. Vitrify, n l'.ritUh K'll.jiet, who wore Kl''iil by I u 1 1 1 1 1 1 h . Iieuiteil by lla'.hull, Is l.ow tiiore serious thuu Li1 tore. Ueur Ailitilral ChitilvvliK, Heetunpa r.led l,y I. Is nlil(, the t'nlteil Stalest consul Keiierul two marines, vis lied M. Tor res, the is'lireiieiitative of ttie Mitt an. nt. Tangier. The Inter view lasteil ten minutes, ultiT which M. Torres n'tiirneil the vtt-lt lit the I'nlt il SluteH eiiiinnliite, the brook lyn tirliiK u Miliiie In his Imnor. Nf. Torres has Informed the Amerii an ami Ilrlllsti n preientatlvi'M that, he cannot nnit Ralsull's terms. A p clal einirler. it is rciMirtcil. hns Imtii j sent, tn the sultan, K'vtns the Ainer j view. Washing n, May 31. There Is no I ilouM in tu i ml st of i III -1 fits here that I the povernmetit nf France, would phul- ly Rid the I'nited SIuUh Ui secuiii'.K the release of l'erdlearls hy all mean In Its ivver. IleeuuHo of her authority In Morocco, France iiortiitM could do more In a pcui-f-ahlo manner ttuin any other r.ntton to efffn t flu releaf of tho man If the tnlto1 States dwldex to make any reticnt for assistance fp)tn FYnnro In tlds mat'oT na'tirall it would Ui In an unofficial manner and If oltwr attempts to peeure the ri' lease of f'entlcarl.n fall, such Intima tion of a dosire for French ns'nlstsincn may lie made through the Rtate tliv partmei.t. OLEO LAW IS SUSTAINED. Suprenrc Court Upholds Constitution ality of the Act. Wt'.shit.Kton, Julie 1. The -supremo court ol tin- United H'ates, in n it opin ion by JusI'm- While, upheld the (i II sUtiilmi.ality of tin) oleiim;irparliii' law. I ao U' .MiH.ij sued the Culled States In the .-Southern district, of Ohio j to reeovi r If.'u paid by him us a lii lt idly lor the sale of a liny-Hiuiu! puck- Itgi o! colored oli-oilliU'lUllllie elilitilitt- ' i:.(; u stump 'ax of threiMpnulers of I ft i l.t a po'ilid llis'i .'-d ol lu li nts a j Kim,d. .MriUiy's ei.niiM'l urrui-'l lll;t., i t! ht itl!l,oi;g:i Cm oil ) was i oioi ii in i lfo'i'. hi. ! li'tttir, Ihi- lolor vend o!i- i o. O ...t I v 1 1 . . ii .. , if Unto r u Mi 1 1 u-a 4 I ltsi If iir':i;, !,'t!ly udored, but Ms m e las tin ll.L'fi dlit.t of t!ie oh-ii u,is let ! tl.t r!i-il bv law, a ml sieoml. that tie ; t.lX cf l'l I I U'S K p'HIII.J WHS 'TolllM- 'live Mini coi I'im iilni y ul,d iia ' ed leileliil usili'.a!li'Ii ol the polite I "Wi I-; o tin- s'.tle. Th'- court said i t! at U.f ta 'oj.ti uiplateil tin- lilili-h' d proilni t ui.d r.t.t the di-tan? of r::i:iii j fin tt! I ". If the eh o vv a i olori d it j ihould I. UN" 1'ie higher tax n iii 1 It im (oloiid the lower tax, ii gardli-.s '" how ohtJilni'd An to the l.moui.t of tlie lax tin- court said It wu.s settled that the court cou'.d not consider the amount, of Hity tux tlxi d by ( (across, this lieinp it p'irely iKilitleal function. Thn court, therefore, attlrmed th.i J'ldmei.t of the lower court, uphold. Inn the validity of the law ar.d tl.e tax. ROOSEVELT AT GETTYSBURG Preildcnt Deliver Oration Upn the Famoui Battlefield. (5o'tysturg. May SI. (1. his toric Cemotry It!.!, ovf-rlooklnn ground hulliwed by tlo hlool uf Lai! a hundred thomaiid hravn ti.on and In the presetK ii of a concourse of tf.oirsar.drt who had .assembled to ihi tribute fn the memory of th( nu'lou'-t deftd I're.ililnt.t r.oosevelt rt( llvensl u liotfltile address. As President Kixrfcvilt rose to rpe.'ilc a downpour cf ruin tn-gan und rontinuisl throuKhout tho t!mo ho ad dressed tho KPi'ltt assembhoe. Hn wns aceordvJ an ciithushu-tle ro(Pj lion, notwt'hstanding tho rain, and the crowd of l'V'"') ie (ipl In tho oemo tery to hear the addn-sn rtellti the thortwirh drenchltm It n- celved. xw9cwa'XxtX!XB8x-xiXffle)a BY KEEPING IM LINE:! And niiircliinej htrniijlit to Ueelbaef? ($o, wliero you will he re paid for your 1 mill ill by K'Miiitf the liest on the nmrkets. Groceries, Canned Goods. I-ruIts. I're.sli daily from the ninrketrt. VEGETABLES, K'ltliered froHli every tnornin. 'Phone 54. WlltiTlliltll lllocll I'llillslnelltll, SXa8)6XiX3QXflSXfiGX)a(tW At the Old Stand OF John Schiappacassc You will always lind I be Choicest Fruits Fine Confections And the most delicious ICE CREAM Which he is prepared to furnish in any itiantitv for family use or social uathei ins. JOHN SHCIAPPACASSE 511 Main Stnvt JTs - "r Steerage Rates Reduced to f 10. Itondon, May 3". Th Amrrlcnn line, it i rt iHirtiM here, has reduced ltd btccrasc rate to lie. 2-1-24 In the ordinary course of business, but there's Interest to lie considered if part of your earnings Is left with us for safe investment. Then there'sanothcr story, which will make two plus two eiltial live in t line. Ask us and we will k'iadly tell you how it is done. Plattsmouth Savings BLnk Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street 1MM KDIATKLY OPIDSITK COt'KT llOl'SK. Meuls ut nil liours. Special nt -tetition to tlie fat tner pntrons. Tho tallies nro supplied with tho lust the imirki ts utTord. JOHN CUUEY, Propriotor. i ! i! h, C. 10, n i ! I 1