The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1904, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
rrr.uMiKi w kk.m.y a r
F I . A T IV. MOUTH. N V. H K A S tC A .
K. A HATKS. l'l in imikk.
i tvl tit I ( -l
.1 ri:iil!ii
..10 null.
uili. Ni-
li ii 11 ''is ri'innNO 1 1 if taiil!
Iiniii I 'a 1 1 .1 1 .1 . Mi-urn, I'.ui il III l Ar-m-i.t
ii.r, s.viv'.m ! t-ln miclit ask
III ii;ii;i.'i".iii-iil. " "Health liail Imp-n-iinl
to the lccf 1 1 iM '
I In i do i lit' iciii.iilii-aiiM'xi'i'i t t In ir
famous I'li i'haiit ! ' ail ;uirc in the
highway or notional itroicritv"wli'ii,
with MVilily on his hack anil I.otl try
ing to lead liim.oni- of Ms lens is tirnily
tied to tin- "staml pat" post?"
Sixt'K lo'iifial rnnston eonfi'ssi'il
tliat ho iliil not swim the liio (Jraiiile
river April b'.i.i, hut that two other
men swam It wlille he went across on
a rait, Kansas has revised her school
hooks and Kiven up her at tempi to
classify li'm as an amphihian.
Tin-: lepiilihcan family iiiarrel In
Wisconsin, fomented ly Npoonor, caus
es coiiMieinalloii in administration
circles. I'nless coniproiiiised Imme
diately il will lie likely to tflve the
(lriiiociats the governor and several
Now is the t imetohrin' to the front
I hose "l; losevelt democrats" who have
liiM'ii pronounced republicans, of the
Paul Morton stripe, since lvm. New
recruits of this kind have liecome old
in icpuhliean harness. (live us some
thing new, please.
Wiikn the nominee of the St. Louis
convention Is announced, there will Ik
such rojniciny hy the ureal mssses of
people that their shouts will resound
from ocean to ocean. The voters are
truly ulad of another opportunity to
side-t rack Hie trust party, w ith Teddy,
the celeluated "I nisi -hiister," at the
Tiikkk are .'iii.oiio anli-imperiali.sls
in Massai husetts who denial id that the
ileinocratie. platform shall oiler Inde
pendence to the FilipiiU'sat some near
and specilie'l lime tieneral Miles al
leges that the Philippines under our
protect ion can eiiilp themselves with
a slahle lepulilieain.'overnmeiit "w ith
in I .v 1 1 hundred days." This ouht to
satisfy even (ioveinor lioutwel).
It inakrs one tired to hear some so
called republican papers talking alxmt
Paul Morton beinu converted to repuh
llcanisin. Paul Morton was converted
some vears ano and was a follower of
liooseveil in his liist campaign and
was also a follower of McKinleyand
stated at that time that he would vote
the republican ticket from that time
forward. This talk now sounds rat her
like "rot" to those that are fully con
versant with the lacts. Nebraska
City News.
W. .1. lti;. says 'trusts are tube
the paramount Issue." A K'ood idea:
farmers have discovered that the steel
trust has added $1 to the priceof every
plow, that the wire trust lias put, the
price s" hivh that he can hardly allord
t,i b lue ids lields, that the lumber
trust has incieasi'd by lifty percent the
the cos! ol the ham he builds, that the
twine iru t is taking robber toll from
his wheat crop, and that the lalKir
trust lei- made help a rare and ruinous
!i iie;uv aodsoihioiii;h allthe articles
I 1, -.s in ' uy. Hut thi'iididnt Teddy
in a speech at the New York Wool Fx-chaiiui-
oil VtolsT. 1 '. say "Mr. iran
;n;il I,'ierentshavi' appealed totlie
el in llu laud tin' fanners''"
1 r is sia'i-1 that tin re are thousands
of i li ttler an ! u.oie att ract ie oi:iik'
la. lies who attend the St. Louis tail
daily than Alice Un.sevt It. but Willi
the daughter of the "accidental" pres
ident, i-. the sii:: le attraction to Miss
"Tin '. :a,le us swallow Mickiyand
P.urkett and now if the opposition will
but put u' Slii oeiiociver hr (.'overm r.
Mick' VW.M he siiowc I 'indel at the
polis by '!U'. ! ai d the populists will
cap! ure ( h' i et iiy ;iat lire and it w ill
lie ;:aii insti ;i. o! liurkelt in the
I'niteil St. ites senate."- (Word of a
Hastings drh-kiate to the republican
state eonvci.tioii ) MastiiiL's Iaily
A i l. of this talk about Mr. ltryan's
"riht to boll" if the nomination at
St. Louis displeases him Issupertluoiis.
Kveryliody knows that Mr. Piyan can
bolt if he wants to, avl It oiitfht to be
aUnit dpially well known that lie will
not do so. Lincoln Journal.
This Is one Iruth to the old Journal's
credit. The republicans seem to he
worried aboul Mr. ltryan's bolting.
Perhaps "the wish is father to the
thought," In this respect, hut In that
they will never be gratified.
TtiK amiable and Inoffensive Miik of
burnt cork, Lew Oockstader, has been
guilty of lese niajeste. lie went
through a pantomime not loi"; slnco
representing the acting president in
tlieactor lifting a fallen tiller to his
feet, and for portraying that act of
mercy and kindness he was chased to
New York by a detective and com
pelled to surrender his pliotonrapic
property, which was destroyed. I r the
dead pictures had liecome living pic
tures, would it not have helped the
White House occupant rather than
have harmed hlmV
r i-
pi i ' -u : '
a :'-s :
pniu i ;
r old lih:'i! v bell is ajraln to
hi whrclsand dialed aboul
i v. This t it, will hi- sent
Louis evposit ion al a cost of
.'he Irl! i.s about the only
1' thedasi-f thefathers who
r libi i ty, cpiality and ihe
happiness, il will sctve as
- the oiit!i i ! this day the
upon winch thispivi-rnuiciU
' ,is foiiii'led, and the manner in which
11. e lepiih.ican party a:e ciiileaorin
to t i.i Mi.v these piinciplc and In.stail
instead an imperialist p'Vernmciit.
Another liberty hell is needed one
that will rinn out the trust patty and
line, in the parly of the people, and re
store this Kovcrmucut in its former
Tiik Franklin County Sentinel can
conscientiously and will uladly support
Hon. A. C. Shallenherer for governor
should lie receive the nomination by
a combination of democratic votes.
Mr, Sliallenberts'er is a democrat, hut
one In whom every populist In the Fifth
congressional district places the most
Implicit conlideiice. lie Is a man of ir
reproachable character ami well known
Integrity. His splendid service in the
"7th congress is still fresh in the minds
of the citizens of Nebraska who recog
nize in I il in a man of sterling worth
and a tried and true friend of the people.--
Franklin Sentinel.
Said Abraham Lincoln: "You can
fool a part of the people all the time,
and all the people a part of the lime,
but can't fool all of the people all of
the lime." The republican party of
Nebraska has fooled the people, by the
aid of the railroads, In the election of
two senators neither of w hom are hard
ly lilted to represent their respective
counties In the state legislature, and
now they arcKointfto try to fool them
ak'ain into voting fora legislature that
will send Blow hard liurkett to succeed
Scapegoat I ictrlch, simply because the
railroads have so decreed. Will they
be able to fool the people aeaiu'
Fuom the tone of the republican
press, one w ould suppose that the party
here in Nebraska was very harmonious-nit!
All the opposition has to
do now Is to nominate a candidate for
governor who commands the respect
and conlideiice of the people, and he
will snow Little Johnny under so deep
the tootiiiK' ot Cabriel's horn won't
be able to resurrect him. The repub
licans didn't want to renominate him,
but so faithfully has he complied wth
the mandates of the railroads that
a command from them was all that was
necessary. The republican party is in
the powerof the railroads, and were. It
no! foi their aid, that political party
would not stand any more show in this
state than a snowball in hades.
KiTKKsK.vrv n k I'nw iii:i;ii, chair
man of the democrat ic congressional
campaign committee, has opened head
una it "is in Washington. In a recent
Interview lie says: "Newspapers tell
us that republican primariis In West
Yiiymia were so harmonious that only
seventeen men were killed: that the
Dick and Forakcr factions in Ohio have
abandoned ballot itik' and are relyine
for success on the thickness of their
skull-; and weight of their clubs. Illi
nois is in the throes of the bitterest
convention tiht the republican party
ever experienced in that state. There
was a reular riot at the convention in
Wisconsin and noted prize lighters and
athletes were in demand for scrneants
at an. s. Senator Spooner says 'the
condition in Wisconsin is deplorable
there is no worse condition any
w'.icrc" " Is not this a pathetic state
of thir''
Republican "Gains."
Lcpiihlieaii papers are making much
to do over the announcement that Paul
Morton, vice president of the Santa Fe
railroad, has joined the republican
party. Mr. Morton u-fers to his
"change in political faith," but inas
much as he Las not voted the demo
cratic ticket for twelve years and nave
ills support to i 'publican candidates
during the last two presidential cam
paigns, theie is not much change in
Mr. Morton s political faith. To all
intents and purposes, lie has been a re
publican tor many years, but this is the
llrst time he has summoned courage to
acknowledge the fact. World-Herald.
"Hurrah for Mickey!"
Mr. Mickey is not a popular official,
neither i.s he a strong character. lie
possesses a certain kind of obstlnancy
w hich his friends are pleased to con
strue as lirmiiess, and his overweening
self-esteem I.s In like manner self
termed self-reliant Independence. Ilis
much-vaulted Christianity and moral
purity have been paraded to the point
of nauseuin-as if it .were something
uncommon for a republican otllce
holder to be a Kent'cman in all that
the term implies. The Citizen was op
posed to the reasons that are apparent
in the foregoing sentences; but since
he lias again become the unanimous
choice of the duly accredited represent
atives of the republican party, this
paper Is ready to yell "Hurrah for
Mickey" as loud as any of its contem
poraries. Party loyalty demands this
concession, but the Citizen makes It
with much the same feeling as pos
sesses the small boy when lie is requir
ed for harmony's sake to form pleasant
associations with some conceited,
smirking, sniveling classmate. Tllden
(Neb.) Citizen (Republican.)
Mickey a Hard Dose.
An interview witli any honest repub
lican who was a delegate in the late
lamented state convention and one will
hear with all details and trimmings,
how the Lincoln-Omaha machine gang
practically gagged tne delegates and
forced the nomination of Mickey and
all the rest of the candidates on the
machine slate, they will tell you in no
uncertain language that Mickey was a
hard dose to swallow, and many of
them will also frankly tell you that t
was the expressed opinion of seventy
five per cent of the delegates before
they had walked two blocks away from
the convention hall that Mickey would
be everlastingly snowed under at the
polls. If the populists and democrats
nominate A. C. Nhallenberger for gov
ernor Mickey will be so badly beaten
he'll be sorry he was ever in it. For a
professional Methodist and a stalwart
republican Mickey Is one of the worst
ever. Hastings Dally Republican.
Everything in Season
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Prompt Service
The Sixth Street Store
Platts. Phone 19S
r- ---'-'
1i i:im. the presidential campaign
ot b'Oii Lincoln democrats were very
numerous. Last year Mckinley ileiii
ociatswfie ii.iteciiiiiiui'ii. .since Lin
coln and McKinlcy are I l h dead, their
admirers mentioned heie, o course,
voted the democrat ic t icket. Asa rule
in politics a demin'iat never seisanv
cood in a republican until after he is
dead, hut this year t here seems to be
a change. Now, the other day we met
a man who has voted the democrat
ticket for at least twenty years and he
said that this vear he would vole for
Rosevelt. Tln gentleman said. "1
am a democrat, a Roosevelt democrat.
I shall vote for llooseveit because he
is the president for the people." There
will W a Int of Roosevelt democrats
this fall who will show t heir colors at
at the polls - Weeping Water Repub
lican. The alKive sample of tommy-rot has
Ummi going the roundsof the republican
press, not only in Nebraska, but also
in luwa.and when called upon to name
the democrat referred to they have
universally tailed t" do so. Nnw, as
the above re-hash has Wen applied lo
cally In I'avs county, the Journal de
mands the name of the democrat re
ferred to or the editor of the Republi
can stands in the same. Wat with oth
er republican editors wh: have repro
duced the art iclc a.s a base political
fabrlcat'ir. Name your man, Rrother
Kelthley -if you can! We know of at
least two republicans in ("ass county
who say they will voteagainst "Teddy
the Terror" It' the democrats nominate
a good man at t. Louis, and we are
prepared togive their names, if it he
comes necessary.
It Is given out that llryan will make
a run for the senate during the coming
campaign, and it Is even hinted (very
darkly) that he will challenge Elmer
J. liurkett to a great joint debate with
the Intention of w iping him entirely
oil' the political map. The program is
very good in the making, but as Mr.
liurkett will doubtless decline to lie
wiped oil of the map aforesaid, Mr.
ltryan's plan will very early develop a
painfully weak spot. Kearney Hub.
Yes, if such a thing should come
to pass on the part of Mr. llryan.
it would be painful to Ids friends to
even thiiiK that Mr. llryan would come
down from his lofty position as one of
the nation's greatest orators and
statesmen, to challenge a man who has
nothing to recommend him hut ego
tism. Then, again, if Mr. llryan was
to favor the great wind-bag with aj
challenge, that 'eminent tool of the ;
raiiivails wouni tie toocowaruy to ac
cept. So, don't worry, Mr. Hub, Mr
llrvaii i.s not in the habit of wast ing pre-
chius moments on such insigniiicant j
egotists as lilowhanl P.urkett. I
& Ramge
Still lead all other Meat Markets in
furnishing the people of Platts
mouth and vicinity with
First Class Meats
Of Every Description.
Fresh and Smoked Meats,
Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc
They have removed to the first room
west of their old stand.
Ry courteous treatment to all they
hope to retain their present patrons
and gain many new ones.
Triumphs of Modern Surgery.
Wonderful things are done for the
human body by . surgery. Organs are
taken out and soaped and polished
and ut hack, or they may he removed I
eiillrelv; hones are spliced: pipes take1
the place of diseased sections of veins:
antiseptic dressings are applied to
wounds, bruises, burns and like injur
ies before intlaiumatioii sets in, which
causes l hem to heal without matura
tion and inone-thiid the time required
by the old treatment. Chamberlain's
Pain llalmaets on tlilssame principle.
It is an antiseptic, and when applied
tc such injuries causes them to heal
very nuickly. It also allays the pain
and soreness Keep a Wltle of Pain
Ralm In your home and It will savejou
time, and money, not to mention ti e
Inconvenience and sutler ing which such
Injuries entail. For sale by all druggists.
and CURE the LUNGS
Summer Homes
for 1904
It is none too early to plan your summer vacation.
You will be considerably assisted if you have at
hand the descriptive booklets issued by the
Chicago, Milwaukee . St. Paul
Lake resorts and other ideal summer homes in
Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa
are described. Books with rates for tickets and
board, information about routes and train service
sent for six cents' postage.
Conprfcl Western Aoent
ido) nasr Kenewer
Always restores color o gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all
dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. ut,ZX':n'TTM''
for chlldrmi tafr, cur. A'o opfc'
j Now Discovery
0UGH8 and
60c 4$ 1.00
Fre Trial.
Surest and Uuickrtt Cure for nil
iff Pprnrc itocrniirnnr fi
I .1 1 J J IUUIUUI Uil l
S CndChnrf rrrfor Hnncn b
ft 1 o 8-v'?M!kw A w
i J .-vA Hi
S Mealo Served at Kc-ular g ! Jliii4Sa
Meal Hours. J
k Fresh Oysters &
IV I.';.!, ,,r ! M, , H
S (ilh lis A I. ALL. 3TXiW3i3ffi3iZffi
S d iiTTrpRnrn; D-fln-:.oA ft R - .
oh SM. - Main Street ft H R?S&
'.' ( l :. '. -. t j .....t. r.: J '.1 U "UivJ
If lW.V.k MilLWVJ. ..' M
5j Al; .-'.l.rrs ta i v'IMf rfrlt-I Ji jj
tMicm. ir 1 Tt.w. f it; L E
I Si fX'it iWi:-'ihi:ii.' rvf H
P ( !r-'i-' r 1 1 -ft: I .t'U. i-. ;:r-. jf. R
BP l-!fu.!'iH.. a:oC-H4. k kl
ij KurM. l-j'vs. Errnbs. L-tmV. n.. fl
Jf Tvnr, S:t, ml i; ether S'ms 3
t i Mii'AHr.n nr I
E.C. DeVitt C Co.,Chicijo 0 ;
1524 Farnam Street
That Has
for Sole by F. G. PRICK- & CO.
Tlint i.s tlio kind wc liavo,
Not only now but nil timcH.
lli'i'f that linn Ikhmi pro
thuH'd from rich, swi.'ot
conntrv uriiNS ami l'nit
nourishing (""rn. It 1ms tin- lluvor that irf s. highly toml.'r,
ciiiti'dby tliosi who know what u'"ol nifct in. It In lusting,
juicy ami ddk-ions. Choice cut for broiling or roasting.
( )ur rici s invito purchases. Also bear in miiul that our
in up-to-date and that the quality of our gmnU cannot be
KurpaHsed nor our prices cannot ' be beat. We divide our
prolit8 with our cuhtDiiiers. because wo u'ivo them the best
PkkIs for tlie same money tliat you have to pay for poorer
quality. Don't be backward, but ;ive us a trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth. Neb.