MEXICAN MnTIPIN IriTTir k XI lirviv Mbut.i 1 . . .uiiAiv.,i MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment la e for over slit;-jrrar, fF MftP Bwt r Tonltry, let for Uorec .ilmente, Umbvre wp Stiff Joint. cure Froatbltea and Chilblains. Mustang Liniment f urra Cats, ltamj IIrolr. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Cure rain nod Strain. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment la r positive care for rile. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Seat thing fvr a lame hgrae MEXICAN, Mustang Liniment drives out all Inflammation. Mustanq Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment enrca Spavin and Klojbone. naa vu pvrca ucjutj Cfllior Vftlue RUfflWDi, imn.tvww ww Mexican! gpSw Mexican Mexican " iV"M" Mexican Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment eurte all forma of Rhenmatlatu. ' curea Caked Udder in cow. Beat for Sheep allmaata. alway a glvee satisfaction. MEXICAN ' ri - O' jyW x Low Cuts In all the Fusl ilon;i 1 Fads for feminine footwear for. $2 Wo have a very graceful OXFORD, flexible McKay sole, patent tips, Fifth avenue toe. (.'ulan heel. 'TIs an Ideal shoe, for a medium prlee, that has service and style. Let us show It to you. See our Child's Slippers. Sherwood & Son LOCAL BREVITIES. "Out lleil," the favorite cl:ir nr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Decoration 1'ny one week from next Monday. Why don't you tlx that dilapidated sidewalk? John tinnier of Louisville was down Sunday. The hest soda water hi the world at Gerlng & Co.'s. Smoke the Wurl Hros. celebrated T.ut Hell" clears. Otto Hooker of Louisville was here Monday on business. A. L. Keeker and w ife of Union ate riattsinoulh visitors today. M. 1'. Hansen of Murray was a county seat visitor Tuesday. The trees are more welcome when they leave, lueer, Isn't it? George Cook of Cedar Creek was in the city yesterday on business. W. 11. Pool, the Weening Water real estate man was here today. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist Oillce with Dr. K. 1. Cummins. Harry D. Heed was over from Weep ing Water Tuesday on business. Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice cream sjda, only 5c at tiering & Co.'s, Prof. A. S. Lesscnian was up from Nebraska City yesterday on business. Fred Hawkins and sister, Grace, spent Sunday In this city with friends. Wantkd A few steers and horses to pasture. J. U. Vallery, Eight Mile Grove. The senior class play Friday, May 27, at the larnie. Any seat in the house 35 cents. Frank P. Sheldon and 1. C. West of Nehawka, were county seat visitors Monday. C. A. IUchey, the lumberman, was down fron Louisville yesterday on business. The name that means quality Is Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by Gerin & Co. Not how cheap but how pood. Pat toon's Sun Proof Iaint. Sold only by Gerlng & Co. Fred Gorder was here from Weeping Water Sunday, visiting with Ids brother August. Goes further, looks better and lasts longer. Patton's Sun Proof Paint Gerlng & Co. agents. Fifty Years Ihe Standard Improvu thi flavor and adds to BMW thi haalthfulntss of thi food. pmoc MARINO POWOIR 00. CHIOAOO Attorney W. L. Ihown, of Lincoln, was tiaii-acUntf htihies- in l'UUs tiioiith Mooduy. Karl Kultney, oini'lnvod In the Have loek simps, spent Siindiy wltli his par ents In tills i ltv. Reserved seats vi sale for "The Sil ver Shield" Thiiivlav. M i.v -3cents any seat in the house. I f you are a Judge of a irood smoke, try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. Mrs. Cyrus Alton of "ood Klver, Neb., Is vNtlng her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Tyson and family. It costs a little more but U by far the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint Goring & Co., sole agents. MesdainesA. W. White and V. V. Leonard went to Friend, Neb., "yester day morning for a brief visit. Misses Dolliis and Minnie t.ilinan or Nebraska City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (illman, In this city. For sale one irood, high-grade, rubber-tired ti'P hngify and single harness good as new. Aimirit The next annual convention of the Cass Countv Sunday School associa tion will be held at M unlock June !) ami to. Remember May 27 Is the date of the senior class play, "The Silver Shield." Admission Idcents; gallery 2.". Every body Is going. Misses I'ernice Newell, Grace Schopp and Will Robertson and Glen Phebus spent Sunday with the Metger family at Cedar Creek. A marriage license was granted yes terday to ihirton L Coir'lzer. aged X, and Miss Rosa McNurlln, nged 22, Ixith of Weeping Water. Jacob Clans and wife of Rawlins, Wyoming, came In Tuesday to attend the funeral of the former's father, which occurred yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McLcnnon, liv ing In the part of the city are re joicing over the advent of a nine pouud girl baby at their home. For sale-good eight-room modern residence, (new) situated in one of the most desirable locations in the city of Platts'inouth. Au rni u Hei.I's Hon. William Deles Demierof Elm- wood was a county seat vbltor Tues day, going from Itore to Lincoln to at tend the republican state convention. J mine .lessen w ill convene the regu lar May term of the district court in this city next Monday. Ihere are ... thirty-live equity cases and two crim inal cases. The letter of Mrs. Ida C. Wagner ill be found In this Issue. It was written at Herlln, and gives (itilte an Interesting sketch of her travels In! foreign lands. Kdward H. Ruterman, aged twenty- three, and Miss Catheiine Winkler, aged twenty-three, and both of Elm- wood, were granted license to double p last Monday. C. Rengen called a few days since and left a dollar to renew the subscrip tion of R. U. Wlllems, at Norfolk, Neb. Mr. Wlllems says be can't do without the Old Reliable. Whoop-ec! What do you think of the nyw sidewalk on the corner of Sixth and Pearl? Go on with the good work and give the old building a good dose of paint. A. G. Johnson, an employe of the Rurllngton at Rrooktteld, Mo., visited friends In this city over Sunday. Mr. Johnson was formerly employed In the Plattsmouth shops. If you are particular about your headwear, you can easily tlnd what you want at our store, as our selections are by far the largest. Sr. Louts MillixkkyCo. Mayor Gerlng received a cablegram from Germany Monday announcing the death of his nephew, Robert Kluftlngcr. Three years ago the de ceased visited his relatives In Platts mouth. Mr. Stephen MetTord, of Greenwood, and Miss Ellen Holmes, of Ashland, were married hi this city Tuesday, May 1", Judge Travis pronouncing the words that made them one and In separable. Mesdames 11. M. Stoutenborough, A. R. Todd and L. A. Moore went to St. Louis Monday, accompanying the Nebraska delegation to the national federation of W omens clubs at the exposition. S. F. Will, son of our friend A. S, Will, the big stock man, called and re ncwed for the Journal yesterday. Young Wllllsa"," an Industrious young farmer, and a fine gentleman. C. Chrlstensen returned from Sail da, Colo., where he was employed by the Denver & RluGrandc railroad, and after remaining here a few days de parted for Mollne, III., to accept a more lucrative position. Mrs. E. M. Wlntersteen went to Kansas City a few days ago, where she expects to make her future home with her daughter, Mrs. L. D. Tolle. Mrs. Wlntersteen has been a resident of Plattsmouth for many years. A Christian Science lecture will be given at the Parmelc Theatre Satur day evenlnu, May 21, at 8 o'clock, by Rlcknell Young, C. S. H., of Chicago. A cordial Invitation Isextende.d to all. Admission free no collection. Charles Lovell, one of the Journal's steadfast friends, was in yesterday and renewed for another year. Mr. Lovell lives on R. F. D. route No. 3, and he says the patrons of that route are are not all pleased with the changes made. The custom of loavinu your wagon or buggy In toe street neiore your house is a backwoods idea. If you have no back yard In which to place these eyesores, move out Into the count ry where you will have plenty of room. . C. Fry. who has been in poor health for some time, while walking on Main street yesterday morning fell onto the walk, and for a few moments It was thought he was dead. He re revived, however, and was taken to his home. Miss Zella Stanieforth, a sister of Mrs. Jacob Fries of this city, died at the home of her parents In Havelock. Monday evening, May HI. She wasthe daughter of Thomas Stanieforth, who, with his family, resided in this city a few years ago. Stops more pain, rellevesmorc sutler ing, prevents more heart aches and diseases than any other remedy. That Is what Holilstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. :i3 cents In tea or tablet form. Gerlng & Co. Now Is the time to take a spring tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the liver and kidneys of all Impurities Holilstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will do the business. X) cents. Tea or tablets. Gerlng & Co. A spring tonic that cleans and pur ties and absorbs all pojson from the system. Holilstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well all summer. A cents, lea or tablets. Gerlng & Co. Do you need more blood, and more flesh, do you need more strength this spring? Holilstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will bring them all. If It falls your money back. 3." cents. Tea or tablet form. Gerlng & Co. T. J. McCullough, one or the Jour nal's admirers, dropped In Tuesday and renewed for another year. Mr. McCullough lives five miles southwest of Plattsmouth, and Is among Cass county's most energetic farmers. August Nolting made hlsannual call at these headquarters Monday to re new for another year. Mr. Nolting is a Cass county production, his father coming In Its earliest settlement, and hecontlnucs to thrive and prosper. A license was Issued yesterday by Judge Travis granting Lincoln Reed, aged 28, and Miss Mildred M. Johnson, aged 2S, the privilege of tying up for life, If they should so long agree. Roth are from Tabor, Iowa, and were soon made man and wife by Judge Archer. II. R. Neltzel.'the Munlock banker, arrived Tuesday morning from his old home In South Rend, Ind., where he had been for several days visiting. Ills mother and sister accompanied him and will spend some time visiting with his family at M unlock. Our old friend, A. Pill, called last Thursday to renew the subscription of his son, R. C. Dill, at Decatur, Neb., for another year, and coming to tnc conclusion that he done without the Journal about long enough, bad his name also enrolled for the Old Reliable F. W. Nolting, one of the county's prosperous German farmers, made h's usual call at Journal headquarters Tuesday to renew for another year, The Noltlngs are among our best peo ple, and like a big majority of the Ger man farmers, are as honest as the day Is long. Attention Is called to the program of "The Silver Shield," to be rendered by ten nicmlcrs of the class of 11KJ4, of the High school, at the larmele on Friday night, May 2Tth. The play Is a three-act comedy, and U under the direction of Miss Ethel Do vey. The program entire will be found elsewhere In this Issue. Spring m Summer Suits Nothing SEE Every MORGAN Sheriff McRride has been kept on the jump this week after depredators. The lawn mower is now kept busy by those who pride themselves In keep ing their lawns in fine shape. Chas. Daniels, a lad about 18 years of age was ariested In this city a few days ago on suspicion of having es caped from the reform school at Kear ney. The assistant superintendent of that institution came after the lad to day and took him back. The young man made his escape nearly a year ago. Mrs. George Creamer and Mrs. Mor row, two of Cass county's accomplished (and without any fear of making their husbands jealous) we say handsome farmer ladies, favored the Journal with a call last Saturday, and while here Mrs. Creamer hai her name enrolled for the Journal. It Is quite an honor to a print shop to have the smiling countenances of such excellent ladles beam in upon us occasionally. Daniel Burrus, an old-time resident of Plattsmouth, was in the city one day last week taking In the street fair, and while here gave the Journal a plcasantcall. Col. Rurrus.yearsslncc, furnished the muscular power that ground out the Journal grist, and of course he could not resist the tempta tion to call and scan over his old companion, the Country Campbell, be fore It was taken down and out. C. F. Lau, of Murdock, was here last Thursday on business, and gave the Journal a call to renew for another year. Mr. Lau resides twomlles north of Murdock, and Is one of Cass cou n ty 's mast energetic farmers. He recently sold 7,000 bushels of corn at 42cents per bushel, and is arranging to build a com fortable and up-to-date residence on his farm. When a farmer can dispose of this amount of corn at one time, he Is entitled to the best. George V. Woods, cashier of the Rank of Commerce at Louisville and Miss Addle K. Rodgers, of Nauvoo, 111., were married in this city Wednes day, May 11, 1904, Judge Travis otlicla tlng. The Journal Joins Mr. Woods' many friends In wishing him and his chosen companion through life all the Joys and pleasures of this world, and If any troubles should overtake them as down the river of Time they glide, may they be "little ones." Mr. Joseph Pomlnvllleof Stillwater, Minn., after having spent over 2,000 with tho best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist, Mr. Alex Richard, to try a box of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so, and Is a well man today. If troubled with Indiges tion, bad taste In the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and you are certain to be more than pleased with the result. For salaat23cents per hox by all druggists. but price has been slighted about our Suits for Spring and Summer We had a man who the other day and buy a buy cheaper of us. They have 'cut, set, shape, word stvle. As to the wear of them, that's all settled. If the suit proves a traitor to its promises of service, the makers -will replace it with another that won't. OUR 4-9c MATS one of them cost us Si. 15 to $1.25 PROGRAM Miss Ethel Dovey presents ten members of the Class 1904 in an original comedy in. three acts, Entitled "THE SILVER SH By SIDNEY SYNOPSIS ACT I Hall in Sir Humphrey Chetwynd's house, twenty five miles from London. ACT II Sitting room in Ned Chetwynd's house. ACT III Boudoir in Alma Blake's London Appart-ments. Cast of Sir Humphrey Chetwynd : Rev. Doctor Dozey : : Tom Potter : : : Ned Chetwynd : : : Mr. Dodson Dick : : Alma Blake : : : Mrs. Dozey : : : Susan, alma Blake's maid : Wilson, Mrs. Chetwynd's maid Lucy Preston : : Parmele Theater FVicletx Eve,, Mav 2,7. Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard abeautlful brown or rich black? Use The Journal lives in Omaha come down suit of us, because he could the right sort of air about 'em that fit combination that you grasp by the T5he Leading Clothier Plattsmouth, Nebraska of GRUNDY. country Characters Mr. Herman Barkman Mr. Eugene Tighe Mr. Homer Sanders Mr. Harold Straight Mr. Roy McKinney Miss Elizabeth Dovey Miss Mrgie Walker Miss Helen Chapman : Miss Gretchen Walsh Miss Elizabeth Mason Keep them in (he house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver.i.,.f.M;' BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 11m cif. si ut v i . iuu t out. , a. Dojc0sbtar' ELD" !;: . ... ; .. . - V