The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 5

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    Time Table
Plattimoatk, He.
Lincoln. Omaha,
Chicago, St. Jo,
Kansas City, St.
Louis and all
points East and
Denver, Helena,
liutte, Portland
Mlt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
Trains Leave as Follows:
No. lS'-PuclSc Janrttoii i:10 pm
:Nd. 2-LochI express, to Iowh points.
Chlcniro ami ttic east i:2pm
No. 14-Kast exprewi. dully, from Lin
coln to St, .losopli. Kuusas CUy. St.
1-ouln. Chicago, und nil ixvints t'nst
and outh 8:27 pui
"o. Ki For Pin-lnc Junction 1M:T pm
o. 34 Local to I'ucltic Junction t:52 atu
No. ii From Otnuliii 4:15 pm
No. 30 Kretxht, dn.tly except Sumluy,
' to Pucltlc Juui'tloii 3:50 pm
Ko. S Through vestlbuli'd e.x press for
all points east. 7:28 am
.No. 20 r'rom Onmhu 4:40 urn
No. lft-Loeal express, dully, Omuliii,
Lincoln, Denver and Intermediate
stiillons. 7:54 am
No. 27 Local express to Onmliu, via
Ft. Crook and South Omuliii. dally
except Sunday B :30 am
No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Onrnlia and
Lincoln 2:13 pm
No. 33 Local express. Louisville. Ash
land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dally ex
cept Sunday '3:50 pm
No. 13 Lincoln. Grand Island. Illack
Hills. Montana and l'acltic north
west. 10:28 pm
No. 2lt-Loeal freight, to Cedar Creek,
Louisville and South llend. dally
except Sunday '. 6:50 am
No 11 From St. Louis and St. Joe and
Nebraska City 10:25 am
Dally except Sunday
Sleeping, dlnlnir and reclining chair curs
seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and IhiitkuKo checked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call on or write to W. L, Pickett, local
agent, Plattsniouth. Neb., or .1. Krancls, neu
tral passenger agent. Omaha. N Jb.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. 51 5.37 am
No. .57 ..5.45 pm
No. II 11:05 pm
No. 233 local freight '.' 3:17 pm
No. 58 .. 11.30 am
No. 50 World's Fair Flyer ti:0H pm
No. 5! 12:2I am
No. 232, local freight 7.48 am
Notice of Probate of Will.
A ty. Nebraska.
I n the matter of the estate of lihodes G. Spen
cer, deceased.
All persons Interested In said estate are
hereby nolllled that a itctltlon has been filed
In said court praylmr for the probate of a cer
tain Instrument now on file In said court pur
porting to be tho last will and testament of
Khodes O. Spencer, deceased, and that a
heariim will be had on said petition licfore
sulci court on the tith day of June. 114. at ten
o'clock a. m., and If you fall to appear at said
court on the ilth day of June. I!M4. to contest
(he probate of said will the court may allow
and probate said will and grant administra
tion thereof to IIoku A. WlirKvnhorn. or Home
other suitable person and proceed to a settle
ment thereof.
Dated this 4th day of May. A. I).. Ic4.
County J udk'e.
To Whom it Mat Concern: On the 3rd day
of May. 1!4. C. A. Kaufman, guardian of
.lame W. Hrooks. Insane, tiled his petition In
the county court of Cass county. Nebraska,
praying the court to Hx a time and place for
hearliiK and examination of his nnal account
as such guardian. Said hearing Is fixed for
the ll'th day of May, l'.im, at eleven o'clock a.
in., of said day.
Dated this 3rd 4ay of May. 1TO4.
Mahvey I). Travis.
County Judge.
To Whom it May Concern: On the 3rd
(lav of May. IU04. C. A. Kaufman, guardian of
Francis W. Hrooks. Insane. Hied his petition
In the eoiinlv court of Cass county. Nebraska.
iiravliis for the court to tlx a time and place
for hearing and examination of his II mil ac
count us sni'h iruardlan. bald hearing Is fixed
for the IIHh day of May. ItM. at the county
court room, at 10 o'clock a. m. or said nay.
Dated this 3rd day of May. M.
Harvey I). Travis,
County Judge
Probate Notice.
A braska: In the matter of the estate of
Margaret Kaslerday. deceased: All persons
Interested In said estate are hereliy nolllieu
iliut. u tu. ill Inn has Ix'en filed In said Court ill
leglng that said deceased has left no last will
and testament and praying for administration
II IM 111 km ill ...ii iii und Hint a hearing Is) had
(limn said petition Is'fore said court on the
'A' iluvnf Muv. A. 1). 11104. at H-M o'clix-k a.
ni.. that If they fall to appear at said court
on said day to contest the said petition the
court may grant the same and Issue letter of
administration to Kll.u J. Kecklcr. or some
other suitable imtsoii, and proceed to a set
tlement thereof. Ily the court.
lliiivtr I). Travis.
I Seal! County Judge.
A ty, Nebraska,
In the matter of tho estate of I'etci Peters,
N'li-ru-t Is hereby glviui to all persons Inter
ested In said estate that a petition has la-en
tiled III 1 1 uiity court of Cms county, wi"
iimtLu f.ipiiix iimliuii. of an Instrument lr'
pounded n tin last will and lesUnienl of said
deceased, and that letters testamentary
Issued U Peter (ieorge Kmll I'eters. If they
fall to appear on the day hereinafter named
and ciiniKHt. tint H-iiiie. letters testamentary
will lie granted to I'eler George Knill I'eters
or some other siilmble ja-rsoii.
A hearing will lie had upon said petition In
the ciiiinlv court nmin at I'lallsiiiouili. Ne
braska, on the 4 l)i day of June, A. P., H1U. at
liio'clis-k a. in.
Dated lhls:mh day of April. Wl.
IIaiiviy li. Travis.
County Judge
v Abstracts of Title v
Thomas Ualli,
OFFlCE-Anlieuser-ltusli llloek.
ealraaa laaallr Leave the Area a
Di)hI mm DUtailW,
"I was burn aud reared Id the repub
lic of Mexico, and 1 never yet Lave
witnessed a tmllngbt." Mild a promi
nent and wealthy resldeut of tbe Mex
ican capital.
"Tlila form of auiusemeut was never
to uiy liking, and, though 1 Lave no
criticism for thooo who go. It cunnot
to pictured as an entertainment that
PleuU to people of retlued tnsto and
humane feeling. Yet It U a sport that
Diukes peyple tiecome tu a way devo
tees, and the bullfight habit ouce culti
vated Is UltUcult to break. 1 have
hoard Americans after witnessing their
first exhibition declare they would nev
er go to unothor, and yet those very
people are npt to become the most
habitual attendants. Except on rare
occasions our native women do not at
tend the lights, lut now and tlien they
go when the proceeds are to to given
to some ehnrity.
"One of tlie curious plumes f these
perfornmnees Is tho enthusiasm with
which tho crowds start forth to view
It and tho subdued aud melancholy
way ttiey leave when tho tight ts over.
Instead of tlw eager looks and mur
murs of expectant pleasure, most of the
spectators return dejected and disgust
ed. Tho spirt rarely conies up to the
anticipation of the public. The mata
doro erred cgreglously In this point or
tlmt, and, though advle was hurled at
him on all aides, he did not profit by It
Many give vent to their disgust in an-
ry epithets, and yet next Sunday finds
them at tho ring us usual. W ushlng'
ton IVst
A Statesman Who Wm Made and t'n-
made lir NfPP Men.
A certain young man was sent to
congress. He delivered a clever tut. Id
en speech. The correspondents liked
him. They wrote him up In their dls
patches. Ills pictures were printed In
the newspapers, and anecdotes of his
life appeared lu many Journals, lie
was alluded to as a prospective speak
er of the house, and it was generally
agreed that he would do great things
nfter he had len elected for the sec
ond term.
One day a correspondent culled upon
tho young statesman. Ho wus engaged
with some constituents; so tho newspn
per mnn stmt In his card. When It was
handed to tho embryo speaker his con
stltuents offered to excuse him.
"Oh, no," he said, with affected care
lessness. "It's only one of those penny
a liners outside. He can wnit until I
get ready to see him."
The door was ajar, and tho corre
spondent hoard the remark. lie had
met such men before. lie hastened
back to his olllee. and that night there
was a meeting of correspondents.
What do you want us to do," nsked
one of tho men "roast him V
"Oh, no," was the reply; "not that."
"What, then?"
"Why, simply Ignore him."
He was Ignored. And his first term
In congress was his last. Schoolmas
ter. I'nlqne Family Circle.
A small town In Ilavnrla can boast
of what may be described as a unique
family circle. A shopkeeper resident
there Includes among his household
three living mothers-in-law, each with
a mother of her own; his own mother,
his third wife and four daughters in
their teenR. The twelve women are re
ported to live on terms of the greatest
amity, and the shopkeeper himself, who
is fortunately in good circumstances,
professes to le perfectly contented not
withstanding that he is thus the thir
teenth of his family. The Incessant
banter to wfclch hls subjected he phil
osophically welcomes as tending to
ward the better advertisement of his
An lltr Modern Child.
Margaret's mother numbers among
her friends several schoolteachers, und,
although she is not yet five, Margaret
has observed some things. Not long
ago a family of kittens made an entree
Into Margaret's home, and she was
most anxious to keep them all. Her
mother objected on the ground that
they were all girl pussies and would
eventually grow up Into mother cats.
No, they won't, mother." said Mar
garet very earnestly. "I won t let
them lie mothers; I'll train them to be
teachers." Brooklyn Life.
The Silver IlrldKe.
One of the customs observed at a
Bohemian marriage f'ast Is that of
making the bride cross a silver bridge.
The bride's father-in-law lifts her on to
the table, where she walks on two rows
cf silver coins, at the end of which her
husband stands and receives: her Into
his anus. The silver bridge typifies
the wealth with which her bridegroom
hopes to smooth her path In life.
A Crashed (irnlna.
"So Josh didn't hold his position very
long?' '
"No." answered Mrs. Corntoflel. "But
It wnpn't the hoy's fault. It wasn't
pit weeks before he knew so much
more about how to run tho business
than the man who owned It that they
got Jealous und discharged him."
Washington Star.
F.aslly n-llrrd.
"Many have said that If Longfellow
were living today he could not sell his
twins." remarked the girl with the
"I'm sure of It," replied the amateur
poet "Why, I haven't been able to sell
mIne.M-rhlladelphla Hecrd.
A little iMiy In a Virginia Sunday
school, when nskod to tell something
about Solomon, replied, "He's the man
that ktiowed It nil."
Curtd His Mottjtr of Rhtumatlsm.
"My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism, says W.
II. Howard of Husband, 11. "At times
she was unable to move at all, hllv tt
all times walking was painful. I pre
sented her with a buttle of Chamber
lain's Tain Halm and after a few appli
cations she decided It was the most
wonderful pain reliever she had ever
tried, in fact, she is never without it
now and is at all times able to walk.
Anoccasionalappllcatiouof Tain Halm
keeps away the pain that she was form
erly troubled with." For sale by all
An Open Letter.
From the Chapln. S. C. News: F.arly
In the spring mywifennd I were taken
with the diarrhoea and so severe were
the pains that ve called a physician
who prescribed for us, but his medi
cines failed to give a'.y relief. A friend
who had a lxttle of t'olie, Cholera and
IMarrhoca Remedy on hand gave each
of us a dose and we at once fet the ef
fects. 1 procured a bottle ami before
using the entire contents we were en
tirely cured. It Is a wonderful remedy
and should be found In every house
hold. II. U. Halley, editor. Thlsretn
edy is for sale by all druggists.
Displayed wonderful nerve,
Is still more wonderful and attractive.
New Shirt Waists I
1 Wash Dress Goods I
i Waistings I
Hosiery and Underwear '
I Queen Quality Shoes I
I New Oxfords Just Received. U
Carpets, Mattings, Etc.
How about that new Carpet? If you have not bought
it yet, wc have Plenty of Choice Patterns
to Select From.
E.G.Dovey &Son
Marrdontnn Girl.
In Macedonia girls usually marry at
the brc of thirteen or fourteen, and a
husband will pay 15 to 20 for a wlfo
If she Is a good reaper and expert at
housework and spinning. When girls
from the villages marry townsmen no
money Is paid, the bride Instead bring
ing her trousxenu with her in exchange,
as It weni, for the privilege of liecom
Ing a "town lady." In the latter cane
tho bride mot likely will be required to
do little or no work In the fields, and
that is the great ambition of most girls
there. London Glolie.
For Her Illood.
Lady do Vero So you wished to seo
me, Mrs. Farmer? Mrs. Fiirmer Yes,
lady, an' 'oping as you arc full of 'ealth
an' 'npplneM. Well, I cum cos your
Wlolet scz to my Emily as she's gotten
bluo blood In 'er welns. So I mnkes
so bold as to bring up a Ixittlo of the
famous blood mixture as set my old
mnn on his pins, thlnklu' you would
give It a trial! London Chronicle.
I'rranmptlre Kvllurr.
"What evidence have we," linked the
teacher III the night school, "that pi-o-ple
live longer nowadays than they
nst(l to live V"
The young man sratelnsl his mr and
"Well," he mild, "the eoplo that Used
to live are all dead, ain't the,v?"-t'hl-enpn
Now Bendy for Business.
M. Archer, attorney at la and Jus
tice of the peace. Offloe In the Wet
teucamp block, on the coud floor, on
the cast side. All lew'al business will
receive prompt attention. Houses to
rent and m-II. Collection without
suit a specialty. Marriage ceremonies
performed, and u nice certiorate will
be given free. If you want to make
your will give nie a call. IVeds and
mortgages made out and acknowl
edged. Oitlce hours from S:tX to 1 J:h
a. m. and from I mi to .Voo and 7:00 to
8:00 p. m.
A Sure Thing.
It Is s.ild that notiilng Is sure exeep
death and taxes, but that Is not alto
getlrei true. Ir King's New I Hscov-
er.v ror i iniMimptioii Is a sure cure hr
all lung and throat tumbles. Thous
ands can testify to that Mrs. I'. II.
VanMetre of Miephertown, W. Ya.,
says'i had a severe case of bronchi
tis and for a year tiled everything I
heard of but got no relief. One Untie
of lr. King's New IMscovety then
cured me absolutely." It's Infallible
for croup, whooping cough, grip, pneu
monia and consumption. Try It. It's
guaranteed by F. (i Frlcke & Co.,
druggists. Trial tattles free. Regu
lar sizes ado and 1.00.
but our immense display of
Repair that proken sidewalk If you
are wise.
Fainting, decorating and sign writ
Ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Frlckc'sdrug store.
A Cure for Piles.
"I bad a bad case of piles," says
F. Carter of Atlanta, la., "and con
sulted a physician who advised me to
try a box of KcWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve. I purchased a lx and was en
tlrely cured. Itlssplendld for piles,
giving relief Instantly, and I heartily
recommend It to all sufferers." De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequalled
for Its healing qualities. Eczema and
other skin diseases, also sores, cuts,
bums and wounds of every kind arc
quickly cured by It. Sold by F. (5
Frlcke k Co.
St. Louis Millinery Company.
All the newest creations In fashion
able hats. Wc are show log dally new
hats, at matchless prices.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative llrimio guinlnc Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It fails ti cure. K. W. drove's slg
nature on each lox.
You Will Find it So if You Will
Call ot the "Hub" Clothing
House and See How they
are Selling Gooes.
In Order to Close the Stock; out
as Soon as Possible.
We mean just what m sav and
when we tell yon that uur clutlilng
and gents' furnishings are all up-to-
date goods, the entire stock belnir
Ixuiglit w Itltln the past six nioutlis,
and a great deal of it Isof tlilsspring's
select Inns.
Coine and see Imw remarkably clieap
we can lit you out with a new suit.
e Invite the lanneis tn drop In
and look nver our stock and when
they do this and llml how cheap these
goods are going, 1 1 icy will lie sure to
take home will) them a new suit.
Sci.c untn this opportunity of sup-
plying ynnrseir with clutlilng at lialf
the retail prices.
Inn'l wait until next week, or to
morrow, biilciiine rilit now.
TIIK lll'lt.
A dlsnidcred slomacli may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach
fails lo perform Its functions the
bowels become deranged, the liver and
kidneys congested, causing numerous
diseases, t he most fatal of which are
painless and therefore tlio more to be
dreaded. The important t iling is to
restore the stomach and liver to a
healthy condition, aud fur this pur-
pose no lietter preparation can be used
than (Jhamberlain'KStnnueh and Liver
Tablets. For sale by all drunlsts.
Made Young Again.
One of Ir. Kind's New Life Tills
each nlk'ht fur two weeks has put me
In my "teens" awain," wiites l. II.
Turner of Iieinpseytown, I 'a. They're
the best In the world for liver, stom
ach aud ljowels. l'urcly vegetable.
Fever Krik'pc Only j.'o at F. (J. I rlckc
&, Co. 's druK store.
In Tftrorr tht Kambfr 12 la IWttrr
1 nit Than la 10.
Herbert Pjm'ikht was ever opiKwd to
the metric system. He was no hucIi fool
as to call the present Itrltlsh reckon
ing in pounds, shillings and pence sat
isfactory. A Is Milnt wns Knit the num
ber Yi was a lietter unit than lo.
Twelve Is twice divisible where 10 Is
only once divisible. One-quarter of 10
Is 2Vj. not an Intein-nl number. There
ore other reasons, based upon the oli
served workings of the human mind,
all tending to show that to reckon lu
dozens Is more natural than to reckon
lu tens ns soon as man grows beyond
the finger counting stage.
In sclcntlllc duislcclmnllHin new char
acters would have to Ik; designed for
10 and 11, w hile 12 Itself would be writ
ten 10. The number now culled 141
would be written as Kki. and 1,7'JS
would lie 1.000. The present number
100 would be M. In the course of a
hundred yearn or so, when is'ople hud
got used to It, the diKMlechnal system
would tie Just ns convenient as the dec
imal. Twelve Inches would make a foot,
twelve feet a rod, and so on.
In tlusiry duodm'lmallsm Is Hound.
Hut It Is not an easy thing to change
a people's standards of money, weights
and measures. New York World.
The War the Father of Ilia Country
t'ondorted lleeeptluna.
rn'sldentlal receptions at the White
Ilquse nowadays arv vastly different
frgm thow Ktven by the l'ather of Ills
Country when he wns nt tho head of
tho Kovernment rhllndelphln wns then
the scene. The president rented a Iiouho
at Sixth and Market streets for $.'!, k)
a year and drensed bliiinelf much more
t-UborftUdy than ho had for similar oc
casions In New York.
On tho oTwihIou of a presidential ro-
ceptlon a chosen few were admitted
and formed a circle around the reocjw
tlon room. Then the prciddent made
the round, favoring each with a formnl
bow and a few words. Then he return
ed to his Mi8ltIon lieforo tho fireplace,
and they In turn vvero conducted to
him, liowed and retired.
There was no handHhaklm;, his hands
"lielntf so iH-Htowed ns to indicate that
the salutation was not to bo accompa
nied with shaking hnnds." At thexo
levei-s our llrst president shone, too, In
the mnttcr of dress. Washington Is de
scribed ns rcilendent In black velvet,
sliver knee and shoo buckles, lntitf black
Silk Stockliurs, his Hwdered Uilr tied
lu n silk ban or run behind. lie wore
yellow izlovc nnd held a cocked hat In
his hand. Kxchanp'.
Lost Hair
" Mr hair cime out by the hand
ful, and the (ray hair berin to
creep in. I tried Ayer's Hiir Vior.
nd it topped the hair from com
ing out and restored the color."
Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass.
There's a pleasure In
offering such a prepara
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
SI M a kodli. Ali ittiito.
If your ilniKKlxt rainiot miiipljr jrmi,
rml ii n dollar ami n will imirt-
you a Ixittlf.
tKi mirn ami rle tho nuie
df vuur uearmt riiirfm tiltli
A I I II ( (I.
Iiwell. MltM.
School Teachers Invited
to at lend the Western Normal OiIIcku
Summer School, Slienainliali, Inwa,
opening . I tine ". Approved by state
Imai'd. All Inauclies ol study and
teachers' spcclall Irs. Kxpcnsrs tin;
lnwesl. lii'duct Ion in railroad tares.
Write for Information desired.
.1. M. Ill xMcv, I'lcsldi'iit,
Slienanilnali, Iowa.
The t urmoll and lalnir Incident to
the tciiiliiK iliiwnof the old and replac
ing It willi a new press, and the time
isrupled InsodoliiK, has Ik'cii ipiltc a
drawback In (.'ettimr nut this Issue of
the Journal. (!onseiiienl ly we have
tint had the time tn shape the matter
lo our notion. I f there any dellcleucIeR
in the make-up, please attribute them
to this fail.
Anna Newlan has llled a suitanaihst
her husband, Clarence New lan, In tho
disl lirt court tor divorce, basing her
complaint on the charge of adultery
and cruelty. The couple have resided
In (Jass county about I mo years, and
were married In Ohio in IH'.in. The
plaint HT asks the custody of their four
year-old son.
Probate Notice.
or Cash Cocnty, Nkii. f
Niiriiian ('oon. ili-i-.-iiNi-.l : .Vitlrc U lierelir
If I ' -1 1 lllltll IHTHOIII IllKTI-Ktl'll III Mllll IHlllltl
that 1 1 1- ailiiiliilslritliir Willi will iiiiiii'viil iif
hii Itl i",l lite lorn llli-il his lliuil report iiml x tl-
lliin Inr Hum M-llleinrni nr Mini eilule In tint
county court of Cuss enmity. Ni-liriiskii. A
lieitrliiK will Imi Iiml mmll sum ih IIIIiiii In tint
county court, room ul I'lultsiniuii li. Ciisn
i i ii i I v . iseiiriiskn. on the 'iilh iluv of .Muv. A.
II. I'.i'l. ul lll:Klo rliK'k ii. in.
IUiivi.Y II. Tiuvih.
Srul County .liultfi'.
Qlt. MAltSIIAI.I..
All kliulnoflleiiliil work. I'luti-it liuiili' that
fit. ill years i-M'rlfiii't. I'rlres rriiwuiulilB.
OKKlt'K-KlTXiirHAi.n lli.oi K.
Tri.ii'MONt No. Sos7
PreiMirlnK ttlwtrucU of lltlit. ronveyHiii'lni
mill examining tltlwt lo reul estutit a ks II-
ly. Work properly Oiiiie hiiiI eliurues ri uson
kiI. olllee: Uisinm S anil 7, .lnhn limit!
IIuIIiIIiik, oetr Court House. I'liiUsinoulh,
OFUCEi Plattsmouth,
WiitrniH Block Nebraska
Pimm, phonei ''J
Office in
Osteopathic Physician
Chronic blietits a Specialty
Coiiteii lllis k. moiiisIKS and .11. Odii-r lioiirs
8 to I- a. in
i., I Mi a i. in. iiml 7 to u. ni. hy
. Telephonus, ofllee ,Ui ; reslileiiev
im l in nn-nl.
ul I'l-rkliiH Hotel.
Dr. Ehter, Dentist,.
Waterman Block.
TTili RuiImm tmhnkiry Oitat, ihm'l on m-
1iial. H1 t maiiMt M4ully hr 4 lifg. It -rnKt
ul I rnlrtvfnum l.tntnlt ( Hill tn.) (lh 4
I h ii In i, 1 Uinty Li4Irt, I An ruf Urn ullf tut, I
h-kmwk, t IkfttrtiliMi f.4t4Uri, I Autumn L.. ta4
I Ctiiuoal Lrtgu Kj Uuit-wtiu um acaiaUv.
Woman's Mttfaxln
Ii an nihiititvn all funrn -tliii)i"tt t'-ltr,
tuntlti I' ltT-t r'l mAl if VI 4l tili- ( r f4inl
ln mbrt In th mn,. ir Iff I I If y Uri tu Irr rll
t I rt.-lrtl -inr.tbr NW i4 Wi.MW t MAI.A
r . Itl i- -tli r it- I' h t t mfin IlluUvt
H-.n in t V-r. 1 llfih lw-4 All tui-in tn inmrM'ftir t
..ttirn In ibrir h-nc I tN. Srml vir minr Iih'iv villi Vn
(fit nJ f it Mifrt .iur i ti- m f r not l,
n.atl a'fto li t I-ml tul lrtv t nlbt htiMf a!
IV Mr u wrIIi l ah tmvr t- "rttt,
nrw triA rrnuxRiNO co in rrfwr HtwTnrk