The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 2

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    Weeping Water
tti tb K.tnl.u.
MKs Claudie Ocinptoii kunVrlng
with a twdly sprained ankle.
TheMotie allfor Hie cellar of J.
T. Harrison' new residence iie item
ing eomplelltni.
Grace, youngest daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Ira Bosworth, lu Urn very sick
wllli scarlet (ever.
Tim Meier Drug company received
wont Monday that their new ll.IWOsooa
fountain had iiecn shipped from Hus
Mrs. Morgan say tier sister, Miss
Willi Duncan, and lier mother have
tii-en verv sick Hie past month wllli
what tle doctor at llartlngton say I
the chlckeiiyo. but from tlie symp
toms Mrs. Morgan Is Incline! to think
It I what we have called smallpoa In
this part of the state. MIsh Kdlth has
been almost entirely Wind for the
lireater part f hrr mckness and Is far
from well at this time.
Last Thursday morning Will Mar
shall wa taking his slster ln-law, Mrs,
Browne, to tle depot to take the train
for home. When near K. K. Maishall's
elevator the horse frightened at an en
gine and whirled around, upsetting the
buggy and throwing the occupantsout
Mrs. Itrowne lit on her head, and for a
time It was feared she was seriously In
jured. She was tuken to Dr. Ulckard's
residence and hud tier wounds dressed
and then taken buck to Mr. Marshall's
home, where she remained until Sat
urday, when she left for her home at
C.illner, Net). Will came out without
a scratch, and he thinks It was very
fortunate all around.
William Sperry and wife last week
sold l.M) acres of their farm, one and a
half miles west of town, to l'ool it Col
bert for 4n,r.(X. Mr. Sperry retains
ahout thirty-live acres of the original
farm for a home for himself and fam
ily. AUiut three years ago Mr. Sperry
bought the ISO odd acre tract for V
050. Since closing the above deal l'ool
& Colbert have traded the farm to
Thomas Lucas, the Wabash merchant,
for a l." room hotel, 14 town lots, and
a building and .(XM) stock of general
merchandise. The stock of merchan
dise, as will he wen fn the firm's ad
' vertlsement In this paper, Is being
closed out at actual cost. Mr. Sperry
has the use of the farm for this year,
and Mr. Lucas will move his family to
Front Oio Herald.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Simon Han
sen, Tuesday, May 3, UH)4, a ten pound
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, parents of
Mrs. William Sperry, came In from
Omaha Monday and will make Weep
ing Water their home.
Tlssald Weeping Water has a gen
tlemen's club, and that their head
quarters will be nicely furnished and
provided with various articles to amuse
and entertain.
The district Christian Endeavor con
vention will lie held In the Congrega
tional church, Weeping Water, June
2 and 3. These district mectlngsdraw
a law crowd to our town, and the
committees In charge will see that the
delegates are well entertained. Fur
therannouncementswill be made from
time to time.
While hero Saturday Mr. Campbell
of Falrbury, the father of the Camp
bell brothers, showmen, renewed ac
tiuaintancc with his old friend, 11. Ma
son. Mr. Campbell is a very pleasant
gentleman to meet, lie is over seventy
years old, and with the aid of his gold
' beaded cane, a present from friendson
his fiftieth wedding anniversary, man
ages to keep up with his sous and tour
the country.
The arrest of three brothers named
Herring, who lived In an old stone
house near Napier, Neb., and had been
making a business of stealing mules,
Incited a hope In the breast of Dick
lngwCrsen that possibly his stolon
mules might be found there. He sent
the sheriff of Boyd county a descrlp
tlon of the animals.
Mrs. Wiseman, mother of Walter
Wiseman, living one-half mile south of
Avoca, died very suddenly last Friday.
Taken with a feeling of faintness, her
husband left the house to plionc for a
doctor, but site died before his arrival
Deceased was sixty years old, and be
sides a husband leaves eight children.
Funeral was held Sunday and Inter
ment made In Mt. l'leasant cemetery.
Made Young Again.
"Ono of Dr. King's New Life Fills
each night for two weeks has put me
In my "teens" again," writes D. II
Turner of iVmpseytown, Fa. They're
the best In the world for liver, stom
ach and liowels. Furely vegetable
Fever grigpe. Only i"c at F. (?. Frlcke
& Co.'s drug store.
From the KcitUUT.
A destructive rainfall visited this
section of the country last Saturday
Guy Klrkpat rick of South St. Josepl
Mo., was up this week visiting his
father and mother.
Feter Johnson from Avoca, contrac
tor and builder, is In the village an
will commence to work on Olaf Lund
berg's new residence.
Sof t and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must cat the
right food for growth. Hones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott s Lmulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoscseveryday
cive the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
How legs become straightcr,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones jn
childhood. '
Send for free sample.
SCOTT A BOWNE. Chamlata.
400-415 Pearl Street. New York.
50c and f 1.00; ill dnigKiiU.
Frank MasMe living six miles north
west, was In the village Saturday wear
Ing his circus hat and "smollng" with
his friends.
Ab Tucker was circulating will
friends Sunday, and said he was feel
Inir very well alter holding the bed
down for over a week with nppendlcl
John Lowthcr, living four miles
northwest, was In the village Monday
and said the rain cf Saturday did con
derable damage to the farms In his
Mrs. C. D. Keltnor left on the Mis
souri raclfie nimnigiii train Nituniay
leaving Charll-.: to keep house while
she visited wltli friends and relatives
In Harrington, Kan.
We have been Informed that D. C.
Tucker, living In the Maple Grovesec-
tion, has completed planting his l.'iO
acres of corn. "Tuck" will enjoy eat
ing hog and hominy next winter.
Frank Fhlpps was thinking of going
to Arkansas this spring, but his friends
prevailed upon him to remain in the
Ulago until the leaves began to fall
again, then he might sally forth In the
hopes of bettering his condition.
William Henry Mcltrlde, from the
Elmwood country, arrived in the vil
lage Tuesday night and visited at the
home of Mrs. William Chandler. Mrs.
A. Dysart was also entertaining a
young lady visitor, Miss Minnie Obcr-
nalta, from the Wabash section. W 11-
ham Henry and Minnie boarded the
Missouri Facilic noon train Wednesday
and they Journeyed together en rout
to Nebraska City. After securing all-
cense they went through the ceremon
ial function that made them one. Wll
llam Henry and Minnie have our best
w ishes In their new home out on the
Elmwood farm.
Now Ready for Business.
M. Archer, attorney at law and jus
tlceof the peace. Oillee in the Wet-
tencamp block', on the second floor, on
the east side. All legal business will
receive prompt attention. Houses to
rent and sell. Collections without
suit a specialty. Marriage ceremonies
performed, ami a nice certificate will
be given free. If you want to make
your will give nie a call. Deeds and
mortgages made out and acknowl
dged. OMce hours from S:00 to 12:iHi
in. and from 1:00 to r:00 and 7:ooto
8:00 p. m.
Kruiitlie LwlntT.
Herman Applegate left Monday af
ternoon for Glenwood, la., to spend the
Mrs.C. E. Peck has been seriously 111
the past few days, but Is reported to be
Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray w as here
Wednesday morning on professional
Miss Fern Greenslate of Elmwood
was visiting her Union relatives and
friends this week.
Col. Daniel Burris of Omaha was vis
iting this week with his son Gorge and
other relatives and friends.
Frank Bauer was In Plattsmouth all
day Wednesday, chewing a few sacks
of peanuts and winking at the snake
eaters on the midway.
Winnie McNamcc went to Platts
mouth Tuesday to attend to some bus-
ness matters, and didn't have much
time to "rublier" street fairs.
1 red Ost was a passenger on the
Wednesday flyer to Plattsmouth, and
wants It understood that It was a bus
iness trip, and not to sec any of the
dancing girls at the street fair.
Henry Sands thinks Dan Lynn should
not try to monopolize the 4-leggcd va
riety of fowls, and says he lias a duck
with four legs that can out-Uack
Dan's chicken every day In the week
Hcnry'sduck and Dan'schlcken would
be worth exhibiting together, but the
chicken flew the coop several days a.o
and has not been seen since.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reynolds a re
the happy parents of a tine new son
that registered at their home Wednes
day morning. One more democratic
vote and base ball player If he follows
'daddy's" inclination.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker ai rived
last .Sunday from Oklahoma, where
they weut a few weeks ago Intending
to make their home there. They are
now thoroughly convinced that no
place Is ahead of Nebraska for enjoy
ment (f life.
A Sure Thing.
It Usild that nothing issureeicep
death and taxes, but that Is not alto
gether true. Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption Is a sure cure for
all lung and throat troubles. Thous
ands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B.
VanMetre of Shephertown, W. Va.,
says "I had a severe case or bronchi
tis and for a year tried everything I
heard of but got no relief. One bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery then
cured me absolutely." It's Infallible
for croup, whooping cough, g rip, pueu
monia and consumption. Try it. It's
guaranteed by F. O Frlcke & Co.
druggists. Trial bottles free. Itcgu
lar sizes T0c and 11.00.
From Hits Lender-Erlio.
Hiram Miller'slittle girl Isijuitesick
with typhoid fever.
Fred Meyerjurgcn Is very low with a
complication of diseases.
D. L. Cartmcll and family have pur
chased a line residence In Eugene, Or
egon, and will make that city their
W. W. Hayes, accompanied by his
wife, leftTuesday forColoradoSpilngs,
Col.,' In the hopes cf benetilting bis
The annual commencement exer
cises of the Elmwood high school will
be given in the opera house Tuesday
evening, May 24.
Mrs. E. Stacy returned Monday from
Eugene, Ore., where she has resided
the past year and a half, and will
spend the summer with her many
friends here.
The teachers for the next school year
have been hired, and are as follows:
Principal, J. W. Gamble; assistant
principal, Mrs. Lclby; grammar, M.C.
Letler; Intermediate, Miss Laura Mil
ler; primary, Miss Rhcna Towle and
Miss Sue 11. Kirk of Nelson. All have
signed contracts with the exception of
Miss Kirk.
Minnie E. Stopher Burdlck was born
near Elmwood on the 12th day of
March, 1S7U, and departed from this
life at her home In California on the
2d day of May, lit(U. The remains, ac
companied by Mr. Stopher, were
brought to Elmwood for burial, where
they arrived Saturday evening, May 7.
Ladles and Children
who cannot stand the shocking strain
of laxative syrups and cathartic pills
are especially fond of Little Early Ris
ers. All persons who find it necessary
to take a liver medicine should try
these easy pills, and compare the agree
ably pleasant and strengthening effect
with the nauseating and weakening
conditions follow ing the use of other
remedies. Little Early Kisers cure bil
iousness, constipation, sick headache,
Jaundice, malaria and liver troubles.
Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Maple Grove
Special Oorri'sponiloiKe.
Cjulte a number from this' locality
attended the street fair at Platts
mouth last week and were w ell pleased
with their trip.
Clias. Boedecker Is building an addi
tion to one of his houses.
The new bam of Mike Hild was the
scene of a dance Saturday night which
was largely attended and greatly en-
oyed by all.
The fruit trees are full of blossoms
and the outlook Is for a big croD If
nothing is heard from Jack Frost.
William Puis and daughter made a
business trip to Murray Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis, Otto and
Marta Puis visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Hlld Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mannlers visited
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bayles Monday
When the Sap Rises
Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs
and colds are dangerous then. One
Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and
colds and gives strength to the lungs.
Mrs. G. E. Fenncrof Marlon, Ind., says,
"l suffered with a cough until 1 run
down In weight from 144 to 12 pounds
1 tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One Minute Cough
Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful
remedy cured me entirely of the cough
strengthened my lungs and restored
me to my normal weight, health and
strength." Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's slg
nature on each box. 2"c.
tu the C-urt-r.
Birn To Mr. and Mrs. John
May 7, a girl. 0
Misses Minnie Muhlman and Sophia
Herli returned to Rapid City, h. 1--.,
Mr. and Mrs. August Stohlman re
turned Tuesday evening from their
wedding lour, and In the evening a re
ception was given In their houoratthe
home of the groom's mother, which
was attended by about one hundred
neigtbors and frieuds. A grand time
Is reported.
Marshal Johnson is receiving com
plaints from all over town of the de
struclion of window lights, etc , by
boys wilh sling shots. He will make
mu effort to put a stop to the nuisance
and arrests will follow If not stopped
There is a law prohibiting boys from
carrying such weapons, and parents
should assist the marshal In seeing
that it is observed.
All who know "Sargent" Jim Palley,
and everybody in this partof the state
knows him, can perhaps Imagine his
consternation when he struck town
Thursday evening supporting a Jag
that was about "all In," and was In
formed that nothing could be secured
with which to replenish it. The hist
we saw of him he was pan-handling on
the street trying to get enough money
together to buy a bottle of Peruna.
The announcement of the death of
little Delia Mattel Arvidson at lier
home In this city last Saturday was
received with sorrow hy her many
friends and schoolmates. She had been
confined to her bed but a few days; In
fact many or lier schhoolmates were
not aware that she was ailing until
they were notified of lier death. She
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Arvidson, was born at South Bend.
Neli., January l!i,is), and died May 7,
ll04, of appendicitis. Funeral occur
red from the M.E. church at 11 o'clock
on Monday, May !; interment In lliver
View cemetery. Delia was a member
of a class of eight In the ninth grade
at the high school. One of the many
floral offerings was a wheel of seven
spokes, the eighth spoke In the wheel
being broken, representing the broken
class of which she was a member. The
parents have the sympathy of the en
tire community in their sorrow.
Quick Arrest.
J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was
twice In the
of piles, causing 24 tumors. After
doctors and all remedies failed, Buck
len's Arnica Salvequlckly arrested fur
ther Inflammation and cured him. It
conquers aches and kills pain. 25c at
F. G. Frlcke & Co., druggists.
From the Enterprise.
Mrs. S. Stradley Is very sick with
stomach trouble.
A sakon license was granted Peter
A. Smith yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kiles are both
quite sick with the mumps.
John Lomeier has purchased a brand
new threshing machine engine and Is
now fixed for business.
Work on the electric line has already
been commenced leading out of Lin
coin. One of the power houses is to be
built in Greenwood for the new line.
The new lighting system was placed
in the Christian church Saturday. It
is a 1,500 candle power plant and adds
much to the Inside appearance of the
Cavl Foster met with a rather pain
ful accident Monday. He was crossing
the railroad track when he slipped and
his arm struck the rail. One of the
bones near the wrist was broken.
The village board did a wise act in
appointing Tom Carries village mar
shal. Tom has always made a good of
fleer, and If an arrest Is to be made he
will be Johnny-on-the-Spotand get his
man. He has never been known to
flinch his duty, and will doubtless put
some of the night-owls out of business
In a short space of time.
John Buck, the blacksmith, has pur
chasedasixand a half horse poworgas-
ollne engine, which he has Installed In
new addition to his shop, and has
put In a feed grinder so that people
are now able to get all kinds of feed
ground on short notice. The people of
Greenwood should appreciate Mr.
Buck's efforts to heto the town, and
patronize the feed mill.
Some people have asked why the En
terprlse has not taken an interest in
the liquor tight In Greenwood. In the
first place It Is notour funeral we are
not In the liquor huslness and never
expect to be. We are so alfired busy
mlndlngourown business that wecan t
find time to dabble In other people's
affairs. The enterprise Is not pub
lished for any clan, click or faction; It
Is not a religious journal, neither will
It ever bo found advocating the cause
of Intemperance. If you don't like our
style we are sorry for It; we might be
wrong but It's In our nature to mind
our own business, and trust that this
bit of Information will suffice.
The best physic: Chamberlain'
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take: pleasant In effect. For sale by
all druggists.
We take this opportunity of returning our
most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a
continuance of your patronnge in the future.
During l'J04, wo shall endeavor to supply the
market, as usual, with that
Which Suits the People! ;
both in quality and prices.
Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we
invite all to come ana be comforted by making
vour purchases from the largest furniture house
in Plattsmouth. .
Sattler &
From the Beacon.
Mrs. L. E. Root, living south of
town, who has been sick for some time
is reported better.
"Cnde" John Sumner went to Lin
coln last Fridav and had a cataract
cut out of his eye. The doctor thinks
the sight w ill be fully restored.
Ed Betts has been very sick for the
past few weeks and for a time his re
covery seemed doubtful. But for the
past few days he has been improving
rapidly and it is hoped he will be all
right again soon.
T. R. Adams who had been at the
the sanatarium in Lincoln .taking
treatment for Intlamatory rheuma
tism, returned home last Friday. We
are glad to note that he has improved
wonderfully and Is able to be around
a little once more.
Thomas McKay, an old gentleman
living five miles southeast of town,
fell while going up the steps Into his
house with a basket of cobs last Sat
urday and Injured his back. He is
resting easy now and It Is hoped he
will soon be able to be out again.
Mrs. George Debut diedat her home
in Palmyra Tuesday morning. May 10,
of blood poison. She was burled in
the Palmyra cemetery Wednesday af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dehut former
ly lived in Eagle and their many
friends here are In sorrow to learn of
her death.
Solomon Dentler, who was taken to
University Place a few weeks ago to
be taken care of by friends, died
Wednesday night. He has been quite
poorly for some time. The body will
be btought here for burial and the
funeral services be conducted at the
the Methodist church this afternoon
Deceased was about 88 years of age. '
An Open Letter.
From the Cliapin. S. C, News: Early
In the spring my wife and I were taken
with the diarrhoea and so severe were
the pains that we called a physician
who prescribed for us, but his mcdl
cines failed to give ar.y relief. A friend
who had a bottle of Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each
of us a dose and we at once fet the ef
fects. I procured a bottle and before
using the entire contents we were en
tirely cured. It Is a wonderful remedy
and should be found In every house
hold. II. C.Bailey, editor. This rem
edy is for sale by all druggists.
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlain's Stomach and LIverTab
lets. They are easy to take and pleas
ant In effect. For sale by all druggists,
Bottled m Bond.
to LV OnWIlMniL.
At the Old Stand
You will always find the
Choicest Fruits
Fine Confections
And the most delicious
Which he Is prepared to furnish In
any quantity for family use
or social gatherings.
511 Main Street
Don't allow money to lie around.
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
by keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
hen you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
IMiutsmouth : : Nebraska.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
and foreclosu re of mortgages a special ty
Zbc Best TIfflbteh?
ts tbc Cheapest
tn tbe jnW
Poor Whisky is not only dis
RRreenble to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tie good WbMy is a fine tonic and
helps instend of harming. Such
WbiBkies ns Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just ns much
good ns a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how good it is
come in and try it.
CtuckenlielmerRyc, pergallon...ti 00
Yellowstone, " " ... 4 00
Hnney Dew, " "... 3 00
Big Horn, , " "... 2 00
. . . . NEBKASKA