a The Plattsmouth Journal R. A. HATES, Publish ku. BnWrx1 t the pnatonV at I'latUmoiUh. Ne braska, im aCL'uiMlclasa unlUT. The Journal's New Press. Tlio next Issue of Mils paper will be printed on a new mbcock-Uellance press one of the latest In modern Improvements. The paper will also be changed to six-columns to the page and eight pages all printed at home. A new three-horse power Cush man engine has also been added to furnish tho power. We simply make this announcement for tho fact that It will take several days to remove the old Campbell, upon which the Journal has been printed for so many years uid replaco it witu the new one. .jcre icrefore, If our patrons should re- thclr paper one day late next week they will understand the reason why. Two years ago when the present management became possessors of, the Journal outfit It was with the full In tentlon of Improving tho paper and ofllce as time and circumstances would permit. We have followed our orlgl nal plan up to the present; and when the new press and engine are placed In running order, we think we hare fully accomplished our object, of boasting of one of the most complete newspaper and job olllccs In Nebraska; outside of the larger cities. We feel very grateful to our friends for the very liberal patronage extend cd In the past, and hope they will not only continue to do as well In the fu ture, but do all In their power to assist us In Increasing the same. We now have a subscription list of nearly twelve hundred, and with a little ef' fort on the part of our friends through' out Cass county, we should at least ln crease this number to 1800 or 2000 by January 1, 1905. Teddy's Idea of non-partlsanshlp seems to be to permit a democrat to hold ofllce If the law absolutely re quires It. Judge Farker doesn't say much, to be sure, but he continues to saw wood just the same. It seems to be a case of taciturnity against volubility. To the patriots making the nation's law beneath the capltol's dome, ''There's not a cent left, "said Secretary Shaw, so they all lit out for home. . All over the country there Is a pro test against the management of the v public schools. Spelling, geography , ,, history and all elementary studies seem V, to h o?lccted, and pretence takes the ' Y lace of real acquirement. Jl If the reader will listen attentively he will shortly hear reverberations of Ibe campaign republican statesmen going about the country telling the people that this has been an economl .cal congress because it spent 1300, 000,000! The rush to get a scat in the Folk bandwagon over in Missouri has be come so cyclonic that the endgate has been torn from Its hinges. Of the ' eleven counties which held primaries last Saturday, Folk carried ten and ' Heed one. i . 1 KunArs Teddy does not feel so "Crum"-y as he did before the adjourn ment of congress. Maybe he got so used to crumbs while a cowboy that his failure to get his nigger friend's ap pointment confirmed restored that old crumby feeling. Secretary Siuw in his latest speech said "the Spanish war placed the Pacific Ocean logically where she has always been naturally." The Pacific Ocean must feel quite cut up at such a remark, and perhaps it will hereafter learn to know its place. Ik the republican state convention of Texas, the Rev. Daniel Abncr prayed , as follows: "G rant one favor, O Lord . and we will be satisfied. O Lord, we ask of Thee that you don't let your party be defeated this year!" This Is the first Intimation we have had of cc Icstlal politics. JoBKni W. Folk, the terror of bood lers in Missouri, is in some danger of being sprung upon the democratic con vention as a candidate for president, lie says he won't have it, but that only adds to his attractiveness. Several men have saia mat, too, who were thercaftcrobligcd to run and be elected Before congress took snap adjourn ment for campaign purpose It had spent f81,000,000 plus 124,000,000 of obliga tions incurred and to this must be ad ded the Panama investment, $ou,O0O, 000 more. Ten years ago "a billion dollar congress" startled and alarmed the country, but now we have a billion dollar-session. Was Burkctt ever known to Intro duce a bill of importance in congress? We would like to have some of our rc publican exchanges tell us just what the treat wind-bag has done for the district outside of Lincoln and Lan caster county? The people would like to see his record In print. Give It to us, some of you Hurkett enthusiasts ; Dietrich was cleared, cxhonerated whitewashed and released by the sen ate committee; now, while the repub lican party are blowing so furiously about It, we would like to ask why he Is to be shoved aside for Burkctt? he Is Innocent of the charges preferred against him, his re-election to the senate would show that his parly friends believed hlra so. Henry R. Cerlog for Congress. As will he seen by a perusal of the proceedings elsewhere In this issue of the Journal, the Louisville convention last Thursday unanimously endorsed Mayor Gering of this city for congress. No one person on earth is bettor pleased with this action of the convention than the editor of this paper. Being associated w ith him to quite an extent in conducting the campaign last fall, we had an excellent opportun ity to judge of his qualities both as an oruanlzer and his splendid abilities. To him the democrats of Cass county owe a great deal more than the simple endorsement the position now occu pied by Pilowhard 15urkett, who from present appearances wants to be elect ed to congress and the United States Senate both at the same time. They should begin the work of securing his nomination right now, and each one make a special effort to this end. Henry R. Gering contains all the es sentials necessary to make a most creditable representative In congress, and as to ability, he Is as far superior to the man who failed to pass a third- grade teacher's examination over In Mills county, Iowa, as Plowliard Is su perior to the lowest grade teacher In Cass county, with all hisexperiencc in congress included. Mr. Gering Is a loyal democrat in fact, his democracy is Iron clad and with a united effort of his party friends In Cass county he can be nom inated, and when once nominated, he will make the greatest Plowliard that ever graced the halls of congress "hunt his hole" at every opportunity. We arc entering upon a campaign in which the republican party Is called upon to explain a great many of their acts in state and nation, and the great wind-pag apologist will como In for his share of explaining to the people. If Henry It. Gering is nominated. and we are almost positive he will be ho will give Burkctt the liveliest race he ever experienced. And If elected, he will treat every section ofthedis trict alike, and not work altogether In the Interests of his home city and county, to the detriment of other lo calltlcs, as Burkctt has done. Whoop 'cr up for Gering, boys! Secretary Takt is going about the country telling the people that on no account should the Filipinos be encour aged to expect independence. He says we must cease talking about It. He announces that the doctrine of self- government is "an Impossible dogma,' and a "rhetorical phrase," and the less said about It the better. The English have always talked the same way about Ireland. What has Burkctt done to merit his candidacy. for two olllccs at the same time? If he is really a candidate for the senate, and his friends arc not "joshing" him, why don't he get out of the way for some able republican for congress? Perhaps he don't care to take any chances on an uncertainty And, then, maybe, the railroads want some one else. They already have him safely within their grasp to do their bidding. Was She to Blame? As seen by half a million ladies and gentlemen in the last three years and voted by them the queen of dramatic productions. Its simplicity and pur ity gives a picture of every day life holding the auditor in rapture and ad miration. Not a fulsome or speotacu lar show, nor a tale of falsehood and fiction, but a true picture taken from the beauties of nature. At the Par mele Theatre, Thursday, May 19. Thieves Captured. Sheriff McBride received a telegmm this morning from the Sheriff of Dodge county stating that from the descrip tion received, he was positive he had captured tho thieves who broke Into Tool's hardware store at Murdock Monday night. Mr. Tool went to Fremont to-day to Identify the per sons "held In toe" by the sheriff In Fremont. Closing Out Regardless of Cost. The "Hub" clothier Is certainly of fering some wonderful bargains this week in clothing, gents' furnishings hats, caps, boots and shoes. The en tire stock is offered in one grand clos ing out sale, with a view of going out of business. The lines of Roods found In tho "Hub" clothier is not like one usually found in a closing-out sale. No cheap, shoddy, sweat-shop goods will be found In tills store. Kvcry depart ment is tilled with brlirht, new and up-to-date wearables, and at the prices mey are being oiicrea nils week they are certainly bargains. Bear In mind these prices are bound to move the goods, and If you need anything In the above lines you had better come eariy. Don't allow money to lie around, is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. It 5 AVE MONEY bj keeping it In a safe place such as The BanH of Cass County You can give a check for any part of It at any timo and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. W hen you havo a bank account you will he anxious to ndd to It rather than spend from it. iKm't you want to know more about it. Fml mm? Step, , ftfiM STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL be Da) Attendance Small, But the Streets Thronged In the Evening. The Cosmopolitan Carnival company are with us this week. They came in over the Missouri Pacltlc Sunday even- ng, and early Monday morning Ugan arrangements for the weeks entertain ment. This occupied nearly all day, and but little was done In the way of entertaining the people. The weather for the first three days was all that possibly could be desired. Old Sol con tinuing to shed his pleasing rays in such a manner as to please all. In fact his pleasing countenance was so satis factory to the farmers that very few ceased planting to come to town to view the sights. Main street mcr- cnants, along which thoroughfare was placed the principal shows and free ex hibitions, was decorated with flags, and In the evening was illuminated with electric lights. The attendance in the day time has been small, but at night the crowds have been quite large, many coming In from the territory ad jacent and adjoining towns. The company furnishing the attrac tions Is a good one, and are giving the people all that they have advertised, and more, too. The high diver, for nstance, which Is one of the most dan gerous and dilllcult feats produced by any similar company. Loop the Loop, the high diving dog, and several other free exhibitions are attractions well worth coming miles to sec. Up to last nlk'ht nothing has occurred to make any arrests necessary. The Cosmopolitan company Is free from rakes, and so far have con ducted themselves as perfect ladles and gentlemen, aud their shows have been free from anything Immoral, or that which would cause to blush the most pious saint. If the weather continues favorable tomorrow, and Saturday, will perhaps be tho largest In attendance, as many farmers will finish corn planting today and tomorrow. Senator Lodge defiantly said just before congress adjourned: "We will not revise the tariff now; we will not investigate the postolllce department now; we are going straight ahead and when we get ready we will do what ever we see fit to do about these things." In other words: "We will do whatever we please and when we please, and thus we serve notice upon the people of the United States." This seems to be the accentof the boss, No working man should ever again object to government by injuctlon after reading the following from Teddy's "American Ideals" (vol. II, p. 18) "Men who object to what they style 'government by injunction' are, as re gards the essential principles of gov ernment, In hearty sympathy with their remote, skin-clad ancestors, who lived In caves, fought one another with stone-headed axes, and ate the mam moth and woolly rhinoceros." Tun democrats of Cass county have como out In favor of Henry Gering as the democratic nominee for congress, Henry is a rustler, and will poll a large vote. Nabraska City News. . Paint Bargains Special. Linseed oil, raw, 45c per gallon. Linseed oil, boiled, 45c per gallon. Carter's white lead, $0.95 per 100 lbs, Southern white lead, $0.05 per 100 lbs. Tatton's Sun Proof paint. $1.75 per gallon; 5 gallons or more, $1.G0 pergal, Turpentine, 75c per gallon. Geuino & Co., Druggists. Whooping Cough. "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Cham bcrlain's Cough remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this Is the best remedy I have ever seen for whooping cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of tho coughing spells and counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. For sale by all druggists The Best Family Salve. DcWitt's Witch Hazel gives Instant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abra sions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve It Is only necessary to see that you get tho genuine DcWitt's and a cure Is certain. There arc many cheap counterfeits on the market, all of which are worthless, and quite' a few arc dangerous, while DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is perfectly harm less and cures. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. St. Louis Millinery Company. All the newest creations In fashion able hats. We arc showing dally new hats, at matchless prices. Seed Corn. Silver Mine seed corn for sale. This corn matures early. Made near sixty bushels per acre last year of good sound corn. F. M. Young, jk,, It. II. I). Ko. 1, riattsmouth, Neb. F. G. Fclcke & Co. Do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia cure to their friends and customers. Indigestion causes more III health tlianyanythlngclsc. Itderanges the stomach and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you cat, cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol Is not only a perfect digestant, but a tissue building tonic as well. Re newed health, perfect strength and In creased vitality follow Its use. Now Is tho tlmo to clean house clean your system first, drive out the microbes of winter with Holllster's Koclcy Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all summer. 33 cents. Tea or tablets. Gering & Co. Notice of Probate of Will. TN Til K Col XTYCl'l lU'Ul' CAS?CUl V Iu the mutUTuf i l,o I'Ntalc iif Kliodt-kli. Spcn- All i.riri liitervMcil III sulil elate lire livrchy imtliiiHl Uiul a net it lull Un U-vn tiled In MtlJ court pMinic for Un1 pmUUeor a cer tiiln Instrument iinw on tilt- III villi iMiirt iur- lairitiiK l Ik- lli Ik1iII hihI ieuineni i UlllKif O Spencer, divcux'ii. Hlltl tlitit lit'iirlnir will lw hinl on uWl prilium liefre 1. 1 .. . . . n .ti..l. ,.,,. . f lull.. ltd Hi tt'M o'clnek a. in., hiii) If you full to upuenr ui Mini court on the fit ti day of Juno. I'.4. to ivntet till- proluileol Mtlil will urn courv miiy "" ami uruluitr miM will ami irrunt udiiilnM ra tion tli.-rf.-f lo llou A. Wlirm-nlioru. or wine oilier Miltatile person and procvi-d to a scillc- UH'Itt UMTfOI. ilutwl this Uu day or Slay. A. v.. lw lUuviY 1). Travis. County Jinlt.0. Notice. To Whom it Mat Coxi-rus: On tln3rl day of May. ll4, C. A. Kaufman. Kuurdlmi of .lUIIK-S W. llniOKH. IIIMIIII.. ni'U lll mi"" I" the eounty court of Chmi county. Mi'lirar-Wii. iirayliiK tliiM-oiirt to tlx a Unit' and lilac-o for lit'iirlnir and examination of Ills rl mil account as sut-li Kiianlliin. Mild ln-nrlnir W fixed for the IHtli duv of May. l'JOl, al eleven o'clock a. in., ot Mini nay. Duted this 3rd day or May. r.M. llAHVKT I). TltAVI. County JuiIko. Notice. Trt Xl'u.-tu tm l . v riivcru.. On Mm 3rd day of May. l'.nH, C. A. Kaufman, piiardlan of Frauds W. Ilrooks. Insane. Hied Ills pclllloi; 111 tilt, COI1IHJ couri oi vasai-omity, iiem aiviw praying fur the court to flx a time ami place Kip li.iu kIiiu iiii. I .tvii nilmitlnn f if III tllllll Hl count us micli guardian. Sulil hearing Is fixed fur t liu Itllli dav of Miiy. 1MI4. Ill the COIIIllV court room, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day. imbeu nils jru uay oi may. iii. llAKVKT l. TltAVIS. County Judge. Probate Notice. TN COUNTY COUUT.CAS8 COllN'TV. NK A liraskn: In the mutter of the estate of Margaret Kasterday, deceased: All persons interested III said estate are liereiiy not men that a petition has la-en tiled in said court al leging that said deceased lias left no last will and testament and praying for administration upon slim estate, unci mat a neiiriug no nun ti im ill said petition liefore said court on the :ilh day of .Miiv. A. I. IUU4. nl ll:OU o'clock a. in., that If tlit-v fall to nuut-iir at said court on said day to contest the said petition tin con rt may grant the same and Issue letter of auiniiusiraiion to i-.ll.a .1. KecKler, 'or some other suitable person, und proceed to a set tlement tiieru ji. iiy mu court. IIaiivkv D. TllAVIS. 8eal County Judge, Notice. TN THE COUNTY COU1U' OF CASS COUN A ty, Nebraska. Iu tho matter of tho estate of I't-tcr lV tcrs, deceased. None Is hereby gl.-en to all persons Inter ested In said estate that a petition has been tiled in the county court or l ass county, Ne braska, for the probate of an Instrument pro pounded us the last will and testament of said deceased, and that letters testamentary Issued to Peter George Kmll I'eters. If they fall to appear on the day here limner named and contest the sumo, letters testamentary will lie grunted to I'eter Ueorge hmll I'eters or some other suitable person. A hearing will be had upon said petition In the county court moiij lit I'lullstnouih. No- iirasKit, on uiu tin uay oi June, il. li., luut. ui iu o clock a. in. Dated this JUth day of April. 1004. llAiivtv 1). Tiiavis, County Judge. Probate Notice. Is thk County CoritT, I or Cass County, Ntii. ( TN THE MATTElt OK THE ESTATE OK A Norman Coon, deceased: Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested Iu said estate that the administrator with will annexed of said estate has tiled his tiuul report and peti tion for tilial settlement of said estate In the county court ot Cuss county, Nebraska. A hearing will be had upon said petition In the county court room at Hiittsinouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the -all day of Muy, A. 1). 1W4, ut 10 :W o'clock u. m. llAHVEY I). TllAVIS, ISeul County Judge. R. B. WINDHAM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Plattsmouth : : Nebraska, Probate, Commercial Law, Real Estate Litigation and foreclosure of mortgages a specialty jpeCGC00CCCCCOGCOSCOSCOCO9 0 Dorri'e Docfnni-nnf- b y r bit j a itdiuuiuui o 1 a g4 Short Order House Fresh Oysters f 8 (IN SEASON) 8 8 Fish or anything in Market. 8 8XSGXS2X33X&GX9 . GIVE US A CALL. P. UTTER BACK, Proprietor, MARTIN BUILDING, nonasiat - Main street it At the Old Stand -OF- John Schiappacassc You will always find the Choicest Fruits Fine Confections And the most delicious ICE CREAM Which ho Is prepared to furnish In any quantity for family use or social gatherings. JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE 511 Main Street Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPTOSITE COURT HOUSE. Monls nt nil hours. Special nt- tontioa to tho fanner pntrons. llio tables nro HUppliinl with tho best tho markets ntTord. JOIIN COREY, Proprietor. i Meals Sorved nt Regular 8 Meal Hours. ' 8 ; AND J Carnival Week I May 9tl) to Mtl) May 9tl) to IAtl) I i ! And while there ilon't forget that the right place to y ' ! make your headquarters is at P. PEARSON'S j Ladies, for a nice Spring- and Summer Suit ?ee our Uu 5 Boston Bourctte. . (JL Gentlemen, we have the swellest line of Hose in town. 5 To the housewife we will say vc have a stock- of Staple ; and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Queens- ; ware second to none and at prices that defy competition. ! During the fair we will have just what you want, a ! broad assertion, but come and see for yourself. P. PEARSON'S I The Sixth Street Store 8 5 01 8 Toko Laxative Bromo Quinine Taiiets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 months. TfalS Signatnre Independent Cigar FACTORY! thc:: 5c CIGAR, CLitllcnuos Compitrlson In Quality and Woi kaiuusuip. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer. ED. flTZGERALD, HiOPRIETOR OF i Livery, Hack S and Baggage Line. MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goods a Spocinlty. Also, Heavy Draying. Kimsmann & Ramge Still lead all other Meat Markets In furnishlnp tlie people of riatts mouth and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fresh and Smoked Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Et c REMEMBER They have removed to the llrst room west of their old stand. I?y courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and pal n many new ones. DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteopathic Physician Chronic Diseases Specialty Conic lltock. MonniTi and onicelioum 9 lo I'.' a. in., I to i I), in. ami to V p. in. by up pnlnlmi nW Telephone, olllcu 3ti I residence at Perkins Hotel. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. COMPErTTI Plattsmouth Street Fair CANDY, NUTS To Cure a Cold in One Day JOHN M. LEYDA, ATTORNEYAT-LAW, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. l'ropurlnjr abstracts of title, conveyancing and i-xiimlnliiK titles to real estate a special ty. Work properly done, and diaries reason able, otttce: Hoorns 6 and 7, John timid HulldlnK. near Court House, i'lattsmoutti, Nebraska. W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICEl Waterman Block Plattsmouth, Nebraska Plans. Phones fj06 i no n n i r v rj r - Best We will positively undersell any mail order house east of Omaha. Send for sainples and prices for comparison. It will pay you to do so. desired. If you are not satisfied with your bargain when you see it and examine it return the suit at our expense and we will refund your money. But whatever you do DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. Why Pay Retail Prices for GROCERIES when yon can buy them at ti e DIG STORE at the usual Wholesale Prices. Consider this proposition carefully. Read these prices. Scud us an order It will pay you. ' Puro granulated sugar per 100 lb t4.7,r' Whlto HuBslun, Diuinond C, Armour'n Swift's l'rldo or Ucat-'Em-All, 100 bars in box 2. 'JO l-gallon cans Golden tablo t.yrup..3rc Tlit best soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers per lb fic Good broken rlco pnr pound 3!c Fancy J spun btad rloo per lb fic Hulk laundry utarch per pound. ...31c Klnstlc, Eloctrlc, IXL, or Celluloid torch, packago , 1 Ground spices, any klud, per lb.. . .2ic MMIBEK BRIIDS. 16th arid Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPPLY KOUS: opposite New PoMrnii OMAHA 10 I 1 70 Cures Crip In Two Days, StfUCyT oneverv Vrznrt box. 25c. v Abstracts of Title V Tt?oma5 Ualii). Ol'TICE Anheusor-Hush Block. ryt. MARSHALL, DENTIST. All kind! of Tental work. Platen made tint lit. 28 years experience. Prices rvasouuLHe. Work guaranteed. OFFICE Kitzqeiiai.d Block. Telephone No. S oh 47 - . a ran n u dc ri 'W At MS me n e 1 1 a u 1 8 store I m,j-Ji.i.LJiawjisiJWiLai-H suniTiiim mi II 1 To Get in on Our $10.00 SUIT SALE 1200 Suits purchased at a great bargain from a large eastern manufactur er will be on sale this week. Regular $15.00 to values at $10.00 SEND AT ONCE Giving size and style Fancy Tcarl tapioca per lb Fancy Pearl Parley, Sago, or Pui r.o Ina nie ,Io per pound 21b package macaroni Mb package best corn starcll "" 4o 3-lbcan solid packed tomatoes J iucans lioston baked beans Ho Ho "io 1-lb can pure apple buttor 1- b cans early Juno pea Mb cans fancy wax, string or Lima beans 2- lb cans fancy tablo peaches,' apYl' cots or peats i 1 si mm Carp- li" i J.