r A "J. P." that Fined Himf. Uub.-rt Malzahn. Jusiu-e the, p,.ac. at Cood Th.in.lor. Minn.. dispenses W.juor at ri-t.ll w,n not occupied ith hi Judicial ran-s. A f.nxl in-nt-ctur secured from Mr. Ms.zahn's Mace of business a. sample of black '"rry. A complaint whs bw.mh out and Jm!K Malzahn In his judic ial c lar!ty, ht-ard the case of Malzahn. the ral.Knk., por. Klmim Malxahn. the defendant, putlty. ju,l.. MaUain im rRd a fine of $23. and then as Mai ahn, the saloonkeeper. h paid the fine. The money has boon remitted to the state treasurer. Royaltiei Coming Here. If all promise are fuliM! tbf nlt0l States will have royal visitors Eiloro next summer. So far these liavo announced their Intention to visit the land of the fn-o: King Leo pold of Iielk'ium. KIhk Monellk of Abyssinia, the Crown I'rtnoo of Gor many, the Crown l'rlnco of Sweden and the Crown Prince of China. N'.it a few men have to wear glasses bponiiFe their eyesight U too Rood. Such clxsacs r.rc tho spectacles of tol erance. Only a woman Ii r.yilL of arriv ing at a conclusion wkhotit using t-ithur renson or Judgment. Defiance Starch Is put up IP, ounces In a package. 10 renta. One-third more Htareh for the name money. Tho masculine idea of an Intellec 11 woman is one who Is as thin as a match and wears glasses. When a small boy pets his linger caught In the pantry doer it isn't the Jam he is looking for. The difference between charity nnd philanthropy a tho length of the news paper free space. To be ashamed of one's wlfo or mother Is tho saddest fate that can befall a man. Tho weather man Is having lots of fun with his vaudeville stunt of quick changes. Teople who withhold sxatltudo aro apt to do wholesale grumbling. Some preaching is about as tilling .as a' bill of fare in tho desert. Tho man who hurries is frcnucntly only spurring a rocking-horse. Science Is simply tho search Into the mind of tho Supreme. Ic la uossiblo for a man to bo a flatterer and also a rounder. Tho swortnc3s of adverulty la apt to sour a man's disposition. Some mothers save clipper SGlo:iand spoil children. $100 Reward, S2C0. Tho roninr of thin piipr will 1m, i 'imkM to Iran rtlil ili'-rt Ih nt loan nun tlri-ii.ti-tl tlUi'i.t.n th'il cl-m I si l-.'U Ht.ii- In ril re In ml i, MlKL-cit, i-lul tlm la t iitttrrll. ILiH'a ( uUrrl, ( urn I tho imiy piwltlv cure llmr knimn to l!io incilli nl fi-Hii-mlty. Catar-:, t't-lt-4 ft t-.intli iitlunikl itUi'imf. ruiiiln- a ('..iwitu tlniiiil trruinirtit. Hull's I'uurrh cure Ih taken lit trrtiHlly, ai'tlnK itlriM'tly iipuu III hlueil Htul timeout nirfiirpH of ilm nymrtii, thi-rctijr tl-sirnying the foitiiilatli-ti of llio ilUiHt.p. nml IvtiiK tin- pattern treuittli ly luitliltntf ui the uonHiitntinn and hmsIhi luu; natimi In iIiiIiik lu work. Tho priiprk-iort to llim-h fullli In II curative power that they utter Cina Hundred Indium fur any ra.0 lliut It fail U cure. Kemi fur llt of ti-"itmonlal, Aditre.a V. .1. t'UKNKV & CO., Toledo, 0, huid by all Urllitirfat. ,rtc. Take liall't i amity l'llli for conmtpalloo. 'It's the black sheep that generally lives to a ripe old age, while the spring lamb dies young. Any man who is continually making a fool of himself must bo a natural born tautologlst. A man can make his wlfo believe al most anything during their honey moon. Of course, tho real test of a pudding Is your Inability to sloop after eat ing It. The cynic is a man who sees his own heart and calls it tho world. Tho sad coquette Is saddest when she has no ono to coquette wltb. Tho atheist can estimate God when the deaf can critlclee music. Clocks are not sentimental at lea3t they never hold hands. A rain of errors Is ono the weather man hasn't predicted. Our troubles aro ofteu tho result of a vivid Imagination. It certainly takes some men down to bo shown up. Never makes good tho counter feiter. Tree to Twcnty-rive ladies. The Defiance Starch Co. will glto J5 ladles a round trip ticket to the St. Louis Exposition, to Are ladles In each of the following states: Illi nois, Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send in the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent, 16-ounce package of Defiance cold water laundry starch. This moans from your own home, any where In tho above named states. These trado marks must be moiled to and received by tho Defiance Starch Co., Omaha. Nebr.. before September 1st, 11104. October nnd November will bo tho nest months to visit the Kxposltion. Keniember that Defiance is tho only March put up 16 oi. (a full pound) to the packaKO. You ret ono-thlrd more starch for the same money than of any other kind, and I'ellanco never sticks to tho Iron. Tbo tickets to the Imposition will be eont by registered mail September 6th. Buircti tor s:ilo by all dealers. What a man pets always depend on what ho Is vlllltu; to lose. Tho politician is tho noodle who Is out for the b. iodic. Affectation Is tho latiKungo of con scious Inferiority. The heart of the present la tho hopo ot the future. I NEBRASKA STATE NEWS I i : : - 0 BUSINESS OF THE COURT. D. dines to lnt;rfere to Protect a Man' Purely Political Rights. LINCOLN Tho supreme court de cl.'aca to supervise the acts of a po- 1 lltcal party for he j rotectlon of a purely political rlyht. This decision w;s given In a suit involving a contro- , ve-gy uvtr'the Interpretati n of a prillmlnary election law as enforced ' by the Lancaster county central com mittee In 1U02. Whether a candidate j co ild find representation on a primary ebction ballot unless he had the abil-, it) to jnck and control a caucus In his hoxin prt- Inet was the principal ques tlt u. Ex-Mayor II. J. Winuett of Lin cor. was a candidate for the nomina tl a of state senator on tho republican thtet. lie and other candidates cl, Imed that riht to submit a friendly de pgation to the vote of the electors In the various precincts. George A. Ai a ma of Lincoln, now mnyor of Lin co.n, was chairman of tho county com nil tee, and tho committee adopted th i rule requiring each candidate to caty the caucus In his respective wrd before being allowed to place a lis. of delegates on the ballot. ' Tie court holds that a civil right Is I right accorded to every member of district, community or nation; a poi tlcal right is one exercisable In tht. administration of government and thtit a court of equity will not under tale to supervise the acts aud man agement of a political party for tho pre tectlon of a purely political right. Tho opinion was written by Commis sioner Albert. ABOUT TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Oniaha Indians After $100,000 from the United States. DECATUR. It has been announced thf.t the dlfltribiiion of $100,000 is to be made among tho Omaha Indians shortly. This payment represents) tho purchase prce of a pioco of land se em ed from the Indians by the gov ert.ment In the middle 00s. For a half century the debt was kept covered up, but two years ago the Omahas bef;an an Investigation, employing lawyers and sundry committees, se lected from tho tribes' council In Washington, for the purpose of inter viewing the interior department and lnylng tho matter before congress. Th3 late Henry Fontenello, a prom inent leader of the Omahas, and a striking character In tho pioneer his tory of Nebraska, was the first man to bring to li;;lit this dui;ty debt. What Is kmnvn ns tho annual grass annuity will nlyo be paid to tho On alias tho latter part of this mouth. Get Evic'ence Agiinct Kcllcy. COLUMDrS. Sheriff Carriyr; In surely g-.ithvrirg strong cvi dettco against Jam s Kelley, who i.i in Jail here charged with the r.:urdor of Arthur Snowden in HHmp':r; ' town ship last Slarch. Sheriff San;:;i:;ns of Kcnnicy wa3 hero a day or two ago and says there Is no possible doubt that the murdered snan was Snowden and that Snowden's parents have made tho Identification positive. Jo seih Derby of David City, whose storo waj robbed a few days before the mur der, was here and Identified a shirt which KeHey Is now wearing; he also Identified " necktie which was on tho murdered man. Three Men Captured. NAPER. At 5 o'clock Wednesday morning Sheriff Cottrell of Keya Paha county, Deputy Sheriff Briggs of Boyd county, the sheriff of Howard county anq a posse of citizens sonrrounded the house of tho three Herring broth ers, twelve miles west of here, and caitured the men. They had stolen mutes. Better Train Service Wanted. IIASTINGS Representative mer chfnts and shippers met to consider mens for adjusting transportation rates', said to be excessive, and discuss certain train services of tho Burling ton, which are generally looked upon heie as being unsatisfactory. Marked Interest was manifested. The follow ing were appointed a committee to formulate a plan of procedure: Wll Hft'Q Sutton. William Hratrh, A. Clark, W. B. dishing, V. C. Trimble and Clurles II. Kipp. Defeat Sale of Courthouse. :itAND ISLAND. Returns are In fro-n all but. one precinct on the spe cie, election held for the sale of the old courthouse site at a :trieo not less thm $10,0imi, and the proposition ap po:.r to be defeated. Minus Three Fingers. l.EATRICK. Harry Relmund. an employe at the Dempster factory, got his hand too near a circular saw and M a consequence Is mlmi3 three fln gets on his left hand. Long Sunken Lard Dug Up. JtECATnt. Charles Xoyes. an old tln Missouri river wrecker, while railing In a bunch of logs' up near the oh Indian mission, uncovered on n a: dbar two ancient rises of lard. Tfciro wore twelve cans In nil; total W ght 300 pounds; shipped from St. Loils, January lu, lS'Is, io Port Shaw, Mcntana. by Francis WhlttaUer & Sous, packers and shipper. In 1SC8 a Urge Mlssouil river rteamhoat sunk ne..r wher this lard was found, nnd undoubtedly It wns part of this rarg. Tb lard la In excellent condition. Write to Wrong Office. 'Tie ofllco of the land r.nuinlr.slntier Is being flooded these dajs with let ten of Inquiry concerning the Klnknld ho'aestead law. Deputy Lund Cutn inlisloner F.atou unnnuncod that It was In) legible f.r tln o.llco to answer, th- correpnnde:ire and he asked tiiat bII who had written would direct tlwlr co lmunl, a' ions to tho land offices at Lit coin, NYith Plait". O'Neill, Valen tin , Brok- n How, Sidney. Mtt'ook or All ance. Tho oftlclnls nt thesb places ri tho on. to give out the tofornm-thk. THE STATE AT LARGE. Sutton proposes to have a celebra tion on the Fourth of July. Tho vote on courthouse bonds in Butte resulted In only two against tho proposition. Tho courthouse is sure. Tho Congregational church at Fort Calhoun Is soon to become Presbyte. rlan and bo taken under the wing of tho Omaha presbytery. Tho saloon of H. D. Gerhanlt of Plymouth, Jefferson county, was rob. bed at an early hour tho other morn ing. The exact amount of money and liquors sot-tired s not known. , While operating an edger, a ma chine used for edging boards, Harry Reimund, an employe of the Demp ster factory at Beatrice, had all his fingers on the left haud cut off. leav ing tho thumb Intact. George Ringo was arraigned before Judge Wilson In the county court of Sarpy county upon the charge of Il legal voting. He entered a plea of guilty and was assessed a fine of J25, which was paid. The finance committee of tho city council of Lincoln announced that thero was a deficit of $100,000 In tho city paving fund. This has been In creasing for years and will have to be met by general taxation. L. S. Davis was taken before tho commission of lunacy for examination regarding his mental condition. Mr. Davis is an old resident of Valley county and served his country honora bly during tho civil war. Fire destroyed tho store of II. Dye of Woodruff. Tho second story was used as a dwelling and all contents wero destroyed. Tho hro started from a gasoline stove. Dye was badly burned and Is In a critical condition. Word was received In Nelson of tho death of Mr. Leo Myer, whose wlfo was visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruble of that place. He was at a hospital In Chicago where ho had submitted to a surgical operation, but' was almost well aud was expected home soon. State Treasurer Mortensen will Is sue a call for wnrrants to tho amount of $,",0,000 to $73,000 for May 14. Mr. Mortensen Intends to get in every cent possible to apjvirtlon among the va rious school districts. Tho amount will bo certified to tho state superin tendent May IC. The number of farm mortgages reg istered In Dodgo county during the month ,of April was six, amount $11, 800; number released, ninteen, amount $2I.1S:1. The number of city nnd town real estate mortgages filed was ten. amounting to $l)r,i!.r,r,; number re leased sixteen, amount J17.titiS.00.. MI-'S Jo::nna Hi gey, for tho past year lib . irian at Heat rice, was elected to tho position of librnrim of tho Lincoln library at. tho meetin;; of tho bo?rd. Tho election of Miss Hagey er.r.ie by the unanimous action of mrj hoard, as she was considered the most, desirable of a number of applicants. The barn on the James Cogan farm, ono mllo east, and one milo south of Webster, was burned. It was a largo frame structure and was well filled with hay and grain and a quantity ol agricultural implements. The struc tttro and contents wero quickly con sumed. Tho loss was $ti00 or $700, which was covered by Insurance. Frank Barker, who has boon await ing trial for the murder of his brother and wlfo on the night of January 21, was arraigned in district court before Judge Adams at Red Cloud He was neatly dressed In a suit of brown and was cleanly shaven. Ho was In the best of spirits nnd more a smllo on his face all during the session. Ha is represented by J. R. Mercer of Red Cloud and John Stevens of Cambridge The three saloons In Millard have been closed by tho village board, be cause of a protest filed by Thomar Holllnger, an Omaha attorney. Th protest states that the Sloeum laM hao been violated in that the saloon have sold to minors and have kept open on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. CD. Phillips of Colum bus celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of Thomas Wilkinson in Blnlr. About sixty-flvG Invited gueRts were In attendance. Mr and Mrs. Phillips formerly lived at Elk City and tho reason of having the celebration at a relative's home In Blair was tr make It more convenient for their old neighbors and friends to attend. John J. Bothweli of Sheridan county, convicted of Incest ni;d sentenced tc Imprisonment for life, has secured a reversal in the supremo court, solely for the reason of prejudicial eror In tho trial court. The Btate erred In undertaking to overcome tho prool offered to sustain tho defense of in sanity by other evidence, inadmissible In tho form in which It was presented and which was received over objec tions. Tho case was remanded fot further proceedings. Edward Bronnon, alias Edward Wil cox, was arraigned beforo Police Judgf Cook at Fremont on the charjr oi horse stealing. Tho evidence agalns the prisoner was strong enough tr bind him over to district caurt. Hit bond was fixed at $i00. The supremo court hns affirmed tho sentence of Jnmes L. Kennedy, con victed In Colfax county of robbing a haul, of $2.2imi, ,'he property or IC. F. F.dda. nt. the village of Rogers. April 17, l!"i:. Kennedy was arrested in Omaha, tried in Colfax county and iienti'ticed t serve seven years. Tho Cass county mortgage record for the month of April Is as follows: The amount of farm nior;;nges filed on farm property. ? ::7.Mr ; amount re leased. $(.". M'S. Amount on city prop city filed. $i',,0SI; released. $:.!Hi5. Washington dispatch: W. II. Har rlson f Nebraska has been appointed tho principal r-adliiR clerk for the tia'lonal republican convention to bo held In Chicago. George It. Uiitlln of Oniaha 1ms been named ns one of tho tally clerks Mr Butlln Is stenogra pher to Senat e Millard's conimltteo la 'h sunato. Ccuilng Iron ta Swim. EUsha r quired a S'ick to make the ax of iron swim. Wo have never learned the properties tf that stjek. But there Is a pretty tritk of causing a pice of iron to tlin of Its own accord. Lt it be a half Inch thick, say. and two Inrhes ?qtnre. or have it round, and perfectly smooth on one side at b-ast. Place tho smooth side agi'ns the perfectly smooth, square end of an open glass tube, say an inch and a half lu diameter, and hold It there until It and the tube are low ered Into a vessel of water to a depth greater than about eight times the thickness of the iron. Remove the hand aud the iron will remain In Its place, the upward pressure of the water preventing its sinking. This Is the principle of the iron ship. Returned the Compliment. Lafcndio Hearn, writing from Ja pan, wiys that when Oyaina, chief of the Japanese general staff, was Judge advocate he attended a ball at Toklo one night. He was .'tandlng near a doorway, when a beautiful European woman swept by, and so gently did her charms impress Judge Oyama that ho exclaimed, Involuntarily: "What a lovely woman!' She over heard him. With a little smile she looked back over her shoulder nnd, recognizing him, she said: "What an excellent Judge." He Learned Something. "I like your preachin'," said a tall, gaunt native who had heard Bishop Pottwr one night In a small Adiron dack town near which he had his summer enmp. "I alluz l'arn some thin' new from y.e. I rid ten mile to night to hear ye, an' a9 usual, I heerd somethln' that I never knowed afore." "Well, I'm glad of that." said the bishop, shaking tho outstretched hand, "and what was It. you learned to night?" "Why, bishop, I found out for the fust time in my life that' Sod om and Gomorrah wuzn't twins." Best Introduction Spesch. Senator Spooner of Wisconsin says the best speech of introduction ho ever heard .was delivered by a Ger man mayor of a small town In Wiscon sin, where Spooner had engaged to speak. The mayor said: "Ladles und shentlemens, I asked haf been to Indrotooso you to tho Honorable Senator Spooner, who to you vll make a speech, yes. I half now done so, und vill now do so." The Czar and the Kaiser. Tho last time the czar and tho kai ser met was in the Baltic, where each had a fleet. As tnoir boats drew away from each other the kaiser, from the Hohenzollern, seinaphoncd -to the czar, "The admiral of tho Atlantic salutes the ndmira lot the Pacic." Tho reply required tact. The czar did not want to oft'end tho British by express ins his belief that tho' kaiser wa3 right, neither did hy wish to show discourtesy, to the hatr by making no reply. So ho qulcly rebuffed him by signaling "farewell," and steaming away. Try One Package. If "Defiunce Stnrch" does not please you, return It to your dealer. If It doo3 you pet one-third more for tho same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the Iron. no'a Cure cannot be too hlRhly spoken of u acouKh cure. J. W. O'Urie.s, 322 Taird Av&, H; UiuncapuUii, Minn., Jim. 8, ISMX The shepherd's crook needs no crookedness in the shepherd. If you don't get the biggest and best it's your own fault. Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal It In quality or quantity; Think of your cwn faults and you will talk less about the faults of oth ers. U'IgqleStick laindrt blce VVcn't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes. Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of any other bluing, if vonr grocer doea not keep it send lUc fomamnln to Tho Ijumdrv Iiiu Co., 14 MlrhlRan Street, Chicago. The recording angel does not credit a man with what his tombstone says In his favor. You never hear any ono complain about "Defiance Starch." There Is none to equal It In quality and quan tity, 10 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. A public library ooks well in any town, but a bank robbery makes more talk. Mr. Vinnlow-n Kootlilnir 8jTop. rnrrhliilrcn ti-Khlnir, oftrna the iiutnt, reducoi n akmuiaUuu, Mjtpin,curei wind uillu. ittui Ixtue. A true hero Is a man who fights for his country and refuses to scrap with his wife. Defiance Starch is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. What a man sews he doesn't always also rip, If ho Is a tailor. How to Clean Laces. To clean delicate laces, tako a larpe p!s lar, cover with old cotton and spread the ftiocnrefullyon it. Ket tho bottle in wurtr Ivory Soup tturi and leave for an hour. If stains are difficult to romovo plaeo In tho mm and they will disappear. Uinso by dipplug tho bottle in clenr witter ELEANOlt U. PARKER, Men like to feel that advice to a woman is an evidence of true friend ship. C JT rTWitl cimt. No tit. or wrrrnnM fK Ild ilrt .i.v ii.n.t l.r. Kllnv ' limit Ni-rv Itf.Mr. fr. Hr-mlfi r HIKK H.OII lrl.1 l,lll,. , tr..tin. I'll. U. U. kunt, Ltd., K.'l drvli Btn-ot, I'utlaUuliUiia, ) They say that when a hnppy child's lnughteis Is heard on earth the choirs of paradise nro told to hush, because tho child makes sweeter music. aataLpanil 0 Tho never ending cures of V''l 1 J Sprains and Bruises V!t$jp I St. Jacobs Oil tsttz gl' J "PF RSI MA A VALUABLE PREPARATION," ri--nU-HH, WRITES DR. KEMDALL. 2J. Most of the Ailments Peculiar to the Female Sex are Due to Catarrh oi the Pelvic Organs. Racliael J. KembaU, M. I)., 334 Virginia St., ButTalo. N. Y., Is at irraduiitc of the I'niversity of ltuf-I falo, class 1HS4, and has been in the practice of medicine iu that city; since men. Nie writes as follows: My conviction, supported by ex perience, Is that Peruna Is a valuable preparation for all catarrhal affee Hons. 1 have taken onebottlc of Peruna myself and just feel fine. I shall continue to take It." Rachacl J. KembaU, M. D. TVruna has cured thousands of cases of female weakness. As a rule, how ever, beforo lYnina, is resorted to sev eral other remedies have been tried in vain. A great many of tho patients have taken local treatment, submitted themselves to surgical operations, nnd taken nil sorts ui doctor's stuff, with out any result. Tho reason of so many failures is the fact thnt diseases peculiar to the female i.ex iu3 not com monly recognized as being1 caused by catarrh. These or- not Female TrouMo Not KecoKnlzt-d na Catiirrli, pans are lined ly mucous membranes. Any mucous iin iiibiaiio is t.ubjcet to catarrh. Catarrh of r.no orpan is exactly the same as catarrh of any other orpan. What will cure atarrh of the head will also cure catarrh of the. pelvic organs, l'eruna cures t hese eases simply beoi'-uso it cures the catarrh. Most of tho women alllicted with pel- Don't'forget when you orQv'r starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more "yellow" looking no more cracking or doesn't stick to the iron, it gives satis Jaction or you get your money back. The cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but 12 ounces. Now don't forget. It's a! your grocers. flANUFACTURED BV THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., I! OMAHA. MM There Is no place like home when there is no other place to go. RED CROSS BALt, I1LCE Should tie In f very home. Ask your (troeer for It. Lk"ge 'J oi. pnekape only 6 ceuu. The bookmaker wouldn't succeed If everyone knew him like a book. Try me Just onco and I am sure to como again. Doflauce Starch. 'Rany who formerly smelted lOfCfgars new uoke LErIS'S!ri6lE BIDDER STRAIGHT 3 CIGAR Your Jubbur or direct fmm Factor,-, I'oorU, 111, PORTRAIT AGEfiTSi nfti nimflt with M inufai'tu r. r a Our iphjiI. (hn lii'.t. l'nri'a the Kmiwl. I'niiiiiiah,. mailt.. Ili-IIviTy ,f till I'orTniltn tfuurmili'i il. bund f .t ciitulu,ciii mi'l Hi'llt"' tir'rr lint. A-lilm.a ADAH j. KUULL & CO., htm tr bl lg., Uhlcigo, vlo diseases have no idea that their trouble is due to catarrh. The majority of tho people think that catarrh is a disease con fined to the head alone. This Is not true. Catarrh is liable to attack any orpan of tho body; throat, bronchial tubes, limps, stomach, kid neys und especially the pelvic orpuns. Many a woman has made this discov ery after a lonp siepe of useless treat ment. She has made tho discovery that her disease is catarrh, and that l'eruna ran bo relied upon to cure catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt nnd satis factory results from the usuof l oir.na, write at once to Dr. Ilartiiiau, (:'.vinp a full statement of your e.-is end lv will be pJeaseil to give you his valuable auvit-e gratis. Address Dr. Ilartmnn, I'res'dent of The liartniau Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. , clothes. breaking. It NEB. Ttlpana TaMile. aro iftt hrt dr. Pp.ia UK'iliiiiio rvt-r niailc. A liuuilrcil uillll,,nu .,t thru, have liri'il mid In Urn t:nltai Hlati-a It, uliifla year. Conniltia'loii. hi-ari num. alrk licailm-lic, UiiilticM, tiaj lireaih. aura ilm,at, and rvery til- omai-h m rrlli-Trd nr ,-uri-il l.y lllmn Tahulra. On will Kanrrally jrlvn rallaf within twrnir nilu-""-, rho Ova-t ent pa ka,-r l anoucli lor unUuary uccaaloua. All diuenl.t. toll tbeui. Lawn Fence Iitm cr In., tniinv atvlt-a, fol 1I-B.-...,I-,.,.h,. j iiii-tiiy: iM.iiltrv nml )uu linn k-iu-. hi-ml for itpira Iran crd wrt Works OMAHA, nki:. Pond 'J.-, emu fr I li,;;i..s: (;j,i,, fulil;tii.ln?4S luu-i'sof li,(,,r::i.ni,, , (ir;i,-l , nuip und full li.stnwti.ii H h .-.v t t-.j.'n claim on tho K.isrli.nl i ,M,.n ;.t i.m. l l.s I-oc;iUiijf AiTeney, Horer.l,M !, S. I). 4ft 1 UJllJUJ f-'K-f -- HP 0 Of the Skin and Scalp Speedily Cured by To cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle, gentle ap plications of CUTICURA Ointment to instantly aHay itching, irritation, and Inflam mation, and soothe and heal, and mild deses of CUTI CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. A sinple SKT, costing but One Dollar, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, eczemas, rashes, itch ins, nml irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy toirc', when all else fails. Sn'i! thrniiliont th. i' r.i rt, M' ., Kt... iit, .'oi . Jill., ,.. , ft,.. il. Cntirii-a .p. 15f., OlnW If Iuiii. vl ChiH'ii1.!. CoalS li.,ti: l.nnili.it, T, Ctiancr. u I'iki ; lliidiin, 1;C Cnlumbui h'.li,. Mi. 1 I'Hil.. AHi: bLiiU for dn ui llutuwr Cura.1 I ..t... n. . cruuilrlwia. 4 t'X-k FOR WOMEN A lioston physician's di-' rovery which cleanses and heals all inflamioaiiun of the mucous membrane wherever located. In local treatment of female ills Pax tine is invaluable. l'ed u a douche it is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all disease germs which cause inflammation and discharges. Thoiisundsof letters from women prove t hr.t it Ih the ureateat cure (or lciirorrhu'ti over discovered. l'axtine never fails to cure pelvic catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore mouth and sore eyes, because these diseases arc all caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane. For cleansing, w hitening nnd pr. sorvliifr tho teeth we challenge the world to produce Its equuL , l'hysicians and specialists everywhere prescribe and endorse l'axtine, and thou sandsof t est imonial letters prove its value. At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts. A largo trial pnckiiRPnnd bonk of Instructions absolutely free. Write The R. Paxton Co., Dept. 5 Boston. Mass. 50,000 AMERICANS WERE WELCOMED TO Western Canada DURING LALT VEAR Thrr nre tattled and afll.iin on the Grain nll Grating I.nmla, anil ate prosperou and aati6rd. Sir Wilftrd l.antirr reei-utly laid : "A new alar hat rincn on the h.inrnn. and it h tawatd il thai evary itnmiarnnt nlio 1,-avna tha land of hit anraa lera to roiim and trk a home tor binuelt now lumi hit .iie"-Cana,l. There ia Room for Millions. UKK llninratpiiila glvrn mvrnj. Hrhnnla, (liurt-tiea. Hallwuya, MrUoU. Cllit, everything ;u be dealred. For a (lfftcriptivii Atlaa and otlur Information, apply to SiiiMHimt-ndcnt lintniiiaiiun. Ottawa. Can aila. or atithoiirad Canadian Uovernmrnl Airai- W. J . heimctt. mil Near Voik Lite Uuildtna Omaha, Neb. World's Fair New Train Service On nnd nrtor Stttitlny. April :4th. 1304. YViiril h I'nli- TriiliiM will lenve lltimli 1 iiiini Mitiiiin fur KaitKiiM t'lty and tL I.hu:m nt 10:45 n... 5:30 n. m. 11:45 0. m. Hl'crtiil i;,te mi a.ilo cumitK'nelnir April t:.lli. I'ur ticket. Iirri hit nml ln fnt tnat Inn. call ur ikIiIu'kh ,. til I'tilun riliitliitt or TIKW. 1'. tiolil-'ftl'Y, I'iihh. nml Ticket AKent, S. E. Cor. 15th nnd Douglas Streets, OMAHA, NED. When Anowering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No, iO 104 r.l OUiuS WhUt AU tt!l iAHS. . Ik- I uiivl, Kyrnp. I antra liiaak I'M Ly Irt tlni.v H.-I.1 I'T itriit'l.ia. n IS II S Dtl xvv pa & III! Batns with I 7D