The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1904, Image 8

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    ME A LT H
is the
Most Impoi
The manufacturers of Royal Baking
Powder have had forty years of scientific
Every method of bread-and-cake rais
ing has been exhaustively studied in this
country and abroad.
The result is a perfect product in Royal
Baking Powder. There is no substitute
for it. The purity and efficiency of
Royal Baking Powder have been com
mended by the highest authorities.
These facts mean two important
things to all housekeepers:
First: that Royal Baking Powder is
healthful and makes wholesome food.
Second: that Royal Baking Powder
makes food good to taste.
Weeping Water
From the Kepubllcun.
The Marshall elevator Is being torn
down and a new up-to-date one, capa
ble of holding more grain, Is to be
erected in its place.
Will Bull has moved his family to
Murray, where his wife's parents live.
Will will go to Oregon to work at the
carpenter trade this summer.
Phil Davis, who has been sick for
some weeks, was taken worse last Fri
day, and Monday Dr. Kickard called
Dr. Keyes of Lincoln, in consultation.
' Fred Kace left Monday night for
Kansas City. Ills wife and daughter
leave tonight for the same place and
they will make their home In that
City. We are sorry to lose this estim
able family, but wish them every suc
cess In their new home.
Miss Dora Illllman and Mr. Oliver
Chandler were married at high noon
today (Wednesday) at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. Illllman of this city, in the pres
ence of a number of relatives and In
timate friends of the contracting
E. E. Mason, of the firm of Mason
Bros., left Saturday for England,
where he goes on business for the In
ternational Harvester Co. This will
be a nice trip for Mr. Mason, but his
family dreaded to see him go for he
expects to be away six months or more.
Ou election night Will Spcrry's
spotted Arabian horses attached to a
buggy were stolen from the hitching
rack at the rear of Ncls Anderson's
lunchroom. Will missed the rig at
9:15 o'clock In the evening. He at
onco telephoned to the sheriff, also for
the Louisville hounds. The dogs with
the owner reached here at 3 a. m. and
the trail was at once taken up and
followed to Louisville and for a dis
tance of two miles across the river
when the dogs failed to work. The
sheriff arrived at day break and start
ed for Louisville, when Just at the
edge of town on G. Treat's farm he
discovered the Sperry team tied by
the side of the road. Mr. Treat had
found the outfit shortly before hitched
Like the running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood arc
found in the soft core of the
bones called the marrow and
some say red blood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
are full of fat.
Scott's Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott's
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-making organs but
gives them strength to do
their proper yort.
Bend for frr sample.
RCOTT Bott'NK, Chcml.l.
4(13 Pearl Hlrrrl. MiwYork,
t. tuJ f i.oo ; til dniKffifU.
in his timber not far from his home.
Mr. Sperry thinks the team was
stolen and that after driven seme dis
tance the thief, or thieves, whoever
he was, concluded the outtit would be
hard to get away with and so brought
them back. The horses are spotted,
and one of them trots while the gait
of the other one is that of a pacer and
as a consequenco they cannot travel
very fast. The time intervening be
tween the hour at which the team
was taken and that when It was dis
covered was long enough to have al
lowed the team to have been driven
the thirteen miles to where tho dogs
lost the trail and return. Mr. Sperry
says the horses looked pretty tired
when he found them.
From the Herald.
Jimmy Hayes and Charlie Tlghe of
Bancroft, were in attendance at the
funeral of Tom Bourke last Thursday.
C. C. Ralston, now making cigars
ina factory In Idaho Spring, Colorado,
has turned his factory here over to
S. S. Ilitchlngs to close out.
James Martin has been busy the past
few days packing up his household
goods, and they leave today for Mur
ray, where he takes charge of that sta
tion. Welosca good neighbor over
our way.
E. K. Lcyda of Falls City, came over
from riattsraouth, Monday, where he
has been visiting his son John and
family, and will spend a few days with
0. T. Leyda and family.
Capt. SchaelTer, a former resident
here, came down from Omaha, Thurs
day night. Mrs. Schaeffcr is also here
and they have decided to move their
household goods and make their home
In Weeping Water.
The majority of the voters of Elm
wood concluded that a dry town would
be better than to havo a saloon. The
majority of the voters of Louisville
voted differently. We venture to re
mark that it will be easier to secure a
saloon In Louisville than to keep in
toxicants from being sold In Elmwood.
Mrs. W. F. Case left here tho fore
part of last week for Hoi brook, Fur
nas county, to assist her (laughter,
Mrs. Stowc, In caring for hcrchlldrcn,
who were sick with diphtheria. Last
week the Herald reported tho death
of one, and since then the oldest, Lot-
tic, aged fourteen years, died. The
other two children were taken away
from home and it Is thought they will
not contract the disease.
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans John
son, occurred the marriage of Mr. Xcls
Sogard to Miss Klrstlne Basmusscn,
Kev. Elsdall of Wahoo. pronouncing
the words that united the lives and
hearts of this worthy couple. About
forty relatives and near friends of the
bride and groom were present, and the
wedding was followed by a splendid
supper. Many beautiful and useful
presents were received by the bride.
They have gone to housekeeping on
Mr. Sogard's farm seven miles south
cast of town.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
"I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years," says E. H. Waldron
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My Joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My Joints would crack
when 1 straightened no. 1 used Cham-
bcrlln's Tain Balm and have loen
thoroughly cured. Have not had a
pain or ache from tho old trouble for
many months. It Is certainly a most
wonderful liniment.'' For sale by all
Fruti the Ledger.
Earl L'pton was able to be out Wed
nesday for the tlrst time since bis
rheumatism laid him in the scrap pile
for repairs.
Night agent Xeale was transferred
from here to Auburn & few days ajro.
and Earl Kirk pat rick of Xehawka,
came Sunday to take the position.
Frank Klepser, one of the first base
ball players ever discovered in Cass
county, was olllciatlng as conductor
on the switch train several days while
James Atwcll was taking a rest.
James Roddy Is reported to be
slowly recovering from his prolonged
attack of appendicitis, and it is re
garded as very fortunate that a surgi
cal operation was not necessary in his
G. C. Bowen of Philadelphia, a
brother of Mrs. E. S. Dungan, arrived
here last week for a visit at the Dun
gan home. Mr. Dungan Is very favor,
ably impressed with this locality, and
w ill probably spend the summer here.
Joseph Everett, the young man who
was Injured by the bursting of a shot
gun about three weeks ago, has been
Improving nicely, and is able to be out
doors. He Is fortunate Indeed to re
cover so soon after such serious In
J. W. Tillman became owner and
proprietor of the Union livery barn
last Friday, buying Frank Eaton's
residence, barn and equipments. Mr.
Tillman moved his family and house
hold goods to town yesterday, and Is
already showing his hustling ability
in his new line of business.
Best Cough Medicine for Children.
When you buy a cough medicine for
small children you want one In which
you can place Implicit confidence. You
want one that is unquestionably harm
less. You want one that Is pleasant
to take. Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy
meets all of these conditions. There Is
nothing so good for the coughs and
colds incident to childhood. It is also
a certain preventive and cure for
croup, and there Is no danger what
ever from whooping cough when it is
given. It has been used in many epi
demics of that disease with perfect
success. For sale bv all drutrcists.
From tho Register.
Otto Albin left this week for Okla
homa, where he goes to secure farm
ing land, if suitable.
Thos. Runyan and Morris Wentz.
of Huntington, W. Va., came in Mon
day afternoon and will locate In this
Tcter Opp Is quarrying rock for the
foundation of his new building which
lie will erect on the site now occupied
by his meat market.
Lou G. Tlybon, living two miles
north, brought In eleven head of hogs
Monday. Average weight was 336
pounds, and were well-fed porkers.
He sold the bunch to Jim Talmer.
A successful operation has been per
formed at Omaha, on James Warden
Heebncr. He is only three years old
and underwent the surgical knife like
a little man. He will remain two or
three weeks longer under the care of
the doctors.
Mrs. Lou Tlybon came In Monday
morning on a purchasing expedition:
and following behind the buggy was a
two-foot high black baby mule. Its
scamperings on the sidewalk was a
source of much amusement td many
pedestrians. II. M. Pollard said he
Intended to buy his babyshlpand hamr
it on his watch chain as a charm.
Wm. Carroll, one of Nehawka's old
resident citizens, called on the printer
Tuesday, and during the conversation
said his wife could not get along with
out tho home paper. Mr. Carroll's
eyesight is failing, but says he enjoys
having the local Items read to him.
Hals very much Improved from his
long journey to and from California.
where he went a few months ago to
visit his daughtei, Mrs. Kimball.
Fifty years ago J. Geo. Hansen, who
resides a few miles from Nchawka.
settled in this neighborhood. mA
Hansen is a retired farmer and is en
joying his lapsing years In quletldo and
rest, lie was in the village Tuesday
afternoon and was recounting to his
admiring friends about the bygone
days of his early manhood in Cass
county. Mr. Hansen is a well pre
served man, and has many friends and
relatives In the county who are num
bered among the pioneers.
One of our genial and'clever young
farmers, H. M. Smith, living about
four miles north of town, had a mirac
ulous escape from being badly mashed
up last Thursday during tho storm.
Ills team hecamo frightened and run
ning amuck a stump tore things ud
generally, throwing him out and the
wheels passing over bis body bruised
the lad pretty severely Internally. Ex
trlcating himself from the wreck he
discovered that the coupling pole was
broken and the team, as welt as him
self, bruised, lie got home safe after
ward and remained in the house a few
days for repairs. He camo In town
Monday evening and said while he felt
a littlo soro lie believed ho would bo
able in a day or two to again manage
the team and go back to work.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind.,
knew w hat to do in the hour of need.
Ills wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. He thought of
and tried Dr. King's Xew Llfo Pills
and rIio got relief at once and was
dually cured. Only 2-jc, at F. G. Frlcke
& Co' drug store.
Fronitbo fciiUTiu-lwj.
J. B. Walter Is home from Kansas
City for a short visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walter.
r. M. Johnson moved his family to
Ilavelock Wednesday. Mr. Johnson
will work in the shops at that place.
Mrs. Hanna Eatlngton has received
news that her son Ernest and his w ife
are both very sick at their home In
Tlw school board has selected teach
ers for the ensuing year. There w as
no change except in the prlnclpalshlp,
Mr. J. C. Clcgg not having made ap
plication for the position. Mr. Bran
son of Eagle was appointed to fill the
Greenwood Is to have a new hard
ware store which will open for busi
ness about the first of May. Messrs.
Metcalfe of Ohiowa and J. G Clegg of
this place will be proprietors. We are
glad to welcome this new firm to our
business circle.
County Superintendent Wortman
was In town Thursday and gave the
eighth grade examination to eighteen
pupils of the Greenwood schools. He
reports that more than 100 students
have taken the examination this year
In Cass county than ever before.
The Cass County Medical association
met in Greenwood Wednesday. The
attendance was not 'very large, but
what was lacking in numbers was
made up in enthusiasm. Several ad
dresses were made, papers on leading
topics read and discussed and much
good was accomplished. Dr. Miller
was elected president of the associa
tion for the ensuing year.
The basement of the hardware store
of Fred Voorhees & Co. was entered
by burglars last Sunday night and an
unsuccessful attempt was made to
force a trap door open leading Into the
hardware store. The robbers were
probably frightened away. It is
thought by some that the work was
done by home talent robbers, The
same evening Walter Balling's team
was harnessed and tied outside his
barn, but whether this had any con
nection with the Voorhees matter is
not known.
Art You a Dyspeptic?
If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to
yourself and your friends to get well
Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's
friends because his disease sours his
disposition as well as his stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not only
cure dyspepsia, Indigestion and sour
stomach, but this palatable, recon
structlve tonic digestant strengthens
the whole digestive apparatus, and
sweetens the life as well as the
stomach. When you take Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure the food you eat is en
Joyed., It Is digested, assimilated and
its nutriment properties appropriated
by the blood and tissues. Health h
the result. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
From tlio Beacon.
Rev. Hansen and family have moved
to Berlin, this state, where ho will
have charge of a pastorate.
Trospects are very bright for a
great deal of building and painting
being done around here this spring.
Mrs. Will Hansford came home Sat
urday from a month's visit in Cali
fornia with relatives.
Mrs. Clara Garfield of Lincoln came
out last Thursday to stay a few days
with her mother, Mrs. James Snoke,
who was quite sick.
Thad Adams has been very sick the
past week with Inflammatory rheuma
tism, but Is some better at this writ
Charley Trice Is having the founda
tion laid for his house that he Is going
to build on bis lots in the north part
of town.
U. S. Hayes of Des Moines, la., ex
principal of the Eagle public schools,
was calling on his Eagle friends Satur
day. The Greenwood public schools have
secured the services of Prof. Bronson
as principal the coming year at $(f
per month. Greenwood may consider
herself lucky in securing as good a
teacher as Mr. Bronson.
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation in Lces
vllle, Ind., when VV. II. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes:
"I endured Insufferable agonies from
Asthma, but your Xew Discovery gave
me immediate relief and soon there
after effected a complete cure." Simi
lar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis and Grip are numerous.
It's the peerless remedy for all throat
and lung troubles. Price r0c, and f 1.
Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co.,
druggist. Trial bottles free.
From the Leador-Kclio.
Joe Mullen was on the sick list the
fore part of the week.
Ex-Governor Poyntcr attended the
A. O. O. P. banquet Wednesday night.
Representative Deles Dernier Is at
Washington, D. C.
Mel Jones is laid up with a severe
attack of erysipelas of the face.
Herb Swarts Is looking after some
business Interests In Antelope county.
Harvey Beaver Is ablo to bo about
again after a severe tussle of several
days with the mumps.
George Hall and family left for their
new home In Colorado Tuesday. Mrs.
James Hall accompanied them as far
as Lincoln.
Mm. H. L. Clapp returned Sunday
from Chicago where she has been for
several week nursing her daughter,
Ttae Beg! S AM
Good things arc good so far as they do good.
This axiom applies with force to the plain
goodness of Uneeda t3isCliit. They're
good because they taste good and do good.
Mrs. Blanche Harger. She left her
daughter very much improved.
County Superintendent Wortman
was here Wednesday conducting an
eighth grade examination. Quite a
number were in from the country tak
ing the examination.
Abner Ferguson is moving a house
onto his lot In Ferguson's addition to
Elmwood. Whether he intends to live
In single blessedness or double harness
remains to be seen, but Itlooksmighty
Willis Bartlett has purchased the
six-acre tract and residence of J. 11.
Balrd In North Elmwood and expects
to take possession next week. We hear
that Mr. Baird expects to go to Cali
fornia some time this summer.
From tlie Courier.
Mrs. Ed Fiddock of Mai mo is here
visiting with her father, T. W. Shry-
Will Ossenkop has accepted a posi
tion with Charles Gaebel, the imple
ment dealer.
Miss Mary Winters of Breckeniidge,
Oklahoma, is here visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Andrew Stohlman.
Died-Aprll 14, 1903, Mary, infant
daugbterof Thomas and Nellie Shank-
lin, after an illness of three months,
aged 10 months and 25 days.
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sin
nard, an eight pound boy, on the nth
of this month. Mr. Sinnard is happy
as a lark, and wears a smile that won't
wear off.
Tlios. Parraelewas here from Plaits-
mouth conducting the business of the
Bank of Commerce in the absence of
Cashier G. II. Wood, who is at an Om
aha hospital undergoing a surgical
Elsie, the two-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gaucr, died very
suddenly last Tuesday. The little one
was stricken with spasms early Mon
day morning, and died Tuesday at 11:00
o'clock, regaining consciousness but
once. The funeral occurred at the
Glcndalc church on Thursday at 1:00
o'clock, the services being conducted
by Rev. Sprlcgel.
S. D. Blakclcy, the station agent at
Meadow, lias been transferred to Jan-
sen, Neb. The cause of the change Is
that tho Rock Island will cut out the
telegraph service at Meadow, and the
salary is not sufficient to induce him
to stay. Mr. and Mrs. Blakcly have
made many warm friends In Louis
vllle who regret very much their leav
ing. The Courier wishes them success
In their new home. .
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for Bowel Complaints In
'We have used Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diahrroea Remedy In our
family for years,"' says Mrs. J. It.
Cooke of Nederlands, Texas. "We
have given It to all of our children.
We have used other medicines for the
same purpose, but never found any
thing to equal Chamberlains. If you
will use It as directed it will always
cure." For sale by all druggists.
Hay for Sale.
I have about 1,2m) hales of good
timothy and clover hay for sale; price
$H.00perton at the ham, or $10 de
livered In Plattsmoiith. Leave ciders
with John Hall, grocer In Plaits
mouth: or call at farm, ten. miles due
south of l'luttsmouth.
R. R. Nn ki:i.s.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature on each box. 2'ic.
For Rent.
Two rooms In good repair In the I.
K. Barr property on Tenth street. Ap
ply to A. A.IIertzlcr.
' 31' ffAYT-" VV--i fcri-rjtl
- -.--a-tj.- -:- -."..Jl.,ii M- 1
are good for the grown man as well as the
boy as good for the baby as. the mother.
Are not only good, but keep good. You can
always depend on them. That's against
your biscuit experience and you can't
understand it until you examine the
air-tight, moisture-proof packagjc in
which they arc sold. Never sold in bulk.
Try a case of the
One of the Purest Beers on the Market A
d Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa- Q
P loon, or telephone 112 and Ed will do Q
the rest. All we Uok is a trial for this Q
popular brand and you will buy no x
other Q
a. Try a Case To-Day. S
K ED. DONAT, Proprietor. X
1 1904!)
We tako this opportunity of returning our
most sincoro thanks for past fnvors, and solicit n
continunrice of your patronage in tho future.
During l'.KH, wo shall endeavor to supply tho
market, ns usual, with that
Which Suits the People!
both in quality and prices.
Wishing nil a happy nnd prosperous year, wo
invito nil to conio and ho comforted by makin;
vour purchases from tho largest furnituro house
in Plnttsinnuth.
attler &
Spring Rains
How is Your Roof?
If You Need a New One. Now is the Best Time
Remember, that we are fully prepared to
place a new tin roof n your house, new
spouting, or repair the old ones.
We Alakc a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting
And are l'ivpared to (live You Close Figures
on This Kind of Work.
No. 506 Main Street
ror a anrinq ionic o
Favorite John Guild
beer" I
Plattsmoiith, Nebraska