The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1904, Image 5

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John j
AVis., n
,W.' N
To Heroes
Daughters Plan
lure in City of
- Description of
V. thi inception of the National So-
f the Daughter or the Ameri-'-in
Revolution the erection of a lit
iu m -modal to the memory of the
lieu of the Revolution in the. shape
of t Mtely building In the capital
city r the nation wa dimly shad
owed forth.
i tut wis on tho
MM The idea ha
lHth of October
been f'ist.rt1 bv
till 'i-eivlm
congresses and has kent
pi" with the
growth dt the oclety
mi'i: ni. murleen years afterward.
Mi Sum- has become an assured fact.
Yeir by year the fund has grown.
!'! tr first, but Increasing raiil.llv
ai th purpose ami full realisation of
tin pi m became more widely known.
An Attractive movement, the patriot
ism of American women ami ..,, i,
been amused In its behalf. Congress
wis petitioned for a Kite, which it
pr tinned but never save.
Fie illy the Daughter saw that they
must, rely chiefly upon their own ester
ti'yu, and not upon a well meaning but
iliJTiiry national legislative body, for
thlV important item. So hi D)2 a
mt it Seventeenth and E streets,
ueur the Corcoran Art Gallery, was
'.ought. I.aFer the lot adjoining was
a -liitied. at total outlay of l.'.o.nmt.
Uiirin; the encampment of the
lin-id Army of the Republic In Octo-
t, l:02, a flagpole was placed on the
Jite with impressive ceremonies. In
Fehru.iry a handsome silk flag, the
Hilt of the Sons of Revolutions, was
rtue.l in the presence of the annual
congress of the society, with appro
pri it,) iddress. s by notahle mn. Thus
ti.-irtia: dedication of the site for pa
triot!,; purposes has been made.
A competition was announced for
ilesigu of a memorial hall, open to all
ameriear, architects. After mature
deliberations this award was given to
, Rd.virl Pearce Casey i f New York,
a-i architect known In Washington
tiir-iugh other Instances of his skill.
Tho cost of the hall is expected to
be between $;l00,()oo anil $400,oon. Of
this Amount fully $im,oi)ii has been
.cumulated. '
Ttm style of architecture Is colonial,
with A-.due adherence to classic re
quirements. An additional aim is to
conform as far as possible, with the
Architecture of the proposed Colum-
li:n University extensions to he
wkI.M on a site adjacent to the hall
All the material to be used In the
instruction of the hall must bo
minoan.- a. a further emphasis of
iuyilty to national enterprise and en
(ivir. Marble is to be the basic, . of course, as It is believed
;" lie peculiarly appropriate In the
fc'jrking gut of the details of Ihe olab
mite design. The construction on
Inodern fireproof lines will be pro
vided fr and will not interfere with
the general use of marble.
The site itself, In the light of the
f it ur i, is ideal. At the gateway of the jssUneil by Washington for the
, erection of a great national univer
jfy. but. later .degraded to more base
.lova, there is a steady movement In
n yerlt different quarters to tiring
Tvoslnt. tu,? ofis'11' noble intentions of
The twr
V.nli;in' in and the far-sighted 1En
fir,' n thv repaid. Hack of It rolls
fh iiiiv 'rii' Potomac and in front is
the "white lot." or Executive Park,
an. I Mi.' Mali.
To Mi ti.uthwest Is the gentle slope
or oiiserva'ory Mill, already spokeu
for ,u III ' site of magnificent g:i.'erles
Bean Culture.
A f i -tid handed me these excerpt
fr:re ex.imlnation papers which he had
coi e. t '.i during the past year. They
ai Mi - result of nskln the youngs
ten ',i write sentences showing the
m i g of words they hnd to spell:
MiMi-maties are all the studies put
r v. ml. I take quite long to travel
the mJIim of the world,
st'tiuruphy ni'ans to be a type-
Pi li iy it a tl 'tee fracture on the
In mi
Kqud iteral means nearly half.
T!m wild lyon wns very radius.
He w is very radius as me.
p.idio;n. different kind of peop'?.
The ,-tillus of the hole was fifteen
fi4 d ei lloston Record.
World's Fair Exhibits.
The director of exhibits of the
will It lair estltnott Hint there will
lie tint I 'm than tweuty thousand car
lu l l i of exhibits arriving In St. l-ouls
duiiiu Much and April. Thirty tons
to th -ar would make 6 tons
of irtkle for display.
of ihe
to Erect Handsome
Washington at e.
tho Building as at
or history and art and kindred educa
t'oiml institutions. Nearliy Is the ne
speedway, while not far off is the lofty
monument to Washington.
Occupying Jj.llel) square feet if
ground, It will permit future improve
ments mil additions, while elevated
t .'traces will make the grounds attrac
tive and still have space for the sev
eral plant that will light, heat and i
ventilate the Iniilding. The hall faces
Seventeenth street and has a frontage
of 210 feet. A broad, shallow flight
of ( st ens
lends to the imposing en-
On either side are flanked th".'e
massive columns, making an impres
sive facade. From the entrance hall
three bread 'entrances connect. Up
si'site the entrance Is the stage,
twelve feet deep and fifty-four feet
President of the Daughters
long. Surrounding the stage rise tiers
of boxes, where in future congresses
the Hoard of Managers and national
officers will view the proceedings.
Opening off the south corridors is
the memorial room, seventy-two by
sixteen feet, where the cases contain
ing the relics of the society will be
kept. Of the nature of a museum,
yet containing, as It. will, the memor
ials of the Revolution as they are
collected from private individunls and
acquired by bequests, It was deemed
advlsfhle and appropriate to call it
simply the 'Memorial Room." This
room occupies nearly the whole sur
face of the south side of the ilrst floor,
excepting a small room as yet unoc
cupied by any particular division.
The portico springs from two points
nearly seventy feet apart and reach
ing out thirty feet to the center, where
SL) mMWW'i Uf
j W ' III
the memorial columns are situated.
The columns consist of thirteen fluted
monoliths arranged In n semicircle,
giving a rounded effect, handsomely
ornamented and emblematic of the
thirteen original States. They ex
tend as high us the second floor. Down
a flight of steps a grassy terrace lends
Fooled Them All,
The stove In the little village gro
cery at Squintville roared fiercely in
defiance of the cold outside. Seated
around It were l,em Davis, the pro
prietor; Seih Stehbins and Abe Tod
hammer. Ent'T Ike Cochran, stamp
ing the snow from his feet and un
winding nine yards of wool comforter
from his nerk.
'Hello, everybody, killed my ling to
day." Abe Toilhnmtncr IIow much did he
Ike (itieps.
,Selh Stebhlns Four hundred.
Ike No; guess again.
I. em Davis Four hundred
Ike No; guess gnln.
Congregation l; chorus Oh,
with It. Ike. How much did ho weigh?
Ike Don't Know. Haven't had him
on the scales yet. Cleveland Leader.
Memorial to Elihu Burrltt.
A meeting has been held nt New
llritaln. Conn., to iurc the building
at that place of a suit able memorial
to Kllhu Uurritt.
Memorial Struc
Cost of S300.000
Present Designed
to i he memorial room, eutered through
six low windows reaching to tha
The columns i,f the portico are esti
mated to cost U.noii M,h. and every
one of the thirteen original States Is
asked to vote the funds needed to
construct Its column. This is one of
the most Impressive and beautiful
uf the hall, and uothint at
tests Its memorial character as much
as these stately pillows, sublime in
their expression of au unspoken
thought. :
The main auditorium on the tlrst
floor has a scaling capacity of two
tin us.tnd. and will be the scjmc of fu
ture congresses, ljirge folding doors
o-n into the library and memorial
room, mid by I knowing the three to
gether additional accommodation for
of the American Revolution.
at least
three hundred can be oh-
The Interior of the building Is to be
finished in hardwood and handsomely
decorated. The general plan will he
simple, but chaste, and although of
ample proportions, is none too large
for a building tliat is to last the cen
turies, diverse Intcs permitting.
It Is the present intention to lay
the cornerstone of the hall on the anni
versary of the battle of Lexington, on
April 17, during the session of the
annual Congress. If the work prog
resses to alknv the dedication It prom
ises to be a most brilliant ceremony,
with addresses by notable public men
and Daughters.
A strenuous effort Is to be made to
obtain a promised appropriation from
Congress. The passage of a bill pro
viding for the erection of a menu-
tnent to Revolutionary heroes is Immi
nent, and the Daughters feci that
money should be given to Continental
Hall.-New Yor': Herald.
Russia has l.'.n
cd Cossacks,
regiments of mount-
But Not for Him.
I was ai a masquerade ball In Wash
inglon the other night," Phil Thomp
son was saying, "and while n younn
man was putting a girl's slippers In
his overcoat xicket I heard this scra
of talk:
" 'SuppeM- suggested Ills friend
'that you forgot to take them out ami
your wife should find them there
There would he u III tie fun then,
wouldn't there?'
"'Yes.' he nsnnied. 'thcre'd be a
good ileal of fun -for Ihe neighbors!"
New York Times.
Fossils from Cape Breton.
A collection of :im Cambrian fossils
from Cnno llrrton has been added to
the paleontology class In Ihe museum
or Wesley an at Middletown, Conn.
Thn r four metallic pieces show
ing the (fleets id lightning have also
been placi d on exhibit Ion.
Sweet Potato Restaurant.
A lrlnlA kitchen. In which the
food values of the sweet potato will
be d nioimi rated, will be a restaurant
feature at thu world's f-lr.
Are the bodies of animals Inhabited
by the souls of human villains dead
and gone? IHm't sneer too hastily
at the question, for if it should be
answered Anally In the negative sci
ence is at a loss to account for the
utter depravity of the animals. It is
apparent to the dullest observer that
dumb beasts exercise a malign influ
ence over man. Think of the tem
pers ruined by cows that have kicked
over half filled pails of milk. Think
of the reputations for truth that have
been destroyed by trout. Think of
the honesty that has been turned Into
deceit by the horse, so that they who
trade in that animal are bywords
among their less sorely tempted
brethren. Think of the indefinite pro
longation. of this list that might he
made, and then consider if animals
are or are not auimated by tho souls
of human retches that bars passed
Some such theory must be acccpled,
and it fa not open to doubt that rea
sonable people will accept this: The
souls of the wicked are condemned
to pass Into animals and to stay there
until they have discovered prospec
tive tenants worse than themselves.
This theory explains everything.
The liars inhabit fish, the tricksters
horses and those given to butting In
become goals. In the attcn'.pt to end
their tenancy by finding suitable suc
cessors, the evil spirits resort to temp
tatious. with, alas! .unfailing success.
The hall' pound trout dropping off the
hook Haps his tall in ecstatic certainty
that the angler will proclaim him a
five pounder at least. And the look of
human anticipation on the face of a
goat about to knock some unsuspect
ing person Into a barbed-wire fence
can only proceed from, the knowledge
thai tho resultant explosion will lower
another soul, Into the mire as a step
ping stone for himself.
The theory is irrefutable, and lis
general acceptance would help the
world to a higher plane. Portland
The Manchester Ship canal, thirty
five miles lou and twenty-six feet
deep, Is one of the nine great, ship ca
nals of the world. It is now proposed
to deepen if to twenty -eight feet and
to make other: improvements, upon
which $7,.r.(Hi,00(i will he expended. In
its present form the canal has cost
over $73,rion,o0(i.;
An interesting showing of the in
creasing use fh'at is 'made of the ca
nal by seagoijtjy vessels Is contained
in the last.' auntaf report of Iho board
of diroettrs.:.rn - 1S!U, the first year
the canal vf'ajj'.';,0rltC'..'the tonnage of
toll-payiug--im'.'httndiso in: seagoing
bonis was"t;!iii.'Vr8'. Last year tho ton
nage was" a.RM'.ityHi 'which was an in
crease o 'morif than 4ihi,0imi tons over
I!tn2. The nef revenue from the ca
nal last year was fS3,0ii0, an increase
of $12."),(ioi) over
Tho roven.ia-iB, however, as yet far
from being sufficient to puy all the in
terest on debts, incurved, not to speak
of dividends on the capital stock. In
terests on bonds held by private per
sons has all Isvn met, but the canal
company is rO'.v In arrears to tho
amount !' $s.iii,i.iiih (or lniere:-t due
on a $:'."). tiiin.iuiii loan advanced by the
city of .Manchester.
This condition of affairs does not
worry the city ut all. for It did not
anticipate that the canal' company
would be able '.to settle with St from
year to year, and it gels its guii In
the increased trade that Is brought to
it by tho canal. Arrangements have
now been mail; by which the city Is
to give the cunal company easier
terms of payment, and the ofliciols of
the company express the belief that In
the course of Umo they can Increase
the (anal tolls to a degree that will
greatly Increas-o their revenue. The
present plans for Ihe Improvement of
Ihe canal are sufficient proof that.
Manchester is well satisfied with Its
huge investment. Chicago Rec.-.;.v
What rhang. s have taken place In
the hlsiory of ,l:ipan during the past
half century i's present position tes
tifies to in a thousand ways. It
seems Incredible that only as recently
as 1 S.". Christians were forbidden to
set foot on Japanese soil under pen
alty of dentil, yet such was the case.
One edict, irscribed on tablets of
wood nnil stone us the "Toklo Sun
Trade Journal" reminds us, ran: "So
long as the sun shnll warm the earth
let no Christian be so hold as to come
to Japan; and l"t all know that the
king of Spain himself or the Chris
tian's C.;mI, or the tirent dod of All,
If he violate t(is command shnll suf
fer for it with his lend. "San Fran
cisco Call.
Private credit is wealth; private
debt is the curs of mankind. The
little letter D is a terrible arraign
ment of human wickedness and weak
ness. It stands for nearly everything
that Is bud Debt, Degeneracy, De
gradation. Destruction. Desolation,
Damnation, Devil. Deuce. Debase. De
fraud, Dirge, Derelict, Defeat, Decom
position. Deaf, Daft. Damage, Damp,
Danger. Dark, Dastard. Dishonorable,
Demon. Debauch. Debris. Decay, Mo
bility, Deceit, Disease, Defalcation, D
feci. Deficient, Deficit. Delile, Do
formed, Deflower, Delirium. Delude,
Denude, Demi-monde, Demoralize, De
pression, Derangement. Desecrate, De
sert. Deserter, Despoil, Desperado,
Desperate, Desuetude, Devastate, Dis
tort. Dice. DilhVulty. Dilemma. Dim,
Dire, Disaster. Disagreeable. Dis
charge, Discord. Discredit, Disfigure.
Dishearten, Disloyal, Dismay, Disobey,
DIspoHseRs, Dirty, Divorce, Dodge.
Driveler. Drown, Drunk. Dull, Dumb,
Duplicity . Dust. Die, Death.
On the other hand, after passing
through the hell of dark D'a. you may
find compensation In Deity and Divin
ity. New York Press.
The Fitth I'nited State Infantry
has adopted a motto, and it is a fine
one. It was furnished by Col. James
Miller at l.undy's ljine. He w;m
asked whether he could take a certain
lMsitioji of the enemy, and his hand
went up in instant salute, while he
said; "I'll try. sir."
He won his fight In a manner that
is famous to this day. He won as most
or the "I II try" kind of men win.
Of course, a class or a regiment
motto and a cout-of arms are more rr
less feathers. Alone they never made
a student nor a .ohiier.
Hut those things do make for pluck.
They represent Ideals and they act as
Did you ever stop to think what a
different world this would be if there
were no "quitters"? There are thou
sands of them In every walk of life.
They can't do things. Sometimes, it
is trite, they are asked to attempt
greater feats than they are mentally
or phy ' iially capable of. and are to be
pitied. Rut tle y could at least make
an effort and die lighting.
In the stores, ollices, shops, homes,
there Is always the element that is
afraid. Some fea rules and some
work. Others fear that fhey will do
more than they are paid for. Some
sulk because Recognition does not al
ways meet Kudeavor at the door.
And all in this class represent vary
ing degrees of Inefficiency. .They do
not succeed, because they do not de
serve to succeed. They need constant
applications and repeated doses of the
spirit that filled the breast of Col. Mil
ler at l.undy's Kane. More battles
are fought in the fields of commerce,
you know, than were ever waged with
powder and shot.
Tbrre is pysljion and profit waiting
for every man who will carry the "I'll
try" spirit in his breast. Don't let the
pessimists tell you that the field is
overcrowded, it isn't, except v.I'.h
The fellows who do net quite reach
are always in the majority, and most
of the time the fault is theirs.
It would be good If, over the door
of evfry store and factory and office
where men toil and hope for advance
ment, the brave words of the hero of
l.undy's Lane could be carved in big
I't.r, "I will try" Is progress. Chi
cago Journal.
II now seems certain that there will
be a very rapid Increase in the popu
lation of Alaska and an enormous de
velopment of its resources In the near
Alaska has seemed so far away to
must people that tfliey have utterly
failed to keep In touch with the great
changes which have been going on,
nnd their impressions of Its climate
and .conveniences are based uism the
lurid tales of experiences by the early
Klondike rs.
Alaska is a great empire, of the
vast size of which fev7 people have
any conr.opMon. It is more than 'i"0
times as large as the state of Rhode
Island and nearly equals in area till
the stales of the Union east of the
Mississippi river. It has the grandest
scenery in Hip world, and resources
sufficient comfortably to support ten
millions of people.
Through the heart of the v:'.st terri
tory Hows tli" mighty Yukon river,
the largest in North America, larger
and lon;;er than the .Mississippi. On
this great river one may ride for more
than 2.0UII miles with as mecti comfort
as upon the Hudson.
The valley of the Yukon has been
pronounced richer than the valley of
the Missouri, and it wi" undoubtedly
some day support an immense popu
lation. From "The Natural Riches of
Alaska," by Arthur C. Jackson, In Na
tional Magazine for March.
When n girl is IS she thinks the
best time of a woman's life must
ci'tlaiuly be from IN to 22. When
she has passed her "I'd year, she is
decidedly of the opinion that from
then until the age of really marks
the limits of the best time, and when
IM comes on the scene she Is ready to
give way to all those who believe
ft woman lo be then Ht Ihe zenith of
her life.
It Is generally maintained that ufter
1!.") the average woman begins to at
tain her physical and mental perfec
tion, nnd that for some eight or ten
years alter this she still retains her
chnrins undiminished. After this
time, of course, It depends entirely
upon the woman whether she chooses
to advert Ise her years, or by her
charming personality and ( lever dress
ing conceal all ravages of time.
Philadelphia Ledger.
There would appear to be no longer
any doubt that ruys ure given off
by active muscle ami nerves. Dr.
Hugh Walshatn nnd Mr. Leslie Miller
point out that experiments are re
markably easy to perform and are ah-
solutely convincing as to the actual
existence or the rays. The fluorescent
screens are prepared with hexagonal
zinc blende, which Is placed In the
form of a very thin film on thin pa
per, gold-beater's skin r thin cellu
loid. The screen Is excited and the
fluorescent, light allowed to die away
until It hns reached the steady stage.
At this point IT a muscle in a state
or contraction be placed underneath
the fluorescent screen It will be seen
to brighten perceptibly. The Lancet.
It Is often the plain men nnd wom
en who Inspire the deepest and most
lasting affection, and this Ik probably
due to the fact that their play and
IKiwer of facial expression not only
atone for their lack of regular beauty
but reveal such an attractive aide
that no more charm Is needed to cap
Uvate a lover. New York Times.
Prevent Potato Rosette.
Potato rosette Is a disease that
seems to be spreading lapidly and
raany reports are received as to the
damage done by it. The top are at
tarked, but the tops are the parts of
the plants that elaborate the food ti
make he tubers. Of course it the
tops are Injured in tho crowing sea
son, the tubers themselves will also be
Injured. U is therefore necessary to
take precautions to save the crop
from this deteriorating influence. It
xeeius that the disease Is carried over
from year to year on the surface of
the tubers. The seed can be treated,
however, very effectively. One plut
if formalin In XO gallons of water
will prove a strong enough fungicide
to destroy entirely the spores referred
to. The seed potatoes should bo put
Into this solution and left there for
two hours. Tho potatoes should then
he taken out and dried and cut for
seed. The expense, of this treatment
is small, and should not be neglected.
Formalin may be obtained at any
drug store. It Is sold uudt; ' " name,
of formaldehyde, which consists oi .
per cent pure formalin and 70 per cent
water. That combination Is the ba
sis for the solution above. No allow
ance should bo made for the water
already combined with the formalin at
tinio of purchase, else tho solution
will he made too etrong.
Sterilized Chambers for Grain.
Mr. Wm. Goodwin, F. R. G. S.. who
was for years a leading South Ameri
can grain exporter and inspector, ad
vocates the shipment of Argentine
corn In chambers sterilized with car
bonic acid gas. In an article con
tributed to a London paper he said:
"Some 25 years ago Pasteur dem
onstrated that fermentation does not
result from the generation of gases
hut from tho action of living mlcrobic
organisms; and It Is now known to
bacteriologists that some 93 per c(t
of the germs which cause fermenta
tion In grain require oxygen as well
as a certain amount of heat and mois
ture for their development
Chemists 8ay that inexpensive com
positions ot a pertcctiy Earmiess na
ture In their after effects on human
food, can be used to sterilize an air
chamber that Is either to consume
or drive out tho oxygen contained In
atmospheric air and that their appli
cation to the holds of a steamer or to
suitable warehouse silos, would only
need reasonable precautions.
The logical sequence of Pasteur's dis
covery should be a radical change In
the method of storing grain and near
ly all other food products; and It
would appear that air in storage cham
bers either on sea or land, can be
more economically sterilized with car
bonic acid gas than by any refriger
ating process."
Know Your Clover Seed.
It does not do to sow clover seed
with no regard for its condition as to
gcrmlnabllity or freedom from other
seeds of an undesirable nature. In
vestigations have frequently been
made as to the purity of clover seed
nnd alfalfa seed, and it has been
shown that more than half a hundred
kinds of weeds seeds are to be met
with in seeds of those plants. In al
falfa dodder seed Is quite frequently
found, and tho dodder will sometimes
kill out tho alfalfa before the latter
gets started. A study of clover seed
will prove very interesting to the
farmer as well ns valuable. It can
bo done by means of bulletins obUin
able from the Department of Agricul
ture at Washington and from some of
the stations. Tho Ohio station partic
ularly has done much work along this
line. Tho government bulletins give
fine Illustrations of the seeds of clo
vers, alfalfas and the seeds that aro
UMiiJly found mixed with them.
The Olive in California.
Only in recent year has tho olive
become a considerable factor In the
fruit producing regions of California.
Tho olivo seems to he especial)
adapted to California. The troo Itself
Is a slow growing evergreen of great
longevity nnd productiveness. In
some of the older countries about the
Mediterranean, trees hundreds of
years old and sometimes twenty feet
and more In circumference have been
reported. When grown naturally the
tree attains a height of 40 feet or
more nnd has a rounded form. The
leaves are small and lanceshnped
dull 'green abovo and silvery beneath.
Though tho olive was grown In Cali
fornia by tho early Mission fathers,
it Is only within the last twenty years
that It has become of commercial Im
portance. As yet tho growers of
olives are experimenting with tho soils
stilted for It, nnd have many things
to learn. Tho Industry Is somewhat
checked by the sale of cottonseed oil
for olive oil. Olives have to have a
temperaturo that never fulls below 20
degrees, and succeed best where the
lowest temperaturo of the year Is not
below 43 degrees. Tho trees ore well
suited to sandy lands rich In potash.
Phosphorus In Feeding Stuffs.
The Now York Kxperlment Station
(Geneva )hcs been making some tests
to determine the presence of phos
phorus feeding studs. The
I nges as reported follow. Onts, O..".".;
wneat nran, l.&ts; molt sprouts, 0 f.77;
brewers' grains, 0.42!; distillers'
grains, 0.307; corn, 0.313; alfaira,
O.iiK; linseed meal, 0.7S9; oat straw
o.i;i;.; wneat. u.a'.nj; blood, 0.12.1; mont
meal, 4.073; liver meat meal, 1.034.
Tho targe amount of phosphorus In
meat meal was due largely to the pres
ence In it of ground bone.
Cats on Ocean Steamers.
From eight to twelve cats are pari
of the equipment or every great ocean
liner, and they duly appear on the
ship's Iwioks. where their rntlons are
accounted for. F.inh rat Is stationed
at a different part of Hip ship, nm
certain stewards are told t,, f (
them dally. There Is not a little rival
ry between different stewards when
the respective merits ns rat end hen
are being discussed.
The silent watches of the night
must h those o forget to w ind up.
Care of Sitting Hens.
There are numerous farms onwnlcdi
Hume fowls are raised, but not cnouga
to Justify the owner in purchasing and
using an Incubator. On such farms
tue old hen must still be used for the
pur.ioses of Incubation. It will be
found that the amount of eare that is
given the sitting hens will determine
to a considerable extent the outcoqie
ot the hatching operations. All pouW
try raisers must acknowledge that the
sitting hens require a good deal of
attention, and often more than Is
Riven them. In a state of nature the
hen at this period takes care nt her
Relf. Let us not Imaglue, however,
that she always does. It successfully.
In that rtate she laid more eggs than
she could cover and naturally many
of them Bpoilod. The wild things of
the wood and the air preyed upon her
nest and It was often despoiled, When
born Her chicks often fell Into the
clutches of rapacious aulmals and
birds. Let us not supposo that the
hen in her wild state led a life ot
uninterrupted prosperity. It left to
her own inclinations the hen would
Joday prove a very unprofitable In
vestment to her owner.
Tho first care for the sitting hen,
then, Is to see that she Is undisturbed
In her task of hovering tho eggs for.
three weeks. It is needless to say
that she should not bo left to make
her nest In tho fence corners or the
bushes, as is sometimes done. Her
nest must be provided for her, and if
It is an exposed place she must be
shut in each night. On our farms a
good many people follow tho practice
of turning down a barrel and setting
tho fowl in that. The barrel Is left
In the door yard or any other place
that comes handy. This Is all right.
It tho owner prefers It that way, but
in such a case the barrel should have
a cover to It that will permit the
enfranco of air but not of animals of
prey, such as skunks, coons and
Where brooding places aro provided
In the poultry houses the greatest
danger is from mites, which frequent
ly kill the hens on Jhelr uests. One
farmer ioIJ the writer his experience
in this matter. He said he had a
flock of about Ifty fowls and had pro
vided a good house for them. Ills
nests were speclnlly arranged for sit
ting, so that the laying birds could
be kept from the oncB that were
sitting. The nests opened on both
sides, but at sitting time the openings
Into tho roosting part of tho house
were closed. He set two fine birds
on some choice eggs and waited re
sults. In a few days ho noticed thut
both birds were becoming pale around
the combs and wattles and It was a
puzzle to him to find the cause. They
were apparently sick, and he went
on doctoring, but this did no good.
Ono morning he found one of the sit
ters dead on the nest and tho other
nearly so. Ho examined the dead
bird and found not a louse on her or
anything that would give a hint of the
cause of her death. She seemed
bloodless. He took the other hen off
and gave her her freedom nnd she
at once began to recover. He found a
well hen and put her on one sitting
of eggs, nnd she began to get sick.
Then he took the bird off and began
to tear tho nest to pieces. That
solved the mystery. The bottom of
the nest was n writhing mass of red Kvery night they had climbed
onto the doomed birds and sucked so
much of their blood that they had
killed one and nearly killed another.
I'p to that time this poult ryman did
not know that ho had u mlto In his
poultry house. This proves most con
clusively that It never pays to set u
hen and then forget her. Farmers'
A Flock of Pekin Ducks.
We havo tho Pekln ducks, and this
year we have the most magnificent
full-bred birds we ever saw, come of
them weighing 10 to 12 pounds each.
In raising them wo hnve used various
methods, and we are satisfied that
the plans we now use are the best for
this section. We have constructed a
largo artificial lake, which is fed by
springs. Kuch dirk yard Is 110x150
leading out Into this lake. In this
way our birds get the advantage of
actual living. Our houses nro 10 by
20 feet, low sheds with raised floors
of earth. Theso floors we keep cov
ered with straw. Wo put 20 ducks
nnd four drakes In each yard and
house, and In the laying season wo
keep our birds up till about 10 o'clock
in tho day. In this way we have no
trouble In regnrd to finding tho egfrs.
It Is not absolutely necessary to have
water for ducks. Yet we find they
look much cleaner for having water,
nnd we really think It gives us the
best results. The duck Is a great
money-mnklng bird. It Is easy enough
to succeed with ducks if common
sense Is used In their care nnd man
agement. G. W. llrown.
Ouachita Co., Ark.
Good Cream Necessary.
It was once supposed by a few pro
gressive creamery men that a firft
class buttermakcr ought to be able to
make g.xxl butter from half rotten
cream. Later on experience taught
us thot there is no method by v.hlch
we can renovate old, over ripe cream
or milk and mnke a desirable product
from same. Therefore It Is of the
utmost importance that tho milk or
cream furnished the creamery bo In a
clean and sweet condition and free
from all foreign odors. In order to
reach this result It Is necessary tor
the buttermakcr to gain some Influence
over his patrons so that they will
receive his Instructions and feel that
they are benefited. M. Murtensen.
Pear Blight In Idaho.
Reports from Idaho Indlcato that
the pear blight Is making great In
roads In that state. So great have
the ravages been that snmo of thn
Har orchardlsts aro thinking of giv
ing up tho attempts to ralso pears.
The onl. remedy practiced thorn Is
that of cutting back below tho point
of Infection, painting the wounds made
by the cutting, that Infection may bo