The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 31, 1904, Image 10

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    Weeping Water
I'mtu the 1U imiillt'un.
J. II. Tlillpot has moved to Haarrf.
Nebraska, to take charge i.f tlie l'liil
pot cattle ranch at that place.
Rev. Fred Surleirle. who has for one
of Ills appointments Kitfht MileCrove,
contirmeu" fourteen young people last
Consumption is a human
weed nourishing best in weak
lunirs. Like other weeds it's
At a meeting of the executive bard ily destroyed while young J
of the Academy on Monday I'mfessor
b . (j. Taylor was re-elected loranoiner
Miss Chelsea dooriale was taken sick
last Wednesday nlk'ht and has been
very sick ever since with nervous pros
tration. The l'lattsmouth Telephone com
pany delighted the hearts of their
'hello Kirls" here last week by giving
them both a raise on their salary,
Ir. llungatc went up Nehawka last
Friday and operated upon Mrs. An
drew Sturm, lie was assisted In the
operation by l)r. Lined of Nehawka.
Mrs. 1). A. Miller, who has beeu sick
for a number of weeks with InlUmina
tlon of the stomach, has so far re
covered as to t)C able to sit up the
greater part of the day.
. Wm. Snerrv resumed work on the
basement of the new Academy build
lug Tuesday morning. The win k will
he pushed along to completion as fast
as possible.
Mrs. Clyde Day was taken very sick
Sunday with appendicitis. Her pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, arrived
here Monday evening from the west
ern part of the stale.
County Treasurer "Hilly" Wheeler
was here Saturday collecting some de
linquent taxes, and Incidentally watch
ing the harmonious work of the re
publican convention.
Miss Holmes the trained nurse from
the Presbyterian hospital that has
been here taking care of Dan and
Leone, went back to the hos
pital last week. The friends of Mr.
Switzer's family rejoice with them in
the recovery of their children after
such serious illness.
Win. 1'etcrs living four miles south
east of town, Is today drawing his
household goods to Louisville and load
ing them into a H. ac M. car for ship
ment to his cattle ranch at Jiurwcll,
Nebraska. Mr. 1'cters lias lived in
Cass county all his life and he doesn't
contemplate remaining away perma
nently. He has a 240 acre farm here
which he expects to occupy again after
two year's time. Jle said he would
then leave the ranch in the hands of
the boys.
From lliu Herald .
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. l'eter Olson
Tuesday March 22, 1!K)4, a girl. Also,
to Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson Tuesday,
March 22, l'J04, a hoy,
Sunday evening Dr. Tilckard accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. O. V. l.ailey and
their six months old baby to Lincoln,
where an operation was performed on
the infant and a large tumor was re
moved from under one arm.
Dr. Everett of Lincoln, and a nurse
came in Tuesday, called to operate on
and care for Mrs. Clyde Day, who Is
alllicted with appendicitis, and has
been under Dr. Hutler's care. The
operation was to take place Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Day's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Conkllng, arrived from Os
ceola Monday night,
Herman Klietsch drove to Avoca
Monday and on his return, while near,
there the team became frightened at
something, jumped and threw him out
between the horses. Then they kicked
and danced, and when Mr. Meitsch
escaped from beneath their heels his
legs were covered with bruised spots,
and Dr. Kickard says the muscles were
lorn loose In places.
John Colbert departed last Thurs
day for lort Collins, Colorado, accom
panied by Herman Klietsch and Frank
Slander, the latter to look at the land
with the Intention of Investing if
suited. Mr. Slander's wife being af
Dieted with asthma, and having been
rrec irom the complaint while visiting
there, It is thought the change would
ue ocneitclal to her.
John Cook of Julian, was on last
Monday night, at a meeting of the
city council, granted a franchise to
construct in our city an electric light
ing plant for a period of twenty-live
years. The franchise, however, is not
an exclusive one, and Is regulated in
Its construction, similar to the tele-
pnones, rnc rales charged to con
sumers shall not le more than 1 per
month for all night service, "5 cents
for midnight service sixteen candle
power or when sold on the meter
basis, not to exceed 35 cents per 1000
wats. Hie city Is not t o be charged
a higher rate than tho citizens. Work
will be commenced as soon as possible
and by the terms of the ordinance the
franchise is null if the plant is not
constructed in 120 days.
sometimes un-
you begin trying
when old,
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest.
The time to treat consump
tion is when
to hide it from
Others see it, you won't.
Dont wait until you cant
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, cat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
Wc will send you
a little of the Lmul
sion free.
He sure that tliis picture In
tlie form uf a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle vi
Emulsion you buy.
t fit r
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
f,or. and t " oil drucsists.
l r.'tn tlie KutiTiirln'.
Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wlede-
man a U'li pound Iwy Moutlay, Mar. 21.
Mrs. l'li'vd Kainv of 1'lattsmoutu,
visited tireenwood relatives here this
week. Abbott's team ran away
Tiicsdav and smashed tlie wagon all to
pieces. Jiininie was thrown out but
escaped with light bruises.
J. A. tlardner was in tow n Tuesday,
the tirst time in several months. He
is been sick but is much improved.
His many friends are pleased to see
hint out and around.
K. 1!. Craig is having a cement walk
placed in front of his undertaking es
tablishment on Main street. A walk
of this kind not only helps the looks of
the town init improves the value or
the property.
A pretty reception was given last
Saturday evening by the Koyal Neigh
bors, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. h.
1'. Ilollenlieck, in honor of Mr. Forest
Clymer ami his bride. Light refresh
ments were served to auiut thirty
guests. '1 he Loyal Neighlwrs present
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Clymer a line oak
The Commercial club met again
1 uesday evening and adopted resolu
tions and by-laws enough to last the
alaneeof the year. The citizens of
tireenwood are determined to push the
town to tlie front and are making ex
tra efforts to get some new enterprises
located here.
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock occurred
the death of .lames Kyles, at his home
ne;. r (ireenwond. Mr. Kyle's death
came about in a very peculiar manner.
.vi last Friday he had killed a hogand
was carrying it on his shoulder to the
house w hen in some manner it slipped
foreward with sutlieieiit force us to
break one of his ribs and the slivered
piece penetrated his lungs. Monday
it was thought necessary to perform
an operation, a'id Dr. Omen of Lin
coin, and Dr. Miller operated upon
him but he only lived a few hours.
Mr. Kyles was born In Ireland May 1
ls.")S. e had been a resident of (ireen
wood for twenty-seven years. His
w ile died four years ago. liy his death
eleven children, two of whom are mar
ried, are lelt to mourn the loss of a
kind father. He was a man much res
pected by his neighbors. As a busi
ness man, farmer and citizen he could
not be excelled.
t'roti lliu Iit'duor.
Mrs. Kmma Wallace of Lincoln came
last Friday to visit her sister Mrs. T
U. Itanium, and other Union relatives
and friends.
Several days of warm weather have
passed, and yet wo have not heard Dan
Lvnn propose a game of horseshoes-
something wrong with Dan or spring
is not here yet.
It. D. Jones, one of the former
pioneer residents of this vicinity,
whose homo has been in Custer county
the past few years, arrived here last
Saturday to visit some of his relatives
and old-time friends. "Fnclc Doug
las," as he is familiarly known, is just
hack from a visit to his old Tennessee
home, and seems about as voung and
jovial as he was a dozen years ago.
W. L. Taylor has purchased the
Austin building heretofore occupied
by Wes Clark's barber shop on the
north side of main street, and w ill lo
cate his meat market there soon as ar
rangements can be completed. Mr.
Clark has secured room temporarily In
Geo. Ilalfour's confectionery store,
next door east of the Ledger olllce, un
til he erects a new building for his
tonsorial business.
Robert Dodson and John lliggins,
brother and nephew of W. U. Do.lson,
arrived here Monday morning from
Clinton, Mo. They came to visit XV.
II. Dodson and family, and were sur
prised to ti iid they had moved from
here, to Magnet, Nebraska, but the
boys were not to be disappointed in
making their visit, aixl left Wednes
day morning for Magnet, accompanied
by Walker Jones and hllis LaKue.
James K. Panning, who has been
holding an important position in the
chief dispatcher's olllce at Omaha,
took a week oil to visit his relatives
and friends at Nehawka and 1'niou.
lie and Will Wolfe went over to the
river Tuesday for some duck shooting,
and if Jimmie hunts like he plays ball
or thumps a telegraph" key, the duck
that Hies ills way will be a "goner"
when he takes "one lunge at it.
From the Keglsler.
Mrs. A. A. Tucker was onerated
9. ... m 1 : .1 . i . . . . ...
mi uuiirnuicius, at nome last Wednes
day. At this writing (Thursday) her
sympioms are said to tie very favor
From tlio Courier.
Jack Urwin is here this week
western Nebraska.
C. O. May Held left Thursday
noon for a short visit in iklalmma.
Mrs. Frank Sehlater of l'lattsmouth
visited Saturday and Sunday in Louis
ville with her sister, Mrs. William
Little Viola Ruby has been unite
CnclcGeorgcHansenlsfeelingiiuite slck wiUl lhe measels lor the past
strong this winter: lictter he says than
for years befere. He Is able to drive
his own team to town, anJ was in
Carl Schroeder came hack from Ok
lanoma Saturday morning. He is not
in love- witn that country, and says,
.luuiasivii is good enough tor me."
itiarllc Doty has moved onto the
place vacated by Gene Harshmaii,
Gene having moved to Kugene, Ore.
Clarence Conrad of Avoca, has moved
in wnerc ooiy lived last year.
Vic understand that the leap year
luitnrKu nas nireatiy claimed a victim
in una Mciiuiy. une ot our young
farmers, we hear, has hi en nmiHiceil
to and has accepted a young w idow at
ur near i moil
Wc have Interviewed quite a number
oi our peacn growers, and they Inform
us that a great many or the hmij ,,.
killed, but that there are enoughalive
cl io make a heavy crop or peaches.
Here'shopingnothingwill befall them.
Miss Nell Humphrey was "sweet
sixteen .aiuniay, and a few of her
friends planned a surprise on her. So
l.oy iJnieinnn, (. larenee Rockwell, Will
Lyman of Weeping Water, and Iteadon
Hall, Florence Todd, I'.essle Jordon
and iiae f uimn dropped in that even
nig and naa a gay and happy time.
Monday night Miss Florence Todd
was sixteen, iwenty-elght of her
more intimate friends were Invited to
tier home, and a delightful evening
was spent, at tiincii, panic, muggins
ami progressive (wiuuus. Many hull
vitlual presents were made, and Miss
lorence round herself much richer In
those slight tokens that mean so much
to the recipient In after years. Orang
es, bananas, lee cream, and other re-
f reshments were served, and the voung
folks departed with a thousand' good
wrsucs tor iiorcncc.
three weeks. She is much Improved,
however, as wc go to press.
During the rain storm Thursday
forenoon lightning struck the wires
of the Independent Telephone com
pany and almost put the local ex
change out of business. At a point
about one mile east of town two of the
new copper wires were severed and
fell across a barb wire fence, a cow be
longing to A. D. Carter was standing
nearby and was killed by the bolt. Jt
w ill be some time before the local ex
change can get their line in good
working order.
A mad dog created considerable ex
citement south of town last Sunday.
It was II rst seen on the farm of Joe
Wolpert where It stampeded the stock
and ran several horses into the barb
wire fence. Mr. Wolpert attempted
to drive the dog away when It turned
upon him ami he narrowly escaped be
ing bitten. It hit Mr. Wolpert "s dog
and then started across the Held to
Mr. Sprangler's farm. Mr. Wolpert
secured a gun and followed It, to the
Spangler farm where he killed It, but
not before It had bitten Mr. Spang
ler's dog which also had to be killed.
The dog was a strange one in the
neighborhood and was a large while
fellow and seemed to he crossed be
tween a cur and a bull dog. Mr. Wol
pert fears that some of his stock were
i t en before he iscovereu ine pies
eneeof thedog, and It will lie well for
neon e n that v entity to Keen a ciom
watch :ts other dons mav have been
bitten. 'Hie Wolpert dog was ak
killed. . .
' To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative iironio Oulnlne Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
U It rails to cure. li. w. iiruves sig
nature on each box. c.
From tliu Helicon.
Will Hoffman's little boy is having
a seige of lung fever.
Guess wc can report another wed
ding before many moons.
L. 1'. Dwinell and family have moved
on a farm near St. 1'aul, JNcbraska
where they will make their future
An eight pound hoy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tout last
Sat urday, so says Dr. Diliel.
Mrs. J. J. Ilalir received the sad
news Friday that her eldest sister
who lived in New York, had died very
It's no wonder Will llurdick built
that high rail fence around his house
tills is leap year.
MissZefta Venner came home last
Thursday from an extended visit with
relatives at Kearney, Nebraska.
Dr. Townsend reports the arrival of
a nine pound boy at the home of Mr
and Mrs. John Westlake, Tuesday
C. Hudson has purchased the Fen
der property in town and moved into
it Tuesday. They now have as nice
home as there is in Faglc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Clcghom of
New York, who have been visiting
relatives in California, stopped here
on their way home, for a visit with
their cousins, the Frohlich boys.
Joe Allen's team took fright at the
train Wednesday morning and broke
loose from where they were tied and
proceeded to make things lively. They
were caught belore they got very far
A broken w agon tongue was about the
extent ol the damages.
Horace W. Gleason was born In Slier
man, New York, February .1,
died March I". i'.iol, aged "5 years,
month and U davs. He came to Mis
souri before the Civil war, where he
resided for many years. He later
moved to Mauley, Neb, After leaving
Mauley he lived fourteen years in
South Omaha and the remainder of
his days were spent in Eagle.
From Dim I.i'iiclrr-F.elio.
Grandma Nenstiel was tiulte sick
forepart of the week.
A portion of the Christian church
was reshingled this week.
Leonard Yakiner, who always looks
so pretty w hen he smiles, smiled pret-
tier than ever this week, being laid up
for several days with a well developed
case of mumps.
L T. Comer was taken very ill Wed
nesday. lie was tlx lug a pump In a
well in the country that had not been
used for three-or four years, and took
a drink of Hie water. Soon after he
was taken violently ill with cramps
and vomiting. He was some better
The Nebraska conference of the
German Evangelical church was held
at Ithaca last week, closing Sunday
afternoon. It was voted to hold the
next meet ing at Louisville. Rev.
Hankeof this place, goes to Sutton
and l!ev. A. Wiekinan comes to Elm
wood. Rev. F. L. Welgert was as
signed to Ithaca.
The Hunker brethren chuiTh, for
inerly one mile south of Alvo, has been
moved to Alvo, anil has been re
modeled and much Improved, and will
be rc-dedlcateil on Sunday, April 10,
Filler M. L. Solenberger, of l'lckrell
Nebraska, will preach the tledieatory
service. The annual spring feast will
lie observed the same evening.
A card received from D. L.Carlmell
states they arrived at Eugene, Ore
safe and sound, and like It there real
well, a great tleal lictter than In Call
foinla. Dave says "In crossing the
mountains several ladies In the car
Tainted and thai the scenery was
t'l.uid," but tailed to make clear
whether it was the mount aiu scenery
thai was grand, or the scenery In the
ear when the ladles lainled. I lease
he a little more explicit next time
The Name Witch Hazel.
The name Witch Hazel Is much
abused. E. C. DeWitt Co., Chicago
are the Inventors of the original and
only genuine Witch Hazel Salve.
certain cure for Oils, Hums, llrulses,
l'ema. Teller, Files, etc. There are
many counterfeits of this salve, some
of which are tlauneroiis, while thev are
all worthless. In Inlying Witch llu.t
Salve see that the name E. C. I H Wilt
,v ( ti., ( Ineai'ii, ts on the box nml
cure is certain. Sold ly F. U. Frlcke
1 had a rnot stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
cf sleep aai I p,rew very tlnn. 1
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
K. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
Wc know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's curcincverydrop.
Tkrct liitJ : 25c. 50;.. SI. All drutilttt.
roiitult your d.ietor. If ht iJ Uk It.
than iln at ho . If t tell u nut
to uka It. then .lou't take It. lis koowi.
Lftt, It with him. Wo are willing.
J. C. AY Kit CO.. Lowoll, Mail.
Notice to Creditors.
Suite ..f Nrliniku. I
, t iNc..iinty , In County C.urt.
IN tlit maiti-r of tin-i-sta'.o of Stcplien Itrn-
ton. (I,v':im-.
Nol'k'l-, Mi. rel,y t'Hen tli.u tlu otvdit.iiN
if .iul iIihthm , mil in,-, i tin- Ail, nun
trutor e( miiiI i t:iii.. U fnri-m. .-Kiini y
fCin. cuumy. tin- e.miiiv iMurt
Mnlll III I'kitlMiiuiilll. In villi county, on tin
Kilt ilayof May. A. I.. I'ml, iiikI oii tin- Ktli
iliiy uf Ik-tolKT. I'.M. at WoVI.H-k . 111 . cueli
iluy. for the iiir,, of ireriulinf tlielr
i-liilin for i-:uiiiiiailoii. utljusltiii ill unit ul
luwuni'i'. Six montlis uro iilloweil for tlie ereilitors of
wiiil ileeraM-il lo frt--..-nt their i-liilius, hihIoiio
year for tlie uihiiiiiNirutor to m till- Milil i-s-lale.
from the K.tlulay of Anrll. A. H.. IIK'I.
V It iii-sh my IiiimiI mill m-hI of saiil i-ounty
I'ourt. at riulixinoiitli. Nt'lrakit. tlili LUnj
iluy of Miir. li. A. I .'.
IIaiivkv IK Tittvix.
IsitAi.l County Juilne.
Tragedy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time our little
boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wat-
kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played sad havoc with him
and a terrible eolith set In besides.
Doctors treated him, but he urew
worse every day. At length wc tried
Dr. k urn's ISew Discovery tor con
sumption, and our darling was saved.
lie now sound, and well." every
body ought to know, its the only cure
ror Courtis, colds, and all umw dis
eases, (.iiiaranteed oy t.u. i ricKe iV
Co., druggist.
Cedar Creek
Special CorrespoiHli-ncn.
bright 1kv baby came to L'ladden
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns,
Marches, 1904.
The stork has brought a little hoy,
The nurse said, with an air.
I'm awful glad, the father said,
That he didn't brlna pair.
James Terryberry lias returned from
his hunting trip and reports that he
killed nine big geese and over one nun
drcd ducks. (That's pretty good shoot
ing, J mimic.)
Willie Frederlch is reported to be
quite sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Gcrmantown,
Nebraska, are here visiting with
friends and relatives.
George Horn of Cedar Creek, lias
purchased a tine piano.
W. II. Hell lost a valuable horse one
day last week. The poor animal was
cut up in the wire so badly that it had
to be shot.
Harney Waumpcr was a l'lattsmouth
visitor last Monday.
The other night as a family were
eating supper, the father said: "You
children turn up your noses at every
thing on the table. lien l was a boy
I was glad to get enough dry bread to
eat." "Uutyouare having a better
time of it now since you are living
wish us, ain't you papa?" said little
Japan and Russia are at war;
Hut one will win, we know not which.
it seems that Russia at the start
Docs get it in the neck of itch.
' ly, Ni lira-ku. Ill llir inatli-rof tin- tfuar.l-
llUlsli Of Ml'lllt'll Itl'lltOll. lllMllll-. In tin-
In Irs lit law nml nil otlu-r rsons liurrr-li-il
III kiilil inallrr: You all' In rrliy notltii-tl thai
.limit's . I,ui mm. us Kuarillan of salil llonion,
hits Itli'tl In tin-ollli i of tin- Coiini v Court, ii
ri'imrl of Ills arts as sui-li unanlluii to tin- -.Stii
day of January. I'UM. show lnj rivrlpts hi Hu
ston of i,;r.'l liml ilKliiirsi'iiii iits In tlio sum of
fiii'i.ll). anil a rrsiilun ul Unit tlnii- of Jts.ll
from wlilrh costs ami uttornoy's fi-os an- to In
milil. nml ilii-ri-M It Ii iiri'siuii'il Ills in-tlllon for
lliuil srllU-nu'iiL nml illsrliuruo us surli i:uar
ilian. You arc nollllt-il that a lit ai lni; will In
had tiMin mi lit iHlillon and r h 1 1 ami tin'
ir.tT tlu-n-of craiMnl or rt fusoil ul I lie
I'ouuty rourt room In rialtsmoutli In salil
foil in y u h hi tin- riKlitli 'lay of April. A. !..
mil. in to 1 1 in it-k a. in., nun it you tun to up
'iir at salil timi ami oliii t t io tho prori't-tl-liiKstlio
I'ourl may si'ttlo .saiil ui-i-ouiil anil
ilNi'liun.'!' salil miaiilian.
H 11 nrs-, in v hand and I In' si ul of Mild i'ourl
lit I'littlsiiioutli I his J llli iluy Mur.'li. A. 11.,
I'.ml. ll.wtVKy It. I in vis.
I'oiiiily .liulj,'!'.
Notice to Crcdilors.
In County Court
tslulo of Uiii'ttlli'l)
Statk ok Nkiiiiahka. I,
Cuss Couiiiy.
In tin- inatliT of tlio
l-'li'i'lilni r, ili-ci-usi il,
TVTOTICK Is lii'ii liy Klvi'ii thai I hit creditors
-' of saiil (loi't usril will iiii'i l t ho Adnilnls
trulor of wiiil istuti', lirforu iiio. County
.luilno of ( uss ri unity, tin' county
conn room in I'luUsmoiith. In said county, on
the third day of .luiii'. A. I.. !!. unit on the
third day of Scnti'inlicr. I'.U. ut ton o clock a.
hi,. I'lirh day, for the purposo of preseiitlnir
their claims for examination, ml lustnu-nl and
allowance, six mouths are allowed tor tin
creditors of said deceased to present their
claims, mid one year for tlie administrator to
Nellie said estate, I nun llie.lril nay ul .Marcn,
Witness mi' hand mid the seal of said conn
ly court, ul rialtsmoutli. Nehraska. this llfd
day or .Marcn, r.ftM. iiaiivkv ii. i u a vis.
Lskai, Couiiiy , liide.
Maple Grove
Kpcdal Correspondence.
Spring work has begun in this
neighborhood. Most of the farmers
have wheat sowed and some of them
have oats sowed already.
Miss Mata Puis visited with her sis
ter, Mrs. P. A. Ilild last week.
J. A. Davis returned from a trip to
Burt county last week.
Emma Hooker of Harlem county,
Nebraska, is visiting with Mrs. Schafer
and family this week.
John Knabe, from near Nehawka,
passed through here last Saturday cn
route for Plattsinouth. Win. Puis ac
companied him from here to town
and back.
(jueer things will happen sometimes.
The other night one of our farmers
started to hunt his cows, lie hunted
until about midnight and then pave It
up. The next day he looked In his
cattle barn and found his cows in the
barn. Then became to the conclusion
that he didn't turn them out In the
morning, leaving them standing In the
barn all day and night. How Is this
for the straight goods?
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Illld visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis
Chas. Phil pot shipped a car of fat
cattle to the Omaha market Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Puis visited with Mrs.
Henry Kngelkamelr last Monday.
Happy, Healthy Children.
Any child can take Little Early
Risers w ith perfect safety. They are
harmless, never gripe or sicken, and
yet they are socertaln In results that
robust constitutions requiring drastic
means are never disappointed. They
cannot fail to perforin their mission
and every one who uses IieWltt's Lit
tle Early Risers prefer them to all
other pills. They cure biliousness.
Sold by E.G. Erlckc&Co.
Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a dis
ease for anyone to attempt to doctor
himself, although he may have the
proper remedies at hand. A physician
should always be called. It should be
borne In mind, however, that pneu
monia always results from a cold or
from an attack ot the grip, and that
by giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy the threatened attack of pneu
monia may be warded off. This remedy
Is also used by physicians In the treat
ment of pneumonia with tho licst, re
sults. Dr. XV. .1. Smith, of Sanders,
Ala., who Is also a druggist, saysof It:
"I have Ix-en Kcllintf Cliamlieilalirs
Cough Remedy and prescribing It In
my practice fur the past six years. 1
use it In cases of pneumonia and have
always gotten the best results." Sold
by all druggists.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth of Lndrange, Ca.,
suffered for six months with u" fright
ful running sore on Ids leg; but w rites
that Itucklen'H Arnica Sulvo wholly
cured It In Ave davs. I'ur I'leers,
Wounds, Piles, It's t'hr best snlve In
the world. Cure guaranteed. Only'JSc,
Sold by P. U.Fricke Co.
Notice to Creditors.
Stulo of Nehruslta, I
Cuss County. t lu County Court.
Ill the mat ter of tlie estate of Stephen M. Ilu
vis deceased.
KTOTICK Is hereliy nlven tliat lhe creditors
or said deceased will meet the adnilnls
trulor of said estate, hi fore me. County. I udce
ur I lias county. .M'lirusku. lit lhe county court
loom in IMaltsmotith. in wild count v. on lhe
lutli day of May. nml. mid on the lutli day of
Octoln r IIKII.ut III o'clock 11. lu., each day. for
the purHise or preseuliui; their claims for ex
amination, acl lust iiient mid allowance.
Six mouths lire allowed for the creditors of
said iHs-eused to present tlielr claims, mid one
year tor the iidmlnlstriilor to settle said e.s
lute, from the Will day of April. IM.
It ness my hand mid seal of said county
court, ut I'lalismouth, Nehraska, lids U'ln
day or marcn, cm.
County Jude.
Sheriff's Sale.
T-3Y virtue of an execution Issued liy .lames
' Koliertson. clerk of the district court,
within mid for Cuss county, Nelirasku. mid to
mi' directed. I w ill on the
20th Day ot April. A. D., 1904
ut II o'clock ti. in., of said day at the south
(liKir of thi'Court house In li e city of I'lutts-
nioulh. lu said county, sell at pulillc auction
to the highest liidder for cash, the followimr
real estate to-w It : lits six and seven Hi ui d
7) III block three til) in lhe vlllu'-'c of Murray
Cuss county. Nelirasku. together with the
lirlvlleiies and iiiipurlenances thereunto In
liiiiL'Im.' or In anywise iippc rtalnini.'. The same
Ik'Iiik levied upon and taken us the properly
of .lames K. I' lemliiK. defendant.. Io satisfy a
Judgement, of said court recovered hy .Meyer
k Haapke, plaint ill's iiu'allisl said defendant.
i'liitlsmoulh. Nehraska. March lllli. A. 1).,
I'.ml. JOHN II. .Mi lUllliK.
IIVHttN Cl.AltK. ShetilV Cass Co. Nelirasku.
I'laintiU s Attorney.
& Ramge
Still lead all other Meat Markets in
furnishing the people of Platts
moiith and vicinity with
First Class Meats
Of Every Description.
Fresh and SmoHcd Meats,
Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc.
They have removed to the lirst room
west of their old stand.
I!y courteous treatment to all they
hope to retain their present patrons
and gain many new ones.
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
bj keeping it in a safe place such as
i i
L.- 1,1 ! !'
r ill i ..i-
C-. " ."
The BanH of Cass County
You can give a check fur any part of
It, at any time and so have a receipt
for i.'iynieiit w ithout asking for one.
hen you have a bank account you
will he anxious to add to It rather than
spend from It. Don't you want to
know more about It.
V Absrcvcts of Title V
Ttyomas Ualli.
UincK-Anlieiner-llush llluck.
Baking Powder
Saves Health
The use of Royal Baking Powder is
essential to the healthfulness of the
family food.
Yeast ferments the food.
Alum baking powders are injurious.
Royal Baking Powder saves health.
Wo tnko this opportunity of returning our
most sincere, tlmnka for pnst favors, anil solicit a
continuance of your patronage in tlio future.
During 11)01, wo shall onuYnvor to supply tlio
market, ns usual, with that
Which Suits the People!
both in quality anil prices.
Wishing nil n happy nml prosperous year, wo
invito nil to coino and bo comforted by making
your purchases from tho largest furnitnri'houHt
in l'lnttsmouth.
attler &
"The Early Bird
Catches the Worm,,
This is an old saying, but a vory wist?
ono in many respects, nnd serves to remind
thoso who nro on the lookout for
Spring Suits
For Men and I'oys
That William Holly is prepared to "fill tho
bill" in this lino to a dot, and invites all to
coino and inspect his how nrrivals and get
prices. Fit and qunlity guaranteed, and
prices to suit tho times. Also, a fine lino
of Men's and Joys' Shoes of all grades.
Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
llemeinber tho place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman Block
Corner Fourth and Main Streets
Spring Rains
How is Your Roof?
If You Need a New One, Now is the Best Time
Remember, that ,vc are fully prepared to
place a new tin roof on your house, new
spouting, or repair the old ones.
Wc Make a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting
And are Prepared to (Jive You Close Figures
on This Kind of Work.
John Bauer
No. 50f Main Street
1 4 . A 1 T
riausmouin, ienrasua
pll. AlAU-ll ALU
All klnilmif IH-niiil work.' finite tniuli' lliul
lit. L'll yi'itrs i xpiTli'iii c. I'lirca ri'itsunitlilu.
Work it" ii ninti'i il.
lll'l'll'l'.- l'lT.(li:itl.l tlUM'K.
TlM.KI'HIINK. Nil. a oh 4?
Oi l ICIi:
W alcrmin Hlock
B,t on Kitlh RjirdUI nl Ptkt M
B tlvtb iritt KAMM bH Ali I OMOilll K I