Platte to Sourna mou xr TMp .('Miriml will vi-r In found la th. Hint fur lt. lH-kt lnli-ri.Uir ll4ti ) Kvitjt lvm,vr In Oih county c J MluxilU r'.t ilic.Kiuriml. llieonlyU- inoulh and Cats county In K''fuL I 11. A. PATKS, 'UKMOCUATIC AT ALL TIMKS AND VXDEK ALL ClUCUJIST ANCKS. OI'PICK No. ip, Sovtii Sixth Stkkkt Volume XXIV PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904. Number 14. TART CURB-STONE JOSHINGS And Other Items of Interest Prepared Es pecially tor the Journal Readers. I.I v ri of crciit men nil riinlml u-.. We can U as crt-ul it- ili.-y : Ami id purl Ini;. Iran- I m t 1 1 1 1 ns. All wo riiiiniit Hike itvtuy. 1 .1 vis of Miirinnii sulnli ultii ri'inlnil u Thul when r Imw pusscil iiwuy, flnlllin will Ik' on lin k Ih-IiIiiiI us, MulUilylii every ihiy. Vote for Henry R. Cering for mayor. Many a stylish liat Is worn on what nature abhors. The loudest horn Joes not always make the host music. It looks now, after all, as if the com mon people were going to eat Paster eggs. .Some people's opinions of themselves are like their photographs -very Mat tering. Ain't it strange how sweet the voice of a homely girl sounds over the tele phone? Ask Central. String rhymes with spring, and past experience justilles the belief that t here is a string on spring. Some men refuse to work on Sunday so they will have time to figure out how they will skin their neighbors. It Is Impossible for a live cent man with a live cent business to appreciate a $10 dollar man with a $10 business. Some people in I'lattsmouth ' are like an engine whistle they make lots of noise when some one pulls the string. ( Home ineioi "olil iimlil," u It limit it ilnlilit, Wliu never lusted lillss, Whs llrsl In stun Hie si-:irii hIhiiiI Till' lllllTlllli'li In u kiss. The democrats were very careful In the selection of city candidates, from mayor down. TCver man on the ticket should be elected. If you will read the ads in the Jour nal and then watch the stores you will lind that the successful business man Is a good advertiser. The Easter bonnet may bring forth rain. What a shame it will be if that new bonnet has to stay away from church next Sunday! Theatre managers are debating as to whether tights are attractive. We shouldsay they are not when hanging out behind t lie house on a clothes line. The voteis of the Third ward in electing Joseph M. Roberts to the city council will accomplish the best day's work they have done for several years. Mun wants lint llltleliere IjHnw lint, I ileny t lieejiiirue: Yet. Krunl lux Unit lie Hauls It so, lie wauls llial 1 1 1 tit: lursn. A young riattsmoutli lady goes up stairs at 7:4.) to dress for the evening. She Is 10 years of age and weighs Mi) pounds, l'lease state the wait of the .young man below. A young married man of Plaits month says It is always hard to lind a maine for the lirstbaby, but after a few nights of walking the lloor with the youngster, names come easy. An old bachelor In this city says that t1e style of a woman's make up has Iliad a great, deal to do with keeping up the price of cotton. Now, we would like to i 1 1 1 1 u i re how he knows. There are people who try to be polit ical bosses who are not capahleof work ing by the day and doing an hones! rlays work any more than they can ap ply honesty to anything else. Personalities, so far as we have been able to discern, has not entered into J lie city campaign, and it is to be hoped that nothing of this character will he sprung on the very eve of the election. There must lie something wrong with the liver of a man who will not speak to his neighbors, so don't blame him. He can't help it. It may be that tired feeling so prevalent In the .spring time. Did you ever stop to think the mer chant who advertises Is Just a little more appreciative of your patronage than (he other fellow? Just try him once and see If lie isn't the best man to ileal with. The First ward has a girl with a complexion just like strawberries -thal U, It comes in boxes. One young nun says every t hue he sees her com ing up street she leininds hi in of st raw berries andeream. One of the prominent republicans of the city says: "I urn going to vote for l!U-nry tiering liecause I know he will mak' a good mayor. I have not iced his fUn work in everything he under takes. II is excel lent business qual it ies ami the energetic spirit he displays In everything beiielicial to the city at large, Is suillcleiit to convince me that he Is the best n an for the place." in speaking of lights for I ho city of r'LOsuiouth, one of our present conn- ilioni isrcpoited as saying that we iiee.l i:n JieJit on our streets. WhyV r.ei'auM-1 lie section he came from in Crrmany lul no streetlights. They wore wooden i.lmcs where lie came iiojii, .".0 yea i sag", no. I Insolodav, but se not living In lieriiiane. We are living in the glorious free republic of rni'rlcK, here a hustling people mo proud of tu-ir record for energy and, ai.f ho man who does not lWleve In marehiii,.' in the progressive ranis should get out iif the way or 1 hose that do. Mr. Steimker, council iiuan from the Third ward, and candi date for reelect Ion Is t he prog ressi ve" .cltlen who does not wants! rcet lights, ilon Is it wjth you, Mr. Votei? A Pleasant Surprise. A jolly crowd assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mclsinger on Wednesday evening, March i!, to join In celebrating Miss Ida's birthday. The visitors came supplied with plently of good things to eat, when at a late hour a luncheon was served, to which all did ample justice. Covers were laid for twenty-six. The evening was most pleasantly spent in cards, music and social con versation, and at a late hour the "in truders'' departed for their homes, highly delighted with their evening's enjoyment. All unite in the hope that Miss Ida may live to enjoy many inure such occasions. FROM THEJRACIFIC COAST. Cade Rodgers, Well Known to Many Plaits mouiji People, Writes Interestingly. The Jcurnal is kindly permitted to publish the following personal letter written to P. (i. Egenbergcr of this city by Cade Rodgers, who Is well known to numerous citizens of Plattsmouth. The writer of this epistle is now an in mate of the Soldiers' Home at Sawtelle, California:' At Homh, K.wvthi.i.i-:. Cal., March 22, Pint, t Pkikni) I'kkd: Whet her or not you are at home, I can't say, but will drop you a tew lines witli name of articles on cards enclosed. Put them in your show case: also my "pirty"self with ot herenrios'. Now, Fred, that, pine cone has a his tory, or rather a queer and accidental few tacts connected with it from the day I liist seen it. It was like tills: Put a lew years back old Nevada Pill and 1 supplied ourselves with saddle mules, and each with a good burro ( for pucking purposes) madea foiirmont lis' ramble through the wilds of Arizona, where we found abundance of time killing amusements, and as for deer and elk we had plenty, (i rouse and sage hens were also plentiful. 1 once made a hasty shot from saddle and slight lycrlppied a black bear. Nevada Pill linlshed him. 1 gave Pill the hide. We camped and jerked the meat. We killed many coyotes and wolves, ami only what elk and deer we actually needed. We brought, in several wild cat pelts, and also two l ull hides of the mountain lion (or cougar.) Pill bag ging oire of the latter and I the other. Rill had a heavy, big bore ri lie gun. One morning as we were sitting near the lire, eating our breakfast, I hap pened to discover the lion that fell to me. I brought It into hasty use, made along shot and brought this small- sized lion down, witli apparently all ease. Pill walked toil, took oiit its entrain, shouldered it, and brought it iir bragging all I be while about my tine shot. Where the facts are is this: It was a scratch shot rather than other wise, it, being 120 yards distant. That pine cone came like this: We were one day nooning, ai.d both land Pill were lying asleep in high pine timbers. Rattlesnakes were out. One rattler had selected a nice place near my head. All went well, until soon a sudden, noisy crash came which brought me to my feet. This crash was the falling of this pine cone from the top of a high pine tree, it falling directly onto this reptile, killing it, or so near so that 1 soon dispatched him. I was then anxious to save the cone. 1 had one other cone, much larger than that one, but it wasspoiled by "Teddy" my pack burro falling and rolling down the mountain, where but half the t ime Teddy was on top, ami t lie oilier half the pack was on lop; at any rate, the big cone was ruined. Tell old lleoige and Jones that their old phizes, us well as your own, a re care fully plastered In my scrap-book, tlieie long- to remain and iie remembered. Yours truly forever more, and then some, t'ADic Ro)oi:i:m. The College Kill School. I--1 i roi: JoiKv i.; In years gone by the College Hill school, district, No. "!, was one of the foremesl schools in tlie county, witli an enrollment of some 120 scholars and a regular attendanceor from sixty-live to seventy-tie, witli such teach ers as Milton Polk, Henry Schnlhof, Howard ink, John l.eyda, Frank Pickson, William Frampton, John Current, Win. P. Pmwn, Frank Pad die ford and the MissesMaryand Carrie Adams. Here tlieStai.ders.SVhlalers.Ili iiiis", Stohhiians, l'hnh' Us and others now all prominent men and women, receiv ed their training. Today the number of scholars in attendance has dw indled dow n to live-not, enough to pay for a teacher. This is accounted for by the parochial school of the Lutheran church, where (iennan and religion is taught, as almost all the children at tending are Herman and belong to that religious faith. We almost think it proper and right fortliisschoiil tudiaw the public school funds, but the law is against It. How ever, as long as liie parents of those live children are willing and able to pay their teacher, nobody has a right to kick. A Jul i: u. P.vruos. More Riots. I Mst iirbancrs of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual dis order of the svstem. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be fol lowed by utter collapse, unless a re liable remedy s Immediately em ployed. There's nothing so elliclent to cure disorders of the Liver or Kid neys as Klectric Litters, It's a won derful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine Tor rundown systems. It dispels Ner vousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only ".nc, and satisfaction guaranteed by F. (i. I'rlcke ,Co. A SENSATIONAL SUIT ENDED, W. Smith Hines Gets Damages to the Ei lent cf 57C0 for Stolen Affections. Perhaps the most sensational suit that ever found a place upon the court records of Cass county, was the lliucs CtinnaPy damage suit which occupied nearly all of last week in the district court. The facts brought to light were ut a most sensational nature, and the court room was crowded each day w itli eager listeners. The action was brought by Smith Mines against, John W. Connally to recover the sum of $1.","0() damages, charging the defendant with alienat ing the affections of his wife. There were in the neighborhood of fifty wit nesses examined. The testimony at times was very revolting and much of it unlit to be listened to. Hines for merly resided near Wabash, at which place, it is claimed, that Connally was wont to pay visits to Mrs. Hines, and it was from that vicinity that most of the witnesses, pro and con, came from. It was brought out during the trial that the intimacy that existed be tween the two began In April, PJOIt, and continued for the space of about six months. While the defendant did not presume to deny that such inti macy did exist, he claimed that he had, previous to the institution of this suit, settled in full with I lines in the shape of a lease to him of a farm near Murray, on which Mr. and Mrs. Hines are now making their home. The testimony was all in Friday, and after argument by the attorneys, was handed over to the jury. Those who heard the arguments in the case are a unit in the opinion that Mr. tier ing made a great plea in behalf of his client, the plaintiff. The case was not considered a dilllcult one on the part of the defendant any more than It was considered ho on the part of the plaintiff, and the Journal cannot see how any sensible person can construe it so. The attorneys started in on the even-bct-plan about as many were of the opinion that one side would win out as the other. If anything the general opinion of those who heard the testimony thought Hines would not be granted a cent of damages by the jury. The defendant's side of the case was conducted by Pyron Clark, assisted by lion. William Deles Dernier of Kl raw-nod, and C. A. Rawlsof Ihiscitj. From the length of time that the jury was out, it was a fair indication that the members of that body were in somewhat of a ipiandary as to the amount of damages. We learn from one of the jurymen that there were some who favored an amount away up into the thousands, while others favored the nominal sum of $10. 1 1 is the iiope of the Journal that another iase of like character may never appear on record on the court docket of Cass county again, as much of the testimony was very disgusting. Box Social at Cullom. The Name Social and Pox Supper at Cullom School House, given by the teacher, Miss Anna R. Kanka, Satur day night, .March 2'i, was a success both socially and llnanclally. Re fore the auction sale or the boxes a program of twelve numbers was given by the scholars which was vastly enjoyed by visitors. About 10::i: p. in. thn sale began, Mr. John llirz acting as auctioneer and Mr. Peter lialmesasclerk. Owing to the great abilities of both auction eer and clerk, though amateurs, all of the boxes were sold, All but three of them sold for one dollar, or more. The lirst started belonged to Anna Tritsch and came up to -1 1.0-1. The one belong ing to the teacher reached the highest point, M.U.". There were people from Platts mouth, Murray, Mynard and Cedar Creek and all reported a splendid time. The total amount received for ooxes and pennies given for every let ter in their name was 2o.2j. The money will be expended for necessaries in t he school room. A "BattjeshIp'Ditched. Thursday last about noon the rails of the sidetrack at Murray spread and caused one of the M. P's large freight engines to overturn and fall into the ditch. The engineer and fireman jumped and saved themselves from In jury. The engine was one of the heavy freight engines and one of the kind known to railroadersasa ''battle ship." DIggs Found Guilty. John I liggs, accused of breaking in to the store of Langliorst at Liiituood a few weeks since ami taking t herefrom seveial pairs of pants, was sentenced to live years' Imprisonment in the penitentiary. 'I his was the last or t lie jury cases to come up Tor trial at I his term of the district court. For Rent. Tvo rooms in good repair in the h. K. Parr property on Tent li street. Ap ply to A. A. Ilertzler. For Sale. ne fresh lulled cow and two young calves. Call on (ieorge Tains, two miles south of city, on Rock lllutls loud. A Team of Mules Stolen. Louis Ingwerson, living about five miles southeast of Weeping Water, had a team of mules, harness and buggy stolen from his premises some time during the night of the 2Uh, or early Friday morning. The thief Is supposed to have headed north, and it Is believed the outfit crossed the Platte river bridge at Louisville. From all appearances it would seem that the party or parties securing the team knew where to look for the best, and apparently had an eye on the stolen property before the night of the theft. One was a brown mare niiile and the other of a mouse color. They were In pretty fair condition and weighed alout 1,100 pounds each. They are about six years of age,' and the entire outtlt, in valued MOO. Sheriff McPrlde was not Hied early Friday morning, and immediately Issued notices offering $,10 reward for the recovery of the prop erty and the capture of the thief. Up to the present no information that will lead to their capture has been re ceived. A reward of $.K)0 has been of fered for the recovery of the team, bug gy, harness and the arrest and convic tion of the thief. An Old Story. A hunter passing thedwellingof the A postle John one day, saw the beloved diciple seated at his door, caressing a little bird in his hand witli the delight of a child. Tim hunter was surprised at so devout a man thus wasting his time. Observing bis astonishment the apostlesaid: "Why do you not keep your how always ben ty" "Recause it would soon lose itsstrength." Well, it would be the same with my mind, It would soon lose Us force." Moral Do not overwork your organs, give them recreation and rest. The most abused organ is our stomach, and Tri ner's American Klixir ofRittcr Wine is the only remedy whiclrwill give it both rest and strength. It will make the digestive organs (It to work, and build new, ricli blood, tho foundation of life and health. Medicines upsetting the stomach can never purify the blood. Tills remedy first cures the stomach and through it works on all organs of the body. At drug stores. Joseph Triner, lint Sotilh Ashland A ve nue, Chicago III., Pilscn Station. Why Didn't He Pub!!sb It? Judge Jcsscn has over-ruled tho mo tion for a new trial made by tiie at torneys for the defendant in the Mc-Iiride-Faiiey libel suit, but a close perusal of the News columns fails to produce an account of this very im portant fact. Wonder why? Is Jt be cause the editor of that sheet is ashamed to let Ids readers know that he has been beat at every turn in the road in defense of his course in the campaign last fall? lie now threatens (or his attorneys do for him) to ap peal to the supreme court, The Gun Exploded. A special to the Omaha World-IIer-a'd, from Ciiion, In the south part of thiscunty, under date of 2sth, states that Sunday morning Jode Everett, a farmer boy living near the river, saw a llock of ducks light nearby, and, tak ing a shot gun, went in quest of them. As ho did not return for breakfast his people became alarmed and went to hunt him. lie was. found lying near where the ducks were seen. The gun had hurst and blow n away a portion or his face and affected the brain. At last account his recovery is doubtful. A Pleasant Gathering. On Wednesday afternoon, March 2:!, Mrs. II. M. Soenniclisen was most agreeably surprised by about twenty live members of the P. and (). Society dropping in to remind her that it was her tliirty-ninth birthday. The ladles soon went to work to arrange affairs by tastefully decorating the rooms with sweet peas, etc. Refreshments were served, and all present declared the occasion to be a most delightful one. Another Punier. A man in Plum (Jrove.Michigan, pro pounds frequently, the following puz zle, mystifying his listeners -yet the answer is simple: Come hlnlirr. my sun. mill ilir son of my sun. Ami thr son nf my sun's smi. Ami Hie Miiisuf Hi,, miiis nf my of my suns' MIIIS SU. I.rl r;ii li nf ynii Imm: mi n m.h, TIll'iiliIlM Is llMhil I Ik- ViMlliu-.'sl ls.1. Ami I In- small,., i , r. n r fi-t-i hluli. I hi' liiru'csl a M'iinty t,v,, f,.,.i t, . -S.i lluuro what a in I'. Now, don't all speak at once. Release Mortgages. County Assessor .1. M.Teegaiden re quests Rial all persons holding moit Itages, either real or chattels, that have been paid be released before the tlrst day of Apiil, or they will be as sessed up to the ,,a,y ,,iim them, for the records will be puie over care fully and unpaid mortgages will be ass'ssed. Hay For Sale. I have about 1.200 bales or good timothy and el .verliav for sale: price Koo per ton at, the barn, or hl de livered in Plattsmoul li. Leave orders witli John Hail, n,,M'cr In Plaits mouth: or call at rurm, ten miles due south of l'l.ittsinouth. R. R. Nu kki-s. K - I Clothe I The Man, 1 ne Leading He Who "Butts In." Of all the, fools that roam about, through tlds old world of sin, the Darnedest idiot of them all, is the fel low who "butts In." Pehaps you've worked ahorse trade, in which you'll make sonic hay, when the whole con cern will he upset by this untutored jay. Or, perhaps, you've negotiated for a thousand dollar lot, and by this chump a ''buttln' in," the deal's been Knocked keiilop. Or. mavbe. von have Just disposed of a hundred acre farm, when that fool aain "butts in" and routs the buyer In alarm. Man's fool friends lie oft can shake, and from their care be free, but for the 'Miutter" who "butts In there seems no remedv. Souse him gently as you may, hear witli him hi Ids sin, the devil's bound to roast him, for he's sure to'-but in." Easter Supper. The ladies of St. John's church are preparing to furnish their euests with a most delightful supper next Monday evening at Coates' Hall. The Catholic ladies of Plattsmouth have gained the reputation of netting up line suiiiicis. and they don't know what failure means. So if you desire sonietliiiu' choice for supper next Monday even ing, be sure and o f(, Oates' Hall. Following is the menu: Veal Loaf. Roast Chicken. Poiled I Iain. Potato Salad. Deviled P-s. Mixed Pickles. Rolls. .),.iv. Coffee. Assorted Cakes. Sherbet. Death at Minlcy. Margaret Ivisterday, living near Mauley, died Sunday morning, March 27, l:nU, aed about seventy years. The deceased has lived near Manly for the past twenty-rive or thirty years. Her mind had been deranged for some time, which was the liual cause of her death. She was never married hut was pretty well to do, owning I'jOacres of land where she lived. Her remains were taken to her old home in Ohio for burial. Easter Gloves. Mrs. J. Penson, L'lu So. PHIi, Omaha Nebraska, Paster gloves, Champagne, KusM'tt, Prown, new Plues, White, etc, l, l,-.o, i.",r,, 2. Wide, rich Roman ribbons, wide Presdens, hand some Plaids. New Oross Trimmings -Persian, beaded and jetted baud;, ra.--gotted, Jetted and lace yi.kes, Palter Parasols. Silk pet tieoales at t1..".i. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, caus ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Cer trule II. Feinier, Marion, I ml., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minnie (111gh Cure. She Ms: "The coughing and si raining so weakened me that. I 1:111 down in weight from I s to ij pounds. I t lied a number or remedies to 110 avail until I iuoI One Minute Cough Cure. I'.iur buttles of this wonderful remedy cured me en tirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. S'il by I'. i. liieke Co. Kveryone says It Is a pleasure to trade at Cerlng & Cos drug store, for they nre always pleased to give you the tK'st service If it Is .V'or f.".(K)voi th that you buy. III We Clothe We dotho 'mankind in all stages of life, and any store that eaters to all classes is prettv sure to care for each one better, he cause it cares for all. You'll never pay too much for your clothes or wear poor clothes If you buy them here The Spriijg Styles await your Coming, g GAM Uothier Plattsmouth, Neb. Q Andrew McLaughlin Dead. The Omaha World-Herald of Tues day morning, MarclrJ'.i, Pint, contained the following account of the death of Mr. Andrew McLaughlin, well known to the older residents of I'lattsmouth and Cass county: "Andrew W. McLaughlin, a resident of this part of the country for over thirty years, died Monday at 1 lis homo at 1.12.1 South Twenty-seventh street at the age of 71 years. For some years he had suffered from a heart ailment, which was tjic cause of his death. Mr. McLaughlin was for several years a railroad man in Council PlulTs, and was for several years cashier of a bank at I'lattsmouth. For the eight years that John Wcstberg was city comp troller, lie was a clerk in that office. In early life he was a gold miner. Mr. McLaughlin was at one time (juite wealthy, hut had suffered from finan cial reverses. He was well liked by those he met, for he always had the hearing or a courtly gentleman. A widow survives him. The body will probably be taken to Lincoln for burial, as several relatives live there." Tin; deceased possessed excellent qualities and had many friends in i'lattsmouth who remember him with a most kindly feeling. Death of Mrs. Hosier. Prom the Omaha Pee we dip the following in reference to the death of Mrs. Julia Porter Hosier, at one time a resident of Cass county: "After an illness continuing over a period of live years, Mrs. Julia Porter Hosier died at her late residence, .'!72J North street, at !) a. 111. Sunday. She died very quietly, her husband and sons being witli her at the end. Her sister, Mrs. Herman Pestor of I'lattsmouth, also was pres ent. "Mrs. Hosier leaves a husband. John W. Hosier, and two sons, William Por ter and Fdward While Hosier. Polh are young men. She was a resident of this city since Issi and was an active member of the. First Christian church and the ChrPtian Women's Hoard of Missions. She was tho daughter" of Mr. and Mrs. William P.. Porter, who died between February H and 2'.',, res pectively. "The funeral w ill be private and the interijii nl will he in the family vault at forest Lawn." The deceased was a sister of W. It. Porter, jr., of Mynard, Mrs K. J. Cooper of Council PlulTs, and Mrs. F. J. Uonley of Marcus, Wash. She came to Nebraska, with lier parents in is.iii, being but three years of age at that time. She was married to Mr. Hosier In ls7!iand with the exception of the two years she and her husband resided In Washington, i C. they made their linine in hnaha. Wak.cful Children. For a long lime the two year old child of Mr. I'. L. MePherson, :.i N. Tenth St., Ilariisburg, Pa., would sleep but two or three bouts In the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Ilernioflier concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one oi ChaiiilK'iialus Moniaiii and Liver Tab lets, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two hoses of these Tablets have ef fected a permanent cure and she Is now well and strong. For sale by all druggists. 6 O 8 8 I Some Facts. "1 am in ravor of patronizing the home merchant,"said oneof our prom inent fanners to a Journal reporter last Saturday, "lie will take our pro duce and it wc treat him right he will do as well by us as the mall order houses or Omaha merchants. We have one great advantage In dealing with the home merchant and that Is, wecan inspect ids goods and groceries before we buy them and if they don't suit us we don't have to buy. I believe it isa good idea to see everything you buy be fore you take it, because the samples those distant houses send out may nob represent the bulk. Sometimes In sending oil" for goods, bungling mis takes are made and then you cannot help yourself. These men from the distant cities do not care; your money is what they are after whether you arc satislied or not. My motto is to trade a itli the home merchant and we will he belter satislied in the end with our selves and everything else." This is the sentiment of a great many farmers, and to secure an increase of this trade all our merchants will have to do is to put forth a special effort and reach out after it. Stay With the Home Paper. "instance lends enchantment." When a man gels a thousand or fifteen hundred miles from his old home, then more than ever he appreciates tho weekly paper that was wont to visit him regularly before stakes were pulled and the start was made in the direc tion of the setting sun. In the new home many old time conveniences and luxuries arc conspicuous by their ab senceijinuTof them are more so than the paper that tells of the movement of friends left behind. No wonder, then, that the means Is soon forth coming for renewal of the subscrip tion that was allowed to lapse when the change or location took place. Change your location if you choose, but remember that to keep posted and be entirely happy you must have the old home local paper pay its weekly visits to your llresidc. Turners' Festival. L'vcry amusement-loving citizen Is looking forward to one of the most en tabling and enjoyable events of the season-the Turners' Festival, next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, April ' and (i. The working members of the I'lattsmouth Turnvcrcin are putting rorth their Wst efforts to make this an exhibition worthy of your patron age.. Artcr the exhibition, dancing will be In order to those who love to "trip the light fantastic toe." Re freshments served during the evening. Following Is the program: Dumb Pell Pxercises .'.Roys Class Turning on Horse Active Class Indian Club Swinging.... Ladles Class I limping uys (ji, Horizontal Par Active Class Pasket Pall (lame, Clenwood vs. I'lattsmouth "'ill Active Class A ppuratus Turning lloys Class Fencing Pout. K. II. Schulhof and Otto Wurl ,,:' I""'!! (J Iris Class Turning on Paralel Pars. .Active Clas Pasket Pall (ianie LadleS Class Kaster egg dyes, all colors of the ralnlxiw, In one package for 5 cents, at (.lerlng & Co's drug store. In