Kirn mrrMiii IrniiftT r r-- si . A. BATES, Publisher. Dm It TSMOLTK, NF.llRASKA. News in Brief One hu"drei dcr.iocrats nf Huston Imvc Matted an Olnry president ia" nio einent. The Kraveugcr law nf Nebraska hai been held to he valid by t tie state su preme court. Speaker C'aiintin has Introduced "to incorporata Mm Carnegie in stitution of Washington." ( haumaii loikliiH tius Issued a call or the HlinolM democratic state con vention to bo held lu Springfield June It. A certificate of incorporation of the Iroquois Memorial Kmergem y hospi tal has been filed with the Conk county recorder. Over Sim I'uffalo lit hfiru iiliorn. who have rei'ii.,ci to sini the agreement submitted by their employers, will be locked out. linen Sil, Hong, secretary of the Ko rean legation at Uerlin. committed sui cnio ijy snooting, ile was engaged tu uu actress. An avalanche In the Cascade moun tains In the recent storm opened one of the largest, veins of bituminous coal ever found in Washington. l'ecause she was Jealous of another woman. Mrs. Willium (ireenlleld, o( lies Moines, thirty live years old, Killed herself and one-year-old child. i nt; i'.nt;iisii House of commons adopted by a ole of IS 2 to tiS, a rest tut Kin in laior or allowing women to vole for parliamentary candidates. Nine mem hers of the city govern in (in 01 .Milwaukee are called upon to face sixteen indictments churning them wiih various brands of graft. Sir Donald Currle has donated $17, not) to the I'nivcrsity college and Lon don university. It is intended with this Mini to build a school of advanced medicine. Commander Charles K. Colahan, V. S. N.. until recently commandant of cadets at the naval academy, Annapo lis, is dead al Lnnibcrtvlllc, X. J., from heart disease. John W. Springer of Denver, presi dent of the National Live Stock asso ciation, has been formally listed as a candidate for vice president on the i publican ticket. Hmpcror William has begun giing commissions to sculptors for model to be idaced in the Hall of Fame. The Ilrst ordered for the snrcophn"ue of I'rince Mlsmnrck was Riven to Profes sor lil'gllS. Aline. Shichcnovileli has been in formed that her husband, commander' of the battleship Retvlan, has become deaf ns the result of the cannonading I,, .it; . i. f . ii h . mihs me Japanese assutts on Pi I t Arthur. Practically complete figures, will) Formosa and some districts or Japan missing, show that the ilrst issue of yen of exchequer war bonds has been subscribed four and one-imlf times. The house committee on merchant marine and fisheries granted a heat ing io a delegation or cordage people who favored extending for five vears the date for making the coastwise laws apply tu the Philippines. inc inirtynrth annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Po- tomae will he held In conjunction with the meeting of the department of Con nectlcut Grand Army of the Republic at Jlartford, Conn., on May 18 and 19. Commander Wih. E. Sewell. laie governor of the island of Guam, died at the general hospital. Mare Island, Cal., as a result of iutestinal disorders.' He was taken ill several weeks ago at Guam and was brought to San Fran cisco. Mrs. Appoline M. lilalr. widow of James L. lllair, former general coun sel for the World's fair, through her attorneys entered suit In the circuit court against two insurance companies In New York to secure ::r,liinj insur mice. The action of the Itritish house ol '(millions in adopting, by an over whelming vote. 182 to CS, n resolution in favor of allowing women to vote foi parliamentary enndidatts, was yosUr day Cheered in the chamber of denu CONGRESSMAN HEARST WOULD HAVE IT INVESTIGATED. RESQLUTiONSJOR COMMITTEE Evil Effects of the Great Combinations Recited Means Already Existing to Curb Trusts Ought to Be Rigidly Enforced. WASHINGTON, D. C-Representa live H-arsl of New York on Friday In troduced re-.oiutions providing for an Investigation of the trust (pit sp in by a commiltee (jf the menibers if the house. The resolutions contain ten clauses, reciting the evil effects of trusts on the country, among them be ing the following: Numerous illegal combinations known as trusts have been formed to absorb or eliminate competition and establish vlriuul monopolies with a view to controlling production and raising (he price of their products. "Such eW'-rtionate trusts as the beet" trust ujkI the coal trust and the ice trust have arbitrarily increased the cost of the necessities of life to the public. "Such specuative trusts us the ship yards and the neel I rust have Inflated i heir stock to many times its actual vuluei and sold to the public, transfer ins the people's money from banks and legitimate investments into the pock ets of trust promoters and speculators. "Industrial unrest has been foment ed by the increased cost oi living and by the consequent necessary efforts of 'abor to make its wages keep pace iviih the increased exist of living. trusts ss the steel trust, in the Increased cost of living. 'Such (pile of RATING OF PENSIONS. Order Payment Under '.he 1C93 Act j WASHINGTON - C.immi.-' iouer ol i l u -lor Wai. wi'h the. approval o! : Secretary Mirchet , k. Ims issued an j order making the follow mg change i.i pension raiin: j In ih a.ijudi. aiion of penssia I claims under the ai t of June 27. lv.m. as amended, it shall be taken and con sidered us an evidential fa:-t, if thu contrary does not appear, and if all other le;,-al require! its are prop erly met that when a claimant has passed the age or ;:! years he is dis abled one-ha.f in ability to perform manual labor and is entitled lo be imeu m j per moiiiii; alier ti years at S per month, after tiS years at till per nionih, and after To yea-s at 12 per month. Allowance al higher rate, not exceeding I2 per mouth, will con tinue to he made as heretofore, w here disabilities other than ago show a condition of inability to perform man ual labor. This order shall take effect April M. HUM, and shall not be deemed let- t'onetive. The former nil s of the office fixing the maximum and minimum years at 7.1 years, respectively, n,' hereby Mod ified as above. Committee Sees Private Report. The special committee of the house on the postolllce report has. it Is said, received the report known as "Exhibit 0." This document has never been made public and I he feeling created among members by the thorough man. ner in which the special committee Is dealing with the task assigned it, is growing somewhpt intense. Kevelaiions of "new deals" are hint ed at in the cloak rooms. In the mean- mum me special committee is car THE BEEF TRUST MAKING INVESTIGATION INTO ITS OPERATIONS. THE HEARINCS ARE NOT PUBLIC Secretary Corteieyou's Department Will Make the Investigation With out Assistance Alaska Anxious Con cerning Its Interests. i f-n lis vkWt VAtx V larrSAfi S 9 YLOW cmnniitett Showing Projected Railway From in ' '"ky"' " j ',M' .y ti c iiii atovsxrsM hi Lytic sw "fA X Of V. ........ I yuwut JAPAN il-:.,:ii!'i::-ill.N;iii.,A - i ;' i' :.: v I W-r-S: ;;.:;: WASIIINtlTON The department of commerce and labor, through the bu reau of corporations, is making an Investigation into the operations of the beef trust. A part of the investi gation is being conducted in accord ance with a resolution passed by the house of representatives recently. Prior to the adoption of the resolution, the department, through its regular channels, had collected certain Infor mation concerning the beef trust. The resolution which was drafted by Hep resentative Martin of South Dakota, requested the department officials to asTertain, if possible, the cause of the difference in price between beef on the hoof and dressed beef. It was pointed out that western stockmen believed that they were being discriminated against by the trust and that the markets of the country were being manipulated to their detriment. Neither Secretary Cortelyou nor Commissioner Garfield of the bureau of corporations will discuss the inves tigation in any way. It is made per fectly clear, however, that this inves tigation, as well as all others conduct ed by that department, will be made by the officials of the department themselves, without assistance; that the department will not stoop to detec tive work in the conduct of the in quiry and that the proceedings will be devoid of uny spectacular features. There will be no public hearings and publicity, w ill be avoided so far as pos sible. The pending investigation Is being conducted by Commissioner Garfield, j under the direction of Secretary Cor- I telyou. Heyoml that fact, 'practically nothing Is obtainable. Whether the results of the investigation are to be made public at its conclusion will de pend entirely on President Roosevelt. Alaskans who have been in Washing ton all winter pressing the claims of that territory for remedial legislation fear now that congress will ml loom without uccordlng their claims the at tention which In their opinion they warrant. They have seen the president during the winter in the interest or the legislation they are seeking and today several of them called at the White House again. INDIAN AFFAIRS INT HE SEN ATE. Senator Dick of Ohio Makes His First Appearance. W A S II I N G T l N T h e senate spent the greater part or Tuesday on the Indian appropriation bill Mr Lodge took exception to the provision cv cmpling candidates for ih position of Indian agency farmer iroin civil ser vice examination and on his sugges tion the amendment was passed over without action. Other features arous ing discussion were those relating to the designation of Indian school super Intendenls as Indian agents and an thoriing the payment of claims made by Indian tribes on account of the dif ference between the value of pav- In greenbacks and required by the IT IS RUMOR ONLY REPORT TELEGRAPHED THAI PORT ARTHUR HAS FALLEN. ANX1 THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION Th, nieiits made them coin payments us treaties. l.ate in the dav Senator-elect Dick or Ohio appeared in the senate cham ber the first time since hU election. Hit went direct to Senator's Foraker's seat aiul was cordially greeted, but their conference was cut short by the announcement of an executive session, from which Mr. Dick, not yet having taken the oath of office, w as excluded. JAPS EMULATE THE EXAMPLE. Fusan to Its Crossing the Trans-Siberian Manchuria. inve ruthlessly cut down (he wages of mndreds of thousands of employes in rder to pay dividends on watered itock, and other trusts have wholly ollapsed. throwing hundreds of thou ands of workmen out of exployinent. "The purchasing jxiwer of the com nnnily has been diminished by the ac tions of the trusts by unsound methods, which have misled the people, swin dled them and robbed them of their savings. "All classes of the community are being made to feel the evil effect of of the Unrestrained greed and lawless practi.-es of the trusts." The committee is directed to inform Hie house fully on the trust situation, lo the end that more effective laws may ue prepared and passed by Kress, regulating and restrict ly lunations. The committee is ered to send for persons and papers. An additional resolution states that "It is the sense of this house, and it does recommend, that the laws, al ready existing sgnlnst the trusts be in the meanwhile enforced by the ex ecutive branch of this government and the legal representatives thereof." The resolutions were referred to the committee on rules. win-com- cmpow- rylng on its work behind closed doors. An all-day session was held today. May Grade Consular Service. Senator Lodge was authorized by the senate committee on foreign rein- ii'na io iiiui.e a lavoiame report on his bill to grade Ihe consular service. The bill was materially amended and as approved oy the committee pro vides that vice consuls may be up pointed to perform the presrnt duties or consular agents nnd Dial the la:ter grade shall cease. Provision is made that there shall not be more than two consul generals of the first class at 12,000 per annum; eight consul gener als of the second class, at S,onO; thir teen consul generals of ihe I bird class, at 1(1,0(10, and thirteen of the fourth class, at Ifi.r.oo eac.i. There will bo thirty-seven consuls of the first class, at l.l.ooii; thirty-live of the second 'lass, at 4.0ii(l; sixty of tne third class, al 5:1.00(1 ; forty or ihe fourth cinss, at 52,.'i)(i; thirty of the filth class, at 52,0(10, nnd fifty or the sbth class, at ll.xuo each per annum. Tho bill regulates all tees, official or'unolU cfal. and provides for the performance of notarial acts. BANKING BILL GOES THROUGH. Lobby I'cs of Rome Senator Sir wart and Representative Curtis, of the senate and house com mittees on India,-, affairs, respectively talked with thr president about sonif features of tin Indian appropriation bill, especially features applicable tc the Indian Tcrritorw Alter experimenting ninny years, a loea. grower at Grand Junction. Colo lado. claims lo hnve developed n mclfv ..... mi oi growing seedless apples, which Is destined to revolutionlne the vapple industry, just ns seedless orange rev olutionized orange growing. The program for the national and In tornatlonal press congress at the world's fair, beginning May Hi. ht, been completed. It H expected hat 4,oii(t newspaper men will be Ir attendance and of these more than out hundred will be editors of leading for I'lgil papers. Allen P. Uvcjoy. whoso wealth Ir estimated nt several million dollar was found dead In bed at .laiiesville. Wis. lie was seventy-nine years old! Mr. Lovcjoy had largo lumber Interesis in uregon, Louisville. California Washington. He leaves a wide mn MM.t mm n uailKllter. "he Hon. Georso W. .In 1,1. w, . perintended the constriction of the chlcigo It Alton ralb-aad and was tu imny jcars agent f.,r the road, Is dead Me was rventy-m. years Id. Mr Judd was an intimate friend of ste pnen .. ixiiKia and Richard Yal vno wa governor ol Illinois, lol-n Carroll of Pnrkrishurg a.. a geologist nnd author of Bid Works on geology, died (Iron. Ark. Secretary Slmw hnr signed warrants niithorl.lng pavnirnt of war claims w men lie had oiiVrctl w Idle uf Iowa. and and cs, W. stand t Wul- governor Fails to Kill Measure in the Iowa House. Dlid MOINKS. Ia. The house of representatives passed the hanking bill, which permits the mate to de posit Its money at interest, by a vote of (if. to l.'i. There was a strong lob by of hankeis working against the measure. It is believed It. will g through the senate with little opposi tion. The bill to raise the compensation 3f county supervisors was killed b1 Iho house by a decisive vole. The iiitlook Is that none of the measures asking for an Increase In Hie salary if county officers will go through both houses at this session. Wheat Crop in Good Condition. , KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Rcporis re ceived from all parts of the KBiisaa wheat belt show that today's heavy rainfall was general. Santa Fee head quarters at Topeka has advices that wheat everywhere Is in good condition. MANY RUSSIANS COMMIT SUICIDE Several Officers at Port Arthur Rnr. cumb to Strain of Bombardment. SKW YORK News has been re- ceimi r;-om Port Arthur thut several ouiceis oi tne garrison, under the ;trnlii caused by the bombardment, nave committed suicide, hays a World dispatch from Shanghai. The total .. 1 , . . . milliner oi iiisuaiiies in the town lo date Is 205. Mai"iiis Jto has held a large recep tion, which was attended by the for eign legation officials, cables the Seoul correspondent of the Times. He ex pressed the belief that under Japan ese guidance Corea will advance com mercially and intellectually. It bein.-; .la pan's intention so to use its Influ ence thBt Ihe Corea ns will never re gret their connection Willi It. The marquis will return to Japan March Togo's Activity Spurs the Enemy to Action. ST. PIvTKRSlH'RG. Vice Admiral Togo's aclivily at Port Arthur Is being emulated by (lit! commander of the forces in Corea. The report of General Mistchenkow shows that the Japanese have taken the pre caution lo erect earthworks near Anju, which are being held by a Japanese di vision until the remainder of the First army corps comes up from Ping Yang. I lie advance of the Japanese shows that they are losing no time and they are more rapid than the Russians ex pected. Nevertheless, the fortifica tions of Anju shows Ihe ..apancse are accompanying movements by all prop er military precaut.ons. So far as the Russians are concern ed they have no Intention of attacking Anju. but Hie B.doo or cavalry men under General Mistchnekow will hart-ass and retard the Japanese In every way possible. IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE. Information Asked Regarding Rscent Pension Order. , WASI!INGTON-The senate adopt ed the following resolmion offered by Mr. Overman: "That the secretary of the interior be and he is hereby directed to Inform the senate: "First Whether an order has re cently been issued enlarging Hie pen sion act of June 27. lS'.ld, and amend ments, as to disabilities of applicants for pensions, and if so to send lo the senate a copy of said order. "Second lly what amount, if any. will said order increase pensions annu ally, particularly when the same shall become fully opuative." The senate passed ihe house bill approving the act of the territorial legislature of Arizona authorizing a bond Issue of 51011.111111 rnr the enlarge- " ine insane asylum of the ter ritorv. 1 lie mil authorizing the imorpora "ui 01 me American academy in Rome was passed. The senate then iiii into executive session and Inter adjourned until Monday. Japanese Said to Have Capturtd the Place After Combined Land and Sea Attack Troops Get In Rear of the City. A NEBRASK AN'S CITIZENSHIP Can' Payne Continues to Improve. WASHINGTON The condition Postmaster General Payne, who "een (on lined to ihe house i. continued favoruble. night he sleM ten hours of has for R iiur Saturday Civil Servlct In the Philippines. WASHINGTON. -The president has Issued 11 n executive order applying civil service rules to the service of Ihe war department in the Philippines and also classifying employes in thi;t service specially commended. Grover Is Sixty-Seven. PKINCICTON. N. J.-Cirover Clcve land quietly observed his (!7th birth d.'V at home. There was no celebra HoU except that he received some of his most Intlmnto Princeton friend, who cn' to offer congratulation-'. Demand Statehood Rights. LAS VF.GAS, N. M - The republican territorial convention selected dele gates to the national ((invention at Chicago endorsed the administration of President Roosf vi lt and passed iho following resolution by a unani mous vote: "We lavor and are of right entitled to statehood within ihn boundary lines of our territory ns they now exist. We hereby express our confidence in the national adminisiratioti and congress dealing with us In the mutter of Hate hood fairly and Justly." Russia Warns th Chinese. LONDON. The Standard's TU n Tsln corespondent srvs that Paul Les sar. Russian minister in China, has nncwcl his protein nunl:ist the dis patch of Chinese furies outside Iho great wall and has intimated Hint un less they are withdrawn Russia may lie compelled to ad on the assumption I hat China Is abandoning her neutral ity. Tito mlnbter Is aim reported to have renewed Ills threat that on Hie slightest movement on China's part Russian troops v nt man It in j Peking. TO INTERCEPT JAP SHIPS. Rumor Regarding Russia's Vladivostok Fleet. PARIS The Helm De Paris corre- K.oii(lent at St. Petersburg says it Is rumored in naval circles there that Captain Peitzcnstein's Vladivostok squadron has been ordered to overtake, at a certain point on the Pacific, the battleship and two cruisers bought from Chili by Japan and return with them to Vladivostok. The correspondent says It is ru mored that ICmperor William of Ger many has refused to accept three cruis ers built at Kiel and Stettin, on the ground that they did not conform to the terms or the contract, and that Russia is negotiating for their pur chase. , The Russian general staff, the cor respondent, says, estimates that the number of Japanese troops landed In Korea does not exceed 7.",ooo. Lost Papers and State Court Restore His Rights. U',WllVi"IVl' r... .mi n,. 1 tie supreme riinrl if (I,,. 1 ..!,.. 1 ... . " i linen males, in an opinion, by Justice Rrown. affirmed the finding of the court of claims in 1 ne case of Charles Gagnon against tne l lilted Slates and the Sioux am ineyoniie Indians, an Indian depreda tlMIl efl'-n I (1 ... .1 .. I .1. .. "" ink 1 ue question as to whether a common law court has jiu i.-.Mi-uou 10 enter a judgment of naturalization In a ease in widen 1. lu .,11.. I .1 . . '""-Ken 1 u;u naturaiizai ion papers had been granted thirty-three years rgo, but of which no record remained. The point was decided in the nega UM-. uagnon, claiming lo hav lost 1.1 t: , n H.iiiouHauon papers, applied to the district conn In Richardson coun ty Nebraska, where he claimed lo nave been naturalized In LS(i3, to de 1 nun a naiiiraiizttd citizen. This the court -did, mil withstanding no rec ord or the former proceeding was found. Hie court held mis process to ne irregular and refused to allow tlm claim. Preparing for a Long Siege. ST. PICTKRSHCRG. The Russians are continuins prepnrr.tions for a prospective siege of Port Arthur by riii-hlng large quantities of supplies to that point. According to the Nov I Krai as many as forty cars, loaded with barley, chickens and other foods, arrive dafly. GET FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. Canal Commission Meets and R:ceives Letter from President. WASHINGTON.- Preliminary work was begun by the Isthmian canal com mission. The Ilrst full meeting of the commission was held in 1 lie offices of Admiral Walker, ihe chairman. The session resolved itself Into an Informal discussion, of various features of the preliminary work and of preparations for Ihe first visit of ihe to Panama. President Roosevelt en tertained Ihe members of the coiuinU- sion nnd Secretary Tart at lunch 1. During the luncheon there was a gen eral discussion of various phases of tin' canal question. General instructions to ihe members of the commission were contained in n letter from President Roosevelt to ihe commission, under date of MarthS. - You cannot make clouds for others and live in 1 1n clear yourself. Naval Captain Commended. WASHINGTON. -Captain Royal It Hi uil ford, commanding ihe battleship Illinois, Is warmly commended in the report made public or the llndlng of Ihe court of inquiry which Investi gated the collision of the Missouri and Illinois off Giiaiitanntuo for his splendid seamanship, which, the re port says, saved the Illinois Trim what would almost lm vitality have proved her total destruction had It mil l-cen for Ihe excellent Judgment shown by her captain at M-veral critical moment. Kansans Ask Big Appropriation. W ASHINGTON -A large delegation of Kansans. comprising Kenaiors. ren- reseniailves and prominent citizens of the hinte called at the War depart ment and were heard at length by General Mackenzjc, chief of engineers', upon the pending proportion to straighten out and change the course of the Raw river with a view 1,1 ih prevention of a repel il Ion of the Hood which cumilfed purl of Kansas CKy nnd oilier Kiiiishr towns The dele Knibui wants ll.r.iio. 01 begin woilt COMBES WILL HOLD HIS PLACE. French Premier Says He Has No In tention of Resigning. PARIS In the course of an inter view Prime Minister Combes denied ihe reports that he will Immediately retire from the premiership as a re sult of (he recent cabinet reverses. M- r '"'x says he recognizes that the situation of the ministry is ilelienlo hut that so tar as he Is concerned, he proposes to pursue to the end Hie work he has undertaken without deviating a hair's breadth from the course he planned. This statement Is Interpreted as ap plying to the work in connection with the pending law for the supresslon or the teaching orders, which probably will be passed In a lot-might, when the premier' main work will have been ac complished. Nationalists Win Victory. Dl'ltLIN. The nationalists In the St. Stevens Green division or Dublin Heeled Lawrence Waldron In (III ihe vacancy in Hie House of Commons caused by the death of James McCann by a majority of (',20 over ihe unionist r:indldate. Wr. Waldron Is a v.calihy stock broker. While he was not an official nationalist candidate, he Is pledged to support home rule and Ihe proposal to establish a embolic mil verslly In Dublin and id opp.ise ihe present financial rehuion between Inland nnd Great llriialn. LONDON number of rumors are printed in newspapers here this morn ing which must be read with reserve. The Telegraph's Toklo correspondent cables or the Japanese occupation of J'ort Arthur afU'r a combined luml and sea attack Saturday and Sunday. It Is asserted that a division of Japanese landed on ihe Lino Ting peninsula Saturday and engaged the Russians near Port Arthur, while the fleet bombarded that place from Sat urday evening until Sunday morning. The same correspondent reports a sharp encounter at Chyong Syong, on the Value river, about thirty miles northeast or Wiiju. in which the Rus sians lost lino killed or wounded. The Daily Chronicle's Shanghai cor lespomient bears n-oin New Chwang that the Japanese crossed Tat Tung pass and th::t collisions with the Rus sians occurred. Reports from Seoul and Korea are to the effect that Marquis Ito has ar ranged to lend .1.00(1,000 yen to Korea on easy terms. According (o the Standard's Tien Tsin correspondent. China Is appeal lug to the powers for an extension of a year in the period for the payment of the indemnity LrowitiL- out of tlu Haxer troubles. The Tien Tsin correspondent of the Daily Mail reports that Kaloka. a Jap anese merchant and Russian spy. has been assassinated by being burled alive, lull thai the Japanese author! ties dlrnvow any knowledge of the assassins. TI... 1 1 .Morning i-osi s n?mtiurg cor respondent says that Russia lias pur chased the Hamburg steamer llafls which lsxiiow at Vladivostok, for 52.1 000, and that the vessel's name bar been changed to Alexetrapnnt. CHINESE ARMS MENACE RUSSIA Forty Thousand Troops Drilled by Foreigners Ready for Field. PARIS The Figaro's correspond enl in Merlin telegraphs that a Ger man officer who has just arrived then from Maiicuiiria says serious opera lions in the far east will not be be gun hi fore the end of June. The principal obstacle to Russian victory according lo (his officer, is the fact that -IrttniO Chinese troops, well trained and with German and Japan ese instructors, are menacing Russia's lines or communication. Russia, wit!: the support of Germany, will protest against this concent ration of Chinest troops. According I'nt of (he confirmation destruction noat destroyer Sketi al Port Arlliui by the explosion of a submarine mine The correspondent saws that ihr mikado yesterday bade adieu to 4!i,r officers who Were leiivimr for Hi trout. Natural Resentment. Rei. Dr. Fourthly wa-. the morn r.g lesson. "'Doth not een nature itself teach "' he said, 'that If a man have '1'iig hair it is a shame unto him:"' Whef; ;;rl) (,.( t. who l,Ml pencil to be In town that d.iy, and had gone to church for the tlr-t lime in 2,1 years, fingered hU rcvolwr ominously, but thought better of it. and avenged himself by withholding the 51 Kohl piece he had Intended to drop into (ho basket when u camn around. Temporary Truce ' "What do you do when your wIN ms j , y,,,, f.V(,r rui0, j-or other woman before you m asked Ruggles. "1 temporize." said Uoggles. ' Ti mporl.-.c?" "Yes; I tell her I haven't time to them all." Double. any her? ' He Saw r$53W 1 Wiiai Win- keeps don't Mrs. l!oo.e (3 a. 111.) .vou so long in the hall. 5 ou come up to bed? Mr. Fuller Moo.,. ( loaded 1-Tl.etesh two hie- hall racksh down hete hie -mid I don't know hie w hi, h nU to hang my hat on. Mrs. Iloo.e Hang one hat on each. Rather Unappreciative. (Veil (setitin entally) Don't you feel gloomy when the sky Is overcast wilh gray, when the rhythtui rounds a dirge upon the roof, and the landscape's beauties are nid by the weeping mist? Hazel (sweetly) Yes; Hilly annoying. It. does hair come out of curl so! it's dread- make one's His Confession. She had worked ber leap year rogativo and lie had balked at pre-the to the Tokio correspond Petit Pa'isienno official has been received of thr of 1 lie Russian loriiede hurdle. "Ah," she sighed, "(his and unexpected Mow!" "If it. will make it any easier for you," said die marble hearted young man. 1 m willing to admit that I dreadfully." a cruel siioro MILLARD SEES THE PRESIDENT No Channe in U. S. District Attn,.n-u at Present. WASHINGTON. While at thr While house Senator Millard talked to the president about ihe case of Wil liamson S. Summers. I'nited Staler attorney for Nebraska, whose re moval from office it Is said, has been promised by the president lo Kdward Rosewaier of Omaha and Senator Dietrich of Nebraska. Senator Mil lard put the matter to the president In such a way that no elinn,... uin 1.. nude in the office for some lime al least, and Summers will remain when he is until Senator Millm-.i i c.n. " ' 1 'III' reed that he ought to be siiceeedei by someone cise. Senator Millard has not yet reached the p lint of asseui to tills proposition It is said there is no question lliat Summers will eventually rail or reap pointincnt, but ihe president will not are to hasten his removal until Sen rilor Millard is willing. CUTS THE APPROPRIATION. Money for the Lewis and Clarke Ex position. WASHINGTON The house com mittee. 011 Industrial arts and exposi tions considered in an all day session the report or Its subcommidce on the senate bill appropriating 51,7.1(l,ooo toward the Lewis mid Clarke exposi tion to be held at Portland. Ore. The sub-eoinnilltee cuts the appro priation 10 52011.11I10 for a government exhibit; 522.1.0UO for government buildings; $2.1.000 for an Alaskan ex hibit; 52.1,000 Tor a Philippine exhibit, and authorizes the coinage of 2.10,000 souvenir dollars. These dollars are to sell at 5- each and the profit will go to the exhibition company. The full committee will consider the bill again Saturday. Exposition Officials Deny It. ST. 1.0ns, Mo.-When shown a dispatch from New York lo Ihe effect thai a concern managed by J, D. Mc Grcgor proposed to furnish a large number of non union persons to mi employment contracts with Ihe World s fair. Walter M. Stevens, sec retary of the exposition company, said; "The exposition com pa n has no knowledge of MiGiegor and his plans. There Is no agreement between ,cotu esslonaires and the World's fair as 10 the employment of labor, 1111I0. or otherwise," Same Old Story. Muggsby That fellow Naggj Is the biggest fool crank I ever met. Juggins How's that? Muggsby-l argued with Iiim two hours yesterday without be'ii- able to convince him that I was riyht and he was wrong. That Young Man Is Doomed. Anxious Mother What are the In tentions of thai young man who culls on you three times a week? Pretty Daughter Oh, it doesn't matter in the hast. This is l.--up year and I know what my Intentions .11 e i, right. A Living Proof. Anarehlsts After Police. ROMIv Another anarchist murage was attempted, but the Inl, rnnl nip., chine, which was placed on Ihe win (low sill of the residence or Police Commissioner Minn, was discovert d In time lo prevent any damage being done. The machine was Id -mlcal the one which was exploded March IS outside the residence or Commis sioner of Police Laurent, ami hl, h wrecked Ihe. house, killed mi artillery officer, Major Pnnln nn.t fi-nll. .r j wound, d Mil" a (!o- ihern. Remarkable Marksmanship. WASHINGTON-In a private letter received at the navy department from an officer on hoard Ihe Kearxarge. iho following remai kable record made by luat battleship In her target practice. Just completed al PensHcola, is given: One Ihlrteenlneh Rim made Hx lilts out of seven shots in five minutes and twenty sounds. An eight liu h gun made ten hUs mil of ten shots In rive iiilnuicK and twenty si mis. ami a live lm li ami msde eighteen hit out nf elRh'c hot n ,v ,!. lite. I Willie Rapphedd No, I have no bwothcrs or slstahs. I'm the only child of my pawents. Miss Oldestili Dear me! And there are people who will persist in a.-sert-th it marrnlRn Isn't a failure: No Market Left. "You know my Intentions are ?rxid," he pleaded. "Of course," was the reply, ''an.! I suppose you might sell them fur pav ing blocks if hades wasn't pretty well paved already. As it Is, it looks to me as If you had loaded up with good for which there Is no market left." Would ir She Couki "I believe you'd stand before mirror all day." said Mr. Closely snap plshly. "doing nothing but changing your dresses.'' "Perhaps I would," replied Mrs. Closely dreamily. "If 1 hud tin dresses."- Stray Stories. A Toast. 'Tut down that glass!" cried Mrs. Jawsum, catching her husband In the act of taking a we nip. "If you drink that liquor I'll never speak tu you again as long as I live." "My dear." mid he, as he (rulped it down, "here's locg lire to yon."--Philadelphia Pros. Cautious. "Is In- the nuilior of the piece?'' "Weil. I wouldn't care to make that an utKi'ialilb'd tattnicni, but tie th, man who t!ra the rojalllw."