The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 24, 1904, Image 5

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    -A ' V- V
nouns hiiiR com. It has the flavor that in so highly ntmre-
ciatcd t.y those who know what jjocxl meet is. It is tender,
juicy niul delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting.
( )ur prices invito purchases. Also boar in mind that our
is up-to-data nnd thnt tho quality of our goods cannot be
surpnssiHl nor our prices cannot be beat. . We divide our
profits with our cutjtoniers, because wo give thcitt tho best
gocxls for the same money that you have to pay for poorer
quality. Don't bo backward, but give us a trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
While They Last
A Beautiful Lithograph of Dan Patch .
With Every Package of
International Stock Food
Get Your Stock in Shape
For the Heavy Spring Work'.
You don't have to buy a barrel, get a 25c or 50e package
Try it and you will buy more.
Union Block, Sixth St. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Bottled in Bond.
1 1
A Startling Discovery
Dr, Don's
Kidney ! Backache Pills
Ncvcr.before known to medical science, a drug discovered by Dr. Don, of
London, England, one or the greatest, known specialists on Diseases or Kid
neys and Urinary Organs, discovered by him during his travels in the Philip
pino Islands.
For all Kidney diseases, viz: Irritation of the Bladder, Scanty Urine, Bl ight's
Disease, Kheumatlsm, Dropsy, Nervousness and Lost Manhood, tjulck acting,
positive ami spceuy uuic.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded
Manufactured only by
Dr. Don Remedy Company
London and New York.
For Sale by Your Druggist.
Mail Orders for $1.00 Size Filled Promptly.
For Mail Orders Address Omaha, Nebraska.
Dr. Don's Little Liver Pills, Price 25c per Box
( Mention This Paper)
rlr ..'4 l.,J
That Has
That is the kirnl v have,
1 "
Not only now but all times.
that lias been pro
I from rich, Hwoet
ntrv irrass and tiio
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Zbc JBcot Mbiel
is the Cheapest
in the jnW '
Toor Whisky is not only dis-
ngroenblo to tnstt, but undoubted
ly injurious to thestomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instond of harming. Such
Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do vou just as mud
good as a doctor's prescription. 1'
you don t know how good it if
como in and try it.
PRICES:, per gallon... $4 00
Yellowstone, " "... 4 00
Honey Dew, " "... 3 00
Big Horn, " "... 2 00
'V In i o r-o 1 :
- - - - NEBRASKA
Price 50c and $1.00
Imi'oktkd aku Drkd lit
M. L. Ayrcs, Shenandoah, la
Krlylntlm fH I arrlvH with my
lt lniHiriiiiluii nf rrn-liprun and
Hi'IbUii ctnlllniiH, all i f i ( oxl mil,
lieuvy Iwuii., low duwn, bliicl, klt.ll.
JJIitrki, hnys it ml gtnyn.
tiua Ininilicil nr inoiu KernMnl Ant
mnlmiii farm In fiirt truth. Wuni'll
Hi I wlih t inirmiiiiH to l.e vorir,u Iih
RKtlrra. WB rKnrilln nmi.
liKntiKtolmjr. Wn bIvh hinrf lllnlMm
lmiikll iMr al kU pfr rpnl. If
jpihi mit. n itIH,i Hiilniiil como nod Me
mn, Pi'tid inr Cutuliy,
WrltB of tlihnn mo nd I will
tnrrtynu itt tho ilrNii,
Tim pk-turo N of nin lo, the but
IVnhcniD BtullioD In Amorli-n, lm
irtf.l by n t the brad of M. U
Ayr.' 8lud of I'prrhrntn Htnllloii.
Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald!
If II Is the best you got it at tiering
Slock and poultry Tunis at Gering &
tail's drug store.
Machine oil of all kinds at Coring &
Cos drug store.
Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated
'Cut lleil" clears.
Everything in the drug line at (ier-
int,' Oo's drug store.
Almost a million square feet of wall
paper at tiering & Co's.
Wall paper almost at your own prices
at C.ering & Co'p drug store.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oftlec with Dr. E. 1). Cummins.
box of the best matches made for
only 1c, at tiering & Co's drug store.
Mrs. II. E. Sheehan departed for her
future home in (ialesburg, 111., Friday.
lr. Calkins, a dentist of Omaha,
was the guest of Ir, Todd in this city
J' riday. .
Edwin Jeary, a Lincoln attorney,
was looking after .some legal matters
here Friday.
Mrs. Minnie Cox lias been appointed
postmistress at Mynard, vice A. L.
Cox, tesigned.
The paint that is guaranteed for
live years Is ration's Sun Proof Taint.
Sold by Coring & Co.
A marriage permit was granted Fri
day to 1). Buhge, aged 2.'), and
Miss Maud M. Wilkinson, aged 20,
1'etcrMcCann, a former resident of
l'lattsmouth, died at his home In
Omaha last Friday, aged seventy-five
years. lie was known to all the old-
time citizens.
E. G. Dovey & Son 1
fl tt t4C
I ' ' '
House Cleaning Time is almost here, which means that you will have to get
a new carpet or perhaps two. We have the same reliable makes
which we have always handled. -
All-wool Ingrains from 59c to 98c.
Velvet carpets from 98c to $1.25
Moquetsnd Axministers; an extra
new line of designs and colorings.
Mattings all prices 15c to 50c a yard.
60 rolls to select from.
Oil Cloths from 1 to 2 1-2 yards wide.
. Linoleums from 2 to 4 1-2 yards wide.
Art Squares in Ingrains and Brussels.
Most Complete Carpet House
Ccrlng & Co. have the quality, quan
tity and low prices In wall paper.
Hon. Win. Deles Dernier was down
from El m wood yesterday on legal
Already people aro raking off their
front yards, burning trash ,jmd get
ting ready for making garden.
A careful housewife is careful in the
selection of wall paper for her home,
but it Is only a matter of taste to se
lect your wall paper from the Immense
stock carried by (lering & Co.
Christ Chrlstensen departed Satur
day morning for Sallda, Colo., to ac
cept a position tendered him by the
Denver & Klo Grande railroad. Mr.
Christiansen was among the number
let out of the B. & M. shops here
Mr. Steve Hulllsh, the principal
merchant of Wabash, called Tuesday
and added his name to our Increasing
list of patrons. Mr. Hulllsh Is one of
Cass county's reliable democrats and
we arc pleased to number him among
the Journal's friends.
Harry McDonald and Perry Sander
son of Murdock, and J. C. Brown of
Wabash, who were called here as wit
nesses on the Hlnes-Connally case,
gave the Journal a brief call Monday.
While, here Mr. Sanders enrolled Ids
name for the Journal, Mr. Brown re
newed his allegiance, and Harry, who
Is already ahead of the hounds, simply
came along to show them where .we
grind out rock-ribbed, straightdaced
and bible-backed democracy.
.1. II. B.uhler of Fremont county,
Iowa, was In the city Saturday, and
gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr.
Bachler came over to see his sister,
Mrs. L. Bates, who lias been quite ill
with hlilainmatory ileMiiuatlsiu. Mr. bier has a son, Lloyd II. , who lives
In Dewey county, Oklahoma, who
writes to his father that lie has MO
acres In wheat which promises to be
one of the linest crops ever raised In
the terrllory. He Is well pleased w ith
the country nnd writes very encourag
ingly of the future of Oklahoma. Mr.
Bachler Is a patron of the Journal, and
likes to nad the news from Plaits
n'outli, where he resided many years.
A. B. ToiKl went toOxford, Neb.,
on business last Friday, returning ye.
terday. April first Is Patrons' Day. Cail not
you afford to give thishalf day to your
Dr. T. P. Livingston departed Sun
day for a trip to Denver, returning
Friday afternoon, April first, Is your
day in the public school. Arrange
your work so as to lie there.
If It's a bilious attack, take Cham
tierlaln's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets
and a quick recovery is certain. For
sale by all druggists.
If you are interested hi the public
schools show It by attending the ex
hibit of their work on Patrons' Day,
April lirst, 1:'M to 5 o'clock p. m.
Painting, decorating and sign writ
ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders
at Fricke's drug store.
L. Baldwin'.
Painters and paper hangers wanted.
Mechanical ability (and not member
ship in a labor union) the only qualifi
cation "Open" shops in Omaha after
Ayril 1. Address, or enquire of T. J.
Beard & Bro., mo, iHwglas street.
Treasurer Wheeler had urgent busi
ness in Weeping Water last Saturday,
and by this trip the county is nearly
two hundred dollars better off.' Billy
is on the alert for those who urc about
to leave the county and are behind on
the tax books.
Workjng Overtime.
F.lght hour laws aro Ignored by those
tireless, iittlo workors Dr. King's
New Life Pills. .Millions arc always
at work, night and day, curing Indi
gestion, Biliousness, Constipation,
Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver
and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant,
safe, sure. Only L'.'c at F. C. Frlcke &
Co's drug store.
Dr. E. W. Cummins went to Lin
coln yesterday on business.
The matrimonial market is not so
brisk as it was a few weeks since.
If you arc a ludire of a irood smoke.
try tho "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
From present Indications consider
able overhauling and rebuilding will
be done In Plattsmouth this season.
P. H. Melslngcr dropped a dollar In
the Journal's slot Tuesday while in
the city, which pays in advance to
April 1, 1H03.
John Bauer, Henry Richards, E. F.
Cames and Stephen Dyger of Wabash,
are here as witnesses In the nines-
Connally damage suit.
,F. C. Gordon, Sr., camo out several
days ago from Pittslleld, Mass., to
visit his son, F. C. Jr., and contem
plates spending the summer here.
Preachlngat Knosha church Sunday,
Agril.l, at . p. m. Also at Murray,
morning and cvenlngsamc date. You
are welcome.
S. W. Jackson, Pastor.
Commissioner Banning was here this
week In an olllclal capacity, and let
the light of his genial countenance
beam in upon us. He returned home
to Union last night.
Oather the roses of health for your
. cheeks,
While tho parks arc shining w ith dew.
(letout In the mornlngearly and bright
By taking liocky Mountain Tea at
night, tiering & Co.
C. E. Metzger, one of the young
democrats of Eight, Mile (irove pre
duel, was In the city Monday, and
paid his respects to the Journal. Mr.
Metzger belongs to a family of live
hoys, every one of wlmm votes the
democratic ticket. He Is a line young
man and we were pleased lomeethlm.
W. W. Pool, tho Weeping Water
real estate man, gave tho Journal n
pleasant cull Tuesday, while in the
city on business. We were pleased to
meet and make Mr. Pool's acquaint
ance, nnd found him to lm a most
pleasant gent Ionian. While here Mr.
pool left a couple of dollars to balance
our books In his favor. He likes tho
Journal In every way but Its polities.
Mr. M. F.. Pu Is orders the Jounul
s.T.t to her address at Union.
Joseph Sans of Pnck Bluffs, passed
through the city Tuesday, inrouto Tr
H. O. Manners is another new reader
of the Journal at the Plattsmouth
Anton Wallingcr called Monday and
had his name enrolled for the Journal
at Cedar Creek.
Mrs. Joseph Tighe of Wabash Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Sohlater.
E. Kdgerton is entitled to a credit
of fl.Ot) for the Journal this week. Mr.
Kdgerton 's postofliee address is Platts
mouth. Judge Travis Is a candidate for dele
gate from the First congressional dis
trict to the St. Louis national con
vention. Ten brand new subscribers to the
Journal this week. It Is vary en
couraging to see our list swoll each
week, and soon we will have to get n
swifter press to print our edition in
one day.
This spring you will need a nerve
food, one that will cleanse and recon
struct your nerve centers and wasted
energies. Hollister's Pocky Mountain
Tea will do It. 35 cents. Tea or tab
lets, Gering & Co.
Dr. J. D. Jones and Milt Moore of
Murdock, two of tho best democrats
on Ood's green earth, were attending
court this week. At the hour of going
to press Milt Is here yet but thinks he
will get home some time next week.
Ylctor C. Anderson was admitted to
cltl,cnshjp by Judge .lessen Monday,
consequently relinquishes all allegi
ance to the ruler of his native country.
We congratulate Vic upon his becom
a full-IIeged citizen of the greatest na
tion on Pfirth,
. J)
yS. Beck and Jas. Woodward, of Elm-
wood, were county seat visitors yester
day. La Book, Omaha's leach nor constum-
er. Ladies tailored gowns and .shirt
waist suits. 513, Karbuoh block.
After a brief visit with Mrs. J. M.
Leydaand family in this city, Mrs. M.
Ct. Keeper returned to her home in
South Omaha yesterday.
County Superintendent Wortman
went over to Mead Sunday, returning
Tuesday with his wife, who has been
visiting there for several weeks.
A special Invitation Is extended to
every lady In Cass county to call nnd
examine our line of wallpaper, Then
you will say It Is beyond comparison In
price, quality and stylo. Oerlng &
Co. arc the largest dealers In wall
in Cass county.
J. H. Melsinger was a pleasantcaller
at Journal headquarters Tuesday. Be
sides renewing for his own paper, he
also renewed the subscript Ions of (I.
L. and J. J. Melsinger, who receive
the Journal at the Cedar Creek post
ofliee. The Melslngers arc all staunch
friends of the Journal, and wo highly
appreciate their friendship.
M. Fanger's department store is be
ing remodeled. Mr. Fanger Is arrang
ing to use the second story of the
building, by connecting a strairway
from the Inside, and also adding . ex
tended plate glass windows In the
front. When fully completed Mr.
Fanger can Justly boast of one of the
linest store rooms In the city.
. Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
Is bad, your liver is out of
order. Aycr's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-
Ecpsia, make your liver right.
!asy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All drutjiolt.
Until )nnr initu.i'i. i nr Im.ii1 n lr,,iuliil
Wowtl T rlrlt liltick ? TIhmi ll.
H f A r s
0- TIIK - -
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No . 750.
Ii.vrntisl In tin- Mate f Xi hr.t,!.
cltiM of liuilnvxft, .V.rnvi, i;t, 1
A. lit tilt,
loiniM Mill IHmVUIiW.. i
tk, w-i-uissl a.i.l uumvuiVsi
Stix-ks, s-iirltit's.JmK-iiuiits.i-:,IXa
ll.iiiMnx Iioumi furnliurv Vi
Currviil Kh-iim's Mini tttu' iia,j
C:ili Hrm- " '
liu' from nut slut,,
Hilt! irlv:tto banks hikI
lumkrrs. I I IK) H
Clitfks it ml Iti ids of l-
flililitfe st' iy
H oiil yr
Tutu! i-asli 011 liniid
?: .1:1 1:
I?. .VI
II'.' 4;
S k.V, mi
Clllllllll t,vk ,,l(l In
I mllvlilnl
Individual Ii hs1u siiIi-
Jivn.,-I,,vk JU) ,
llim- ri-rilllriiii'iifilt.n,,.
lit' , ...... 2 IVI Ul
N'Mrs ami liSiK ilNisiiiiitisi....
111 Is UUVHUll'
4.1 l!
12 r ."7 30
..1 SirW
BTATK OK 1.11111 llu . i
Counly uf Cuss. (
I.. I M. ltnlH'rl, iHlil-rir tho ulh.vt. ioiiiicI
Imnk, do n, nly swi'iirilnit tin. nUn. slat,.-
im-iit Is orr.vt mh.I air ,,,iy f tlu, . t
inaik'totliusi tu-Hanking lizard.
J. M. HollKIITS.
W. II. Xkwh.1, 1 . ,
S. II. Atwooi.. 1 ,lr,,-trs
Suhs,-rU.1 ami sworn to ni this ilnl
lay of .Murrh, l;H, . it, Wini.imm.
. ,. , . Nulary I'lilillo.
My iHniiiiiltslnn f sjtlrcs IK-toU r 111. I'M).
Fire Last Night.
About half-past nine o'clock last
night the lire bell pealed forth its dread
ful warning. The wind being quite
blgh, the citizens generally became
unusually alarmed. When tho lire
was located It was discovered to l the
old Julian property In the Second ward.
The lire boys were right on hand and
did sonio hcrolo work, and while the
Uro had gained considerable Iheadway
iK'foro they reached the spot they suc
ceeded In saving the greater portion or
the building. Billy Hicks and fund ly,
who were the occupants, saved most of
their household effects. The house is
an old one, and considering tho night,
it Is a great wonder any portion of the
house was saved. As to Insurance on
house or contents, the Journal Is not
Patrons' Day and School Exhibit.
The public schools aro planning a
patrons' day for April llrst. In each
room will ho a display of the actual
work of the pupilsof that room. Each
child will be represented by some of
his or her own work. There will be a
short program, Including regular class
work and a short talk by one of the
patrons. The teachers and pupils are
doing some very hard work that they
may make this showing, and it Is only
justice to them that, they he encour
aged by a large attendance. Some of
the work on exhibit will bo sent to St.
Louis as part of the Nebraska exhibit
there. Bo sure and visit the High
school. All aro Interested there,
Don't Bathe,
It was reported soma time ago that
a notoriety seeking physician, recom
mended to the people to keep away
from bathing, but his theory was re
pulsed by all with disgust. A clean
mind in a clean Udy, is the mot to of
the American people. The surface or
the body will bo kept clean by bathing
the inside organs, by using Trincr's
Elixir of Bitter Wine. It Is tho only
reliable blood purilier and stomach
tonic. Being composed of puro grape
wine and selected herbs, it contains
no narcotic, no depressant, no poison.
It builds hp tho iHKly, not stupify the
organs, but giving them the necessary
strongth to perform their duties. The
stomach will readily accept all food,
the digestive organs will work In har
mony to transform the healthy In
gredients of the food to health, rich
blood. Such blood is the essence of
life. Never buy "blood uurillers"
which upset your stomach. Trlner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine will
always go to the foundation of the
evil. At drug stores. Jos. Triner,
7!I9 South Ashland Avc.Chlcago, Ills.,
Pilsen Station.
A Favorite Remedy For Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures
have made Chamberlain's Cough P.cni-
edy a favorite with the mothers of
small children. It quickly cures their
coughs and colds and prevents any
danger of pneumonia or other serious
consequences. It not only cures croup,
but when given as soon as the croupy
cough appears will prevent the at
tack. For sale by all druggists.
For Sale.
I have a four horse power second
hand Fairbanks-Morris gasoline engine
I will sell cheap. It is In pood run
ning order and O. K. Having replaced
it with a heavier engine, I will dis
pose of it at a bargain. If you are In
terested write me at Union, Neb.
W. B. Banmnu.
Delightfully Entertained.
Saturday evening last Earl Travis
entertained a number of his friends,
The chief amusement of the evening
being high-live At the proper hour
a three-course luncheon was served.
Those present are unanimous in the
verdict that t hey were most pleasant
ly entertained throughout theevcnlng.
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakemanof Ien
nls in, Ohio, was conlined to his bed
for several weeks wilh Inllammatory
rheumatism. "I used many remedies,''
he says. "Finally 1 sent to McCuw's
rlniir More for n liolt.le of ( !l in m I m r.
Iain's Pain Hal in. at which t line I was
unable to use hand or foot, nnd In one
week's time was able to go to work as
harpy as a clam." For sale Ivy alt
Have your prescriptions lilled ut
(ierbig & Co's. it makes no difference
who the doctor Is,
Wall Pa
M In
I have just received my ne.
stock of Wall Paper.
Remember, our stock is all
new no paper left over from
last year.
Come in and let us show
you what pretty patterns we
You'll he surprised to learn
how nicely you can paper a
Geo. W. Gilman
Zbc iDruoolst
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it.
I15 keeping It In a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account yon
will he anxious to add to It rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
& Ramge
Still lead all other Meat Markets In
furnishing the people of Platts
mouth and vicinity with
First Class Meats
Of Every Description.
Fresh and Smoked Meats,
Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc.
They have removed to the first room
w est of their old stand.
By courteous treatment to all they
hope to retain their present patrons
and gain many new ones.
'-1.-. ..H'-Kintj
The Anchor of Hope
When sickness or reverses overtake
you is the money that you have laid
by for the rainy day." Pauperism
never conies to the thrifty, or to the
man or woman of foresight, for they
have something put by In a safo Insti
tution that Is drawing '. per cent In
Plattsmouth Savings Banlc,
iNiiltMnniilh : Nebraska.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
and foreclosurcof mortgagesa specialty
V Abstracts of Title V
Thomas Uallir$.
OKI'ICK-Aiilieiiser-nusb Work.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
.Main Street.
V In Cin count f
y 1 1 1 mi if
Monlrt nt nil lioura. Soeciftl at
tention lo tlio f miner pntrons, The
tnbloa nro Bupptiod with tho best
tho nmrketB nlTord.
JOHN COKEY, rroprWtoc.
t ucuiuv au- 1
tbcvuut. (