The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 24, 1904, Image 4

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    The! -Sattsmouth Journal
H.-A. KATES, l'l ULixmcu.
tillered at the kMiflK-e at rutunumlii. Nu
bra-ika. aa wvuiKlolku uiitllcr.
JrixiK I'akkkk's silence is a repub
lican Issue. The Judyc will talk forci
bly enough w hen his party calls.
The same old "I'lattsiuouth IiingV
was In the saddle at the Weeping
Water Convention last Saturday.
iiiE question is, "Mioulu a young
"man marry on JI.OOO a year, or less?"
It all depends upon the young lady's
Secuktakv Shaw says that the boy
Who sticks to the farm shows great
sense. He quit the farm very early.
. Geuekal Khistow has caused that
tired feeling to lnvade'the White
House. And the House of Representa
tives is fatigued.
' TiiKUK Isone good thing about the
Post olllce scandal: It shows that Coiv
gressmen are'still capable of blushing
very loudly Indeed.
Cong hkssm a n Hknton of Missouri,
protesting against an appropriation of for a "palatial .ham", for the
President's horses, says the President
Is hard on horses anyhow. This Is
new dellnltion of "Rough Rider."
The democratic aldermanlc ticket Is
Balnlng in approval every day. People
on the street, In the olllce and in the
home are speaking of the commendable
selections the party made and are' pre
dicting a clean sweep for the ticket.
The republicans of the first con
gressional district met at Lincoln last
Tuesday and went through'. the motion
of renominating Klowhard Kurkett
It Is Just as well, as it would be Im
possible to II ml a republican In the dis
trict that can blow harder and do less
for his constituency than Burkctt.
Juikik W. M. Robekthov, whothrcc
weeks ago announced for the rcpubll'
can nomination for governor, has with'
( drawn, but Harrison still remains to
give Midget Mickey a tussle. The op
position are praying night and day that
I a. a. mi i
Lawyeii Cuitchlow of Utah, has
the defects of a ready wl tness before the
.Investigating committee. Explaining
the defeat of Thatcher for the senate
he said the apostles sent around word
mat "it is the will or the Lord that
....4. 41.- . . I 11 il. I.
jruu vuiti uiu rcpuuiicuu ticKCb mis
time." Then Senator Smoot's smile
tapered off Into a scowl.
Is the case of members of the city
council, members of the school board,
and In fact for city odlclals generally,
It will be a good Idea to in vestlgatetbelr
standingastaxpayers. Most certainly
the citizen who owns property will
take more Interest In city and school
matters ithan one who has no city
property at all, except household
. W. J.CitAXDALLof Llncastercounty
and Frank E. Ilclvey of the Nebraska
City Tribune, were elected delegates to
the Chicago convention by the repub
lican congressional convention Tues
day. .Charles II. Halstead of Johnson
county and Jesse L. Root of this city
were selected as alternates. Frank A.
Kai ton of Pawnee county was named
for prcsldctial elector.
Evidently the republican party Is
not dwelling together In Nebraska in
the best of harmony. As proof of this
fact, take the slatemcnt of one J. J.
Roberts before the recent republican
convention In Lancaster county. He
said: 'Thc republicans are notccrlaln
of carrying the legislature. There is a
nasty light on over the governorship
and the new revenue bill may make
trouble before tho campaign is over."
Republicans say that Henry Goring
Is tho best man for mayor that the
democrats could have put up. "He
will be clectcd,"sald a prominent mem
ber of tho opposition party, the next
day after the convention, "and ought
to be, for he Is young and energetic, a
live citizen, a good business man and
Just the person tho city needs for
mayor, Irrespective of political mat
ters." This is a worthy endorsement,
coming, as It does, from one of Plaits
mouth's most Inlluentlal republican
business men.
At tho republican convention In
Weeping Water last Saturday there
materialized some opposition to pledg
ing the Cass county delegates to sup
port Mickey forrcnomlnatlon. At the
close of the reading of a resolution to
this effect, a motion to adopt, was or
posed by Mr. Teft. The resolution
however was finally adopted, but not
unanimously, by any means; Most of
ihc delegates perhaps thought It would
be bad for Mickey's appointee In this
county If they failed to pledge, when
said ofllcc-holder was present. This
Incident Indicates that Little Johnny
Is a "gone gosling," anyway.
. m e iiini! uiui me rose comreu sena
torial boom for Congressman Kurkett,
so successfully launched by the repub
lican pros Is not to Im? prematurely
frost-bitten, but the connect ion of liur
kelt's name with securing additional
allowance for clerk hlreatcrrtain post
oillces contrary to law and above the
amounts they were entitled to, is not a
pleasing phase of the question to be
met at this Inonnortuno time. The
Idea of dethroning one postofllce graft
or for another would be a far-reaching
recommendation, possibly, to the next
state convention, but the people who
have been aroently shouting for Integ
rity and honesty are liable to have bad
dreams. WaUoo democrat.
Mustang Liniment
curvM Culn, llurna, Uruisti.
Mustang Liniment
lu use fur over sixty yearn
Mustang Liniment
for Moo. Beat or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
beat fur Home ailim-iitd.
Mustang Liniment
limber.) up StlffJoinU.
Mustang Liniment
ruri-M FruMtbllrH uud Chilblain.
ustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustanq Liniment Mustanq Liniment Mustang Liniment
- 1 .nn m ii 3. cureu Siiavin ami Rinirlvuno. llcald UIcl SofCH aulCfc.IV. Kent for Cixil.. llui..m.. tKUctratl'M lotue very
cure Spavin and Kiogbone.
mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
la a positive cure for rilew. mire all forms of Rheumatism. curea Caked I'dder la cow a. nC8t for snei.p ailment, always given satisfaction, drive out all Inflammation.
ltcbt thing for a lame horue.
Senatok Foil a k eh and Senator
Dick have locked horns on the re pub
can control of Ohio. The odds always
favor the new broom and the risingsun.
"Dukkalo Hill" doesn't care for
tho press notices he is now receiving
as the result of his petition for a di
vorce. From present appearances he'll
not get the divorce, anyway.
The democrats of Plattsinouth'have
done the right thing for our citizens
by offering them an aldermanlc ticket
that caused general comment for its
strength and for its worthiness.
'We don't need any platform," says
a prominent western democrat. '"All
we need is a good, safe man. Teddy
Roosevelt's record furnishes democ
racy enough Issues.", This has been
the Journal's proposition" for a year or
At the republican congressional con
vention held at Lincoln Congressman
liurkett was renominated by acclama
tion. It seems that the republicans
do not care to Improve upon the calibre
of their candidates. Nebraska City
News. Wliyjof course not. The less
ability a congressman has the better
the republican grafters get in their
Tins democrats of the city, in con
vention assembled, last Friday night
evidently had the best interests of the
public schools at heart when they
unanimously endorsed Messrs. P. (.
Fricke and George Podge for1 re
election as mcmliers of the school
board. Besides being gentlemen of
long residence of the city of Platts
mouth, the people know their true
worth In any position they, may be
placed. These gentlemen arc now
serving in that capacity, and so faith
fully have they performed the duties
reposed In them that all those who
delight in the continued prosperity
of our schools will support them at the
polls. All tho property they possess
Is here In Plattsmouth, and of course
their interests are strictly identified
with those who have the welfare of
the city at heart.
Judges and Clei Ks of City Elections.
The last session of the legislature,
says the Nebraska City Tribune.rc peal
cd the law relative to the appointment
of judges and clerks of city elections,
which may create some annoyance un
less the matter Is attended to before
election day. One section In the stat
utes provides for thg selection of these
ofllcers on election day, by the qualified
electors prcsent.onc judge'and clerk to
be appointed fromthc party receiving
the largest number of votes at the last
general state election, andonccach
from the party polling the next largest
number of votes; and if there be no
third party the party polling the ma
jority is entitled to:. the additional
judge. In order to save time, trouble
and possibly some wrangling and delay
on election day, some of the political
leaders have proposed that the central
committees of the two parties meet on
some day before election and agree
upon their selection, so that every
thing will run smoothly on election
day. Not a bad proposition, is It?
The Turners' Festival.
The various classes of the Platts
mouth Turnvcrcin arc very busy prac
ticing for their festival Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 5 and fl. The pro
gram will be out next week, and an
Invitation Is extended to all parties
Interested In physical exercises, to see
tho work that Is done by t he classes of
Turnvcrcin. The idea of tho com
mittee Is to make these evenings en
tertaining as well as Instructive to
the public In behalf of physical culture.
Panel ng w ill be the concluding feature
each evening, and refreshments will
he served In the dining room by the
ladles. Admission 2.") cents.
Notll'O is ll(ri'liv L'ivcn llirir. nn iW
Lion will 1h held In Mm cltv nf Plrittc
mouth, Nebraska, on April 5, 11104, for
uii! purpose or cnoosing:
One councilman for the First ward
One council man for I hp S..i'nml unrH
One councilman for the Third ward
One councilman for the Fourth ward
One council m:in fnrthn Kit'th u.inl
Two members of the school board
Tor i n hue years.
One mayor.
One clerk.
( ne treasurer.
One police ludire.
Said election will he held at the fol
lowing places:
First ward -Perkins House.
Second ward -Turner Hall.
Third ward -Jones' I.ivnrv Hum
Fourth ward ( )dd Fellows' building
i i.ui want liacn s More.
'J'lie polls will he open at !) o'clock a.
m., aim remain open until 7 o clock p
i:i. on said nay.
l!v order nf Mm nmvnr.
Frank J., Mayor.
II. M. SoKNNinisKN, Clerk.
License Notice.
uiHicrsik'iiiMi mis wen ins petition ns ro
illlri'(l by tlu si mules of the Stuteof Nehriw
kii, witli the city clerk of the city of I'lutta
iiioiuh, NehmskH, reciiieslliiK a license to sell
mull. Isiiirll iimiiu tiiul flu...... II.
coming iminli'liml year In the bnlltling sliu-
" me wr.M null IW'MI lot nine (V) 111
hliM-k twenty-nlnu (.''.!) In the city of riiitls-
M;ir.'h:M. liw." ' W. M. IUiu'I.RV,
Wakeful Children.
For a long time the two year old
child of Mr. P. L. Mcl'herson, .Mi N.
Tenth St., llarrlsburg, Pa., would
sleep but two or three hours In the
early part of the night, which made It
very hard for her parents. Her mother
concluded that the child had stomach
trouble, and gave her half of one of
Chamberlains Stomach and LIvcrTab-
lets, which quieted herstoniach and
she slept the whole night through.
Two boxes of these Tablets have ef
fected a permanent. cure and she Is
now well and strong. For sale by all
Do You Want Strength?
If you want to Increase your strength
you must add to and not take from
the physlclal. In other words, the
food that you eat must U digested,
assimilated and appropriated by the
nerves, blood and tissues In-fore Mng
expelled from the intestines. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical.
It gives sliength lo and builds up
strength In the human system. It is
pleasant to the taste and palatable,
and llm only combination of digest
ants that will digest the food and rn
able the system to appropriate all of
Its health and strength giving cii:ill-
tles. Sold l.y F. (1. Frk ke & i
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Blook
Notice to Creditors.
Ul . X' . .1 I. .. i
Cuss Cnunlv i ss- In County Court
IN the mutter of the estate of Stephen lien
ton. (lecellseil.
NO'I ILK Is hereby clven thut tho creditors
of said deceased will meet the Adminis
trator of said estule. Iieforo inn. county JudKe
if Cuss Ci ill ill v Vi.Iipi.L-.i ... tl
... .............. j . ....... n(M llM, t .in , iv courb
room In IMalls nth. In said county, on tho
.in . i may, n, W4, anil on tho 17th
day of Octolier, l'.Hd. at 10 o'clock it. m.. encli
day. for the purpose of iiresenlliiK their
.minis wr ejiiiuinaiion, uujustinent una ul
Ki months are allowed for tho creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one in,, uoiiiiiiisiraior u settle sum es
tate. from the Kith day of April, A. D.. liU.
U N... IMV ii.l.l IK., I ... .... ..I
.. ..... .... in sa,u rtmiiiy
court, lit I'iulisiiioiiih. Nebraska, this L'Jnd
uuy oi .iiarcu. a. i.,
llAllVLY D. TllAVIN.
skai.1 County JwlKt!.
I I V. .lf:iKl.:L III tin. I.... .it tl.. ..,1
hiiisfili of Stephen Iteiiton, Insane. To the
neirs at law uud an inner persons Interested
In said ninlter: Vou aro hereby notllled that
.Inmes II. mm. iisttuardlan of said lienton.
Ims llli'il In lln.iillli I tl... I .
reMirl of his acts as such nuiinlliin U) tho 'stli
day or January. l!d. showinif receipts In the
stun of Jii7;i.l and disbursements In the Niim of
;i.:;.i.ui, anil u residue at Unit time of fM.ll
mill W II 1111 I'l.k U .1 1.11 'I. I.1.MIIU u fi.i.u .. ... I...
, , , ' ...... ..I... j .- .via inv u. if,;
tin III il 1.(1 I li.rilt I. ...I 1.1 ..... I 1. . .
I'""" ii.i.i. .H7,n:illlll, mr
tiniil s( Hlemeiitund (llscliarKi) us such guar
dian. Vou are notified thut u hcurlmr will lie
had ii.ii said pellllon and reHirt and the
prayer thereof Krauled or refused at tho
ClIlllllV Cillirl. riM.lii III IM; tttuti. n.itli I.. u..l.l
iMiuniy npiin tlie I'lKlitli day of April. A. I J.,
i .in. in inn chick a. in., uiiu ii you lull lo Hp
near ul said lime uud oliert lo the priM-eccl-
iiiifsiiif i-iiiiri. iiiiiv sell t. w.iiii ui'i'im in .....t
dls.'littrL'e sitlil tr.iiirilhin
Witness my liunii and Iheseulof said court
lit I'liillsiiioulli this -Il h day iMurch. A. 1).,
County J ud(c,
Notice to Creditors.
Statk ok Xkiikahka. I , r..,,, f, ,
uinh county. t -"."vj V-V...H
In the mutter of tho estuto of Ooettlleb
I'lecntner. deceased.
TyTOTICK Is hereby dven that tho creditors
of Kind deceuseil will meet the Adminis
trator or Nil d estate. lMfore me. Cdiuitv
Judtfeof C uss county. Nebraskit.nt tho county
i-c.cirl room in I'laltsinoiith. In said m
the third day of .lime. A. II.. Iimj. and on the
mini nay or .September. r.U. ul ten o'clock u.
in., t iii-ii nay, ior i no puriKiso of presenting
their claims for exuiulnallon, iidjiislmi-nt and
allowance. Six mouths are allowed for the
creditors of said (hs-cascd to present their
claims, mill one year for the administrator to
seme sum estate, mini tiiu 3rd day of march,
i .rt.
Witness IIIV llilllll and tin seal nf fitilil nitiiti.
ly court, at I'liiUsinouth. Nebraska, tills 3rd
day of .Viu.-h, l;mj. Hauviy , Tiiavih.
1-eai.I County . I udKC
Notice of Final Settlement.
Statf. or Xi:hh.ska, I ...
CllssCiunly. i.i.uuuituuri;
In the mailer of the eslato of Frederick I.
cioiiiiiiiiuu. deceased.
I i IH trLTI .1. SI I ill I full 11.1 Vl'llll..... I (2t.
I.'rederlclf A . So ililinu nn l.t.l.. I.-....I... ..
drew Stohliiiiinn, Atneliu Siohlmaun. Anuust
A. Nohliiiuun. and Henry t!. Slohluiann, it
minor, mid all other icrsons Interested In said
csuue are nereiiy lioillled 1 llltt UMill the lEith
nay oi icnriiary, nu. K iiihIcruikIii Stnlil-
lllllllll. ltd mllllwl fill ri v ..fut.lil ..ui..... (1 1...I i..
said court her lliuil reiort mid M-ilt Ion for
iiiiui seiiieiueui oi sunt estate; pruyltmdis-rev
in iissiKiimcni, oi i iii, res l d)l or m i estate
real ami iicr-tonul In ispial pro-orllons U)
14IIIISI& ItllllKtl 1 1IIT.1SI. . ,1111. .III. 111,. I ll.i.iHu
C. Stohlmiuin. sub.iect to the statutory rlirhts
... .1... ...i.i a ...i.i .i . -.
i.i uii- muni. in sain ins-eased, a liearlnfr
will IN' 11 ill l ( II s 11.1(1 rei.irl ninl iu.1 I .... ,.t ...
connty court room in I'liittsmoiilh, In Cuss
county. Nebraska, on the 'Jilt li day of March,
I'. II. Ill III o'clock IL in mill If I,. II
Iiearal said tluie anil obis'l to tlm pns ecd-
iuus Hie i (inn mar sen te said reiori mid hs
slKiisald iiroM'rty us prayed uud dlscluirKc
It lles III V Hint I u..l ul III.. i...
....... , " m ,i ni i miiv
l Hi, this J.ith day of l ebriiary, A. I HUM.
1 1 A It V r. T l. 1 HAVIH.
Couiily JudKe.
Notice to Creditors.
Slale of Xebruskii, I
l ass county, ' In Coutily Court.
In the iiiallerof the estate of Stephen M.
i is iits-easeii,
TsTHTICI': Is hereby given tliat llm cn-dltdrs
' of said deceuseil will lueel I lie iidinliils.
Iraloror said estale. NTore me. County .Indite
of Cass county, Nebraska, til Hie county court
loom In riallstuontli. In said count v. on the
Hull day of May, l:d. mid (.n tlio Huh iluv nf
ih'tols r I' in o'clock iu ni., each day. for
the piirioseof preseniiiiK I In-lr cliilms for ex
uniltitillon, iiilliisltneiit nod iillowiince.
Six liunii lis are allowed fur the creditors nf
saldihs-eiised to present their claims, mid one
year for the administrator til settle said es
tate, from I he fth day of April. Hl.
Witness my hand iiihI seal of suld county
cniiil. ul rliinsmi.uiii, Nebraskm lids IJtn
dnv of March, l:i.
County .IiiiIko.
Sheriffs Sale.
T5V lit ne of mi execution Issued by .Inmes
AJ clerk of the illstrlrl court.
within ami lor Cass nun. I y, Nebraska, uud to
me ihrecli d. I will on the
iOth Day of April. A. D., 1004
at II o'clock a. m., of hi I.I day lit the south
"rof Ibi 11 rl house In II e ell nf I'liiii..
Iiionih. In said isuiiiiy, s. II at public liii.'tli.n,
lo the hlL'hesI bld.b r for cash, the followlmi
ten I est lie I.I-w II : I .Is six mill seven 111 HI i
I III block lliree i ll In tl,,. lllmrc nf Miirrn.
( a,s county. Nebraska. l.uietli.T with the
lit Hi vi s and M.. ml. 'Hum lliereulilo Ih
oui!liiK or In nnvwisi'iiuiH'rliiliilinf. I lie same
n Iiik li li d ti..n ami luki n as Hie pn.n rlj V. I leliliuir lli fi'llilmil. to sallsfv H
u. tin metil of kill.' court rss'iit ered by Meyer
A li i ipke. pla;titii! .nifriln ul. riefeiidiitil.
I'l.ili-iniiuiii, Ni t.r isk-i xt ,r i, t it ri. A. li..
.InilN II. M( lllllliK.
Htmin CuiiK. ."lii rlfl CiwiCu. Nebrmkn.
iiwiuuii i AtwtDey,
And marching
straight to
where you will be re
paid for your trouble
by Rotting the best
on tho markets.
Canned Goods,
frosh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Wuternutn Block l'luttsmouth.
Btit en Bank Renrdltn of Prl
W lolielt correaDondenci from DrosDi-c-
tlvt buyers. RAMBLER AUTOMOblLE
rV. rom
Write for prices and description
of matinir.
W. C. Hamilton. p- 2t0X
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Perry's Restaurant 8
gShort Order House
Q nr i- ci .1 i v i o
luuuia oorveu ni ixegumr
Meal Hours.
1 Fresh Oysters
Fish or anything in Market.
P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor,
V If JlBrru nrin r rar O
North Sld MalnStrott
ProiinKlnn v .11 -
i 'mi'K nint i itris ui vitlf, L'UIl vryiincitiH
ty. Work prupirly done and rlmrtfrs p'awn
Hblij. tmice:-BMoin U and 7. John Ound
itu MUiir. uoar Court House, IMallNiuoudi,
All klndnnf IkTltll wnrlf
(It. SI yciirs cxixTlftico. rrlces ruaituuublu.
Tei.Ki'imNR No. J oh 47
Plaiu. Phonci
W.ttrm.n Block
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For mny years It his been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomar.h cailMil inilladVllnll
and dyspepsia, but the truth Is exactly tha
opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re
peaiea anacKs ol Indigestion Inflames tha
mucous membranes llnin tha stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus
ing tha glands to secrete mucin Instead of
the Juices of natural digestion. This la
called Catarrh of tha Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of ih mnmm
membranes lining tha stomach, protects tha
nerves, and cures bsd breath, sour risings, a
sense of fullness after eating. Indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
maaa ma atomacb Sweet.
Birftlti mlr. K'fukr '. S 1 .00, holdtnr llma
IMlrlll Mia which llal, (11
Praparatf b, 1. 0. D.WITT a 00., Chicago, Ilk
For Sale by F, 0, FRICKE & CO,
k 1 Staple and Fancy Croccries, Queensware, .
8 V ; ,
IS w
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes
General Merchandise
Independent Telephone No. 198
Plattsmouth, Neb., March 10, 1904.
Dear Reader:
We see new faces ever)7 day, but we still we still
want to see more, so if you have not called and given us
a trial why not do it now.
Our business is increasing every month, but is still
in its infancy, and a robust infant at that.
You can save money by joining hands with this in
fant, as it will lead you to low prices, first quality goods,
courteous treatment, full weight and measures.
All we ask is a trial by you, dear reader. We want
you for our judge.
Yours to serve,
1 i
-i . t x? r
toko uaxauve oromo Hinine (iv Jj
Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS Signature. SihJtyr
Cant Cria
b Two Days.
OA every
rmrt box.25c
ci Livery
Removing of Household Goods a
Spocinlty. Also, Heavy
Independent Cigar
CliHllpnRtrorntmrlHn In Ounlltj
kiiU Wurkiiiuimlilp.
Always Lead
Low Prices
The Reliable Store
Sell Nothing
Bu! Depend
able Goods
1 ll.'lVO hist klilnnnil I
car Kinds nf umxl nil urHasc luirsHaml
iii.iiiB, nitirii i wni oticr ior halo or
Will tmdo fur Rin.-illnr I
llm iMiuUiirn nmrkrt. Cull and we
horses at my farm.
Remember our Personal Guarantee goes with every
purchase, satisfaction or your money back.
Our New Line of Men's and Boys'
Clothing (or Spring and Sum
mer Wear
li now ready. Absolutely tha best and most
complete Una of clothing evar bIiowd in this
weatorn country and at prices that are just debt.
Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits
Thib it one o( the most popular products la il
prinj suits. The fancy cheviots are beinjr ex ,
tensively ahown by the most exclusive custom
tailors, and tha most partloular dressers are
taking up with it rapidly. We have these auits
made up with good lerge lining, band padded
ahouliers and hair cloth fronts. Your tailor
would charge you 118 or 120 far the same gaods.
We have all sizes, mediums, slims and 7 OC
etout cut, made up In 4-button sack only... I Id
Fine Silk Mixed Worsted Suits at
These suits are equal to any 133.00 made-to-order
garmanta, perfect In fit, most desirable ia
pattern, faultless in workmanship and excollent
in wearing qualities. Has hand-made collar, hand-n.,1.1 .K..t.i ..if.
retaining halr-cloth fronta and haad-worked button hole. The best 110 00
uil on earth-we except none. Sixes 31 to 41, comes la either round or
square cut sack, Hayden Bros. in
Our Sprln Clothitut Catalogs aro Now Ready
For distribution and will be cheerfully mailed te any addr
lion. Send at onco.
any address upon applica-
1 'leases bed spreads. We carry tha largest stook of bed SDroads Wa
lead taem all in i.rUs. JiV full sl.e'bed spre'.ds. each, 80c! II .0 full silTd
h4 spreads, each. 8o; 11.2:. full sired bed spreads, each Me- II M full alio
I.U, full sited genuine Marcellle bed spread, 11.75.
Groceries Always Pure "FtT0h
Ture cane granulated suear
per 100 lbs 4.7,V
Taplora, farina, sngo, Imrlev, flake
or pearl hominy per lb,.'. 3(
Good Japan rice per lb..... 4Jr
Fancy Japiin hoad rlco 1
Golden table syrup per gal 34,
1 lb. can hie a If rule baking pwdr..2.'
Itast ground spices, anv klail nv ll !'
Laundry soap, 100 bnrs In box....l2.:
Lowest Prices.
k'holce Mariclbo coffee per lb. ...lie
Vanry (.olden Santos per lb 17Je
It. B. C. Special Blend !0o
Mocha and Java 2lo
Jood Drink, B. F. Japan, English
Break f 1st, or Sun Dried
lea tier lb !Wi
I'ancy Spider Leg, Japan, Oolong,
f'...l..M A. 11.... 1.. a 1 -
1 vii ur vjuuiuuar4 ...... Je
la Wrltluc Pleawo M cut Inn Tkin Pantr.
loth and Dodge Streets,