EICHT EARS OF TORTUTE. No snfTerlnK ruor: Vein than kidney uf f rinfj. Sick kl! rieys make tad blo.nl; taiihe weak, tstirf anj ching larks; cause blind, tick and diz zy beaduc h'.t, lack uf appetite and loss of sleep; keep you all tired out and spoil dini'.sliiin. To liuva perfect heulth, yon must euro the kldiuyg. Head how one man was cured by IVmn's Kidney rills after tight year of tor ture. Henry Soule of Pultney St... 11am mondsport, N. Y., says: "For eight years I suffered constant agony from kidney complaint. 1 endured the worst torture from uravel and the kidney secretions were excessive and contained sediment like brick dust. I bad to K'H out of bed from ten to twenty times a night and the loss of Kloep wore me out. Indication came on and the distress after eating was terrible. Poan's Kidney Pills efTected a complete and lasting cure, and after the symptoms of kidney trouble were gone my stomach bepun to work as it should. This lasting curp, espe cially In a person of my age. proves the great value of Doan's Kidney Pills moro convincingly than could any words of mine." Poan's Kidney Pills sold by all drug gists; ju ice 60 cents per box. or mail ed on receipt of price by Foster-Mil burn Co., UurTalo, N. Y. Write for freo trial. There Is just as much worry over money as over the lack of it. WESTERN CANADA HAS AN EXCELLENT CLIMATE. The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly Favored. An Interesting feature of Western Canada is its climate. Those who have made a study of it. speak highly of it. The Canadian Oovernment Agents nrn sending out an Atlas, and at the feumo time giving valuable in formation concerning railway rates, etc., to those interested in the country. As has been said, the climate is ex cellent. The elevation of this part of Canada is about 1.8U0 feet above the ca, shout twice that of the average for Minnesota. It Is a very desirable altitude. Tbo country lias a very equable climnte taking the seasons through. The winters ure bright and the Rummers Hre pleasantly warm. H F. Stupart, director of the meteorologi cal service for Canada, says: "The salient features of the climate of the Canadiun northwest territories are a clear, bracing atmosphere dur ing the greater part of the year, and a medium rainfall and snowfall. The mean temperature for July at Winni peg Is 06, and Prince Albeit 02. The former temperature is higher than at any part of Kngland, and the latter is very similar to that found In many parts of the southern countries." At Prince Albert the average dally maximum in July is "C and the mini mum 48. Owing to this high day tem perature with much sunshine, the crops come to maturity quickly. Moisture is ample In the Saskatche wan valley, being about 18 Inches an nually. It is notable that about 75 per cent of the moisture falls during the crop months. Thus, Western Can ada gets as much moisture when it Is needed and with several hours more sunshine dally than land further south gets during the growing season, it Is not difficult to understand why crops mature quickly and yield bountifully. Winter ends quickly, sowing Is done during April and sometimes in March. Harvest comes in August, about the middle. Cyclones, blizzards, dust and and storms are unknown. There is more In being worthy oi great place than there is winning It. Secrecy worst sins Is the best soil for the Mnthrrflrn;' Buret rowilers for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Had Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Howels and Destroy Worms. Over .W.000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sampla FKEE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy.N.Y Consider'ng - a duty is often plaining it away. Hobertsou. It Is sometimes butter to slay where you are than to jump at conclusions. no's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible irnlu-lne for rouirtas und colJs, N. W. SAiium U-cso Urove, N. J., Pit. 17, 1300. Endurance Is nobler than strengtn, and patience than beauty. Ruskin. You cannot make clouds for others and live In the clear llg.it yourself. TF.t.l.OW C'MITHM ARK CNMOIITI.T. Keep them white with lied Cross Hall Blue. All grocer sell large i ui. package, 5 teul (tut of suffering have emerged the strongest souis. K. H. Clnpin. Meekness is simply the silence of might. W'c must be as careful to keep ft lends as to inane them. Lord Ave bury. free to Twenty-five ladies. The Penance Starch Co. will give ;j ladles a round trip ticket to the St. 1 .on is Exposition, to five ladles In each of the following states: Illi nois, Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and .Missouri who will send In the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten rent, 1G-onnce package of Defiance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own home, any where In the above named states. These trade marks must bo mailed to and received by the Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr.. before September 1st, r.H'4. October and November will b the best months to visit the Exposition. Hcmembcr that Deflanco is the only starch put up Pi ox. (a full pound 1 to the package. You get oiieihird mote starch for the same money than of any other kind, and HHIance never sticks to the Iron. The tickets to the Exposition will be cent by registered mail September ."Hi. Starch for sale by all dealers. The span of life as lent fur lofty duties, not lor selfishness. , do et e. GIVES RULING ON CREDITS. Stats Board Holds "Net Credits" Ap ply to Five Items on Schedule. LINCOLN At a meeting the Stale Hoard of Kitiali.:tion decided that the deci.siun of Attorney General Proul. that credits in the new reve nue law mean net credits, affects only these items In the personal property sche.lule: "All notes secured by mort gage owned by me; all other notes owned by me; all money loaned by rue and not already entered oh this schedule; all hook accounts due me, and credits not otherwise listed." The interpretation of the board means that a person who holds notes secured by mortgage, owns other notes, has lunik accounts due. has money loaned that Is not already in cluded iu the schedule bud lius credits not otherwise listed upon which he Is to bo taxed, the person has the privilege of deducting money that he own. The item, "credits not otherwise listed," Is taken to mean money loaned to a bank and such like from which a person will be allowed to do. duct his debts. Since the attorney general held that credits mean net credits there has been considerable apprehension that the revenue raised under the new law would be materially decreased be cause of the ruling. This action of the board in making it apply to only tive Items in the schedule, it is said, will cause only a small decrease. The wholesale merchants of Omaha prob ably will be benefited more than any oilier by the decision. THE ELEVATOR BILL U?. It Is Going to Be Tested by a Farmers' Association. LINCOLN The Hainsoy elevator hill Is to have it trial in the supreme court nnd Joseph Kamsey, the father oi the bill, is the head of the com pany of farmers that are coins to test It. At the Instance of the Farmers Co-operative drain and Shipping as sociation, Senator Pemberion filed a motion for a writ of mandamus in Ckimpel the Kansas City & Northwest ern railroad to lay a side track from Its main line to an elevator erected at Virginia and owned by the farm ers. The court set April 5 as the date of the hearing. Before the Ham pey elevator bill was thought, of. Mr. Hatnsey organized the farmers into a grain association and the company purchased one of three elevator at Virginia, shortly alter the transfer of the property the elevator was burned. The railroad company then refused to allow the company to re build on Its right-of-way and the com pany then built on a piece of ground about forty feet from ihe right-of-way. The Hamscy hill had its inception in the refusal of the railroad to allow the company to rebuild on its old site. Since the legislature, the stockhold ers of the company have had several disagreements, which have delayed the bringing of the suit. Locates Stolen Mare. ALHION About three weeks ago F. M. Till ly of Cedar llapids. this county, lost a valuable mare by theft, and im mediately sent out postal cards to the sheriffs of the; stale, describing the mare and offering a reward for it. On Friday he received word from the sheriff of Keya Paha county that a mare answering the description bad been taken charge of by him and the rider arrested. Mr. Tully ami Sheriff Clark left to investigate. Scalded by Teapot. HEATHICE While attempt ing to remove the lid of a tea pot Miss Ma Mistier was severly scalded about Ihe face by escaping steam and hot tea. Uniforms for Convicts. LINCOLN One thousand yards or gray uniform cloth are about to be purchased by Warden Heemer. The material is to be used In making the new uniforms for the apparel of the good" convicts at the penitentiary. The sanction of the stale hoard of public lands and buildings has now been obtained for the scheme, rele gating the striped uniforms to the un ruly prisoners only, arraying the "trusties" in dark gray and the other prisoners in a plain light gray. Looking After Children. OSCEOLA Rev. .1. V. Swan of Plattsmouth, a forper pastor of the M. E. church here, has been in this county and nt Osceola several days looking after the interests of a num ber of children be had :luced in homes here. Boy Killed in a Runaway. NORFOLK Peter Hansen, jr., was killed In a runaway at rtrunswick. The team broke away and smashed the rig and the boy was badly man gled. Will Asses Mining Stock. LINCOLN Nebraskans who own mining stock must list it with the assessors this year at its true market value. A conference was held In Lin coln by Stalo Auditor Weston and Secretary Llennett of the slate board of equalization and County Attorney Humphrey of Ciisl'T county concern ing the subject. It was not decided as to whether such mining stock should be assessed, but the members of the hoard says tnat it must be list ed as assessors make their rounds. Dawson County Land Sella Well. LEXINtiTON Dawson county land Is sharing In the general prosperity that has settled on the tarnis of Ne braska, and the price Is going up ac cordingly. A sale of 100 acres was made at JST.Iin per acre. Six and One-Half Veart. LINCOLN "May you grow wiser as you grow older." With this adjur ation Judge Holmes at Lincoln sen tenced Frank lti tts to six yean, and six months In the penitentiary for gw indllng. IN NEBRASKA THE STATE IN BR!CF. C. J. Miles ha for mayor of lM Means. been renominated ::it;s by ,i u' Ci'o. W. Frs:t. Ir: jail at Auburn, at tempted to t-nd his iinnri.-;oiiuient by svlciile. The But It r County Teacheis' meet ing will be hold in David Uty March I'ti and 27. Cupid is doing business in Antelope couuty, there iielng'four marriages lu one day recently. J. D. Kauffman, who took e home stead near Cratton thirty-five years ago, died last week. The restaurant of Lewis Beard at Humboldt burned, the loss being part ly covered by insurance. In one night the local Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen of Kearney initi ated llfty new members. At Lincoln, Eh Jones was sentenced to sixteen months In the penitentiary for assaulting an officer. License or no license Is the all ab sorbing question to be decid"d at the coming election in Hurwell. Prospects seem good for a new city hsM at Humboldt, something that. U said to lie very much needed. George W. Carter, lately cashier of the Hank of Dakota City, has gone back to railroading, his former voca tion. I). R. Colby, of Beatrice, a vetri nary surgeon, was seriously Injured while attempting to stop a runaway team. His condition is critical. At his preliminary hearing in Kear ney Roy Hughes admitted to tilling out and signing ihe name or George Harvey t: the check for $L'0, which he attempted lo have cashed. lie was hound over to the district court in tho sum of J.ltio. The Concrete company, an Iowa concern, has decided to locate In Grand Island and engage in the man ufacture ot cement building blocks and walks, with the view, later, to en gage in the manufacture of sand and cement brick. A child of Ed Howard of Nebraska City was baiily burned about the face and hands by getting possession of a can of concentrated lye. Tho physi cians fear 'that, the little one swal It wed s.uiio of the lye, and in that event it will die. An old soldier named Dickerson ap peared at the Soldiers' home in Grand Island and was taken care of. lie ap pears lo have lost nil memory of him self, even his name, this being founci on pension papers. He cannot recal! the name of any friends. The supposed thief who stole the team and buggy from Steele City was lodged in the county jail at Fairbury He is n farmer living near Hiillenburj over the Kansas line. 1 be team line buggy which were sold in Tecumseh were returned to their owner. The reciprocal tax law applying b. Insurance companies of other states hits been upheld by the supreme court in a suit instituted by the Nebraska Insurance Department against the In surance Company of North America. The state derives probably $1511,01)0 a year In fees under this law. David Ca, roll, of Nemaha. 'M years of age, shot and killed Anna, the 1C-year-old adopted daughter of Mrs. Anna Maxwell. He then turned tin revolver upon himself and sent a bul let crashing through his own brain. Motive for the tragedy is not jjiven. Fremont expects to do a good deal of paving this year. G. E. Young, a special game warden residing at Nehawka, caused the ar rest of G. H. Marks for shooting song birds from the public highway. He was given a trial and fined $" and costs. An organization of citizens has, been formed to enforce the state game law, which was passed to protect, song or Insectivorous birds, as well an game birds and firth. Mousel B -otlicr: of Cambridge held their first annual sale of registered Hereford bulls, a few davs ago. The bulls sold from $05 to $l,"() each. Tho average of the entire lot was $lfl!).3u. A negro entered the bed chamber of Miss Thomas, a daughter of Charlefl Thomas, at Nebraska City, in the night, nnd was discovered as he lean ed over Ihe bed. Miss Thomas cave tho alarm ajul he was frightened away. At the request ot tho slale veterina rian, the labor bureau has included In its schedule for ihe collection of sta lisiics the number of cattle and horses that have died from ihe cornstalk dis ease. These schedules have Just been sent out to the various assessors and their attention Is especially called to this change from the change in the schedule of last year. Owing to the prevalence of Itch and mange among the cattle of the statf Governor Mickey has issued a procla mation that all cattle should be dipped when ihe disease Is known to exist. Tho dip shall be of lime and sulphur and all cattle known to have the dis ease shall be dipped a second time within from eight to fourteen days alter Ihe first dipping. In a statement certified by the time keeper and paymaster of the Demps tie mill manufacturing plant in Be atrice, it is slated that errployes of all departments of the company's bus iness, exclusive of that, located at. Memphis, number "it! and that tin; average monthly payment for men, boys and girls Is $!'.. 2.". Charles II. Ot!s, landlord of the Watson hotel, Nebraska City, was ar rested by W. F. Thompson of the slale pure food commission and taken be fore the county Judge where he plead ed guilty to using oleomargarine with out complying with the slate Ihw. A peculiar freak of nature bus been discovered by a Syracuse man. An drew Ryder, n plasterer, was eat lug hard-boiled eggs and when tine ot I hem was opened a shingle nail wns found embedded In the yelk. The nail was rusty and left a rusty eul-ir on the imprint. Colonel E. M. Boyd, cnshler of the Carson National bank of Auburn, who left here for old Mexico to bring back the remal.is of Mrs. Gooseuinn. win: died at '''nniplco. Mex . tive years n,'M of yellow fever, will bo back soon The Gooscmans wue old reslientg o Nemaha loiiniv. JAP WHO DESERVED SUCCESS. M.msier of Posts and Telegraph in J.ipan Worked in American Factory. "A ay back in the early 'Si's," ..t.,l well know u tlictrician of this city, "there came to nie with a letter of it. trodmtiot. from the president if the com). any a young Jap, and the note directed lliHl he be given every op portunity to utk in all the depart mints of the facti ry, so Hiat be might be rn ricient in every brHnch. He was apt. willing, always wore a grin and remained at tie place about two years.'' The teller of the story found out during these two years that the loy had been working as a lineman be fore he appeared at the factory. His name os Oi. He went back to Ja pan, and only at Christmas time, by a present, was the electrical engineer reminded of him. Many years later the engineer was waited uinm by three Japanese who wanted to know all about the very latest devices for telephones and telegraphs. They were electrical engineers and had been taught all they knew at the Im perial university In Tokio by a Prof. Oi, from whom they carried a letter ot introduction to the engineer. They were imperial commissioners, and the engineer took them all over this coun try explaining tilings. The brightest of the three was called Wadachi and the others were Nakayama and Okono to. Tluy told their mentor that OI wa now minister of posts and tele graphs in Japan, and this Important position he now holds during war times Pittsburg Dispatch. HIS CLAIM FOR A PENSION. Representative Russell Tell Good Story on Missouri Man. Representative Russell of Texas was elected on an anti-pension platform and lias opposed the special acts grant ing pensions. II fought the granting of a pension to a member of the Mis souri home guard who was shown to hnve served but, thirty days and done picket duty only about the town In which he was mustered in, sleeping each night in his own home. "Thoce Missouri home guards were wonders." said Mr. Russell. "One fellow, named Ben Chapman, who was a thirty-day man. applied for a pen sion. He looked over the pensionable causes, and finally decided that 'am pttfalion at the hip' was the best, as it paid $72 a month. He made applica tion, and a special examiner from the pension office appeared. The first man lie ran into was Chapman. "I am looking for Ben Chapman," 'he agent said. "I'm him," Chapman answered. "But I'm looking for the Chapman who wants a pension, and who has an amputation at the hip,' the agent In sisted. "I'm that man.' declared Chapman. 'I've gut it bad. Why. I had a relapse only the other day, and was four days In bed.' "Washington corresimudence Chicago Inter Ocean. A Finger in the Pie. Dr. Perkins Carter of Cleveland was Mark I lamia's physician, and during Mr. Ilanna's illness was a frequent visitor to Washington. He told, on a day when his patient's prospects seemed unusually bright, a story about .Mr. lianna and an English waiter. "In London one day," he said, "Mr Manna visited a very old and quaint chophouss on the Strand. Here tho meat is all wheeled raw to you on a hand cart, anil you choose from the cart the steak or the chop or the joint that you desire tc have cooked "Well, Mr. Hacna took a chop, and then he ordered a piece of game pie. The waiter was a careless, slovenly fellow, nnd Mr. Hanna said to him alter the pie was brought: ' What is this mark on my pie, waiter?" "The man bent down over the pie and examined the mark. Then he an swered jauntily: " 'That mark, sir? That is the print of my thumb, sir. Just had my thumb in the chocolate I served to the guest over there, Kir. Cut it out for you, sir. Modern Army of Babel. Aproinis of the demand of the Hungarian patriots that the worls of command in the army should be given in the Magyar language, a continental paper points out the babel which would ensue if this concession were granted and extended !o other rationalities under the Uapsbur crown. At the dally rollcall would bo heard the following equivalents for the word j.rc'( nt: Tne Slav Dadrr! llbe Masyftt-.'eVn! The Czech-7.de! The Croat Tnkny! The Servian Ordje! The Italian Qui: The Roumanian Aici! The Gallcian Jach bln-(Jolt The Book of Hours. rru", let ns vnfl tti B.iek of Maori, I mimlimtr-d w hsml Who tiuiKht His waves tli!r 'at-nbci! W lie iiiiiii't the tluiiFt'es, shuts tun Ituwers. He sends the wind Into tlie Kniss, And irmls the tnnn unit inalil in er II IriMiclx the sliii'tii Willi llrii-slioil rent, And at Ills unit the iUmkH iimsss. To use lie save swift limi.l and ry. Xlaile linn ers slid (airs loind to hive; ShIiI. "(in. lied take nnr Jny heirof. And 1 shall cull oil hy and by." love, iiroiinie e. lowly wise. Hy p-lli!iK nut his e en 1 1 il-i 1 1 s here, 'I tiul day his rrt-seiice to recrtxe. Nor stanii at K"'" I" paradise. t'hrlsilun timiHS in the Century. Sever on Senator Piatt. Dr. Parkhurst's attention has been called to a morning newspaper account of an Interview with his dear old friend, Thomas C. Piatt, and particu larly to the senator's assertion. "I am In town for business und religion." Then with a contemptuous snort: "Why use eight words when six would do? If Piatt's going into religion it must he for business." Got Back to Native Land. Rev. Carl Cordul hut resigned the rectorship of the Mary J. Mrexel home, a Philadelphia charity. Ho explain that after ten years In the I'nlted States he finds himself still "a self conscious, convinced Prussian and GcrtiiHit," and that In his view of the matter "whoever does nt want to be come an American does not btlorf reriiiniicutli' la this country." THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrhal Diseases, MR. AND KIRS. J. O. ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, MO. UNDER (Into of January lit, 17. Dr. Haitiuuu received, iho following unci , "Mv wife had been suffering from a com plication of discuses for the past '.'.I years. "Her case had bathed the skill of sonic, of tho most noted physicians. One of liur worst troubles was chronic constipation of severul years' standing. "Nio ulso was passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman change of life. In June. I '..". I wrote to you about her case. You advised a course of Pcrutia hi id Manaliu, which we at ouoo commenced, and have to say it com pletely cured her. She firmly' believes that sho would have been dead only for these wonderful remedies. About t lie same time I wrote vou about my own iv.se of catarrh, w hich hud been of lii years' standing. At times 1 was almost past going. 1 commenced to use peruna according to your instructions and con tinued its use for about a ycur, and it lias completely cured mo. , " Your remedies do ell that you claim tor them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna Is taken according to directions. Success to you and your remedies " John O. Atkinson. Laundry DIRECTIONS FOR USE:-WlaolcSt!ck AROUND ix this water. WlaqleStick LAUNDRY m.l'E won't spill, break, freeze nor sivit clothes Costs Kle and equals 20c wort li of any other liloini'. If your art ! does not keen it send 10c for sample, to TllB LJ1CNOKY CONSUMERS ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST These brands will guarantee Star and Crescent Comet Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all Set that our vansr F. P. KIRKENDALL A Hird Question. The following talo Is told of the bishop of London. Having Indulged that precarious pastime of asking tiny small boy or girl in the audience, lo ask him a Question, Dr. Ingram was met by the following: "Please, sir. why did the angels walk up and down Jacob's Indder when they hud wingr,?" U is sail Jo record that even tho bish op of London wns driven to make the usual humiliating and miserable en rape by reluming, "What little boy or sir! would like to answer this!" No Female Angela. A minister on Ixihg Island has de clared that there are. no female angels in heaven. Aa he does not disclose the source of his Informal ion, tho Ktaloment may be open to argument. He Is reiMirted to have said to his au Oienee: "Most people's Idea of an angel is Of u beautiful, graceful, white rolled female figure with a wing on either shoulder, peacefully Moating through the air. I want to say there ure no female angels." For Crowing Girls. West Pembroke, Me..' March 21 Mrs. A. I,. Smith of this place, says that Hood's Kidney Pills are the best remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith emphasizes her recommenda tion by the following experience: "My daughter was thirteen years old last November and it is now two years since she was first taken with Crazy Spells that would last a week and would then pass off. In a month she wottld have the spells again. At these times she would eat very little and was very yellow, even the wta'tcs of her r-jes would be yellow. "The doctors gave us no encour agement, they all said they rould not help her. After taking one box of Dodd'a Kidney Pills, she has not hid oti bad spell. Of course, wo contin ued the treatment until she had used In all about a dozen boxes, and e still give them to her occasionally, when ihe Is not feeling well. Dodd s Kidney Pills are certainly the best medicine for growing girls." Mothers should heej the advice of Mrs. Smith, for by so doing they may save their daughters much pain anil sickness and insure a healthy, Lappy future for them. Thi man who Is efrall of burning tip hU w ick need not hope to btlghtcn Uio world. In a lytler dated January 1. 10t)0. Mr. Atkinson says, after lio years' experience with Peruna: ' will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. In my rounds as a traveling man I am a walking adver tisement (or Peruna and have induced many people during the past year to use Peruna wl:li the most satisfactory results. I am still cured of catarrh." John U. Atkinson, Hox 272, Independence. Mo. Whim old aire conies on. catarrhal dis eases come also. Svstetnic catarrh is aV most universal in o'il people. This explains why I'erinia has twoma so indispensable to' old people. Peruna is their safe-guard. IVruiui is tho only remedy yet devised that meets these case exactly. Such eases cannot be treated locally; nothing but an eftcctive systemic remedy loiild cure tlieai. This is exactly what Peruna is. I f you do not receive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Pcrnnn, write at once to Dr. Ili.rtman. givinga fi:l state ment of your case and he will lie pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartinan. President of TllB Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Blue BLUB CO., 14 Michigan St.. Chicago. OF SHOES WESTERN MADE SHOES. you a good shoe fur tr.en: E. Z. Walker Cock of Walk others in Women's ami Children's Sheet. is on the .shoes vou liv. & CO. Manufactured OMAHA. All things come to those who wait, but you might save lime by going out to meet them. Insist on Getting It. Some vroc-irs say they don't keep He-fumei- Kt.trrh. Thi K iie-ause they have a stock on hanil of other hianils coiitalu llK only l: i2. Ill 11 I'.h k:lue. which they won't he llhle to sell tllt. hccatlse lp- lhuiee contain iti oz. fr the same money. Do you want K ui. InMenil of l: ,.. Co same money V Then liny Jiitlanee March. Iteiilif no i Kick. Never Judge a man's character by tho high standing of h!s silk hat. if you cue naix iu.ce. Het Itod Cross Hall Minn, the best UU Blue. Large V! ox. jiackae only & ceuta. No man fully realizes bow much noise he makes wLeu ho conies home about 'i u. in. Do Your Clothss Look Yellow? Then u liellam.- Starch. It will keep t linn white lti us. fr ii) cents. Let grace nnd goodness be the prln clpal loadsioLe of thy affections. Dtydcn. Am I in favor of expansion? Every thing that grows expands. See how the Stule Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of South Omaha lias grown. Jan. 1. 18n; we had. I r.u.LM.I.nit 4:t8.S.Hi.Oii 2.ti!tr..lfi.i.rii) sM'I'UT.-i.imi T.r.::8.!t7::.Ki i".4SM8o.ni i::.".4l. :;;;.()() lt;.41::,8n'.t.ll(l I8.4lt;.::.ss.:f.' " " 18M7 we bad. " " 1N!i8 we had. " " 18!"!i we had. " " lHiMI we had. " " litt'l wo had. " " 1!hL' we had. " " 1!Mi:s we had. " 1:hh we had. l'on't you thiol you would like to belong to a live Company like this? Write the Secretary, It. K. SionTcr. South Omaha. Nebr. Sympathy Is the safeguard of the hiimun soul against sciilshtiess - Carl le. Mrs. V. IikIiiw t SiMilnliitf Trnn. Tnr i hti'irra l.nlili,,, tiidru. the t"l., ro-iur! ts Il.lUlL.t oa, SI .) lo, tuin Wlliil loilu. in- l, ,mt, ltlghtiiiiiMiess Is the only recom mendation that goes to huavt-n. If sflV'M oti sure tfM. UM Thompson's Eya Witcr W. N. U., Omaha. No. 13-1904 tuhtS ftntnl il li.it i Alto, rj I "nh Sf o il. farm Hn I'sl i to irr i-' W ! V3 I "rs tiS no.i I - -I III III IIP Iliifliil bMl M'fi vj El I m n I n s mm iiiihiu lo Scrofula To those who have suf fered long and hopelessly from Humors of tho Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI CURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expec tation awakened by them has been more than ful filled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humors arc daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Sold 1liriilu.ut th vtir.rl. TuMmr Rr1t4mt. I'.n firt -if rn.Hu.sM l uilrd I'lUa, :Ji . prr U f M)c (ilrdni-nU jO. , Hot, J.V . ltMHia. l-nntluti, 77 Disinr. h'iuM Sq. ; 1'irtl, & Km- lf U 1 ) (Wttn, 1.17 Lutuiitbu A Pottr Wfig t hrm Cr.ru., Knit- I'mps. ur bwM for "Aiii txtti Uu Shia tad tfetiip." Looking for a Home 7 Then not keep In view the fact thut tne farming londe ot me Miflin nt to uiTorl ft ropulnticn ' ' ""O or ovti.' 'Ihe iiiiinitiutioii fur the yst fit ciir hu been I'licnuiiienul. FREE Homestaad Lands ail jrreivihlr. wliil other Inn fit n( It nr rtiibcd fimu knilwfcv und l and C oTiiitin . 'J In tttain und Kiniim Und ot Wtmi Cknula w il bfst on the ruhtinent, producing the lift and cattle ted on tJiits uluiie) itm'.y U-t n iiifct-L lnrkeH, Si IhmiW. KhIIwrjs ttnl all ll i riimlltioii itittkr WfHtrrn t'atiuiJtt un ti. Khlo Nil for tli m ttlor. U'litMoSupeiintendftil Immlcra!inn.Oit,.we.riL ada, lw u dfM't iin! e Alius m.ri other infuTintit 14 or to the authorized Canadian tivernment At? V. V. isrnntu, r.l New Vtrk Lii L-.jujjjT O null a, Neu. 1 " - 11 - L. DOUGLAS $3.&3 SHOES1?: V. I.. Douglas sIioi-h liiiveb)- thplr exi-i'lli-iil style, cnvy-littlng, H n l iiii'iliir vrarliit iiulltlr, lu-hlfwil tho lut'Ki'ht Mila ot 11 ty hIioh in the Will III. Tlii'V ure J'tst ns poo.! tiiiHw Una cost you SI to 55 1 !id only JiHcremoU the price. So'd Eutryii'tire, Look for name and tirlre on txittnm. i Dilllfl-laa . . i n 11 ------ - - "im ivt', wi hii.i .la'tfg, I oltskiii, w hli'li lsevrrMlier ciiuhimi v jelhe Hurst I'ulent I 'hIIk t yet .r. ili.i-.il. y.f Color IwlttM Khon hf'msll.'.'fir.rin, II rits for UtaJoc W.L.IIouj Brock tug, w SEEDi POTATOES Vi cnonnn Rticuri c . w aw r a m K.naa w mm kj- m n tf 1 v ii. 11 i4twiii.4' Lull larttst stfd folate trcktrtm the tnoildl KH'itsiit sun k. I rvnimdous rlcirlfc l.uin u to 1000 bunlirla t uro. FOR tO CENTS sn.l I ll tint Ire tid yno kits of fsrm iniln nnd I.Ik raulnynr, trntna wlatsiiilTeutlnie Kilt, l-MHt. Arm) Imt llarley, Msctmiil W'hml, Animus, bend fur sejuv ioiIm.' - snr isssj iBpi ! ss sssi iimibsi i m - . Illl ooooooeooooooeoooococeeco iniupiiuinnpoRiindiioRsi (0 z kinootn. piDroka jp. p PeriHerof... JirtLw aiiiU Shut ?Jm,0ohB 40 UV TOSWEC7 JKOV On ,.vri , Llntoln l.kl ll Si.t Nm tirtit car wH.h runatt.H.ilv w .f btn. lm .,mJi.. , M , I m. Dut. Tl. h.K A I H..11..-. - ------- - - ....... v n , , OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOf-O'' PORTRAIT AGENTS Dtftl tire.i tfe Maaalarf ti 1 e 1 a 1 m.A U.. M i i'f a.l Mrtraiti (uararti. U frot, kI( litr 1 tits.. . IRULt IV.. Htw lr Bk.kft, CL,. BECGS'BLOODPURIFIER CLKUS talfirrb cl the Momeili. From Infancy to Age tA . SJWSW Vi u