The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1904, Image 10

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    Weeping Water
Krum the Kt'imb'.li-an.
Klizaheth Ralston Is Improving nice
ly and Is on the high road to recovery.
Dr. Rlckard reports the arrival of a
loy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Rector Sunday morning, l'cb. -I.
lr. I.utler reports rejoicing at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ranney
Kincc the 2th over the new arrival of
a tine girl baby.
Dr. Will Thomas has been on the
sick list for the past week. Overwork
and a hard cold compelled him to keep
his bed for several days.
Edwin Richard and daughter, Miss
Mary, moved last week to their farm
Just west of Wabash, where they will
rusticate and grow corn an(j ,s tills
John Cook & Son, havo filed with
our town board, articles asking for a
franchise, to put In an electric light
ing plant here. The matter will be
passed upon at the meeting of the
council early In March.
Our millers advise the. farmers to
sow a large acreage of spring wheat.
With the war In Asia and a line pros
pect for war In Kuropo the demand
for wheat with corresponding high
prices unquestionably offers a bonanza
to the farmers of the wheat belt this
Dan Switzcr has been gaining slowly
for the past few days. For a number
of days ho was a very sick boy. Leone
Is rapidly Improving. She gained so
fast that the trained nurse, Miss
jiuimes, win go to Omaha tomorrow.
15y an oversight, mention was not
made In last week's paper of the re
turn of Tom Rourko and family from
California. At present Mr. Rourke's
family Is staying with his mother and
brother Dan at Manlcy. They will go
to house keeping In the near future
but have not yet decided where.
From tlio Humid.
Rom to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chandler,
Tuesday, Feb. Ill, a girl.
Ruth Jensen Is recovering from an
attack of lung fever, and for a time
was a very sick patient.
Andrew Anderson and Tetcr Miller
Were In town Monrluv. ulth envnn
loads of fat hogs, which they sold to
uur uuyers.
Miss Johanna Sogard, nelco of Xels
sogaru, camo over from Denmark last
week. She had a very long trip, last
ing 2:2 days. She is assisting Mrs.
C. Klcsper.
Invitations are nut, for Mm mnrrliie
of Miss Agnes Evelyn Hutlcr, daughter
or iir. ana Mrs. jh. m. uutler, to Ray
0. Wiles, on Wednesday, March 2, at
i o ciock, in ine congregational church
this city.
Alba Hobson has been indulging In
a week's sieire nf Mm irrln. Nnt. inmr
since his wife, while at Chas. Tin
man's, fell down the stairs and at the
lime had the baby girl in her arms,
sustaining some severe bruises.
Mrs. fi. M. Davis nnrl Ron Snrln
came over from riattsmouth Friday
evening, ana visitca ncr sons, Troy
and Frank, until Monday. While here
Mrs. Davis was looking around in
jiopesoi unaing a suitable residence,
and it Is possible she may come here to
Mrs. S. W. Orton met with a pain
ful accident last week. At the cross
ing lcadlmr to the allnv bank nf Am.
bier Rros. store Is quite a step off
uown to uio cinder natn on the Mis
souri I'aci tic right of way. She fell at
this place and Injured one limbsothat
she has been laid up most of the time
miicc, suucnng very mucu.
Chas. Phil pot was in town Saturday
seeing about some lumber that he has
purchased of the Dickson Lumber Co.,
for building a mammoth cattle shed.
When the Phil pots do Improving it is
generally on a large scale. The cattle
shed will be 124x4. the center 21 feet
high. It will take 80,000 shingles to
cover the structure, and It will be
lixed comfortable. With 270 head of
cattle and over .'100 head of hogs,, it
Keeps the help busy lookingaftcr them
Happy. Healthy Children.
Any child can take Little Early
Risers with perfect safety. They are
harmless, never gripe or sicken, and
yet they are so certain in results that
robust constitutions requiring drastic
means are never disappointed. They
cannot fail to perform their mission
and every one who uses DcWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers prefer them to all
other pills. They cure biliousness.
Sold by F. 0. Frlcke & Co.
From tlio ConrliT.
Rom, Monday, February 22, to Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Kuehn, a girl.
Will Osscnkop moved his family to
town this week. They occupy the
Johnson residence on upper Main
si. rue u
Mrs. A. D. Kulin Is ill with uncii
monia and fever. She Is under the
care of Miss Case, a trained nurse from
Lincoln. .
Grandma Irwin is very ill at the
home of Isaac Tcnnant. Mrs. Urwin
is well along in her eighties and It is
iiiougni sne cannot recover.
Mrs. Frank I tick mm and son. llonnlrl
and Miss Itert ha Rlchey returned to
riattsmouth Monday after a ten days'
I.. T ..Ill-
limb in umil.1 1IIC.
"My wife had deep-sealed couch
for three years. I purchased two
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Urge size, and it curcu bcr com
pletely." J. II. Burfe, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lievc little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones I
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Aycr's Cherry
Tin ilitt t Kc Sk II. All 4re((lil(.
Contnll your Wlor. tf h mt Ink n,
lhn 1i ! . It h iciia jnn irni
to uk II. (Iin don't Uk It II kuuoi.
Ut II with him. W.,r. Willi,,,
J. C. AY It CO., I.owtll. Mail.
Fred Hotz lias been measuring the
Ice on the I'latte river this week, lie
sent in his report to Missouri raeitie
headquarters Monday. The ice mexs
ured from 14 to 20 inches.
Miss Minnie LohnhoiT returned home
from Lincoln Tuesday after an ex
tended visit with relatives.
Little Ruth Jacobson has entirely
recovered from the severe attack of
pneumonia with which she sutlerod
last week.
W. D. Williams and wife left this
week for Oklahoma where they go to
make their future homo. They leae
many friends in this locality whose
best wishes go with them.
C. C. Smith this week Ixnight the
hotel Speaker and has taken posses
sion. Mr. and Mrs. Speaker left on
Thursday evening for Chilltcothe. Mo.
where they will make their future
home. The Courier joins with their
many friends in Louisville in wishing
them health and happiness in their
new home.
The Name Witch Hazel.
The name Witch Hazel is much
abused, E. C. DeWilt & Co., Chicago,
are the inventors of the original and
only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. A
certain cure for Cuts, Rums, Rruises,
Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. There are
many counterfeits of this salve, some
of which are dangerous, while they are
all worthless, in buying Witch Hazel
Salve see that the name E. C. DeWilt
& Co., Chicago, is on the box and a
cure is certain. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
From tlio I'litrrprlso.
II. F. Swanback invested $2,100 in
riattsmouth Telephone Co. stock.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. John Arm
strong, a boy, Sunday, Feb. 21.
D. K. Ran- informs us that he will
remodel his law olllee and intends to
put in a new butcher shop. A man
from Council I 'duffs will be employed
to run liie business.
The marriage of Mr.- Forest D. Civ
merand Miss Marie Hollenbeck took
place at the home of the bride's par
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Hollenbeck,
iluirsday, reornary ::, at s o clock p.
in., Elder II. II. Cttcrback oiliciating,
Married Wednesday, Feb. 21. at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Conley, Miss May Conley and Mr.
Fred Morris, Rev. T. S. Fowler oilici
ating. Mr. and Mrs. Ts'orrisare worthy
young people and start on the journey
of life with thetiest wishes of a host
of friends.
County Superintendent Worlman
was In town Tuesday evening and
while here gave this olllcc a pleasant
call. He is visiting the rural schools
over the country. Mr. Wort in:in Is
Very much pleased with the success of
inc leaciiers weeiing neiu at Liiiuis
vllle last week. He said the attend
ance was good but a few teachers were
absent who should have been there.
While chopping down a tree out on
Rock Creek Tuesday, Win. Kimberly
nau the misiortune oi Having the tree
fall on top of him striking him on the
shoulder and knocking him down a
twenty-foot bank. When he had gath
ered himself together and was brought
to town Dr. Miller discovered that Mr.
Klmberlcy's Injuries were of a serious
nature. His collar bone was broken in
two places, shoulder badly bruised,
three ribs and a bone in one of his legs
was broken, lie will probably be laid
up tor Several weeks.
Greenwood is to have a new build
ing of which our people should be
proud. A stock company has been or
ganized and a brick bulldiiig""iss.0feet
is to be erected between the Kniccly
andMcKinnon buildings. The lower
rooms, three in number, will be occu
pied by general stores and the second
lloor will be divided into two rooms.
Almostenough money hasalready been
subscrilied and as the leaders in the
movement are men who make tilings
go It is a decided fail that we w ill soon
have a line new building In our littli
city. We are reliably Informed that
the store rooms can easily be rented
Just as soon as they are completed,
parties having already applied for
Do You Want Strength?
If you want to Increase your .strength
you must add to and not take from
the physiclal. In other words, the
food that you cat must be digested,
assimilated and appropriated by the
nerves, blood and tissues before being
expelled from the Intestines. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical.
It gives strength to and builds up
strength In the human system. It Is
pleasant to the taste and palatable,
and the only combination of
ants that will digest the food and en
able the system to appropriate all of
its health and strength-giving quali
ties. Sold by F. G. I'rickc & Co.
From llu Ki-nKtrr.
Lycurgus Running departed Monday
for Ids home In Uattle Snake Valley,
Montana. He says lie has had a very
tine visit here and leaves with regret.
Mrs. Kelt tier received a telegram
Tuesday saying her mother was near
death s door. Mie took the midnight
train for Kansas, where her mother
worn was received a nay or two
since, that Grandma Kime had suf
fered another stroke of paralysis at
her home In Rock port, Mo. She is
speechless and bedfast.
Reverend Henry Mueller of P.erlin.
preached his farewell sermon to his
congregation at the Heelmer school
house Sunday. He Is going to leave
next week for Albuquerque, New
Hon. E. M. Pollard left for St. Louis
the lirst of the week' to superintend
the arrangement of the space tor the
horticultural exhihits, of which he Is
state superintendent.
Will Shepard. who has the largest
peach orchard in this vicinity, says
that his peach huilsare all right. Even
the budded fruit lias come through
safe so far. If we get no late hard
frosts we may lie able to enjoy another
peacii year.
Vou may wonder where Heelmer Is.
for you will not lind lion any map of
( ass count y. 1 1 Is sit uated alum! t brei
miles west of Neliawka on the line of
the Missouri Pacific, on the old lleeb
ner boniest ead. It was on'v started
about no days ago, and already has six
Gering Co. have the quality, quan
tity and low prices In wall paper.
Trot i tlip tA-ilji-r.
Attorney Matt Geriiu of riatts
mouth was attending to legal business
In th:s village Wednesday afternoon.
V r:ni Fauer continues to Improve
and was able to be on the street Tues
day, the first time for many weeks.
Ray Frans is "on top" in his con
test with rheumatism, and was able
to come down town Monday, the first
time in several weeks.
William Klaurcns has sold his farm
of eighty acres, northeast of Union, to
W. R. Hargus, the Consideration be
ing 0,000, or 7." per acre. Mr. Klau
rcns has no notion of quitting Cass
county, but will occupy another farm
a few miles northeast of here.
Constable G. W. Saxon of this vil
lage, was in Nebraska City last Satur
day night and assisted John DeLong,
the Mo. Pacific .detective, in the clever
capture of two thieves who were rob
bing a merchandise car. Mr. Saxon
was in Nebraska City again Tuesday
and Wednesday to attend their trial.
George Edminsten and Miss Mary
Ervin went to Nebraska City on Mon
day and came back as Mr. and Mrs.
Edminsten, being married that after
noon by Judge Golf. The ceremony
was witnessed by only a few friends,
but nevertheless It was a very pleas
ant affair. After the marriage the
party drove back to their home east
of I'nion, where they began house
keeping just like they had been ac
customed to it all their lives.
'1 re wasa wedding at riattsmouth
on Wednesday of last week in which
t .vo well know n young people were the
principals, but we could not learn par
ticulars in time for publication in last
Issue. Hut "better late than never,"
and we have the pleasure of announc
ing the marriage of M iss Emma Hugh
son and David E. Single, the ceremony
being the lirst one performed by our
new county judge, 11. D. Travis, who
gave me nuptial knot a iew extra
twists to Insure it being solid. The
wedding was quite a surprise to their
I n ion mends who had no knowledge
of their matrimonial intentions. The
bride is a popular young lady who has
many menus in t nion and vicinity.
Mr. Single is an enterprising farmer
wlio has resided in this part of the
county all his hie, and his good char
acter and standing have made him
many friends. The Ledger extends
me most, neaitycongratulationstothe
happy couple.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's sig
nature on each box. 2."c.
Seel;il Correspondence.
W. II. Hetts. Sr.. Is visitlnir
itaucioit menus.
I , r . i ! . i
Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Johnson arc the
proud parents of a baby boy, born Feb
ruary ..iii.
L. J. Marquardt was on the sick list
a lew days last week.
Henry HnsholT came down from Lin
coin latter part of last week, and is
visiting jwoca menus.
John Shelton disposed of his restau
rant business this week to Mr. Ander
son, ol Weeping Water, who will take
possession in a lew days.
John Tanner and family were over
iro:u ineir .Syracuse home Tuesday.
Mr. Hagerman was down from Lin
coin front end of the week.
Henry Eichcl and family will move
onio one oi me Mrauo farms in a lew
Henry West lake disposed of his resi
dence property to Mr. Ellsworth last
M. M. Straub made a trip to Omaha
K. R. Straub is sick at his home
soul beast of town.
John Nutzman, Jr., is visiting his
brother, Alfred, and family at ller-
ra E. Copes, who has been confined
to I lis room for the past live weeks, is
able to attend to store duties again.
"When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work Uio'.igh no one has ever
told why.
When mothers arc worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul
sion. It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Hmulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphitcs
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
Fur all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Fmulsion
is the most satisfactory treat
ment. We will send you
the penny, . c, a
sample free.
Vt nft lit tliU (ilrlurt In
the I'Tin nl Ulx-I it on tht
rapntf oj rvrry bulllt ol
KinuUun you buy.
400 Pearl St., N. Y.
jx. andjt.oo; U Jruuglii.
Otto and David Straub were Ween.
trig Water business visitors Saturday.
Mrs. E. Ci. Copes returned to her
home at Cook, last Friday, after spend
ing several days with her son, Ora E.
Robert Malcolm of Imperial, Is visit
ing Joseph Malcolm and family.
William Vette will till the soil for
Henry Straub this season.
Miss Lottie ltetts returned from
Omaha Saturday evening, where she
had leen purchasing her spring stock
of millinery goods.
Miss Etta Ciordon will leave Avoca
about March HO, for Elm wood, where
she has secured a position in Mrs.
Green's millinery store.
William Uhiner and family left last
week for Cedar county, where they
will make their future home.
C. G. Clark and U. T. Jones made a
trip to Omaha Tuesday.
C. E. Tellt and family were down
from Weeping Water Sunday.
Miss "Maud Wilkinson spent a few
days this week visiting Dunbar friends.
It Saved His Leg.
1 A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but writes
that lUicklen's Arnica Salve wholly
cured it in five days. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in
the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 23c.
Sold by F. G. Fricko & Co.
Maple Grove
Special Corrospomlenre.
Quite a number attended tho nnhlie
sale at Henry Wenke's last week.
Mr. J. Pw. Cathey was a l'lattsmouth
visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Lee Brown and Miss Lollie Phil
pot were married at the home of the
bride's parents Wednesday evening,
February 24. A large number of guests
were in attendance.
Ad Beodeckcr was on the sick list
last week with tho grip.
William Hunter of Burwell, Neb.,
Is visiting relatives and friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. r. A. Ilild were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Puis
and family last Thursday.
Anna and Fred Baumgartspent Sat
urday and Sunday with Chas. Ilennen
and family.
Mrs. McVey, the mother of Linty
McVeyand Mrs. Jake Smith left for
Illinois last week, where her sister re
sides. John Jackman of Louisville, spent
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis spent Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gansemer gave a
line little dance at their home Satur
day night.
Gust Norris returned last Friday
from Antelope county, where he spent
the winter with his parents, lie will
remain here this summer.
George Ilild made a business trip to
Omaha Tuesday.
Adam Schafer and Mike Schwartz
fisher attended the William Dunn
sale at Weeping Water Saturday.
From tlio LeudtT-Echo.
A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Doren.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. A. II. Sollir., Wednesday.
Wm. Atchinson has been suffering
severely from an attack of the grip.
Wm. Buster and family moved up
from Sterling Monday, having rented
the Eidenmiller property, cast of Pliile
J. A. Clements and family moved
Saturday Into their residence property
south of the Methodist church.
Joe Nichols liked the show Tuesday
night, lie says that girl in the sun
bonnet can pack up her duds and camp
In Ids tabernacle any old time she
wants to.
L. G. Earnst called Tuesday and re
newed his subscription way up in I'M',,
Lou has rented a line farm near Dun
dec, Minn., and will move his family
there next week. Lou leaves a stand
ing Invitation for all his friends who
love hunting and llshlng to come and
visit him.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCartney have
the sympathy of the entire community
in the death of their little one and a
half year old son, which occurred in
an Omaha hospital Wednesday after
noon, shortly after an operation for an
abscess in the thcoat. The remains
were brought home Wednesday even
ing and the funeral services were held
Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the
church at Pleasant Hill.
From tlio Iti-iu-un.
John Wade Is reported to be steadily
MIssLlllie Fricke Is very sick with
Inflammatory rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Burdick cele
brated their 21st wedding anniversary
last Monday.
Mrs. Mike Spahnlc who has been
very sick the past week is much better
an this writing.
Mr. C. C. Untiirock of Auburn, Neb.
and Miss Stella McCllutoc of this
place, were married at Auburn last
Thursday evening at U o'clock.
If reports are true there will be a
wedding near Eagle In the near future.
W. E. Norris lias purchased the John
Adams property north of the railroad
A man with small pox In the acute
stage, broke quarantine at Klmwood
one day this week, and went to Lin
coln, where the authorities took him
In tow.
There will lie another branch lino
of the Kagle Telephone Co. built as
soon as the weather permits. It will
run west on O street and will accom
modate about twenty-live farmers.
C. S. Wortman, our good looking
democrat county superintendent was
looking after the Interests of the
schools In this part of the county last
week. He made us a pleasant call.
Come ogain.
Do You Want a Farm?
170 acres of good land In Cass count v
for sale. Call on or address, Henry
Donat, Plattsmoulh, Neb.
f m I)
y j --r-'
refined to absolute purity,
is the active principle of every
pound of Royal Baking Powder.
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
produces food remarkable both in fine
flavor and wholesomeness.
The Editor's Dream.
The cil I tor ntti-n-d a wraiy sljili.
As lii'rlioii-iil at tl lui-k with n illi-ul oye;
Tint liH-ki il up forms hail all triuii- down
And lie lirard the iiri-sscs whlrllr.i? 'round,
III- fell iisli'i'it. with lu-ail lient low.
And dreiiini-d of days In the lontf aD.
Of (lays when liaek In liNinillvc town
The rlt lrns ralliil lilm villi or llrou n.
And Instead of the maddriiliit; roar of Ids Hoc
He lieurd tin ushiiu-loii hand-press (,'o,
Anil In plai'itof llnolviie. I lie i-lii-k
Of the type its It slrui-k the printer's slick;
lie could sco tlio olllcc just us plain
With lls;iiik-siueari (l walls and Uihaccostaln ;
The foreman stuiidlni: wit h t houulitful faco
SctlliiK nil ad at the pica i-xse.
While the devil, us umiuI. wasinaklnif pi
.lust Hit) siiinu as he did in the days Koneliy.
Tin (Treat man smiled as Ids plcas.-mt dreams
llroiiitht hack those familiar scenes.
When farmer Smith would dellvera load
of cordwood to pay the suhscriplion he owed,
And Jones came in to Inquire the eust
Of udvortisinj,' a cow he'd lost,
lie awoke, lmt the frown lie whs wont to weur,
Had disappeared anil a smile was there.
And he said, as he tlioui;ht oft hut far oil' siMit,
Of thosci-ounlry friends and tlieold print shop
"They were common folks had homely wavs.
Hut life was worth livliiK In those old days.''
A Vain Cry For Help.
To assist those in need, every one of
us is always willing. A cry for help
never remained unheard in this coun
try, except one tliecry of our stomach.
Loss of appetite is the cry. We run
to assistance burdening the poor, sulT
ering stomach with foods undigestible,
making the conditions worse. Triner's
American Elixir of Hitter Wine is the
only help needed, because It will
strengthen the stomach sulllciently to
accept and digest the food. Loss of
appetite readily disappears, giving
room to an enviable desire of food -no
matter what kind of food. As soon as
the stomach works, all organs perform
their duty, because new blood, pure
and rich, made of healthy digested
food, brings nourishment to every par
ticle of the body. Triner's American
Elixir of Hitter Wine, is the only
natural blood purilier and blood-builder.
At drug stores. Jos. Trincr, "'.!)
South Ashland Avenue, Chicago, III.
Pilscn .Station.
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den
nison, Ohio, was con lined to Ids bed
for several weeks with inllammatory
rheumatism. "I used many remedies,"
he says. "Finally I sent to McCaw's
drug store for a bottle of Chamber
lain's Pain Halm, at which time I was
unable to use hand or foot, and in one
week's time was able to go to work as
happy as a clam." For sale by all
A careful housewife Is careful in the
selection of wall paper for her home,
but it is only a matter of taste to se
lect your wall paper from the immense
stock carried by tiering & Co.
Grand Clearing Sale
Ten yards Outing Flannel, 3')c Greatly reduced prices on Comforters and Blankets
All Kinds of Underwear Included in this Sale
Our spring line is arriving daily, and we must have room. Already we have re
ceived a full line of Golf Skirts and Dress Goods. In this line of skirts will be found
all the latest styles and newest weaves, made by the Banner-Brand Co. of Chicago.
Bear in mind that in our Grocery Department we beat them all. We are still
selling 20 ll.s Granulated Sugar for $1. We buy and sell country lard only.
All Cass county farmers are welcome to unload their
out difficulty, for which thev will receive tln bi(rhit mnrl. -
, " ! --!,. -. v. ti i ..v-..-. j -
will be in a position to show one of the finest lines of Millinery ever shown in Platts
mouth. Call and examine our goods whether you buy or not.
M. Finger's Department Store
k v t Mb
Healthful cream of tartar,
derived solelv from prunes.
Hall's Cash Store
Vior, 3 packages 25 cents.
Malta Vita, per package 14 cents.
Force, per package 9 cents.
Quail Oats, per package 9 cents.
White Dove Oats, per package 9 cents.
Anchor Matches, per packag 20 cents.
Beans, per can 9 cents.
Corn, per can 9 cents.
Three pound can Tomatoes 10 cents.
Ileisel's Plainsiftcr Flour $ 1 00
Premain Patent , 1 10
Weeping Water Diamond 1 00
K.&II. 1 10
Brakenfield, 1 00
Patent, - - - 1 10
Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00
Farm and Ranch Lands
In Adams, Phelps,
$12 to $45
Depending on Location and Improvements
For Price Lists
W. M. Lowman or
212 Lincoln' Ave.
Hastings, Nebraska
Harlan and Furnas
and Maps write to
E. A. Paine & Co.
Oxford, Neb.
At M. Fanger's
Department Store
produce at our store with
. t m-ire. In :i fou' d.ivs we