r Jt moutb Journal Tt Journal will r-r be found la- Tcr IVmoorst In Caw count j niu iH.rinic inr me u-si liilt-rt-ur I'laiu- ulU rJ I he Journal. The on I aU- niuuiu uu lan cuuuiy lu K u rL A. KATES, I'vuLiHiiEK. 'DEMOCBATIC AT ALL T1HKS AND UNDEU ALL CIUCCJISTANCK9." OFFICE No. 112, South Sixth Stkkkt Volume XXIV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 19Q4. Number lO. TART CURB-STOKE JOSMNGS And Other Items of Interest Prepared Es pecially tor the Journal Readers. Flowers ni'vor bloom tiut once, Iaivu It while It hints; Opportunity never comes but outre. Improve It itu It's pust. Now clear the decks fur St. Patrick's thy. The March number of the Journal Magazine will appear In a few days. Many a fellow who looks like thirty cents wishes he was as rich as that. When a fool has learned to keep his mouth shut, he is no longer a fool. The poison dart of ridicule never touches a hero's heart when they are In the right. The hens have taken on a more cheer ful spirit and very soon we may be eating eggs again. The early bird twitters occasion ally now, but the worm Is still hybcr natlng with the ground hog. When a wife refers toherhusband as "my man" it Is safe to predict that the guiding hand of that household Is a female. We want good roads, more rural routes, more attractions for farmers to our town, and more liberal and more systematic advertising. If the turnout of shop hands will make so much difference In the busi ness of some of our merchant, why not cater more to the rural trade? The turning out of a number of It &M. shop employees the past week created nuite astir In the city. The Burlington has done the same at sev eral other points. The peach buds are said to have been destroved. This Is regular. By the way, you never hear of the cold weath cr doing anything mean to the peach erina buds. In a light about a woman between E. K. Miner and John Almond of Otoe county recently, Miner had one eye gouged out, and the other one so badly Injured he may lose It also. Keep your eye on the man who wants "above all" to treat everybody right; and the old maid who would not "take" the best man alive; and the widow who "lives" only to keep her husband's grave decorated. A New York Judgo rules that a man has a right to govern his wife and make her obey. Now, It some divinity would give a man the power to govern his wife and make her obey what an Arcadia this old, prosaic world would be. There seems to be a mystery regard ing the discharge of numerous shop employees at this time. The Journal prophesies that within sixty days these men will be reinstated or their places tilled by others. There Is nothing very serious, In a business way, In the turning out of so many B. & M. shop employees. It Is more to be regretted on account of the men personally, many of w hom have families living here. We nil aro actors on Life's stmco Homo stroiiK. some weitk, 'Us true; Hut none lire wllllim to retlrt) 1'iitll the piny Is ilirouxh. Ami when tint liuml of dentil tlotli touch Thei'urtHln IhII. we pry: "Oil, let me piny that net onco inoro Justuni'o before I die." A Lincoln society girl is attracting much attention Just now by reason of ttie fact that on one of her pretty feet six toes appear. An Omaha society girl Insists .she has two calves on one leg. That's all right, but remember we're from Missouri. I r the old maid that sent the Journal that beautiful valentine will send us her address, we promiso to write her a most lovely and loving love letter, something she never received, and she is now bordering onto forty years of age. She issougly that mostany dairy would employ to sour sweet milk. When a man playfully points a pistol or gun at you knock him down; don't stop to Inquire whether It Is loaded or not-knock him down. Don t be par tlcular what you hit him with, only see that it Is properly done. Jf a cor tmcr's Inquest Is held, let It be on the other fellow-he won t be missed. This Is certainly a topsy-turvey old world. One man Is saving to build a house and another Is trying to sell his Tor less than It cost him. One man Is socndinir his money taking his best girl to an entertainment and sending Mowers in the hopes, eventually, to make her his wife, while his nclghlior Is spending the gold he lias got to get a divorce. One man escapes all ttie disease llesh Is heir to and gets killed on a railroad. Another goes without Wing hurt and dies with the whooping cough; and so it goes. We learn of a good one on one of our prominent citizens cn route for Oma ha one day hist week. At Bellevuc a hoy entered the t ouch, leaving the door open Whind him, when the aforesaid citizen thundered, "Were you brought UDlnaliarn? Shut that door!" The hov did as ho was bid and tears were seen to t rlckle down Ills check. "There, there: never mind, lad; of course you wasn't brought up In a barn." "That's Just It." blubbered the lad, "l was, and every time I nee a Jackass It all comes kick to me." Had It been ex trvmelv warm weather, Mr. Cltli b would have perhaps collapsed rig mere. Thi Mendelssohn Quartette. The closing number of the School Lecture Course will be a concert by tlie famous Mendelssohn Quartette Com pany. This is one of the strongest musical combinations on the road to day. They have stood a test which few organizations of the kind meet successively five successive seasons with practically the same personnel. Each member of the quart-!, appears upon the program as a soloist. This shows their ability. Margurite Smith, the child Imper sonator, Is w ith them this season as entertainer. Miss Smith has appeared in over eighteen hundred towns, and cities of the United States and Canada and holds the phenomenal record of never having received an adverse crit icism. The company have strength ened themselves this year by the addi tion of Herbert Loder, concert pianist. It would seem that this were enough to satisfy the demands of any audience. Remember the date Is Saturdry, March 12. Admission 50 cents. AN EARLY SPRING WEDDING. Mr. C. J. Meisinger and Miss Carrie Krae ger Happily United In Wedlock. Ono of the most beautiful weddings of the season occurred at the home of the bride's parents, three miles south of Cedar Creek, on Wednesday, March 2, 1004, when Mr. C. J. Meisinger and Miss Carrie Kraeger were happily united In the holy bonds of wedlock, Rev. Sprlegel ofllciating. The ceremony was witnessed by a goodly number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties, all of whom remained to partake of a most sump tuous repast soon after the nuptial knot was tied. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kraeger, who are among the most highly respected families of Cass county, and the Journal thinks the groom Is very fortunate In securing so lovely and worthy young lady to accompany him down the rugged pathway of Time. The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger, and it Is needless to say is also a member of one of the best families of Cass county. The Gride can feel equally fortunate In knowing that she has chosen from a vast number of excellent young men that Cass county boasts of one of the most worthy. Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger will make their future home on the farm recent ly purchased by the bride's father, and known as the Stoehr place, where they will soon be at home to their friends; and may the pleasant memories attend ant upon this occasion follow them to their new home, and remain fresh In their memories for all time to come. The Journal joins the hosts of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger In wishing them every gtxxl thing for the future, and may prosperity, Joy, peace and the good will of all be with them to the end of life. From An Old Patron. Staii, Neb., Feb. 20, 1904, Editoii Journal: Flease tine enclosed money order for $1,00 for the Journal and Monthly Magazine. I am an old Cass county citizen and have been taking the Journ al ever since It was established. I am an old friend of all the old settlers of Cass and I think they know me still I can't see why It Is that so many German farmers are leaving Cass conn ty and buying land in Pierce and Knox counties and Oklahoma, and paying from $40 to $o0 per acre when they can buy Just as good land here In Holt county for from $.' to $10 per acre. Al though this county has a bad name, she has got the soil that will raise the crops and leave her neighboring coun ties and Oklahoma In the "shade." Cattle arc looking fairly well, the past winter having been a most favor able one for them, and the loss has been very light- 1 have 100 head In my herd, being mostly graded Here fords or "White Faces." Cattlo arc selling cheap good hist spring calves soiling for $12, and cows from $20 up My ranch conslstsof 1300 acres, besides I have 040 acres or more leased. Wishing the Journal unbounded sue cess, I remain Hkxky Thibkolf "Jag" Too Heavy for Him. Sunday afternoon John Trust, em ployed in the stone quarries near Ne liawka, it seems Imbibed too much "tanglefoot" and got wear) In carrying the "load" laid down on the railroad to rest and went to sleep. A Missouri Pad He freight train came along, the pilot of.tlie engine struck him, badly crushing oncarm between the shoul J and elbow. Ilecseaped Internal Injury and tho latest reports are to the effect that he will recover. Rapidly Improving. Ed Brantner, who was badly Injure at Pacific Junction recently, Isgcttlng along very nicely, and Is reported out of danger. His many friends will lie pleased to learn this fact. When K was brought to this city after the nc cldent, his recovery looked almost Im possible, but he has stood up manfully and this no doubt has had much to do with his rapid Improvement. "Gut Hell," the favorite c'gar. HFORTUNATE GREENWOOD. Visited Bj Another Disastrous Conflagra tion, li Which i Prominent Citizen Perishes In the Flames. About two o'clock last Friday morn ing Greenwood people were aroused from their peaceful slumbers by an ex plosion almost equal to that of an earthquake. It was soon ascertained that It was caused from the explosion of acetylene gas in the basment of the opera house where the light plant was installed. The tire soon spread, de stroying that building, a mill and an adjoining feed store. Mr. Geo. T. Cut ler, proprietor of the opera house, had gone down Into the basement, after the masquerade ball was over, to turq off the gas, but no sooner had he en tered than the explosion occurred, and Mr. Cutler was caught therein with possible means of escape and perished In the flames. George T. Cutler was one of the pio neers of Greenwood, moving to that locality twenty years ago, establishing himself in business. He put in a wagon and carriage shop and fitted it up with modern improvements. As he prospered he built a feed grinding es tablishment, and later bought the old Congregational church, which ad- olned his business house, and re modeled it into what has been said to be the finest opera house in any Ne braska village. Mr. Cutler was odd In many ways. Ho was a real Yankee, and among other fads wore a straw hat, winter and summer. He always said he be lieved In keeping his head cool. No one will be more missed In that vicinity than George T. Cutler, whom everyone respected for his sterling qualities. ; Greenwood has been unfortunate in the way of Mies during the past few months. During the late summer months the big lumber and implement establishment of M. D. Kearn burned, entailing a heavy lass. On New Year's night the Swanback block caught fire and was destroyed; a drug store, hard ware and millinery store being burned together with the Odd Fellows hall. Now comes the Cutler fire, which Ms the worst of all, for It cost the life of one of Greenwood's most enterprising citizens. ;: Greenwood had its first big fire, for village, about fifteen years ago, when nearly one whole block of build ings was burned on the south side of the main street. The buildings have been replaced, In part. Next came, five or six years ago, the fire which burned the J. J. Fitzgerald building, the largest business house In thejtown. To inadequate fire protection Is at tributed the repeated losses. The only means of combating the (lames is by the use of a force hand-pump and bucket brigade. Mr. Cutler was a brother of the late Martin II. Cutler, for years a promi nent factor in republican politics In Cass county, who was also a brother- in-law of the late T. M. Marquette, the noted western attorney. Mrs. Cutler, who has been in 111 health for many years, was sleeping In the upper part of the building and lu the excitement could not get the door open. Alter the names had enveloped the building James E. Cull ion, a dray man, rushed through them and car ried Mrs. Cutler out. The remains of George T. Cutler will be taken to Springfield, Mass., for In terment. Mrs. Cutler will also go east, where she will make her home. Brisk Day for Marriage Licenses. Judge Travis' office presented a very busy scene last Sacurday. especially In the marriage license department. For awhile it looked as though all the young people in Cass county had concluded to abandon the life of single blessed ness. The following parties were grant ed marriage permits: Jacob Hennlngs, of Cedar Creek, aged 20, and Miss Maude Temple, of Louisville, aged 18; Conrad Meisinger, aged 21, and Miss Sophia C. Kraeger, aged 22, both of Cedar Creek; Leberecht Holzel, of Mur dock, aged 3", and Miss Barbara Heln- eman, of l'lattsmouth, aged 22; Rufus L. Clark, of West Point, Neb., aged 30, and Miss Flora M. Comer, of Omaha, aged 22. The last named couple were married In the Perkins nousc parlor by Judge Travis soon after the permit was granted. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of t he most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, caus ing pneumonia, Is that of Mrs. Ger trude E. Fenncr, Marlon, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down In weight from 14S to VI pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles o1 this wonderful remedy cured me en tlrely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. Hold by F. O. Frlcke & Co. Hustle to secure more trade from the farming communities. Hy a united 'ef fort on tho part of our buslnes men PlatUmoulh's trade among the farm ors can lie doubled In HKU. "Let'i all pull together" in this effort. Death of a Child. The little son of Otto Sprleck died at the home of his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger, seven miles west of l'lattsmouth on Wednesday morning, March 3, aged one year and seven days. It Just lacks seven days of being one year since the little one's mother died. The funeral will take place today from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger and the remains will belntered beside those of the little one's mother in Glendale cemetery. Tbe entire community deeply sympa thize with the unfortunate father, who In less than one year after the death of his loving wife, Is now called upon to mourn the loss of his little boy, who was a great comfort to him In his lonely hours. RULIN6 IN THE KUPKA CASE. Judge Trnls Denies the Application to Re- more Administrator. Last Monday Judge Travis banded down bis decision in the matter of, the application for the removal of C. S. Polk, as administrator of the estate of Ernst Kupka, which is as follows: Now on this 29th day of February, 1904, this cause having been taken un der advisement from the day , 1U04 to tiii9day, and the court being well and fully advised in the premises doth find from the evidences: 1st. That Johanna Sayre and John Kupke were the heirs at law of Ernst Kupke, deceased. 2nd. That prior to the filling of the petition for the removal of Carey S. Polk, administrator of the estate of Ernst Kupke, deceased, said Johanna Sayre, and John Kupke sold, assigned, conveyed, and transferred all their In terest In the estate of their father, Ernst Kupke, to Carey S. Polk. 3rd. That an action Is now pending and was pending In the district court of Cass county, Neb., atthetimethc.se proceedings were commenced to set aside and annul the said conveyances made by said Johanna Sayre and John Kupke to Carey S. Polk of the real es tate and personal property left by said Ernst Kupke, deceased, that said ac tion Is still pending and undetermined in said court. 4th. Wherefore It U considered by tbe court that said Johanna Say re and John Kupke, have no Interest In the real or personal estate left by said John Kupke at this time,' which eL 1 1 ties them to apply to this court for the removal of the administrator of the estate of Ernst Kupke. The ap plication Is denied and the petition dismissed, to all of which said Johanna Sayre and John Kupke except. 5th. The court further finds that said application to remove the admin istrator was commenced in good faith, It Is therefore considered by the court tbat the costs of said proceedings should be taxed to the estate of Ernst Kupke, deceased. 6th. It is further ordered by the court that the administrator, Carey S, Polk, shall file a report forthwith of his doings as administrator of said es tate and shall include In said report the rents of the land of which Ernst Kupke died seized for the year 1803 and up to date the 1st day of March, 1904. The court finds that the amount of the bond of Carey S. folk, admlnls trator of the estate of Ernst Kupke, Is only $ii,000, and the bond is Insuffl cicnt as to amount. th. It Is therefore ordered by the court that Carey S. Tolk, admlnlstra tor, file a new bond, as administrator of the estate of Ernst Kupke, deceased, and that the amount of said Ixmd be fixed at the sum of twenty-two thou sand dollars ($22,000) said bond to be filed for approval on or before the 15th day of March. 1904, to all of whlcl said Carey S. Polk and Johanna Sayre and John Kupke except. Hy the court Hakvrv D. Travis, County Judge Is It You? homebody in l'lattsmouth said an unkind word which hurt somebody else. Was It you? Somebody In l'lattsmouth Is thought less and selfish In manner and mode of living. Is It you? Somebody In l'lattsmouth criticised the actions of Romeliody else. Was It you? Somebody In riattsmouth has : reputation among his fellows of al way finding fault with others. Is It you? Somebody In l'lattsmouth Is con tlnually gossiping alioiit those they dislike, and they arc church members too. Is It you? There arc people In Pbittsmouth who are doing nothing tu'rtukj- any I, I.I. o 1 ' . . ' mitijr ua)y, is (, your The other day we heard a man, (not a gentleman, however.) make a re mark alnut a lady, and It left a sting Nas it you? How many hearts have you woundet by your words of mouth? Is It not as easy tosee tho lst side the bright side? Have wo hit you? If so resolve during tho balance of 1904 to do U'tter-lie better Will you? If you are a Judge of a trood smoke try the "Acorns" 6 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. 8 Do you know that we carry one of the best lines of Overalls, Jackets, Work Shirts and Gloves in the world ? Talking about Gloves we have them at all prices, but our $1 Gauntlet is a prize winner and will positively outwear anything on the market, while our 50c one is a hummer, and then we have a Canton flannel one at 10c that is the heaviest one we have ever had. We arc selling quite a number of Wedding Outfits these days, we are willing to do our part if it's your turn. The Leading The Knabe Will Case Settled. On the 20th day of October, 1892, John C. Knabe, sr., of Nchawka, Cass county, made his last will and testa ment and tiled it in the county court of Cass county, securely sealed in an envelope In the manner as by law pro- ided. Hy his will ho devised and be queathed to his wife all of bis real estate and personal property in posses sion, reversion, or remainder for her benefit during her natural li To- At the death of his wife, Anna Knabe, said property, real and personal, was devised to John C. Knabe, jr. Mrs. Knabe died first. At the death of John C. Knabe, sr., he owned 344 acres of land, about $21,000 in money and about $3,000 in other personal property. He also dc- ised to Henry Knabe, Margaret C. Ilehrens and Alfred Hrant, $" each and whatever money and credits he was possessed at his death was to be equal ly divided between JohnC. Knabe, jr., Henry Knabe, Margaret I'.ehrens and Alfred Hrant, his grandson. l!y the terms of the will the $21,000 was to be divided between the four heirs, which would be '),2.V) each, hut Henry Knabe was not satistled. The will Is perhaps the most skillfully arid care fully drawn will that has been probat ed in the probate court of Cass county for years. It was prepared by A. N. Sullivan and John M. Leyda. In the probate court it was shown that John C. Knabe, sr., was at the time of the making of said will of sound mind and memory, and that undue in fluence had not been used and the will was admitted to probate by Judge Douglass, but Henry Knabe and Mar garet Ilehrens were dissatisfied, so ap pealed to the district court. John C. Knabe, Jr , deprecating the scandal created by such a suit, and desiring to maintain peace in the family, gave up Ills share In the money to the other heirs; the other heirs paying tlm cost of the contest. Everybody in Cass county, who was acquainted w ith John C. Knabe, sr., knows that he was a level-headed, cool, determined man: that nobody could use undue influence witli him, and that he was of sound mind from the day he came to this county until the day of his death. John C. Knalie, jr., has by his mag nanimous action show n that he cared more for peace than he did for money. If every brother was as conscientious as he and every son as careful of the good name of his father and his family as John C. Knabe, J , there would be but few will contests In the courts. Loulsvl lie Bridge Case. The Louisville bridge case was tiled In the district court of Sarpy county last week and has had two lit arings in the supreme court, where It was decid ed in favor of Cass county. Tho case was remanded to the district court for Judgment. When the mailer of having the mandate carried out ciimo up, by consent of the attorneys Judge Sutton granted a motion for rehearing before the supremo court ami recalled the mandate. This virtually concedes n victory for Cass comity, in the fact that the nutter has for the third time been referred to the supreme court. Hut then it may lie some consolation to the Sarpy county authorities In getting a little more limn for paying over Hie money InCuHtcnunty, that they should have paid I mg since. Jewel Ua.sc Hurncr'sat John l'aucr's. DON'T BE If you are in nml of anything in our line we will treat you kindly and in a gentlemanly manner, because the object in keeping our doors open is for this very purpose, as it's necessary to sell o-oods. MORGAN Clothier A GRAND CHINA WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tighe's Many Friends Give Them a Complete Surprise. Last Saturday evening was a period that will long he remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tighe of Wabash, the occasion being the anniversary of their 2uili, or China wedding. About 1:M o'clock the friends of the parties as sembled at the M. W. A. hall and after a few preparations proceeded to sur prise this worthy couple. At eight o'clock a procession was formed anil started for the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tighe, led by a Chinese priest and four attendants all in Chinese cos tumes, four male waiters and four female cooks, all costumed in long white aprons and caps, followed the rest of t he company and proceeded to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tighe. As the procession passed the barber shop Mr. Tighe was discovered in the chair, instantly the procession halted and the Chinese attendants assisted liy others, took Joe from the chair only after a hard struggle, but lie finally succumbed and the procession moved on. On arriving at the house the couple were arrayed in their wedding garments and entered tin parlors to the music of a wedding march -"A hot time in the old town" and the ceremony that reunited them for twenty years more was delivered in the Chinese language bv Lee Sing Too, the Chinese priest. The bride" anil groom, not fully understanding. Mr. A. K. Lake acted as an interpreter, and made the matter very plain to the amusement of all. A fter the cere mony Mr. Lake announced the follow ing program which was well rendered: vcriitim iihiio Mrs. II. C. l'lirini'nti'r I'hino nml violin diii't . I'linni'iitiT & Ni'lliurl Smiu. 'I'wriiiy Ychi-4 AK'" S. lliillKli Hiii'l. iI:uiii. Cunruil SrlihOrr. Mrs. .loo Tii;lif llmnc tiwi'ct Ileum'. VurlKtlun, pliiim. I'imnrntrr IliM'lutiiikliiin Mrs. I'rcil .Ink Sulitf. I'll- Irish Klninriiiil's l.iiniun" S. IIiiIIWi Oiicrlrs nml Cnmiiiilrnms A. K. I.akv After which in a fe well chosen re marks the reunited couple were pre sented with a beautiful loo-piece China set. Supper being announced the pro cession was again formed and the party repaired to the Woodman hall where a banquet was served to w hich all liar- took. The hall and tatdes were taste fully and gaily decorated with Chinese colors in crepe paper, while number less Chinese lanterns adorned the walls ana ceiling. J was a scene that we are powerless to describe and while our town has been noted ror Its so cial functions this China wedding has capped the climax and will long be remembered. 'J be above is taken from the Wa bash correspondent for the Kim wood Leader-Kcl io, and as I could not write it more correctly, I ask the Journal to copy the same. 1 will add a few more incidents of the very pleasant alTair, which was a perfect surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tighe, up to the time when a party of soinesixty friendsaiid neighbors from Wabash and surround ing country took the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tighe by storm, and the fun com ineiiced. 1'irsi on mo program was the marriage ceremony, performed by a Chinese minister in the Chinese Ian guage, which we did not understand and which Mr. A. K. Lake, who by the way Is a Chinese scholar, translated Into Knglish. The groom promised many things he would do to Ids w if and me urine aiso mane many prom ises. The bride was dressed In white with red mosquito bar over her head on which was pinned a big yellow rose as her bridal veil, it Is customary after tbe marriage ceremony is per formed for the minister to kiss the bride lirst, but here Oscar Allen, win was the groom's best man, cheated the minister, by taking the llrst kiss. ,ir. .. v.. i.uue, mnsicr or cere monies of the pleasing alTair, under bUnds his business, for everything on BASHFUL Plattsmouth, Neb. the program was carried out to tho letter, and nobody will suffer with tho blues while he Is about. The ladies who engineered the pleas ant entertainment, one and all deserve tbe greatest praise. The pure China dishes presented to Mr. and Mrs. Tighe are the finest I have seen. Tho musical program was splendid. Mrs. l'armenter's performance on the piano was masterly. Tho selections given on the violin by Mr. Neihart of Klin wood, was splendid. No wonder, for Mr. Neihart received his violin In struction from tbe celebrated master of the violin, Paganinl. Mr. Steve Hulfish pleased all by singing two se lections. His voice is today' just as clear and sweet as it was thirty years ago. The oyster supper at the Woodman Hall was grand. The cooks and wait ers understood their business. They learned their trade In Hong Cong, China. The tables were finely decora ted In Chinese fashion-Chinese lan terns furnishing the light. Thlsended one of the finestcntertalnmcntsl have ver taken part In. Little dreaming tho citizens of Wa bash and vicinity had such a grand surprise in store for them Saturday venlng, Mr. and Mrs. Tighe had In- Ited their near relatives and old-timo friends who were present at their mar- lage twenty years ago, to spend Sun- lay with them and help dissect a great big white Holland turkey, roasted duck and other country nVllmrlnu. Hie nine o'clock cast bound train from Lincoln brought some of the friends; among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I rampton and children, Dr. Henry LchnhofT, Misses Carrie Akeson and Minnie LehnholT. The next arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. Georire 1 terror, c.f El m wood; Mr. and Mrs. John I. Fer guson, ot Manlcy; Mr. and Mrs. James Carper, Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Margaret Tighe and son Mike. They ill received a warm reception, and truly says the Manley correspondent ot the Weeping Water Herald, "If you want to hear fine music and be royally entertained, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tlghc's homo Is the place to go." So It hap pened to bo this day. The morning hours passed away very pleasantly, for Mr. Hampton kept the crowd In an uproar of laughter. Dinner was an nounced -and such a dinner as only country people can get up and enjoy. ir. hcnnhoir was placed at tho head of the table, and fitted the place very gracefully by filling each plate with everything good and plenty. 1 he afternoon was pleasantly spent with muslc-xitbcr. piano and violin. Dr. Henry LehnhofT.who has a splendid baritone voice, gave several selections. Evening came too soon for all, and tho hour of parting arrived, all bidding .Mr. ami Mrs. Tighe farewell, and a long life. Coniuu Si iilatkii. Another Wedding. Mr. Leberecht Holzel and Miss liar bara Helneman were united In mar riage at tho home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. 1 H. Stelmke, In this city, Sun day afternoon, February 27, 1004, Hcv. Swan, of the M. Church, oMIclatlng. After the ceremony the gues(s sat down toamost sumptuous dinner, pre pared for the occasion. The newly wedded are now at home to their rrlenils at Murdock. March didn't come In like a lion, but we are not advised as to how It will go out. ! i i M I ! i I i i, I; i i I li I ) I, He it