11 i FIBROID TUAtORS CURED. rs. Hares First Letter A npeal Ing to Mrs. Pinkhttin for llclp: " De An Mrs. Pisnum: I have Wen under lloston doctors' treatment (or long time without any relief. They tell me I bare a fibroid tumor. 1 can cot Bit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. , I nare beanngMlown pains botti bock and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have had flowing spell: tur three years. My appetite is nut good. 1 can not walk or be on my feet for any length of trine. " The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor (riven iu your little book accurately describe my case, no I write to you for advice." (Sifrned) Mns. E. V. IIates, 152 Dudley St (Uoxbury), Boston, Mass. , Mrs. Hayes' Second Letter : "Dba Mr.s. rwKHAM: Sofactime ago I wrote to you describing my symp toms and asked your advice. Vou re plied, and I followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman, , "Tho use of Lydla E. Plnkham'g Veetablo Compound entirely ex pc.flcd the tumor and strongtbmcd my whole system. I can walk miles now. "Lydla E. Plnkbam'a Vcee table Compound is worth five dol lars a drop, i I advise all women who arc afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial." (it-ncd) Mas. E. Y. Uatbs, 853 Dudley St. (Uoxbury). Boston. Moss. $5000 fniftlt If original of abet after proving ftnulntmu cannot it produoti !!S!!!!B9!!1E!!1 I EVERY SHOOTER S WHO SHOOTS AfiBUKITIGN ess a feeling of confidence in hk cartridges. They don't tnlefirs anI nlurave elionf nrhrrA I you aim. S . Tell your dealer U. M. C. m when he asks " What kind ? " H Scad for catalog. " The Union Metallic Cartridge Co.' Bridgeport, Conn. ABBHanaiiiiciiaH Looking for a Home? Then why not keep in visw the fact that the farming- lands of Western j Canada (re sufficient to support a population of SO. 000, 000 er overf The immigration fur lire paid il year a A been ptiunouienul. FREE Homestead Lands eisily accessible, while other land mar be pur chased from Hallway and Land Companiea. The tlrain and (raring lands of Weviein Canada are aha Vat on the continent, producing the boat grain. Hid rattle (fed on (rasa alunel ready for market Markets, Hehoole, Hallway mill all other rondltlona make) Western Canada, an envi able spot for the settlor. Write to Superintendent Immicrainn.Ottawa.Can da. for a deacriutive Atlas, and other information. ir to Ihe sutbori tea Canadian Government Agent W. V. Dennett, HOI Now York Lite Building, Omaha, Neb. An Egg Tester Free together with an incubator and brooder citalnsoe, tontaininf among much other valuable and inter tiling Information a colored plate, showing b ightren view tbe development ot (be chick in ths hell, free, by (ending to GEO. W. STAHL, Qulncy, III., four cents to pay for postage and packing. CAPSICUU VASELINE (vtt re i ooi.Lrtii.s xc) A substitute for and sanrrlnrto mtiataid or any other plaster, and will not blister the most dolirate akin. The pain-allaying and curative qualitiea of this article are wonderful. It will lop the toothache at once, and relieve head ache and eciattra. Werecommend it a the best end safest external counter-irritant known, also as an eiternal remedy for pains in the chest udistomarh and ail rheumatic neuralgia and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it. and It will be found to be invalu able In the household. Many people say il ls the bent of ell your preparations." Hiice IS cents, at all druggist or other dealers, or by tending this amount to us in postage stamps we will -.end -on a mhe bvmail. No ai tick siinnld ha arrooied bv the public unless th aame carries our label as otherwise it ia not genuine. I CHBSntKOl'OH MR!. CO., 17 SlatebtreetJMajriiBjt A Jaunt io Old Mexico "Katy"ba arranged a personally conducted lour of (ld Mesiro. The parly w ill, leave l.ln r.ilrv, Neb., at 1 i0 p. ni. an I Kansae I ity at 9 Mo. m.. Februnty Iritis. I'M. The trip will Consume about nineteen days, and tickets will cover sleeping and railroad fare. Onl a lim ited number can be accommodated. We wan! to make it one of the most novel tiipsot a lite time, and at this time or the year, when yoo art r!,i-i.i..t (.,jtoui of getting awayfiem the 1 1 goes of the winter. Kor a handsome sosivenir Itinerary ana any lditlanal Infotmation. adiliess CIO. A. McNUTT. i. r. a., . i. t, sr., (AIT AGENTS Peal Dl reel witk Maaulaitarers aaJ Save ajeaey f hest. I'rlces ihe li.we.i. I'mmpl shlff I err of all itnftrattaeMeranleed. Ki'tani I "' free S f ra'aenriie Mie 'DLL-CO s Ira lalUlaf, Oaieafe. a H mm FOR ETNT AK 9I1R 0 Cres) reymsata. lEVEaAJ, CHOICE TAIVS. tw4CurUM. J.MtUtAI I.MUwuCUr.liw. A New Portrait of Washington. Notable anions the February Ceu tury's Illustrations will lie a full-page portrait of Cicu.-ral Washington, ihe copy of an original painting now for the first time introduce! to the notice of the general piblle. The portrait was made from life by Dr. Elisha Cul ler. Dick, of Alexandria. Virginia, in 1797, and The Century's representa tion is taken frtim an excellent photo graph of the original made by tietj of Baltimore. In aUe the portrait Is about fourteen by sixteen Inches; It is an excellent state of preservation, the colors being tll fresh and bright, and is surrounded by a beveled Kilt frame about two Inches wide, which shows the marks of age and Is believ ed to be the original one in which the picture was placed. Insist on Getting It. Bome ftriK-ers nay they don't keep Pe flutiiD !tan-h hrcaiise (hey have n ttto'lt In hnnd of 12 ox. brands, which they know t-aiinnt In Hold to it c untnr.iiT hn lum one iiNfd the lti oz. packUBc. De fiance Siurcli tor same money. Children are of two kinds, ours ant others. The February Everybody's. The February Everybody's has an other first-cluHs 'bcik)p" nothing less than a statement of what the demo cratic party now stands for, by the new leader of tho democracy in the house Congressman John Sharp Wil liams. Another competent feature is Kmry R. Johnson's explanation of "What the I'annnia Canal will do for tho Country." Tbe author Is a mem ber of the Isthmian Canal Commission who devoted his attention to collect ing tho statistics which should demon strate the economical value of the great waterway, and ho Is the chief expert In American on his subject, if excellence in magazine-making con sists in combining authority with en tertainment, this Fobruary Every body's should find even greater favor than Its predecessor Feet Comfortable Ever Since. "I suffered for venrs with my feet. A friend recommended A I JOHN'S FOOT-KANE. I used two boxes of the powder, and my feet have been entirely comfortable ever "siiice. ALTON'S FOOT-KASK is eertalnlv u iroil sond to me. Wm. I,. Swormstedt, Washing ton, D. C." Sold tiy ull Druggials, U6c. Innovation by Tiieaiers. The Chicago theater managers, or at least some of them, have hit on a sensible plan which will be put Into effect as soon as the 'theaters open. A plan of the house will be painted on tho asbestos curtain, which will be used often, and in this way patrons may become familiar with tho loca tions of the exits. . "Abrictonlnc." In a recent novel George Ohnct call ed one of the products which .his prin cipal character placed on tho murket "Abrlctonine." lie. was not aware at tho time that a liquor of that name actually existed, but its manufacturer promptly brought an action for dam ages. Tho civil tribunal of the Selno gave Its decision against the novelist. While it exonerated M. Ohnet from malicious lntont, it held that ignor ance was no excuse, nnd that it wa3 the duty of writers to satisfy them selves that products to which they In tended to refer did not exist. In this case, added the court, M. Ohnct could easily have consulted tho register of trade marks. Consequently the court ordered the passages objected to he erasei from the book, under a pen alty of 10 francs a copy, while tho plaintiff was awarded 50u francs dam ages, nnd tho right to have the Judg ment inserted In two newspapers. Gratitude Well Expressed. Sault Sto. Marie, Mich., Feb. 8th.' Mr. C. I j. Smith, painter and decora tor, whose home ia at 309 Anne street,' this city, makes tho following state ment: , "I was laid up with some kind of pains. Some said it was Lumbago, others Sciatica, and others again Rhoumalism. A few of my friends suggested that It was lead poison, but whatever It was It gave me a great deal of pain, in fact, almost completely crippled me. I had to use two canes to walk about and even then it was a very painful task. "A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and I began the treat ment. After I had used the first box I was able to throw away one of tho canes and was considerably improv ed. The Becond box straightened me up so that I could go about free from pain without any assistance and very soon after I was completely cured, well and happy, without a pain or an ache. Dodd's Kidney Pills seemed to go right to the spot la my case and they will always have my greatest praise." When a man begins to edit the Bible to suit himsolf, it Is time to audit his accounts to protect yourself. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ia a poitltive cure for Pile. WINTER TOURS. This Is tne season when ynn want to to Smith. Tetas, Arirnna. Old Mesico and California are inviting. The rates are reasonable. Let us auggest that yon inrlude one of the tourist re aoits in these States In your trip. Tell us where ynu want to go, and we'll supply yoo ajilh guide honks and full information. bte Katy's Agent, or write GEORGE MORTON. a. r. a., .. a. a t. sr., St. Louis), Mo. SICK WOMEN. MY CURE FREE. 1 will send my marvelous remedy whtcB baa eu red thousands of wnmonof Leuonr- . V tnA ril.xl.iHHi.itl. I'.lltnM nf U'nmh C f Hot Klaahxa.l.'loeratlona.Tumoniandall t Kenialo Troubles r-rea to any 1-ady re J oiilrlnarlt. No money, no C. O. I). All I as It ra to tll your friends, Kiperunt mothers, It brlnira about childbirth without ap parent pain or nangror. v rue io-nay. MRS. M. HCKKLCHouUl Dend.lni r.e.lThornpson'1 Eye Witir When Answering Adveriltemanta Kindly Mention Thli Paptr. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. TRUE ORIGIN OF ST. VALENTINE'S DAY It Is the fagh'in nowadays to speak of many old customs that stilt sur vive, although much diminished, as if th-y wer to all li.ti?nts and pu-utses already dead. Si. Valentine's day Is nowhere observed. It is true, as much as it was 200 years ago, nor even as much as it was In the early recollec tion of some of the elder generation of the present; yet It is very far from be ing extinct as a peculiar aud popular holiday. In somo of the rural (J-tticts of England it is still celebrated with much quaint fidelity to tradition, and even lu this country certain of Its well known features are not likely to be wholly abandoned, if ever, for many years to come. Indeed, the social prophet may well question whether St. Valeutiuc's tlay may not. rather regain much that it has lost through the at trition of time and change by ti e natu ral reaction that follows all positive movements. The tendency toward re newed respect for some social insti tutions of the past that have fallen into partial desuetude Is rather mark ed. The dominant instinct of the twentieth century thus far seems to bo conservative as well as progressive. Not very long aso it. was thought that St. Valentine's day was given over almost absolutely to the sorry wits and their patrons who made it a con venience for vulgar lampooning and anonymous libel, but even then the pretty sentiment belonging to it had not been altogether lost, and since then it has steadily revived. The proof of the assertion is in the fact that there is row a greater demand for printed valentines of real poetic and artistic merit than ever before, and that those of the cheap, illiterate and niHlIcloiiB type are comparatively lit tle sought after. So much that is within the reach of ail has been written about St. Valen- tine's day thut any article upon it must necessarily be only a reminder ot that which is already known. It has been the theme of numberless roots and antiquarians. After all, nothing better expresses the spirit of this festival, since, upon the extension of Christianity, it assumed its modern character, than the lines of that fresh voiced English poet, tho Rev. John Donne, wlm was contemporaneous with Shakespeare: 1 In It. Bls'iop Valentine! whose day this Is; All the ulr Is thy diocese. And nil the chirping; choristers And other birds are thy mrishloners: Thou mnrryent every year The Ivrle lark und tho gruvo whispering ilnve; The spnrrnw Unit neglects his life for love; Tho household bird with the red stom acher; Thou inak"i:t tho blackbird speed as anon As doth the g'lhl llneli or the halcyon Thin day more cheerfully than ever shine. This day. which might entlame thyself, old Valentine! The germ of tho celebration of St. Valentine's day Is found In nature it self. It was first a pagan tribute to the fecundity uf the earth ami of man, personified In Pan and Juno, and there Is reason to bellevo that its origin was identical with that of a Pelitsglan festival, observed In l.atlum before the time of Romulus and Remus, , and brought thithVr by Evamler from Ar- My Comic Valentine. Ite Is not painted green nnd red, Mv comic Valentine. With tlnv frame nod mammoth head. Mv comic Valentine. Indeed he Is no printed thing l'or In- ran Jump and run and anrlMg And he can whistle, xhout and sin.. My entitle Valentine. lie wear a t ingled slim It of hall , Mv comic Valentine. Ills little none poiiita huh In air My eotnle Valentine. II1h e"s are Idne, Ins i heck are fair. Ilnngli freckle"- nil go crowding there, Ills month la Mir. hi chin Is Sept. ire. My I'omlc Val'lUine. Win-it Valentine's sweet day la here Mv comic Valentine, Comes aofllv w-btsiierlntT In my nr. That comic Valoitlne. "Where an the cookie", sister dear, You'ie hidden them again. I fear, No klsac now. till thev nppenr." Thint eotnle Valentine. O annte there nr that angry he With comic valentines. Mine never bring nlTi'tixe In me, My eotnle Valentine, Thnugh some folks say my Inoka they aeg In that email hunch of Jollity 'ihat rol'leklng young Imp of alee, My cotn'.c Valentino. Ruth flprague. I tfery ;vf . . .:.'- ..." . " ' . is',-' . " . fed m f L m gP ) ' Mi rWi;wi www cadia. This was a festival of seven oiys, beginning in tho ides of Feb ruary, or on the 14th or loth of that month. It was called Lupercalia after the wolf, lupus, which is supposed to be associated in some way with Pan, and was often represented by tho an cients as a smybol of light and the course of the seasons. Tan was the killer of wolves and tho protector of the shepherds who dwelt upon Mount Palatine before Komulus and Remus built their city there. Ily some, tho name of the festival Is supposed also to bear relation to the legend of the miraculous suckling of the Roman twins by a she wolf In a cave near this spot. Part of the unspeakable mysteries of the Lupercalia was cele brated in such a cave. But much of this inference is pure after-thought. It does not affect In the least the theory that the festival was begun as a recognition of the prodigious powers of nature. Choice by Lots. Uuring the Lupercalia It was the custom of the male celebrants to draw from a box the names of young women r.nd girls, possession of whom was thus determined by chance. It was tho policy of the early Church to adapt to its own system those customs of the pagans which it could not extirpate. This method of mating or betrothal re sisted prohibition and even substitu tion. It is related that St. Francis do Sales and other Christian pastors put. the names of saints on the lots to be drawn, in the place of those of maidens, nnd charged the young men who received them to imitate those saints throughout the year. But while they may have tried very hard to obey this injunction, It appears that the lot drawing, not in honor of Februata Juno, but In honor of that which she personified, continued in secret. The "THE MARAUDERS" Louis Prion. Church could not do otherwise than tolerate tho custom, when tho name of a patron saint was substituted by popular fancy for that of Juno. There Is no clear account of how St. Valentine came to he made the bit hop of the diocese of love, which Donne so prettily describes. There are several St. Valem.nes, and it is not even known to a certainty which of these owns the Invisible mitre. The one who died a martyr at Home under Claudius Is, however, most spo ken of In this connection. Some authorities say that he was the bishop of a material diocese, and others thnt he was only a presbyter. VA'heatley writes that ho "was a man of most admirable parts, and so famoiM for his charity and lovo that the choos ing of valentines upon his festival took rise from thence." In this ex planation, however, the causo is evi dently mistaken for the effect. The custom of choosing valentines was already established, and chancing, through its derivation from tho pngnn festival, to fall upon the Ides of Feb ruary, In which also occurred either the birth or the martyrdom of St. Valentine, tho appropriation of the name to thnt custom was most nat ural in view of his character. GIFTS FOR Blessed be St. Valentine, and may hit memory be kept green It looks as It the wish was to be fulfilled, for never was there a time when the shops dUplnyetl a wider vnrh'ty of valen tines. The lace paper heart and the bouquet of verse are still gtxul form, but gifts great and small of every con ceivable atylo are permitted. Heart-shaped bonbon boxes and dainty recrptacles for my lady's pretty things are to be had. Then there aro heart shaped envelopes for lave notes nd true lovers' knots In gold, silver, gun metal and enamel. Tiny hearts of enamel with a mirror on one side sur rounded with rhlnestones Is a pretty trifle for an opera bag If the young man hat money to upend. Later still are the puffy utile hearts of silver and gold designed to hold a powder puff no bigger than your thumb and which has Its MM la Uillni the shiny tip In England and Scotland and the countries colonized by them St. Val entine's day retained all through the Middle Ages and down almost to the present a more typical character than rt did elsewhere. In Austria and Hun gary it is a festival of flowers rather than of love billets. Young girls who wish for a husband cast flowers into the Danube, and if they are borne steadily down the stream, without meeting with serious obstruction, the omen is held to be auspicious of speedy marriage. In some parts of France the eve of St. Valentine's day is called the Feast of the Torches; but the celebration, which, indeed, is sometimes held on the first Sunday of Lent. has. apparently, a closer his torical relation to that period of ab negation than to the patron ot lovo's courtship. The torches that, are jused are made of twisted straw, and are brandished In the air by those who carry them, while at the same time peculiar rustic dances are performed. A Philological Theory. Antiquarians have drawn from phil ology a means of explaining in an alto gotner different way the name of tho festival of Si. Valentine. It Is well known that in many languages one letter of the alphabet may easily be substituted for another through popu lar error in the spelling of particular words. It is suspected by some that the name Is primarily derived from the Latin "vale," which Is equivalent to our "farewell," a salutation that was placed at the end of letters; but a largo number more Ingeniously find its source in the lathi "valens," vali ant, gallant. According to them. In passing from the Latin into the Nor man French this word took a "g" in lieu of the "v," and a logical develop ment of it was the noun "galantln." a lover of women. As gallantry and vallance, in another sense, aro syn onymous, it was easy for "galatln" to become "valantan" or "valantln." It is pleasant to leave all these con jectures aside after simply passing them l.i review, and to determine, merely for the delectahlo purposes of the Imagination, that we will join with Charles Lamb and other most worthy dreamers In regarding St. Val entine as a real bishop, who has a very charming mission In connection with the love affairs of humanity. Thus does the inimitable Lamb apos trophize him: "Like unto thee, as suredly, there Is no mitred father In the calendar. Thou comest attended with thotiRiinds und ten thousands little Loves, nnd the air Is " 'Hrtislil with the kiss of rustling wings' The writer oftenest quoted for a characteristic description of the old manner of observing the right of St. Valentino is Mlsson, a French travel er. "An equal number of maids and men get together," ho says; "each writes their true or some feigned name upon separate billets, which they roll up and draw by way of lots, the maids taking tho men's billets and the men tho maids; so that each of the young men lights upon tho girl that he call his valentine, and each yVraSwassjft. M a "fyWffl VALENTINES of her dainty nose. Ia ather bag?, and those of brocade looked like swelled hetirtt when stuffed with heart em broidered nmut'holr. Hut whiitovrr may he your Ideas re garding ihe proper kind of a Valentino be sure ami send at least one or two. Think what Joy It brings the chil dren in your neighborhood, and think how you can give pleasure to some lonely person bachelor or maid ot your acquaintance by mailing a wreath of forget-me-nots or an old time frilled pnper heart with Its Jlttgle of aentl mrntnl verse. Valentines need not be sent io the unmarried only. There aro wives and husbands who should re number the good old limes of )outh before the springs of affection began to flow In an even, commonplace cur rent. Then there are friends who re joice at a kindly thought, and thus the tilentlue may aratter itiaihlo. A Very Ancient Festival. It Was First Observed by the Panaris-Always a Time For DispSy of Sentiment. of the glils upon a young man that she calls hers. By this means each has two valentines but the man sticks faster to tho valentine that is fallen to him than the valentine to whom he is fallen." "Singing Cupids are thy choristers nml thv oeisecutors. and instead of the cror.ier the mystical arrow is 1 borne bef ue thee." -In an old KnglUh ballad, the lasses are directed to pray cross legged to St. Vnl.'ntlne fer luck. In some parts of K.iglund the poorer classes of children array themselves fantastic ally, and visit the houses of tho wealthy, singing: tloiKl tnnrnhiK """ Valentine, fill! viitir links: as I do mine. Two ln'1'nre and llirro behind. ISonil morrow to you. Valentine. A Poetical Version. A poetic picture of this custom is found in Poor Robin's Almanack for the year 175": This dav briitlit PluiebiiH enter Hsroa. The 11111111" wi'l have kiiimI nctim of klst'S, K'ir alwavs when tin- Htm eoines there Valfnttin's Dav l cliawlnj: near. Ami luitli H'e men anil maids Incline 'In elitife them eirli a Valentine; Anil If a innn nets one loves. H" Riven her tirfl a pair nl tilnves; And. bv the way. lenitnilier this. To seal t!i- fnvnr with a kiss. This licyetN moie love anil then Thai love lii-Kel a kiss ana In. t'etll this trade Ihe man dnth eatili. And then lie tlnlh propone Ihe match; The woman's willing. I ho' she's shy, Hhe gives the mini this soft renly, "1 11 not resolve one tiling or oilier, t'ntll 1 Hist consult mv mother." When she says ro. 'tis half a aruut, And may be taken I'.ir consent. Many superstitious were embroid ered on the original St. Valentine tra dition, and some of them are held in honor even to this day. One Is found In this most curious extract from a young woman's diary, published in an old-time English periodical: "Last Friday was St. Valentine's Day and the night before I got five bay loaves and pinned four of them to tho four corners of my pillow, and the fifth to the middle; and then, if I dreamt of my sweetheart. Betty said we should be married before tho year was out. But to make it more sure, I boiled an egg hard, and took out the youk and filled it with salt; and when I went to bed, eat It shell and all, without npeaklng or drinking after It. We also wrote our loveis' names upon hits of paper, and rolled them up In clay, and put them into water, and the first that roso up was to be our Valentine. Would you think It? Mr. Blosson was my man. lay abed and shut my eyes all the morning till he came to our house; for I would 'not have seen another man before him for all the world." Gay. the poet, has placed In tho mouth of a country lass the well known tradition that the first person whom one meet on Volentlnes day Is to become one's spouse. She sings: I'a"t knd',n"",, "", !"y h'n l,lr,' of Their iMr:iniiiiirs by mutual chirpings I early rose )nst nt the hreak of dav " nwa'y.0 """ ''Ud lk """" A. field I 'went amid the morning ,Vw "wives 'do) ' f"r 8,"'M b.Mi'se. Thee tlrst I spleil-und tho first swain we see m In spite of fortune shall our trim love be. A Soldier'a Valentine. "t.V" nnly " l1,i,r', "f paper Inee "here riee, ,( ,f.a,.t ,,tl A lf. VTZAZ - twn: Twits net,! hy ;. Blr who kissed It onco As she stcod ,t th,. whirling mow n.e..,.'.'.l."nh'" .fr"m l",""r "tore through the Mt'irui Pent out a haxy glow. But your ft.cle Samuel ,mia, luivt gut-sued omiw No matter what olne might wait That letter nust e pont-haste! ' post naste; From hern to ili tlolden tlute. Then forth It put to Ihe Western sen Where the nt llnat w:. ves uncurled' And the t nplds and l .ve.hlrds " lej nwuy " To the other side of (he wortl. Oh. wonderful scran of piiive u,ei It went t.i a hospital bed Where hom-sick sol.Per tossed nnj turned u And would not lie comforted; And somehow the xoldler felt that dnv Hoft nrtns. wlmae tiressure he knew A"d nM.Tin ri'1,'" ",",,h'"h. nnd hope Thrilled him through and thrmign. And he felt tow ve for our fncle Hum Who had lent hi" trains mid men And "hips, that the whole world anarL Two hearts might meet ngaln -i-ioreiwo r. rrali In l,r www A WOMAN'S MISERY. Mrs. John La Hue, of 115 Pater son avenue, Tate rsn'i. N. J., says; "I was trim bled for about nine year, and what I uf fered none will ever know. I used about every known remedy that la aald to be good for kidney com plaint, but without deriving perma nent relief. Often when alone in the house the backache has been so bad that it brought tears to my eyes. Tho pain at times was so Intense that 1 was compelled to give up my house hold duties and lie down. There wero headaches, iliz.Iness aud Mood rush ing to my head to cause bleeding at the nose. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills benefited mo so much that I continued the treatment. The stinging pnin in tho small of my back, the rushes of blood to the head, aud other symptoms disappeared." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. fiO cents per box. Foster Milburn Co.. Huffa!!), N. Y. Maple Parfait. Heat tho yolks of two eggs vry light, ndd a cup of hot maple syrup, stirring constantly. Turn into a dou ble boiler and stir and cook until the mixture thickens, let cool, then fold In a cup of whipped cream, turn Into a mold, cover closely, pack In cracked ice and coarse salt and freeze. How's This ? Tfe offer One Hundred Pullani lleward for e.iy case of Catarrh thai vauui.i ,e cured hjr Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY CO., Tolertn, o. We, the nnileralKned, haie known F. ,1. Cliauey fur the last 1.1 years, and believe liliu nerfefily lien oratile In all nuslness transactions and ntiani'leujr aule to carry out any otillicatlons matte hjr his Orui. Wai.niNii, Kisss-i ft Maiivin, W'litilesale UnntKlsta, Tuirdn. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la lakea Internally, aciliiar directly unon Ihe IiIikkI and niucnns surfm'cs uf the aysii'iii. Testimonials seni free. Price ,5 ceuu par bottle. Sulit hv all PniKlsis. Take Hall's Family l'llla for cnnstlnatlon. A straight creed can never cover a crooked character. I am sura Ptso'sCuro for Consumption saved my llfo three years ago. Mrs. Tnos. Houiunh, Kaplo Street, Norwich, Jf. Y., Fell. 17, l'JOO. Horrowed lalih is worthless as re ligious capital. nr.D choss hall ni.rpj Bhotild be in every homo. Ask your grocer lor it. Liogo 'i oz. puckitn only & cenut. Words won't make tho wheels of r mill go round. E&rllcst Green Onions. The. John A. Snlzer Seed Co., La. Crosse, Wis., always have something new, something vuluablu. Tills yenr they offer among their new money making vegetables, nn Earliest Ureen Mating Onion. It Is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! Jt sr BF.NI THIS MITICB AND lie., and they will send you their his plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1.000 fine, Rolld Cabbages. 2.hhfl delicious Cat-nils. 2 Oih) Munching, nutty Celery. 2.0UU rich, buttery Lettuce. 1 .000 splendid Onions. 1.000 rare, luscious I'ndlshes. 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. Jn all over 10,000 plants this great offer Is made to Ret ynu to test their warruntotl vegetable seeds a;xl ALL Fun in ;t Kks 1'OSTAOF., providing you will return this nntlre, and If you will send them 20: In post age, they will mid to tho above u pack ai?e of the 1'timoUJ Ucrllner Cuullflower. (v. a. u.) Physical culture Is one thing ami carrying coal up three (lights of stairs is quite another. Mother dray's Sweet rowdrrs for Children. Successfully used by Mother (irsy, nurse In the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverish ness, lt,ul Moinuch. Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels aud Destroy Worms. OveraO.OtPUtst timonlals. At nil Druggists. Mc. Sampl 1'KEE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lelloy.N.Y. Now let tho world don the new Pan ama and smile. PUTNAM FADLESS DYES color more goods, per package, than others. The true preacher does not have to wait tor a pulpit to he opened to him. Arid Lands Made rrnltfnL Those parched, dry, nrld plnlna uf Mont., Colo., Ariz., Idaho nnd other dry lands respond quickly nnd give a big yield when p!untel to Sulzer's 8peltz, Hannn Parley, Macaroni Wheat, 60 Duy F.nrllest Oats, Ulillnn Dollar Ortiss nnd Kroinus Inetmls. Above seem to llmirlsh and luugh at droughts and arid soils. jcst saxn luo iw stavm snd this notice to John A. Salzer Peed Co., Ln Crosse, Win., for their big cat alog and furm seed samples. (W. N. U.) Depraved London Appetites. There Is a growing demand for trang delicacies in London. Auong those peculiar dlshea sought after by English gourmands are edible birds' r.ests; "vlsega," the dried backbone of the sturgeon; cscargots, or French snals, and also frogs. A small plato jf blrds-ncKt soup, little more than a mouthful, costs & shillings. Why It la the Beit Is because made hy nn entirely different process, lietlntiee Htarch Is unlike anv other, belter and one-third more for H rents. Hair Ropea In "Jap" Templea. In some Jnpnnese temples may bn seen suspended greut colls of rope woven from humnn hBlr. Such ropes, made of hair sacrificed by thousands of women and girls, were used to hoist stone and timber for tho temple and aro preserved as relics. Mrs. Vlnslow's Boothlntr ymt. f if ehli.lrs-0 teetlilnn, softens t Its sirrns, r.luees ts Bamtuaiioa,ai:ayBpala,eurswUutoullu. kjoelwuie. Marrlagn Is seldom a failure when Cupid furnishes the capital. Whin Your Grocer Saya he does not have Iietlnnre Hi arch, Tu may he sure he Is nfrsld to keep It until his stock of 1! os. paokndcs nre sold tie. flance Htnrch la not only better than smv other C .Id Water Htareh, but contains It os. to the parksiie and sella for same money as II e. brands. Religion is never worn out by every day use. y.no per M. I-ewls "Single Hinder." etrnlght 5c rlgar, cost the dealer sunn more than other V rlgara, but the hiahei price enable this factory to use bihe gravis tobaoco. laswli' Factory, lVorld, III. Triumph la almply U perfect tenia of trial.