J ! TAKEN GOAT CENSUS MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the United States Treasury Recommends Pe-runa. UNCLE SAM RECENTLY COUNTS ! A SOURCE OF WEALTH. From the Prcjd An;:ra to the Lowly Common Varieties Which Lord It Cver Vacant City Lets, All Have Been Enumerated. wuin 1 1 uiiiiiiciit i iiiaioiuiiij Uiiii i ana tnuorsa re-rj-na. " ' WOMAN S':; H fVv ) Miss Carmen, Scc'y DclroitU Amateur Art Association, tells j'ounjj women what to do to avoid pain and suflcring caused by female troubles. " pKAtt V.m. Pjnkium: I em eon hi'ioiitiotisly recommend Lydia I, rinkhain's Ywt.'iLlc Compound to those of my sisters btilTcriiip; with femnlo weakuess and tho troubles which so often befall women. I Buf fered for months with p-encral wctdc Bcss, ami felt i weary that I had hard worlc to keep up, I had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my dis tress I was advised to u:-,o Lycll'u 1'. l'Lik ham's VogotaMo Corn jmun.l, rnd H was u red letter day to mo when I took tho first dose, for nt that tiino my restoration bejjan. la six wwiln 1 was a changed woman, perfectly well In every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." Miss flrir.A. (Ussos, 3r9 Jones St, Petrolt, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. ISOOOforfrll If original of about htfr proving genuwwis cannot produced. When ono consider! that Miss Cannon's letter in only ono of the countless hundreds which we urecoiitinually publishing iu tho news papers of this country, the. great vlrtua of Mrs. rink ham's mediciuo uutt bo admitted by alL Would Confiscate the Hats. Enthusiastic memhers of London 'a Audubon society propose a law to an lhori;;a the conriscotlon of all hats doo orated with the skins of song birds. Try One Packafje. If "Defiance Rnrch" dors net please you, return It to your dealer. If It does you net one-third more for the came money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to tho iron. Our friendships are usually row boatH, wbllo our hatreds are memo' war. ARE T.'It CLOTH K FADFDf TJse Hed Cross Ball lllue ant make them while again. Lark.0 2z. puc.kHg , 6 cents. If a ican who falls in love at sight la wise he will take a, second look be fore proposing. Try mo just once ami I am sur. to com again. Defiance Starch. Examide Is the best argument. Chaffee's Shoulder Straps. The first shoulder straps with tho three stars of the lieutenant general that General Chaffee will wear after the eenale confirms him In his new grade will be n pair presented to hiin by Lieutenant General Young, who retired recently With tho straps General "Young sent this note: "Pri vate "Young, Company K. Twelfth Pennsylvania volunteer Infantry, pre sents his compliments to Private Chaffee, Troop K. Sixth United States cavalry, and asks him to accept this pair of lieutenant general's shoulder straps." Financier and Mirthmaker. American financiers wUo, when In London, have had occasion to meet the urbane, yet extremely business. like secretary of the Hank of England, were surprised to learn the other day that In his leisure he wrote stories thHt fairly bubbled over with the spirit of childhood. Between Mr. K. Cra hame, important factor in the manage ment of "Tho Old Lady of Thread needle Street." and Kennth Grahame. nuthor of "The Golden Age" and "Dream Days," there would seem to ie the wide gulf existing between po-t rand banker always excepting my old friend, Kdmnnd Clarence Stedman. If 1be attempt of a lunutle to assassinate the bank secretary had not drawn wide attention to that financial factotum, with oonseo.nent publication of bis 'bi ography, the fact tbtit mirthmaker arse money handler were one person would havw Iteen known only to a chosen fear. Cn. FED HIMSELF. Found the Food that Saved His Life. A good old family physician with a llfeilmo experience in saving people Anally found himself rick unto death. Medicines failed and but let Mm tell his own story. "For the first time in my life of sixty-ono years I am impelled to pub licly testify to the value of a largely advertised article and I certainly would not pen these lines except that, what seems to me a direct act of 1'rovldenco, saved my life and I am Impressed that It is a boundeu duU? to make It known. "For 3 years I kept falling with Honiara and liver disorders until I was reduced 70 lbs. from my nor mal weight. When I got too low to treat myself, 3 of my associate physi cians advised me to 'put my house In order' for 1 would he quickly going tho way of all mnnUlnd. Just about that time 1 was put on a diet of Grape Nuts predlgested food. Curiously enough it quickly began to build mo up, appetito returned and in 13 days 1 gained G lbs. That started my re turn to health and really saved my lire. "A physician Is naturally prejudiced ncainst willing such a letter, but la this case I am willing to decli'.re it from the housetop that the multi plied thousands who (ire now sniveling as 1 did ran find relief and health a easily and promptly by Grape-Nuts. If they only knew what to do. Sincerely and Fraternally yours." Name of this prominent physician furnished by Pos turn Co., Nattle Creek, Mich. Look !n each packngo for a copy of tho famous little book, "The Rocd to WcllvlllQ." Girl's Costume. Yoke dresses are always becomln to young girls and are shown In many Taxations. This one Is exceptionally pretty and includes a skirt yoke, as well as ono la the waist, that gives smooth fit over the hips while allow ing fullness below. Tho original 13 made of sapphire Lino henrietta with the yokes, sleeve caps and cuffs mr.do of narrow bands of silk, interlaced and held by fancy stitches and luld over white, but nil tho simpler ma terials of fashion are suitablo and tho yokes can be of b.ce Bilk or any It 4618, ClU t-1oatuuie,8to 14 yours. contrasting material o; mado of band3 of velvet or silk ribbon in placo of tho folded silk. Tho waist Is mado over a body lin ing on which tho lull front and backs and the deep pointed yoke are arrang ed. The sleeves aro tho full ones of fashion with caps that combine with the yoke to give tho needed broad effect. The skirt In straight, gathered tmd joined to tho yoke, which In turn is Joined to tho waist. The quantity of material required for tho medium slo (12 years) is 03i yards 21 inches wide, 54 yards L'7 inches wido or Vj yards 41 Inches wide, with 20 yards of bnnding to mako as illustrated. The pattern 4613 is cut In sizes for girls of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years of age. , How to Cook Liver. Here Is an appetizing way to have liver for a dinner, thnt may bo new to some. Cook or fry about three slices of fresh pork to a pound of liver, have fried onions with it, and also a gravy improves it. Cut all the. meat up In quite small pieces, put it altogether in a deep dish with tho onions and gravy poured over. Don't buy the red liver, it Is not nenr as good as the yellow, try it, and you will see: nnd don't cook tho liver tho least bit too much, as frequently happens; it will bo so different when Just cooked through. Frozen Meat. When using frozen meat the great point is to slowly and thoroughly thaw It before cooking. Mint Sauce. When chopping mint for mint sauce, add a little sugar, and you will bo ablo to chop It far more easily. Brushes. The hacks of brushes of silver or nickel can be kept bright by rubbing with a flannel dipped in am monia. Fruit Tarts. Put tho sugar used for sweetening fruit tarts in the mid dle of the fruit, not on iho top, or It will sodden the pestrv. Stale Loaves. Wrap stale loaves In a cloth. Dip Into hot water for half a minute, take off the cloth and bake for a quarter of an hour in a steady oven. In tho Wash. The linen turns yel low after washing because It Is not rinsed enough. The soap left In at the laundry turns the garments yellow in wear. Cleaning Fancy Collars. Net and lace collars, that there is danger of pulling out of shapo during the washing process, should bo care- FOR THEATER Bcrlha waists of nil sorts nre in vogue, but none other has the pe culiar charm of the handkerchief sort the grace of which is apparent at a glance. This one is made of violet rropo do Chine with yoke and cuffs of chiffon velvet and trimming of ecru lace, but both yoke and cuffs can lie omitted and the wslst made low with elbow sleeves when desired. The pointed outline, of the yol.e and the fully Added and sewed lightly togeth er before being put luto the suds. Never rub things of this kind. Make a suds with soap-Jelly and warm water. Lay the folded collars In this and leave for twenty mluutea or half an hour. Then squeero In your hand and eouso up and down In suds till clean. Repeat the process In another clean lot of suds If there Is any doubt of the cleanliness, and finally rinse In warm water and siueeze B9 dry as you can. If Ironed at onee on a well covered hoard, wrong side up, lirst under a cloth and then without, no starch will ho needed. More Canvas Shoes. Canvas shoes for both men nnd women will be more popular the com ing season, according to ilie returns of tho salesmen, and they will be more pretentious than ever before. Several of the Lynn factories aro now at work on tho now orders, and some very nat ty shoes arc going to be made in thia line. There aro to be some very pret ty combinations in white duck, with trimmings or stays of black, shiny leather, perforated, and also of tan and colors. There will be many pure white canvas shoes made for men, women and children, some of the la dies' shoes being of a basket weave material, says the Shoe Reporter. While oxfords are in tho majority, there aro some boots which are cut very high, in Polish style, the demand for these coming from the raciflc const. Tucked Bloure. mouse or shirt waists mado with tucks arranged in groups aro among tho designs shown for- the advanco season and are admirable for tho new cotton and linen waif-tings of sprinc as well as for tho wool ones of Im medlatewear. This one Is mado of mer cerized cotton mm ri f Li showing line3 of blue on white and in is unlined, but can be used either with or without tho fit ted lining and is available for all 626 Tucked BIihw, 32 to 40 bust. materials in vogue. The full length tucks at each side of tho center, with those at the shoulders which extend to yoke depth only, make a most desirable combination, while those at the back give iho taper ing linos that always aro becoming. The waist consists of tho fitted lin ing, fronts and back. At the center front is a regulation shirt waist plait that meets the groups of lurks at each side. The sleeves aro tucked to bo snug from the shoulders to the elbows, but are full below and are gathered into straight cuffs. At the neck is worn a fancy slock of silk, with a turn over collar of white lawn. The quantity of material reqnlred for the medium size is 4 yards 21 inches wide, 3 yards 27 inches wida or 21i yards 44 Inches wide. The pattern 4626 Is cut in sizes for a 32. 31, 30, 38 and 40 inch bnst meas ure. Pjtinted Pins in Fashion Again. Miniature painted pins are again in fashion, but this time they aro of copper instead of china. They nre mounted in gunmotal, all shapes and sizes, nnd are prettier than any miniature pin shown In many years. They are used for belts, brooches, hat pins and coin cases. The coin cases have tho appear ance of being watches, and tho pic tures urc usually surrounded bp tiny rliinestones. On opening the case by the spring, just as a watch would open, and touching an interior spring, the roln emerges. This is a clever arrangement, and there is no danger of losing the coins. Pretty Blankets. One or two hallagias, or Italian silk blankets, nre good investments in a household. They are Inexpensive, anS often very pretty in color and design. They are used for couch covers, nnd are decidedly convenient for extra bed AND DINNER WEAR. deep points of tho bertha make note worthy features and tho gauntlet cults aro among the latest shown. To make the waist for a woman of medi um size will be required 5Vi yards of material 21, 4 ynrd? 27 or 2rSi yards 41 Inches wide, with one yard of vel vet and C'i yards of applique. A May Manton pattern. No. 4004, sIzcr 32 to 40, will he mailed to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents. mm a Ji; -Ki'u coverings on cola nights. Light as thee blankets are, they are remarks- y warm, and are said to be espt'ciaV ly comfortable for persons subject to rheumatic attacks. Waist With Fancy Yoke Collar. Every woman knows the value ot gown that can ho mado high or low neck as occasion demands. This very charming model accomplishes that end and is eminently smart under both conditions. As shown it Is made of white crepo mcteoro with heavy 4507 Wtlet with Fnnry Yoke Collar, 32 to 40 husk cream lace as trimming. The yoke collar is separate and can bo worn over the waist mado low, as shown In the small sketch, or over tho entire foundation as preferred. The sleovcs form full soft puffs that extend slight ly below the elbows and can bo made with or without the deep cub's. To make tho waist fur a woman of medium size will bo required 4Ms yards of material 21 lnche3 wide, 4 yards 27 or 2 yards 44 Inches wido. A May Manton pattern No. 4C07, sizes 32 to 40 will bo mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents. An Underekirt. Any girl who has an old party frock of taffeta can mako a very pretty underskirt to wear with her house and evening gowns. For the ruffle get wash net, or point d'esprit, and across the bottom placo bias bands cf silk. Sew the ruffle ti the skirt with another band and yo.t have a very dainty affair. Floral Chains in Place of Beads. Floral chains are taking tho place of the bead ones, which have been so popular until recently. These floral fancies are mado of ribbon or silk, and are worn chain fashion. Violets, bou ton rones and forget-me-nots are tha favorites. Knife -cleaning will be more easily accomplished if you mix a little car bonate of soda with the bath brick on the knife board. When mnk'.ng cakes begin by warm ing the basin. This will cause the in gredients to mix more readily and the result will be a lighter rake. If a cork eeem3 too big for the neck of a bottle, soak It for three or four minutes in boiling water and then try It again. It will probably go in then quite easily. Wash children's slates occasionally with water in which washing soda Is solved. This will take off the greasi ness which makes writing on the slats a difficulty. rtNfK Fur is the ultra modish brimming. Sheer light evening gowns are set off with ermine fur. Squirrel and moleskin aro used o darker gowns. Jet fringes are favored for sheer black or white frocks. On evening gowns green velvet leaves make an attractive decoration. White broadtail is a manufactured fur much like r.lheline, largely used on dark cloth. Embroideries in rich oriental color ings, flecked with gold and silver, bear the stamp of excellent style. ' Buttons of all sizes are ttnod. cut steel belns most costly and brilliant. Enameled buttons are employed to carry out the color scheme on a frock. Woman's Smoking Jacket. The latest Innovation In the world of dress Is the ladles' smoking Jncket From a modlstie point of view this la the most delightful garment in the world, following strictly on the lines of a man's smoking coat, with pale pink, bluo or buff facings nnd Jeweled buttons. Reuder of this paper ran fceruro nay May Mantoo pattern lllusirulod above by tilling out nil biuuUs lu coupon, nnd mating, with 10 cents, 10 E. i- Harrison A Co.. Oj Plymouth Plaoe, Ciil Hit a. 1'uUi-ra will bcmulicil prompUy. Name Town ' Pattern No . Vnlsl Mciuuro (If for iiktrt) . IJunt Mracurc (If for waist; Aso (If child's or Diiu's pattern). . Write plotnly. I'l'd out all blsntis. Foelo. lOo. Mali to K. K. Uui rlsoa 4 to. , 4b IVjUvutb Piace, Chlcitg w Uncle Fn ha.i emitted his g:ats. The funny persons of the United Slates had been paying attention to them long before Uncle Sam did. but they Old not spread quite the same facts about them. According to them the goat is really only a humorous oh joct, living mostly tin ash heaps and eating loose property, such as shirts !u:rg out to dry. Cut Uncle Sam finds that his goats are extremely valuable possessions of the United States. His census men collected the figures from all the states and found to their amazement that there are almost two millions of goats In tliis country. There are mere than 1,871.I0() o. ft.rris only. More than Ti'O.tiuO of them nre tho beautiful Angora poats, but the rest, which tiro Just the plain, ordinary, common goat, are not to bo despiaed. The value of all the goats on the farms Is estimated at being a little more than three and a quarter n.illior.s of dollars. Yet with all these goats In the coun try the United States still Imports all of its goat skins from other landt. This Is not due to the fact 'iai tho business Isn't worth huv.ng, for last y ear the Imports of goat sklna amount ed to twenty-five millions of dollars, but the fact appears to be that tho goat herders and tho goat skin makers of other countries demand bo littlo money and live so poorly that thero Is nothing in It for the American farm or, and ho prefers to raise his goats for their hair, as in tho case of Angoras while he uses the common goat to furnish milk and meat. The twenty-live million dollars' worth of goat skins that aro Imported by Uncle Snm each year gives work to many strange races, and draws on poat herds from . Uruguay and Aus ir:i!astii to the White Sea in Russia and Labrador in far northern Cnnada. On the oceanic peaks of the Azores, in the beautiful Madeira Islands, where tho days aro all as dreams, afar !n the wild country around tho lilack Sea, high among tho clouds of the Swiss Alps, tho herds are feeding to-day to furnish skins for tho shoe3 ami gloves and other wearing material of the boys and girls of tho United States. The soft, velvety skin that forms your gloves to-day may have passed through adventures before it reached you that would make a story In the most thrilling of story bcxiks seem pale. Tho goat that bore it may have scampered over tho barren plains of Russia with wolves at her heels. A Servian mountaineer may have driven her over the black mountain defiles of his native land to save her from the Turks. An Aral) may have driven her through the pastures of the Holy Land. Even tho Himalayas, distant though they bo from civilization, fed and shel tered goats to furnish American cloth ing. The fierce men of Tripoli escort ed long caravans across the burning African lands to bring the goat skins safe to port that they might be ship ped In New York and Boston on some rusty battered tramp steamer that has poked her ugly and prosaic nose Into all the lands of romance. HIS WIFE A CHINESE LADY. And Husband Had No Fear that She Would Elope. A New York literary woman sojourn ing In San Francisco employed a supe rlor Chinese servant, whose faithful ness was beautiful to behold. When a change of fortune necessitated hurried preparations for a trip to tho orient, Lee was notified that his scrvlrei would not bo required longer. "You no llkee me, niissee?" "Nonsense, Lee, I do like you, but I am going away to your China." The man's face brightened. "My wifee and 111 boy thero. Some day I go hack." A woman who was assisting In the packing, and who was supposed to be well bred, remarked facetiously: "Aren't you afraid your wife will run away with some other Chinaman while you aro away, Lee?" The Chinaman Eavo her one swift look of contempt, then quickly re sponded with a respectful bow: "My wifee no Mellcan woman she Chinese lady." Smiles and Tears. Through her tears mv durllng's smiling Anil the wnrlil Is blight uhain. Am, when p nlili-tieil hearts bOKiilllnp Jlrcalta tho sunlight through tho ruin; To her Irishes stl!l arc clinging Crystals, quivering ltli her sighs. Gulden lnrl or niinshinp flinging l-'roin ihc rainbow of her eyes. All the days ennnot be r.ilnlesn; Hides cannot be always clr. riirliiig's life cannul he pn In Sorrow's lurking somen here near. Hut clnc terns mut com to suddon Hrlnirlng with them bluer vlglis May the smiles that follow gladden In the rulnbow of her even! -New York ITerald. A Wilder Witticism. It recently happened that Marshall P. Wilder was in the company of a number of men who were discussing the wonders of Invention and of dis covery during the last hundred years. During a lull in tlm conversation Wilder ventured to Intimate that to him dynamite seemed tho most won dcrful of all inventions. "Why dynamite?" asked one of the men, "Hecause there's tmihlng n the world that can hold a candle to -It." Whereupon the company chased Marshall from the room, New York Times. Lnudablo Inductry. The way Robe rt Crier Morroe Is going after the triuta Is simply great, lun't it? I tell yu, If he k-eps up his good work they will nil have to go nut of business," remarked William Leary the other dny. "Why, what ht.s he been doing?" asked a chorus In the "Amen" corner of the Fifth Avenue. "Collected $:i2G.mf watPr tax from the Biigsr trust lat week." mid j Leary. New York Times. DR. LLF.WF.LLYN JOIU-OX. Medical K.xniniiicr tif the U. S. TrvHiirv le partmwit. v'nuhmte of Culiimhi.t t'ollece. Hiid who M-rvd three years ill Wet! lldut, tins tho following to say of lVrtiua: "Allow me to express my gratU tude to you (or the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short month has trough forth a vast change and I now consider myself a well man after months ot tuffcrlng. Fellow suf tent's, Pcruna will cure you." A constantly im reusing nuinbi-rcf phy sleliuis piVHTilit! IVruna in their pnirtico. It has proven in ntcriN so llmniuulily Mr. I even the doctors h.-ivn ocnuiiio their prejudice. HK;iinst so culled patent medi cines ami iivi,.niiu"icl it, t i i tn-i r p.nii'iiM, IVrtiuii occupies a uni'i'io pMti.m in mtillnil science. It is the only inlenml systemic ratitrrh remedy kuovwi to the medical profession to ilav. I'ul.'iri ll, IV.-I everyone will mlniit, is tde cntiseof one half tlm dise.-i.-i' which Hlllicts umiil.iiid. Catarrh Hint iiitjin liiil di iciim- atllii t oue liaif of the peoplo of tho United Stale. RolsTt R. Roberts, M. I)., Wash ington, I). (J., writes: "Through my own ' experience aa welt as that of many ot my friend and acquaintances who have been cured or relieved ot ca tarrh by the use of tlartman'a Peruna, I can confidently recom mend It to those suffering from such disorders, and have no hesitation in nrescrihintr It ,i mv nntlenlt." Robert R. Roberts. Dr. It. Rohbins, Muskogee, I. T., writcH: "Peruna Is the best medicine I know of for coiiKbs and to stengt lieu n weak stom ach and to give appetite. Ilcjdiles pre Hcrihinx it for catarrh, 1 havw ordered it. for weiik and debilitated pimple, and liavo not had it patient hut said it. helped liiin. It is ii n excellent medicine and It fits so innny cases. "I luivo a largo practice, and have a chnnru to presenile, your l'eruna. 1 hope you may live, long to do good to the siok and tlm su tiering. Dr. M. C. (Jee write from 51fl Jones St., Ban Francisco, Gil.: "IVrniiH has performed so many won derful curv't in Sal Francisco that I am couvincod that it in n viilunMu remedy. I have frequently advised its use for women, ns I find it insures regular and pnluU's.s menstruation, cures leiicorrbiva NEW RIVAL" Winchester Factory ter pattern, penetration nnd more uniform results gener ally than any other shells. The special paper and tho Vio Chester patent carrutjated head used in making "New Rival" 6hclls give them strength to withstand reloading. BE CURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. Men who know when they get enough mav ho too full for utterance alter getting It. Lewis' "f-i-jtie Hinder." The richest quality cigar on the market at straight tic. Always reliable. You pay Ilk: for cigars not bo good, tawis' Factory, Peoria, III. Once there was a man who fell in love with a woman's voice! she sel dom used it. The man of deeds lias little time to waste on words. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There Is none to equal It In quality and quan tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. The best cure of a bad habit Is the culture of a good one. , What a grand and glorious world this would bo it every man would fol- , low the advice he gives to others. The I'. S. Deft, of Acrlcuituru Gives to Salzor s Oats lu heartiest endorsement. Suly.er's New Ndtion-il Outs yielded in 11103 from V.O to 3W bu. per acr.? In 30 different states, nnd you, Mr. Farmer, can beat this in llM'4, If you will. JalZiM 's seeds ure pedigree seeds, bred up through tit refill selec tion to big yields. Ter Aero. Salzer's Beardless Larley yielded i;i Lu. Snlzer's Home Luili'er Corn. 'M bu. Spcltx unit Macaroni Wheat. Si) bu. Salzer's Victoria Itupe C0.000 lbs. Sulzer's Teoslnte, tile quick-growing- fodder wonder... .KiO.OrO lh. Salzer's liilllon Loliar !rnss. 6U,e'i Ihs. Salzer's Pedigree Potatoes.. 1,000 bu. Now such yields p:iy and you can have them, Mr. Kermer, hi 11U4. srNo lite 1:1 art mid nnd this notice to the John A. Falser Hod Co., Lu Cropo, Wis., nnd you will Ket their big catalog and lots oi Linn seed salt) pics free. (W. N. U.) No ordinary man can love a woman as much at she thinks he ought to and attend tj his work at tho same time. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo int iintfjin importing iidrse (o Lincoln, "nnraaka Lr'- r .a. k-Vts'-M . .... ... ie,i.. MiWZm-r&h rrcnen ordit TK LAROCST lmpc,-,ri nl TIPST rn.ASS Pt ill t.. nf ,.n. rurr'pi hi n-,-i OVKK 40 tlliIi TO SD.IiiJT FKOM, Cii jrriv.na m t-n.-i.ln jkt th - - i iui nin. oinc;ir w , our tir. Cmi4 jn-4 ii. or w"l. " Lg. I . Tl. ii A I. Million, r.cr. " " O oocoocoooooooooooooooooooo CAPSICUM VaSELItlEI Steer re iv mi t.i rm tt n hm A fctihi:iti:te iir - I i.i-t.i-r -i ii im- i .t.U, oiIiit pIk-iih, insl n il hiii.-r I'm n-i.i tlnllraln fkiii. 1 !m ru n ullioli i. ati.t mm , ni.-ilite 9 ol thiiMttirlo ni vioii.li-. ed. It will Muothn i.i..' rlio ut nin p, niul r.ln-n llUMiid l-iliri. Wf ris-fiintiii.n't II n Ihfi lnt rttiil Mifi-it rto-rnil ruiiiiliM nilinln ttm n. nl-n n etletrnl l-iim dr fur paint in tlm i ln-i sndxoinni h anil nil ih-iininir. ni-in,li-i.- BI , uty rum ;i tninlft. Atn dwiil iind lint wii rlniiti fi r Ii. an-l It will li fi.uint in h im ilu lil In ih h'iuiiliolil. Many ppupltf t Dm lir.t of all jniir ireiiimiim." l'nr 1.1 crnli. nt nil ituii:et or oiiinr ilnlrt., r hr -iiitint iti: tr...unl lo u in i"iurtuiiii i. will i-n. iit ml"" Iir mail. No miu In ihoi M t lTil.J bt III pul.tio lll.lrv, ii,,, tw carritiour lb-l it nllinwi.n Ii ,, nni-nuiiia CMCSniUOUlH M ,. CO.. ITbutt Snarl, Niw Vii Cnr. i. t mmm mmm i Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Examiner United States Treasury. and ovarian t roubles, and buitdn up thn entire system. I also consider it ono of the tlnest catarrh remcdiivt I know of. " M. C (ice, M, I). Catarrh i.-t t systenilo disease curabln only hy systemic, treatment. A remedy that cures" catarrh must aim directly n' the depressed nerve centers. Thin is what i'criuia (liH-s. IVruna imnicdintcly Invigorates the nerve centers which givo vitality to tho mucous membranes. Then ceti.rrh dis appears. Then catarrh is nmiuull v Cllllll. If you do not derive prompt nnd satis factory results from tlm umi of I'ernj'i write at. once to Hr Hurt man, piving a full si.id :r iil. of your case, ami he will be pleasisl to ive you his valuable ad vice j:iatU. , Address Or. Ilartmn, President, of The Ilsrtmun SaulUirtum, Columbus, Ohio. BLACK POWDER SHELLS. 'MMSTEM It's the thoroushly modern and scientific system of load Ira and the use of or.Ivthe best mnferinla which mke Loaded "New Rivnl" Shells civo bet PUAT nun 431 1U 1 UU1N S HELLS are found on every American farm where there is a live boy. New Club loaded with black powder. Nitro Club and Arrow loaded with t.-.y smokeless powder. They aro "Duck Killers." Catalog-to frzs. The Union Metallic Cartel,! CI. CA r.RltXinPOPT. rnM LU - - cw When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 5-1904 j .f ni i'i. ti m it-a MM-M J? W'G DEMAND' ff YOUR ATTENTION., i J It inyone ofTtrcd you jood u I do!!jr (or n impcrftct or. f woild you take It? A 4 II anyone offered you one goodj J 1 dollar (or 75 cents o( bad money I lj would you take it? U I Wc effer you lo ouncei of the f A very bfit starch nude for 10c I 0 No othtr brand b so jood. yet w all olhn cost 10c. for 12 ounco.' F Ours is business proposition. t DEFIANCE STARCH b the but 'j? and cheapest c4i j We guarantee it satisfactory, J 1 A(K your r.rr.ctr. Tbs DEFIANCE STARCH CO., A