The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 14, 1904, Image 8

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1 -s
l irlnif abMntotnof tit rtiiivryiiiirliifr
.tiiilnlnir till to n-al t-Mtittr a hm'iul
urk inupurl done aul cliikro-t rvoii
iOrti.! iuxm Hint 7. J. hn liund
),! OourV House. t'liuUiiKiuiu,
riim o I
7URL &
The Up-to-Datc
Here you can pet anything
kept at a hrst-class grocery
store, and at prices to suit the
times. Finest line of
Canned Goods;
ii'i tno market. Don't fail to
jiall on them for anything in
,he grocery lino. Everything
,resh from the markets.
VJ2L d
'low money to lie around.
5ier to spend It njjd easier
to m.j
bj keeping It lo a safe place such as
Hcv lr
A ' li
The BanK of Cass County
You can el ve a check for any part of
It it any time aid so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to It rather than
upend from It. lon't youvwant to
know more about It. . '
Comparison In Quality
,u4 Woramaiutlilp,
- L!a6ufacturer.
V Livery,
M Hack
1 and
' J Baggage
jg tan.
Uemoybaj of Household Goods, a
t-r-ciily. Also, Heavy
, Draying.
with nn or more of our
flniM oti tho flnmr
Biiiro I'linrmlntf
tiWpUjr nniM 1k tloxlr
r. Wo luin return ly
addod a new lnutr
nirt .
Gfon: Kinflo
'tlKO imperii
i N.rthlnf lwfor poiliirH
rlurt In otlunniimp
, 1
, L.. isnt Cigar
! rjClQAR.
The Plattsmjath JournQlfc"d,
R. A. 15ATf ri-uusiitK.
Killer.) at tlic Dohtoffl.
it I'lHttsmouth, No-
urttsk a. a nci-ona
-la maiu-r.
Weeping Water
From tho Kcpublican.
Mrs. Seth Cole has been very sick for
the past week, her trouble being trail
Ucv. Fred Warren, of riattsmouth,
Is here assisting Ilcv. Worley, In the
protracted meetings.
Mrs. K. Corbett left for Montrose,
Colo., Thursday. She will remain an
Indefinite time with her daughter,
Miss Kate, who Is there for Iter health.
Chauucey Gilbert returned from the
hospital at Omaha last week. While
he is still very weak, he is feeling well,
and will soon be hale and hearty as of
yore. ,
Married, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. John It. l'aling
and Miss Iiyrd Ilitchman, on Thurs
day evening, January 31, 1903, at H:3u,
Rev. S. I. Hanford onlciating.
John Wade, win was recently Del
ated on at the , St. Joseph hospital for
appendicitis, has so far recovered that
he expects to bo permitted to return
home next week. He writes his
brother that he Is getting fat.
l'ostmaster Hay has received four
letters from three states making in
quiry aboiit the'late Hart Ilarmcr and
liis fortune. These good people are
willing to claim relationship to de
ceased and share In a division of the
property. It is said Mr. Ilarmcr left
no will.
J. WNKdgerton, soliclfv. for the
Flattsmooth Telephone- Co., Is in town
with a view of selling to the business
nvn and farmers of this locality
cnougiTvif the company's stock to
build several more farm lines -out of
Weeping Water. It is a good paying
Investment, and unquestionably safe
We hope the gentleman will meet
with success. ,'
Class affinity between different in
stitutions seems to have been 'demon
strated by two of our students lately.
Two charming riattsmouth girls, one
a senior and the other a Junior, were
delayed at this junction almost two
hours Christmas night. They were
enroute to Elmwood but the Missouri
Pacific was In a reluctant mood; hence
the delay. A senior and junior of the
Weeping Water breed welcomed this
fact with tears of Joy and from all re
ports the sequal was a very happy
one. riattsmouth can at least boast
of pretty girls truthfully, even if her
football team Is a little weak in the
From tho Ikruld.
The new Jail Is so warm and com
fortable looking that there Is danger
of some one breaking in.
Miss Mae Riehey accompanied her
sister, Mrs. Frank Dickson home from
riattsmouth, Saturdaj, and will visit
a week or ten days.
While mowing the dried weeds
along the Missouri I'aciiic right of
way last Thursday, Frank Garrison
killed a large bull snake, a rather un
usual sight for this time of year.
The Independent Telephone Co. last
week received an Immense car load of
poles, part of which will be used in
building the farmers' line northeast
and connecting with thfc exchange.
E. A. Sackctt reports Lis public sale
as highly satisfactory. Ills fine bull
sold to John Tiulie for $:l;"0 and other
cattle run as high as $100. Last week
he sold C200 bushels of corn, and is now
pretty well cleaned out. i
W. R. Morrison and family of Eldon,
Iowa, came In last Wednesday on a
visit with his uncles, Jlll and Jim
Sperry. Mr. Morrison was a resident
of Weeping Water a number of years
ago, but is now railroading.
Last Tuesday aoout 3 c clock p. m
Mrs. Nancy Reed, living with her son,
Harry D., It Is supposed was taken
with a dizzy spell just as she w as start
ing to descend the back stairs In the
house. She fell head first to the hot'
torn and through the door onto the
kitchen floor. They reported no bones
broken, yet she sustained serious
bruises, and possibly Internal injuries.
Her head and shoulders were the part
that sustained the blunt of the fall
Died,-at Ins home, near Wabash
Saturday, Jan. 2, l!KH, E. E. Newlon,
aged 3!) years, of diabetes. Deceased
was an old Cass county boy, was a
I was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and
am now In
perfect health." Chas.
man, Gibt-f.own, N. Y.
Lt. Hart-
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thine; you
know it will be down
deep in your lung! and
the play wi'lbcovcrf. Be
gin early with Aycr's
Cherry Pcctora! nndl stop
the cough.
Thr- ilif: 2 entmpH for m
fnlili Aim., )ut ritflit fur lir-tit-hii
ft..... tmr-l rolili, etc.! ft, ntn.t
(or chrwiile ri. .ml to kwn on li
I. MM.
, J. C. At Ml 10., L.
mmmm i mi ;
resided on his farm of
Wabash. The funeral
was held Muihlay p. m. at the Wi
ll church, Kev. Myers conducting
the service. Mr. Newlon hail three
brothers, Clark, Will ami Erk, and
four sisters, Mesdames
Hood, Mills,
Sew Ion. In
the Wabash
Gourley, and Miss Kate
tertuent was made la
K ron the Ledger,
Leonard Murray and w ife departed
Monday night for Alva, Okla., to make
a visit w ith Mrs. Murray s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Young.
Our worthy citizen, Charles Swan,
reached the age of seventy-five years
yesterday, and the occasion was prop
erly celebrated by a large number of
his neighbors and relatives.
Oliver Baker of ltutte, Oklahoma,
spent a week here visiting with his
parents and many other relatives and
friends in Union and vicinity. He de
parted Wednesday night for his Okla
homa home.
Lycurgus Banning of Pillion, Mon
tana, has been here the past week vis
iting his cousins, Will, Joe and John.
Mr. Banning resided in this vicinity
some years ago, and finds many friends
line who are glad to meet blm again.
Cliarles M. lloback and wife of Lex
ington, Nebraska, arrived here Wed
nesday evening to visit Ben F. lloback
and family. Charles and Ben are
brothers who have met for the first
time In seventeen years, and it is a
visit of genuine enjoyment for all
members of the families.
James Edmistcn and wife arrived
home Monday evening from a visit of
several days in Iowa and at the old
home in Worth county, Mo , a trip
from which they derived much pleas
ure. "Uncle Jim" would have stayed
longer, but the change of climate
caused him to gain In flesh so rapidly
that he had to get away. He felt so
fat that he came in to weigh up with
tlio Ledger editor.
At an early hour yesterday morning
the people of this village were start-
eled by a telephone message from the
home of Mr. McQuin, announcing the
sudden and unexpected death of his
daughter, Mrs. Dow Anna Ashiock.
Few people knew of her illness, there
fore the news of her death made the
shock the more severe. Her first
complaint of illness was last Friday,
but there were no indications of any
serious attack, and she felt much bet
ter until Wednesday morning, when
an attack of la gripp developed. At
about 3 o'clock yesterday morning she
became much worse and failed so rap
idly that she passed away before med
ical aid could be summoned. The fu
neral services will be held at the
McQuIn home at 1 o'clock this (Fri
day) afternoon conducted by Rev. R.
S. Cook, and the remains will be laid
to rest by the side of her mother In
the Eaton cemetery east of Uoion.
Congratulations. '
Mr. John n. Cullom, editor of the
Garland. Texas, News, has written a
letter of congratulations to the manu
facturers of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as follows: "Sixteen years
ago when our first child was a baby he
was subject to croupy spells and we
would be very uneasy about him. We
began using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a
reliable remedy for colds and croup,
we have never been without it in the
house since that time. Wo have five
children and have given it to all of
them with good results. One good
feature of this remedy is that it is
not disagreeable to take and our ba
bics really like it. Another Is that It
is not dangerous, and there is no risk I congratu
late yw upon the success of your rem
edy." For sale by all druggists.
From till) Kntorprlso.
Andrew l'arscll has taken his fain
lly to Lincoln, where they will make
their home.
All of the Greenwood school teach
crs attended the slate meeting at
Lincoln last week.
Ollln Gulllon Is homo from Lincoln
He Is suffering from an attack of
rheumatism and Is homo to recu
Mrs. J. B. Blair left Monday for
Faii-bury, Illinois, being called there
by the serious illness of her father.
Dr. Holllster had his household cf
feet s moved to Ashland w here he will
reside In the future.
Mr. and Mis. 1'erry Lewis of Mis
souri arc In the city visiting with the
family of N. T. Brittcnham.
Joslah Clinc's house took fire sev
oral times from sparks, but was
promptly extinguished the night of
the fire.
Whenever a dozen eggs sell for the
price of a pound of butter, the man
with the hens is ahead of the man
w ith the cows.
Rev. Fowler and J. C. Clymcr solic
ited among tho people on Monday to
raise funds for Sain Jcnes and family
who had all their household goods,
clothing and personal belongings de
stroyed by lire Sunday night. Within
a few hours they raised $2-i.2."caslt and
til In merchandise. This is a good
work on the part of these ncoplo to
look after those who lmo met with
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man endur
ing pains of accidental cuts, wounds,
bruises, burns, scalds, sore feet or
stiff Joints. But there's no need for
it. Buckland's Arnica Salve will kill
the pain and cure the trouble. It's
the best salve on oarth for plies, too,
rc at F. G. Frlcke & Co. druggists.
From the
Mrs. EJ Betts was quite sick the
first of the w eek.
Monroe Weaver had a valuable two-year-old
colt break its neck by jump
ing over the manger in the barn.
Win. lkiran started In the new year
in a new business by taking possession
of V,x pool hall which he purchased
some time ago.
George Rcittcr, sr., and George
Reitter, jr.; left Tuesday for Okla
homa, where they will look at land
with the intention of buying.
Julius Schiff and Louis Sack have
purchased tho Frohllch boys engine
and coin sheller and will try and
please the people who they shell for.
The Dunkard brethren have moved
their church from where It formerly
stood, one mile south of Alvo, over on
Rev. Nickev's land just across the
road south of Alvo.
C. A. Aronson and his son-in-law,
Frank Long, of Decatur, Neb., dt
parted Tuesday morning for a ten
days trip through the Indian Terri
tory. Mr. Long is thfnklng of locat
ing at Bartlesvillc, 1. T., where he
has a brother in business.
Mart Zinkon had his hand slightly
burned about tvo weeks dgo while
helping to extinguish a small bla.e at
Bahr's hardware. Blood poison set in
and he has been having a serious time
the past week. Two operations have
been performed on his hand and now
he Is netting along as well as could be
We have another one of those trav
cling grocery firms in town, repre
senting to sell groceries cheaper than
our own merchants. These traveling
firms may sell some articles cheaper,
but look out they'll get It back on
you ana uon t you iorget id. rue
best way is not to patronize them and
you won't get beat, then they will
quit soralng here.
Saved From Terrible Death;
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of
Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and
were powerless to save her. The
most skillful physicians and every
remedy used, failed, white consump
Hon was slowly but surely taking her
life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
turned dispair Into Joy. The first
bottle brought immediate relief and
its continued use completely cured
her. It's the most certain cure In the
world for all throat and lung troubles,
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00,
Trial bottles free at F. G. Frlcke & Co,
From tho Lcadr.r-F.clio.
Geo. Stoehr was on the sick list
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs.. Will Roscno, Saturday, January
Q. Parmeleand wife of riattsmouth
visited Elmwood relatives and friends
this week.
Dr. A. P. Barnes, a former resident
of Elmwood, but now of riattsmouth
was an Elmwood visitor this week.
We bear that Ed. and Geo. Swarts
have rented Dr. Alton's old olllce and
will conduct a real estate business.
Some of the young ladies expect to
give a Leap Year ball in the opera
house tonight. It Is an Invitation af
R. D. Bailey commenced putting u
ice Monday with a force of fourtce
men. The Ice Is of Rplendid quality.
some of it being seventeen Inches
Grandma Kunz Is very poorly this
week. Tho trouble has been pro
nounced by physicians to bo cancer of
the stomach.
A delicate surgical operation was
performed upon Miss Cella Breken
fold yesterday. She came out from
under the Influence of the chloroform
nicely and is doing well. A trained
nurse is in attendance.
C. S. Hart has leased the opera
house for the coming year, and It will
be run the same as In the past. Mr
Hart promises to put In some good
plays during the season, having I
view one company of thirty-five peo
A Prisoner In Her Own House.
Mrs. W. II. Laylia of 1001 Agnes
Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for sev
oral years been troubled with severe
hoarsncss and at times a hard cough
which she savs "Would keep me In
doors for days. I was prescribed ft
by physicians with no notlclble re
suits. A friend gave me a part of
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
cdy with Instructions to closely follow
the directions and I wish to state that
after the first day I could notice a dc
elded change for the better, and at
this time, after using It for tw
weeks, have no hesitation Is saying 1
realize that 1 am entirely cured
This remedy Is for sale by all trug
From tho Ki-ilttt-r.
Nick Kohl came hi from Oklahoma
this week to visit his old Nehawka
Dr. Lynch from Ann Arbor, Mich
Is here looking over the ground and
will probably locate.
Rev. Samuel Klset began protracted
meeting New Year's night. It will
run an Indefinite time.
M.G. Kline and family departe
Saturday for Rock port, Mo., for a short
stay with Mr. Kline's mother and
otter relatives.
Bob Willis went to Oklahoma last
week to "view tho country .r."
Bum only
We'll bet an apple he comes back bet
ter satisfied with Nebraska than ever.
Miss Bertha Humphry returned Sat
urday night from l'ierre, South Da
kota, where she homcsteaded KiO
acres of government land. Bertha
shows more nerve than most of the
young men in tills country, and we
wish her success in getllng a home.
Will Davis and son, and Miss Joyce
have taken up homesteads in the
same neighborhood, so there will be
quite a Nehawka colony up there.
Freddie Shoemaker stole a march
on all his Nehawka friends, and went
down into Otoe county and chose him
one of the most sensible and worthy
girls down there, then hied him to
Lincoln and got married. This was
a great surprise to all the Nehawka
young fellows, and some of the girls.
The fortunate young lady In the case
is a Miss Theile, and her parents live
not far from Syracuse. Good luck to
you Mr. and Mrs. Fredie Shoemaker,
may your skies always be rosy and
your pockctbook full.
Grand Master E. II. Ellis and Dep
uty Grand Master E. F. Marshall in
stalled the following officers In Ne
hawka Lodge No. 214, I. O. O. F.,
Jan. f,th: N. G., II. I Sturm; V. G.
J. W. Maguey; secretary, II. M. Pol
lard; treasurer, II. F. Kropp; record
ing secretary, J. M. Stone; L. S.
N. G., C. W. Banning; P.. S. N. G B.
F. Moores; L. S. V. S., Silas Muiin; O.
G. , F. C. Schomaker; I. G., Goo. Cush
Ing; warden, Kbbt. Kirkpatrick; con
ductor, A. F. Sturm: R. S. S.i I. S.
Fries; L. S. S., Fred L. Nut .man.
Just One Minute.
One Minute Cough Cure gives re
lief in one minute, because It kills the
micobc which tickles the mucus mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm, draws
out the inflamation and heals and
soothes the alleeted parts. One Min
ute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs,
wards olT pneumonia and Is a harmless
and never falling cure In all curable
cases of coughs, colds and croup. One
Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to
take, harmless and good alike for
young and old. Sold by F. G. Frlcke
Si Co.
From the Coiirlrr.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wal
dron, Saurday, January 2, a boy.
James Slander Ixmght tho Klngsley
Lee farm cast of town this week.
Mrs. C. A. Riehey gave a dinner
party on Tuesday evening to a number
of friends, which was niticli enjoyed
by all present.
Ed Barker returned Tuesday from
Salem, S. P., where he has been for
several months past working as sales
man in a hardware store.
There Is an effort Wing made to es
tablish another rural delivery route
from Louisville, as one route Is Insufii
clent to accommodate the patrons.
Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Jung died at an early hour
Friday morning. Particulars ns to
the time of the funeral could no be
teamed at the lime of going to press.
Henry ( .v.cnknp jumped down off his
wagon Mo'iday and his left ankle was
wrenched In such a way as to give It a
severe sprain. He supposed that It
was only a temporary Injury but w hen
seen In town walking with the aid of
a pair of crutches he had uianged his
Last week the Courier neglected to
mention the marriage of Miss KlIaDu
gan and John Wof,at the home of the
bride's parentt In thU city on Christ
mas dav. It Is said to have Wen one
of the prettiest weddings of tho Chris
mas week. The ceremony took place
at 2 o'clock, In the presence of a large
number of relatives and Intimate
j friends, Eld-T G. W. MaylHd onlci
lit,....- ri .am-
Said Wit
to Wisdom
"A full stomach
makes a light heart.
Said Wisdom
to Wit
gorujjd ever growing tetter,
la ulr-tlKUt, molitunt-prouf poukuKt-a.
ating. The bride Is a' daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dugan of this city,
and has lived here since childhood,
and the groom Is a promlnen young
man of Cedar Creek, and Is at present
onlciating as rural mall carrier. The
Courier wishes them a long and happy
Cedar Creek
Special CorrospoiHleni'O.
Mrs. John Wallinger died last Sat
urday night at 11:30 o'clock, after a
long, lingering Illness. Deceased leaves
a husband and live children three
sons and two daughters to mourn her
demise; all are married. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Sprie
gel at the German Luthern church,
and the remains were laid to rest at
the Glendale cemetery.
Henry Horn shelled corn one day
last week.
The little son of Otto Sprieck, who
has been sick for a long time, is le
portcd much better. , c -
I'hilip Stoeher and daughter, Mag
gie, have returned from their five
weeks visit in Illinois. They resort
everybody in good health, and having
had a good visit.
Miss Anna Wolf visited In Cedar
Creek over Sunday.
George Lohnes purchased a fine
team of horses of A. S. Will last week.
John KafTenberger was a Cedar
Creek visitor last Saturday night.
Adam Hell is still having a time
with the mumps.
A good many farmers in tills vicin
ity are delivering their corn. W. B.
Spence's shelter must surely have the
largest capacity of any shelter known,
as he shelled fifteen loads the other
day in one hour and fifteen minutes.
Tin-re whs a ni:in In our town,
And litt wu-i wondrous wist.
Ilul lit- ncvi-r nillcd anyoiiu down
Who larger wut In slzii.
Maple Grove
Special Coriespondonee.
Herman Ganscmer returned from
ids visit at llallem, Friday.
Gust Norrisleft Thursday morning
for Antelope county, Nebraska, to
visit with his parents for a few
Fred Barrlck returned Friday to
his home at Coleridge, Nebraska, after
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to the kidneys,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly oil diseases
have their Wgiitiiing
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood
that is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneysare weak
or out of order, you cntl understand how
quickly your entire luxly i affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
1 you are sick or " feel badly," Wgin
taking the .great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Wcause as soon
as your kidneys ure well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you arc sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild ami the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is sixin reali.ed. lt
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and Is wild
on Us merits lty all
druggist in fifty-cent TvrtT'.:
and one-dollar si.cpMii-rWW
bottle. You inayiaSJl
have a sample liottlc riomoof
by mail free, also a pamtihlct telling you
how to find out if you nave kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., J'.ing
liamton, N. Y. iVm't make any mistake,
hut retnetnber the name, Swamp-Root,
l)r. Kilmer's Swntnp-Koot, and the ad
dress, liinghuinton, N, Y., on every Wttle.
Ts' J 1
Jr jafrfru, fifV1. 1
a few weeks visit with relatives and
Quite a numberof farmers from this
community attended the big sate at
Weeping Water Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schai ffer left
Saturday for llallem, Nebraska, where
they will visit for a few weeks witli
relatives and friends.
Quite a number from this neighbor
hood attended the I'M man-Davis w ed
ding near Murray last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I'uls were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. l'aul Olton,
near Avoca, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engclkemeler
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Schwab near Syracuse, Sunday.
Alfred Ganscmer left Sunday for
riatttniouth where he will enter the
riattsmouth Normal and Business
Cured After Suffering 10 Years.
B. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle &
Mfg. Co., Middletown, ()., suffered for
ten years with dyspepsia. He spent
hundreds of dollars for medicines and
with doctors without receiving any
permanent benefit. He says, "One
night while feeling exceptionally bad
I was about to throw down the even
ing paper when I saw an item in the
paper regarding the merits of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try
lt and white I had no faith In it I felt
better after the second doso. After
tslng two bottles I am stronger and
better than I have been in years, and
I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
to my friends and acquaintances suf
fering from stomach trouble." Sold
by F. (1. Fricke & Co.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block,
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Menla at nil hours. Special at
tention to tho fnimer patrons.' The
tnbles nre supplied with tho best
tho markets nllord.
JOHN COREY, Proprietor.
I will send you tho roucie Ga7.i:ttb for
one year and a complete Set of Hand nmdo
Itoxlng Glove which will last for years,
or fine l'linchlng Dug.
RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Sq., New York,