The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 24, 1903, Image 4

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l.fill-s Fur TriiiiiiH il
I'liiM " k..
Iiif.iiil'-t " "
I tulles' uml Men'sSliniH rs from rn- . T.h-.
Ij jftrlns. itll Minis :iiil ! .
Inspect Our Display of Useful
& SON, j
T'l f i.
John Schippecasse
id riht tollie front with tlio
Home-made o
on tin mnrket to supply tlio
demands. Alrio. nuts nnd
fruits of till kinds.
And inarching
straight to
when you will bo re
paid for your trouble
by getting tlio host
on the markets.
Groceries, i
Canned Goods, !
Fruits, I
fresh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
IUiH-k rUtLsmoutli.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Tiik .hipanese and Russian warships
have on their war paint, hut neither
.veins anxious to rail t h; t her's bin If.
Nknatoi: II anna is saying nothing
ami those who a re vayolJ's.iy the wood
pile is shaking ami emit tin;; a very
strong smell.
( 'itM icuMMi his I'.inaina poiii-y,
President Iloosevelt's message, isanex
excillent exjoiient of the policy that
the end justilies the means.
Tiik eili.ens of I, inn. hi, irrespective
of party, contemplate giving William
.1. Jlryana magnificent rceept inn on his
ret urn from Murope. How dues that
IHk to you. ".sissyV"
I.kaoki: Mi ki iiv of Tammany Hall
was asked tohelp "kill" Iavid it. Hill.
He replied, "I ;.:n killing republicans.
not demorrals." This is a good senti
meiit for the party to live up to.
Tin: retail priee of meat seems to
have no t'onneetion with the prices of
live stork. Not wit hstairling that th
prieesof all I ike stock have depreciated
packing house productseont inue to de
mand the usual stiff price, vvhich indi
cates t hat all efforts to prevent a com
hine on prices has hern without s::c
Skukaska want-to-vole women an
particularly active this winter. Tin-
declare t hat t here will he no real ;::
in Nebraska until the hoon of suffrage
is granted them. So the gentlemn
who desire to serve as mem hers of the
legislature next winter ran prepare
themselves fur a '"hot time in the old
tow n" of I,inroln.
Senator Kfkh Smoot is a cowboy,
rough rider and a republican. There
is a slight chance of his being "unseat
ed'' hy the senate.
As a result of the Ihistow report,
the republican party declares that
there will he no conic-sional investi
gation. Tin: republican party knows
when it has got enough.
Wnv don't the republicans of Ne
braska Ijooiii Dietrich for a running
mate for Roosevelt? He would come
about as near getting the nomination
as Koosevelt w ill. Hut honestly, now,
wouldn't they make a pretty pair to
draw to?
Fifty Yccre I ho Stendcrd
M ikk irraft ing has come to liuht in
this state, County treasurers, it ap
pears, have been charging a commis
sion of one per cent, for collecting the
purchase price or lease inonev for
school iann. inis, it isciaimeo, is in
direct violation of the state constitu
tion. The loss to the school furid is es
timated at $.-U,iM.
Mn K k v lind I'M. Hayes from tiie of-
lice of oil inspector because he insisted
upon enforcit n,,. i;ilV. and now IT. S.
Attorney Summers is threatened with
the same kind of a dose. The man
who so far forgets his loyalty to the
republican pirty as to expose the rot
tenness of its ollicials is of but few days
and full of trouble.
Two Republican administrations
have placed us on a business basis. In
Nebraska a Federal (Irand Jury has
just not through investigating the sale
of post masterships hy the Republican
party, while in Washington they are
investigating the sale of the govern
ment by the incumbents. Oh, how
beautiful it is to dwell under this glo
rious republican boodle administra
Havk you noted the relation existing
between the priee of eggs and coal oil?
They are both up toa high notch now,
and some of them are presuming that
the limit has about been reached and
that there w ill soon lie a dropping off
in the quotations. The hen has the
say-so in one community and Rockefel
ler in the other. Here's a hot that the
hen w ill be the tirst to show a soften
ing of the heart and a relent ing spirit.
O waterman
I Perry's Restaurant
s Short Order House $!
Q MenU Served at Regular
S Meal Hours. 8
8 Fresh
8 (ix
S Fish or anytl
P. UTTER BACK, Proprietor, 8
h North Side - Main Street
Oysters h
ling in Market.
Ik Mother Rve had treated the for
bidden fruit as Roosevelt has the tariff
we would le in Kdenie bliss. He doesn't
touch it lie doesn't even approach it.
but shies like a bashful girl at a kiss
ing lee at the very thought of it. All
right. He won't ignore it next year tor
the same reason that thedeacon didn't
ignore the angry ram. The time will
soon he here when the accidental pres
ident cannot maintain his indifference
to thisquestion.
Tiik ''Sissy'' of the News is devoting
considerable space just now to W. J.
Rryan, bisdaugbter, Ruth and her hus
band. If his silly slurs in this direc
tion could onlvbe circulated through
out the state as extensively as his libel
ous slurs against Sheriff McUride were
in Cass county, he would succeed in
landing Mr. Rryan in the I'nited Statt s
senate. The republicans of this coun
ty haven't ceased yet proclaiming the
"Sissy" adamphool of the tirst water
for his foolish acts in the recent cam
paign. Tiik country is getting terrible sick
of administration graft. All the dem
ocracy of the country have to do now
is to "get together' next year and se
lect a candidate for president whose
personality will inspire conlidcnce:
then we believe the great majority of
voters will support him asenthusiasti
cally as they supported Samuel J. Til
den in l7t. The democratic party
has a great opportunity before it, and
every true democrat in the land hopes
that the leaders will le able to grasp
that opportunity with a winning hand.
It has b 'en hut a few days since W.
.1. Rryan had a conference with the
Oar of Russia. How few, if any of the
lesser lights (like the "Sissy" of the
News) that have In-en snapping at the
heels oT Mr. Rryan, could even hope to
uret a job of .shining the Czar's shoes.
Stkakino almiit the indictment of
Coiby the Reat rice Sun says: "As we
sinl ie.'ire. tins lliui!' is roiien. aim
Colby ;s not the only man in thedeal!'
No, y u bet he ain't, and when airing
time comes "lo'.kont for squalls!
There are others, and they ain't all
outside of Lincoln, either.
faprcYos the f!2vor and adds to
the healthfulncss of the food.
1 1 ka i ii says he'll stay on the Repub
lican National Committee. (Jood! He
f-avs there is no reason why he should
resign. Neither is there if the Na
t ional Committee shall discard all dis
guises and conduct the campaign un
der t he true colors of the Republican
party. I'erry S. Heath is a typical Re
publican politician. J le represents ex
ceptionally well the spiritand purpose
of the party, and the Democratic party
ought to hope earnestly that he will
stay not only till the convention shall
meet, but till the votes shall be count
ed in November.
Remember the Poor.
At no time do the poor who need as
sistance appeal to the sympathy of the
benevolent so strongly as during the
Christmas season. And this is the
season when the spirit of self-sacrifice
and charitableness is active in the
world and when gift-bearing to our
needy neighbors is not only a privilege
but a duty. People make their own
Christmas merrier and their own New
New Year happier hy also considering
the poor and administering to their
hard necessities. Cifts will be abund
ant and the feast sumptuous in the
homes of the rich, and plenty and con
tent will abide. Rutin the homes of
the poor, unless the Christmas spirit
reach them from without, there will
he no feast, no gifts, no cheer, no mer
riment; only poverty, suffering, pain.
The giver of Christmas gifts who for
gets the poor also forgets the meaning
of Christmas and Him whose birth is
celebrated and w ho was especially .so
licitous for the poor. The Journal
wishes every one a "Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year," with the hope
that the rich will not forget the poor
while preparing for their own pleasure
and happiness on Christmas daj
I have just shipped in a couple of
car loads of eood all puriise horses and
mares, which 1 will offer for sale or
will trade for smaller horses for the
the southern market. Call and sec
horses at my farm.
Somi: of the papers not only in this
state, but also in Iowa and other states,
are advancing their subscription price,
claiming that it is necessary to do so
in order to keep even with the advance
of other thuus. During the past
John Friesel Injured.
John Friesel, an employe of the B. &
M. shops, experienced a narrow escape
from being killed last Saturday after
temoon. He had been over to Pacific
Junction, and was returning on an ex
tra freight which had no intention of
stopping at this station, and passing
through at the rate of about twenty
miles an hour. When he was told that
it would not stop, he made ready to
jump and did so as the tan in passed the
depot. Jn doing so he lit in such a
manner as to fracture the collarbone
which will lay him up for several days.
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Arc they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
arc thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
School Apportionment Made.
County Superintendent Wortman
has just communicated with all the
school hoards of the county informing
them of the semi-annual state appor
tionment of the school funds just mad
and the amount of money for each dis
trict. These moneys are derived from
the rental, lease and sale of public
lanJs in this state as well as tines and
licenses. Jn his letter to the boards,
Superintendent Wortman took occa
sion to suggest that this money is the
tirst money to come into the school
treasury forseveral months. The reas
on for this being that taxes are paid
mostly during the lirst six months of
each year. The superintendent says
that some districts probably miscalcu
late in making the annual levy for
school purposes each year from the fact
that there may at that time be a little
money in the treasury of the district,
when as a matter of fact the district
is virtually behind. The point is made
and it is a point that should be remem
bered by the voters, that at the annual
school meet ing the calculation ou'ht
to be made, "not the amount of money
on hand, but is that amount suflicicnt
to pay running expenses for the next
half year of school" until taxes begin
to How in again.
The question is answered as to the
authority of a school board to borrow
money, and it is stated that they have
no such authority.
They also have their attention call
ed to the necessity of a good diction
ary in every school district and are ad
vised "not to buy a cheap dictionary
or accept one as a gift even" as chil
dren are entitled to the very best. It
is recommended however, on grounds
of convenience and economy to have
besides the Standard or international
Word Rook, one or two small handy
volumes for beginners who must learn
how to use the dictionary, and since
they are liable to tear the leaves add
misuse the book, they should be pro
vided with inexpensive small editions
which will serve the purpose just as
well, and which the superintendent
claims will be decided economy in the
long run.
The circular letter is closed by re
minding the members of the boards
that now that most of the pupilsarein
school who will he enrolled, and that
there is light work at home for most
of the members is the proper time to
visit the school and thereby keep in
touch with what lsgoing on.
Though a litth lair I wish to announce to the people
of Plattsmouth ami vicinity that I am prrpariiitf to furnish
your luvessary wants in Staple and Kancy ( Iroccries,
Oueensware, l)ry Goods, Hoots and Shoes.
I will furnish you with the most seasonable floods of A
1 oualitv at the lowest frossiblc frrice. Our rule has and
A Ml
alwavs shal be:
( ur delivery
nvereu at your uooi
.... -...... ,. .... ...- ( . "
vstetn will be such that orders will be
anv hour from l) a,
to 6 p. in.
If you are in a hurry call up Independent 'Phone Xo.
1)S and your order will receive prompt ami careful atten
tion. If more convenient or satisfactory our solicitor will call
for your orders and you may rest assured that it will receive
as careful attention as if you called at the store in person.
If we can rece ive the support of the citizens of this com
munity we assure you A 1 service and joods at firces zuif i
in tie reach of all.
We earestly solicit a trial, and if fair treatment will do
we feel that we have then gained a patron.
Remember the location,
r. -m ..
Oi l 1" Sr
5r- tt i n c
i a i
Mm or Santa
His Pathway Not all Roses.
What does it prophet a newspaper
man to uphold the peace and dignity
of the community, when by keeping
his mouth shut he can save himself
sundry bruisesand a pairof black eyes.
Is it better "to light and run away and
ive to tight another day," than to
stop at home, go unarmed and take
the chances of a malicious assault on
the back of his neck w hen he is not ex
pecting it? If he does uphold the
peace and dignity of the community
the many pat him on the back and say
that's right. ' He does not increase
patronage to hisotlice a dollar's worth.
le humps along the same old way de
fending his home town and taking
'thank you'; for his pains and bruises
Verily the way of the rural editor is
not strewn with roses and thorns, but
with pumps and thumps and bruises
and ''with his nose to the grindstone."
all s Cash Store
with Candies and Nuts.
Candies, per pound 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50c
Nuts, per pound 5, 14, IS and 20c
Honey, per cake 15c
Cranberries, two quarts 25c
Suuar, 20 pounds for SI. 00
Try our Panyan Buckwheat Hour, 10 pound sack' 45c
A frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur'
fences. 1 1 behooves everybody I o ha v t
a tellable salve handy, ami then's
none as good as Ruck leu's A i niea Sa I ve.
Rurns, Culs. Sores, I'eemaand Riles,
disappear quickly under its soot hing
ellect. 'Sic at F. i. I 'i icke ,V o.'s
drug store.
V Absrxcts of Title V
Tf?oma5 Uallipt;).
orrici;-Aniii iiM r-itusd niH-k.
All kinds of lien) :il work. I'hilcs tn:ili-1
III. :;; yt'urs ex iM-ricnee. I'rires r :ivni:ilil)'.
Work i.Mj;ir:mlei'.
OI-'i-'ICK l'l'l,l II ItMK'K.'Iionk No. 3ok47
year everyliung used in a pruning i
oiiice. but the suUscriotion nrice has the Lime and Soda make bone
advanced and that remains the same.
One of the greatest expenses is paper,
and this is being gradually advanced
by the trust. Whi!e this is being done
hyothcr county papers, the Journal
will continue at the same old price of
81,00 per year. In addition to this
all new subscribers during the month
of January will also receive the Journal
Monthly Magazine, a standard publi
cation devoted to home matters, tie
sides short stories, and other miscel
laneous matter, such as goes to make
up a tirst-class publication for the
home fireside. Subscribe now and se
cure this magazine In connection with
tbe Journal.
and brain. It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label ta on the
wrapper of every boilie of
niulskn you buy.
Scott & Bo wne
409 Pearl St.. N. Y.
5c and Slt all drujitots.
Sinck the republican party has
adopted the idea of a strong, central
ized, military government, it is fair to
presume that they will try to rush
through congress the adoption of At-tor-General
Knox's recommendations
on the naturalization question. He
wants the power of granting natural
ization papers taken away from the
state courts, and that hereafter all ap
plicants for citizenship be required to
apply to the federal courts. Step by
step the power of the people is being
taken away from them, and if the re
publican party remain in power eight
years long, and such strides are made
in the future eight years as in the past
eight toward a centralized, or in other
words, a monarchal government, it is
farewell to American liberty. "Free
speech, free territory and free men,"
will have gone glimmering among the
things that were.
CGrpet Weaving.
All kinds of plain carpet weaving
done on short notice. Work solicited
and satisfaction guaranteed. Call on
Mns. (Jkkoo,
111 (iranite Street.
Masquerade Patty.
The members of Miss Hopping's
dancing class will give a masquerade
party at Coates' hall. Saturday even
ing, December 2", from 8 to ll:.i0. No
dancers on the Uoor only those invited
hy the pupils. Admission to balcony,
10 cents.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. Electric Ritters will quickly
dismember the troublesome causes. It
i ever fails to tone the stomach, regu
lates the Kidneys and Rowels, stimu
late the Liver and clarify the blood.
Rundown systems benefit particularly
a'.d all the usual attending aches van-i.-h
under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electric Ritters is only
jOc, and that is returned if it don't
give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed
by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Fancy Dress Party.
The children of Miss Hopping's danc
ing class will give a fancy dress party
at ("nates" hall on the afternoon of De
cember l!;th. Admission to balcony,
10 cents.
Sheriffs Sale.
T3 V virt in1 of ;tn :ili:tsirl r of s:i- Ksiieil ly
- '.lames Ilolicri son.cli'rk of t In - 'I i ( rirt i-on rt
Xehraskii. and to
D.. 1304.
williiii and for (':e-:s I'ounty
me clireeu-u. 1 will on the
20th Day of January, A,
at I p in., of said day. a I l In- sunt Ii door of
t lie court in I In- i'i t y of I'lal I rnout h. in
said county, sell at public auction, to (lie
hiirliest bidder for cash, the following real es
tate to-wit : West half of lot t -n C) in Mock
thirty-four CM) ; east half lot thn e c.l). Muck
thirty-four CI4i; lots eleven and twelve III and
1') hliM'k I'iirhty-tive (.".); lot sev en (7) Mock
eiirhty-eiht (); lot ten i Mock nintv
thrccr!i:S); lotfoiirtO in Mock iiinty-six C.'):
lots thirteen and fourteen (l.'l and 14 in Mock
seven (7). Thompson's addition; lots three,
five. si. seven and i-i'hl I'.i. .. j. 7. and s) Mock
one ('.); Fitzgerald's addition: lots one and
four (I and i) Mock two ) ! it.i'erald'x
addition: lots one. two. three and four l.
J. .'i. and 4) Mock three :t. I itzu'eruld's
addition, all in tin; city of I'lalt stuout h.
Cass county. Nebraska, together with t he
privileges and appurtunc nccs thereuntil Ix
lon'in or in anywise appertaining. 'I he
same levied upon and taken as t he
property of Mary l'itera!d as Administ rat
rix. et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by the County of Cass
plaintiH' against said defendants.
I'lattsmoutn. Nebraska. I tecemlx-r K.tli. A.
.. r.i'.'t. John 1j. Mi Uimuk.
Jkssk b Uoot. Sin rill' Cass County. Neli.
1'laint ill'S Attorney.
KoOms- K X 10 ami II. Wati.ii'ja. Uioci;,
i bA T'rs.M i i ; t 1 1 . N i . is i : a s k a .
llfKH K NO.
( Ht.f llll.MK,
Waterman ISluck
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
reals at all liours. Hix c'inl at
tention to tlio fanner jiatrons. Tlio
tables are supplied with tlio 1 eht
tlio markets all'ord.
JOHN" CORKY, Proprietor.
Special Trade IM. fangerJ
Bulletin by
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Thse who will insist on closing their
cars against the continual recommend
ation of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a long and bit
ter tight with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal termination.
Read what T. 11. Iieall of Head, Miss.,
has to say: "Last fall my wife had
every symptom of consumption. She
took Dr King's New Discovery after
everything else had failed. Improve
ment came at once and four bottles
entirely cured her." Guaranteed by
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Price,
50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
K Children's
h and
q Furs!
V We have an
line to select from
5 our prices will
V sell them. e
Spared to do you
J We are Here to
Christmas Shoppers!
We show you the
beautiful line
Special Reduced Prices on Xmas Good:
Every Department.
are pre-
The Department Store Man. jj
You cannot afford to overlook the bargains offered in our
Boy's Clothing Department rHi"
and separate pants at any old price. This is no selling
out bluff, as I am here to stay. This is my home and I
want your trade. Your price is mine.
Twenty Pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00!
Don't forget that you are paying 12 to l"c cents a
pound for country lard, w hile you can come to our store
and get all you w ant at sfr cents a pound.
We Offer 10 Yards of OutiQcj Flarjrjel for 39c!
Linen and
Sill Handkerchiefs
land Mufflers
I wo have ev-r carried,
i We have also an Im
t rin nse line of opera
shawls and ixseinalois.
X. I J. I am
here to stay. I
won't quit unless
you compel me to.