J JAMES GORDON BENNETT IN NEW YORK FOR BRIEF VISIT COLOMBIA MEANS TO MAKE 1 EFFORT TO COERCE PANAMA 'VB-Sfe. jr" v g ... ' a J 14 ' fl m Mrs. Wclsslitz, president of the Ger man Womans' Club of Buffalo, N. Y., after doctoring for two years, was finally cured of her kidney trouble by the use of Lydia E. Pinkrnm's Vegetable Compound Of all tl3 diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, LMney !iseasc i.-t the most fatal. In fact, unlebS prouirrt and correct treatment is applied, the wc-ury patient seldom survives. living fully aware of this, Mrs. Pinkham, early in her career, pave careful Ptwlv . subject, and in prndueing her great remedy for woman's ills lijditi ll. Iinkh:wiis Vej?t:ihl Compound made sure that it con t.iimd th correct t-oiiiMr.ation of herbs which was certain to control that dreaded disease, t oili:ill.S kidney trouhles. The Vegetable Compound acts in harmony with th- laws that govern the entire female system, and while there ar iiiinv n called remedies for kidner trouhles, Ijydiii l'l. Illk- Jiatn's Vx-lalio C'osiil i. the only one especially prepared lor women. Read What Mrs. "Dear 3Ii:s. Pinkham: l or two years my Mo was simply a Dur rtn. I Mitt;r.-1 so with i' in.il ? tnmMcs, ami pains across my back and Km'-. Til-; lu. tor tU iu.; tlu.t I had kidney troubles and prescribed for i::e. Tor three months I t:ok his medicines, l,u-t tfrew steadily v.orsc. My husl-.ai.d then advU d mo to try I-ydki K. Pinklium's V-T!'faM (ot:!io::id. and brought home a, bottle. It is the greatest bl.-s-in ev-'f inuu.'ht to our hc.me. Within three months I was a hio;v l Yv.:n;n. .My p.in hid disappeared, my complexion becamo clear, my ey.-s bii :lt,and layenilrj ?y.-: ;;n iiiijood bliapj." Mas. Paula Wins-iLii., 17J Seneca M., Jiull'alo, In'. Y. Tml ttat UMnry Trail cm lc Csrd ty lyIia L IMfcua's fcgrtaMe Componsi uIr.u; "il I'inkham: I tVel cry thankful to you for the good yn-ir medicine his done me. I had doctored for year3 and was steadily pio'.vii?!? worse. Iliad trouble villi mv kidneys, and two doctors told me I had 1J; ilit's lisease ; also had falihig of the womb, and could not walk a block at a time. 3Iy back and head ached all the time, and I was so in-rvous I could not sleep; had hysteria and fainting spells, was tired all th-; time, had such a pain in my left side that I could hardly stand at. time: without putting my foot on something. I doctored with several good doctors, but they did not help me any. I rook, in all, twelve bottles of L,ylia 13. Pintliam's Vegetable Com p:und, live l.oxes of Liver l'ills, and ad three packages of Sanative Wash, an I feel like a new woman, can eat and sleep well. do all my own work, and can walk two miles without feeling over tired. The doctors tell m r that my kidneys are all right now. I am so happy to he well, and I feel that I owe it all to your medicine." 3Iits. Oil Strong, 1 lit HI, M:SS. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write lier for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address Lynn, Mass. ftftfl FORFEIT f we cannot forthwith prodnno the or iei rial letters and signatures cl Vllilil wv 'tSii-nunLaa, wiiicb wil r""v 'iieir absolute -iniiiwnota. M'J'vUU -Ji K. l iaUbani Mc-licin Co., Ljnn. S!asa. 'i'ite t : i j i vi;ri lie;;:?:! cye-s pru! lan r.'i'' I i : it. i.!ly iins fw traits of in ; : i i" .;.!. 1 '. m ' -'ft t?-e h:.:u'v--f and ?.. -i i'-.'.'""- 'v: r:::l;. 1.-f3TV-e .-"n.-'i i.- 1 r c . .: v :e re anil l!-:v in iy l :e',;,;r; l,y equal it in i;:; 'l;ty -: r,u-.i!ey. Xi i.- v in t! t i-.ci.c wilt n:r.ke mor f : i it. t ; (!,iri it:. :!"- oil !! !;.lfk. ;.;! whf car.r.;t forgive thcr.i reve are ! ' I,r i. n.; i.iv as wa -Liner wlien rr--r:;.:: i adkls dvi:s an u-c,: ' !I .'.; ti u:'".y Sid " isn't t h f f.'r a .e :ia:i who is forty in il'-et . i!. .-s-.t't! t h o lovesick jee.th. If "U.-M trie Starch" does not I !. ;:. ri-tnrn it to j-oar dealer. If rt d-i.'i yo't ret one-third more for I tii .;?:!.. n:o:ie;-. It will rive yo: KHti.t i' t i a. and will not stick to the Are f:.-;. tiers oa a ship put ia the ! i ev r pay to warp the character t. rea. h ni iney. lr4. r.n-- o:-n2 Strap. Uo.'T.a; 'ii. A'.'.uy ; v..u. t'urt? wit:a 4.u:c. botlitt- Ther nr always Ijt3 of theatrical s!;r.i I tt uV't. Vf th-h rvifrH7r-r nwn'tTC'tLiry LNrtiHiJir ITA ST!Siil5'C!G4R always reliable i jut jmut ut u.cecl Wviui iractarj. i own. ill. CAPSICUM VASELINE ( P'-T HP IV CiLI.PtWL TrH) A mbs.it'"" ti and superior to mustard Or an? oth'-r ol.t?r. and will not bl.it.-r the most drlir.ite skin. The psm-aIUvin and curative qu.lit.- of th:i article are wonderful. It wiil sivt ths luothxrhc at onre, and relieve head ache nd iciaru-a. Werec-omrm-nd it as the best tfiid viirst extfrca! rountr irritant known, also as an ixtrrrul rtnsdv (or pains in the chest and toiji:t-h and all theumaric. neuralgic and Kontr riiu!ainis. Atrialw.JI prove what we clm f jr it. and it will be found to be invalu able in the hrmtehcld. Mary people sar "it is tht: best of all our preparattoiis." Piice 14 crntv. at nil dnm,t or other dealrr-i. or by tending this amount to us in t.n!ap,(jnipe will w:nd 3'1 a tube by mait No articls should be acrrpted by the put lie cnle-.s the satne carries our lahct. as otherwise it is not genuine. CHESFBWOl OH MFO. CO., 17 State Street. New Yobk Citt. When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This PaDer. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 521503. LuHta ttKthriLL (IS' fA.LS. Dunt ( uu:i i5yruu. Taste UojO. Use U J in iiida. rVMi By nniniKK -1 I I Weisslitz Says. War; thero evr a v.oiv.an who didn't j rc-anl Iu;r baby as a marvel cf Tiro city of I'ath ous'.it to bo some .vhrre r.oar Waiertcvn. The rt'ari wlio nisiainl'Ts t!io money i thif bt l'j;:; tu "ni.j fainllj- is a meaa i Try mo jn-Jt ojef and ! am sure to come a':iin. Deiianco Ptarch. j It tako.s more than ihc wind to make j a bad !ins mustache full blown. No rean is honest who pilfers from a soe-d name. The acro'-.at doesn't understand his husinei.-) until he tumbles. PrT"anrnt: mm. Ttn flexor ner-ronmcs O-'tOf . ' !r iJhv', i.ae -t lr K unc ircrt Nerv Kontop. I rr. Ki wi f .r KIIKK !-J.O( Innl ixttie n l treat io. Few would-be poets can say. "My lines have fallen in pleasant places." When a woman finds she has met her matcn in shrewdness she assumes the injures innocent air. Try One Package. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There is none to equal it in quality and quan tity. lt ounces. 10 cents. Try it now and 3ave your money. i The pert side of a vessel is not nec- essarily the captain's wine cellar. ttirls kiss each other in the most loving way when .there are men around. -World s ralr." A St. Louis World's Fair Informa tion Ilureau has been established at 1501 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb., in cbarge of Harry E. Moorea. where all Information will be cheerfully fur nished free of charge. We may not thoroughly appreciate the grass, but nature gives it is dew. Apology may be made in fear, but honest men apologize In deference to their honor. Stop the Cough anil Work OfT the Cold Laxative Iiromo Quinine Tablets. Price 25c. When a woman finds her fall suTz duplicated on another woman he condemns herself for lack of Judg ment. To some men advancing years add mental as well as physical graces. If you wih beautiful, clear, white clothes use Ketl Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 os. package, 5 cents. Women usually think they know great deal about the peculiarities of men. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. mm. mm aixvfiiKrrp $ ;y: Two or three days ac;o James Gor don Bennett dropped into the New York Herald oface from Faris, sat down at his great white mahogany desk and went to work as though he had never been away from New York. For nearly a third of a century the master of the Herald whose resi dence is in Paris has dropped into his New York office once every two or three years and sat down at his desk in instant and familiar touch with the most minute details of the vast organization which he directs. The Herald office was as ready for him this time as it always has been. DECLINES TO WEAR A HAT. New Yorker Courts Aboriginal Styles in Choosing Attire. The most eccentric character in all this region is Floyd Sickmond, or "Curly," as he is called, a robust man of past sixty years, whose boast is that he has not seen a sick day "in well-nigh onto sixty years." The year 'round he travels about in his shirt sleeves and without a hat. For many years he aUo' went barefooted, but of late, on account of advancing age, he has' taken to wearing shoes during extremely cold weather. "Curly" is an employe of the Clyde h-tel, and in zero weather, while others are wrapped in fur.-;, he may be seen driving through the streets with out gloves, hat. or coat, apparently un mindful of the cold. He asserts that his mode of living is conducive to health and longevity. He comes of a frail family, but thwarted fate, he de clares, by adopting a mode of dress as nearly aboriginal as the law would allow. Clyde, N. Y., special. Cwl Chased by Sea Gulls. Officials of the Campania, when it arrived at Queenstown from New York a few days ago. reported that when south of Nova Scotia a bird was ob served Hying toward the ship. It was followed by a number of sea gulls, which were endeavoring to catch the stranger. However, the bird managed to evade its pursuers and. overtaking the Campania, fell exhausted on the deck. On examination it was found to be a snowy owl measuring thirty eight and one-half inches from tip to tip of the wings. New Form of Advertisement. Miss Stella Mayhew, an actress, is enjoying a season of deserved popu larity at St. Paul. When the company with which she is playing arrived in the city the streets were in a filthy condition. Miss Mayhew advertised for a force of fifty volunteers to clean them and at the head of the gang that responded to her call she gave the down town thoroughfares a thorough scouring. Now the entire population is singing her praises and she is play ins to crowded houses. Succeeded by Advertising. Alfred Miles, a famous tailor of Bond street, London, died recently, leaving a fortune of $1,500,000. Mr. Miles, who was known to many Amer icans, was fond of relating how he started business some sixty years ago with a capital of just $50. A favorite plan of advertising with him was to print handbills and persuade cabmen to leave them ia their vehicles. Near End of Famous Party. William Collins of Albion. N. Y., xho assisted In the capture of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Presi dent Lincoln, has become insane and is confined in a lunatic asylum. He is the last survivor but one of the par ty of twenty-five that started out from Washington in pursuit of Booth after the tragedy. Queen's Son in Disgrace. Edgar-Richter, 13 years old and the son of the queen of the Chippewa In dians of Wisconsin, has been con victed of stealing a sum of money from his uncle at Minneapolis and given a sentence in the state training school. ;,; ' .;v--v--V r. z. So with his house in West Twenty first street, which is prepared all the year around for a visit. Everything connected with Mr. Bennett has the quality of readiness, the exact com plement of his own unexpectedness; for when you think that he is going to do a particular thing that is the thing he is most likely not to do. Lord Dufferin said to me in Rome some years ago: "The flrst time I saw Mr. Bennett was on an American prairie. The last time I saw him wa3 in India. And I should not be sur prised at all to see him walk in the door this very minute." James Creel man in New York World. BEARS ARE TOO PLENTIFUL. Hungry Animals Frighten Women of Pennsylvania Village. Bears have become so numerous and hungry in this section of the state, says a dispatch from Lewistown, Pa., that recently frequent reports have been brought to this city of their hav ing been seen crossing the valley and swimming the Juniata river to get from Shade to Stone mountain. Yesterday a large black bear passed through Lockport, a mining village three miles wet of here. The men were all at work in the mines, and when Bruin came sniffing about the j doorstops the women were almost panic-stricken. Being very hungry, the bear entered a yard in the heart of the village, hilled and partly devoured two half grown pigs belonging to James H. Beaver, then ambled along toward Stone mountain. S;naor Hale's Mansion. Among the imposing and beautiful dwellings of public men in Washing ton none perhaps excels in beauty of architecture the dwelling of Senator Eugene Hale of Maine. The resi dences of more than a score of great politicians are among the most mag nificent in the world and many pro nounce the Hale mansion the most pleasing of all. It is of the colonial style of architecture, fronting 100 feet on Sixteenth street, with a courtyard ia the rear. It is so large and impos ing that visitors frequently mistake it for a public building. Old Circus Performer Dead. Mrs. Marie Pigrum Harrison died in Brooklyn a few days ago, aged 101. In her day she was a famous circus performer and had been the pet of dukes and duchesses in England. She was the daughter of a bootmaker to George III. Tom Thumb was intro duced to the public under the man agement of her husband, John W. B. Harrison. Half a century ago she was known over a great portion of this country in connection with cir cuses. Before the days of railroads she traveled on horseback in what wa3 then the west. Instead of six months in jail for burglary Charlie Mickles of Crestline, O., has found a home in the family of the man whose house he broke into. MickJes, who is only a boy, in com pany with a man named Dickson, en tered the home of John Cummins. They were caught and arrested for the offense. Cummins appeared in court, secured the release of Mickles and made the necessary application In order to adopt him. Two Claims to Distinction. Mayor Feeney of Wobnrn, Mass., was the youngest chief magistrate in any city in the United States when first elected four years ago. Five years in the office will rob him of that distinction, but he has won another that of being the only five-time winner in the bay state. Buddhist Literature. Prof. C. R. Lannan of Harvard has undoubtedly the finest library of Bud dhist literature in this country, if not in the -world. It is the result of many years of research and careful selec tion by the Harvard professor of Sanscrit. SCENE OF THREATENED WAR BETVEEN COLOMBIA AND PANAMA. (Star marks location of Gulf of Darien, where Colombian troops are said to have been landed to march to Panama.) ENGLAND AMAZES RED MAN. Returning Indian Tells of Ignorance Existing Abroad. An Indian stopped in Philadelphia on his way to Omaha. He had been to London, participating in a wild west melodrama thero, and it was amusing to hear him describe the ignorance re garding his race that exists abroad. "An Englishman," he said, "thinks that a red man can run from 200 to 225 miles a day without effort. He thinks an Apache can overtake a deer. In fact, I read in Ixmdon a short story describing how, in a fifteen-mile run. an Apache caught a deer, choked it to death, and ate its heart raw. "The English believe that an Indian is so generous he would give away the clothes on his back. I was accosted by hosts of beggars in London, and they couldn't understand why I didn't hand out a half-crown to each of them. They also think an Indian will endure the severest pain without flinching, out of pride. A young English girl stuck a pin in my leg at a restaurant one night, and was surprised when I said Ouch' and swore." GOOD JOKE ON GOLFERS. Girls Have Fun with Members of Aristocratic Club. N. B. Coles and Daniel Bacon, two enthusiastic members of the new and aristocratic Country club of Lake wood, N. J.. had a match game of golf for $1,000 a side recently. Each had a good record on the links, but neither was able to cover the ground in anything like good time, both ex periencing great difficulty at two of the halves. Just as the match was concluded they discovered that a to mato can had been fitted neatly into one of the holes and that a row of pins had been stuck in the hard ground around the other. These ob structions had disastrous effect on the work of the players. It was dis covered that some girl members of the club were guilty of playing this joke, and formal complaint has been lodged with George J. Gould, presi f the. rlnb. The foozlers are de- IVVJll V V. ! termined that some one shall suffer for the infamy, but it is not thought likely that any punishment will hi inflicted. rtoBEfrr goelet to wed. Wealthy Society Man Captures Heart of Noted Beauty. It is said the engagement of Miss Elsie Whelen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whelen of Philadelphia, to Rob- ert Goelet, brother of the Duchess of Roxburghe, will soon be announced, and that the wedding will speedily follow. Miss Whelen is a noted beauty and was the belle of Newport last summer. Statistics of Street Railway. The yearly report of American street railways read like the budget of an empire. Last year, for instance, they carried three times as many people as there are in the whole world. They ran their cars eleven times the dis tance from the earth to the sun. Their capital is more than twice as great as the bonded national debt of the United States. Their gross earn ings were $250,000,000. They paid over $13,000,000 in taxes. Their army of employes is larger than the whole United States army, including the sol diers now in the Philippines. The terrible side of the street car business is shown by the fact that 1,218 people were killed and 47,249 were Injured last year a casualty list that makes some wars look harmless and humane In comparison. Pension for Garibaldi Family. The Italian government has present ed a bill in parliament awarding an an nual pension of $2,000 to the widow of Menotti Garribaldl. with the right of reversion to her children, on account of the services rendered to the nation by the Garibaldi families. IIS., jnC RECONCILED IN A HOSPITAL. Old-Time Animosities Forgotten In Presence of Misfortune. In the early days of North Dakota Senator Jud La Moure; and Alexander McKenzie, the latter famous as the most daring sheriff in Bismarck, wire bitter personal and political enemies. Whatever one wanted done was sure to be opposed by the other, and they carried their onrnity to each other to great and sometimes ridiculous ex tremes firr men as level headed as they were in ordinary matters. Each had a host of friends and these were arrayed in hostile camps, political, fh cial and business. The two men have become reconciled, however. Some time ago McKenzie got into trouble in Alaska, and narrowly escaped a prison sentence for contempt of a local judge, from whose jurisdiction the Bismarckian removed a prisoner. After a hard light McKenzie wan re leased and returned east, broken in health. For months ho has been ly ing in a St. Paul hospital, hovering between life and death and deserted by a majority of his former friends. Here his old enemy, La Moure, found him ami at once took up his .station at the bedside of the stricken man, min istering to his every want with the solicitude of a mother. Mainly owing to La Moure's careful nursing McKen zie is recovering his health and ex pects to leave the hospital in a week or two, when his old-time adversary will escort him to Bismarck. It Is safe to say that the friendship thus established will never be broken. Mc Jen?ie a few years ago was a perfect specimen of physical manhood, stand ing C feet 4 inches and being built in proportion. POPE PIUS IS AGING. Pontiff Beginning to Feel Weight of His Responsibilities. A traveler who has Just returned from Home was greatly impressed with the change in the appearance of the Pope. He was received by him the day after his accession to the pon tifical throne, when he was ruddy, erect, gay and full of life. On this last occasion, however, he found him a lit tle paler, a little more bowed, a lit'le more subdued and le.-s buoyant; in fact, a slight but recptible chan for th'i worse p. vonjig nsni fc.o-.vi'i2 j older. Tiii:; 'liaiifci ias cr, ,;e in 1":-t than four months and is due lo the dif ference in habits and work and the confinement. The Pope goes in the open air less and less, l.i the begin ning he took walks i:i ihe garden and regular exercise:;, but as his cares and duties increased he went le.j.s and h-ss until he ceased al;o.g t.u r, confining his walks to the log-'ia overlooking Rome and even here he now sejiioin goes. 'UNCLE JOE" AND THE SENATE. Speaker of the House Has Little Love for That Body. Speaker Cannon's predecessors were accustomed to bow to the secretary of the Senate when he appeared in the house with a communication from that august body. Dut "Uncle Joe's" backbone becomes rtiff as a ramrod cn such occasions. "Cow to the sec retary?" he snorts. "Why, I wouldn't bow to the whole senate." A few days ago he ordered one of the officials of the house strictly to en force the standing rule against smok ing. That same afternoon, as soon as the house adjourned, he took a cigar from his pocket and began to puff contentedly. The official ap proached and said: "Do you want the anti-smoking rule enforced, Mr. Can non." "Of course I do," said the speaker. "Oh, I forgot," he continued and hurried into his private room. Preacher Once a Cowboy. Rev. Clyde W. Croomell of the Stvedenborgian church. West Utica street and Atlantic avenue, Buffalo, fcr years was a cowboy in the Bear river cattle country of Colorado. At one time he was foreman of a big I ranch. Mr. Bromell went west on ac count of his health, having regained which he entered a theological semin ary. He graduated in time to secure the Buffalo pastorate not long ago. Memorial of Capt. Roberts. The gun which Capt. Roberts, son of the commander in chief of the British army, lost his life in rescuing from the Bors at the battle of Colenso, South Africa, has arrived in England, and' wheri it hs properly engraved it will be presented to Earl Roberts as a fam ily hrloom. Stays, by His Congregation. Rev. W. A. Jones of the Presby terian chuTCh at Knoxville, Pa., has refused a call to East idverpool at an Increase of salary amounting to $1. 200 a year, and" his congregation has voted him the most exceptional cler gyman in the KeystJorae state. Ghe Merely Folaned Insanity. "I feigned Inxanlty to tnt. Iho Jov of my people for mo, and In an effort to g t money which my hunband left for iny little 10 year-old daughter. I am not lima no and I never wan. I cl-t-i an l h time, and now, u Jury hivlfC found mo murine. I've got U go to thi asylum. I won i May llierc, for tint doi torn won't keep a wine pcrno" In iw inadhoune." Such was the utatomont of Mth. Edna Hllew of Atlanta. On-, made in a wemingly rational manner, whlh prcpuring to be takmi to th Ktatr asylum for tlm liiHan at M 111 edgevllle, when nh wan ordered nont by JimIkm WllklriKon In th court of or dinary. Deafness Cannot l2 Cured. by loral u;p!lf'nriii u Vf oiiunl inarli dm fill. (.ml I. ,li ut ilir rr. 1 lir I milr onn wav t'l rum iiiiflio, hihI tlial 1 y i unllliMlniiul m'ni.ll. Iiti.rurna In cmxi-J l.jr a i InflMiiiml roinliituii of tlx luucoiia llnliiK of III" hnxl.44.lil.iri Tiil.i-. Ulmiitlil lut.e U luflmno'l yn a runiMlin: noiiiiiI or lui- nrt- t ln'Mrliiif. n I wl.rll ll U -liHr-ly !.. !(, irl- ! III till! ri'KH.I Ulli lluil'M III" lll.'Illllllll'ttliMI i l li't m: i-.i oiii mi l tiii, i tiitici r "i'ri' I 1 1 ini m.il run ilitloti. Iii'iii Inn wl I Mmy'l km vrr. N Mi'' mil nf ii:i nr" ;nti4 In iin i h, u I I' .'i I" hollilntf Ion i.ii t'lll.niK il rciii.IHii.il nf tl r nun nun nirl.n v i m It! li nun 1 1 ii ii 1 r liwli m I-if nntr ro of IV I iicni l . aii.nl liy ill. till' lli.il r.inti t I'" I HI'' I Mlll'j ( '.Hi. I ill I uri. M'lHl f"l iT'-nl Urt. f r I . .1. ill.M.V t. t lyi ;Jo, O. In- Iir-iirrt ia. ;'.. lU.t'a I-. i tun rum t". tl"; Ruled by fie Figure 0. i'peaki.'g of his 1 1 -.si lif- ' n Mend ill liie Just before (he papal eec lion, ill cntllieel ion Willi V.lilell hi IKlirie was i:i !! t lolied, the o i l: rM e:,. :ilil by Wliler 1:1 ill" J'.lll M'llf Magazine saying: "My life hat been strangely ruled by the ;it'i:re nine. For nir.e year.-. I was a ivhoolboy at Itie.te; for nine year.) a nlnd'. t at Pa dne; for nine years a curate at Tom bolj; for nine ynam a pri st at Sal ' ". '.; f"r ni no years a bishop at .Man I1..1; n;id now for nine years I Imvn been cardinal patriarch at Venice; 11 rid I Lecome pope as long us (bid wills, possibly inr another nine years." ( Pino's Cure cannot Imj too UUhly niA.rn tit nm at-oui'ti euro. J. V. O IIiuen. 3J2 Tlurd Ae., ti.. MiuLituj.oliH, Itinu., Jau. 6, 1'JOU Gambling in Human Lives. An extraordinary Klory wan told In the poieo court at Mla kiiini, Fng.. Iho other day concerning a woman who ne!d over forty policies on the liven of men she had never seen, paying for tlH'Ke policies premiums to the amount of 2.r, shillings a week. This was tlx rtory tif her husband, and the woman herself admitted that he paid 11 shil lings a week, ami that f-he insured the i.ves of nil her lodgers, i'lihi gam bling in the lives of human beings ap pears to be a recognized feature in th s economy of certain classes; ax a rule, ..owever, it is reserved to the lives of tin' children of each parlii:l.ir house hold. State Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co., of S. Omaha, Nel r.. Is one of the most successful, farm liisuianeo com panies in the West. Organized lK'.t.l, lias Jsjii.'KMl.ueo insurance in force. Is sues a perpetual policy that (!o".-t not expire just bef'.re a fire. Annual meet ing Jan. 1'. 1 !!. We wanl live A;,'ls. Ik It. STOCFI KH, Sec'y. T. 11. HOLM AN, Pres. Had a Job that Suited. A Philadelphia clergyman recently visited an old schoolmate who Is lo cated In Montana. One Sunday I hey held revival services In a large camp of Jfw'c'.ls!: m!nern rid gt on'- of the meetings iho minister iro.a Iho Qualwr city, looking straight at a big. power ful looking man who :-:at In front, nald to him: "My friend, don't you want f work for the Ird." The Swwifl thought a few fiecond, and replied slowly: "No, I tank not; d Norden Pacific fr.llers is party g jod to work for." Defiance Starch Is put up 10 ounces In a package, 10 cents. One third more starch for the same money. Cecil Rhodes' Bequest. A contingent of the Rhodes s h';!. r:i is already, as appears from the () ford university calendar, In residence at U'' I'niyrsiiy, altho'ejii the full number v.;l 1 : o t -1 ; r; j,. '.! up for i-o.;n I fji". 1 'c-s-.'in T.i',;f ror lias, 1:1 ' teii,s r,r fe-il Rhode:;' lie-me,,, rr 1 1 ril;i nominations to these scholan-.liips In his gift, and it is nn Irrt ",: ting fi'f that his first two Tieiniiies iko-ild h'l both Roman Catholics. One, li. rr voa M'Jlhr, is the .on 01 a P.avarian min ister, and has been at. j-r-hool in Mu nich; while the oth'T. who has en tered at Magdal'-n. is Count H'-P-v d" Talleyrand I'erigonl, great, grandson of the Hecnnd Due de Talleyrand fn Franc, and Herzog vr.n Sa:n in tho kingdom of Prussia. yirn: rorrt fT.oi m:s riir.nT 7Jfu Red Crostt Ik-ill Due nn I iriul'ft thm rLite auuin. Large k.. iu:kag(, 6 conta. Society's Part in Politics. Society took a hara' -toristic part la the ;ew York election; that is to say, it didn't register or vote, but it assem bled at its various clubs uptown and expressed Hurpri.se that Low w not ro-elocted. At the Urion. Calumet, Knicxerbcc'kcr and Metropolitan clubs there were great crowds of leading citi zens who thought it not. worth while to vote. Interest at these places was largely centered in the fortunes of such persons as Admiral Cro-.vnin-shieiu s nephew, who was defeated on the Tammany ticket; Robert Winfhrop Cnanler, who won on the same ticket, ana old General Sick.'-s, who barely crept in against a Tammany Kr.Ioon keeper who opposed him for alderman. Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded. 1J ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. English Nicknames. The residents of the English coun ties have nicKname9 the meaning and origin of which Is not always obvious. Why the Inhabitants of Liverpool snould be called "Dicky Sams" is not very clear. But nearly all the coun ties have their distinctive nicknames. A Cornlnshman is "Cousin Jack" to the natives of the adjacent counties; th3 Glaswegians are "Keeiies;" the Ian cashire men are "Tim Bobbins ;" while the Lincolnshire folk have long beea called "Yeiiow Bellies" after the frogs which once abounded ther. York ehiremen. again, and everywhere "Tykes," a nickname the etymology o" which Is not ea3y to trace: nor Is IT less difficult to say why the Inhabi tants of Suffolk should be designated "Dumplings." those of Kent "Hogg," or the Isle of Wight people "Calves." As the kleptomaniac thought In tho candy store, "Stolen kisses are sweet est. As the surveyor said: "I have to draw the line somewhere." No. "blood money" is not necessar ily composed of red cents. Talking in a whisper is a bad habit.