i r iu s , Theory of Profs. Forbes Must Have Heen a The Sf.ir i f i:- tM. Ii. mi Im thrne Df wiiiidrnuv (Miner, it has faM-liiat l l.f ll- I'.A. t Mtl'I plliloMOplli Trt if lh Vrt. If ha t hf-n discussed t rln t n ):unilr' yeur by men, f vnrvlny mind with a fre:-hne.ss I liat never f .-! Uh . If excites a kIhw f f-r-il It lit lh: breast of thf saint. It k i ml I -m tin- dying embers of lni In lti- M.ul i.f the -inn r. If Is tli- ray .r ll';iv n'H own li;,ht tho UtnH'tcd. It. ki-. Ihe prixl ical back to tl Fathers lintir. If v.iv-s slr -vytU t the living. It liriii;-: p to the dy i ii r . Ituf M n;r,h ;i niy.li ry .f awe to ;u J4' K. if js :i 'yuihid iii" love iii::e f rn ri. A- 1 1-1 If ; n r t f;iil to ;r fi.ur.lly inl. ri" I every litt I ! i v. -at la luirT after truth That we may the lx ff r under tand the : uli t iirnl mure f hnriiiirMy appreciate I In- wavs f find with num. I jnipo-e ti 1 1 r tf t- t i I 1 1 r 1 - r III'' lo! low i heads: I. 'I ff sl:tr wa-i a r- al, r i i -. boiui f "i t - : tat not a ru'i t ri: t:! v mir ariili.ti i ii'atiMii tor 1 1 - : p'-rlt'.r- pur It - allowed by a n liot il i that flic M.iim. or Wi' Men. witc b ;i r rt -i 1 . i; -v vo'ihl. f her.'irirr-. niil.e i.. e of word. 4 .mm I t.:rii vi!li di.rtini trial i. ..i. Ituf iml only v re t li-y learned, tin y were a! rorio:ii rs. Ibi.ee, u I. tli''y ii r i an avtroiioiu Iral term, tli'-y umiM u . f I - apprnpri nti1 word or phrase descriptive i.f t!:o object if' rr-'. lo. Tin y ir-a- Hie vvrd "avfi r." which nn-.nis au ordinary aiid I rnia'i r. star, i.ot ot raordinary uii'l t ?: p ia ry t j Nov.. in tli" I'iM-- star i. ii-1 only in a Iwi'folii Ni-,'Mi;'.i-il ion literally or P.-urat i ' I" I'' ur-i'iv'- sense it niean. n kins or other civil ruler, an ecclesiastical Ctacher, ami perhaps an anireh It is not used in its metaphor ical (ii nst- here. Therefore it mean S. real star. Z. It was a star in motion it chimed its ositioti in the heavjns. Motion is cliaracteris'ic of all tin heavenly lodii-s: and the words ef tli sncred narrative are. "The star went before them till it cauie." When fir--t they saw the star it occupied a particular spot in the sky. Now. ho'v ecr. it has a different position. i;-t fcl.ifiw-ly !ecause of t he chant;e in tie; fu hi of uV-er vat i v, but ab-i.'uf eiy by charge f location in the heavens. No doubt tl;e motion was a movement in its orbit. This w i'.l appear more plain ly from our next proposition. It w:is a stnr that had an asto--t ice it stood at a particular point in the sky above them. The statement is very distinct: "It came and stood jer where the ytmn?; child was." 4. I; was a star that moved in an nrhit it had a perirwlie time. This i5 a most remarkable statement. We are told that Herod privately 1; arned of the Ma.Ji "what time the star a pcarcd." The marjrin of the Revised Vrsion frives tss a better, because a more correct translation of the pt-rase; it H, "The time of the star that appeared." Put the literal ren dering is "the time of the appearing f.tar." .". It nas a star that ha? a relative rsition in the sky it was in the ast. Assuming that the correct ren !erin? if "anatoie" is "in the east." then it has reference to that particu lar part of the heavens to the oast ef the observer. The observers, there tore, must have been west ef Jerusa lem. This is a point to be borne in mind, as we shall have to refer to it more particularly later on. The con clusion here arrived at is contrary to the reneraliy received opinion. As fir as 1 am aware, it is unlversally As T.ove. I 1 aw -i&mu ss r For who Is ft Fmls through the Christmas morn. The Li$ht of the whole creation? A dear little child, in a stable born. Whose love is the world's salvation. H was r-oor on earth, but He gives us all That can m.tke our life worth the livir.g; And hippy the I'hristmas Day r. call That Is 5pent. for His sake. In giving. He siow5 us th way to live: Like liirn. let us love ai d give! Lucy Larcom. the Star of and Scrvis Refuted Kepler's Hypothesis Untenable Star in the East Magian Star Were the Majji. or Wise Men. Keltic Druids? i: i! v I '. f. t i rr . I 1. S'' i' l:"y li'M that tin- M:ik wr- rMIat nr lo-ai-. In th a-t at tin- llni- tin; :tar upti-aifi fo fliin. Y t aii illli to Mi pl.iln t-rins of tin- . tatTa Tit. Mn-y nuMf liao Ihm-ii lorattil in tj w-.vf. Anatoh' rniaas II) the rl:ln of tin- heavenly lln-s from tli- horiz on; i'l) I In lawn or laj pi lav. ; tin- --1 or )riMif. Whif luv-r m an irn: n afopt I !. l-hohI-r imt:-t liave h i n - of th- htar. Tin Mar must h.ie poinfeil to or h n at .l-'i nsal' in when lust nil. i rvi-d hy the Wi e .Men. Th iei.e the 'ie .Men IIJUU have heen we! of Je? lisalein. It was a lixeil :ir not rratlr in it-i i:i'ii a.eiiis. The terai "star" v.a -. tl ei hy the Wise Men. !i;t liiev uere ? iiUeI a f rorioine rs Mi'l l.iiew he ililli T'liee helwicli a stir, a pl::tl i t. a c ornet or a nieN-or. tor all of ivhir-h titer; w re ili-tint aaiiK-s. Hein e pianei -oiiiet. aseiior are rni' '! out l.v the word alir (slarl. Aid hi ree we oni ln.le tliaf t!i" Star in llv l.'asl a tixe.'l :-t:ir. V. It wj ; a star in the si -.H I'i ecs of the .o.liac the .Vivn of .:ne,. This is a't i'noi'taiit lailor. Aiaont' 1h aiiie:sfs lliere wa ; a pail of the h'-av-ea.; filletl Ihe .oiJiae. It v. as a hilt i iicilciMi. Ihe herivi n.; on ;- '.i shle of 111 eeliptie. or apparent patii :f the sn:i anions the stars, v. ilhin which Ihe larger plai.it''. alway-; rai:.iii. II I . : t i i c I to ei.ht ie;; ree.-; oil either ii!n of I Ik t lipfie. It was u:hh il info twelve part.' -alle. Ihe SU'IiH of th" oilia-. The iif:'erei:t i-onnf ris of ihe iartli uei'.- i I v i ! . I amoriK ho fwelv sinus. si-.'.n p;-ee-;. I ! lil.e ail other .lilih-a hel-tiil'.e'l to tlie t twellth. The M.iU'i. :tsi rol -,i i"'! or :i' tron- 1 oiner--'. helieveil ie that ilivision. io far we have traced some of the necessary conditions or the star. Dct us now try and discover the star that t'.illlls these conditions. In doing so we shall briefly discuss the different theories put forth and held by differ ent iHople. some of them men of great eminence in their own particu lar sphere. We shall also show the untenabb-ness of the different hypoth esis. I The star was not an angel. No less a father of the church than The ophylacf held this view. He believed it v as an angelic apparition. No doubt angels were sent on messages from Heaven to men, and tlie Angel Gabriel was nsrd in the Annunciation. Hut the an srelic vision would disappear xv it ii the accomplishment of the ob ject. Not so the str.r: it remained. II The star wa not a meteor. This view has ben largely held. It is assert il that some kind of meteoric phenomenon would best meet the ne cessities of the case. Hut any meteor drawn to the earth would either be consumed by the atmospheric friction or ele would fall to the ground ami become extinguished. Its appearance would be almost momentary. III The star was not a comet. One of the greatest fathers of the church, Oregen, held thi.T view. Hut not all the weight of Oregon's great scholar ship could obtain credence for such a belief. Just recently this theory of a comet has been revived, unconscious ly, however, that Oregon was the father of it. Prof. David Forbes in Kngland and Prof. Serviss in America both claimed to have identified the Star of Hethlohem with Halley's com et. At the time I refuted the theory in an article that appeared in the Chica go livening Post, April 11. 1903. IV The star was not a conjunction of planets. This is the most feasible a well a fascinating theory. It is that of the groat astronomer, Kepler, lie calculated that there was a con- A Christmas Oh. rhristrr.as is comir? ayain. j-nu sav And yen lonp for the thir.ps it is briim-inir-I i: the costii. si SIft may nut pl.idden tut day. -Nor i!p on ih mt-rrv bells ripping Pon-.e Kitting is losing-, you undprstanU. tvr::e ho:iro.r.g is far from saving; w nat van kdhI in year r.ar.d mav sKp 'Ihem is fomithinc better 'ban havirir r- rie::-r hT Wliat we give, Ar.i only by Kiviag we live. Your last year's present nro scattered and Yuu have almost forgotten who (cave theai; P.ut t!.e lovinj; thought you bestow live on long as you choose to have them. love i. your ri hes. though ever so poor -N o money can Duy mat tre.isure: Yours aiwys. from robber and rust secure, Vour own. without stint or measure; It is only love that can give; It is only by loving we live. "' :'"' AitfTl' . ii I'ln.i -ii h.ilM'.'e. jtiTi lloii of Mars a:i'l Jupiter on t!i asf.at of !. "" in the year tf Homo 717. Ne year Sat tun joiner! Mars Hint .hipitvr. ami ac-ortiiiiK to I) an Al fonl. the emiiii iii eommeiitator, th Ii:ht of the three planets hlentled ami appeared to the helioirl-T a-? Olie lif.',l:t. What a heatitiful ilinsti at ion of Trin ity in I'nity tii hr.hts of Ihrcc jlan ets hleti-!,-l into one !i!,t: Iileh rroii !i i Ii Kejtler's r alca iat ion a:-, to tin; eor.jiiiu t Ion of llie p!:iiiex. Vios'-r, v. !m foliowerl. mal es the (nil juiK tiou iii A. I'. T.'.n. the year i the Na tivity now at: reei I upon hy the learned. It is reniarhahlr- too that th- coiijaaf ij tli of the plum-M took ilace in the si-::" iisr-s. the Siii of .liid'-a. This thfory Is also free from thr- ohject ion.s aho c rt lr-rrer to. lint heanfifiil a is t h l!i ory. Hihli :il i-omlit Ions r-oii!(.eI ns to yr-jeft it. (hr;-t"s liirth tool; jilar e. at'cui rl s ri to St. Paul, in "the fulness of time." Thi.: I'iiliMs.; of time is an a -I rn;;rji:i i--al ex pi ''.-': ion iiK-aalaK thr- eomiile tirin of a cyi'l'-. or the revolution of a : phere in its nrhit. That i-ycle, or I evoh'.t ion. oflllpied t l:i)i!1 amis of years in its eomplft ion. As we liave seen, the Star of pet hh lie!:i hat! a P' t io'lir- liiiii', v.ha-ii inu.-'.t n r r-s.arily have eolt'e-poritied with "the 1'ilIIneSS of time." ;ut the jieiio-lic limes of M.'irs. .Iiipitcr. Saturn ar all Known a:id an: of short duration. Kvcn if vvf ajijily the periodic tii:o to ihe enn-jiiii-t ions of the planets the objection :till hohis Kood. The til.:cs or tho -on jiiin tions are Known ami are com paratively short. So that attractive as is tlie theoiy of Kepler, .vc must liimiss it. and looU eisewhr-r". There is o-.r! star which fulfils all the conditions, (a) It was in an espe cial sense the Magi's star, (b) It has a periodic time, (c) Its revolution is of indefinite length, (d) It was in the sign Pisces at the birth of our Lord, (e) I believe we can find a peculiar ity by which it could be called "His Star." That, star was Sirius. the brightest iu the firmament of heaven. Hefore we can arrive at our final conclusion it is necessary to learn something about the Wise Men, or Magi. Who were the .Magi? Where did they come from? Tho etymology of the word Magi is Involved in much doubt. It is gener ally supposed to be primarily a Per sian word, but the Persian is only a form of the original. Our word Magus, of which Magi is the plural, is but the Latin rendering of the Greek Magos, the Persian of which is probably Maz. Maz is cognate to Maj in Major, Mag in Magnus and Meg in Megas (Raw linson). "It is an intensitive and means much or all." In Ahura-Maz-cla. Persian name for God, it means the all wise or all powerful. The Irish word Druid moans wisdom or Magian. It is worthy of record that the Irish Scriptures render "there came wise men from the east" by "there came Druids from the east." The Irish words are: "Draioch o naird shoir go Hierusalem." which shows the Irish belief that the Druids were Magians. It is a matter of history that part of the Gaels or Irish in the westward movement of the race returned by the valley of the Danube and settled in Asia Minor. They prefixed their own name to Asia, and called their abode Gael-Asia, or Galatia, as it came to be spelled. Whether the Druids or Magi to whom the Star of Bethlehem appeared were residents of Ireland, Scythia, or Galatia is immaterial,, for they were all the same Gaelic race. Having, as I hope, made it clear that it was to Thought ro:n vour hi - gone; . mw x A ethlehem the Caelic priests or Druids that th .' tar of Prthlihem uppurd. l t us l-o hacli to primitive times, when Man ism was incorporate i with Zna:;t-r-ism. peKirles Ahura Maztla there were the Anii sha Sp utas. or "the Immor tal Holy Ones." Tin re was a third class lower than tin- Aim-sha Spontas. Aiiion this class were Mithra and Tislrya. Mithra was the spirit of lir.bt. or the sun. Tistrya was the sDirit of the brightest si.ir in tho firmanieut. or Sirius. Pit imatcly Milhra In came associated with Ahura Ala:'.tla anil placed almost on an equal ity with him. So we may exclude Milhra from our calculations. Tis trya. next to the Divinity, hr cam' the ohject of the Mat'i's reverent o. Si:'i"s was his star, ami thus became to tho MavM "the star." Palaam. the Kali-Map, Chief Mu.v.ian. or Arch Druid of his time, was a prophet liko larbrmel of the Caels. In his jirophccy, which st:!l livs, he ut tered, under the inspiration of Jeho vah, "The star s.iali come oul of Ja cob." Siii.is was "trie star" to all the Marians. The stars symbolied hiir-' or rulers. lie whom Sirius symbol ized, therefore, would bo .'realCi.t of all kiiis. If we could crtnnect Sirius in any way with Jacob at the time of the Nativity there could be ao question as to ihe star of Ucthlohcrn. And we tan tlo it. The twelfth sin of tie Zodiac was Pisces. And Pisces was the Si;rn of Palestine, or Jacob, or land of Judca. That part of the heavens- known as Pisces presented a most remarkable Fpoctaole at the tine of the Nativity. There the Fj.Ieiidor of the heavens appeared to culminate. The suu seemed to shine with a deeper effulgence. Meteors, precur sors of some mighty event, flashed athwart the sky. Comets shot frcm cut the darkness of space and illumi nated the sign with their fiery flow. Mars and Jupiter and Saturn halted in their orbits to focus their lights into one mighty blaze in Pisces. And wondrous sight! The star the Ma gians' Star his star Siring ' enters Pisces, and is now in Jacob! This wondrous event occurred in B. C. .". The heliacal rising of Sirius tool: place on tr.c same nay in lour successive years, the fifth, fourth, third and second Ii. C. There is some thing most remarkable about this heliacal rising. It is on the same day. But sameness is unity. It thus sym bolizes the Unity of the Deity. Then, assuming that B. C 4 is the correct year of the Nativity, which scholars assert, there was one year before the birth and three after it. In the sym bolisra of numbers one is Unity and three Trinit3 But the one year be fore birth signified the past revela tion of God, or unity of the Deity. The three years after the birth symbol ized the new revelation, the Trinity of Persons. Lastly unity and trinity 'one year -f- three years) equal the complete and perfect number Tour, the years that Sirius may be said to have remained in Pisces. This symbolism occurs with the rising of Sirius. which signified the rising of the Light of the World. It was as if, whilst heaven's arches rang with the angels' loud ac claim, Sirius flashed through space; "Arise! Shine! For thy light i? come!" Ravenswood, Chicago, Feast of the Nativity, 19u3. Copyright. 1S03. by F. P. Duffy. The World's Rejoicings. This is the season of the year when the world shakes hands. The Spirit of Christmas permeates everything, ennobling the meanest among us. throwing its powerful rays into the dark corners of the heart and drag ging down for a few days from their high estate greed and commercialism and all uncharitabloness. It touches ail the earth, and what it touches it transforms. What a pity it is that the spirit of Christmas does not la.st the whole year through. There is a hush of music on the ai The white-winged fairies falitri.-ig Every where, And here and there, Made by a sudden mingling as thev fa!' There comes a softer lullabv thari ail " Swept in upon the universal prayer. ' Scrooge is still alive, but nobody pays any attention to him nowadays except to laugh in a good-natured way at what he says and wish him hap pier thoughts. The few of his kind that are left are apt to refer to the mystical time between the I'uth of December and the 2d of January as "demoralization." They don t kno what they are missing. ADMIRAL SCHLEY ENDORSES PERUNA. Peru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen: "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Peru-na and I believe with good effect.99 W. S. SCHLEY. Washington. D. C. A DMIRAL SCHLEY, one of the foremost notable heroes of the Nineteenth Century. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of stead' nerve, clear head, undaunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recently, his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slight est hesitation he iive this remedy his en dorsement. It appeared on later conversa tion that rerun a has been used in his family, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so j;reat and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other reason for t;ivinj his endorsement to Peiuna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says it is. The fact is that Peruna has overcome all Ask Your Druggist for free Peruna The best men an for the best ment. Jways looking The babyless go- : vopue. not yet In Th-wcll c:irncd !V.utiit i:i and inr-n :i--ing iHiiuhirily of the Livvis' Single Hinder.'' straight " ig:o'. is due In the maintained h'gh UaliLy and i'pj.i t r ial ion of the smoker. Lewis' ,'t t(-iy, Peoria, 111. A young man lately attended a par ty, and on his i el urn home complained to his father that a girl sat on his lap. Sensible Housekeepers will havo Definance Starch, rot nlone because they net one-third more for the same money, but also because of superior quality. The toasls nt. a banquet often make it a case of "siulf and n.inaeuse." A full dross suit is especially full on a tipsy fat mar.. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Stan-h i.i fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they cannot sell any other starch. Too r.'any hi.li brills will h ad you to the "three The .:; de:-:t thing in Kfo is to hr.ve nothing to live !,;. Any one cr.n dye with Pl'TNAM FADKI.l'SS DYES; no exp riencc re quired. Debt is the hangman's no:so around prosperity. Beauty is skin deep, and few have thick skins. To Cure a Coltl i" One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quir.ino Tablets. All druggists refuu-1 money if it fails toc ure.-Oc. Making Glass. The art of making glass was intro duced into Japan about one hundred and fifty years ago hy a Hollander, who settled at Osaka. For several generations the knowledge of the pro cess was confined to a single family, and it was net until about 1S7C that the general employment of coal, in stead of charcoal., and the construc tion of brick chimneys enabled the manufacturers to introduce improve- ments which placed the industry on j a substantial basis. Osaka has eonnn- j ued to be the center of the industry, j and now manufactures for export, be sides supplying the home demand. j An Electric Printing Apparatus. Berlin will soon have an electric distance printing apparatus as an ad junct to the telephone. Through the contract with the postofhee depart ment, of which the telegraph and tele phone system is a part, the Ferndruck er company is able to establish a special service for subscribers in Ber lin and its suburbs, who can exchange communications in printed type by way of the main i olograph office. The apparatus is similar to a typewriting machine. After connection is made, communication can be had by simply manipulating the machine like a type writer; even if the addressee be ab sent, the printing is done as if some one weer at the instrument. Well Remembered. Valley City, X. Dak., Dec. 14. Two "years ago Mrs. Matilda M. Boucher of this place suffered a great deal with a dizziness in her head. She was cured of this by a remedy called Dodd's Kid ney Pills, and has not been troubled since. Shortly afterwards she had a had bilious attack, and for this she used Diamond Dinner Pills and was com pletely cured in a hort time. In January. 1903, she had an attack of Sciatica, of which she says: "I was almost helpless with the Sci atica, but remembering what Dodd's Kidney Pills and Diamond Dinner Pills had done for me before.. I commenced a treatment of these medicines and In Three weeks I v.-as completely restored to health. I have great faith in these medicines, for they have been of so much benefit to me." Dodd's Kidney Pills are very popular in Bornc-s County, having made a great many splendid cures of Sciatica, Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles. Many families use no other medicine. ing unpopular that it is a wonder the average man has any friends at all. "Worlds Talr." A St. Loui3 World's Fair Informa tion Bureau has been established at 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb., in charge of Harry E. Moores. where all information will be cheerfully fur nished free of charge. Piecework the pie man's. mm mm .t.oaonar,. 41tH ft "?JEW Loaded Black Powder Shcl!s shoot stronger than any other black powder they are loaded more carefully and made more scientifically. Try them. They are m9T-m rm - m tm i m i-jr arr rr m it a m ii"v wr?. Telling a girl shr has a heart of stone is not equivrleiit to culling her a "i-eacb." Don't you linriw that Oelj'inoc Starch, br-sio.es being sib.-'dul'-iy sup' i inr Oi any riihr r, i.; put up l'i f.tw'-; in p;ici:::ve ;,;il ;r i!s at s:w i" price as lll-oui'.c- )' '1 a .-'. ". of otlir-r 1 .'! '.' Viiii can"? ;:. r. ;:u i T -r 1 ol'ti ()!t."e a v.'r-ei; v. itii:;Ut scj-a: veneering. - th-in i : his Ilii'iculr' torn down r.ore (1.;lh it has r r buiit. Use tho bct.. ThaCf why tliry buy itrvl Cros.-i iJall illuu. At lo:t:iii:,'j;ro"er.J, :"r;cuUs, You cannot carry a crooked rub along thr; straight road. He became the Man of Sorrows for the sorrows of men. Storekeepers report that the extra quantity, together with the superior quality of Delia nee Starch, makes it. next to impossible to sell ;my oihor brand. Thr- peTponiine dancer rlr;r-sii't cart! to "see snakes." '"Don't feel flatterer! that I laugh at your jokes," said au Atchison man to a joker. "I laugh because I am goo" naturi d.'' Feet Comfortable Ever Sine. 'T suffered for vea rs wit h m v fr-r-t. A friend re.-r.imnonded AI.I.KN'S FOO'I -KASl :. I used t wo boxes of the powder, and my foot have been cnlirelv comfortable over sinr-e. ALhKN'S FOOT-EASE is certair.ly a god send to mo. V.'m. E. SworinstedtAVashiiig t&n, D. C' Sold by all Druggists, 5c. Tho let'er carrier is not expected t t (iie at hi3 post. 50,000 AMERICANS WERE WELCOMED TO OWED TO Western Canada DURING LAST YEAR. Tl:e ar settled and f ettling on tiii Cnlr. r.d Crazies I.andd. and are j.rosperou1 uiCil. Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said : "A new s(r !is risen on the horion. and it is toward it tlitt every imrr.! trint who leaves the lind uf Iii-- an' e -tor to come and &eek a home for hin'.seif now tuins bis eaze" Canada. There is Room for Millions. -KKK Huuiettt -ad4 ffiven away. Srlirx:, C. luirclif, KullM'ayH, Markets, C'll.mU-. ecryHiii)j lo bo d-slrert. Fcr a detrriptive Atlas and other information, apply to Si:perintei.dent immigration. Onawa. Caij ada. or tuihorized knad:an 'overnmei.t Aktii -'.V. . fcenntll. mil New Voik t.:io iluiiJ.i.g. Omaha, Neb. OAPSlCLJfJ VASELIHE (ITT VP IV r.jr LAPflLl! Tritr.- I A substit Jte lor a.'-.i s;;iei ior to m j tard or r;T cthf r pla ter, and v.-iil not blister the most deiirr.te f.kin. The r.n-aii:yins ar.: c :ra::ve f;-jsltt:es cf this Driirie are wonderl';!. It will stop the toothache at onre. ana i'-):eve he.i j irlie sr. J sciatfa. We reco;nr..t rid it s t he he t nd safest estrnal co:nter-ii niiit 1-r.v. n. a;o s an external ietn-ciy tor r---i.i3 itj the client and btomarh end all rhe'iTintir. nm ;,:.d Koi'ty rornr l:ir.ti. A trial t.i!1 r rv- e wrta: we claim for ar.d it will h". f.i-rd t be ir-. ah:- t able in the h' uieiiol i. Ma-iv r-r-T.'t --;y " it the beft cf a!l your preijara-.'.v -. ' 1'rjra 15 rents, at all dr-:gii t c r tj-.'..-: r.iA'-v . cr L y sendir.c th s amount to u"! i.n ;"-si. iimt we will Eerd you a tube bv tnail. No nr,.:c!T hould be acceiued by the o i! ic unl-'s the same carried cur label, as otherwise i t i ::oi ifcnuiuc CHESEBKOl Grl MFG. CO.. li State htrect. .New Vcrk C:tt, THRIFTY FARMERS are tnvltei to settle In tlie nfare of Nfarjr;nd. wheie they wl.l find udeltxiirful and healthy r.ltnate. firt market f'r t heir r-rod Jcti and plen'y of land at r-a-n!j'e prlr-e. NIp a".d crM-ri(it!ve ptup:i leu w;:i be eni f rr o-i i r1 l' "on vt H. BADENHOOP, Sec'j State Board of Immiaraticn. BALTIMORE. MO. B EGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. lill i opposition and has won its way t the lie.utr. of the people. The na'.ural tiv.idily which so manv people have felt about eivin en dorsements to any icmedy i : ivini way. Gratitude and a desiie to he!;. 1 1 1 r ; h.is inspired thousands of people t . public testimonials for Peruna who hei ! '.oie would not have consented to such pubh ! y. Never before in the ann.ihol m-di ine has it happened that so many men oi nation.. I and international reputation have been will ing to j,ive unqualified and pubic tndoise ments to a proprietary r mrdy. N amomii of advertising could hac aicon.j iished su li a result. Peruna has won on its own iim mIs. Peruna cures catarrh oi whale,' r ph.ee or location in the human body. 1 t at is why l receives so many notable and I'.niqii' ci in dorsements. Address The Pcnma MT.Co.. Co lumbus. Ohio, ior free ht :ature on .-.ilatili. Almanac for 190 1. RIVAL I and reload better ... ' iMi:.iL r WHEM ?! SoD VERYPMRE. ! Smokeless Powder fm HITRO CLUB f-fi fel ARROW SHOT SHELLS it 6 wm mm r e w 1 n n i d e; inc iiij.snooi. rTi'A ingtournaraer.ts. v'Ay T . 1J .... P.l?V. mm i.oar:ca w;;,i b - a j i stanoara J.rr.oltlfSS Specify U. Unloa Metallic Cartridge Cu. BrUipor!, Cf.rr. 'juatamm imm iriftinKji .iiifiiwr i man nt'.. . at -WW 1. , WW PA1NMNQUISH J V m i e r it xr rv wm in r AMiHaitHiwir j ANBELTHOH: mm mm LViRyviiij.;:. k' cal. C I . iii mm 1 1 rj. , A J . ,. , . . i I ,,y . , I,. . I I iria' e 1 r -t ji'i; . i.tj it( ri4in I I Cf CT r'd a.jirr'np iv :. t ii.om: Irl.'ii.li ' I Ulru rr- , i r ;.!! In PPPP J. C. RICKEY 4 CO. 1 'i i,.i.t lT.I'mr,i "eel-Thctnpson Eye Watt, V. X. U., Omaha. No. SI H'lX When Answerlr-g Ad vertitemento Kir.dly Mention Th1: Paoer. Hi . tUfitJi Wrhtttt Ail tLnAu.S Mi ll't louiii ejrru(. Tau- t'(i. Vi In tin H.:i hv rln ivv. It