( MS! MEW Cut Glass, Fancy Im ported China, Novelties Dolls,Toys, Albums, Purses, Pocket Books, Toilet Cases, Musical Goods, Graphophones. Murph y I & murphy v I" I 4 !' if t I V ) I '.i V! J 3 4 ) I i 1 .v A -1 A-A- A .'-'A In Full Blast. ; is the Gnat Closing Out Sale at the Store of Solomon t: Nathan. .; We are Ideally Going to Quit! The riKist skeptical have Imi-ii convinced that we an going touit . Ix-st f merchandise In-iog sold at, first mst, and in many instances, at less, in vi-ry heart of I In- s-;imhi, is the argument I hat does the work. v,iii' wliilc Hit-M li rtions ar-nmI. We earnestly advise you in.t to I I . i y . One lot Min t Wnrli lilrH. w i .r h fr. .in nil ift ;it. taili ! ! .r. lU.v's WirW Shirr-, uii tn. lll;ir. siimI nil mnil QC ii- lr. ( lit lilri n's I'mli rvti :ir. Iih IimI I icr nil w. .1. wort h u to . I O fn IQr. (Ttriin nt. all i :t. u:riiifiit. I W IU 131 rlnldlnnl A 1 1 t .. M.n's i . r.-..:ils. "UM,1'3' w..rll. .p..i -i;i :,, $4.90 $5.90 M-r's l."i.il :iml flii.mi SiiIIn 1 iro ;it '. ! It. y s 7.mi I n i ri-oai ,. :it. I .'.. nl ii.'m. :iml M n'-i l' ii ;tml -;.im suti-.. K ;it t-t 'm to We are Going to Quit! $8.75 $3.85 Boy's Long Pants Suits! $3.85 10c for MUm s mill ortl 39c We are Going to Quit! A;V-s II to V. worth iliU', f : '. mill l:rl's Thr :il. I smol-v for inn ci-Kit u.t.. IUU JlICCl iUl.a ,,,,, worth I to Z.,i i :i' li. must v'o. :it .5 ilSolomon & Nathan, Plattsmouth, Nc-hrask'a. ;We are Going to Quit! V- J at f v 1 W i- LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Marshall, diMitist, Fit j,'p raid block. Smokr th Wurl IJros.' celebrated '(Jut I foil" cigars. .1. M. Voiinir went tc Carroll, Neb., Monday to visit bis father, who is re ported quite ill. A full line of lUair's famous writ inn tablets at (Jerinn Co 's. From ." to cents. A new tfirl ftaby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. MeCol, Thursday, IVceinlter :;, 1 !).'. I f you are a judi'e of a irood smoke, try the "Aeorns" " cent citfar and you will smoke no other. Hon. William Ieles hernior. the Klmwood attorney, was in the city on court business Friday. I-'or Uase Hurners, Organs. Furni ture, ('tM)kini: Stoves of all kinds. ro to the- new and second-hand store, I'meck building. W. J. Crosse r and wife, of Murray, were here to witness "Lost Iliver,"'at the Farmele last niht. Mr. ('rosser is now enaed in the livery business at Murray. Commissioners Falter and Manning are attending the meetinr of county commissioners of Nebraska at J rand Island this week. The meeting con vened Tuesday, to continue three days. I... J. Maytield, ot the Courier, was down from Louisville Monday on busi ness, but found time to let the lk'htof his genial countenance tieam in upon the Jimrnal ollice a few moments. Come often, Lee. A teleu'ram was received in this city l ist Thursday from Dcnverstated that John Hurley, a former employe of the I'.. t M. shops here, had met with an accident there resulting In the loss or one of his eyes. His wife and mother immediately departed for that city. Superintendent 1 louse, Mrs. II. K. Snyder. Mises Louise Smith and May Kurd. V. N. Faird and ('. L Farley were amonr those who went from here to Omaha last Thursday niIit to hear James Whitcombe Ililey, and were biirhly delighted with his recitations. "(Jut Heil," the favorite clar. Window Cilass,all sizes, (leriii,' & C. '2, 3t, and 'A.', gallon suar kettles at John I Saucr's. MEL-ROSE Cream 25c.for chapped hands. (!erin; Sc Co. MEL-ROSE Cream 25c, for chap ped hands, (ieriri; &, Co. (Jeo. Everett, of Union, was a coun ty seat visitor hist Thursday. It is a saving of nearly '1 per cent, to buy your stationery of (Jerin & Co. W. II. Heil passed through the city en route of (Hen wood, Iowa, last Thursday on business connected with tine stock. W. II. Fetts, jr., one of the rock ribU'd yount; democrats of Avoca, was in the city Tuesday on business, and left a dollar for the Journal. II. M. Flumer, of II(K:hester, N. Y., treasurer of the water company, who was here several days last week on business connected with the company, departed for his home Thursday last. A. 15. Todd has lieen conlined to his home the past ten days on account of an injury to one of his knees, which he received by falling on the depot plat form, at Klsworth, Neb, while wait ing for a train. Our younu friend (J. K. Ferrer wasa caller at these headquarters last even ing, and we were pleased to note that he has alout recovered from the injur ies recently received from being thrown from his buggy while returning home from this cit Fercy Agnew departed last Monday morning for Arizona, where he w ill re main for some time in the hope of re gaining his health. Fercy was in ex cellent spirits when he left, and the Journal trusts his every hope will be realized. He was accompanied by a nurse and his uncle, C. C. Farmele and little son. Our young friend, James Manners, of Murray, and one of the II. F. D. carriers out of that village, has inter ested himself considerably in the cir culation of the Journal recently. He has sent several new subscribers since last Saturday, and promises sev eral more. These are the kind of friends that a newspaper appreciates. JL Farmers please take notice! We make all our candies, and have the very lest line in the city. (live us your Christmas trade and you will be sure to get the purest candies made, at a price fully as low as they ask for old and inferior goods. We have some very line boxes of Christmas candies. Our 10c mixed candies are letter than those ordinarily sold for 15c per pound. AH kinds of nuts, fruit and tree orna ments. II e male speciat rates to church and school parties. Nemetx Sc CANDY-MAKERS, Next Door to P. O. Plattsmouth, Neb. District court adjourned Tuesday until Monday, January 4. m County Clerk Tyson is attending the state meeting of county commission ers at (irand Island this week. A marriage license was issued Satur day to Clyde W. Foyles, aged twenty one, and M iss U i ti ude. Frolich, aged nineteen, loth of Alvo. The monthly report of Warden Fer iner shows that Oscar Kledge, sent up from this county for fine year, was recently released from the peniten tiary. A glass or two of water taken half an hour lefore breakfast will usually keep the lxwels regular. Harsh ca thartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They arc miid and gentle in their ac tion. For sale by all druggists. Among the prizewinners in the Om aha F.ee's misspelled word contest are the following Flattsmouth people: Ol ive raves, Mrs. J. K. Nemetz, Olive II. Twitchell, Mrs. W. J. Floral, Mrs. J. 1. Johnson and Mrs. II. It. Lcssel. The two lirst named received state maps, and the others art pictures. Coon F. Vallery one of the Journal's reliable patrons, while in the city Tues day called and made himself square on our Iooks and one year ahead. Mr. Vallery lives on the old Uncle Jacob Vallery farm, where he and his excel lent wife have the care of the old gen tleman, who is now nearly ninety years old, and is in very feeble health. The old gentleman is one of the pion eers of Cass county, coming here from Ohio in a very early day, and in his early manhood was considered one of tlu; most prominent politicians in Southeast Nebraska. He was always a democrat, and at times complains now because he is unable to take part in the campaigns. He is now so old that he is childish, and consequently a great charge upon the son and wife. Isaac Follard was here from Nehaw- ka on business Saturday. MEL-ROSE Cream for chapped hands, 2.rc. CJering & Co. David C. West, of Nehawka, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Oilice with Dr. E. D. Cummins. A faded out, care-worn woman of 40 with a spruce up-to-date husband should take Itocky Mountain Tea. llrings back the youthful, girlish beau ty. Keeps the old man from going to the lodge. 3. cents. Gering & Co. J. T. Forter and wife, of near Mur ray, were in the city Monday doing some trading with our merchants. Mr. Forter called at the Journal ofllce a few moments, and reported that all the farmers in his neighborhood were through shucking corn. W. I. Cook and Louis Curtiss have formed a partnership in the barber business, and can be found during working hours under the Cass County Hank. Hill, you all know, isoneof the best barbers in the city, and, by the way. young Curtiss is no slouch. Low Bates for tbt Hdldtys. On December 24, 25, 31 and January 1 the Burlington will sell tickets to points within 200 miles at greatly re duced rates. Return limit January 4, 11)04. For particulars ask the agent-3 Jewel Base Burner's at John Bauer's Claus shears and razors at John Bauer's. Our readers will be compelled to bear with the crowded condition of our col umns with holiday advertising. He member "Christmas comes but once a year." It warms the heart like sunshine cheers the soul like ancient wine, gives hopes for the future, blots out the past. That's what Kocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents. Gering & Co. Mrs. J. Benson, 210, So. 16th, Omaha. Our store is full to overflowing with useful and pretty goods suitable for Christmas presents. Special cut prices in children's cloaks. Wool coats $1.87 up. Children's bonnets, hoods and caps. JMocha gloves for street ana driving $1, $1.50; silk lined, $1.50 and $2. Ferrin's dressed kid gloves, new shades, $1, $1.50, $1 75, $2.00. Undressed black and colors, $1.50 and $2. Our art needle work department is full of pretty goods for Xmas presents. R. P. C. Club. The R. I. C. Club, composed of the younger set of young men of this city gave their Initiatory ball at Coatcs hall last Thursday night. About thir ty couples were present, and the event proved a most enjoyable one. The music was furnished by Will Butler Carl Ebinger and Edwin Frlcke presi ded at the punch bowl. It Is reported by one who was there that older and more experienced society people could not have managed an atfair of this character more successfully. This was tlmplj a tttrter of a series of such en tertainments that will be given by the R. P. C. Club during the w inter season Removal of Perry's Restaurant. On and after next Monday the pat rons of Ferry Utterback will rind him In the Martin building, in the center block, on the north side of Main street, between Fourth and Fifth street, and nearly opposite his old location. The new quarters have been thoroughly renovated and arranged to Mr. Utter back's notion, and he will be better pre pared than ever to accommodate all who call. Don't forget the place when you want a good square meal, oyster stew, hot or cold lunch. Perry has treated you first-class in the past and will continue to do so in the future. E. G. Dovey 6k Son. E 5 Cl o: o We nro here with the warm goods at way clown prices. Forest Mills Underwear. We are sole agents for this town. The best Ladies' and Children's 25 cent garments in the county just the same as you 35cts clsewhero. Home-made Comfortables, Calico : $2 00 Home-made Comfortables, Silkaline 2 50 Outing Flannel 5 and 9c 66(Tueer FURS. FURS! Wo handle the Celebrated "An nis" brand. We buy direct from them. Fur Scarfs $1.25 to $25.00 ButtericH Patterns "The Old Reliable." Get the Xmas Number of 75e Delineator. SHOES! Fall and Winter Styles now Complete. The $3.00 Ladies shoe in the world. Our line of school shoes can't be beat. Tablets or Pocket Knives FRED with every pair. Do you smoke "Buds?" Well, buy them at Gering & Cos. We have many beautiful, tasty and dainty Christmas presents. Gering & Co. Some people who are alwaysso anx ous to do fometbing for the poor, and are not really able to do so, should re member that "charity begins at home" in manv instances. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seitz, of De troit, Mich , says: "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleas ant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." There are people in this community who need just such a med icine. For sale by all druggists. Ancnt the recent interview with John Philip Sousa, the March King of Sousa's ideas that musical education was expanding in this country, and that ere long some grand opera would be written by an American, while criticized severely, at the outset, it certainly bears the ear-marks of truth, for with such notable competitors as Victor Herbert, De Koven and Wil lard Spenser, it is not unreasonable to anticipate such a resuit. WTillard Spenser, the best known of the trio his "Little Tycoon," "Princess Bon nie," and "Miss Bob White" all hav ing had long, successful runs, the lat ter, by the way, is booked for early presentation here. MEL-ROSE Cream 25c,for chapped hands. Gering & Co. Colloids (25) cure a cold in one day or money refunded. Gering & Co. John Knabe, of Nehawka, had busi ness with the county court Monday. Our friend, D. J. Pittman, one of the best men in Cass county, was up from Murray Monday. Makes assimilation perfect, healthy blood, firm muscles, strong nerves. Quickens the brain, makes and keeps you well. Great Medicine, Rocky Mountain Tea. Gering & Co. Daylight Theft. The cheekiest theft we have heard of recently occurred in this city yester day, and in broad daylight, too. Mr. M. Kline and son started out for a load of bay, and thought to take their guns with them to kill some rabbits. They had to pass through town, and the young man's gun needing some repairs they hitched their team to a telephone pole, almost directly in front of the Journal office, leaving the stolen gun on the wagon while they proceeded to have the other repaired. When they returned to the wagon the gun was gone. No one saw who took it, and as it was about half-past nine in the fore noon, and numerous people passing along street, the mystery is who's got the gun? It is a fine Remington shot gun, for which Mr. Kline paid $32,00 only one year ago. Mr. Kline removed here from Illinois one month ago, and the son arrived only last Tuesday. John Adams, of Murdock was a county seat visitor Monday. Jerry Treat of Weeping Water wasa a Plattsmouth visitor Friday. Come in and examine the new line of Wall Papers at Gering & Co's. FANCY AND STAPLE.. GROCERIES! 1 1 c ur rnul I ALSO A FANCY LINK OF- Ha vela nd China; Lamps for the Holiday and ('.ill Trade. In our DKY GOODS DKPAUTM KNT wo !..,; many NFAY FALL and WINTFK STYLFS. Highest Market Price Paid for P.LTTF.U ami FGUS. L. B. EGENBER6ER. J5he CAHEFUL MAN is Always Well Attaired. The careful man sees to it, that we do li is tailoring, for we are careful of the caret u I man. Ask any business man as to the impression good clolhi-s make. Ask any business in Omaha as to the impression our tailoring makes. rail styles now ready. Suits $20 to $40 Trousers $6 to $10 DUESHER. htm '.. v 1 11 - U2 V OPEN EVENINGS. l':irii:ini SI.. OMAHA. Ni-.IS. mY.'V' Enterprise sausage grinders and stuffers at John Bauer's. A complete line of imported enamel ed ware at John Bauer. MEL-ROSE Cream 25c, for chap ped hands. Gering & Co. Galvanivcd iron and east tank heat ers at lowest prices at John Bauer's. A S. Will shipped in t wocar-loadsof horses and mares last Saturday and drove them to his farm. They area fine lot of horses, and are for sale or trade for good small animals for tlfe southern market. Woman's Club Meeting. The Woman's club will meet with Mrs. D. S. Guild, Saturday at '!:'.') p. in. Mrs. Rhoda Rouse, leader ofhistory de partment. Followin istbe program: Song. Roll call Old sayings, and their authors. Reading Circle The Old Dominion in colonial days. Paper America's Old Masters by MissTrility. Paper "American Art." (This pa per was read by Mrs. Hall, President Lincoln Woman's Club, at the State federation at Fremont. ) Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives imme diate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflamma tion, heals and soothes and cures per manently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tis sues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c All tfrafffUU. Want your mouatmebe or beard a bMUlilul brown or rich black? Then ue BUCKINGHAM'S DYEvvh&er, Hen. o Dwwi. o . P. w.n a Co.. n.n. Santa Claus Crippled. Old Santa Claus reports for month of December very poor sleighing, and in a special to Mauzy & Murphy be says bis bicycle is in poor gear, and bi.s automobile needs a little repairing, consequently he will be unable to make lattsmouth this year, and sends a arge consignment of choicest Christ mas goods to their popular store. They are for both old and young, from the simplist toy to the handsome import ed cut glass and china ware. Remem ber they are being placed on sale every day, and the early shopper gets the choice. Don't forget, it's Mauzy & Murphy, and they will treat you ritfht. t0v6r Gaiters j 25c to I $1.00. ( Leggms ( 50c j to l $1.75. I.:nli's' I C in - l,i"'ins ... Tlii-'i. Mlss.V .... Child's - Men's f.'uvrrl, h'.y's " .... ;o I on '.m 7i 7't 'M f""Vi- h.'ivfth': l. t-V'in f-,r Voiillis I liiit Isloni? -iimiij.'Ii i j,rti-'-t tin' kn-: 7i SHERWOOD & SON. A frightened Horse. liuutiiiig like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every flay occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reli'i'ole s;ilv; handy, and there's none usood as Kiicideri's A rnica Salve. Hums. Cuts. Sores, Fczerna and Files, disappear juicklv under its soothing effect. -2r,i: at 1". G. Fricke & Co. s drugstore. To Cure A Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. B. W. Grove's signature on each box. 2-rjC. IP ) jj if I J I m filial IF IT COMES FROM MOLi IT'S GOOD.' This holds xxh in Mens' and Boys' Suits, Suits and Gent's Furnishings. Call and examine quality of oods and prices and be con vinced. Wm. Holly, Waterman Block. Joe Klein's Old Stand. J b W I,