The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1903, Image 4

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now is the hmc to select Your
Holiday Presents!
Don't. hiii to s ; .i-r s icial attracl ior.s in
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Koveities, fie,
( ur holid.iy line is.isrom
ll' f i" as it is f n s!i ;uxl (!
sm;:!.'i. It. contains:! ircat
.1 ; i. I il s 'ls a rul ;i I'pro
t i.i ;i i m nt s tor cvrry-
I H X I ', .S i )IT(iS.
Fifty Yocrs iho Standard
WV hav.
in slock
r I lie holiday t nubr a
i M i i fi. ! ! ini- hi l.iii i.-s"
ft ;!.: -ii's watches, ('all
, i:
:n of 1M7
i ! jf j f
Kins, llriMn hi-s. ii.iin-.. Fobs, I.ix ki-I
IJia-' rl I'.unn.. I'l.iiiilain l'i
flock, ling NoMlti'S, I i
-S 0-G-E-R-S-1
1 i t-,!
s. S! : i'ins. t iitr Muttony
a i i wj Si-I s, Man Pottery.
Improves iha flavor and adds to
the fccalthfuhiess off the food.
A tint si-li-rl ii m of
w 1 1 i-1 1 inc lul-s
I ia m .mis, i lust cr,
l 'la i n and ! '
i a v-
in it
L '
The Plattsmouth Savings Bank
is a homo instil ut ion undrr tin siijh x isiiMi of t lie !a;i!i::i,r depart mcnt of tlie
state of N'hr;isk:i. Arcrpts dtio.its from 1 o up. and 5113 s .;. percent, in
terest. Compound interest twiee a vear.
The following l atil- shows the r;:pid trrov. I li of small savings, and is an ex
ample under the rules of this hank.
i t ii? hit 1 r -.t
( 'iiihii iil t ire a y :ir
lt April aii'l Ini i ii-lnlrr
A:C, Mi
'.7 7:
ro it
i:n vtAiis
2 ItU js
CV"Ieposits on or he fore the 1:2th of the month draw interest for the full
The Plattsmouth Journal
I a n A m A si.misthe treaty and(.'o!om
hia makes ent reaty. And thus it -joes. '
Thk hushand of Kutli Hrvan Tea it t
is out after a repiihlican nomination
for l'ori.'ress.
M isMuri.
Kow it LooHs Away Frci Home.
The Si-rm-lield ( 111 ) Journal, a rab
idly partisan paper, .sizes up the situa
tion in Xehjaska under the head
of 'Seandaloii.s Politics." in a very
peppery manner. The Journal says:
People in the cast some times won
der why the ilryari fusionists in Ne-
Pettt r Leav-ia alone in ''rask;:
I i:m suhonlinat iiu'" the tarilT
juestion fo sinking' the lxiodle issue
Is a natural and easy declension for the
republican party.
Innxii the next campaign the re
piihlican cry to the laborers will he
"dinner at the White House" inteud
of full dinner pail."
In six weeks this fail 2T.os (lerman
Americans returned to their Father
land. This is not an argument for
Prosperity in America."
Thk prohibition
the country is not
tempt the president
vote throughout
Iirre enough to
to invite Carrie
Nation to a White lb '.;se dinner.
kxaioi: I 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 u il' convinced
of his innocence, lut does not think it
necessary et to resign and seek vindi
cation at the hands of the voteisor Nebraska.
is a movement, on foot to
Jud 'e Sullivan for irovcnmr
His career on the supreme ;
leiicl has K en (ne of satisfaction to 1
the people and honor to himself. The March
Journal would favor his nomination if choose
next year.
ve held together so well after
the sit me combination had completely
rone to pieces in the neighbor states.
Why is it. for example, that the Ihy
anitesar.d populists only two weeks
ii''o in Nebr;? -ka were beaten bv onlv
' s.uiHi vote? Mr. Ihyau's personality
j diK-s not e.plai;i it fully. A portion is
: supplied by the corrupt condition of
: the republican party in that state. A
few ears :ti.'o its republican state ad
minitt r;.t ;i j; devi loped a heavy defaul
: tei : th. nir republican -'overnor created
; :i !y pardoning the criminal.
Ai.d ! w 1 nited Senator IMetrich, one
Oi 'lu- frulis of t lie reaction against
, s,:iveri.:M. :'t t into this wretched mess
in 1 he trai'Iv-Ki'iir of postmastcrships
. St is not a far-fetched conclusion that
i there arc very corrupt influences in the
I republican party of Nebraska, and one
wouin n i ikj jar wronj; in assuming
that the (vl:;n:chery is due largely to
the t rans.-o:;T mental railroad corpora
tions which for years have played a
strong ami unscrupulous part ajrainst
Vianu'ei i -m' in Nebraska Politics.
Tibs trich scandal may jot land
l.ryai: 111 the I nited .states
-.Mr. j nei rich s icrm will expire
. i::-"i. and the legislature to
his successor will be elected
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your . system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. FJectrie Ihllers will (juickly
'' "uieinber the troublesome causes. It
ei fails to tone the stomach, retru
it he Kidneys and P.owels, stiinu
fli the Li ver and clarify the blood
Hun dow n systems benefit particularly
?.r.d all the usual attending aches van
sh under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electric Hitters is only
oc, and that is returned if it don
eive perfect satisfact ion. (.'uarantee
by F. (J. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Active Tarnets' Ball.
I he active 1 urners win give a grain
ball at their hall on Saturday night
December 12, the proceeds from which
will be for the purpose of purchasing
a new b;itliuir apparatus lor ttie so
ciety. It is the intention of the man
agers to make this one of the most
successful events of its character ever
given in this city. The best of music
has been engaged for the occasion, and
all lovers of "tripping of the light fan
tastic toe" arc cordially invited, and a
genuine good time is guaranteed all
who attend.
on City
Charged With Assault
Official at Macon.
The Lone Star State.
Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a big
dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M
llaller is the head. Mr. Ilaller on one
of his trips east to buy goods said to aj
friend who was w ith him in the palace
car, "Here, take one of these little
early risers upon retiring and you wil
be up early in the morning feeling
good." For the "darfc brown" taste
headache and that logy feeling De
Witt's Little Early Risers are the best
Pills to use. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co,
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Thse who w ill insist on closing their
ears against the continual recommend
ation of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a long and bit
ter right with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal termination
Kead what T. R. Iieall of Reall, Miss.
has to say: "Last fall my wife had
every symptom of consumption. She
took Dr. King's New Discovery after
everything else had failed. Improve
ment came at once and four bottles
entirely cured her." CJuarunteed by
I . (r. J ricke Co., drugtrists 1'rice
oOcand $1.00. Trial bottles free.
A Ccstly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive. Occasionally life itself is the
price of a mistake, but you'll never be
wrong if you take Dr. King's New
Life Puis for Djspepsia, Dizziness,
Headache, Liver or Uowel troubles.
They are gentle yet thorough. 2-c at
F. (r. l- ricke a: Co.'s drug store.
there should be a possible show for his
election. Rut we are not in favor of
putting up such an able man asJuuge
Sullivan tobe knocked down by an in
ferior quality of the Rarnes or Mickey
next November.
Not a few writers w ho "pace the ed
itorial quarter-deck" have turned their
guns at various times upon John Alex
ander Dowie, Prophet of Zion. They
have exhausted their epithets and ei.s t be -,i
pounded him w ith hot shot. They ! son. o Y
hive jroclaimcd him faker, a pious
fraud, unhallowed, unrighteous, with
never a thought for which the world
might be the lietter. Rut at the last
all have conceded iiim this one claim
to consideration he has made a pot of
money. 1
I On
Tjierk is a gratt in W ahington. I.
C, and doubtless in Alaska: there are
Ijoodlers in Jalisco and in our own Ne
braska: in Delaware, Khode Island
.Pennsylvania and New York ImhmIIi- is
or has been getting in itsdeadly work:
In Michigan they nabbed a bunch, in
Minnesota, too: reform in Kansas has
a hunch, and Texas claims a few: Ok
lahoma is most busy w ith a Federal
Crawl Jury, and there is something
doing, too, down in old Missouri.
Lately swindles have cropped out in
very many .states, and in Kingdoms
under Princes and foreign potentates.
Roodle's likely to appear under any
realm or ruler; but w ho'd have thought
la-jk for it in far-off Honolulu?
Kcdoi Dyspcpsin Cure
Digests all classes of food, tones and
strengthens the stomach and digestive
organs. Cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion,
Stomach Troubles. and makes rich, red
blood, health and strength. Kodol
Dvspepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tis
sue,. p'.ii;;i. st rcnglhens and sweet-
:n.icii. (tov. ti. W. Atkm-
Va.. savs: "I have used a
number of boitles of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure and have found it to be a very
ciieeiie ai d. indeed, a poweiful rem
edy fer tomach ailments. I recom
mend it to my friends S.M by F. (J.
Fri.-ke & C.
Hundred Dollars a Box
is the viihie II.
ton. S. C. Lie.
Salve. .lie sav
. Tisdale, Summer
on De Witt's Hazel
"I had the niles for
. 1
Li) years. I tried many doctors and
medicines, hi:! all failed except De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured
me." It is a combination ef the heal
ing properties of Witch Hazel with
antiseptics and emollients: relieves
and permanent ly cures blind, bleed
ing, itehing and protruding piles.sores,
cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum, and
all skin diseases. Sold by F. (I. Fricke
fc Co.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block.
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spe'nd it and easier
to lose it.
ping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
Tor payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
I have just shipped in a couple of
car loads of eood all purpose horses and
mares, whic 1 I will offer for sale or
will trade f r smaller horses for the
the southern market. Call and see
horses at my farm.
A young negro by the name of Eu
gene Renton was arrested at the home
or Uncle Ned Raker in this city on
Monday night last by Chief or Police
Dyers and officers Weldy and Hasscn,
on a charge or assaulting a city official
at Macon Missouri. The fugitive has
been making his home in this city for
two or three weeks, and so well had he
conducted himself, during" his short
stay in Plattsmouth that some of our
citizens had about come to the conclu
sion that he was a "pretty good nig
ger," and at the time of his arrest and r
lodgment in jail were inclined! to Ikj
lieve him innocent of the crime. OlVi
cer Hyers received information from
the Chief of Police of Macon, giving a
description of Renton, who enclosed a
couple ot photographs of the negro.
These were sullicient to verify the fact
that Renton was the man wanted, and
so notified Chief of Polie'e Wood, who
arrive.! in the city yesterday morning
and returned to Macon last night with
his prisoner.
In company with .Sheriff McRride
and Chief Hyers, Mr. Wood gave the
Journal acall. Rcinga Missout ian,and
from near where we lived for a number
of years, of course his visit was a most
enjoyable one to us. J. W. Wood has
been Chief or Police of Macon for sev
eral years. To show his popularity
as such lie was electe-d in a city that
usually gives a big republican majori
ty, although a dyed-m-the-wool demo
crat. He spent an hour with us and
gave us and inkling as to what many
or our former political friends were do
ing, including Hon. Nat Shelton, now
judge of the circuit court, and one of
brightest legal minds in Missouri,
whose home is now in Macon.
Chief Woods is entitled to the credit
of capturing Strube, the murderer of
M iss Al ice Ileneger, for whom a reward
of $1,400 was offered, but half of this
amount goes to Sheriff II unolt of Knox
county, Mo., who rendered considerable
aid in the capture of Strube.
Mr. Wood also remarked that the
young negro captured here was a "bad
citizen," and has already served a term
in the Missouri penitentiary for a like
offence, and his reason for taking a late
train out of here was that he prefcred
to arrive at Macon in the nighttime
for fear that the negro might possibly
be taken away from him and lynched,
from the simple fact that the officer
he so badly cut was very popular, al
though the crime was committed last
June, and then there any number of
people in Macon that "don't like a nig
ner, nohow!"
Be Quick
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even
after the croupy cough appears, will
prevent the attack. It never fails, and
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by all druggists.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notlee is hereby pi von tluit sealed bids will
Ik; received on or before o'clock the lsitli
(lav of December. A. 1. l'J03. at the office of
the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska.
ror iurnisiiin mate.rtai aim constructing
bridges oer lineal foot for said county ac
cording to plans and specifications now on
file with saiu county clerk, for a period of
one year from date of contract. Hinders are
reouired to deposit certilied check in the sum
of one thousand (KM).(Ml) dollars as evidence
of pood faith, and to comply with Sections S3
ana Morcrap. 7S or the compiled statutesor
eiirasKa ror lino.
Hoard of county commissioners reserve the
rliilit to reject any and all bids.
Jone by order of the lioard of county com
missioners of Cass county. Neb., in session
the 17th day of November. 11(03.
County Clerk.
Though a little late I wish to annotinrc-to the people;
of Plattsmouth and vicinity that I am preparing to furnish
your luvcssary wants in Staple and Kane-y (Iroccries,
Oucensware, Dry Goods, Hoots and Shoes.
I will furnish you with the most seasonable floods of A
1 quality at the lowest possible price. Our rule has and
always shal be: "(t'ive oo cents value for $1.00."
Our delivery system will be stie'h that orders will be de
livered at your door any hour from i) a, m. to 6 p. m.
If you are in a hurry rail up Independent 'Phone Xo.
198 and your order will rcveive prompt and careful atten
tion. If more convenient or satisfactory our solicitor will call
for your orders ami you may rest assured that it will receive
as careful attention as if you called at the store' in person.
If we can receive the support of the citizens of this com
munity we assure you A 1 service and joods at prices ivit li
in the reach 0 a ll.
We earestly solicit a trial, aifd if fair treatment will do
it, we feel that we have then gained a patron.
Remember the location,
c y
Old sst
1 n
Li"J:---J'V-,--ii".-i. rrrrn L.K-..1
I John Schippecasse
is right to tlio front with tho
(5 on Iho market to supply tho
A uemanus. aiso, nuts aim
fruits of all kinds.
Bottlitd 1:; i;oi:d.
io tbc Cheapest
in the lEnD!
Poor Whisky in not only I ih
ng;n''ahl to tiiKto, lut uruloubteil
ly injuriouH to thoKtomach. A lit
th ood Whisky in 11 lino tonie inl
helps instead of harming. Sueli
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how good it it-:,
como iii and try it.
(Juckcnheimerillyc, per gallon ,
Yellowstone, " " .
Honey Dew, " " .
Rig Horn, " .
,?I 00
, 1 00
, li 00
, -1 r.o
1 r.
And marching
straight to
Ueek;baeKI o,
where you will bo re
paid for your trouble
by getting the best
on the markets.
Canned Goods,
fresh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Waterman Block Plattsmouth.
Perry's Restaurant
55 Short Order House 8 JJ
X f
Meals Served at Regular
Meal Hours.
Fresh Oysters
Fish or anything in Market.
P. UTTEItBACK, Proprietor,
Opposite Cass County Banlc,
Soutb Sie, 420 Aain St.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (VLjb
c kRilim. hunt uiM in wnct 12 months. ThlC S?cmtTTm. VV S' JCX
Cures Crfp
in Two Days.
on every
box. 25c.
Now in operation at Our Store.
We will show you how to bake "Just such
with onlv one-half
The MaMeabM9
SHeel Range!
Biscuits as Mother used to make," SL
the fuel now beinif used.
LsoosoJ Fuel and Labor! 0
Made of malleable ; 8
Nt iron and Steel! o
Riveted together s
8 8 like a boiler! o
l0000 If properly used : S
k will last a life time! 8 o
, DeC. 7th, and lasting all week. V
jj Durability
Commencing Monday
FREE! Three minute Biscuit and Delictus Coffee served every day. FREE!
TA Salesman from the factory will be here to demonstrate its Superior Qualities.
Coates Block, Plattsmouth Nebraska.