The PJattsmoathJourna Til k fair of lln-ir. . p. m:tv v t b si'll lfl ly 1 1 s-;unl;iU i:i I . o. l. Tiik pr'.irhr trust may saf-ly st ril. iir sliorliT sermons v n limn. (:iii r o a lockout. A kiiiva, Nw M ii i ani Onlali in;i an oin to link'- aim! Inr liht "ji'i tin; I'nioii." Fkvnk V.. Win i i:. foriii. i y if l hi tiiy, was Ioh-iii.ii- .i mh manl jury that imlit-ti-d Senator diet rieli. Plait, I'ress, I' ami Pulpit In New YorkiJily could not ireen Tammany from ainin a ureal v iclory IJki-i r.i.n ANswill soon lx- known I he ilo-not hinjr pai I y, for doiiiL,' li'l I. ti is the aeltial meaning of "slaii'lin pat." Iiik oiiestion now is whether tin $1,:$im hrihe Senator I it ri !i is said t have received was a present or merely the ''unearned inerement " of politica economy? Willi t he annex a I i n o Panama I In twent y-live dollar hat out-lit toieael I lie consumer in the slates at sonn thinu like t wo-tifl y for t he ity, hut I hen it won't . I 1 1 !: v .say thai i-arrie nation i very hit, as elfect ive upon the stajri as Kol I'ilimmons and .liui Oorhctt Why not? I ler smashes do more dam aj,'es and her talk-works hae more ca parity. I'kssimists who are talking ahout demnitioii bow-wows will lind comfort in contemplating the iinanimil y w it I which the I'nited States jfrand jury at Mnaha indicted Senator I'.itiiel the other day. Tiik indicting of Senator hictriel may lead to the iniiisitive remark "Are there not othrs?'' Could it In Mssihle that I eit rich is the only guilty brilw-takcr in the state of Nehraska? m.ii A points with pride to the fact that one hundred more hahics hav iM-en liorn in that city thus far this year, than for the corresponding period of I'.hcJ. Send the news to veit. I omikkssm.w 1 1 1 tciuim k proposes to sail on the top crest of the social wave while in Washington, lie has had his splendid team of horses, hi famjly carriage and his coachman sent on from hnah.'t. "IIky" went to Washington with Iieitrich. While they were cnayed in effort to j,ret District Attorney Sum mers "tired" that otlicial was in Oma- lia trotting Senator hcitrich "indict ed." Strange-coincident, isn't it? Sknatoi: Iikii'kk ii is coining rijrht home from Washington to raise h II Willi Summers: "Little Kosey is tain riirht at his lends. We'd hate to he in Summers' shoes when they meet him. Won't the fur My. though )Kof the striking scenes at the opening of t h new congress was the meeting lielween Senator Corman anil Senator Hanna. As they shook hands cordially on the floor, they were irreet ed by a thundering applause of the members of lotli parties. Sknatoi: Hanna and Kerry S. Heath have signed a call for the repub lican national committee to meet in Washington on Ieceinber 11. Despite the scandals connected with his name. Heath still remains secretary of the coin in ittee. Now that t lie campaign is over Sec retary Shaw may find lime to stay in Washington and attend to the affairs of the treasury department. wing to the decline in the treasury surplus he will not have as much loose cash as formerly, nor will he be able to dis tribute it so loosely. Tiik indictment against Senator Dc trich is said to be the tirstever return ed against a United States Senator on a charge of the nature preferred, and has caused a considerable of a rattling of the dry I Mines of the g. o. p. in Ne braska, especially among those whom the Senator hasendorseil for positions. In a recent sermon lr. Karkhurst declared that after January 1, when Mayor Low's term expires. New York "will lie hell with the lid oil," and that the democratic voters w ere "mem liers of the devil's kingdom of greed and villainy." Powie's visit to New York seems to have enriched the Doc tor's abusive vocabulary. Koiiskvki.t found time to hold a half-hour conference w ith John Alex ander Dowie. the religious mounte ltank. He assured the acting presi dent of the Zion City's support next fall. Ifciwie was accompanied to the ' White House by several iiumiiIxts of ; his cabinet and a I tody guard. He is the lirst crank who has lieen allowed , to pass the White Hois. guards f.r sometime: but I owie cont nils vote,! Whkn a senator fr m a great state like Nebraska a far sacri tices principle that he will "sell" himvlf. as Deitrich lias done, it would have iiecn much more to his credit if he had brought a good price. But for a great big I'nited .States Senator to sell out for the trilling I sum of a, few hundred, is worse and more of it. The sacrifice of honesty ! and self-respect is not so small a thing ' as to K of little monetary value. I f a tnjodler a btuMlier will be. the bigger aj tint idler he is. the lietter. In other I words, if he proposes to sink to the scale j of public pluuderer antl robber, let him i lie successful. For all the "welchers" and for the impotent, trivial, sniveling j specimens, w ho are morally guilty, but j haven't "got the nerve" for them, if; they may be sent to the penitentiary, j we must at least reserve an absolute contempt. DO YOU GET UP WITH A UMR BACK? KiJncy Troui le Makes You Miserable. AhiMt ev ry!x;dy v, li i reads the lu ws p.ipers i-., to know of the wonderful ii . i cures iy in. ' i I. I.-nni.-r.; Vv. Hill.. Root, the yr :-i kid n y, liver and ,. d r rcmcly. It i i tile yjt. ;it mcd- i I ti inmph of the i L nineteenth century ; i ' discovered after years jj uf scientific research ly Dr. Kilmer, the cniim lit kidnev :ind M.iddcr vt)(-i-ialist, ami is wonderfully successful in promptly curi:ij lame hack. uric acid, c-atarrh of the bladder and I'.riiht's Disease, which IS the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not n c- oiiiiiiemleil for everything but ii you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found ne t the rcincMy you ?ucl. It lias been tested in so inaiiv ways, ill hospital work and in private practice, and has oroved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all reade rs of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tc ll- ite' more alwmt Swrmip-Root, :ind how to fi lid out if yon have kidney or bladder trou hie. When writing mention readini.' thi: generous offer in this paper szndseud your address to Dr. Kilmer fr'Kr- & Co., r.iii'diaintoti, t(ftijHZ&?ft N. Y. The re,,,,larggpj Idty-cent and one- cd2 dollar size Ixittles are Homo of Kwani-Koot. sold hv all ;d druists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Piiudiamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The Indian Problem. I he "Indian problem, as it is pre- s 'iiicd in I oe 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 i erritory, lias nau irreat. ciaii.i to public not h-c and has r.-ceived n;;ir!i aiteidiop. As condi tiiiisnow are down there, il occurs t Kit anot her and as important, a i:es- t ion is to I he fore 1 1 may lie be term of Ha? whiles." A toward its tilt ima!: u 5 he ot her day at ( '. II. Foley, a ban- I t he "problem snrni leant step solution was tak S )uth Mc A lister. ker of Mufaula, was elected as rt pre- s'tnaiiveoi i in; territory, wnosccnuv it shall In. to ask i f congress retxular reriresei.tat ion in tiiat 1 tidy. The plight of K,.or l.o. half ci vilied atid helpless, is often sad indeed. A class of white speculators, and the un usually hrev.d I ut ucriipuloiis of his own tribe, resort In divers swindles to rob him of what little lit; has. l'ven in the territory, however, the .'rafters are meat ly in the minority. The live I in ii I rot I thousand whites, who consti tute nine-tenths of the entire pooula- ti in. are en'a'ttl for the. most part in legitimately developing the commerce of the towns and the airt'icullural pos sibilities tif the land. In the larger towns schools have lieen built and life, after a fashion, is "liva ble,' t ii hilt! i this is not t he whole st ory. "'here are some T.' children in the newer districts for whom there ureal-! solutelv no school facilities l llte I receive any instruction at all, it. is in I ndian schools, w hich. by t heir nature, ire fiot adapted to the proper educa tion of white children. The white resident of the Territory has no voice in nat i"tal orTerritorial affairs in any way. sha p: or f irm. He has pract ica'.ly no rights an 1 no citizenship. It. is true that rights of United tates citizenship should not interfere with Indian rights l it now, it seems, a process has heen untlertaken buuglingaud graft ing in the procedure do not figure in the phas tif the mat er by which Indian tribal govern ment is to be abolished and these ."od,- oo ) white citizens are to have repre sentation. Congress should authorize Mr. Foley to announce to his constit uents that an election may be held and i regular territorial representative re turned tothe national legislative halls. If congress fails to do this, it will bo chargeable to t he familiar republican plcayunishness. which desires to "hold off antl not recognize the J erritory independent ly of Oklahoma. The com plexion of the Territory is democratic. Therefore, many "statesmen are say ing that it would be "very unwise" to nco.irage a Territory movement that o:iks lowaru intiepeiKieni. siaienoou. Oklahoma is bv no means cert ainlv re publican, but the gcrrymanderers iig ure that it were better to box the two igether than to run the rik of having ileal with four democratic senators. All of which has nothing to do with the equities of the case. WiiA'r'w ill those applicants do now. who have I Vitrich'sendorsemcnt? A Hurt Neyer Hurts. After Porter's ant iseptic healing oil is applied. Believes pain instantly mil heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, Scents. The BEER of Good Cheer. If 3'oti were to sam ple every beer made, foreign and domestic, without prejudice and with out reference to the label, you'd agree with us that Cund's Veerless had every merit possible to be found in a beer. Send for Free Souvenir Booklet. JOHN CUND BREWING CO., La Crosse, Wis. hOTHINO SURER THAN TAXES If the Revenue Luvt Is Invalid There Are Arriple Provisions for Taxation. I f the new revenue law is, declared uncoils) il utit'iial, says the Lincoln Star, th 'ie n-cd be no fear on the part of the taxpayers of state that complications will arise and so tannic up tit her pro isions of the statutes of the state that there will be no oflieials to make nt s. The precinct, township antl tit her assessors provided for under the old law will tie found tloin;,' business at the old stand, and there will lie the sai'jie opportunities afforded In commit perjury in return ing personal or other property for as sessment, as existed heretofore. The knock in1.' out of the new law will not leave a la rue stair of county assessors to thaw salaries and perforin no du ties, and even if it did the old assess ors could be re-instated. l he oliice ol county assessor is a cre ation of the new revenue hill pure antl simple, although in another section of the statute his elect ion is provided for with that of other state and coun ty ollicia Is. I'ndcr li e const it ution andcommon law an office cannot be legally crt afed unless there are duties requiring it. I ly killing tin revenue law the courts would at the same time do away with the necessity for the oliice of assessor, causing me oliice lo heconie a sine cure, making it illegal and consequent ly repealing it and leaving the old sec tions in regard iiif precinct antl town ship assessors in full force antl elfect Incase, however, that" the oliice of county assessor should still exist after the new law was declared invalid, t here is another recourse by which to provide for making assessments. In one section of the old revenue law it is provided that, where the assessment rolls, records and hooks are destroyed and done away with, from any cause. it Incomes necessary to make another assessment, the county boards shall have full power and authority to ap point officials to make the same. A neither section makes the county treasurer collector of taxes levied. Levies are based upon estimates from previous years of the lump valuation of all the property in a jurisdiction. s the treasurer must collect the taxes he would have to make an as sessment tin which to base the obliga tion of the citizen to the county if no assessors were provided for. This could legally be done by the appoint ment of deputy treasurers and collec tors, as collecting distress warrants. The citizen who has his hopes pre maturely raised to the effect that he will jest in peace next year, undis- t urbed by the visits of these obnoxious minions of the law, will receive a rude awakening from his dreams of bliss. The old adae that there is nothing surer tlmn flt:it It :ind tavpe lina imror . . . , ,mmnciti,t.inn!ii T-ii ; ... . u-'-.n. .i.iwi v wilier aiuuini j u - u ci.'j nuiu uo the ducks and ' geese lly north -and south. How to Love. St ime time, maybe, this wretched old world of creatures and follies will succumb tti the admonitions and ad ministrations of the theorists and shape the destinies of mortal beings into roseate ideas, instead of exacting, unsatisfyingand stern realities. - Long before Noah landed on Mount Ararat tli is sphere of sentiment circled in the wrong direction. It. is still going wrong and will never move right until the sociologists shall have convinced the millions that nature s ways are not only devious, butcruei and false Men and women have been known to marry happily and avoid marital quar rels. Mothers-in-law there have been, and possibly are, who are docile There are two men in the United States who have discovered and ap plied, with some success, honest meth ods of accumulating wealth, and there arc two or three women on earth who understand the culinary art. They are, exceptions, however, if theorists speak the truth. Ninety-nine and nine-tenths percent, of the people live by unreasonable, natural standards and do not enjoy life, but only seem to do so. Sermonists have told the new gen eration how to select a husband or wife whom not to marry; what not to do: that nature's intuitions and con- science's indications are un trust- worthy guides. Beware, they say, of the man with the descending lip and the woman with crooked eyes. Be governed by the shade of the hair, the color of the eyes, tile shape of the rin gers, the size of the rieet and the sheen tif the coin. Lest the world should retrogress and young people follow old, cherished laws, the sermonists, having solved the marriage problem, should begin to discourse on love. The good old win ter time is a tine season for such ser mons. For centuries humans have not known what love is, nor how to love. They have thought pity their ignor ance and foolishness that, with all its sorrows, this is a fairly good world, with fairly agreeable people, and that virtue and happiness are synonymous. Theorists and sociologists know bet ter: they are wiser. They have told us whom not to marry: they may tell us now how not to Ijvc. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield ing to doctors and remedies of four years. Then Bucklin's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns," Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at F. G. Ericke & Co.'s Drug Store. . Do you smoke "Buds?" Well, buy them at Gering & CVs. -. ; Mrs. Catherine McEntce, Deceased. Mrs. .Cat her ine'Mc Kntee was a na tive of New-tort in the county of Limerick, Ireland, ami was bom ( c lo be r 1h:50. The, family came to Amer ica in IM, and at lirst settled in New York, but afterwanls moved further west ami established themselves at Lyndon, Juneau county, Wis. To Kether with her husband Airs. MeKn tce caruo to I'lattsmouth in October of 170,3 rid has ever since resided here. The deceased lady was twice mar ried. Her tirst husband, M. John ("auney, died in lC'J, antl the widowed lady was united in marriage in 1H7 to Mr. Charles McKntee, who is left to mourn her loss. She was a sister o!' the late John Fitzgerald, of I'latts mouth and Lincoln, antl like him was an earnest Catholic. Like her brother she did much for the advancement of religion by her benefactions antl by the interest she always displayed in works of public untility. The funeral services were held Mon day the !)ih inst. at St. John's Catho lic church. A solemn Iteuiem Mass was sunu by the Kev. D. ('.'Fitjrer ald, tif (Iraftoii, Neb., an old friend of the family, assisted by the Kev. W. II. lhatlley and the Uev. Joseph llar tik, the local priests, as deacon and sub-deacon, respectively. Miss Hose Vondran played the or-jan accompani ment to the Mass and also sanu an of fertory piece in the vernacular. A brief funeral 'discourse was pronounced by the Kev. W. H. Jlradley, successor to mc lamented rather Carney, in charye of St. John's church antl con K relation. The Impressive funeral service of the Catholic ritual was car ried out in full after the Mass and the remains were borne' to the Catholic cemetery adjoining the public ceme tery, where the linal rites were duly performed, the "I'enedictus"' beinj chanted by the otliciatiu priests, as-. sistcd by the members of St. John's choir. ' - . y The sorrowing ' members 'of the fam ily have the warm sympathy of their numerous friends in the loss which they, in common with whole commun ity, have sustained- A Winter in' Florida. Why not arrange to spend your win ter in the land of .sunshine and flow ers? The cost of a sojourn in Florida is so small compared with the benelit you will receive, that you cannot af ford to risk your health in the cold, disagreeable. vfiuter of the north. Do not ?et the idea that you can lind tirst- class accommodations only at hiiih priced bote's. As a matter of fact, there are hundreds of medium priced hotels in Florida;,. here lirst-class ac commodations can be secured at rates of $8.00 per w;e?k, and (up... In arraninji Jor, your, trip, do not Iosc.sjjrht of the fact that the "Dixie Flyer' route offers you more in the WaV Of a SCeniC trlD f rOlTl St. LOU is to i 'Jacksonville.' lat? than "an v other i,Mft, . is r I - - ----w - - - - - chaqge-bf cars beUveen St. Louis and Jacksonville, Ufrla-' The "Dixie Flyer" route reaches such points as Nashvilie, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga l'ark, Atlanta and Ma con. .Leaving. St. Louis on the even- ingtrain via Illinois Central, you reach Jacksonville the second morning in time to make .direct connections in union depot at Jacksonville, Fla., with all diverging lines. Special round.f.trip winter tourist tickets, which permit stopovers, both going and returning, are now on sale, gojd for return up to and including June 1st, 1!04. Write me for handsomely illustrated booklet and detailed information re garding rates, hotel accommodations, itinerary of a trip., etc. W. II. 1JKIZ.L, Dist rass. Ag't., 111. Cent. It. R., Omalia, 'Nebraska- Will, history repeat itself? Next year it will be just forty years since Ceneral George B. McClellan ran for president upon the democratic ticket. It looks now like George B. McClellan, jr., might be the democratic standard- bearer next year. Fresh from the vic torious field of the greatest political battle fought on the eve of a great na tional struggle for political supremacy, a victory was won in the great state of New York, astate absolutely essential to national victory for either political party, makes him a most conspicuous candidate for the democratic nomina- tion for the presidency next year forty years after his brave and noble father, fresh from the victorious battle-fields in defense of the -union, had been the standard-bearer of the democracy. Like the sudden coming to the front of ex-President Cleveland in 18S3, just twenty years ago, so to us is regarded the coming of George B. McClellan in 1903. Cleveland proved himself the democratic "Moses" in 1884, just so McClellan may prove the democratic "Moses" in 1904. So mote it be. 0O9GGOGGOCOO Fresh Oysters ivrof tcov Ai.T 0iVOVyii J Fish or anything in Market. GIVE US A CALL. P. UTTER BACK, Proprietor, Opposite Cass County Bank,. Soutb Stle, 420 Bain St. lOOOOOOOOOOOOP I Perry's Restaurant JShort Order House A Meals Served at Regular Meal Hours. S 8 November 21, 1903, HENRY DONAT will leave with a party of Home-Seekers to the North West, at Junction City, Oregon. Mr. Donat has many choice tracts of land in that locality, in size and price to suit purchaser. If are contemplating making a change take advantage of this opportunity and join the party to the North-West. For Full Particulars Call on or Address HENRY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine i Tablets. o FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Using Chamberlain's Cough Reroedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As a proof t hat Chamberlain's Cough liemetly is a sure cure suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: Aneighlxirof mine had a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did mot know what to give it. 1 suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they tlid and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Morse for Sale. A good four year old horse for sale. Weighs 11(50 pounds and as sound as a dollar. Inquire at John liauer's Hardware store, I'lattsmouth, Neb. Ordinance No. An (irdii'.ancc amt'txliiii; section oik- ,f onli iiaiiiM; titirrilxiol in tin" 1 lt : oimpihit ion of the ordinanrt s fur the City. of I'latls tnoiitli. and to ri'iical said original si iMion. Hi it cnai-tcd ly tli Mayor and Council of 1luCity of I'lattsiiKuitli. ' Section 1. Thai section ono of an ordinance numbered 24. in tlie I'.nt; rornijjat ton uf the ordinances of said ("ity of riaUsmoiitli. lie amended to' read as follows: Sec. 1. That tin; salary and conmensa't ion of elected and appointed.- ollicers of -said city neirinnm on the tirst .Monday after t he lirst Tuesday ot April. A. I. ISsT. he and the same. hereby are fixetl at the following amounts, pavalile (inarlerly when earned hy warrants on the Keiu-ral or occuat ion ta x f und. to-wit : Mayor, one hundred and fifty dollars (l."ti): treasurer. I href hundreds dollars f."!oo ; clerk, three hundred dollars ?:tui; each councilman two dollars for each regular, adjourned or special session of tlie council. Hot to e.cecd one hundred dollars c?Ihi per year; attorney, two hundred and fifty dollars (i'lii); marshal, fifty dollars (?."U) per month; each regular policeman not to exceed fifty dollars '(?:) per month, to Ik- fixetl hy resolu tion of the council, pa.vahle monthly ; street commissioner, forty dollars (H ) per month w Idle actually ensaed in such work, payahle monthly. All other officers and employees of the city, except police jude. shall receive such compensation as the mayor and council men may designate ut the lime of their em ploy ment. Sec. '. That sect ion I of said ordinance as oriiriiia I ly exist inu In; and the same herehv is repealed. Sec. a. That al 1 ordi ua nces a nd parts of or dinances inconsistent with - this- ordinance be ami the same hereby are repealed. See. 4.' This ordinance shall be in force from !i ud after its passage, approval and publica tion accorditu; lo law. I'assed and approved this !ith day of No vcmber. r.u:i. Attest: F. F. Bcttkhy. II. M. Sobnnicjiskx. 1'ret.ident. Clerk. Notice to Bridge Contractors. 1 Notice is hereby riven that sealed bids will be received on or before 1 o'clock lhcl!ith day of Ieceml-r. A . 1 . i'Ml. at the office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, for furnishimr material and constructing bridges per lineal fiot for said county ac cording to plans and specifications now on tile with said county clerk, for a period of one year from date of contract. Itidtf-rs are required to deposit certified check in the sum of one thousand (tHHKJ.iiu) dollars as evidence of good faith, and to comply with Sect ions K! and slof Cl ap. 7 of the. compiled statutes of Nebraska for I'.te.'l. Hoard of county commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Oone by order of the Imard of county com missioners of Cass county. Neb., in session the 17th day of November, M:i. b. A. Tysov. County Clerk. Don't allow monoy to lie around. It is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. SAUE MONEY by keeping it in a safe place such as The Banlt of Cass County You can pive a check for any part of it at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. When you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about It. To Cure a Cold in One Day Not a Siclf Day Since. "I was taken severely with kidney trouble. 1 tried all soils of medicines none of which relieved inc. One day I saw an ad. of your Fleet l ie Mil ters and determined to try that. After taking a few t loses I felt, relieved, ami set ii i thereafter was entirely cured, antl have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mint have been cured tif Ilheumatisni, ami Ceneral Debility." This is what l. F. Ilass, of Fremont, N. C. writes. Only .r0c, at F. (I. Fiicke & Co., Druggist s. TIIIC OLD KICMAHLIC Hcruse Furnishers OF CASS COUNTY You always want to know where to ct the- host Furnishings. You are invited lo see us for Car pets, Linoleums, of all grades of Furniture, ami the finest Carpet Sweepers on the market. Also, the most complete line Sattler&Fassbender. u. ail1 - tr. m 3 i eh , j wr i " T-4 Tt nOTTIxED III xjOTiD. I13!-! i ll 1X3 PLATTSMOUTH, Hall's Cash Store GROCERIES in el HARDWARE. 1,000 joints of stove pipe, per joint 500 elbows at 10, 15 and 20cts each Well buckets 40cts each Coal buckets at 25, 35 and 4j cents each A Lightning Bread Knife at 2rcts- Pocket Knives of all kinds, sizes and prices. Lanterns at 20, 50, 75 and 90ct Hardware of all kinds. One of the most complete line of Groceries in the city. Friday and Saturday, Sugar 20 pounds for Si. 00 DONAT, Plattsmouth, Neb. Cures Crip In Two Days. on every box. 25c Tfje Best Liniment. "Chambei Iain's I'ain Halm i - con sidered the best liniment on the mar ket," writ e Post .V. I'.liss, fir Ceorgia, VI. No ot her liniment will heal a cut or bruise so prompt ly. No other af fords such quick reliir fiom rheumatic pains. No other is so viluable for deep seated pa I us like lame back antl pains in t he chest. (Jive this lini ment a trial and you will never wish to be without !f. For sale by all drug gists. of first-class and beau tiful hed room suits. Never forget for a minute that we are the House Furnishers ol I'lattsmouth and Cass county. So when in need of anything jive us your order. XTbc Best XlGlbisI! iQ the Cheapest in tbc jent! I'oor Whisky in not only tlin Hort'cabltj to tiihto, hut uiiJouhtol Jy injurious to thorstoniHch. A lit tlo good Whisky is i fiim tonV mid hlp.s instead of harming. Su-h WhiskiVs as YfUovvKtoiic, for in Ktanco, will do you just as niwh good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it i, como in and try it. PRICES: fluckenheimennye, :T gallon ... II oY Yellowstone, Honey Dew, Jiitf Horn, " " . . . 4 O'l " "... :; x 1 1"L i G i ; N Eli K ASK A X