f r - - . .3 'V-.T.J r. ''' V'-.-- -T ,- - I I I LOCAL BREVITIES. Kii.I 1 1 : i y I 1 1 i'.ios. ad in this paper. Dr. Marshall, d.-ntist, I it gerald l.l.nk. Tln -easoii for genuine ; 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 1 pi s is h'Te. Smoke t ! Wui l llros.' - -1-1 t I Mint. Ileil" cigars. I'. I. !:iss v Kited a few days in Kan sas i .'it y I his HTi k. r.ooo ml I-, of r 11 1 1 1:1 it f.s of wall paper at. 2 cents r roll ;it. bring 'o's. W. .1. i i i r 1 1 iuilit , a Fremont :itlr '. was Inn- Monday mi hgal busi ness. Mrs. AiriM-w seiit several days in the cit y this wri'k, in tli sirk room of her sun, Percy. Miss lil:i i;m.ii!I, of il !rn w xmI, Iowa, was th eji-st of Mis Olive i.iss over Suiti:iy. I f you arc a judge of a mhmI smoke, try t he "Acorns" " cent cigar and ou w ill smoke no ol her. The nights are cold enough now to remind iM oplflli.it t he summer isovcr ami t In harvest 1 1 N- I. Tin- lir l - nf .-i:il u :i f if v l')UI I'.i.l i I l.i- Hill' SAflt. IM .1 I III ll"llt vvinl r In- rhi :i r! Tin" world famous candies arc " Low ncy's," and are sold only by It Imu' V ('ii. in I'lal tsiiiont li. Mr. ami Mrs. II. I.. Nfrt .-I, of Mur dock, were t In guet s of t In family of I '. It. 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 . i y ami Momlay. .1. L. Part on has accepted the posi 1 ion of deputy county clerk, tendered 1 1 i in hy 'U-rk Tyson, to I Jan. I. Mrs Fred I 'r i ii i It - r i and child, of Lincoln, wit.' tin guests of the for iiht's sister, Mrs. (!. I,. Merger, this WeeK. Fdgar Marks was here Tuesday from Murray, ami was feeling happy ovit t hf results of I In elect ion. Fdgar isa republican, hut i low n on "i ings." For l.a- r.uiii rs, Organs, Furni ture, Cooking Moves of all kinds, pi to the new and second-hand .store, l.ix-ek building. Win. Neville is in the city visiting his family. Ih has U-en in Missouri for some time looking after some bridge work for the Purlintoii. Jolui Snead, a Purlington lireman, vtu wast ransferred from riatt.smoiith to Li net ln several months ago. visited with friends here the past week. Attorney W. I.. Crown, of Lincoln, was in the city Tuesday en route home fro.n Kentucky, where he had lieeii on business connected with the 4.vlelir.itel Kupka ease. ilerorilt-r II. A. Sihiieider and fami ly at I ended I he funeral of the little daiiuditir of Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Schneider at Ydar ('reek Monday The child died Saturday. M. M. Strauh, one of the .lournal's Atira patrons was a I'lat t.Miiouth" lisitor Saturday, and alo a caller at these headiiiarters. Mr. Strauh is one of Hit working democrat s of the county. Mr. ami Mrs. II. II. N ichols, of near Murray, were in the city Tuestlay do in iiie t radium w itli our nuTchants. Mr. Nichols is one of the rock-rihled d'in vrats of Cass county, as well as one of our successful farmers. Pros. (,'. S. Wortinan. w ife ami haby went over to Ashland Saturday to see his hrother. ('. L., who is .seriously ill with typhoid fever. They returned Monday, and report the sick man very low v. i th .slight hopes of recovery. The trade consumated lietween C. 1. I j nig and P. Pearson, of Silver City, Iowa, by which Mr. Pearson 1h romes the possessor of the brick store rooms and stock of px-ds on Sixth st reet. and Mr. I, on;; comes into pos S4ssiiiii of r,iM acres of land in Merrick county. Neb., was alTected throi.;h theacency of II. 15. Windham, of this city on the part of I.on. and throu;;h the Council IMulTs Ueal Kstate Ex change on the part of Mr. Pearson. A week from next Saturday Henry I'miat will leave Plattsmoiitli with a party of home-seekers for Junction City, Oregon, where he has a numter of choice t racts of lands in that im mediate vicinity. These lands are well adapted for farming and stock raising, and in many respects equal to Cass county soil. This is a rare op portunity for those who desire to make a change of location. It won't hurt anyone to i;m out with Henry and view t be siirriindiii;rs. It will he a nice trip anyway. JOHN has l!u m--?t complete ltiu Oak Heaters, Base Burners, I and Furnaces, i Air-Tilit V1 Stoves, Majestic J Steel I lances, XXth Century Fur- $ naees. Call a:u seo our nice line of m nil kind of stoves. JOHN 506 Mam Street. Take an hour off and see your neigh bor about taking the Journal. Ilev. J. V'.. ISaumpart ner, of Mur doek, was in the city Monday. JildK'e Newell Went to Woodruff, Kansas, Tuesday on husiness. ( Jasper Thyireisseii, of Nebraska ("it y, iiinla-d with friends in Plat t smout h. Will l.utler was up to the capitol eit y Sat unlay morning to w itness the Nebraska Knox foot ball name. W. II. Sliomaker ami son, of near Nehawka, were in the city Friday, and paid their respects to tin? Jour nal. Then. L. Amiek will hereafter re ceive the Journal at tin Mynard post otliee, having called and subscrilted I ritl.iy. (.'. '. ino,rory, of (!rneda. Cilo , arrived Monday evening for a visit w it h his son-in-law , Ceo. II. Cilman and family. The Journal is pleased to learn that Percey Aynevv is gradually improving, and sincerely Ikhm-s he will soon be his former self. Henry I lir., living west, of the city, called yesterday and renewed for tin Journal. Mr. Ilii.isa tfood friend of I In Journal. F. II. Slander, of Wabash, was in the city Tuesday on business connect ed with the county court. Judu'e lessen adjourned court and re turned to his home, in Nebraska City Tuesday, lie will reconvene the term Monday. John O'Kccfe, of Omaha, attended t he funeral of M is. Catharine McKntc here Mondav. Mr. O'Keefe is a former Plattsmoulh resident. Henry Maker, t he Cedar Creek mer chant, was down Tuesday, and made the Journal a visit, renewing his sub scription and also left an order for job work. Ceo. Thomas, who was her attend hit; tin; funeral of his uncle, Harry IMckinson, made the Journal a pleas ant call. Mr. Thomas resides at Ne braska City. Miss Stella P.oydcamc in from Mon roe, Neb., Saturday for a week's visit with her parents. Miss IJoyd is em ployed as trimmer in a millinery es tablishment at Monroe. P.illy Cillespie, of Mynard, was on the streets Monday, and as a Journal reiorter approached him a t;riri was all over his face. He said itwasnood to he saved once in awhile. C. H. I My, one of our Nehawka patrons, was a county seat visitor Sat urday, and paid the Journal a brief visit. Mr. loty is one or the rising ytiung democrats of Cass county. While at work in the 15. & M. black smith shop Monday, the head of a hammer Hew otf, strikint; Joe Carn iiiKan in the groin, inflicting a wound that will lay him up for some time. John Lohnes, of Fight Mile C rove precinct, was a caller Saturday, and was well pleased w ith what the demo cratstiotout of the recent election, not withstanding he is like the Journal, thinks we ought to have had both Jacobs. Superintendent Wortinan lias Ijcen suffering from a very painful boil on the index linger of the right hand. For several days it l-ecamc so severe that lancing was necessary. Since which the linger is much better. Mrs. Ii. II . Davis, Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Tremendous sale of ostrich plumes. WJ0 Amazon plumes for Jc; 2. Amazon plumes for $1.4S; ?".N French plumes for $4.00; $10.00 French plumes for fs.iiO. Our trim med hats are selling at the same cut price sale. largest line of hair goods. Hair dressing, shampooing, mani curing. The "Plattsonian" quartette are ar randing to give one of their superb en tertainments at the Parmele on Thanksgiving night. This company is composed of Iialph White, tenor; Miss Kdna Lucille Marshall, soprano: Miss Clara Fdna Street, contralto, and Win. llutler, basso. They are all home people and should be greeted with a large audience. Mrs. C. K. McEntee died at her home in this city on Saturday, No vemler 7, I'm:;, aged TO years. The deceased had been in ptior health for several months. She was an old resi dent of Plattsmouth, and highly es teemed by all who knew her. The runeral services took place from St. John's Catholic church Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock, and interment made in the Catholic cemetery. BAUER of heaters on tin market. BAUER, Plattsmouth, Neb. W. A Cleghorn was down from) Louisville Saturday. Do you smoke F.xiiiisit s?" Well, th. ii buy tin in at. Cciing .S: Co.'s. Do you smoke "Ilavanna Tags?" j Well, then buy them at Cering & j Co.'s. People wlnise only mission is to "get even," should give up the job ami die I at oner. In that way l.ney can even up things. Next week the jurymen will lie with us. P. ut. we wonder what has become of the '-special grand jury" that our lower Main street contemporary talk ed so much about before election? Cering's Mel-IIose Is perfect toilet cream, keeps the hands and face from chapping, is not. sticky or gicasy, does not injure the skin ami is a most de lightful skin food. nly 2k kt t ube. Sold only by Cering k: Co., prescrip tion druggists. Mrs. J. Peiison, :!! So. If.th, Omaha, Neb. Our underwear stock comprises the. most desirable goods of the sea son, in cotton. Ileece, part wool, all wool, silk, silk and wool, from the lowest price up. Children's and Misses' underwear in white or natural gray, ribied vests, union suits. Child ren's and Misses' black drawers and tights. Ladies' black tights, from .Xc up. Ilev. Dr. Hopkins delivered a lec ture here a few months ago, and was heard again last night at the Crand Opera House. He could have made' his fortune on the stage. He is a nat ural mimic and his sense of humor is very keen. For over an hour and a half he held the close attention of his audience, while he entertained them with his wit, wisdom and funny stories. Freeport (III.) Journal." This is the second mi in lie r of our lec ture course. Parmele Theatre, Nov l!.t. Kveryliody should come. E.G. DOVEY & SON Invites the inspection of tln Dress Goods! We are showing Larjc Assortment of Wool Shawls, Ladies' Dressing Sacques, Tarn O Shanter Caps, Injants Knit Sacques, &c, bought at very SPECIAL PRICE! Sole Agents for Queen Quality Shoes Dress Trimmings in all the latest styles to trim the new weave. in Persian Bands, Appliques, Braids, Mo dnllions, Drops, :c. C. A. liichey, the Louisville lumber man, was a county seat visitor yester day. Our old friend John I). Ferguson, of near Louisville, was a county seat vis itor Saturday. J udge J. W. Eaton, of Nebraska City, was here on business with the county court yesterday. A marriage license was issued yes terday to Michael McGirk and Ida Jane Seipel, both of Council HlufTs, la. S. S. English, representing the Mar shall Taper Co., was in the city Mon day, and made this office a business call. The Journal is pleas 3d to learn that Miss Ilopping's dancing school is prov ing a grand success. The pupils all like her. Mrs. Elizabeth Latham died at her home in this city on Tuesday, Novem ber 10, aged SI years. The deceased had been a long sufferer from dropsy. II. V. MclonaId, the Murdock drug gist, shows the true spirit of a work ing democrat, lie averages one new sutiscriber every week. The latest ad dition to our Murdock list is Fred Schewe. Now, let other democrats follow friend McDonald's noble ex ample. It appears that there are a number in the city who have escaped paying an occupation tax. If this tax is riirht let all pay. If it is wrong none should pay. It is not right for some who willingly pay to do so while others through pure cussedness refuse to "poney up " We say serve all alike. Hon. Win. Deles Dernier, of Elm wood, is in the city today, and in company with Judge Travis, made a brief visit to the Journal otlice, and while here made himself solid for the Journal another year. Mr. Deles Iernier is a most clever gentleman, and we are always pleased to meet him. A Burn Never Burns. After Porter's antiseptic healing oi is applied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. cents. THE OLD RcUABUt fSt C Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Do you smoke "Hud?" Well, buy them at Cering tfc Co.'s. Do you smoke '-Cut Hells?" Well, then buy them at tiering ."v Co.'s. C. Maukenhaupt , of Center Precinct, was in the city yesterday on business, and made the Journal a pleasant visit. Mr. Maukenhaupt is one of the prom inent farmers and inlluential demo crats of ('enter, and while here re newed for the Old JJeliable another year. Alf. Edgerton, who has been em ployed on the Illinois Central's new bridge at East Omaha, was brought, to his home in this city a few days ago, having met with nn accident that came near resulting in insta-it death. He was working on a pier, w hen he lost his foothold and fell into a pit, a distance of about twenty-eight feet. As it was several of the bones in his left foot were, broken, and he also suf fered other injuries, irout of town patrons to the largest Dry Goods, Arc, in Cass County. y i - it -. 4 1 Furs 2 the Newest Styles WaJstings ! We are showing a beautiful line of these goods in Mercerized effects 2)c. to $1.25. All tin beauty of silk, with twice the wear ing features. Carpet DepQLrtment.. Sec our line of all-wool carpets at CJ)r Regular price 75c. ' j Linoleum up to 4 yds wide. Straw Matting, Oilcloth, Kugs, Are. We are agents for liutterick Paper Patterns. E. G. DOVEY 6c SON. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. When you feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in the mouth. When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. Sbowino nes witli oik or more of our ring's on llic finders whut more i-liurmintr display c-oulil te desir ei. We luive recently .-ulilid ;i new line of Combination ano Sinole Stone IRinns of preiit U-auty and design and superior quality. N'Ulilns liefore produced surpasses tliese rin;;s in workmanship. SNYDER 6c CO.7 Do you want a beautiful, as well as Useful wedding present? See A .slur (.lark's cut glass and china stock. Miss Mabel E.iloii, who departed Friday lor a lew days visit with rela tives in Central City, Neb., returned yesterday. Jacob Lair and family of King!i!ier county, Oklahoma, came in Tuesday evening for a visit, with the former's brother, D. J. Lair. Miss Mart hu Iiupley went. o Coun cil ISIulfs, Iowa, Tuesday to assist Mrs. Cates, a former resident. r this city, in dressmaking for a few weeks. John Sneed, of Lincoln, has leen temporarily transferred to the loi-al yards here to take the place of Fire man J uli us N ielson, w ho is on I In sick list. The grand march at the Woman's Club entertainment will be led hy .Master Pollock Parmele ami Miss Helen Cass, as Ceorge and Martha Washington. The old time, original "Lancers" as given by the little children in eo.-.t ume on the Juth for the Woman's Club Li brary len."Iit., will be one of the sweet est and daintiest sights ever seen in Plattsmouth. The attorney for t he landholders of the Plattsmoulh Electric- Light and Cas Co., Win. 1 '.a in I, of Omaha, w." in the city yesterday for the purpose of cuiiHiilt big wit h t he city's at tojney with a view of bringing about- a set tlement of the controversy as soon as possible. It seems to nnle considerable dif ference wit h oi;r vi ry ctticient police judge as to who is before bini for trial. Some he assesses high, ot hers lo.v and then another class he lets go wit h 'simply a "promise to pay." Well, ii ! seems to make no dilicrence with I some people, so the salary is guui'Uii i teed. O -4D and best selected stock of Wo handl" the famous " ANN1S " lino of Furs. . All in Scarfs. 9 O --3 Death of Harry Dickinson. The above named gentleman died at the home of his son-in-iaw, Martin Honk, on Tuesday, November lit, lim:;, aged of! years. Mr. Dickinson had been suffering from lung trouble for some time, but was confined to Ids bed only about ten days. One daughter, Mrs. Ilouk and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, of Nebraska City, are left to mourn his demise. The funeral occurred yesterday af ternoon, the services lieing conducted by Rev. Swan, of the M. E. Church. For several years the deceased had served in the capacity of Janitor of the Columbian school building, and out of respect for one so familiar with the pupi's, school in that building was dismissed yesterday in order that all might attend the funeral. The deceased was an excellent gen tleman and a good citi.on and leaves many friends who regret ids demise. The Best Liniment. "Chamberlain's Pain Palm is con sidered the best liniment on the mar ket," write Post & Pliss, of Ceoigia. Vt. No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other af fords such quick reliif from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. (live this lini ment a trial and you will never wish to be without :t. For sale by all drug gists. Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines none of which relieved me. One da' I saw an ad. of your Electric Pitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and seon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, and General Debility." This is what P. F. Pass, .of Fremont, N. C. writes. . Only 50c, at F. (I. Frickc & Co., Druggists. ..FANCY AMD STAPLE. GRO 1 l 1 1' ALSO A FANCY LINK OF Haveland China; Lamps fni" the Holiday and (lilt Trade. In our DIJY (JOOI)S I FPA IIT.M FNT we have many NKY FALL Ki.d WINTFi; STYLKS. Highest .Mark, t Pri.-o Paid for I'd TiTLK and FtidS. JL. B. EGENBERGER. '6?e CAHEFUL MAN is Always Vc!l Attaircd. The careful man sees to it that we do his tailoring, lor we are careful of the careful man. Ask any bush, ess man as to I he in'pressioii ood clutlu s make. Asl: any husiness in luiaba as to I he impression our tailoring makes. Fall styles now ready. Suits $20 to $40 Trousers $6 to $!0 QPvESHEIl. OPEN EVENINGS. l.")l." I ":i main H .. OMAHA, m i: Milford B. Botes, :i - nl fur XT be Satuvba jvcnino JJOSl A- !; On.-nf 1 !) i!c -l Y . Uly I'liliii'.li. il. ; h a Thw-i- ili-.ii i ii" ' lii . I ;.- 1 1. lit, I 'a i r .mil f:i :'.! ! 1 1. sn pp1 i.-il ly tin ': a .'. nt -. '-.in i.- supplii-.l at. Ih- li "A - -.1 a in I i if 13 Mauzy & Murphy. 3 A N.zvv Deputy Sheriff. Frank' Schlater, for t he past two years deputy sheriff under SherilT Mc Pride, has concluded to resign t he po sition and will step down and out as such about the lL!i of December. The vacancy will be lilled by Fd Tutt, son of .I.D. Tut t, one of I Mattsmouth's oldest and most, respected cit izens. It is with considerable, regret that Mr. Mclhide parts with such a faithful assistatd, as Mr. Sehlater, as their as sociations for the past, two years has been most congenial and brother-like. Mr. Schlater has private business af fairs that needs his direct, attention, making it imperative, for him to step down and out of the sherill's ollice. Mr. Tutt is a young man of excellent, business -uali Meat ions, who is liked by all, and we know of no one who is bet ter titled to step into the position va cated by Mr. Schlater than IvlTutt. To Cure A Cold in One Duy. Take Laxative Promo rjuiuiuc Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. P. W. Grove's signature on each box. iT-'j. BroKe Into His House. S. Li fjuinn of Cavendish, Vermont, was robbid of his customary health by invasion of chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Pile Piils broke into his house, his trouble wasarresl ed and now he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure. -c at F. (1. Frickc & Co.'s drug store. Joe Klein's Old Stand . km pi H-cf -- Cbt "Churchill" CERIESI n u 1 I tr-i $14.75 to Chicago und Return. Via I In 1 1 i i i;i 1 1 ii i l.'oul e, on account. International lave Stock lvKsit ion, November lis to December.'. Tickets on sale. November "Js, li'iand .'0; limit ed for return to Dec in her 7. Ask I be agent . Ik, n't allow money tit lie around. It, is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. SAUE MONEY by keeping it. in a safe place such as ll mm tL- r - v 7 The BanH of Cass County You can ive a check for any part of it, at. any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. When you have a bank account you will he anxious to add t oif, rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. Home-Made MHDIES! The Home-made Candy Season Is here. Ke member You von (let the Uet At John Schiappacasse, The. fruit Man, North Side Main St. Plattsmouth, IF IT COMES FROM MOLL Y'S IT'S GOOD! This holds jood in Mens' and I Joys' Suits, Suits and dent's Furnishings. Call and examine quality of joods and prices and be con vinced. Wm. Holly, 1 QCtrrJM A Waterman I Slock. I