The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 12, 1903, Image 4

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    The Plattsmoatb Journal
Kmkv ki.t ami Manna ran dipoit
n oecasion, fur the fin t ln iaiM of i. i
1 ional gayety.
Tin- admini-.! ral ion de.scrvi-s
lilt; title of the Twentieth ('enliny
School for S.-andals.
Sks iii: II nn a is i.o-.v in Washing
ton ready lu lake up I hi i x s!ae j eli
sion 1111 and ship .subsiby.
I'.khi:k lon il. will ! necessary :.
.search for a .scat id al-Ii-ss depai I incut in
I Ik- present administ rat ion.
'iixi many coi n-hoskers slayail al
home in Nebraska n -I--t i ii day.
That's where .1 iidurc Sullivan got his
Mack eye.
Till': n)iillii-ans will s . i In gin to
explain I he ecliu in hiisiuess as the
lesult of Ihe fear of a democratic vic
tory next fall.
TilK president succeeded in keeping
lack the Ihistow report on 1 1 M.slal
frauds until after lh elections, hut
the voters wilt rcmcmher it next fall
Ah to Hie first girl that sang Ilia
vvalha, that is of no concern: hut i
any I km ly can Kint out the last out
ami guarantee her to he the last, it i
of international importance.
I'imuan, the successful
on the democrat ic ticket for clciko
the district court of Otoe county, will
le the youngest district clerk in tlx
slate, lie is only twenty-three years
A i-tki: the next inauguration, .Mr,
Koosevelt may go to France and Ice
tureonrace suicide. The death rat
exceeus me nirin raie in ! rancv am
surest ions on the suhject would h
TiiK.Ship Muilding Trust may hav
Ih-cii an example of "hih tinance" hut
most M-opIecall it a great swindh
might not lea had plan for Schwab t
take a trip to Kurope and wait for tlx
salvation of the stat ute of limitations.
Ikmik i: TH stock is. soaring high in
me east, ami democrats west
more cheerful countenances than us
ual. Indications point to democratic
success next year, with the right man
to lead the party on to victory.
IIooskvki.t may get the rcpuhlican
nomination next year, hut the. Journal
will not helieveit until after the woik
is done. The husincss Interests of tin
country are afraid of him, and have
heen trembling in their shoes eve
since the death of .McKinley.
Thk election in .Maryland, Khodt
Island and New ork gives promise ot
a lettcr day for democracy in the east
I lie election or "Kittle Mac' jr.. wa
.1 direct slap in lloosevelt's face, win
made a special ctTort in Itehalf of hi
let, Seth Low, in New York City.
It has lecii the success of the rcpuo-
lican party to make millions of hum
hie citizens lielieve that the "foreign
pays the tax" and that a prohibit ivt
f a ritT is the sole guarantee of living
wages and profitahle commerce in tin
home market for the home producer
Hut that time is past.
To oiler Cuba 'reciprocity," even, i
a practical concession of the trusts (
free trade. If protection is desirahie
looking to our own interests, why dif
ferentiate in favor of Cuha? Why not
hold Cuha off at arm's length aia
make the most of our advantage?
Thk many friends of W . II. Kelligar
in this city and county will he pleased
to learn that that eminent lawyer was
elected one of the district judges foi
the tirst judicial district. The vote
'Hilly" received in his own county ot
Nemaha, was indeed complimentary.
receiving a majority of nearly "oo.
Seventv-hvk memlicrs of one Ne
braska family licltl a reunion at I'nion,
Cass county, Novemher . They w ere
Mr. and Mrs. Frans. their eleven chil
dren and great grandchildren. They
are all Ikiptists and all democrats, and
death has never invaded their ranks.
Nebraska City News.
It will le observed that if David
Ilawksworth had leen a candidate in
this district for commissioner, as un
dor the old law, he would have teen
badly defeated, hut leing voted for by
the entire county is all that saved the
old gentleman's bacon. There is now
a movement on foot throughout the
state to have this ahnoxious measure
rcealed at the next session of the leg
islature, and we le!ievc sutticient in
fluence w ill be brought to lcar to do it.
This is not the tirst instance that
the president has had nothing to say
about a McClellen. One of the great
est generals the sun ever shone uon
was, a McClellan, and father of the
newly elected Mayor of New York City.
Hut Koosevelt, in speaking words of
praise for other herocsof the civil war
not many weeks since, refused to
say one word in behalf of brave "Little
Mae." Hut there is no Mssible com
parison Ijctwcen Koosevelt, of Kough
Ilider fame and tleneral (Icorge H Mc
Clellan, whose name and fame has gone
fwn in history, never to te forgotten
for generations to come.
Wk have declared to Cuba that we
shall not maintain our tarilT walls im
prignably against her and have lured
her into submitting the otTer of '-reciprocity."
What reciprocity means is
for the trusts to decide. , They were
not in favor of making any concessions
to her at the outset and it is just pos
sibly that President Koosevelt in en
couraging treaty negotiations has ex
ceeded his power of fulfillment. The
trusts through their olitieians and
legislators, may ultimately veto the
proposed arrangement altogether.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in thi
fount r y iii st dangerous I pi c.-iiisc soi !)
1 11 1 II l 1 1- tie. Manvvu.l.Iiii
Srii"j rS l ' ,u ,l ,,s :m a,,s, 'i
:T.J-h : II by it heart dis-i-'C'-Ty
Nil Tw ,';,s'- pneumonia,
'ZJ rf iif- ,l, :irt failure or
ajH.plt x v arc- oi ion
the result ol kiI
ney disease. If
kiducv trouble is
allowed toad vanec
-rNJ?'l. ed hlHl will at
tack tin- vital organs, causing -:itarrli of
tin- bladder, or the kidneys lln-msel vi
break down and waste away cell by cell.
I'.Iadder troubles almost always result
from a deranjemeiit f the kidneys and
;i ciuc is obtained tpiiekest by a projK-r
treatment of the kiiineys. If you are feel
ing badly you ean make no mistake by
taking Dr. Kilmer's 5wampK(Hit, the
jreat kidney, liv-r and bladder remedv.
tt -rrects inability- to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of hi i:ig
c ompelled t yit often through the dav,
anil to up many times during the
niv;ht.' The mild and the extraordinary
clfect of Svaiii-Kof jt is sku realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Koot is pleasant to take and
sold bv all druggists in fiitv-cent and
one-dollar size lottles. Vou may have
samjilc" lottle of this wnderful new dis
covery and a lk that tells all aliout it,
lioth sent free hv mail. Addret-s, I )r. Kii-
mer ei Co., I'.iiihaiiiton, N. V. When
writing mention reading this jenerous
otter in this tciiK-r. I)on t make any
mistake, but rt-in-mlK-r the name.Swamp
KMt, I)r. Kilmer's Swam p-Root, and the
adlress, hinh. union, N. ., on every
The Matter of National Boodle
l-'or several months the leading pa
pers of the country have been engaged
in commenting upon what they
view as 1 he probability t hat a nat ional
IxKidle issue would evolve out of the
times. In the interim many things
have come to strengthen this view,
and it would seem now that the prob
ability seriously threatens tin party
resMnsibIe for conditions which appar
ently everywhere prevail in the nation
al service.
That the scandal will have some po
litical eH'cct must in reason he admit
ted. Their magnit utecalls for national
and political action. The country is
c gni.antof them. In every point f
the compass the tires of ImmkIIc send up
their smoke in Megan the great land
frauds, in t ho Territory the gigantic
swindles, in Washington the depart
ment disclosures, new scandals in the
great cities. "Hoodie" has become
since last June a stupendous presence
of which the people are made aware
almost every hour.
Inseparably republican politics and
(Hiliticians have been bound up with
the scandals. From the very tirst it
has been seen that political motives
delayed developments, and a great un
known hand repressed the truths.
Hut the relation between the admin
istration and the vast scheme of graft
has heen established by disclosure suc
ceeding disclosure until it stands bared
to public gaze -a tremendous politi
co! fact.
'Kcform within the party'' haslieen
exploited by the party press for the
very patent purpose of forestalling the
cure which the people would naturally
demand sooner or later. (I rant the
serious or si. ice re intentions of the
party to reform w ithin itself has not
graft lcen so interwoven with political
influences as to make patty reform vir
tually impossible? It would seem s ,
certainly. The only cure for graft
up m so extensive a scale a scale even
greater than that of the graft in 'T(J.
when boodle was the prime issue is
the ballot.
Flaunting the "Bloody-Shirt."
One of the most bitter campaigns
waged since the days of reconstruction
was that in the enlightened state of
Massachusetts during the past few-
weeks. The republicans started out
by making an attack upon the war re
cord of the democratic candidate for
secretary of state, the Hon. E.ekiel M.
Eekiel. It appears that Mr. E.ekiel,
against whose conduct as a citizen
there is no just cause for criticism, isa
native of Virginia, and during thecivil
war served in the Confederate army,
as under the circumstances and his
environments it is quite natural he
should have done. For more than
twenty-five years, however, he has
been a resident of Massachusetts, and
has proven himself to be a man of
probity and honor, and has won the
confidence and esteem of his neighbors.
to say nothing of the favor of his party.
Notwithstanding this, his opponents
saw- in to revive uic ohi. worn-out
'bloody-shirt" issue and to Haunt the
threadbare garment at the democrats.
They evidently sought to rekindle the
smoldering emfers of sect ional hatred.
ind to revive questions which the
country is endeavoring to forget.
Years ago congress granted amnesty to
ill who fought for the "Lost Cause,"
and since that time hundreds of capa
ble men who wore the gray in the
early sixties have held high positions
under the government and rendered
valuable service to their count ry. In
the late unpleasantness with Spam
some of them fought valiantly under
the old Stars and Stripes. Many have
been appointed to oilice by republican
presidents and have proven themselves
worthy of the confidence reposed in
them. Why, then, should the repub
licans of Massachusetts seek to make
service in the Confederate army forty
years ago a harrier to oilicial prefer
ment? Maybe this is stmply a fore
runner of "Mood-shirt" Haunting next
year, mat sort or a campaign would
perhaps suit Teddy.
'Vot us fr Defeat,' according to
threat, dropped in and "stopped the
paper." Hut it will lc perceived that
the Journal comes out as usual this
week, and as fresh as a blooming May
President Roosevelt.
Just In-fore the aeeiilental presi
dent iiom i m for the vice presi
dency h-had .ihu'isl, entirely melted
from view. With hi ascendency to
the executive post, the "popular hero"
was suddenly rehabilitated. Then af
ter a time his appeal to the people
waned, his populanly reaching its low
ebb immediately after t he congression
al elect joimf ri)2. Eut busiasm was in
a measure restored by his frank seek
ing of t he nominal ion and his western
tour in the spring of this year.
Mr. Koosevelt has made several ini ;-
takes in t he i uteri in since t he last Hat e
of en! tn:-i:. sin. The difliculty of ti e
depaitmeut scandals confronted hi:n
iiuiricdiately on his return from the
west: and he failed to do what he
should have done to manifest a strong
bare hand instead of temporizing with
t he scandals. 1 1 is mist aken policy in
federal appoint incuts and hisdoor-of-hope
casuistry have been patent. )!-
viou-dy lie erred in the Kussian in
cid'-ut. In the Demit xH'.iir he has
leeii made toappear not hing less than
rioicuious tun it should he lairly ac
knowledged I hat, a port ion ol the press
behaved unjust ly toward him in this
instance. Other mistakes, none of
th -m vilal, out all LI ic in conspicuous,
have rather detracted from t ban ad-
(led to the strength of Mr. Koosevelt
on the popular or personal side.
Y hcl her his weakness tor urging
the undisputed moralities has affected
his standing with the masses is dilli-
cult to judge. Safe to say, however,
most people had heard of the Ten
Commandments before Mr. Koosevelt
discovered them and most people al
ready possessed settled convictions
upon the subject of babies, old maids,
bachelors, divorce and various other
I nest ions more or less relat ed to the
fireside: and it is more than possible
that his moral disquisitions have
seemed a hit trite and unnecessary;
and moreover that while he gave his
time to these things a good many im
mediate and important problems af
fecting the nation were being neg
It is not easy to gauge enthusiasm
or popularity now. Nothing has oc
curred rccenl Iv which would afford a
test. There has been no occasion for
manifestations or expressions from
the people. "In the air," neverthe
less, are slight indications
something which we know as the po
litical atmosphere tells a story of de
clining favor.
Whether these conditions have in
duced in Senator Ilanna the belief
that Mr. Koosevelt may he beaten for
the nomination is a political question
... .... ...wIl4 ...,.
one oi t lie aoiest men who ever lined
the position of chairman of the Ke-
publican National Committee and
news comes that he has decided not to
serve in that capacity in the coming
campaign. A reason he must have
a powerful reason and a fair supposi
tion is that he intends to come out for
the presidential nomination himself.
should he do so the country will wit
ness a wire-pulling contest of heroic
proportions, and the Journal will
wage cookies to doughnuts that Koose
velt comes out second best.
Doesn't Respect Old Age.
Ifs shameful when youth fails to
show nroner resnect. for old hut,
just the contrary in the case of Dr.
- j
King's New Life Pills. They cut off
maladies no matter how severe and ir-
respective of old age. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice. l ever Cont i nn t too n ii vioid
to this nerfeet. Pill W nt V. G
Kricke & Co.'s Druir Store.
To Back the Law.
The county assessors elected recent-
ly under the provisions of the new
oy aim see ineir joos uihcn iiom uiem,
says the Lincoln News. The two suits
pending in the supreme court, attack-
my me validity oi ine law win nave
a t lii;, t mi
warm defenders in the county asscss-
They are endeavoring to organize for
ine purpose oi employing counsel 10
uppe.n oeioie ine supieme court o-
venibcr 17, when the test cases w ill tie
heard before the three judges. T. C.
M linger, of Lincoln, who appeared be
fore the court last Friday in defense
of the law, is said to represent the as
sesssors. Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many
a railway wreck and the same causes
are making human wrecks of sufferers
of Throat atld Lung Troubles. But!
since the advent of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, even the worst cases can
be Cured, and hopeless resignation is
no longer nCSCSSary. Mrs. Lois Cragg
of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many I
Whose life was Saved by Dr. King's
.ew inscovcry. a ne great remeny is
guaranteed by all Throat and Lung
diseases by F. G. l-'ricke & Co., Irug-
gists. Price .0c, and 1. 00. Trial bot
tles free.
Perry s Restaurant
and Short Order House
w "W -l O liT 1 O
Meals Served at Regular
leal Hours.
Fresh Oysters
Fish or anything in Market.
$ P. UTTER BACK, Proprietor, j&
b Opposite Cass County BanK,
X South SIDc, 420 Bain St.
M 1 lMI fa'&Pis
I "Drlnlt-and tht World TJ
I VrinXs tilth you."
I "pOR everybody who appreciates the
I 1 irood things of life prefers Ound's
Prlss -wht-n its merit U discovered by
the only known test actual use.
0 The Beer of Good Cheer.
1 Bend for Free Bouveulr Booklet. I
I John Qund Brewing Co., La Crone. Wit. R
Justices of the Peace.
The following justices of the peace
were elected in Cass county at the
elect ion, November 'A:
Plattsmouth M. Archer and Win.
Tipton l'recinct X. Cishwciler and
William Stewart.
( Jreenwood (ieorge J I ess and .1. C.
Stove Creek David McCaig and I!.
Klin wood S. Ilullish and John Lei.
South Kend Joseph Wagoner and
George Mattison.
Weeping Water City-G. W. Wood
ruff and T. Gimhlin.
Weeping "Water l'recinct W. C.
Center W. T. Long.
Louisville W. K. (Jess.
Avoca-T. K. Garity and G. II.
Kight Mile Grove J. 1'. Kiel.
Nehawka Andrew 1'ittinan and
George Keynolds.
Liberty Geo. Is. Law tie and T. W .
Kock I Huffs K. W. Swearingen and
"Walter Hyers.
A Hurt Never Hurts.
After 1'orter's antiseptic healing oil
,s applied. Kelievcs pain instantly
and heals at the same time,
or beast. Price, 2" cents.
For man
A New Generation of Giants.
Dr. Ilatai, invented a certain food
which he asserts, will create a new
generation of giants. The experiments
with this food were all very successful
.nfl wc wjl, awajt
soon the
world will he tilled with men of enorm
ous statute. If health and strength
will not be combined with the size of
the body, it will be of little value: we
want to be strong and well, where
these two fundcmental conditions of
life are deficient. Trincr's American
Klixir of Kitter Wine will create them.
It will give strength to the digestive
organs to readily accept and absorb
food, to make new blood of it, to nour
ish the whole organism. It will make
the whole system strong and healthy.
In all disturbances of the regular ac-
tion of the stomach, Triner's Kitter
V ine will bring prompt relici and a
decided cure. In cases of Anaemia,
Chlorosis, eruptions or any malady
caused by poor or unclean blood, it is
tIlc ony natural remedy. At, drug
stores and at the manufacturers, Jos.
inner, tr.) South ASliianu Ave., Chl-
cago, Illinois
A Cut Never Bleeds.
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
M applied. Kelievcs pain instantly
ai ine same Lime, j ui man
lrler. 'T eonts
tnr "I
Time Table
II . 1
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Denver, Helena,
Kutte, Portland
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
Chicatro; st. Joe
Mansas City St
T ,.;,, nnrl M
points East and
Trains Leave as Follows:
No. 34 Local to Pacific Junction !:53 urn
No. 4 Local express, daily, all points
east and south 10:00 am
No. 30 Freight, daily except Sunday,
to Pacific Junction 2:40 pm
No. 21 Local to Pacific Junction 4:45 pm
No. 2-Locai express, to Iowa points,
Chicago and the east 4:32pni
Xo- io-Fast express, daily, from Lin-
coin to St losepl.. Kansas City St
and south
No. Ill Local express, daily. Omaha,
Lincoln. Denver and intermediate
. slJltu,ns
:5I am
Ft. Crook and South Omah:u daily
except Sunday .):25am
N'o- 29-Locai freight, to Cedar Creek.
Louisville and .South Kend. daily
except Sunday 0:40 am
No. 7 Fast mail, daily, to Omaha and
Lincoln 2:12 pm
No. 6 Through vestihuled express for
all points east 7:2s arn
No. 3 Vestihuled express, daily. Den
ver, all points in Colorado, Utah
and California 3:33 pm
No. 13 Lincoln. Grand Island. ISlack
Hills. Montana and Pacific north
west 10:2s pm
No. 33 Local express. Iuisville. Ash
land. W'ahoo. Schuyler, daily ex
cept Sunday 3: DOpm
No. 20 From Omaha. 3:17 am
Sleeping; dining and rei-Iining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and bairjrage, cheeked to any uolnt in the
United Mates or Canada.
For information, time tables, mans and
tickets call on or write to W. I. Pickett, local
agent. Plattsmouth. Neb., or J. Kraneis. gen
eral ptissenger agent. Omaha, NjI.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. 1 5.37 am
No. 17 5.40 pm
No. 2 11.34 pm
No. 122, local freight 7.35 am
No. 18 10.45 am
Autumn Sale
All D", ail ments will part iiinile
il.-riv-,. vom- l:il.- .oid :m.. n..v!l weenn NAVK Ytt MO.NKY. Come with ail avowed
thorouirh. holiest, and c-arelul examination or every arlicleoll'i-red. IfynM
fail to find the prices lower than offered el -ew here, TM KN DO NOT KCY!
Underwear "3 Underwear
'2" Un.. Manufacturer's Sonnies of Ladies
fl.-J." to 1 ..", choice fi.r
,ri0 Iiii.. Ladies' Ycstsani Pants Manufacl urer's Samples
choice for
One Case
Full-Size ,
Knit Goods
Knit Shawls, Fascinators, Squares, Knit Silk Shawls, Scarfs, Ac Wool Tarns. Gaps, Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Sweaters from ;." cents to '.oo. ( Vlehrat ed "Lamb Knit" line of Lai lies' and Children's Golf G loves and
Mils. Full line of Ways Knit Muillcis our stock is without limit in quality, quant it.v and at I ract I ve
ness of price.
G. w -s t 1 I I Just received i'MI pieces
rent Lv njb( n I ? i i 1 1 1 11 n siikiaii.ta. s.ih.
Talfata Kibbon, :i, -I, " and inches wide, worth froiu.'in cent -. to T.i cents a yard choice for P cent s a . ard Come be
fore assort meiit is broken. This lot, surpasses all former effort s in the ribbon line.
We are especially st long on Women's and Children's I.'eady -Made Suits, Dresses, Wrappers, Cloaks, Dies-. Skills,
Coder Skirts. Silk and Flannel Waists, M uslin and out ing Flannel I Wider wear, ami ol her labor-saving items in
up Wear, which in fuost instances are sold at less I ban material price, and bet ter made t ban home -made.
We sell Gage I ho.'s Celebrated Street Hats New Fall Line just received.
Wc are Sole Agents for Standard Patterns which we carry in slock.
New Way of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman w riting from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says:
"As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Kemcdy is a sure cure suitable for old
and young, I pen you the following:
A neighbor of mine had a child just
over two months old. It had a very
bad cough and the parents did not
know what to give it. I suggested
that ir they would get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
put some upon the dummy teat the
baby was sucking it would no doubt
cure the child. This they did and
brought about a quick relief and cured
the baby." This remedy is for sale by
all druggists.
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. P. Orner, Franklin I rove, HI.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield
ing to doctors and remedies of four
years. Then Ihickliifs Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for Iliirns,
Scalds, Skin Kruptions and I'iles. 'Sv,
at F. C. Kricke & Co.'s Drug Store.
Corner Sixth and Main Sheets.
Gold 'ntrf,c.-; JHnmoml lltmjy,
Gobi IiiiHs a, itl Sihy rii-n rc.
Jfln!J Clix-ks, J (.'liiiHi,
nail axriftliinij suitable for
Wedding and Birthday Gifts!
f,ot (lint tXHiuiiiK llits: ot) i iiii 1 ul iootlx
bi fir: binjiinj.
I w ill sell some of
my thoroughbred
Buff Orpingtons
cheap, quality consid
ered, to make room
for winter. Get a
good male bird to
strengthen your Hock.
W. C. Hamilton,
Second House Southeast of
Cumming's Lumber Yard,
I - 4 1
of Seasonable
ever, art !!. v m-I iy a quoted - - no exaggerat ions.
Specie7 B.i i::ns in Underwear!
and Children's Dninn Suits, worth
worth from to cents
10-1 ( 'ot ton P.lankets, matches every one, 7.'. ( TINTS K I
12 1 Col Jon Kiankets: also, hi I an I 12-1. Wool Klankels,
ojse Furrvishers
Vou always want 1 know when to jjtrt tin? l'sl
Furnishings. You arc invit-l to st, us for Car
pets, Linok titns, of all jrxnU'S of Furniture, ami
the finest Carpet Sweepers on Hit; market. Al-o,
Sattler& Fassbender.
Bottled ii: Bond.
Zfs fi i? 5fn;niiti.2 end fjuar
Mli iSkv cnwnwmi.
Ph i Hi 3
ft m
al 1 's Cash
JE-i 1 I J WA I 1
1,000 joints of stove pipe, per joint. 10c
500 elbows at 10, 15 and 20cts each
Well buckets 40cts each
Coal buckets at 25, 35 and 4j cents each
A Li";htninj Bread Knife at 25cts
Pocket Knives of all kinds, sizes and prices.
Lanterns at 20, 50, 75 and 0cts
Hardware of all kinds.
One of the most complete line of Groceries in the city.
Friday and Saturday, Suar 20 pounds for Si. 00
Merchandise at
feel t hat. we can
intention of making a
elude this is not. an honest sal, and
40c. Suit.
20c. Each.
N D, Ol ! K Pi: I CI I .Vi cents
at veiy c lose luaicius.
a pair; II I
Knit Goods
tile most complete lill
of first-elassainl beau
tiful lel room suits.
Never forget for a
minute that we are
the House Furnishers
of Plattsmouth ami
Casseounly. So when
in need of anything
jjivc us your order.
XLbc Best XKHW8h!
io the Cheapest
in the jnM
IVor Whisky is iut only ill's
agreeable to tiuste, but undoubted
ly in juriouH to the stomach. A lit
tlo itnA Whisky is a fiiu- tonic and
helps instead of harming;. Siu-h
Whiskies as Yellowstone, fr in
htance, will Jo you just uk mueh
o;frd as a doctor's preKerijtion. It
yon don't know how (ood it h,
como in and try it.
Cij(.-keiiheiineril!ye, per gallon ... fl 00
Honey Dew,
Uig Horn,
" "... 4 no
" "... .'i 00
rc I f,
r i in c 1
- v- - i V t