l t T J ..A II ill A i 0 0) S: j . Waterman Block Joe llein s Old Stand . CMS -ChurtMW LOCAL BREVITIES. Knives arwl ranrs at (lering & 0. Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Window glass, paints and putty, at (Jerlng Si, Co's. Just what you want in wallpaper at Cering St C'o.'s. .Smoke the Wurl Rros.' celebrated 'Out Hell" cigars. Inland-China male pigs for sale. II. A. 1 1 1st, (Jault farm. Carl Swan came up from Nebraska City and spent Sunday with his par ents, Kev. and Mrs. .1. W. Swan. John Karnes, in charge of the II. & M. warehouse at this place. spent Sun- day with friends in York, Nebraska. Wantkd!-A got m! lady nurse at the por' f;irm. Good wages. Enquire of Superintendent or Journal offlce I 'at ton's Sun Proof Taint is guaran teed for five years. It costs more but it is the very best. Sold only by Ber ing & Co. For Iiase llurners, Organs, Furni tu re, Cooking Stoves of all kinds, go to the new and second-hand store, Iloeck building. Wm. ISrantner is again in charge of Wurl & Coffey's deliverywagon. Rill is an old nand ut the business, and it looks familiar to see him" at his old post. , Street hats, in all styles, at Mrs. Street's. Ladies, call and see her ele gant line of millinery, consisting of all the latest styles in hats, both for dress and street wear. Chas. Englekcmeier, one of the Journal's staunch German patrons, living southeast of Weeping Water, called Saturday, and renewed his alle giance to the Journal. At a meeting of the F.lks Tuesday night it was decided to remove their headquarters from the rooms over Mor gan's store to rtoms over Hcrger's ba kery, in the Coates block. The appointments of Mrs. Thomas Walling, Henry Herold and I. It. Smith, as inemliers of the library loard, by Mayor Morgan, were unani mously confirmed by the city council Monday night. J. W. RufTner was up from St. Jos eph to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. RufTner. While, here he gave the Journal a very pleasant call. Mr. RutTner is in the employ of the Rurlington atSt.Joseph. F. W. Young was here from Union Friday evening on business. Mr. "Young is a staunch democrat, and a hustling young farmer. While here he called and enrolled his name for the Journal. Evidently the farmers appreciate our efforts to give them a good paper. J. l. Tigner, living south of Rock Muffs, was in the city Saturday, and called and renewed for the Journal. Mr. Tigner says the people in his vi cinity have a great kick coming on account of the irregular manner in which the R. F. I. man makes that neighborhood. It seems that he makes that section when he feels like it, and when tie is in a hurry he doesn't. SOLOMON SOME fflllUNERY , ARE BEING WALKING AND for Ladies, Misses Also special price on all the Shirt Waists, New Winter Skirts, New Merchandise arriving" daily Leaders in Styles and Prices r r CORTES FROM MOLL Y'S ITS GOOD! 'VUiA holds (1 in Mens' and Hoys' Suits, Suits and Gent's Furnishings. Call and examine tiality of goods aod prices and be con vinced. Wm. Holly, r 1 Free of Charge. For the. next month tre trill nmul out a ninnltcr of extra copiex of llue. Journal. If tjim y t a nll uf it iliirimj that tinic re inc miter that it trill, runt yon nittliiinj. At the endof that time if you iltxire to snhxrrilet pleaxe ' .....r... -------- tnjonn us. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar. Geo. Mattison, of South Rend, was a 1'lattsmouth visitor Thuesday. W. F. Krecklow, of near Louisville, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. - Hon. F. E. White and wife, of Oma ha, visited their old home Tuesday. AlvaGodwin and wife returned Mon day from a week's visit to Cheyenne, Wyoming. James Green and wife of Cedar nap- ids, Iowa, were the guests of Henry Schluntz and family the past week. Mr. TlmmasO. Po'lard and Miss Dor othy Johnson, botho Greenwood, were granted a marriage permit Friday. Miss Ruth Tunniclille, after a pleas ant visit in this city with her sister, Mis. Prof. E. L. Rouse and family, de parted for her home in Kewanee, Illi nois. E. M. Clark, the Pacitic Junction barber, accompanied by James Scott, called at Journal headquarters Friday. They were returning from the festivi ties at Omaha. It is estimated, and it is not far out of the way, either, that 1"00 people from this city and immediate vicinity went to Omaha last Thursday and Thursday night. Ruilds up muscular flesh, healthy tissue, rich red blood, clears the stom ach, kidneys and liver.. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents. Gering & Co. G. W. Rhodcn, living four miles northwest of Murray, was in Monday and renewed his allegiance to the Jour nal. Mr. Rhodcn is a very pleasant gentleman and wc were pleased to make his acquaintance. FARMERS' ATTENTION! Next spring we intend carrying the best line of Gakdex, Fieli and Gkass Skkds in Cass County, at the very lowest market prices and would like the op portunity of figuring with you. " Gekinu & Co., riattsmouth. Ladies, den't forget that Mrs. Street is headquarters for Indian Beads, Rat tenler and Looms, Hair Switches and every everything else that is stylish and up-to-date in ladies apparel. Will Coolidge last week received word from Rapid City to the effect that his cousin, Ed Coolidge, until a few weeks ago a resident of this city,'had fallen a victim to smallpox. Late ad vices from the young man'sbedsideare to the effect that he is not seriously ill and his Central City friends are living in hopes of soon hearing of his release from quarantine. Central City, (S. D.) Register. & NATHAN RARE BARGAINS SHOWN IN DRESS HATS and Children. CLOAKS, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Call for "Gut Hoil" cigars, fx. There is no place Hko Geting&Co.'s to .i t your medicines. fcVrmk Sitzman and family spent Sunday with Lincoln friends. l)r. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. On ice with Dr. E. D. Cummins. J I. D. Travis was in Lincoln Friday on business with the supreme court. Miss Nettle Delay of Crest on, Iowa, was' the guest of Miss Gertrude Heeson the past week. Do you want a beautiful, as well as useful wedding present? See Ashcr Clark's cut glass and china. Music by the Parmelc orchestra at the Turner hall Saturday nigltt. A pleasant time is guaranteed. Mrs. II. R. Neitzel returned to her home in M unlock Friday accompanied by her mother, Mrs. F. R. Guthman. Mr. George Smith, one of the Jour nal's earnest patrons at Rock Bluffs, was In Saturday and renewed for the Old Reliable another year. After a brief visit in this city with their daughter, Mrs. A. N. Dopain and family. Dr. IK Rust and wife left for their home at Whiting, I6wa, last Friday. Miss Ilopping's evening class in dancing is well attended. Lessons front 7 to . Assembly from 9 to 11:30. Vis itors gentlemen .35 cents, gentleman and lady 50 cents. Albert Tschirrcn, living south of Plattsmouth, called Friday and added his name to our Mynard list. Like all who want the best going he could not get along without the Journal any longer. At the twenty-third annual meeting of the Nebraska Woman's Suffrage convention, which met in Nebraska City last week, Mrs. Isabel Richcy of this city read an original poem enti tled "A Resume," prepared espec ially for the occasion. E.G. DOVEY & SON Invites the inspection of their out of town patrons to the largest Dry Goods, &c, in Cass County. Dress Goods! We are showing Uarge Assortment of Wool Shawls, Ladies' Dressing Sacques, Tarn O Shanter Caps, Injants Knit Sacques, &c, bought at very SPECIAL PRICE! Sole Agents Otiepfi OllfllirV ShflPQ Dress Trimmings in all the latest styles to trim the new weaves in Porsian Bands, Appliques, Braids, Me dallions, Drops, &c. Shipped in Horses and Cattle. A. S. Will, one of Cass county's big stock men, shipped in from his Color ado ranch this week several car loads of cattle and horses, and drove them to lis ranch in Eight Mile Grove precinct. There was forty-nine head of horses, and two car loads of feeding cattle. Broke Into His House. S. LcQuinn of Cavendish, Vermont. was robbed of his customary health by invasion of chronic Constipation. wnen lr. King's JNew L.i re I'i its broke nto his house, his trouble was arrested and now lie's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure. 2.jc at F. G. ncke & Co. s drug store. Cause of Lockjaw. Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused bv a bacillus or germ which exists plenti fully in street dirt. It is inactive so long as exposed to the air. but when carried beneath the skin as in the wounds caused by percussion caps or y rusty nails, and when the air is xcluded the germ is roused to activity and produces the most virulent poison known. . ihese germs may be destroy ed and all danger of lockjaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Hal in freely as soon as the injury is received. lTtin lialm is an antiseptic and causes cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal without maturation and in one third he time required by the usual treat ment. It is for sale by all druirirists. 'POULTRY. I will sell some of my thoroughbred Buff Orpingtons cheap, quality consid ered, to make rfin for winter. Get a good male bird to strengthen your flock. W. C. Hamilton, Second House Southeast of Cummlng's Lumber Yard, Plattsmouth,: Neb. F. S. White attendee! the fifth an nual coursing event at Fremont, Ne braska, tiiis week. Wantkd A girl or woman for gen eral housework, including washing. Wages 4-1 00 per week. Address Box 97, Plattsmouth, Neb. Miss Ilopplng's afternoon dancirg school opened very auspiciously on Saturday. Parents welcome at all times. Visitors, ten cents admission. A permit to marry was granted to F. J, Fitch of Omaha and Miss Bertha Belle McFall of El in wood, last Mon day. William Gillespie of Mynard returned last Friday evening from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he had been on bus iness.' . The happiest couple In the world should be a deaf husband and a blind wife, tHith taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps peace in the family. 35 cents. Gering & Co. Judge J. B. Barnes, republican can dldate for supreme judge, was a Platts mouth visitor Monday, and In company witli County Attorney Root and Re corder Schneider gave the Journal a brief call. The Journal can say this much for Judge Barnes, that he ap pears to be a nice, clever gentleman. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 3J. AN4rtt. Want your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then t.-e BUCKINGHAM'S DYE&U&r. tOfflt. Or Omjr.nr.TV o. . P. 'II Co.. H.mj,N. M. i fTiMTTTTTS v I the Newest Styles w We are showing a beautiful line of these jgoods in Mercerized effects 25c to $1.25. j All the beauty of silk, with twice the wear ! ing features. (Carpet epak.rtnment.. Bee our line of all-wool carpets atS CZ Regular price 75c. - Linoleum up to 4 yds wide. Straw Matting, Oilcloth, Rugs, &c. We are agents for Butterick Paper Patterns. E. G. DOVEY 6c SON. After a short visit with-the family C. C. Mills in this city, Miss A. D. Mills returned to her home in Council Bluffs Monday. Amos Burtnett, an old veteran of the civil war, and for many years a cit izen of Plattsmouth, is here this week visiting with old friends. Mr. Burt nett is now located at the Soldiers' Home at Milford, Nebraska. I Pearson, of Silver City, Iowa, was in Plattsmouth Monday on some pri vate business, and of course called on the Journal. Mr. Pearson and R. A. Bases of this office are old friends and neighbors," and while his visit was a surprise, it was highly appreciated just the same. ' Clay Conner, one of the best fellows in the world, was here this week visit ing his friends. He was accompanied by his wife, who visited her parents in the .country. Mr. Conner was form erly in the saloon business here, and is now engaged in the same business at Elmwood. It is also said, much to Clay's credit, that he runs one of the neatest and most orderly saloons in the county. - Low Rates West via Burlington Route. 2o,00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. $25.00 to San Francisco. Los Angeles. $22,50 to Spokane. $2u,oo to Salt Lake City. Butte and Helena. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other points, including Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, Montana, Ida ho. Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, etc. Every day until November 30. Tourist cars to Cal ifornia. Personally conducted excur sions 'three times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of near est Burlington Route agent. . Eon of a Lilre Opinion, Mrs. Pilmor. of Cordova. Iowa, says: "One or my children was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving or Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Kromptly, always .brought relief, fany mothers in this neigh borliood think the same as I do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children." For sale bjr all druggists. The BEER of Good Cheer. It comes with smiles, and goes with smiles, and leaves smiles in its train. Smile with "Peertess". StaA tot FrM Sonvenlr Booklet Jsha Gmi Bmrlitj Cf., La CrstM, Eft. J. M. Tectfarden, the republican can didate for county assessor, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Fred Kaker and Miss Nellie Ryan, both of Chicago, were married In this city Monday, October 12, 1903, by Dr. J. T. Baird. Henry 1 luck ins of, the Nebraska Hhzzard was circulating amonir his 1'lattsmouth friends Tuesday, but found time to call at Journal head quarters a few moments. Chief of Police Rube Hyers departed TnmUf far Feorla, IUlaoia, to attend a reunion of his old regiment, the 108th Illinois, and will be absent several days. In his absence Johnny Fitzpatrick will fill Rube's place. and best selected stock of We handle the famous -'MNNI w Hne of Furg in Scarfs. All t "Consistency, Thou Art a Jewel !" In the month of June, 1902, George L. Farley and his attorney, C. S. Polk, as officers of the Law and Order League, caused a warrant to'bc issued out of the county court for the arrest of some boys who were playing base ball on a Sunday afternoon in the ball park. This warrant was placed in the hands of Sheriff McBride, who brought the said parties before the court to bo dealt with according to law. Was there anything else Che sheriff could do? Assuredly not; yet a number of men are waging a campaign war against Sheriff McBride for serving this warrant. The News is certainly aware of the fact that this is being done as we have repeatedly heard it discussed by divers persons on our streets; yet, has the editor of the News ever said one word in his paper to the effect that Sheriff McBride performed his duty in serving this warrant that the said editor was instrumental in having issued? ao; he simply sits back, laughing in his sleeves, and al lows the sheriff to bo censured for an act that he himself is responsible. Is the editor of the News "fair" in this campaign? We think nit I Saves Two From Death. "Our little daugther had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and brochitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havi- land, of Armonk, New York., "but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Con sumption .in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to day she is perfectly well." Desperate tnroat ana lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no- other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 nottles guaranteed hy t U.- Fricke & Co. Trial bottles free. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. . W. Grove's signature on each box. 25c. . 1 Dr. Elztor, Don 1 1st, Waterman Block. Cheap Toilet "i Is nvst always t Ik cause of chop- $ pod hands and faces. You Q can 'prevent It by tj.slni; v i;ood soap. " ft Woodbury's jj ft ts an deal Skin Soii. $ ft it ft ft 6 2Sc. CSrOurlinc of Toilet Soaps In-2 eludes loth Foreign and Po-X mestlc make. Prices to suit the 5 purse: 5 to 55c Per Cae. ft L G. Frieke & Co., Prescription Pharmacists. iwOQOOQOOOQGOOOOOOQQQGQOGOOOOOOOOGOOC PLATTSMOUTH Savings Bank, Plattsmouth, Neb. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W. II. NKWNLL, Pkks. T. E. PAIIMELK, Vick I'kks. S. II. AT WOOD. J. M. KOH KILTS, Cahimkk. - Pays interest on deHsits of sM.OO or more. Issues demand or time certificates of deposit. Buys and sells exchange. Computes interest from the first of the month on all deposits madeonorlieforcthc 12th of the mont h. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US and wc will help you make it grow. A Romantic Wedding. A special from Lockhart, N. Y., to the Omaha World-Herald, under date of October 8, contains an account of a very romantic wedding, in which a Cass county citizen is a central ligure: "John T. Kruger of Wabash," Neb., and Miss Mamie Grant of Napancc, Ont., were married here last night by Rev. G. W. Gallagher. Neither had seen each other until an hour previous to the ceremony. Kruger, who is a young farmer, was furnished the address of the lady who is now li is wife, by a rela tive of her, who met him while in the west on business a year ago. Kruger began a correspondence with Miss Grant, and in due time came an ex change of photographs and then an ex change of love letters. They became engaged. The home of an uncle of the bride, Thomas Grant, in this city, was selected as the place of meeting. Kru ger arrived in this city at 7 o'clock last night and within an hour the wedding took place," Mr. and Mrs. Kruger are now ensconced on the groom's farm, near Wabash, to all intents and pur poses as "happy as two larks." Seriously Injured.' While Sheeley's bridge men were en gaged at work near Union last Tues day, J. A. Murray, foreman of the gang, met with a narrow escape from death. The men were engaged in operating a pile driver. Mr. Murray was under neath the bridge at the time, when a heavy ftimbe broke, allowing the heavy hammer to fall, resulting in the latter I receiving a glancing blow on the side of the head, inflicting a scalp wound that required seventeen stitches to close. Jack was brought to his home in this city, where he will be confined for some time. A Burn Never "Burns. After Porter's antiseptic healing oi is applied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. 25 cents. The New "EL &" Shoulder This is the shoulder that has created such a stir among Clothing Manufacturers completely revolutionizing the making of Ready-to-Wear clothing. This will be found only in Kohn Brothers' Fine Clothing, originators of the "K. B." Shoulder Pad, now protecting their rights by patents in this and foreign countries. By the use of this pad, the same shoulder that until now fully Vlll " . V I O' 30CJGC Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough remedy, it not only cures colds and grip effectually and per manently, but prevents these diseases from resulting in pneumonia. Jt is also a certain cure for croup. Whoop ing cough is not dangerous when tills remddy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not surprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at home, esteem this remedy very highly and very few are willing to take any other after having once used it. For sale by all druggists. A Cut Never Bleeds. After Porter's antiseptic healing oil is applied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, 25 cents. r V7 Home-Made LpAHDIESI The Home-made Candy Season Is here. Remember You you Get the Best1 At b)'ohn Schiappacasse, The Fruit Man, North Side Main St. Plattsmouth. M s fee naa uccn seen oniy in ine nignesr priced merchant-tailored garment is secured. We will show it to you. Clothing buying is made easy here "satisfaction, or money cheer- refunded. All Union Mode. t CABBY A COMrUTS UKI OT SOLD BY IHhilb, Plattsmouth, Neb. 0 2 I L i ' r 7