OUR SPECIAL SALE .OF. 6x rllk-.-ZJ ' THE GRCAT MAJESTIC. JOHN 5K' Main Street. LOCAL BREVITIES. Call for ";ut Hell" cigars, fic. Knives and razors at tiering & . Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Window glass, paints ami putty, at tiering St Co's. Inst what you want in wallpaper at tiering St Co.'s. Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated Miut Heil" cigars. Frank Craemer, of South I Send, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl (J. Fricke return ed from their honeymoon trip Friday morning. M iss MaymeSullivan left for Chicago Saturday where she will resume her musical studies. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. larger came down from Lincoln and Sundayed with the latter'.s parents. C. I. Cummins, of Ft. Steele, Okla homa, came in Friday morning for a few days visit with home folks. Miss Carrie Becker went to Pekin, Illinois, last Thursday, where she will visit relatives for several weeks. A. L. A. Schiermeyer, editor of the Socialist organ at Lincoln, was in I'lattsmouth on business Saturday. Farmers who have safe and sure corn crop will certainly have no com plaints to register about the price they are tiound to receive for it. If. K. Young, of Carroll, Neb., who was visiting his brother, J. M., the past week, departed for his home Tuesday iktminie (iardella.of Detroit, Mich., visited in this city Friday and Satur day with his cousin, John Schiappa exsse. Mrs. S. C. Gregory, of tireneda, Col., is visiting in this city with her daughter, Mrs 5. W. Cilman and family. Mrs. Chamberlain and daughter, of Chicago, arrived Saturday morning for a brief visit with the family of (I. W. (iihnan. Ceo. J. Silzman and bride, of St. Joseph, Mo., arrived in I'lattsmouth 011 Friday last to visit relatives and friends. They were married in the former city Wednesday, Septemter23. M. A. Sams, the ring candidate, who paints twenty-year-old picture, on his campaign cards, was in Plattsmouth Saturday and Saturday evening, but did not attend the lecture of Senator Dolliver. A partition suit, in the matter of John L. Kruger vs. Ferdinand L. Kruger, et al., involving certain real estate In Cass and Otoe counties, has Iteen tiled with the clerk of the district court. Hi tie tournament at Simmons Bro's. rifle range, riattsmouth, Neb. Twenty five yards off hand, 22 calibre rifles. A line loving cup for the champion ship of Cass county, October 12, 13, and 14. FA UM EltS' ATTENTION! Next spring we intend carrying the best line of (Iaudkx, Fikli asu (ikass Sheds in Cass County, at the very lowest market prices and would like the op portunity of figuring with you. i CJeuinu Si Co., I'lattsmouth. Busby Bros, circus, which showed in thjscity Monday, Septemler 17, "give up the ghost" at Falls City the follow ing Wednesday making but twodates after leaving here. The past season has teen pretty tough on shows, especially the small ones. Ceo. Shoiiman, a retired farmer of near Louisville, has purchased pro pel ty on Eighth street, and removed his family to this city. Plattsmouth has a vast number of retired farmers and they are all good citizens. The advantages here are greater than at any other point in the county. Charley Banning of Nthauka, was in Plattsmouth attending to some busi ness matters Monday. He was accom panied by Mrs. Banning, who went from here to Tabor. Iowa, to visit rela tives. Mr. Panning dropped in a mo ment to see how the Journal was get ting along. Frank McNurlin, of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was in the city Monday, and being one of the reliable democrats of Cass county, called and subscribed for the Journal. Mr. McNurlin says the charges prefered by the News, and the editor's failure to come to time on every proposition made to him, is winning votes for -Sheriff Hell ride in Mt. Pleasant precipe.. MAJESTIC RANGES last week' proved very sat isfactory. Twenty-three of these Household Necesities were sold, and want all to hear in mind that we have more of the same kind the best ranjeonthe mar ket. BAUER, Plattsmouth, Neb. Free of Charge. F'n- the next month ire trill m nil nut t ii ii in lr it extm rojririt the Journal. If ijnu ijtt roiif of it iliiiimj that time re mnnln t that it trill rout you not hi in). At the t nil of that time J iY " ilexire to nulinrrilH:, jiUttxe 13 i ii for in us. "Cut Heil," the favorite cigar. Dr. E. Foster was down from Cedar Creek on business Tuesday. C. A. Ilichey was down from Louis ville, Tuesday on business. T. W. Shy rock, of Louisville, was a I'lattsmouth visitor Tuesday. M.S. Bnggsand Iiob't Troop went to Logan, Iowa, Monday on a business trip. After this week the Ebinger Hard ware Company will be found In their new quarters in the Coates block. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd, of Ne hawka, were county scat visitors Fri day. The open season for prairiechickens and grouse begins today. The season is also ripe. (J. W. Lair came in Sunday from Kinglisher, Oklahoma, for a visit with his son, D. J., and family. Jack Sherwood, In the em ploy of the Northern Pacilic railroad at Bozeman, Montana, is making a brief visit with his parents. Mrs. Charles McNamee and two sons arrived in Plattsmouth Monday morning, from Colorado en route for their home in Union. Builds up muscular tiesh, healthy tissue, rich red blood, clears the stom ach, kidneys and liver. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 3j cents. (Bering St Co. J. E. Baldwin and family, who have been visiting with the family of Nel son Jones for the past two or three weeks, departed Saturday morning for Osceola, Neb., where they will make their future home. Charles Spencer, the young man, who escaped from the asylum at Lin coln, reached this city Wednesday evening of last week, having walked the entire distance, but was taken back by Sheriff McBride Thursday afternoon. Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Com pany which appeared at the Parmele theatre Friday night, drew a crowded house, and it is said that many were unable to secure seats. The company are not above the average ones playing this stale old play. The county commissioners were in Louisville Tuesday at which time work was commenced on the repairs of the bridge across the Platte river. It will cost $3,000 to place the bridge in proper shape one-half of which will lie paid by Sarpy county. C. J. Gaebel was in the city Friday. Mr. flaebel had been out advertising his big hog sale for October Tth, at his home live miles southwest of Louisville, and dropped in to "chin" the editor of the Journal a few moments. lie is always welcome Uncle JakeKuntzman, accompanied by C. A. Wacho, both substantial farmers of near Cedar Creek, gave the Journal a pleasant call Friday, and while here Mr. Wacho ordered his name enrolled on our Cedar Creek list, and also ordered two hundred return envelopes. Dan Kiser gave the Journal a busi ness call Friday, and reports that he sold over (WX) bushels of peaches, and hardly had enough to go half way round. Peaches at 2 and $l.i per bushel is a pretty dear luxury, but some people will have '-peaches and cream" at any cost. It Is not generally known that since the Burlington railroad company com pleted the new bridge across the MUsouri river at this point that the company has commenced to replace the old bridge with a new heavy steel one across the Platte river between OreapoHsand LaPlatte, which will be equal in every respect to their bridge at Ashland, and will be able to carry their heaviest engines and big frieght trains. They have doubtless abandon ed the idea of shortening the line by -building a ucw. road through Swallow hill, as intimated. A.si.rr Clark has a fine line of china and cut glass Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Oi?icc with Dr. I'. D. Cummins. I f you are a judge of a irood smoke, try the "Acorns" cent cigar and you w ill smoke no other. Do you want a beautiful, as well as useful wedding present? See Asher Clark's cut glass and china. After this week the Ebinger Hard ware Co., will In; In their new quarters, (me door west of Shervvnod'rtshoc store. Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint is guaran teed for live years. It costs more but it is the very best. Sold only by Cer ingifc(. Miss Agnes Thrasher returned this week from Shelby, Iowa, where she was visiting for a month with her aunt, Mrs. II. II. Davis. Mrs. William Hudig returned Tues day from an extended visit with rela tives and friends in Germany. Her husband met her in Chicago. Remember that the Ebinger Hard ware Co , will lie located in their ele gant new quarters, one door west of Sherwood's shoe store, after this week. Dr. Richards, the famous eye expert will examine eyes free of charge, Wed nesday. Oct. 11th, at (iering & Co.s drug store, This is a great opportunity of getting a pair of spectacles perfect ly tit. Ccorge Meisinger who has been vis iting with relatives and old time friends in I'lattsmouth and vicinity for the past three weeks, departed for his home in I'ekin, Illinois, Tuesday morning. John P. Tritsch called Tuesday and left his measure for the Journal. Mr. Tritsch was a patron of the Journal several years ago, but said the paper had so improved under its present management that every farmer ought to take it. E.G. DOVE Y & SON Invites the inspection of their out of town patrons to the largest Dry Goods, &c, in Cass County. ID) THE NEW WEAVES ARE: Boucle Nubs, Panne Cloth, Kerseys, Zebalines, Sanglier, Voiles, Crapes, Melrose From 50c to $2.50 per yard. in all the latest styles to trim the new weaves I in Persian Bands, Appliques, Braids, Me-! dallions, Drops, &c. ' Mrs. Jos. Sans and daughter were up from Ilock Bluffs Saturday doing some trading, and while here that lady called at Journal headquarters to re new their subscription for another year. Bruce Stone, a son of that irre pressible democrat, J. M. Stone, and one of the staunch men of Cass county, was a caller Saturday, and renewed for another year. Bruce lives near Murray, and is one of the prominent young democrats of that section. Our friend P. E. Ruffner, who is now time-keeper for the Poisal crew, work ing on the new grade of the Burling ton over in Mills county. Iowa, was over to visit his family Saturday, and took time to call and renew his faith in the Journal another year. Ed is not only one of the best fellows but he is one of the best democrats in the world. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daugther had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and brochitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilavi land, of Armonk, New York., "but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Con sumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to day she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 lottles guaranteed by F. G. Fricke St Co. Trial bottles free. Uany of a LII(e Opinion. Mrs. Piluier. of Cordova. Iowa, says: 'One of my children was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighboihood think the same as I do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children." For sale by all druggists. Omaha's Gates are Open Wide. King Ak-Sar-Ben the 9th has gather ed his hosts within her gates and extends a cordial welcome to all people 1o come to his magnificent Full Kestivites and grand carnival now go ing on. Big day parade October 7th. Dazzling Electrical parade October 8th. Grand ball October 9th. The carnival is simply immense. Gates open till October 10th, midnight. Half fare on all rail roads. You ought to come If you have to walk. Drtmt lth .' fTOR rrbody who appreciates tb x rood things of life prefers Gnnd'a Prl0t when its merit Is discovered by the only known test actual use. The Beer of Good Cheer. 8ad for Free SoaveaU Booklet, Jefca liisi Brewing Ct, La Cress. Win. For a pleasant physic take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Pleasant in effect. For sale by all druggists. Mary Jennings, N. Yamhill, Oregon, could not get along without Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes women strong and beautiful. Keeps them well. 35 cents. (Iering & Co. Mrs. R. II. Davies, millinery and hairgoods, 1511 Douglas street, Omaha. Two hundred beautiful black velvet hats, with chiffon facings and elegant plumes, worth $25, going at $10. Five hundred first quality beaver hats, black and colors $2.50. Exclusive styles in street hats, $10down to $2.50. Largest line of hairgoods in Omaha. Call and see our $1 switch. (Soods!Fiurs2 I the Newest Styles W Wo are showing a beautiful line of these i goods in Mercerized effects 25c to $1.25. ! All the beauty of silk, with twice the wear i ing features. ! Carpet I Oepartrnervt. .. We have an extensive line of these goods I in Ax minsters and Velvets, cheaper than can i be found elsewhero. Also, some very special numbers in Ingrains, bought at a bargain in I New York City 15 to 25c below the regular I price. E. G. DOVEY 6c SON. First Dance of the Season. The German Turners will give a dance at their hall on Saturday night, October 17. Prepare yourself for one of the enjoyable events of the season. These boys always make it pleasant for those who attend their dances. Cause of Lockjaw. Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists plenti fully in street dirt. It is inactive so long as exposed to the air. but when carried beneath the skin as in the wounds caused 'by percussion caps or by rusty nails, and when the air is excluded the germ is roused to activity and produces the most virulent poison known. These germs may be destroy ed and all danger of lockjaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as the injury is received. Pain Balm is an antiseptic and causes cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal without maturation and in one third the time required by the usual treat ment. It is for sale by all druggists. Broke Into His House. S. LeQuinn of Cavendish, Vermont, was robbod of his customary health hv invasion of chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Lire Pills broke into his house, his trouble wasarrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure. 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. Hilford B. Bates. sole agent for Saturba Evening i One of the Best Weekly Published. :t- Those desiring this Excellent Paper j and failed to be supplied by the agents, can be supplied at the i news stand of j 3 Uzvay 6 Hurphy. 9 j Ttie city council met in regular ses sion last Monday night. Hut nothing of much interest came up for action. The EMnber Hardware Co., after this week will tie in their new quarters In the Coates block. (I eo. Poisal attended a re-union of hisold regiment the Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, at Wlnterset, Iowa, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Zach Shrader, of Mt. Pleasant township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Taylor from Saturday until Sunday evening. Mr. Shrader is one of the big farmer of Cass county, and also one of the rock-ribbed demo crats. Lobt Somewhere in Plattsmouth, a gold-rimmed picture button. It is not fur the button that it is desired, but on account of the picture on the but ton, which is that of a departed rela tive. Leave at Perry's Restaurant or at this office. The Masonic Home. Mr. (Jeo. W. Liniger, of Omaha, was in the city Tuesday. He is at the head of the Masonic Home association, and reports that the residence recent ly purchased by the association from F. E. White, will be opened as a Home some time next month A portion of the furniture for the Home arrived yesterday from Omaha, which will lie used in equipping two of the parlors, which was a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Liniger. Richards Gets Eighteen Years. A special to the Omaha Bee from DcsMoines, Iowa, under date of Sep tember 3, says: "V. S. Richards, ex duputy United States marshal, was sentenced this morning by Judge Applegate to eighteen years servitude in the penitentiary for robbing the home of Mrs. Sarah Sullivan at Hamil ton, Iowa, on January 31, 1903." Special Train to Omaha. Account of Ak-Sar-Ben parade Thursday, October 8th, the Burling ton will run a special train, leaving I'lattsmouth at (i:30 p. m.; returning leave Omaha at 11:30 p. m. Fifty-six cents for ronnd trip. and best selected stock of We handle the famous " ANNIS line of Furs. All in Scarfs. A Peculiar Will Case. City Attorney C. C. Wright of Omaha was before the court Monday in behalf of his client, John Shuman, formerly of Malvern but now residing in Oklahoma. Shu man's father in his will decreed that his (deceased's) wife should have the use of a 120-acre farm near Malvern, and upon her death his son John Shuman should have a life interest, and that the latter's children upon his death should be given the farm. The wife died and now John Shuman asks the court for a construc tion of the will, claiming the title to the land rested in him instead of his children as was the apparent purport of the will. Judge Wheeler decided in Shuman's favor, holdijgthe languge of the will somewhat doubtTul and that the law tended to discourage the prolongation of estates ir. this manner. Glen wood (Iowa) Tribune. Wedded Bliss. John Zeller and Mrs. Anna Morrison, of Omaha, were united in marriage at the home of James Rebel, a brother of the bride, on Tuesday afternoon, September 29, 1903. Rev II. B. Burgess, of the Episcopal church, otllciating. Mr. Zeller is employed in the otlice of County Attorney English, at Omaha. For Twenty-Four Years. R. II. Fitch, who has been a patron of the Journal from its incipiency call ed Friday and renewed for the tw enly fourth year. Mr. Fitch lives four miles south of Rock Bluffs, and is one of the solid democrats of Casscounty. In Their New Quarters. The Ebinger Hardware Co. are engaged in removing their stock to their new quarters in the Coates block, where they will have more room for the display of godds. After this week they will be found in the new quarters, where they hope to meet all their old patrons, and as many new ones as de sire to favor them with a visit. A Burn Never Burns. After Porter's antiseptic healing oi is applied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. 25 cents. Dr. Elstor, Dontist, Watormon Blook. IX) yOU WANT A NKW FAUi OVERCOAT Of course you do, luit the place to get it- that's tho qticHtion. Wm. Holly invitoHyou to call nml look over liis samples for either an Overcoat or Dross or JJusincKK Suit. (Quality of gfxxls nnl prices compnro otpially with any Iioiiko in I'lnttKiimuth. CJent's Furnishings of iho lateht styles anil risht up-to-tlad. Wm. Holly, ICust Iionni Waterman llo-k. .Toe Klein's Old Stand. IMuttHiuouth. MMUZY & A B U Z Y K SUCCESSORS TO ARTIE C. HELPS. Wabash's New Bank. The business interest sof Wabash are evidently on a boom. The lest indi cation of this fact is the establish ment of a banking institution in that thrifty village by Mr. O. O. Thomas and incorporated under the laws of the state with a capital of $.,000. It will start out with a home of its own, as a new brick bidding is being erected especially for its occu pancy. Mr. Thomas is a thorough bus iness man, and such an institution in such competent hands is bound to pros per and result in much good to the bus iness interests of Wabash. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best salve on earth. 2.cat F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. To Cure A Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 2.x;. Sbowino w; 1 L It one or more of our rings on the lingers what more rliiirrulntf lis)l.iy could 1m: dt-sir-ed. We have recently added a new line of nes Ibanb Combination a no Sinolc Stone IRinos of great leauty and design and suj-rlor quality. Nothing lefore produced surpasses these rings in workmanship. SNYDER Sc CO., The New "IL B." Shoulder This is the shoulder that has created such a stir among Clothing Manufacturers completely revolutionizing the making of Ready-to-Wear clothing. , This will be found only in Kohn Brothers' Fine Clothing, originators of the "K. B." Shoulder Pad, now protecting their rights by patents in this and foreign countries. By the use of this pad, the same shoulder that until now f 9 W fcjfi MURPHY U R P H Y N R Ask the Ring. An observing friend asks t his ques tion: "Why is it that one never hears Ioli tics discussed only when we visit MaUsinouth?" That's easy. Platts mouth makes the nominations, why not control the election?- Louisville Courier. Returned From the East. Dr. ( II. Gilmore was up from Murray Tuesday, and let the light of his countenance heam in n kii the .Journal force. He rcMrts that his father-in-law, .1. A. Walker, has returned from his visit to the Key stone state, much delighted with his visit to the scenes of his childhood. A Close Call. Jjhn Burris, aged lifteen years, who is making his home with his cousin, Albert Fickler, four miles south of I'lattsmouth during the aljsrncc of his parents, who are visiting relatives somewhere in the west, met with an accident last Sunday afternoon, which was not serious hut very painful. The young man stepped Into the back yard with a shotgun to shoot at a hawk, when in some manner tin; gun was discharged while holding it under his arm with the uwv..W. downward, and in close proraminty to the right foot, badly laceratingoiieof his toes. While the boy's injuries are by no means serious, it was certainly a close call. Mrs. J. Benson, 210 So. 16th, Omaha. Knit underwear for ladles and child ren, light, medium and heavy weight, in cotton, part wool, all wool, silk and wool, all silk. Black drawers and tights I rum '1 years old and up. Knit corset covers, light or heavy weight, iv, :ih, r,o, r,H, 7.",, j, i.ir, Children's vests and pants and union suits, in cotton, lieece-lined, wool or part wool. Low Rates West via Burlington Route. 2.-,00 to Portland, Tacorna, Seattle. i",00toSan Francisco, Ixw Angeles. 822,50 to SHkane. 20,oo to Salt Lake City, Butte and Helena. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other points, including Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, Montana, Ida ho. "Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, etc Lvery day until November 30. Tourist cars to Cal ifornia. Personally conducted excur sions three times a week. Tourist cars oaily to Seattle, inquire of near est Burlington Route agent. A Cut Neve Bleeds. After Porter's antiseptic healing oil Is applied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, 21 cents. There is no place like Gering& Co.'s to get your medicines. has been seen only in the highest priced merchant-tailored garment is secured. We will show it to you. Clothing buying is made easy here 'satisfaction, or money cheer fully refunded." All Union Made. CAY A COMrLETX LIKE Ot COATS tbat keep CLOTHING wkfc their shape. Individuality. N SOLD BV e TWTtt irlk 11 A VULIU Plattsmouth, Neb.