The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 27, 1903, Image 3

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    - . .
flalvt, !.. AtiTit , imrt I reerlveil'f Down' K Mney Pills snd fnr hava likf lw
n and I ran truthfully Uial thry are a a-"-! a Oiey ar remiuimriHtra . " un " --
lhm 1 rull ..t bn. n.f hx kruuunh ! .r iipi site 'f n.d -omeilmea cull nl walk or in." Mijr
f-- Mlw.M.KiM.bulilnnlrW'i. I y'ir al. ami c-l trial boa and ho takan t braid,
ail I am ihM i4 vry hard day work. LTuu'a klduy I'lIU ar Oodaaad to Irjiuaalty. Mr. a.Ll.A
A. MaTiiaoa, lala-a, .'a-, kum
1 I ran I
Tkt irtal famst of
IMa' Kidney I'llla la
Wo by tha aaonalroo
poarr of tr f rwa trim I to
Sfunatriat) aurprlalaa;
ArbtaaT baw-ta ara eased
flip, ha4 k and tola aalna
vereome. Swelllne- ( the
llmha, ilrnatf ml mm, amd
mmtlit pain van lata.
They rrvrt arliMt vtta
r1- dual sediment, bill
..i.,rl. pain la ptnlaf.
drltibilnic, frequency. h a
wttln. Poan'a K Mnsy I'llla
Wmmi ralcail anl greval.
k:ira baart palpitation,
vrpleMnraa. haadeah,
twiuwatM, dlixlnasa.
P. O. -
For fraa Ha4 kmv. mail thf emvm ta
Pnat-r lilMrill'a, lluffahs N V. If wa
at-ars la Ina-ifllrlTtiV wrila addraa oa aV
rata aiap.
v J
Loaded Black Powder Shells
shoot stronger and reload better
than any other black powder
shells on the market, because
they are loaded more carefully
and made more scientifically.
Try them. They are
k aY- aa
Smokeless Powder II
irrnn ninn --r-.
UiinU bLUD
are winning:
eTcrywhere at
the trap-shooting
Ixa(!eJ with
ANY standard
smokeless pow
der, and for sale
! Specify U.AI.C.
Scad lor catalog troa
; Union Metallic Cartridge
BrVfeperl. Conn.
FILL COl'RSES IN Claaslcs. Letters. Eco
nomic a aad rllatorr. Journaliaat. Art. Science.
Pharmacy. Law, Civil. Mcchaaical aad Elec
trical Engineering , Architecture.
Thormigb Krcparatory and Commercial
Rooms Free to sit students who hare corn
rlrtrd the studies required for admis3on into tha
Sophomore. Junior or Senior Year of any of tba
Rooms to Rent, moderate eh?rc to students
over seventeen preparing for Collegiate Courses.
A limited number of Candidates for the Eccler
aiaatic al state will be received at special rates.
M. Edward's Hall, for bors under 13 years, is
aniue in the completeness of it equipment.
The 60- h Year will open September 8. 1903.
Catalogues Free. Address P. O. Bos 256.
REV. A. MORRISSEY. C. S. C. President.
One HC" Wast of Kotre Same University.
rl.isr beam !f nlly ani healthfully located, ("onrtucted
the flateraof the Holy ( harit-rod l.Vi. F.n-
J'-y r.r a national patronage. Thorough English,
ClAaatraX Scieatine aad Commercial Courses, ad
vanced Chemistry and Pharmacy. Regular Col
legia te Degrees. Preparatory Department trains
n ipl.a tor regular, aperlak or ruiiegiale couraea.
Fhvaicai laboratory weil equipped.
The Conservatory ef Muaio I a conducted on plan
of (he beat fonervaiorla. The Art Department Is
modeled af:-r leadicic Art Schools. Minim Depart
ment It children under twelve year. Physical
Culture under direction irt eraduate tf Dr. Sargent's
S '-mal -hl cf i'hTaical Tralnlnir.
Taa beit modern educational advantages for flttlne
youn women for lt"!a i Uaefuineaa. The conaiant
growth tC the Acailemy hs strain necessitated the
erection of addrtU'nal fine buildings with 1 at eat
Hvg'eolc equlpraenta. Hoderata eoet. Kew school
year betrlna September Pth. Mention thla paper.
Fit rataloirue and special Information apply to
The Directress of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY,
Notra Dame Indiana.
Omaha. Neh. Sen for Catalogue.
Cer. I9t saa
The oatr aoalttve eure for Draakaas
Drsg-rlag and the Tobacco BaMt
eaaaamdoaoa atrletly eonSdentlaL
WM IL BURNS. Man agar.
To rrove the healintr and
cleanaiuir power of fiitlo
Toilet Aatleeptle we will
Trail a large trial package
I f , T I with boolc of lastructloas
abeolately rrcex. This is not
a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough: to con
vince anvone of Its value.
Women all over the country
are praising Faxtine for waat
it baa done ia local treat
ment ef fesnala Ilia, eurirar
: I infUmmatlon and dlacbarges. wonderful as a
cleaning vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal
eatarra. as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth. Send today ; a postal card
will do.
SsM by drnga;iats or seat peatsald by aa, 5V
BMsta. large bs. Hattafaetloo gasrastMU,
THE B. I'AXTON C llMtoo, Maasv
SIS C'olnrnboa Af.
A.k T'-or fhra'clan's Adrva. BOOKLET FRF. fc.
Phuaaelphia Trass Co.. 61 Isaat EC Phila-, P2.
.TTionpssn-s tjo VT-tCJ
b aXX& ' 4
r..iii-o. Itl, Marrb HI.
lVrt. 1 l aampia of lao'B
Kidney I'llla can. a tn band.
I alau B nnt 10-rant bus
from our dmiclat, and I am
thankful to aay tba pala
arrfiaa I ha amall of t"T bark
laaparBl Ilka a baa It
In not aun. Ltuaa'a I'llla rratb
Iba apot."
Klmkb Winu
Ca !. Win.-" Prarlooa
to taktn tba aampia of
: ln'a Klrtnef I'llla t ynia
I acarralr bold tof orloa. f
. 1 raa strap all Bll and
rarely bata to sal up, and
liial arbln acroaa mr back.
1 a lit t ia abvva mf blpa, k
i goaa."
i Cauabna, WyOa
To a bad attack of the hives add a
little prickly heat, a few mosquitoes
and a graphaphone playing in the next
house and you Have a sample of intol
erable misery.
Ask Your Dealer fcr Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to shake inta your shoes. It rests
the feet. Cures Swollen. Sore. Hot, Callous,
Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowicg Nails.
Allen's Foot-Ease inak? new o tight
Shoes easy. SolJ by all Drugi and
shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed 1'KfiE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Koy, lt Y.
It is not what the ship draws, vut
what you do that counts.
If a lamb wanders too far from hom
it may return shorn of its fleece.
T Cure a Coid In One 1y.
Take Laxative Bruiao Quinine Tablets. All
druggist refund money if it fails to cure. ZjC
The more latitude a player indulges
in. the more longitude his face will be
likely to express.
A nervous tooth or a fidgety diges
tin can reduce a man to any old thins.
Insist or Getting it.
Roma grocers say they don't keep Da
flan c Starch. This is because they have a
stock on band of other brands containing;
only 12 oz. in a package, which they won't
be able to sail firt, because Defiance con
tains 1ft oz. for the same money.
Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 oz. for
same money ? Then buy Defiance Starch,
llequires no cooking.
No man is the same all the time;
which is why it is possible to have
some respect for every man at some
ycu trust, rito
ClbtsD CWOTfll
Tkf best tKierici4,iUt4mrren&ri
jixty-jeien van ejtperience Kane rde
T0VYER3 Lcken 0ts and Mats
fcrc" V wrkj cr They arc radcin
block oryt'OHfor all kirb of it work,
and fyvytomct beam$tNe 5IGN OP
THE PISH D Aaranteed to Oive xi
uTection. All reJooe dealers sell then.
Tom camhui ca.bitri.TOBoiTa on
A striking: contrast
bet ween Defiance Starch
and any other brand will
be found by cornpsarlaon.1
Defiance Starch atlffenW
whitens, beautifies with
out rotting.
'it rives clothes back
their newness.
It Is absolutely pure,
jit will not Injure the
most delicate fabrics.
For fine things and 'all
things use the best there
ts. Dnaocet.5tarch
io cents for 16 ounces.'
Other brands is cents far
'is ounces.
A stfikhtx contrcst.
Omaha, tk'
a---aa.aa--a-a..aaai aaaayaai-a--aa---a -a aaaa I
UTor th Sndividual
1796 9 IS72 3 1952
it or co-oprratlon in information to reduce
mutually e.eprnsioe mittaket. Jt it for mechan
ical, commercial and prof rational people; the
employer, etnploye and cuttomer; and consist $
of extracts taken by permission from the copy
righted letters, the lertirte. note books and libraries
cf lir. Earl M. Pratt. Wfien you secure on any
iuh)ect an idea personally useful to you, and
you- wish to give it to him, address Aim in care
of The John Crerar Library. Marshall Field
Building, Chicago. He it hunting the whole world
over for information of every day vie to yon.
Md he regrett his inability, personally to reply
to contributors. So far as possible he wishet to
fcar in this tpace the very ideas you would IVe
to find here. Ton are at liberty to tend him
any euggettion you may care to. Ilis Arcade
Index libraries were started in 179 and now con-,
lain unpublished in formation dating back to W6
with systematic plans extending to J our
lAorf story of some example of forethought de
soeited in the Arcade Index collection may prove ta
u your best monument.
Look Over the Map.
How many cities could you mark
on the Mercator map of the world at
the top of this column? What do you
know about the desirable personal
forces of the different nationalities?
We are more likely to hear of their
undesirable tendencies than otherwise
in our every day reading. Are you
acquainted with any one in the differ
ent continents?
After whacking an enemy before we
jol off we may hit a friend. Some wise
workers leave their "club" at home
not to use at home so as to think be
fore using it away from home. Some
keep it locked up and never use it if
possible to get along without it. Club
ling others dulls our own brain.
Enjoying Your Employment.
In love with your work is one of
the sources daily sources of profita
ble originality. Though very few get
a living doing just what they want to
do, yet many succeed and improve
their world of work, leaving their sub
ject in beter shape than they found
it. Desire to do something well helps
people succeed though working at
their second or third choice of em
ployment. A Chicago man with a na
tional reputation told me he had never
done the work he always wanted to
do. The work he wanted to do may
have been some youthful fancy. He is
a great success in the work he has
4 one. Interest in your work brightens
your eye, sharpens your thought and
quickens your ear. We are continually
walking over good things better
things profitable opportunities. While
waiting with friends for a belated
train I placed a coin on the walk to see
how many would walk over it. We
got the value of the coin in entertain
ment, as dozens of people walked over
ft. Then we got the value of the coin
hgain when we saw the joyful face of
the old lady with a basket who found
the coin, but did not see us. Greater
interest in our work lessens the num
ber of good things walked over it
helps us keep awake and thinking
straight. A short-sighted person could
see a dime on a high hitching post,
yet be blind to a gold eagle on the
ground. Greater interest in our work
lengthens our sight without injuring
fts quality. Some of the things I tell
you in these letters may help you most
"aough they are the greatest distance
'Tom the subject you are interested in.
You never know what is going to help
you see something new and useful to
you in your work. The art of picking
up useful ideas in other lines of work
and twisting them into usefulness in
your work is a splendid art to acquire.
Many confess that they lose their
""head," then lose a sale because they do
not know hozv to do othenvise. Of
course it is to their interest to do other
zcise. Self-control can be raised the
same as sivect corn, if you learn how.
Ten Years Frctr. Now.
While studying a boy, who was
standing in the car aisle with hfs
nother waiting for the gateman to
out another coach on the train, I
wondered what our boys and girls
must know in order to make them
selves useful ten to twenty years from
low. Some5aiducators think higher
education unfits women for their best
sphere, and we all know that some
iinds of schooling excessive educa
tion unfits men for any kind of use
ful work. But true education never
'njures any one it helps every one.
Dver education is like running too far
efore you jump it hinders you from
ioing that for which you are running.
Some wise men are advising students
o cut off one of their four years on
fneir books and Invest it in some prac
tical line of work. A banker told me
It was easier to find new ideas than It
vas to get executive ability to promote
the ideas. One of the best terms of
rchoohng I have had was in a wrench
factory, for money, during vacation.
A better kncnvlcdge of irresistible eon
ctyions has helped many to stop end
fink rather than to fight and fail.
AflCAOE )3
A healthy grl can tell by moral intui
tion the difference between right and
Xi.tong actions. A healthy man can tell
by business intuition the difference be
t'veen right and wrong methods. All of
us are tempted to disobey tur good judg
ment. Private Time Possibilities.
Thirty minutes a week for thirty
years is sufficient time for any person
to develop a useful side-line subject
to an altitude requiring international
Private time study requires a great
seli-contrcl. Generally there is no
time for it or too much time spent on
it. Zeal for a short time is easier than
persistency and good judgment for
One of the most successful lawyers
in the United States told me that a
night school was of jyeat use to him.
He attended a class after he had been
admitted to the bar, to overcome one
of his deficiencies.
Here are a few Items from my let
ter to yourg people on ten minutes a
day for ten years:
A mlmite is something like a dime.
It can be used usefully or abused
It can "be Invested In a way to bring
good Interest in a money-muscle-mind
It is fortunate for young people to
voluntarily see this manner.
It is expensive experience to have
to learn ft involuntarily.
Take a note book costing a dime,
more or less, and spend ten minutes
with it a day, three hundred days a
In ten years that means fifty days
of ten hours each.
If, at the end of ten years, you can
say the five hundred hours have in
creased your ability from two to twenty-five
per cent you will not regret
your efforts.
You can do this, and if yon do it
you are sure to gain by it.
Every day add a sentence cr para
graph you think worth saving.
Watch for something to write or
paste in your book; have your eyes,
ears and mind ever ready to catch
good hints in your work and recrea
tion, your reading and conversation.
Every day re-read some one para
graph or sentence and try to twist it
into fresh shape to help you do the
best you can to-day, and, if possible,
better to-morrow.
Life is worth living when we know
how to live and live as well as we
know how.
JVhat are you doing to help improve
the public schools near you? Helpers
gain mentally when they help others ts
gaip mentally. Real mental gain tn
crcases abilitv.
How Foreknowledge Might Help
When a boy I had a pet Brahma pul
let, plump and good looking, of two or
three pounds weight. One day I en
tered the hen park and on coming out
could not close the gate. There was
a rubbery-spring of a resistance as
the gate came within a foot of the
post. As I opened the gate to in
vestigate, my pet pullet ran out a yard
and dropped dead. She had run in be
tween the gate and the building under
the lower hinge. That lesson in ac
curacy regarding gates and chickens
gave my affections a hard pull. If
my pet had been alive and my father's
hens all dead I would have suffered
less. That was expensive experience
I never killed another chicken by
that gate it made me think, look,
know more and it increased my accur
acy. Why could not I have learned by
observation what I learned by expen
sive experience? I could have done so
had I had my observation trained and
I have done so many times since that
event. An old German friend told
me that we stopped growing when we
stopped making mistakes, and I must
be growing every day because I am
making mistakes right along, but
there are many kinds of mistakes and
I want to grow by making those which
do not kill "pet pullets" if possible.
A Pennsylvania girl told me she did
not think it necessary to be poor in
order to be happy and I am trying to
see if we cannot learn by the valua
ble experiences of others and lessen
the necessity of errors and mistakes
on our part. We should become more
accurate and grow faster than we do
and good reading is one way to do it.
You know the eggs are there and that
the hens want to lay them zc hen you
fail to get results you know that there
is something wrong in the management
of them. Can you rczcord this to tnaki
it apply to your work?
Tire Scissor Cyclopedia Plan.
Croats references are necessary to
have your work of use.
Ha.: an index book In which to en
ter all main subjects and sub-subjects
and their synonyms, with location of
Have a drawer or a box of envel
opes for main subjects, alphabetically
arranged, in which to keep small col
lections or frequently used parts of
large collections.
Have pasteboard boxes with good
covers for bulky collections. There is
nothing else able to resist dust like
a common covered pasteboard box.
If you want elegance, let the doors
be of rosewood, but back of them on
the shelves put pasteboard boxes for
your special collections.
A Chicago man who has answered
as high as three hundred letters in
one day has a large case of shallow
boxes in alphabetical order. Some
boxes contain several subjects, but
some subjects occupy several boxes.
He thinks his plan perfect.
Have a "brain rest" big box into
which throw those things you dare
not destroy, but do not know where to
Rapid Disappearance of a Once Power
ful Indian Triba.
That the red mar. is passing from
the face of the wor 1 has lonu beer
matter of common remark. The trr.ta
if the saying never received morn
f-.triklng prcxif than in the case r the
Pawnees, who were removed to Okla
homa from Nebraska In 1 870. At the
time of their removal from Nebraska
the tribe rumbercd 2.5K) boiiIh. To
day there are lets than 50. The Paw
nees were given exceptionally good al
lotments in Oklahoma. The climate
is practically the Fame as that of their
forr;er heme, and, in fact, everything
has been done by the government to
promote their welfare and happiness.
For some unaccountable reason they
have sickened and died, urtil the day
in not far distant when the Pawneo
tribe will be extinct. The mortality
among them has been growing steadi
ly year by year. In 1SS2. Fix years
after their removal to Oklahoma, trie
tribe had shrunk to 4, and the cen
fus of llHiu showed but 000 living
It is a curious thing that tie chil
dren of these Indians appear most
rugged, but after passing their twenty
fifth birthday a peculiar end unac
countable malady attacks them ard
tney apparently lose interest ir life
and gradually waste away, death ever
taking them in the ir prim. ilcinti ;(s
and professional men generally the
Indian office have been attracted by
tnis peculiar condition :f t! iiif;s. but
have not as yet beer: aU"1 to ascer
tain what Nemesis pr.rsues the n'-'c,ed
Pawnee after his tv.cnly-fL'th birth
day is readied.
Hew Richard Wagner Disconcerted
Presumptuous V.'riter.
When Idascagri was in Sn Fran
cisco recently one of his aceoo-nplish-ments
which most attracted attention
was his ability to conduct almost en
tirely without a score. Richard Was
ter in tne Tiis was once severely criti
cised in London for this very thing.
He was conducting the Philharmonic
concerts in the British metropolis for
a season and being a very ardent ad
mirer of Beethoven and, in fact, know
ing that master's nine symphonies by
heart, he selected several of them for
performance in the series of concerts.
After the first performance ore of the
prominent newspapers scolded the a;f
thcr of "Lohengrin" for directing a
symphony by the immortal Beethoven
without t'ne score in front o him. Ac
cordingly, at the next concert, young
Wagner had a book of music open be
fore him on his desk. The next day
a commendatory article appeared in
the aforesaid newspaper which praised
him for a very much better interpre
tation of Beethoven than his last
due, of course, to tae use of the score.
Whereupon Wagner secured his re
venge on hfs presumptuous critic by
announcing the fact that the score in
front of him the vvious evening was
that of Rossini's opera, "The Barber
of Seville" turned upside down.
Symptoms Diagnosed by Proxy.
Jenkins had left word at the doc
tor's office that he would like him to
call at his house early in the morning,
as he did not feel Well, and intended
to remain at home the next day. He
wanted a thorough physical examina
tion. Eut, as he happened to sleep
soundly and woke up refreshed, he
changed his mind about staying home
and left for his office at the usual
When he reached home in the even
ing his wife informed him that the
doctor had. called and left a prescrip
tion for him.
"How did he know what was the
matter with me?" Jenkins inquired.
"I don't know," said Mrs. Jenkins,
"but he just looked at me thoughtful
ly for a moment. When he had the
prescription written I asked him what
it was for and he said you had dys
pepsia." An Orchard Blossom.
In an orchard sweet and sunny,
Blossom, bloom and biue above.
Where the bees were making honey
And the birds were making love
Thf-re was no one to discover,
None to listen, none to spy
Happy Love and happy Lover
You and I.
I rerr.ember still the look you
Gave me in that bower of bliss.
When within my arms I took you
For a first and sweetest kiss:
What a dream, and what a thema to
Make a song of! I recall
Now the fact, you didn't seem to
Mind at all.
When I think how very sweet it
Was to kiss you. Sweetheart, so.
How my heart lonps to repeat it
While again the blossoms blow!
If vour heart is also tortured
By the same dear longing then
Come with me and, in the orchard.
Kiss again.
Changed Her Hose in Public.
Passengers at the railway station at
Old Orchard, Me., were much amused
the other day by the performance of a
young woman who, for some reason,
desired to change her hose. She seated
herself in one corner of the waiting
room on the floor and made the change
with neatness and dispatch, apparently
innocent of the thought that she was
doing something extraordinary.
Friends Worth Having.
Fred Well, old chap, it's all set
tled. I'm going to marry Miss Willing
next month, and I want you to act
as best man.
Joe You can count me, my dear
boy. I never desert a friend when
misfortune overtakes him.
An Even Break.
The Lady (to applicant) But if you
are really capable, why did you leave
your last place?
The Cook Faith, an' it may be for
th' same rayson thot your cook wuz
afther lavin' yez, I dunno.
Tom Allen Died. Poor.
Inventory of the estate of the late
Tom Allen, formerly the champion pu
gilist of the United States, and for
many years a saloonkeeper in St.
2ouis, shows that he left property val
ued at $279.80.
It may yet become nossible to put a
receiver to your ear and carry on a
conversation with yourself around the
worWL Kansas City Journal.
A Trojrf-t of lit fctata of Idaho.
On the went Hide of tho Snake- river
in Idaho, between UUckfoot und Ameri
can Falls, there U being constructed by
tho American Fttllu Canal & Power com
oany, under a contract with the-nlateof
Idaho, an irrigating canal K.r feet wide
and (M) mile long. When fiiilnhed, thin
caoul will be- one of the largest und
most perfect irrigating mvp tents In tho
world. Hy ita meant a valley of 1(K,(KN)
acres of the most fertile and productive
fruit aud farm land la America will bo
The climate of thin valley Is ideal.
Cyclones, hot win3s, flood or dentruc
tive stormi have never been known.
Grain, grass, vegetables and all varie
ties of fruit grow in abundance. A
healthful climate, a sure crop, a heavy
yield, high prices and a ready market,
are features of this country.
Ten thousand acres of this rich land
are now ready for irrigation and nettle
ment. Purchase tickets to Hlackfoot
via Oregon Short Line Hallway Co.
For full information concerning land,
water rights, low prices, and eaHy tor ma,
Evans, Citktis t Sweet Co.,
Salt Lake City, Utah,
A Mirage of Milwaukee.
The people living In summer homes
at Muskegon, Mich., were, surprised
to see the other morning what appear
ed to be a veritable city, with Its fine
buildings and wide streets, in the
clouds, with the base resting on the
placid waters of Lake Michigan. Tho
city's inner limits were a few feet
from shore, while the western ter
minal was lost on the horizon. Ite
IKirt of me .phenomenon hood brought
hundreds to witness the mirage.
Some of those present easily recog
nized the principal buildings and dis
tinctive features of Milwaukee, which
is nearly opposite Mnskepon. The
mirage lasted for about two hours und
gradually faded away.
Keep them white with Ited ( "rN Hull Hlun.
.4 U grocers aell largo ' ox. packat'o, 5 ceula.
Neither Knew Nor Cared.
General Ainsworth, who has made
such a name for himself as the head
of the record and pension bureau of
the war department, tells this story
of the civil war: The chaplain of the
regiment distributes the mail. ' On
one occasion a New York regiment
was very anxious about a delayed
mail and for hours had pestered the
chaplain with inquiries about it. Fi
nally the chaplain put up a sign over
the door of his tent, which read: "The
chaplain does net know when the mall
will arrive." Some time later an offi
cer, passing that way, paw that some
facetious person bad added the words:
"Neither does he care a damn."
SolCier Vote in 1864.
George F. Elliott. who was a
'guest" of the Anderson ville. Charles
ton and Florence prisons lor 320 days,
says that in tho Florence pen 10.000
votes were cast for Lincoln and Mc
Clellan for the presidency, 7,000 for
Lincoln and 3,ooo for McClellan. The
ballots were black beans for Lincoln
and white ones for McClellan. "I
heard the commandant of the prison
say, after the result of the vote was
announced, that he wished he could
call out all those who voted black
and blow them into eternity. His
name, I think, was Harrison. One
of the inmates of the pen met him
some years after the war and gave
him a terrible beating."
The Question Answered.
Estill Springs. Tenn., Aug. 24th.
Many questions are being asked of
Mr. C. D. Holt of this place in regard
to his wonderful recovery. For over
two years he has been down with his
back. He was so very bad that he
could not even lace his shoes, and
from this condition he suddenly ap
peared well and strong as ever.
It is no wonder therefore that his
friends are asking him "How did you
do it?"
He tells them all: "Docld's Kidney
Pills did it," and adds "This remedy
is a genuine good medicine and one
that I can heartily recommend to
"Everj-one around herd knows how
very bad I was. I was so weak in
my back that I couldn't do anything
that needed stooping or bending over,
and three boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills made me as you sec, as well as
ever I was."
"They certainly haC a wonderful
effect on my case."
When every other hope departs and
life looks like one long, dreary blank,
remember that the watermelons are
ripening fast.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Pollarc Reward for aov raa
of Catarrh that cannot be curea by Hal)' Cattarh
Cure. K..I. CHF.Xr.V & CO.. iTra-.Toirdo. .
We. the nnlerlrnrd. have known F.J. Charier for
the !at 1.1 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
In all baslnea transaction, anl noam-tally a Me to
carrv out anv oMIfratlona made by their firm,
Wasr & tRi-AX. Wholeaale liruwMs. Toledo. O.
Waliwns. Kinxax it MARTIN, Wholeaale lrng
Klata, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh C ure ) take Internally, acting
directly upon the Mood sod mnrou aurfacei of the
tyatem. Te'!moolala aent free. JTlc .jc per
bottle. Sold by all If rufffrlPt.
Hall's Family Itlls are the beet.
The Resurrection of a Ccin.
A curious stcry of a coin comes
from England. Since 187ft and up to
a week or so ago there has Leen ly
ing in one of the oldest London banks
a sealed package containing one of
the famous petition crowns of Charles
II. known familiarly as the trial piece
of Thomas Simon. Simon made fif
teen of these in an effort to convince
Charles that he cbuld make finer and
more artistic coin than could the
Dutch. The coin in Question was of
fered twice for sale, unsuccessfully,
the last time In 177L . The highest
bid then was twenty guineas. In
1789 it was put away to be offered for
sale in 114 years. It is the property
of a well known nobleman and it 1
doubtful if he will follow out the pur
poses of his ancestor.
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow?
Then use De3anre Starch, it will kM
them white lft o. for JO ceata.
Guileful James.
Jame3 Ponard and Elizabeth Noyes
of Pontiac. 111., have been arrested by
the sheriff of Livingston county on
warrants sworn out by Miss Noves
mother. Ponard courted the girl's
mother for several years and, it is
alleged, took out a i. cense on Wednes
day to marry her. Instead he eloped
with the woman's 13-year-old daugh
ter and married her. Ponard and the
girl will be taken back to Pontiac for
Lightning may never strike twice, in
the same place, but a bill eoliecter
never forgets the street number.
The rtuitlnn Way."
"Mlchftc 1," utM the ' hnvr you
assured TrHe Hum lh4 ti e vnu dool
In to be cMMJi-hed In Mfctf burin?"
"Ver.. your Imperial iniaji'My."
"Then hurry m und mo I hut lblng"
are eloM-d a "ill I Jo llKlilr, while be'n
braKKlng abo-it h1 l)j iomaiic victory,
and not vat miik us."
Mother Grav'n Swrt Powder f Cluldirn.
used by Mother Gray, a niire in ("hildii n'a
Home, New Yi rk, c utc Sumnirr Comprint,
Feverihnr-, Headache, Stomal h Tiwubles,
Tecthir.K I lisorder and IifttiryWmm. At
all DmrgiM'. 2c. Sample mailed FKI'.IC
Addict Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, K Y.
With the Traveling Men,
"I M-e," nald the Phiiad lphian, "that
they came pretty near embHlmliiK i
man who wasn't dead in your town
the other day.'
" YeH," replied the mutt from Hoc hen
tor. "I've oflen wondered why mien
things didn't happi n in your town ev
ery little while."
Mm. WSir.low'a WMirina ffymr
For ctlji!r-ii tfcliilnif. 'fi.ia Hi "'". ri tlurr fu
Qauiumllou. alluya pain, run- wlr-rt iiulln. t IxilllaV
Even Heaven Wouldn't Fefiie Htr.
Miss Helen (build was recently en
tertaining OlaC of the Kills' cIllllH III
which tdie ih Interested at her lnilne oil
tho Hudson. After the girla had
walked about the groundx and con
servatories for a time nho Invited
them to wander over the house ami
pee the pictures and object of art.
While tliey were thus engaged rdif
overheard one of tli! gliln rerun! K
eontluingly. to companion: "Kay.
i.iamlo. even heaven won't feuz.c Mini
Gould after tins place. ,
. r ,
- ii . i
Defiance Starr.h
should l" In every hounelioM, none so good,
hfttddcii 4 or.. u1or for 10 oentx tbuu any
other l.ruuil of euld wnwr March.
Lcrd Dacon and the Deef Trutt.
The beef trust might e rec t a votlvo
s.atue to Li id liacoii as the Inve ntor
of the Idea of preserving meat by llm'
trozen process. Paeon brought about
his own pi eiiiit nre death by his ill It n
slaum in experimenting with his n-
tlon. Di ving in iiigligate one clay, Ihj'
left Ids carriage- to collect nome hiiiiw
with which to Htuff u fowl by way eil
noting the effect of cold em the preis
crvation of its IU-hIi. In doing thi:4
he brought on an ;;ttack of bronchltlH,
from whic h he di d In a few duys.
Refrigerator e-nrH ami "cold sliiHKe"
are the name Idea.
I am sure T1ko' Cure for Conoumptloa savexl
rav life three year no-Mm. Tiiom. Kbbin.
Maple St: ret. Norwich. N. V.. !'eb. 17, litUO
It is wisT for man to trust to li
luck than to his wits; lor he is likely
to hav more of the' tormr than thei
The man with trie ague is fortimato,
for he is chilly at bast a part of tint
time, and a shiver id a luxury right
Lewi' ' Single Hinder " M might fie cigar.
Made; of rie, mellow telnue-. no rlrli in
(pialitv that many wh formerly sineikeil
pic cigars now pniokc lwlr "Hngl
Binder." I.-wi' tory, Peoria, 111.
P. New Revolver.
The latest pistol Is a revolver,
shooting six times, that resembles aa
old-fashioned Kilve-r watch, called ft
"biscuit," with a three-inch barrel pro
truding from the edge. You open oii
side, place the cartridges about 4
common center, or hub, close It
lay it in the palm cf your hand, witrt
the barrel between the nrnt and see.,
ond nngem. and you are ready fol
business. For close work it is a mar
vei; otherwise it is worthless, except
as a knuckler.
The Sumrrur Dath.
Nothing is more refreshing or in
vigorating in summer than a daily
hath. Use soft, tepid water and good
Btap. Ivory Soap is ideal for tho
bath; it is pure, lathers quickly ami
leaves the skin Hoft and white. The
bath should be taken early in tho
morning or jutt before retiring at
Chinese Test of Eggs.
Many Chinamen frequent Philippine
markets and are good patrons, as
many have restaurants and need largei
supplies. A Chinaman usually buys a
number of eggs end always carried
with him to market a small tin pail
full of water to test their usejfulnesaW
If the egg alls to the bottom of tht
pail it is good; if it rites to the top. It
Is bad and i refused, only to be rare,
fully wiped off by the vendor and put
back Jn t-tovH to catch a custcjn;
without the ail.
: v
The Beet Results in Starching
can be obtained only by uttiDg Defiance
Htarch. Ieideti ettiug 4 or. mora for aai
mouey nc cookiug rexjuirexl.
They Fight with Noice.
The Mocrifh Kultan's army is a won
derful affair. It f.ghlg by making a
noif-e rather than by killing the en
emy. The army conFints of 25,00(1
men. Heme are armed with discarded.
British Martini-Henry., others with
home-made Imitations of the Martini.
Henry, which Jam and refuse to fire,
while others have the old flintlock
muzzle-loader, which is of doubtful
Pom men
-. fa ar i
JtaJa eat Y ft at U Man vi. I
occoatU-'M, UvltM
rabKi.w ir
y9 4 a I r
laaai, wtttat i
foraataljaf Ma '
ea, SaUBfi
a CkrMc.
Geisha Diamonds
Th La MntittMamtrr.
BrItht.Tark1Inr. hMotlfot. Foa llier onnal tba BamatiB
stand ma all real andpvrrlapertw
M taniieth ll.m tu. ami
ra Wiln pr I !!; f samineiloa.
or partieniara, pricaa. to, addreaf
TkcR. 0ra Mf. AInpCC
XI 1-12 avaafta t. f
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