The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 20, 1903, Image 4

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If You Need a Home Buy it Now!
If You Have Spare Capital to Invest, Invest it Now!
250,XH) acres of Land in Nebraska at from $1.25 to $30.)0 an acre. 125.000 acres in Missouri at from $1.00 to $15.00 an acre. 75,003 acres in Kansas from $1.00 to $5.00 per acre. 100,000 acres in South
Dakota at from $2.50 to $10.00 per acre. 50,000 acres in Minnesota at from $2.50 to $30.00 ier acre. 20,000 acres in Oklahoma at from $10.00 to $30.00 per acre.
A Few Pertinent Inquiries.
Are you a renter? If bo, how
long have you lMeii one? How
many years have you HiMMit work
ing for Homo ono else? Compute
how much you have paid out for
rent. Is it not a fact that you aro
annually wiyinjout for rent from
one-third to one-half what you
could buy ood land for, or what
would most wholly pay for a cot
tnjt in town if purchased on
monthly payments?
Ifow many years will it take you
t buy the farm you aro living on
with what you make over what
the rent costs you? Js it not a
fact that the land you are renting
is increasing in value faster than
the net protit you aro making olT
of it? Do you want to be a renter
all your life? If you stay where
you aro now is there any prosect
of you ever owning a farm? Is it
not true that if you ever own a
home of our own you must y;o
where land is cheaper? If you do
not do bo what oportunities can
your children have?
Is it not true that many renters
around you are jtoorcr than they
were live years ao? Is it not
true that many former ienters in
your locality are now settled in
their own homes in the west and
The Plattsmouth Journal
11. A. AND T. B. HATES,
Kntercd at the postoflice at I'hittsmoutb, Ne
hrasku. art sccondclass matter.
PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. people are wondering If J. Pier
pont Morgan has met his Water-lto in
watered stocks?
Wiikn anyone mentions the grati
tude of a republic these days, the pub
lie mind immediately reverts to Schley
and Miles.
Skckktaiiy Wilson and a corps of
hngologists will soon invade Ohio witli ;
a view to eradicating the "tomjohn-;
siiK'st"anl saving the state for Mark j
Thk fact that the west is prosperous j
when Wall street is suffering from a
flood of watered stock continues to baf
fle the keenest of Dr. Morgan's security-digestion
Thk Secretary of the Navy has de
nied that negroes were hereafter to be
excluded from the navy. Who could
have suspected such a thing with Roos
evelt in the White House?.
Thk democratic party will not nom
inate "some cold-blooded, fishy crea
ture, standing for nothing but Wall
Street." The paity has learned, by
bitter experience, to bo careful whom!
it nominates. I
Had George Washington served un
der the present administration he
might have lieen rebuked and then
shown the door when he called to sur
render his commission.
Salvation is free but the freight on
it has to he paid and that is what hurts
a few church members we might men
tion who pay as little of the freight as
possible, although able to discount the
w hole bill.
Oknkical You no's appearance with
tike uniform of a lieutenant general
two hours tefore General Miles' term
expired, and therefore twohours before j
Young's promotion could take effect. ;
was undoubtedly the work of General
fort, in. That is just the kind of vio-j
latin of etiquette fr which Corbin is :
Thk appointment of Younr in Gen- j
eral Miles' place for one week, even, is j
a violation of the intent of congress1
and a petty attempt to get even w ith I
a real soldier localise In? did not ap-;
prove of the administration's Philip
pine policy, including the water-cure, j
the Fuiistou forgery tactics and other i
enormities of the Philippinecampaign. j
The refusal of Koosevelt to per-1
rnit any congratulation of General j
Miles in the order announcing that
solIier's retirement, will forfeit for the
accidental president the votes of many j
old soldiers who have fought and bled j
on the same battle ground as the retir- J
ed commander of the army. Courtesey i
to his superiors is an unknow n princi
ple in lloocevelt. j
Wk aree with the Columbus Tele-1
gram, whose editor is almost always
rixht in his remarks, in the following:
"The .sympathy of the country goes
out to General Miles leca use of the un-i
gentlemanly treatment accorded him
by the president. The contempt of
the country will follow the president
through all tlie years, because in this
particular instance he played the part
of a small boy, rather than the part or
the gentlemanly president of a nation
of gentleman." iKm't that hit egotis
tical Teddy right square between the
northwest? Are there not many
retired farmers in the town near
you? Do you know of any retired
renters living in town without
working? Is "it not a fact that
most of the rich men in your com
munity made their money by buy
ing land when it was cheap and
holding it for many years until it
became valuable?
If you are a person of means do
you wish to invest your money so
that your children may have the
benefit of the increase in value
winch is sure to come to most
every foot of land in the (Jreat
West? If so read over this adver
tisement, and then call or write Ur
additional information.
About Town Properties.
While the greatest activity now
is in -land, town properties have
commence showing the effects of
prosierous times, always beinj the
last to advance in value, but the
Iercenta;e of increase is ordinarily
much greater in a given time than
in lands.
We make some extraordinary
inducements to secure homes in
Plattsmouth now. When you
have secured a home you will be a
better citizen, you will have a
greater interest in the well fare of
Thk republicans of Nebraska met at
the state capital Tuesday and endorsed
the railroads' nominee for judge of the
supreme court, John It. liar lies, of Mad
ison county.
Dkmocuats while in the citv to at
tend the county convention, next Sat
urday, will please bear in mind that
the Journal otlice latch-string dangles
on the outside.
TiiKfl. A. II. reunion at Louisville
promises the most successful one in
the history of Cass county, and those
who attend will willingly declare so af
ter it is over. The citizens of Louis
ville arc making every effort to give
the visitors a pleasant time, and pre
parations are being made to entertain
a large crowd.
IioosEVKLT would not violate an or
der Secretary of War Lamar by issuing
a complimentary statement regarding
General Miles' service, in connection
with the announcement of that otlicer's
retirement. IJut the "accidenal" pres
ident did not hesitate toviolateall pre
cedents and advance his friend "Doc
tor" Wood to the rank of major gener
al over the heads of some three hundred
senior oflieers.
Mayou IIkkd, of Kansas City, will
be one of the orators at the democratic
state convention at Columbus, Tues
day, August 25. C. J. Smythe, that
prince of democrats, who, while attor
ney general, started a whole drove of
state house thieves toward the peni
tentiary, and would have landed them
there, too, but for the supreme court,
will also be there, together with many
other brilliant democrats.
Lkt the pulpit give its special at
tention to the corrupting influences
and practices in politics. More real
harm comes to the church and the
state from the use of large sums of
money in political campaigns for the
purchase of the suffrage of the people
than from any other thing known of.
This evil is looked upon with too much
indifference by churchmen. They, for
partian reason, shut their eyes to such
methodsof winning victories, and thus
encourage those with a less discrimin
ating moral version, tocont inuca prac- j
tice which leads directly to the down- j
fall of popular government. Norepub-;
lie has ever been able to withstand the
prostitution of the o!itical morals of j
the voters and it is safe to say no re- j
public can hist long based upon a pur- ;
chasable vote'. The liquor question'
sinks into insignificance, the disrep- !
utable and immoral elements are of i
less consequence to our republic today j
than the evil growing out ofthede-j
bunching of the suffrage, not only with !
money but other valuable and all uring
considerations, by those who seek leg- j
islation Tor their own special ad van-;
tage. The evil h;is grown to large pro- j
portions the last decade and is over-!
looked or passed up by the pulpit as!
not within itssecularsphere. it is al- j
most itmossih!c to say whether the ;
church of today run the politics of the 1
country i.r me politician me ciiurcii. i have committed a more heinous crime?
It is a well known fact that Mckinley t . . ,. . . . . .
was elected and re-elected by the ex- ! ,lovv can a ubl,c on,c,al square h.m
penditure of millionsof dollars in buy- self with the people, when he endorses
ing voters; and show us were there isa ' the killing by a sheriff of innocent per
mmister in the land that has raised his ' sons w,,i(e defending a prisoner from
voice a'-'ainst such procedure? lie ., , . . , . , ...
cannot le round. Then one of t he ,,,ose who wo,,ld nch ,,,m' and at ,,ie
greatest evils iu the land goes on, each ; same time violate the constitution by
vear get ting worse in its con opting in- j using his power as governor to prevent
fluenccs. without one word from the assassins from Leing taken into court
so-termed christian inlliu'iices of the j, . . . s i rr 1 1
land I hns it not look as thou-h the for tnal for t,R,r crime Teddy and
pulpit was muzled
to this state of
License Notice.
umlrrlgnel lius ftleil his petition as re- I
I ui red by the statute of the State of Nebras- '
ka. with the city clerk of the city of Plaits-!
mouth. Nebraska, requesting a liifnce to sell
malt, spirituous mid vinous Ihiuor for the
balance of the municipal year, in the building
tdtuated on lots eleven (11) and twelve (1) Iu
block twenty-seven C.7) in the city of Platts
mouth.Neraska. Ecu kmc Opr i.T.
Aujfust -JO. MV3. Applicant.
of the community to which you
are anchored, you will have some
thing more to love, your mind will
be more at peace, you will love
your wife better, sleep easier and
retain your youth longer and your
children will hold their heads
higher. It is the only way to live,
the cheapest way to live and the
most independent way to live.
With these opportunities be
fore you, if you ure employed,
there is but little excuse why you
should not ". wn your own home.
Mind, you get many of these
properties at less than their value,
and after you have made your fir3t
payment, it costs you but little
more than what you are paying
for rent to pay foi your place.
We herewith submit a few sam
ple descriptions of land and town
properties which we have for sale,
but we have many others which wo
will show if you will call at our
A few of Our Many Bargains in
Town Property.
An S room house with large cel
lar, in fair repair, with one acre of
ground and a good well and some
fruit. Price SS50.00; $100.00
down; $10.00 per month thereafter
until full payment is made. This
Result of the Ramsey Law.
Peter Eveland, of Murdock, vice
president of the Murdock drain and
Klevator company, called at the office
of the secretary of state yesterday to
arrange for the incorporation of his
cimpany with a large capital stock.
The Kock Island railroad, according to
Mr. Eveland, has declined to grant an
elevator site under the terms of the
ltamsey bill. The reason given for the
refusal is that two elevators already
there have agreed to increase their ca
pacity by additional building. The
farmers who are members of the new
company, refuse to haul their grain to
Murdock unless they can haul it to
their own elevator. A test of the Ram
sey bill may be made before the affair
is allowed to drop. Lincoln Journal.
This is way the farmers are served,
under the rulings of the Ramsey bill.
Do you remember the congratulations
of the republican press upon its pasage
by the last legislature? It was a strict
ly republican measure and these news
paper fellows told us that now the
farmers could build elevators and pro
tect themselves against the grain deal
ers' combine, etc. The only thing ne
cessary was to build a $3,000 elevator
the republican press pretended that
when a farmer company proposed to
build such an elevator, the railroad
company would have to give the right-of-way.
Rut when the farmer company
came to build an elevator at Murdock,
the Rock Island railroad company re
fused point blank to give them the site
on their right-of-way. The Ramsey
law has proved bogus upon its face.
The republican in the legislature who
did not know it was a trick, when it
passed, is an imbecile. The republican
press is excused as being both charac-
less, ignorant and irresponsible. They
are not talking much about the Rem
sey bill now, but the farmers will not
soon forget it. And the farmers in the
neighborhood of Murdock should re
member the party that is responsible
for this nefarious, unjust and deceitful
A Pair of Butes.
It seems that Governor Durbin needs
some "moral" support in the peculiar
attitute he has gotten himself into by
reason of his back in if the officer who
ordered the militia to tire intoa crowd,
killing twelve or fourteen persons,
some of them women and young girls,
and as it was proven by the bullet
wounds, they were trying to get away
Teddy, the "accidental," has rushed
to the "butcher" Durbin s rescue, as
he, w hile governor of New York, rush
ed to the rescue of Durbin's predeces
sor when he was protecting the assas
sins of Kentucky's martyred governor,
;oelel. from being tried for their
crime by refusing to surrender them
to the authorities of a neighboring
state. Teddy now finds himself, with
Durbin, on bothsidesof the legal fence
and don't seem to know it. Since they
say it is all right to protect assassins
from posecutioii under the law, how
can they blame the people for taking
the law into theirown hands and mete
out swift punishment to persons who
Durbin are indeed a pair of butes, and
should be running mates on the re pub-
lican ticket next year. It might be
that Teddy would prefer Taylor to
Durbin. '
A Sore Never Matters
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly and
heals at the same time. For man or
beast. Price 25 cents.
property is now renting for $10.00
per month.
A nice 4 room cottage, in good
repair with one acre of ground for
$(75.00; 100.00 cash and monthly
payments of $7.00. This cottage
rents for $( 00 per month.
A fine 5 acre tract with a good
8 room house with other valuable
improvements including fruit.
Price $850.00; $250.00 cash, bal
ance iu payments to suit purchas
er. This property rents for $7.50
per month, but is worth more.
A 5 room cottage and one acre
of ground in the north part of
town with fair improvements.
Price $350,000; $50.00 cash and
$C.00 monthly payments. This
property rents for $5.00.
A 3 room cottage in the west
part of town with one lot. Price
$175.00; $100.00 cash and $5.00
monthly payments.
A 7 room cottage in the west
part of town, badly out of repair,
but with six lots; can be bought
for 350 dollars; 100 dollars cash
and 5 dollars monthly payments.
(This is a good opportunity to
make money by improving the
property with your own labor.)
A good six room house and six
lots and other improvements for
850 dollars; 200 dollars cash and
A Hurt Never Hurts.
After Porter's antiseptic healinsr oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly
and heals at the same time. For man
or beast. Price, 2a cents.
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of an execution issued by eorre
K. I louse worth, clerk of the district court
within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to
me directed. 1 will on the
24th day of August. A. D.. 1903.
at 11 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the south
door of the court house In the city of Ls
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate to-wit: Lots ten, eleven and twelve
(10. 11 and 12) in block eight (). and lots one.
twoand three.(l.iand 3) in block twenty-three.
(). all in thecity of Plattsmouth. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, together with the privileges and
appurtenances thereunto In-longing or any
wise appertaining The same liciug levied up
on and taken as the property of The I'latts
niouth Brick and Terra Cot tit Manufacturing
Company, defendant to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered by I he First National
Hank, of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, plaintitl'
against said defendant.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. July 21st. A. 1)..
Bykon Ci.akk, Sheriff Cass Co. Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
"SKS"1- K I" County Court.
In thematter of the estate of Const in J. Martin,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors
of said decased will meet the administratrix
of said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County. Nebraska, at the county court
room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
14th day of Octolter. lixtt. and on the Utli day
of March. I'.HM. at lit o'clock a. in., of each day.
for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for the administratrix to settle said es
tate. from the llth day of September. V.KL
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, tins 17th
day of A ugust. 1HU3. J. K. Ooutn.ASS.
(.seal. County Judge.
3obn Bauer's
TTbc Dataware
makes a specialty of all kinds
of Tinwork, such as Roofing,
Guttering, etc.. and all work
guaranteed. Call and get
prices before contracting
506 Rain Street,
plattsmoutb, ftcbrasfta.
to the northern lake
resorts will be more popular
this summer than ever. Many
have already arranged their
summer tours via the
Kilwci&co C St. Paul
nail way
and many more are going to do
likewise. Booklets that will
help you to plan your vacation
trip have just been published,
and will be sent on receipt of
postage, as follows :
"In Lakeland" and "Summer
Homes," six cents.
"Lakes Okoboji and Spirit Lake."
four cents.
F. A. BASH, "
W turn Afnt,
10 dollars monthly payments.
A lino 12 room house, two lots
and other valuable improvements,
costing over 3,000 dollars. Price
1100 dollars. Part piyment in
cash, balance on time to suit pur
chaser. A 5 room cottage close to
the shops and business. Price
450 dollars; 100 dollars cash and
10 dollars in monthly payments.
For full particulars about the
above properties and many others
which wo have, call on, or address
the undersigned.
Lands and Improved Farms.
A 1 17 acre farm, adjoining town
and railway station in Thayer
county, Nebraska, has a new J
room house, barn, granary, cribs
ami other out houses; (V7 acres be
fenced hog tight. Price 55 dollars
per aero. Also, a section in this
county, all under cultivation for
35 per acre.
A 400 acre well improved farm
in Cass county for 5 dollars per
acre. 200 acres of pasture and
timber land in Cass county, some
what improved for 30 dollars per
An 80 acre farm in the western
part of Cass county at 55 dollars
per acre.
In a thrifty German settlement,
V Abstracts of Title V
J)ona$ Uallir.
OFFICE Anheuser-Husli Block.
Preparing abstracts of title, conveyancing
and examining tit les to real estate a special
ty. Work properly done and charges reason
able. Office : L'oonis l! and 7. John Ound
lluikiiiig. near Court House. Plattsmouth.
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made tha t
tit. years experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
O FF1 C E Fitzo e it a i.u llu h.'k.
' Telephone No. 3 ok 47
fftfcvifcv i? s(t t:
From Omaha
Pittsburp, Pa $ 23 25
on sale Auj. 1, 2 and 3,
return limit Aug. 31st.
Baltimore, Md., 32 25
on sale Sept. 17,18 and
l!)th. return limit Oct.
Tittsbursr, Pa 3S 45
on sale daily during Ju
ly, Au yrust and Sep
tember, lieturn limit
30 days.
Hoston, Mass 58 A
Montreal. Canada 53 50
"White Sulpher Springs,
W. Va 41 00
French Lick. Sp'gs. Ind. 30 !M)
Ton m to. Canada 42 85
JJuiralo, N. Y 41 50
Charlevoix, Mich 35 35
Mackinac Island, Mich.. 2!l 7.1
Detroit, Mich 34 00
Alexandria, Minn 15 25
Annandale, Minn 14 !)5
Uemidji, Minn 18 45
Uuiralo, Minn 14 25
Ilice Lake, "Wis li 5o
Detroit. Minn 1(5 5
Fergus Falls, X. D 15 25
Minnelonka, Minn 13 15
Taylor's Falls, Minn 13 85
St. Paul, Minn 12 50
Minneapolis, Minn 12 5o
Duluth, Minn 10 50
Ashland, Wis 10 50
WatcrviJle, Minn 10 50
Waseca. Minn 10 50
Faribault, Minn 10 50
Ked Wing, Minn 10 50
Spirit Lake,la.(Okaboji) !) 50
Clear Lake, la 10 70
Waterloo, la 11 85
Storm Lake, la (i
Above Rates are for Round
Trip Tickets.
Kates to points to which no selling
dates are shonn are on sale daily dur
ing July. August and September. ood
for return until Oct. 31st.
Lake Tours via Duiulh or Chicago
and the Oreat Lakes. Steamer and
bleeping car reservations made in ad
vance. Write us aliout your trip and let
us give you full information regarding
rates, route, etc. Correspondence so
licited and information cheerfully (riv
en at City Ticket Office. No. 14W pr
nam U. Omaha, or write
Dist. Pass. Agent.
iu a good county in South Dako
ta, where tho land is rich black top
soil with clay sub-soil, we have a
number of well improved farms
for sale. A lino half section at
13 dollars and 50 cents per acre, a
good quarter section at 12 dollars
per acre; and another gxd quar
ter section at 13 dollars er acre,
and still another at 12 dollars and
50 cents per acre, and a half sec
tion at 22 dollars per acre. These
lands are close to railroad station
and not far from the town of Aber
deen. We have in this same state
over 50 other improved farms,
ranging in price from 12 to 25
dollars per acre, all of which are
hound to rapidly increase in value
in the near future.
We have for sale IM0 acres in
Furnace county, Nebraska, with
line 6tream of running water; 200
acres )ottom land, 100 acres alfal
fa, 220 acres under plow, 7 room
house, 10,000 growing trees, and
other improvements. Price only
12i dollars per acre. Also a farm
of 480 acres, 100 acres alfalfa, 3(X)
acres under fence with nice stream
of water. Price 14 dollars per acre.
5,500 acres of timber land in ()r
egan county, Missouri, at 3 J dol
lars per acre. If you wish to spec
ulate this is a snap.
Ell ' ' ' ' " PLATTSMOUTH '
Savings Bank,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
W. II. NEWELL, Pkks T. E. PAKMELE, Vii k Pkks.
S. II. ATWOOD. J. M. KOHKKTN, Cahiiikic.
Pays interest on deposits of ifl.00 or more, issue'
demand or time certiticates of deposit, liuys and
sells exchange. Computes Interest from the lirst
of t he month on all deposits made on or before the
12th of the month.
you make it grow.
Do You
w? run
3 - Is
7mrro; i
T ....... 1.1 4..!,.. I
uescrioe mo projHTiios which iu
been placed at our disKisal. V
fiiiil v.u l.firirfiii.d iii Itiiulu i if
i : i. . .i . . . i ; .
r i -
any of the states alxvo mentioned.
1 f you desire to locate in any par
ticular locality write us at once for
information. If you wish to
and examine tho lands jM-rsona!
-illiir in Wittfonwiti- North
South Dakota, we can secure
duced rates on tho railroad and
some instances, if purchase
made, you will be refunded your
railroad fare. Wo have purchas
ers for Cans county farms at rea
sonable prices. If yours is for
sale list it with us. We have over
1500 corresH)iidents iu tho stales
west of the Mississippi river, and
can sell your lands, or purchase
others for you, with greater facili
ty and doubtless on more favorable
terms than you can yourself. All
correspondence promptly answer
ed. R.. B.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
WITH US and we will help
Want an Up-to
fa Spring Ml?
If you arc contemplating jrettino; one call
on the old reliable tailor
Frank McElroy,
examine his fine samples and leave your or
der in time, and he will do the the rest.
fELL Lace Curtains
From 1.30 per pair up iu an
elejfant line of designs.
Muslin Underwear
to clean up at a special bargain
on Underwear.
' SI