Sattler & Fassbender. Spring 5s Here? So is House C!ca.nlfrt Time. You always want to Know where to tfet the best Furnishings. You are invited to ste us for Car pets, Linoleums, of all grades, and the finestand lest Carpet Sweepers on the market. Also, we have the most com plete line of first-class forget for a minute ""cS3- that wearetheHouse- 'JAVon hold Furnishers of Plattsmouth and Cass county. So when in need of anythinive us a trial. Sattler & Fassbender. LOCAL BREVITIES. '(Jut Hell the favorite cigar. Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated (Jut Hell" cigars. Jesse Terry has purchased six lots in Young and Hayes' addition to Platts mouth. Mrs. Myrtle Minford and son, of Florence, Colorai", are visiting the family of S. M. Davis. If you are a judge of a rood smoke, try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. A marriage license was issued on Wednesday, July 22, to John II. Knoth, aged &2. of Hamburg, Iowa, and Margaret Morgan, aged 4H, of this city. Tom Murphy returned Tuesday even ing from Crete, Neb., near which place he enjoyed a ten days outing upon the banks of the Little Blue river. His appearance denotes that his outing done him much good. The German Methodist and German Presbyterian congregations will hold union service in the interest of mis sions, at the German Methodist church, next Sunday at II a. in. All Cerman speaking people are cordially invited. Joshua Sherfey and Gillie F. Myers, both of Glen wood, Iowa, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in this city, on Wednesday afternoon, July 22. Judge Douglass tied the knot. The groom is 53 and the blush ing bride 38. Morton Coleman of thiscityand Charlotte Emmons, of Ft. Madison, Iowa, were married at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Coleman, in this city on Wednesday evening, July 22, Um)3. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. Baird. in the presence of only members of the family. BY KEEPING IM LIME! And marching straight to UeebaekJ ?o, where you will be re paid for your trouble by getting the best on the markets. Groceries, Canned Goods. Fruits. fresh daily from the markets. VEGETABLES. W gathered fresh every morning. 'Phone 54. Watvrmari RUm-Ic rUtHmouth. g Castoria at Bering & Co.'s 2oi matches for lc. Gkkino & Co. Head Hayden Bros, ad in this paper Frank McKlroy, the tailor, made a business trip to Murray Monday. Thomas Bryant and daughter, Mina, left Tuesday for Pilger, Neb., to visit relatives. D. J. Fit man, one of Cass county's sultantial citizens, was up from Mur ray, Tuesday. Miss Nina Thompson, of Louisville, was brought to the poor farm Tuesday. The woman is deaf and dumb. Miss A nna Cri tchfield departed Tues day morning for Stoughton, V isconsin, where she will visit a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haskins are home from Schuyler, Neb., where they were visiting the latter's parents. John Rotter, of 'Alliance, and his brother Vincent, of Havelock, came in to attend the funeral of Otto Uhlik, Mrs. Levings and son and daughter, Frank and Miss Myrtle, departed Sun day, for a month's visit in Illinois and Minnesota. Fix up that old furniture or yours with "Locnueret." It varnishes It and makes it look like new. Gekixo & Co, James Terryberry passed through this city this morning enroute for the Iowa side of the big muddy on a hunt ing expedition. Jim and his gun are faithful companions. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid the digestion, regulate the bowels and prevent bilious attacks. For sale by all drug gists. Henry DuBois, of Elmira, N. Y., was in IMattsmouth last Monday. Mr. DuBois is a former citizen of Cass county, and has for some time been visiting old friends in the vicinity of Union. Harry Green and Frank Neuman re turned from their outing at Lake In dependence, Minn., Tuesday morning. Harry reports a good time, and says the balance of the Uys will return gradually as their money runs out, or words to that effect. Wade W. Windham Sundayed at home. The young man has recently been promoted from the store house department at Lincoln to the auditor's department of the B. & M., at Omaha where he entered upon the discharge of his duties last Monday morning. Cut those weeds. Trim your shade trees. Repair that dilapidated sidewalk. Will the coal prospects "pan out?" S-.veep the rubbish from your own door yard, before finding fault with your neighbor. Fiank Sitzman and family, after a brief visit in this city returned to Havelock Monday. Mrs. J. N. Wise, who ban been quite ill for several days, the Journal is pleased to note, is getting along nicely. Miss Anna Aylesworth of Kansas City is in tlie city and will spend the summer with Mrs. Kate Oliver, her grandmother. After a short visit with relatives in Plattsmouth, Mrs. Ed Stamm return ed to her her home in Havelock Mon day afternoon. John Cornelius, of Omaha, spent Sunday in IMattsmouth. Mr. Cornelius is chief electrical engineer for the Bennett company. This section was visited by a heavy electrical storm Tuesday night. It was a regular "gully-washer," and a god-send to the farmers of Cass county. Married Men Attention Nothing pleases a woman so well as those little attentions of your honeymoon days, so take home a box of Lowney's tine chocolates. Gering & Co., sole agents. Miss Annie Tighe, of Manley, one of Cass eounty's most charming and handsome young ladies, sends us anew subscriber this week, in the person of Henry Kahler. The Journal has hosts of friends throughout the country w ho take a deep interest in the success of the paper, but when young ladies like Miss Tighe interest themselves, the success of the Journal isassurred beyond our most sanguine expecta tions. " II" lift . . i The Beer of Good Cheer. Challenges compari son with any beer brewed in quality, purity and every thing that makes a beer best and just 1 what you want. There's no better any where at any price. Send for Free Souvenir Booklet. JOHN QUWO DRCWINO CO., La Cross, Wis. . The worlds finest candies are Low ney's. Gering & Co., sole agents. Mrs. M. I lowland visited friends in Council Bluffs several days this week. Ed Krochler, in the employ of the Illinois Central at Waterloo, 'Iowa, spent the past week with his parents here. Faint pointers Patton's Sun Proof Paint is better than white lead and oil. We guarantee it for 5 years. G eking & Co. It is awful to pass down the street and meet four girls abreast and have to step ou into the gutter to give them room to pass. Young ladies should understand that they are not entitled monopolize the whole "cheese." City Dads' Doings. The city council held their regular semi-monthly session Monday nk'ht, but very little business of Interest to the general public was transacted. The proposition of a representative of the New York Bolting and Packing company to furnish live hundred feet of hose for the lire department, was accepted. The hose are liadly needed, and the cost will be in the neighbor hood of $100,00. The claims committee report, allow ing Otllcer Pitzpat rick pay for the time I lie was sick, was adopted by a vote of I Gto4. The council did right in this matter. Johnny is a poor man, and. withal, a good faithful officer, and the taxpayers of IMattsmouth will stand by the council in this generous act. The report of Street Commissioner Hansen, showing the amount of work done since the last meeting, was refer red to the proper committee. The streets have very properly received con siderable attention from Mr. Hansen and his force in the past two weeks. W. W. Coats was gran ted permission to extend the front of his building on lots 7 and 8. in block 28, to the extent of 18 inches, was granted. I. Pearl man was granted permission to raise the walk in front of his build ing on North Sixth street. The matter of requesting the Bur lington company to enlarge the sewer i under their tracks at the foot of Main street, was discussed, but was deferred until the the report of Civil Engineer Darrow. It has been discovered that the moon gets full but goes on shining; the rain drops, but gets up again; stars shoot, but not to kill; Xhe willows weep, but never shed a tear; night falls, but don't breakjday breaks, butdoesn't fall; the fly swallows, and the swallows fly; the bees buzz, and so do the girls. ; THE BEST LINE OF SUN BONNETS YcIl Lace Curtains Prom xr pair up In an elegant line of designs. Muslin Underwear to clean up at a special bargain AT in; EACH TO CLOSE OUT. Special Prices on Underwear ZUCKWEILER k lUTZ. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. A local ball team calling themselves the United Sluggers, crossed bats with a Havelock team at the ball park grounds Saturday afternoon. The result was a victory for the Havelock boys by a score of 10 to 11. The latter team also defeated a team called the "Box Cars" in a game Sunday after noon by a score of 11 to 8. James Ficke, of Valentine, Neb., and Ernest M. Myers, of Newport, Neb., the new owners of the Riley hotel block, were in the city this week making arrangements for some neces sary repairs on the building. We understand as soon as these repairs are completed they contemplate leas ing the entire building to one man from South Dakota. U3bL.ff. tV. t IV if V tfS ,sr 3Hfc UNTIL YOU HAVE VISITED THE New Grocery Store. J.5.MALL PROPRIETOR. Special Prices on all days, and one price to all customers. Everything new, fresh and clean. You patronrge solicited. Plattsmouth. South 6th St. MMMER mm Mmle OF All our stock of these goods we have placed on the counters at the following prices: Good Batiste and Dimities for 5c A Choice line of Novelties to close at 8, 9, and 10c SHIRTWAISTS all reduced full lineof styles no brokenlots. We still have the best values in the country in towlingat 7. 8t 10 and 11 cents. Also mill ends of table damask at wholesale prices. BED SPREADS as low as 6 9 cents full size. Just the thing for the nights. We have a full ''assortment of Defender Underwear in stock, the best rriadc. Shoes. We have some odds and ends in this de partment which we will close regardless of cost. Agents for QUEEN QUALITY Shoes None Better. E. G. Doyey 6c Son it 5 ! TM InlHlfi) 19 is the 1 latest Plattsmouth ang is right JCnterprise, in Clothing, Hats and Caps and Shoes, for both MEN MND BO YS Nothing in this city to compare with our line of goods. We have also the finest line of Cents' Furnishings. Come in, and see us. You will find our goods and prices eual, if not super ior to any other house in Cass County. Remem ber ther place. Hub Clothing Store 105 MAIN ST. HER OLD BLOCK k ? 5? Castoria at Gering & Co.'s Every advertised patent medicine at Gering & Co.'s We save you money on your pre scription; have them filled at our store. Gekino & Co. J. W. Sage returned yesterday morn ing from a business tripto the western part of the state. Charles Anderson went to Omaha yesterday for treatment in one of the hospitals. ' Rev. Fred Warren went to Bloom field, Iowa, yesterday, where he will conduct a revival. County Superintendent Wortman was out in the western part of the county several days this week, on busi ness pertaining to his office. The Journal regrets to learn of the illness of Miss Frances Cory, but is nleased to say in almost the same breath, that she is rapidly recovering. Walter E. Palling, of Greenwood, was in the city yesterday, in the inter est of the Woodman log rolling to be held at that place Wednesday, August 12. Hon. Orlando Tefft, of Avoca, has been in the city several days this week in the interest of the candidacy of his son for county judge. They must all have a '-pull" with the Plattsmouth republican ring to "get there." The special car of the Nebraska Fish and Game Com mission, was side track ed here a couple of days this week, and Superintendent O'Brien done some seining in the ponds tributary to the Missouri river. The car was taken to Cedar Creek yesterday afternoon, where the fish secured here was dumped into the Newell & Atwood ponds. The car will then return to Oreapolis where ponds in that vicinity will be seined in order to save the fish. Mr. O'Brien knows the business well and he Is faithful in his performance of the same. Lee Mayfield was his assistant, and seemed to enjoy the work. Call for "Gut Hcil" cigars, 5c. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Oflice with Dr. E. D. Cummins. Col. Fred Kroehler and wife are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Herman Kletsch and family, of Weeping Water this week. Misses Olga Hajek and Lucile Bates went to Weeping Water yesterday afternoon, where they took part in an elocutionary entertainment last night. Some of the shade trees along the sidewalks need trimming very badly. Some for the branches are so low as to knock the average heighted pedestri an's hat off as he walks along. (9 it njr aiviaii j 1 g Prescript-$ : cj) iuiib care- 8 fully com- 8 . ; 0 $3 pounded..., a FROM THE 8 Purest Drugs 8 and Chemicals. c c) C) Oilman's 510 MAIN ST. to CO Boy Killed at Pacific Junction. Ray Lilly, a seventeen-year-old boy, was crushed to death under the wheels of a Burlington freight train at Pacific Junction Tuesday morning. Bob Mu ica, one of the switchmen in the yards at the Junction, was over yesterday, and gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Mulica states that the un fortunate young man was in the service of the company as "call boy," and had occasion to cross the track on which the train wasstanding. The train had been cut in two, and as they were back ing up to join, the boy attempted cross, and in doing so fell upon the the track. Before he could get up the moving por tion of the train was upon him. His lower limbs were so horribly mutilated that he died within an hour after the accident. Mr and Mrs. II. II. Scarle, of Union, were county seat visitors Tuesday. J. A. Bauer, of Wabash, was in the city to-day, and made this oflice a social call. W. II. Puis, of Maple Grove, was in the city Tuesday, and spent a few moments in the Journal oilicc. Joe McCarty, who has lecn visiting for two weeks in the east, is now back at work in the 1. & M. brass foundry Misses Myrtle and Bessie Delles- Dernier, who have been visiting friends in this city for several days, returned to their home in Elm wood Tuesday. Judge S. M. Chapman has kindly contributed an article for the Journal, in reference to early life in Cass county, which owing to its length and the late hour we received it compels us to defer it till our next issue. A 'couple were "married by mistake" the other day in New York. That's a mighty commonplace thing In matri mony these days. The initial number of the Greenwood Enterprise has reached this olllce. It is a newsey live column quarto paper, and presents a very neat appearance. It is certainly a big improvementover the defunct News and should have thrt su pport of e ve ry bus! ness man I n G rceri wood. Success to Mr. May Held and his Enterprise. Mc Donald's drug store in Murdock was badly damaged by lire Tuesday night. A telephone yolc nearby was struck by lightning during the storm, and by a wire extending into the Mors, ctlire to the building. After the fire was extinguished it was found that damages were sustained to the extent of several hundred dollars. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering. "I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Mattie Burge, of Martinsville, Va. "I suffer ed from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief. I then decided to try the medicine my self, and did not use all of one bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that com plaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medicine." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. A Burn Never Burns. After Porter's antiseptic healing oi is applied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. 25 cents. Dr. Els tor, Dontlst, Waterman Block PLATTSMOUTH Savings Bank, Plattsmouth, Neb. OFFICERS W. H. NEWELL, S. II. ATWOOD. AND DIRECTORS: T. E. PARMELE, Vic e Pkes. J. M. ROBERTS, Cahhikk. Pays interest on deposits of $l.oo or more. Issues demand or time certificates of deposit. Buys and sells exchange. Computes interest from the lirst or the month on all deposits made on or before the 12th of the month. WITH US and we will help j3pj OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT you make it grow. Do You Want an Up-to- Date fa Sprig t lit? If you are contemplating tfettintf one call on the old reliable tailor - Frank McEIroy, examine bis fine samples and leave your or der in time, and be will do the the rest,