f The Plattsmouth Journal II. A. AND T. IK BATES, rUMLIMIIKKA. Entered at the pmtonic at I'hil tt mouth, Ne hranka. mk accoiidclata matter. With Aldrlcli tied to Roosevelt on the republican ticket it would 1m; im possible to tell whether Teddy has shackled the trusts or the trusts had shackled Teddy. Wiiii.k Mr. Cleveland showed him self to be a rabid free trader when lie was president he is nevertheless pretty thoroughly devoted to "infant indus tries," also. Jok Cannon had a little taste of race war in his own home town, I)anvllle Illinois. A negro was hung and the body burned right under 'Uncle JoeV very nntse. He evidently "ki.ow's how it is himself," by this time. An exchange says: "Nebraska so cialists have nominated a biacksmitl for supreme Judge. An anvil ring would lie pleasanter to the ear than the ring of some of the railroad decisions handed down by the court in recent years." Ikki'ITK his vaunted determination to improve the diplomatic service Roosevelt has yielded to political pres sure and appointed as Minister to Ar gentine a man wholly tinsuited for that position, or any other in the diplomat 1c service. And now Tension Commissioner Ware has been found guilty of dis charging an employe because of his po litical views, in violation of the civil service regulations. Theonlyhopc for a clean administration rests in a change of administration. Tt::i::ix Hare Kiixsy DEKCCnATICCOaYEKTICri T-.LI- J N. ( A ii. 1IUS3I6 ana HGYBi auSpSCl IU To be Held !n the City of Plattsmouth. Saturday, August 22, 1903. Kx-Pkkmidknt Cleveland am Ceneral Miles have both been trying to demonstrate that they are tooyoung to lie laid on the shelf. Mr. Cleveland lias Just liecome "a happy father" and Ceneral miles has ridden ninety miles in ten hours. This may prove a gener ation of young old men as well as a generation of strenuous young men. Kdoaic Howaud, of the Columbus Telegram, says if the supreme court holds with the district court that mem tiers of the legislature should receive but $3 a day for forty days, he proposes to refund the excess f ISO he was paid for the term he served. Wonder if the members from Cass county are willing to such a proposition? Tiik attorneys for Ceorge W. Ueav crs, the indicted former superintend cnt of salaries and allowances (post- ottice department) maintain that the tioverninent is very inconsiderate of their client in not making known to liim the extent of the defalcations of which they have found him guilty lteavers probably thinks the postoftice officials are very rude to want to pros ecute him at all. Tn eke is a certain irony about Sen ator riatt's suggestion that Senator Aldrich be nominated for vice presi dent. As Mr. Aldrich is the most ar dent of "stand-patters" and a personal representative of the Standard Oil company on the floor of the senate his nomination by the republicans would be singularly appropriate. He would be able to keep the president "in line" and would eliminate Cummins and other heretics to the folds of the elect. Louisville came within one vote of getting the democratic county con vention. The fellow who had the de ciding vote said he would favor Louis ville but for the fact that it is a dry town. Now who could blame him, be ing a democrat? Louisville Courier. True to the natural instincts of the average republican editor, the Courier resorts to some very little matters to make a point, even so far as to preva riacate, as is done in the foregoing in sinuating squib. Telling the truth has its penalties. Ikmrke Cochran exploded the fallacies of our protective tar ill before a dis tinguished assembly in England, and the "stand-patters" in this country make haste to inform England that Cochran is a humbug, a collapsed poli tician and a man of no moment or rep utation. Hut there are some people in the prophet's own country who think that be is one of the greatest debaters Irish blood ever produced and no more could be said. The Lincoln News seems to be ter ribly out of humor because some of the opposition papers feel disposed to crit icise Mickey as a religious hypocrite. When Ids every-day acts denote this trait, what else could the News expect? Some men are natural hypocrites, and these animals are numerous in all com munities. This old town has a few wlio don their religious garb on Sun day and tlie next day cheat the day light out of their next-door neighbor if an opportunity is afforded. This is a funny old world, any way the bigger the hyopocite, the more influence he wields with the church, if be pays enough. So far the Journal has heard the following names suggested for the va rious positions to be voted for this fall, all of whom are rated amon? the best men of Cass county: County Clerk II. M. Soennichsen and Frank Sclater. County J udge B. S. Ramsey and M. Treasurer W. D. Wheeler. County Superintendent of Schools C S. Wort man. x County Commissioner- Jacob Tritch Sheriff J. D. McBride. Assessor J. I Falter. - Candidates for clerk of the district court are very scarce from the fact that the pay is so small that it will be bard work to get a competent man to ac cept It. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sctlmiftit or set tlingitxlicatesan unhealthy con uitioti of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part or me urinary passage It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liauor. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being comjelled to go often fluring the day, and to get up many times during the night. 1 lie mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis- 1 he democratic county convention of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held in 1'lattsmouth, OS S ATI' 111) A V, Al'dUSTs, 1U03, at one o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices, to-wit: County Treasurer, County Clerk, (bounty Sheriff, Clerk-of the District Court, County Judge, County Assessor, (ounty Coroner. County Surveyor, County Superintendent of Schools. County Commissioner--1st District, And to select 21 delegates to repre sent Cass county in democratic state convention at Columbus, Nebraska, August 25, 15)03. And also to select delegates to the judicial convention for the second judicial district. The various precincts are entitled to the following representation, based upon the vote cast for W. H. Thomson County Treasurers' Semi-Annual Statement from January 1st, IC03, to July I, IC03. FUND Mill II We Jtt Amount ii. i. iJUJj JluI im Transfer- fl'mimfcr- .. . . ihI uiCoun'fl LoCoun llUhiirw utMiipm ty itoad .lylVncral, ment July J-'untl. I Kuml. I overimld l.iww IInIiiiii ii The Most interesting BooH that a man can peruse Ishisown bank book. Depends upon himself whether the figures are satisfactory or not. If the money is deposited w ith The Banff of Cass County everything possible is done by the management to make them so. Let us care for your money. We have lire and burglar proof vaults. Ii M(SEi by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. When writing mention this make any mistake, but renieiulier name. Dr. Kilmer's Swanij-Root, the address, Binghaiutoii, N. Y. Home of Swamp-Root. paper and don't the and History May Repeat Itself. The opposition papers are so confi dent that Koosevelt will be the repub lican nominee that some of them are so silly as to declare hisclection a fore gone conclusion. Hut the papers that make such declarations are those that are in the habit of counting their chickens before they are hatched, "and evidently not very well versed in the political history of the country. Or.it may possibly be their usual game of "bluff." Take, for instance, the election of a democratic congress in 1874, followed two years later by the election of the immortal Samuel J. Tilden, who was defrauded out of the presidency, to which he was positively elected. In 1372, Horace Gree ley was the reg ular democratic nominee, in spite of the protests of many leading members of the party. He was the worst beat man that ever ran for the place. His nomination split the party wide open Another convention was held, and Charles O'Conner, of New York, nom inated, and who receved many demo cratic votes. The writer remembers very distinctly that after this great defeat a number of prominent demo crats of the country were ready to "give up the ghost," and were not at all backward in declaring that ''the democratic party had outlived its use fulness, and should quit." But, did they do it? Not that anyone could perceive. They went to work with renewed energy to repair the mistake n nominating Mr. Greeley, and the result was the election of a democratic congress for the first time since the beginning of the war. The result of this elec ton proved very astonding to republicans everywhere because, not only had Tilden been elected governor of New York, but Garcylon, the demo cratic candidate, waselected in Maine, and Gaston was elected governor of Massachusetts. It was a regular Wat- erlo for the republican party, and oc curred only two years after the utter rout of the democrats with Horace Greeley. The democratic party is not clear of making mistakes my any means, but as soon as they become convinced or such a fact they are right up in arms with a will and way to rectify past er rors. The republicans were more sure of of the election ofiRutherford B. Hayes n 1876, than they are of electing Ted dy Koosevelt next year, and with the proper man to lead the democrats, his tory is liable to repeat itself in 1904 twenty-eight years after the greatest crime ever committed in any in civil ized government the seating of II. B. Iayes, who knew, as well as millions then and today know had no right to occupy the presidential chair. Feople should never get so hasty in counting chickens in the shell, remembering also that "there is many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip." Salt Creek il Stove Creek 9 Kim wood 7 South Bend (i Weeping Water l'recinct 4 Center 7 Ixiuisville 9 Avoca 7 Mount 1'leasant 8 Eight Mile Grove 10 .Nehawka ti Liberty 11 Bock Bluffs, 1st 10 2d 5 Plattsmouth Precinct 11 Weeping Water, First Ward 3 is prepared to deliver ice to State General Sinking " School University Reform School Insane Hospital Institute Feeble Minded Belief Capitol Building State Live Stock Indemnity School Land Principal School Land Interest School Land Lease County General " Bridge Court House " Soldiers' Belief " Boad District Boad District School District School Bond " Teachers' Fund " Redemption Fund 44 Plattsmouth Precinct. Fund 44 Loulsivillc Precinct Fund 44 Inheritance Tax Plattsmouth City Weeping Water City Lousi ville A voca Greenwood South Bend Kim wood Eagle Union Fee Account t tt i 551 82 1.11 HU 03 10 (SO (14 2(i 101 58 2104 9i 112 23 3922 31 87 I (12 4 73 i 55 7 87 1 02 (i (ti 1 92! 119 74 3 30 42 9 5! 49 9(2 2M 3(598 (Ml 24(1 1.7 .192 (51 8 31 M 34 .v49 9.v! 317KI m; 303 Jill 1;Y709 24 1240 99 7H95 (59 455 Mi 970 73 210J 391 . 11204 41 I f.200 37 18.103 43 0373 31 ! 4.179(1 (5(5 :&23 .12 12(51 43 3919 31 897(5 0.1 339 Ki 2974 39 2025 19 1077 18 2238 (5(5 1049 7o 249 97 211.1 GO 2.1401 .17 81 13 1.148 00 152 (54 473 13 1 10 10 .19 80 280 .12 4 19j .10 II 223 78 .1(54 lit! 01 07 1 172 38 43 00 1K0 .10 3773 91 14291 29, 42 12 1987 27 3711 00: 89 4 79 4 10 2 00 119 74 42 f9 5 4(570 (52 10 34 8.18 34 19 .18 39 88 2.1959 07 13092 Mi 3074 27j 3.17 88 2438 00 10210 04! 37392 53 9.18 711 mil 48 3112 00 230 80 1202 02 32 2.1 22.KH 00 12.18 79 4.17 04 313 54 ' 1 39j 441 K81 120 24 101 44: .10 78 1441 32 219 27 323 51 1 m 4 03 3 47 3 28 49 20 27 11297 14 2920 20 0O02 41 H58 37 10MOO 14 2(187 02 14777 41 3K20 31 4233 88 201 .19 280.1 .11 2OH0 34 217 72 :,uKi n 370 40 1(58 13 1 20 20 84 .18 91 310 O0 1 07 21 119 12 3773 91 THE PLATTSMOUTH, Ice Company Registered Bridge Warrants on hand January 1st, 1903 Registered Bridge Warrants paid since January 1st, 1903 Balance unpaid July 1st, 190:$ $ 17251 20 12043 28 209 2.1 74.V.9 28 209 2.1 Balance 74 J..0 o3 , o207 98 J. L. BARTON, Treasurer, Cass County, Nebraska. Second Third " Plattsmouth, First Ward.. Second .. Third 4- Fourth 44 .. Fifth 44 .. part of the citr. They have nny the 9 finest ice that can be obtained anv- ....12 , W I1CJ c. 9 0 o Total 181 Primaries to be held on Saturday, August loth, at 8 p. m., at the usual places of holding such meetings. J. P. Faltkk, Chairman. Fuank Sciilatek, Secretary. ' CEO. P0ISALL, Manager Plattsmouth 'Phone 124. Nebraska 08. It is a matterof experience that pre cocious booms for the presidency rare ly attain a lusty maturity. After the campaign for a candidate has been worked by his most enthusiastic friends at long range with the utmost industry and state delegation after delegation duly secured some compartively ob scure competitors hardly mentioned is brought in at the last hour and car ries off the prize-. In the midst of the violent struggle in the Republican Na tional Convention of 1880 there were few besides General Garfield himself who entertained serious thoughts of his nomination for president, and when the nomination was made it gave a shock to the old political stagers. There were not many democrats who mentioned William J. Bryan as a can didate until his 44cross-of-gold" speech hurled in the Chicago convention out of the grooves. James K. Polk and Franklin Pierce certainly were not popular favorites when the unsought nomination for president was thrust upon him. The same conditions are liable to prevail when the selection of a democratic candidate occurs next year. Probate Notice. TN" COUNTY COUKT. CASS COUNTY". NE- hr:isk:i. In the lilH.tt.-r of tlit estutR of I Frederick P. Stohlnmnn. deceased. (jeonreJ. Stohlmann. William Stoulmann. Frederick A. Stohlmaun.Liouiza Kuoke. Andrew Stohlmann. Amelia Stolilmann.August A.Stuhlmann.Hen rv C.tohlniann and all ot her persons interest ed in the estate of Frederick P. Stoblmann.de ceased. are hereby notified that on the 14th day of July. imo.!. Hunuegunda tolilmann I tiled in said court her dulv verified petition. alleeiii?anion;;otherthinKs.that said deceased left as his immediate family, the petitioner. and a minor child. Henry C. Stohlmann. of the aire of 19 years: that the petitioner has no personal estate or income wherewith to maintain herself and family: that the estate of said deceased is estimated at alxut the sum of S170UO.0O. of which about H 00.00 is personal property; that the rents of the real estate amount to about ?!0 . 00 per annum: that the debts against said estate so far as can be ascertained amount to about $500.0(1. The prayer of said petition is for an order di recting the widow to select her statutory allowance of ftSHl.OO and the propeity bv law descending to the widow, and make in allow ance of 40.11 per month for the support of petitioner and her family, lou are notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition at the county court room. in Plattsmouth.Cass county.Nehraska. on the 4th day of August.A. ll..r.Hi;i. at 11 o clock in the forenoon. and that II you fail to appear at said time and object to the proceedings, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, set out the property descending to the widow, and make an order I allowing her the sum or 40.00 per month lor her maintenance during the pendency of this estate. ltness my nana ana the seal ot said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 15th day or .iuiy. a. u., wa. J. r.. uoculass. seal n County Judge. A Cut Never Bleeds. After Porter's antiseptic healing oil is applied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, 25 cents. its 1 "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. Sl.M a tattle. All cranbta. E If yoar druggist cannot snpply you, mend u one dollar and ne will express yon bottle. Be sore and gie the nam of your BMreat prese office. Address, J. C. A MSB. CO Lowell. Nut. Probate Notice. TX THE COITXTV COURT OF CASS COUN ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Const in J. Martin, deceased. Charles tu Martin. Mae N. Creamer. Lillie K. Martin. K. ltelle Martin. Lucy .1. Martin, and all other persons interested in said estate, are hereby notified that upon the SHh day of July. 190a. the above named persons tiled in said court tneirduly verified petition. alleging among oth er things.that all of said persons have attained their majority; that Constin J. Martin, late an Inhaoitant or t'ass county, iteuraska. depart ed this life) intestate, at ban .lose. In Santa Clara county. Califorcia. ou the )rd day of October. lWi seized and possessed or real and personal estate situated in Cass county. Ni braska. of the reasonable value of 4t.MJ0.O0. and possessed of real estate situated in the state of California, of a reasonable value of $fto0.ii'; that the above named persons are the sole heirs at law. children and widow of said deceased. The prayer of said petition is that a bearing lie bad thereon, and that upon the hearing, administration of said estate be granted to Laicy J. Martin, widow of said de ceased, and that an allowance be made to said widow in the sum of not less than $75.' V per month, to commence upon the said 23rd day of Octobi r. imti. and continue during the pendency oi saia estate. i ou are notined that a hearing will be bad upon said petition . I. a ii.it tr ... V. m.im u. Llu tl.'mi.nl I. Cass county. Nebraska, on the 14th day of August. Ifnj. at I" o ciock in tlie lorenoon. and that if you fail to appear at said time and object to the proceedings. the court may grant the administration or said estate to tne said I.ui't J. Martin, and make the order of allow ance as prayed and proceed to the settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth, .Nebraska, this 3oth day of July, A. U.. IW3. ISKAL.I J. C- toumy Juuge. A Sore Hcver Hatters After Porter's antiseptic healing oil is applied. Believes pain instantly and beals at the same time, t or man or beast Price, 25 cents. iOGOooeococcooGoq) 3obn Bauer's XTbe Dataware Dan makes a specialty of all kinds h of Tinwork, such as Roofing, S it 4 4 r r a4s nn1 oil wrtvlr f0 uubbiug, ctv. til an rt ui a guaranteed. Call and get prices before contracting work. 500 Abain Street, plattsmoutb, Hebrasfca. iOOOOS 1 EXCURSION Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued by (Jeorge I-'. llouseworth. clerk of the dist rict court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 24th day of August, A. D.. 1903, at II o'clock a. m.. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of 1'l.itts inotith. in said county, sell at public auction, to t he highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit : Ixts ten. eleven and twelve (III. Hand li) in block eight (M. and lots one. twoand three.(l.2and:i) in block twenty-three, (!). all in thecity of i'lal tsnioutli. Cass coun ty. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto lelonging or any wise appertaining. The same being levied up on and t aken as tlie property of Tlie Platts mouth Urirk ami Terra Cotta Manufacturing Company, defendant to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by the First National Bank, of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, plaintiff against said defendant. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. July 21st. A. I., liha. .ioiin i. mckkidk. llyitox Cf.ARK. Sheriff Cass Co. Nebraska. Plaintill's Attorney. Road Notice. To all whom it may concern: Tlie commissioner apjxdnted to locate a road commencing at N. K. corner of Hi-lion twenty-seven (uT) township eleven T) (II). range thirteen. ) (13;; east of the sixth p. M. in Cass county. Nebraska. And terminating in tlie N. V. corner of theN". K. I -4 of Section -T. T (II) It .(13) has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must lie filed In the county clerks office on or lefore noon of tlie 14th day of Septemljcr, A. I.. IWM. or such road will le established without refer ence thereto. I. A. Tvkon. County Clerk. H. 1). TKAV1S. ATTORNEY-A T-LA W KoOms 8. 9. 10 and II. Waterman, IImxjk, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. i orvicic no. ta. ( Kfc.HI PENCE. 4M. W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICE: Waterman Black Plattsmouth, Nebraska Plaits. - Phones I Office 10 lies 343 NEBRASKA TELEPHONE, V0HN M. LEY DA, A TTOftHCY-A T-LA W, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing abslriu'tN of title, conveyancing and examining titles to real estate a mmx-IhI-ty. Work properly done and charge reason able. Olfice: Kootiiv ll and 7, John Uund Building, near Court House. PlatUinouth, Nebraska. fMi fm RATES -VIA- IZSr s From Omaha Pittsburgr, Ta $ 23 25 on sale Aujf. 1, 2 and 3, return limit Aug. 31st. Baltimore, Md., 32 25 on sale Sept. 17, 18 and 19tli. return limit Oct. 3rd. Pittsburg, Pa 38 45 on sale daily during Ju ly, August and Sep tember. Return limit 30 days. Boston, Mass 58 50 Montreal, Canada 53 50 White Sulpher Springs, k. v.- v a w French Lick. Sp'gs, lnd. 30 90 Toronto, Canada 42 85 Buffalo, N. Y 41 50 Charlevoix, Mich 35 35 Mackinac Island, Mich.. 29 75 Detroit, Mich. 34 00 Alexandria, Minn 15 25 Annandale, Minn 14 95 Bemidji, Minn 18 45 Buffalo, Minn 14 25 Rice Lake, Wis 10 50 Detroit, Minn 16 05 Fergus Falls, N. D 15 25 Minnetonka, Minn 13 15 Taylor's Falls, Minn 13 85 St. Paul, Miun 12 50 Minneapolis, Minn 12 oo Duluth, Minn 10 50 Ashland, Wis 16 50 Waterville, Minn 10 50 Waseca, Minn 10 50 Faribault, Minn 10 50 Red Wing, Minn 10 50 Spirit Lake, la. (Okaboji) 9 50 Clear Lake, la 10 70 Waterloo. Ia 11 85 Storm Lake, la iS 85 MM-SumiinnKBr Sail AT Wsm, Merold & S&m 9s SURPASSING ANY AND ALL FORMER SALES We have spent several weeks in gathering together merchandise for this sale, and have secured some extraordinary bargains from overstocked jobbers. The unusually cool spring and summer thus far has left them loaded with summer goods, which they were willing to dispose of at a great sacrifice. SPECIAL ON LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 50 dozen manufacturer's samples of gowns, skirts, drawers, che mise and corset covers bought at 50c on the dollar, and will be sold at retail at same reduction. Simi lar lot to the ones we had a year ago. We have frequentlv been asked whether we would get another line this year by those who were purchasers a year ago, and this announcement we are 'sure will bring our last year's cus tomers back in large numbers. We Offer CO pieces 51c challiesat 4c yd 50 pieces 71c lawn at 5c yd 30 pieces 15c batiste and dimities at. . .71 yd 35 pieces 20c mercerized organdies and batiste. 10c yd 300 ladies' and children's parasols at one half price. 9(90X9 25 dozen ladles' wrappers, manufacturer's samples, bought at 50c on the dollar, and will be sold at one-half price. 75c wrappers at 38c SI 00 wrappers at 50c 1 25 wrappers at c2cJ GXBGXD" 25 dozen ladles' corsets, 50c, 75c il and tl.25 grades, your choice for 29c. Similar to the lot we had a year ago. GXB0 75 dozen ladies' knit summer underwear at 50c on the dollar. Similar to the lot we had a year ago. 8 p it s Above Rat os arm for Round Trip Tlekott. Kates to points to which no .selling dates are shown are on sale dally dur ing .luly. August and September, good for return until Oct. 31st. Lake Tours ria Dulutb or Chicago and the Great Lakes. Steamer and sleeping car reservations made In ad vance. Write us about your trip and let us give you full Information regarding rates, route, etc Correspondence so licited and Information cheerfully giv en at City Ticket Office. o. Uttt Far--nam St.. Omaha, or write . W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agent. OMAHA. NEB. ma SIhis All our remaining stock of men's shoes which we intend to discontinue handling go at less than cost. Several hundred pair of Ladies' RadclifT, Julia Marlow and Princess Qual ity shoes, worth $2.50 and $3.00, your choice of any for $1.93. Hundreds of Ladies' Oxfords at from 20 to 33 percent discount to reduce stock. Era ifr tr. frfr, ffA ffr ity " V