The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 16, 1903, Image 5

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1 1
i Sattler & Fassbender.
iiJi 11 3
So is House Clconin Time.
Yon always wav.t to Know whore to gvl the host
Furnishings. Von arc invited to see us for Car-lH.-ts,
Linoleums, of all grades, ami the finest and
Inst Carpet Sweepers on the market. Also, we
have the imt com
SattlerS Fassbender.
Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fittferald
Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated
'Cut Hell" cigars.
Mrs. Annie Wutli, r South Bend,
1 tdiana, Uvisltin the family or P. II.
C. L. Herder returned Sunday eve
ning from his trip to points in Colo
rado. He reports a mot enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. li. K. Lontf took their
departure Monday morning for Talior,
Iowa, where they expect to make their
future home!
Ceo. Cackly, of tlie wholesale firm of
Cackley Bros., of Omaha, was inter
viewing his many customers in I'latts
mouth yesterday.
Henry Iluckins, of the Nebraska
Blizzard, was down from Lincoln a few
hours yesterday, and was a caller at
Journal headquarters.
C I. Cummins came up from Law
ton, Oklahoma, Friday evening in
response to a telegram announcing the
serious illness of his mother.
Mrs. II. N. Ifcvey ami two daughters.
Misses Florence and lone, departed
Tuesday for Ienver, Colorado Springs
and other points to visit friends.
Another re publican in the tield for
county superintendent of schools, in
the, person of Elmer C. Woodruff, of
Weepiuvr Water. This makes a three
cornered tight for the nomination.
No man or woman in the state will
hesitate tospeak well of Chamlterlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets after once
trying them. They always produce a
pleasant movement of the towels, im
prove the appetite and strengthen the
digestion. For sale by all druggists.
O. II . Myers, land and immigration
agent, of Alma, Nebraska, was in the
city Monday, and made a business call
on the Journal. Mr. Myers was here
to make some advertising contracts
and also secure an agent in this city.
We understand he made arrangements
with J. II. Thrasher to act as agent.
Mrs. Dunbar entertained the Ladies
Aid Society of the I'resbyterian church
last Thursday afternoon at the Hotel
de Hiley. A large numlter of ladies
were present and a pleasant t ime en
joyed. Delicious refreshments were
served. In entertaining the guests,
Mh. Dunbar was assisted by her
daughters, Mrs. Kessler, of St. Joseph.
Missouri, Mrs. Wiggonhorn. of Ash
land, and Mrs. Frank Dunbar.
Mrs. Isabel Bichey, with her son.
Livingston, was on Monday the guest
for a short time of Mrs. . (). Fellows,
as she passed through thiscity en route
to Eothen, Wyoming, and will again
visit her on Friday on her return to
Spearnsh, where with her husband,
she has been visiting for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Richey are residents of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and the
former is engaged in some mining
business which frequently brings him
to the Hills. For nearly four years
they were neighbors of the Fellows
family, and naturally it was a pleasure
to see them, if only for a short time.
Belle Fourcbe(S. D.) Northwest Post.
FIevy Grocery Store.
Sjecial Prices on all days, and one
price to all customers, s Everything
new, fresh and clean. You patronrge
South 6 th St.
11CS . JL1V, jl vto p
plete line of first-class
Refrigerators. Never
forget for a minute
that we are the I Iouse
holil Furnishers of
I'lattsmouth and Cass
county. So when in
need of anything jjive
us a trial.
'atoriu at Cering A: Co.s
2xi matches for Ic. Ckkino t Co.
Head Hayden F.ros. ad in this pair
J. L. 1 Jar ton made a business trip to
Clenwood yesterday.
W. K. Exline, of near I lock I Huffs,
was in the city Tuesday.
J. C liichey made a business trip to
Weeping Water yesterday.
Jack Murray went to Waverly, Neb.,
yesterday to join Sheeley's bridge gang.
Oscar Simpson went out to Republi
can City, Neb., yesterday to visit his
brother Tom.
Miss Olive Cass went to Lincoln
yesterday to attend summer school at
the state university.
Mrs. Ambrose Allen and family took
their depart lire Tuesday for Steelburg,
Nebraska, where they expect to make
their future home.
Carl Humphrey returned Tuesday
morning from C a rtfeld county, Neb.,
where he went to look after some
ranch business a week previous.
Fix up that old furniture of yours
with "Locqueret." It varnishes it
and makes it look like new.
Ckkino & Co.
Will Stadelman came in from
Kearney, Saturday morning, for a
brief visit. He is manager of the
indeM'ndent telephone company at
Kirk Hates, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. II. I kites, departed today for a
month's visit with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and .Mrs. C. A. Atkinson, in
Ienver, Colorado.
For a la.y liver try Chamlerlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
invigorate the liver, aid the digestion,
regulate the bowels and prevent
bilious attacks. For sale oy all drug
gists. M. Albert Saggau and Miss Sophia
Nielson, lotli of South Omaha, were
united in the holyliondsof matrimony
in this city Tuesday by Judge Doug
lass. The groom is twenty-two yeans
of age, w hile the bride is twenty-eight
The Omaha jobbers did not pass
here until alniut 11 o'clock Friday
niht. Their scheduled time was 0:30.
and our people had made arrangements
to give them a proper reciption, but
the lateness of the hour "knocked
everything into a cocked hat."
I'lattsmouth was well represented
at the meeting of the republican
county central committee in Weeping
Water last Saturday. It will be seen
by the following names that the I'latts
mouth "ring" was out in full force.
J. M. Robertson. A. L. Tidd, A. J.
Craves, Henry Boeck, C. S. Folk, H.
A. Schneider, J. E. Douglass, T. F.
Wiles, L. A. Tyson, W. J. Streight
and C. L. Farley.
If the authorities are unable to
secure parties that know how to
handle a gun in the vocation of shoot
ing dogs on which no tax has been
paid they had better let the dogs live.
We have heard of a number or com
plaints in the past week about the
reckless shooting of some boys employ
ed for this purpose and in several
instances in the north part of the city
they have come pretty close to hit
ting parties right in their own door
Call for "Cut Hell" cigars, 5c.
"Cut Hell," the favorite cigar.
Fire-works and all Fouith of July;s at (Jerliig A Co.'s
Mrs. C. II. Smith is visiting her
daughter at Walton, Neb.
C. C. Maylield, of Einht Mile Croe,
was a county seat visitor Mondav.
AHei t Bussler and family left .Mon
day for a few days in Denver.
Barle Clark left Fiidav for the
v st rn a 1 1 of t be state In t ry r:i ih-Ii
Cus Dyers, the Havelock Mstinasler.
was in the city Sunday visiling his
father, Chier of I'olice Ilyer.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Wiles was gladdened Sunday morning
by the arrival of a nil I baby.
The I J. & M. pay car was welcomed
by the shop Ixiys, as well as other
railroad employes, Monday morning.
C. D. Cummins. Mho wascalled here
by the serious illness of his mother,
last week, returned to Law-ton, Okla
homa, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wiggcnhorn
returned to their home in, Ashland
Monday, after a brief visit with the
family of F. C. Fricke.
Hello, Long Distance! (live me I'.CC
Coldmau I'leating Co., 2oo I)ouglas
block, Omaha, opposite Hayden 's. I
want a sunburst skirt. Write them
for circular.
A man should never tire of saying
goKl things about his town and never
Ite guilty of speaking ill of it. It is
impossible to rind a town that is fault
less, they all have their drawbacks and
ditllculties, which should be met by
all with a strong heart and determi
nation to overcome. Substantial en
couragement and hearty endorsement
are as essential to the welfare of a
town as are natural resources.
We are sole agents for TP t The TcQl
the Celebrated
chase & Qviestiorv
Sanborn S JtJJ xJJ 11 Jf )( is also of importance these
Teas and Coffees. This firm W warm days. Our Tens are
supplied the coffee for the - also of the famous Chase
World s Fair at Chicago in ktw & anljorn brand. The
1S3. Jc V tin Ff very best Gunpowder on
. W AJU the market 70c.
Another of our famous . .
coffees is our blend which In Jap Teas wo have the
we have been selling for V" " ' snu cured in three grades
over 20 years. The price is ? Li jf at
SOcperlb. 015UN C0 40c. 50c. 60c.
and is a very choice coffee vSv iV01"' '
for family use. The Chase it Sanborn
2 s I Seal Brand is put up in
tis iu (ilJi:iMi one-half pound packages,
At 35C ID. yV This is a special grade of
Our Mocha and Java at V fj f; V) Jap Tea
35c is the best in the coun-
-ry- . We also have two brands
J C of black teas. The Koh.
We also have the same Jtrf ' oor English Breakfast
brand of goods from V( is the very best, at 60c
t l 9e put up in one and one-
12 2 tO 2oC iiaif pound packages.
We have a special blended Tea and
The Orange Peko Brand
coffee put up in milk cans - Js and Indian or Ceylon
containing 5 pounds each, S7 J Tea. Also in packages at
w"r:r. ffff 6ocents.
I.OO per can,
superior to any other oof- Cm3 f I Try them and
fee at a much higher price. JPZJ A tCMMm
Every can warranted. be convinced.
Castoria at Cering & Co.'s
Every advertised patent medicine at
Cering & Co.'s
Fred Ossenkop, of Louisville, was a
Mattsmouth caller Monday,
If you are a judge of a srood smoke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
Matt Joy and family returned from
Ienver Saturday where they have
been visiting since the Fourth.
We save you money on your pre
scription; have them filled at our store.
Gekixo & Co.
Hukill, Optician, of Omaha, will be
at Fricke & Co.'s drug store every
Monday. Examination free. Satis-
tion guaranteed.
Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Joseph
Sans, of Rock Bluffs, took the train
here Friday morning for Wausa, Neb.,
where they will visit relatives.
W. J. Hesser departed Saturday on
a business combined with a pleasure
trip to Denver. He will also visit
Colorado Springs and Manitou.
Mrs. George A. Hay, who has been
visiting friends in Cass county for
several weeks, took her departure from
I'lattsmouth Friday morning for her
home in Central City, S. I).
Married Men Attention Nothing
pleases a woman so well as those little
attentions of your honeymoon days, so
take home a box of Lowney's tine
chocolates. Gering & Co., sole agents.
While on her way to the bridge with
her husband's dinner last Friday, Mrs.
George McMullen was prostrated with
heat. A physician was called and the
lady soon revived. This is the first
prostration of this character in this
city this season.
J. P Amick.of Burt county, Nebras
ka, in remitting this week for the
Journal another year, adds: "Home
would not seem like home without the
Journal." Mr. Amick is a brother of
the late George I). Amick. deceased,
and has been a latron of the Journal
many years.
I c?" i m J
f : I
The bachelor's solace
The benedict's blessing
The beverage for all.
of Good Cheer.
Send for Free Souvenir Booklet.
John 1'enciland wife, who have been
visiting in the Illack Hills for a week,
returned Friday morning.
A. C. Smith, who was a guest of W.
L. Street and family a few days last
week departed Friday afternoon for
his home in Howlder, Colorado.
Walter Denson, the yonng man who
was paroled from the reform school at
Kearney, a few weeks since, was taken
hack to that institution Saturday by
II. D. Ilayvvar l, the superintendent.
Land excursions to Canada July and
August. Twenty-four dollars for
round trip. Write for dates and full
particulars. Hastings &. Hcyden,
western immigration agents, .'do N. V.
Life building, Omaha, Neb.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Office with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
Lee Sharp came down from Omaha
to spend Sunday with his motlier.
Milford Bates is the only authorized
agent for the Saturday Evening Post.
No other has any right to sell these pa
pers in I'lattsmouth. If any others
sell them, they come from Omaha
newsdealers. Buy of the home boy.
The "Jowa idea," after all, is only a
reiteration of t he democratic conten
tion that "industrial monopolies are
intolerable and must be checked and
restricted." The "Jowa idea" is not a
new idea, but it is an honest demo
cratic idea.
II. U. Will urns, came in from Nor
folk Saturday to deliver his corn to C.
Bengen, at Mynard this week, and de
parted for his new home toda-. He is
well pleased with his present location,
but still retains a warm feeling in his
heart for Cass county.
II. B. Gering left this afternoon for
Baltimore, Md., where he goes as a
delegate to the grand lodge meeting of
Elks of the United States. He was
accompanied by Bay Patterson and
Henry Goos. They will visit New
York City and other points while gone.
A Pleasant Affair.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
were treated to a magnilicent . recep
tion at the pleasant home of Hon. B.
B. Windham lastevening. Notwith
standing the appearance for inclement
weather early in the evening, about
sixty were present. Refreshments
were served on the lawn. Excellent
vocal and instrumental music was fur
nished by Misses Antona Kessler,
Florence White, Edna Marshall and
Miss Martin. It was one of the enjoy
able events of the season, and no mis
take. A Sore Never Matters
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly and
heals at the same time. For man or
beast Price, 25 cents.
Death of Another Old Citizen.
The Journal is again called upon to
chronicle the death of another old and
, highly respected citizen of Cass couv
1 tv, In the person of Mr. Fred. Wehr
l.eiu, living about seven miles nort h
I west of I'lattsmouth, which occurred
i last iiignt of Hi ilit's disease.
Th." .! cased came to this county in
the early 7i si com isconsin, and pur
c'taed a farm, where he has ever since lei. He was a bout ro years of age,
and was out.' of the most proiniii 'iit
CiM-tiian farmers of Ciss county. A
d iuhter, Mrs. August Cordcr, resides
in this city. The runeral will tak.
place to-morrow from the residence.
Was it Suiaide?
Antone Sebasta, a farm hand, died
on Tuesday last, under circumstances
that seemed rather suspicious, at the
home of Joseph Svehla, in t lie west
part of the city, and the facts in the
case reported to Coroner lioeck, who
! deemed it necessary to hold an inquest
Accordingly the following jury was se
lected to hold an impicst over the bod :
II. Chrisweiser. A . L. llu..etl, .1. A.
Murphy, 1. I'. Cass A. C. Helps and
V. O. Anderson Evidence produced
showed that shortly before he died
he told a friend that he had eaten t In
sulphur otT ol ab.ix of matches, and
a verdict was rendered to t he effect
that the deceased came to his death as
the result of sulphuric poisoning.
The deceased came to the home of
Mr. Svehla on Wednesday of last week
quite sick. He was a single man, '2H
years old, came to America six years
ago, and has no relatives in this coun
try. The funeral occurred yesterday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock.
Faint pointers I 'at ton's Sun I'roof
Faint is better than white lead and
oil. We guarantee it fori years.
( Kill no & Co.
Lee J. Maylield, of the Louisville
Courier, was in the city Monday, and
gave the Journal a friendly call.
Geo. I'. Meisinger, livingthree miles
southeast of Cedar Creek, was in the
city today and called and renewed for
the Journal. Mr. Meisinger is one of
Cass county's most energetic and well-to-do
farmers, and a gentleman of the
first water.
While in the city today L. C. W.
Murray, one of the prosperous farmers
in the neighborhood of Mynard, called
and replenished the Journal exchequer
to the amount of SI on subscription.
Mr. Murray says his vicinity is need
ing rain very badly.
WT. A. Graybill, of Weeping Water,
was in the city the fore part of the
week, endeavoring to get his son re
leased on bail. He is the father of
Harry Graybill, who in jail awaiting
trial on the charge of stealing Dr. Hun
gate's turkeys in Weeping Water last
Workmen have been engaged this
week in making some improvement on
on the Schliz building on the corner of
Main and Fifth streets. The main en
trance has been changed from the
north side to the corner on both
streets. A new entrance has also been
made on the w est, near the rear of the
building. A new floor has also been
laid and a new steel ceiling is to be
put in.
Will They Play Ball?
The Cass county officials, through
Recorder II. A. Schneider, have chal
lenged the officials of Otoe county for
a game of ball to be-played in this city
at any time convenient to them. In
case the is challenge accepted, none but
strictly county officials in either coun
ty will be allowed to participate in the
game. An effort will be made to se
cure Judge Jessen to umpire the game.
Nothing has yet been heard from the
The worlds finest candies are Low
ney's. Gering & Co., sole agents.
fyovCoo:c Muslin Underwear
Where They Teach.
The following are the. names of some
of the Cass county teachers, and the
places where they will teach the com
in year:
District No. 1. Mabel Freese.
" 3.-C. L. Jean.
' " " Kdith Moon.
" !). Millye Tubbs.
" 12. Nina Lynde.
" " 14. -Georgia .Martin.
Lydia ( sl.enberg.
Lelia Dugay.
" " -10. -K. G. Spencer.
.1. E. Opp.
Louise Ma rotiardt.
.1 uli.i Nut .iii.iii.
" 2 S. M. Moss, Supt.
C. II. BattcliUc.
Ma rg r ' t ('out ry 1 11 a 1 1
Ft ta Crabt ree.
Mamie Lacey.
Pearl Wilkinson.
Josephine Howard.
Mildred Hart.
M urrie Johnson.
District No. 27. Agnes Kennedy.
" 2S. Christ ma Hansen.
" 211. losie Velenek.
" .Jl-C. C. MolVet.
" 2. - M. A. Sams. Supt.
Fmma (J. L. Meyers
Mary McGrcw.
( 'atherine Peterson.
Lizzie Bryan.
District No. ,'J4. Marie Reasoner.
" :j;..i. c. cieyg.
Fthel Montgomery.
W. P. Bailey.
Grace Cheuvront.
District No. .)s Birdella Anderson.
." Leona Pollard.
Ruth Murdock.
Minerva Tool.
District No. 41 Delia Tartsch.
" ' 42-Floy Canaday.
" " "() Louise Mickle.
" " SI Sadie Rivett.
r4 Lydia Taylor.
" rji. M. L. Fowler,
Carrie Alliscm
District No. 57 Euna Towle.
Anna Towle.
District No. 58 Mae Cameron.
" " 01 Zoe Vincent.
" " ii'.i Mary Burns.
" " 71 Nellie Bird.
" " 74 Nellie Ornelia.
" " 75 Vada CI egg.
" " 70 Phoebe Davis.
" 78 F. M. Butler.
82 Alice Cameron.
83 Pearl Willis.
" " 85 E. Len Ilolden.
Mabel Carlyle.
Florence Whipple.
District No. W Cora Esmay.
" " 87 Lida Sheesley.
93 Margaret Smith.
U4 Luella Taylor.
J5 W. H. Simons.
Clara Lei by.
Bernice Goodale.
Laura Miller
Bhena Towle.
District No. !0 B. H. Patterson.
" " U7 Addie White.
OS Evelyn Golden.
yj-II. II. Bronson.
Minnie Ilorsh.
Annette Woods.
District No. 100 Gertrude Anderson.
Nellie Sams.
Distiict No. 101 Delia Bussll.
Corrjmissioners Proceedings.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July, 7th, 1M.J:
Board met pursuant to adjournment
with all present. Minutes of the last
session read and approved. It was
ordered by the board that ten thous
and dollars be transferred from the
general fund to the county road fund.
Official bonds of C. A. Potts and M.
Hawkins were approved. The follow
ing claims were allowed:
L. J. Mayfield, printing s 7 on
Louis Birkenbush, care of
pauper 1 rj)
Frank E. Schlater, baililf cer
tificate IS 00
Chas. L. Graves, printing 3 00
Fee bill, state vs Jones 7 os
Fee bill, insane case, Lane :;t 55
J. A. Clements, printing ; on
Streight & Streight, merchan
dise to county n 00
Hammond Bros. & Stephens,
merchandise to county 2 Oil
J. 1. Cooke & Co., merchan
dise to county 2 5s
I'lattsmouth Journal, printing
A. B. Dickson, mdse to poor..
C. S. Wortman, salary and ex
0 00
0 00
penses iu-2 5
E. E. Hilton, work 52 00
J. V. Egenberger, coal ii 7.-,
Anderson Bouse, salary 00
C. H.Smith.stamed envelops 14
L J. Maylield, printing 3 tm
J. D. McBride, fees and 1 ward
ing prisoners 109 00
State Journal Co., merchan
dise to county 7 o
W. L. Witherow, printing 22 00
Fred Kroehler, care or pauper 10 !)
I. Pearlman, mdse to jail 3 00
Jesse L. Root, salary and ex
penses, 2nd quarter 207 95
Fee bill, inquest, T. Spiers... 33 75
:: ::tz
ftrLL Lnco Curtains
I 11 in l..".i 1 mil up ill. an
elegant line of HesltfliS.
to clean up at aspecial bargain
on Un
derwear. W. F. Carrens, team to com
missioners W. B. Banning, salary and ex
penses Turner Zink, same
J. P. Falter, same
Kcning News, printing
I'lattsmouth Telephone Co.,
rents ami tolls
Lyman Kildow, salary
L. A. Tyson, salary and ex
penses F. Morgan, mdse. to county...
L. B. Bgcnbergei, merchan
dise to county
Dora Plcischma'ii, care of pa 11
Pt J. J. Swoboda, mdse to hkm-. . .
N. II. Wilkinson, same
Mrs. Jennie Green, witness fee
Aug Bach, mdse to poor
Mrs. R. B. Voder. car; of Mor
Yaliuda McCoy, careof paiiMr
B. G. Dovey it Son., merchan
dise to poor
Lyman K i Idow mdse to count y
Chas. Vanhorcn, lax refunded
Ceo. F. House Aorth, fees
Wurl tt Colley, mdse to poor. .
IS. C. Mai iia I'll , same
I'lattsmouth Water Co., rents
John Waterman, lumber
A. F. Nichols, building bridges
Vakiner Lumber (Jo., lumber.
C. F. McConnell. same
A. B. Slagle, building bridges.
21 lo
10 (Ml
T. 1 1. W01I, luinlx rand build
ing bridges HO
Fee bill. State vs. Shepherd.. . Hi
A voea Lumber (., Iinnber... 129
vWilkinsoii - Sharp, same 2
.J. A. .Mcnoison, same n5
II. J'. Taylor, bal. on road case. 18
T. F. Carries, lxarding paup(.r 5
A. II. Weckbach. indso to poor 15
Board adjourned to meet July
1903. L. A. Tyson, County Clerk.
Keep Cool!
Buy Your Ice of
H. C.
who always handles nothing but
pure crystal ice
Bclivcrcfc vcn fiDomino !
Platssmouth 'Phono 72-7.'i.
Neb. 'Phono 72.
Office 604 Main St.
And marching
straight to
UeeKbaekJ 0,
where j'ou will bo re
paid for your trouble
by getting the best
on the markets.
Canned Goods,
M fresh daily from the markets.
g gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
WuOTiiiiin HIhoIc I'liiltsiuoulli.
i 1
i t.
1 I
-; '
, i
r 1