fSr'yi i 7, it (I The Plattsmouth Journal riTllMSMKIt WKKKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBHASKA. II. A. AND T. II. BATHS, riritMsiiKKS. Knterrd at the mtoniie at ri:ittsniiuth. Ne hrahka. in hitoimIcIush mutter. Committee Meeting. ' The chairman of 1 1 drmocratie county ct-ntiul committer h.is issued u call for a iihm-i in of thccoiiimitt-t; at llw court house, in this city, next Sat urday. July istii, at II oYlotka. in. It is very essential that every in.-mUr of the committer le iresfnt, as busi ness of iuiMrtance will come U fre them for consideration, Im-nmUs naming the time and place for holding thecounty convention. A II democrats are invited to lie present and jarth i. pate in the deliberations. Tu kick seems to ! three kinds of republicans in Iowa low tarilT repul licans, hk'h tarilT repuhlicans, and 'stand -patters." Cut they all ayree to have a liiuh tarilT. This may sound inconsistent, hut it is nevertheless true. "il K the devil is dues." Coventor Mickey Is to te commended for his ac tion in refusing to interfere in the haritfintfof younj; INa. w ho met his fate last Friday. An immense pressure was brought to bear to save vomit; man's neck from the halter. Covkicnoic Pkai:oiv, of Colorado, has decided to appoint one of his daughters as Colonel of his staiT. It Isn't so strange as you might think, to see American women holding high mil itary rank. Most wives in thiscountry are commanders-in-chief. A itio politician tosses olT the pre uiciion mat Koosevelt will win even though he is yoked up with a yel low dog. If Mr. Roosevelt's present popularity is an indication of "speed his success would seem to depend upon theisize, swiftness and pulling powers of the tlog. 1 1 kick is an obituary printed in a Kansas paper: "She reared nine chil dreit. She darned lO.otxt socks. She cooked loo.ooo meals. She washed l,ooo,noo dishes. She died and went to heaven." There shouldn't be any doubt about the last part of her expc rience and no doubt the change was welcomed. Avn ir j v i i DO YOU GET UP WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everylMjdy who reads the news- niern is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swanij- Root, the great kid ney, liver ami blad der reined v. - It is the lreat itieil- h iral triumph of the I'll, i ...... .i - . iiiiiciceiuii ceiuury discovered after vears H of scientific research by Ir. Kilmer, the cmiiietit kidney and bladder MKfiallst, and is woiiilcriull y successful in promptly curing lame lat k, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Itrivht's Disease, which is the worst form of Vidnev trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec omnienU-d for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will found inst the renud y you need. It has In-eil tested ill so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a stMrcial arrangement has lecn made by which all readers of this Iier, who have not already tried it, may have a sample fx.ttle sent free by mail, also a lwolc tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findotitifyoubavekidiieyor bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this iajer and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IJinghamtoii, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size IjottleS are Home of Swamp-Root. sold bv all irood drueeists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ami the address, liiiighamton, N. Y., on every Itottle. Hot Weather Hints. Whatever you doon a hot day, don't consult a thermometer. As soon as you have seen the readings of one your blood will broil exactly as if you had tried to cool olT bv sit t ing on the gates of hades and swinyiny ur legs over the Pit. Try to keep your mind sweet and pure and calm. If jori h:ie done any evil in your lib-, forget it. If you've done aitv good, lemember it. If thei balance is altogether against v hi, re- sol e t hat in fut lire t he g k h! shall have the bigger account on life's ledger. And then smile in the cooling breeze created by turning over a new leaf. Don't worry. Care killed a cat, and cats can revel in weather so hot that a human Ix-ing feels tempted to follow Sidney Smith's advice and literally shed his Mesh and sit. in his hones. De fer your worrying until the autumnal days-and then the air is so bracing Probate Notice. IN COUNTY COITKT. CASS COUNTY. NK brasku. In the irmtlt-r of the estate of Frederick P. Htoliluian. deceased. OeorifeJ. St'ililmuii. Wlllisiin Slolilmnii. Frederick A. StoliliiiHii. Ini:t Kiike. Andrew Stolilmun. Ariifllu S'4'lilm:iii. AiiKUt A. Sloliltiiuli. Hen ry Stohlinrin and till illter n-rsiiis Intercut ed 111 thr i-stale of L-l ri k t". SUililiuiill. de ('iised. are hereliy iiiitilitd that tin tlie Nth d:ty of July. limit. Kuii-uinlii t-iuililnmiiri tiled In Kiild'eoiirl tier dulv verltleil M-t lllil', ulli-iMn;; aiiionot.liert lilnirs that said deceased left as tils Immediate fa mily. tlie et it loiu-r. and a minor child. Henry !. Stoiilman. of tlie aire of IK year: that tlie ietiliincr lias mi iKTsoiiai estate or Uit'ome wlii rcwilli to maintain lurselfand family : I hat the estate of said deceased is estimated at alioiit Hie sum of ? 17 tl oo. of which amount el'im.im Is IMTsonal iiroiM-rl v : t liat I Im' rents of t lie real estate amount lo iilaiul Ul h r iiiiuuiii t liat I lie ilehts afra inst said estate mi far as can if asi'ertaiiied ainout u altoiil .iil.l, The ura ver of said ix-til ion is for an order di reeling the widow to selis't li-r statuary allowance of if-.lm.ii ami the iiroietly ly law deceniliu to t he widow, and make an allow uuce of ?4l.Jt) ier month for the support of M't itioiier and her famliy . Ion arc notified that a lieutini; will In hail upon said petition at i lie county e.iurt room. In t'lallsmoul h Nebraska, on the 4th day of August. A. I. ItMKt. at II o'clock in the forenoon, and that if you fail lo a mx-ar at said time and object tu tin- proci-eiiins. the court may trrant tlie prayer of sa hi ctitioii. set out the property ileceno i if lo t lie w i low. anil make an orili Hi lowini; her the sum of t .t ix r month for mji:? y&vw w y& P3 an.l t he prospect so pleasing that you li ll c:u!dn t worry if ou tried. After all, don't talk alnuit the weath. court at I'latt.smoiiili. of July. A. !.. I'.HKI. (SEAI.I Nebraska, thisl.ith day J. r.. IKu iii.Ass. (Toil nt y Jmlirt cr. I his present iis-ourse isn t talk ing aioiit. the weather its warning you against, weather. ISesides, it'sun- grateful to bo abusing the weather now, when but. a little while ago we were singing "In the Jood Old Sum mer lime, antl longing for it. lie con sistent. Cool-blooded people are al ways consistent, and maybe its the con sistency that keens their blood cool. Keinember these things and then for get the heat and comfort may de scend upon you like a benediction. Road Notice. 7o nil irhohi it iikiij vmiccni: Tlie commissioner iipixiint.ed to locate road comiiK-ucin at. N. K. corner of Section twenty-seven (S township eleven T) (ll. raiiire thirteen. I : l.i) : cast of t lie sixth I'. Al in Cass county. Nebraska. A ml terminal hit; in 1 he N. W'. corner of the N . K.I -4 of Section T (10 II .(I.I) has reiMii'led in favor of the -slablishmeiit tliereof. anil all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must lie Hied in the county clerks otlice on or licfore ikmii of tlie Uth day of SepteiulM-r. A. II.. lyui. or such road will Ik- established without refer ence thereto. K. A. Tyson. County Clerk Mickkv hasn't revealed the name of the man w ho attempted to bribe him His keepers have him so sutlicientlv muzzled that he can't lte induced to Klin nnnlliir 44eir" nml uirirn it-ii.O nnre secrets of the family. The old fellow is becoming unite childish, anc his managers are kept busy watching him, to keephim from repeating some thing they don't want him to. Hack anil forth through the country the cries are sounding, "Turn the ras cats out" and "Let's see the books." Their echoes grow rather than dimin ish. "ext year there is every reason for believing, the demand for a change of administration will have attained a strength antl volume sunicient to bring it about. The democratic party need not worry over "having no issue." Tiik lat legislature created the of lice of "county assessor." ruder the law each county will tie required tt elect an assessor whose duty it will lie to supervise the assessments of the en tire county. If the taxpayers have not given this otlice much thought it is high time they were doing so. The office of county assessor w ill lie the most important, and at the same time tlie most dillicult to till of any position to lie voted for at the ensuing election The position will he beset upon by all manner of temptations ami induce ments to practice corruption, and the man chosen to fill the place should b one partlculaly adapted to the require ments a man who is conscientious ami fearless in the discharge of his duty a man who has suflieent judg ment to discharge his duty without calling in friends and associates, and following their judgment instead of his own. The office is one of import ance to every taxpayer of Cass county, irrespective of politics, religion or bus iness relations and all are vitally inte- ested in not only having a thoroughly competent man, but one wlio is above suspicion and one who cannot be cor rupted and misled by tax-shirkers and tax grafters. Tiik ork Democrat says that "the farmers of Ikxme county built a $5,000 elevator at Albion, putting their faith in the Ilamsey bill to compeil the rail road to lay a track to the structure. Hut in this instance it appears that faith with works proved unavailing, and the elevator building stands use less, a monument to the treachery of the Nebraska republican railroad leg islature. The question is, will the farmers who invested their money in that elevator, hoping thereby to get relief from the grip of the grain trust, forget all about this treachery when next election day comes around and walk up to the polls and vote for the larty that brought it alout." This case is similar to the one at M unlock in thiscounty, only the farmers at the latter place were refused a site along the railroad track for their elevator. The business men of Murdock are not to blame for the state of affairs that exist among the farmers tributary to that village, caused, as the York hem ocraat says, by "the treachery of the Nebraska republican railroad legisla ture,"oneof the.prime movers in w hich represented Cass county in that body, antl voted for the adoption of the nefa rious Kamsey bill. Conseqently if the business Interests of Murdock suffer the blame must lay directly with the republican party, the serfs of the Ne braska railroad magnates. City Dads in Council. The city council met in regular ses sion on Tuesday night, and among oth er business transacted was the passing of an ordinance levying taxes on all property subject to taxation the same lieing to defray the expenses of the city for the ensuing liscal year. The fund derived from this source is to lie ap portioned as follows: (General fund, 10 mills: hre department, botn or a mill; library, 1 mill; park, loth of a mill: police, .5 mills: police, 3 mills: lire hydrant rental, 11 mills; interest on refunding bonds and to retire bonds of the issue of 181)0, :0 mills; streets and and grading, 11 mills making a total of 5S-70 mills. A number jf communications were read, and the reports of the city clerk, treasurer, police judge and street com missioner were referred to the proper committee. Considerable street w ork w as also or dered. The clique of Dingley bill politi cians, who laid a protective tax against almost everything else, omitted to tax immigration. The truth is that they were not vitally interested in protect ing American labor at the time when the schedules were made. And immi grants are largelj' consumed by the trusts. It makes all the difference w ho is the consumer. Postmaster General. Payne and Negro-1 )elega te- W i n ner? ' C 1 a r k s o n are proving themselves to be very cost ly friends and confidential counselors of Hoosevelt. They are not friends and advisers of the sort that would have lieen chosen by Mr. Koosevelt when, as a civil service reformer and champion of purity in politics, he be gan his public career not so many years ago. Times change and we change with them, however and vaulting j ambition is mighty apt to make a man less careful of the company he keeps Roosevelt and Race Riots. The evil results of keeping alive the race question" for political purposes are nowhere better seen than in the Evansvillc (Ind. ) riots, which have caused many killings and woundings. Koosevelt's discriminations under cover of the "door of hope" doctrine have resulted treacherously for the negro in a series of instances covering the year past. However profitable it may prove to the presidential candi date, leading the negro beyond his depth has not done the negro an' good. Forcing the negro's political and so cial status has encouraged olTensive- ness, not especially in the Evansville instance, but in the difficulties gener ally which have been so conspicuous since the acting president began his preferential treatment; and offensive- ness has met a prompt answer in every case, whether north or south. Finally, when the period of disturbance shall have passed, the negro will be found to have lost ground through the cham pionship of his political friend. Al ready, in the consensus of opinion, ra cial distinctions have, been accent uated to the negro's detriment: and the end is not vet. Jiooseveit win nave tne negro con vention-vote solid, probably he will have the nomination, and perhaps the election; but he will have paid a price for his honors, a. id a part of the price is an injury or nis negro following. The negio himself cannot be expected to penetrate tlie Koosevelt casuistry: tne doctrine or equality will lure him irresistibly, and he will not charge the consequences lo false or interested leadership. Hut the intelligent his torian will have no difficulty and no Hesitancy in hxing tlie iiiame where it InMongs. r OOGGOQOOOOQCl 3obn Bauer's 8 XTbc IbarDware i; Dan 1 1 makes a specialty of all kinds of Tinwork, such as Roofing, Guttering, etc.. and all work guaranteed. Call and get prices before contracting work. 506 flbain Street, j b plattsmoutb, Hcbrasha. ; - - yyjyj-L ' It is unfortunate that difficulties arise which cause the farmers and the towns or the railroads passing through there lo work against each others' in terests. The towns must certainly have the support of the country to suc ceed so it is important that care be tak en not to give the fanners reason for withdrawing their support. Murdock is said to lie experiencingsuch difficul ties over tlie location of an elevator and it is to be hoped that the wrongs. if such there be, will be lighted and the town again be given her customary patronage. Suclr Uiycottsare an injury to all concerned and should be avoided if possible. News. It comes with very bad grace for the News man to begin shedding "croco dile tears ' at tins date, ana assume the attitude of peacemaker between the farmers, railroad and the business men of Murdock. When the elevator question was up before the legislature last w inter, he never opened his mouth either one way or another. The farm ers have just as much right to erect an elevator in towns along the railroads as the combination of grain buyers, but by republican legislation these same railroads have the power to refuse the A Cut Never Bleeds. farmers the same privileges they grant After Porter's antiseptic healing oil to Uic rai buyer's association, and is applied. Kelieves pain instantly A I'i'i.it'ANTs for teachers' certicates must now pass an examination in the elements of agriculture and animal husbandry. Docs this mean that all our fair school marms must know when and how to plant potatoes and invent some plan to keepoll the bugs; to know- how to husk pumpkins; the modus op erandi of weaningcalves and when the hogs are ready for market? A nd must she also lie able to figure out the com mercial value of a frog, and know how- many bugs a blue jay can eat in a day? If these questions have to be answered there are many old maid teachers in Cass county who will throw up the ex amination and quit business. VERY DAINTY INDEED are the new things in ' Ladies Summer Jewelry ine designers nave hit upon many happy conceits and the makers have carried them out skillfully. Some of this jewelry is very low priced cheap enough to lose but it does not look low priced. In appear ance it is similar to jewelry costing four times as much. The difference in quality of material, stones, and fin ish accounts for the difference in price. SNYDER Se CO., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Iloeck Building, Phtttsmouth Neh 11 mjm J 7Z XT mat Mid-Summer S&E i AT Wmm. Mormld & Swn $ SURPASSIN6 ANY AND ALL FORMER SALES We have spent several weeks in atherin; together merchandise for this sale, antl have secured some extraordinary bargains from overstocked jobbers. The unusually cool spring and summer thus far has left them loaded with summer tfoods, which they were willing to dispose of at a p;reat sacrifice. SPECIAL ON LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 50 dozen manufacturer's samples of gowns, skirts, drawers, che mise and corset covers bought at 50c on the dollar, and will be sold at retail at same reduction. Simi lar lot to the ones we had a year ago. We have frequently been asked whether we would get another line this vear bv those who were purchasers a year ago, and this announcement we are sure will bring our last year's cus tomers back in large numbers. We Offer M) pieces ric challiesat 4c yd ,0 pieces 71c lawn at oc yd :u pieces l.c batiste and dimities at. . .71 yd .'$.- pieces 0c mercerized organdies and batiste 10c yd :iot) lathes' and children's parasols at one half price. 1" dozen ladies' wrappers, manufacturer's samples, bought at .V)c on the dollar, and will le sold at one-half price. 7"c wrappers at. .'. 3$c 1 k wra piers at iinc 1 2." wrappers at V.Ui 2Tt dozen ladies' corsets, oOc, "."c tl and tl.2ft grades, your choice for 2Wc. Similar to the lot we hud a year ago. 7.j dozen ladies' knit summer underwear at otic on the dollar. Similar to the lot we had a year ago. Slhoes All our remaining stock of men's shoes which we intend to discontinue handling go at less than cost. Several hundred pair of Ladies' RadclifT, Julia Marlow and Princess Qual ity shoes, worth $2.50 and $3.00, your choice of any for $1.BQ. Hundreds of Ladies' Oxfords at from 20 to 33 per cent discount to reduce stock. Slhoes Wm. Hrld and heals at the same time, or beast. Price, 2-" cents. For man Lost. Strayed or Stolen! From the home of Mrs. Newton, near the west second ward school house in Plattsmouth, one cream colored de horned Jersey cow. A liberal reward will be paid for anj- information that w ill lead to her whereabouts. Long Hair with impunity the Rock Island has re fused an association, composed of about fifty of the best farmers of Cass county, the right to erect an elevator on their track at Murdock, simply because the grain combine deem it otherwise. For this state of affairs the republican par ty, owned bodily by the railroad cor porations of Nebraska, are responsible. This is but a single illustration of the means devised by that party of retain- inir control of the reins of government in this state to the detriment of the yeomenry of the land. And the busi ness interests of Murdock, it seems, must suffer in consequence. Thg "ost Interesting BooH that a man can peruse ishisown bank book. Depends upon himself whether the figures are satisfactory or not. If the money is deposited with The Bank; of Cass County everything possible is done by the management to make them so. Let us care for your money. We have fire and burglar proof vaults. JK. MARSHALL, DENTIST. "About a year ao my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy, sin wm. ah nui. It your drncict cannot upljr you, end us om dollar and we will express jron Imttle. Be unre and tie the nanie of your nearest eireis otlice. Addrena, J. L'.AYKK CO., Lowell. Mass. Coal Prospects. It has long been surmised that if cal existed anywhere in Nebraska, there was certainly a quantity under lying the hills surrounding Platts mouth. Evidences of this fact have cropped out Jn the past few days on the premises of J. W. 1 nomas, near the llurlington bridge. And then there is still another discovery. The latest being on the land of Frank Svehla, on the old ferry road. There be may noth ing in these "finds," but it is altogether probable that it will pay investigation. Some people who have visited the lat ter "prospect" seem to think that coal is there, but the Journal is one of those papers that does not believes in build- ingupthehopesof all interested to such a "hiirh Ditch'' thatiin case coal does not "pan out" in proper quantity and quality, the disappointment would be so great as to almost prove disastrous to the welfare of the community. All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that fit. 2ti years experience. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. OFFICE Fitzgerald Block. Telephone No. 3 or 47 V Abstracts of Title V TI?oma5 UalIii$. OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block. w. OFFICE: Waterman Block B. ELSTER. DENTIST. Plattsmouth., Nebraska Platts. Phones Kese2 STOP! JUST A MOMENT. sp at --m JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE'S FOR A AND REFRESHING BRINK. Delicious Ice-Cream Soda made from the best of cream and pure Crushed Fruits. Fresh Fruits, Candies Cigars. and WOHN LJ. LEYDA, S m M W - rn-ww WW ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preoarinff abstracts of title, conveyancing and examining titles to real estate a special ty, work property aone ana cnarges reason able. oni-e: ttoonis o ana t, .ionn uuna Ituildlnir. near Court Nebraska. House. Plattsmouth. mm THE PLATTSMOUTH Ice Company is prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. They have the finest ice that can be obtained anywhere. CEO. POISALL, Manager Plattsmouth 'Phone 124. Nebraska 68. Do You Want an Date pr Up-to- if? If you are contemplating getting one call on the old reliable tailor Frank McEiroy, examine his fine samples and leave your or der in time, and he will do the the rest. Cheap Excursions via From Omaha. Indianapolis, Ind 1W 40 on sale J une 7, 8 and Wth. Detroit. Mich 21 M rVsftT'A. n sale J uy 14 and IUU iSFC OC Bellefontaine, O., 20 10 XV 1 on sale May 28-J use 1st. Baltimore, Md 32 25 on sale July 17 and 18th. Boston, Mass., 33 7.1 on sale June 30-Julr 4th. St. .Paul, Minn., 12 35 Minneapolis, Minn., 12 35 sv I'uiuin, in inn., i kSlLBOVZr Waterville, Minn 10 35 m on sale daily during June, July, August and beptemher. Above Rates are for Round Trip Tis;cts. One way Settlers' and Ilomeseekers' round trip tickets on sale to points in the North, Northeast and Northwest, South and Southeas tern States, on first and third Tuesdays of each month. Summer tours via Duluth or Chicago and Steamer via the Great Lakes. Rates to many other points. Write me about your trip and let me give you an Itinerary, show ing time, connection, cost, etc. Sleeping Car and Steamer Reservations made in advance. Correspondence solicited and information cheerfully Riven. 1402 Fmrnmm St. W. ft DRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt., 111. Gent. It. R , Omaha. Neb. zs V