The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 25, 1903, Image 5

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    V . -4
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,Qo You
T. W. Shy rock, of Louisville, was in
the city Friday.
A. L. Itecker ami wifi' f Union,
wr' l'lallsinitiitli visilnrs Saturday.
W. D. Williams, of Ml. Pleasant,
precinct, wxs a county seat visitor
loii I'onard, who visited a week
with his sister in Omaha returned
J. M. Meisinger and wire canto in
Saturday morning and took llic train
for Omaha, where they shmiI the day.
Hukill, )jt ician, of hnaha, w ill he
at Fricke V Co.'s drug store every
Monday. Kxamiuation free. Satis
tioit guaranteed.
Paint pointers I 'at ton's Sun Proof
Paint is U tter than white lead and
oil. Wc guarantee it for 5 years.
liKKINU & i'tK
The June sun shines on many a fair
bride, made doubly lovely ly the use of
Kocky Mountain Tea. The bride's
best friend. :V cents. (Serin; & Co.
We do not want to heat t he under
taker and doctors out of anything,
still it is very necessary to cut the
weeds ami grass around your premises.
II. K. IJering left Friday morning'
for Cedar Falls, Iowa, on business,
and thence to Olwein, to attend the
wedding of his cousin, Fi nest I'felTer,
returning Tuesday.
The voters of each school district in
the county will meet at the different
school houses on Monday night next
to hold their annual election of officers,
make the annual levy and transact
other important business that may
come before them.
The many friends of A. F. Hunger
will be pleased to learn that he is much
Itetter, and was able to take a drive
yesterday. It will le rememltered
that Mr Hunger was stricken with
paralysis in Omaha several weeks ago,
and hopes are now entertained for his
After graduating from an inferior
educational institution termed a
College, some people think they "know
it all." Plattsmouth is just at the
present time inflected with one or two
instructors of this character, who are
unable to hold a position even as teach
ers in the smallest country town.
Mr. and Mrs. Iavid I law ksworth,
accompanied by Mrs. K. W. Cook and
son, departed Saturday morning for
the east. They expect to visit a few
weeks at Saratogo, where Mr. Hawks
worth will attend a convention of
master car builders. They will also
visit points in Michigan.
Every newspaper man treasures up
in his memory the names of his friends
and likew ise his enemies. He seldom
overlooks an opportunity to assist the
former, but he never goes out of his
way to help the letter. Human
nature is pretty much the same every
where. People who show the news
paper man a kindness never made a
tetter investment one that pays a
hundred fold sooner or later. As it
has been truly said, there comes a
time in every man's life when he needs
a home paper and needs it bad.
To Cure A Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Kromo Ouinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W
Grove's signature on each 1.. 25e.
Sattler & Fassbender.
do is House tleaLniig lime.
You always want to know where to get the best
Furnishings. You are invited to see us for Car
pets, Linoleums, of all grades, and the finest and
best Carpet Sweepers on the market. Also, we
SaUlerB. Fassbender,
Want an Up-to
If you an? contemplating getting one call
mi the old reliable tailor
Frank McElroy,
examine his fine samples and leave youror
iler in time, ami lie will do the the rest.
Cast i iia at. (leiing Co.'s
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fil.gerald
A. C. Carey, of Tnion, was a Platts
inoulh visitor Saturday.
Lee .1. Maylield. of the Louisville
Courier, was in the city Tuesday.
A farm for sale in ('ass county.
II. D. Tkavis.
The worlds linest candies are Low
i ley's. CeringX Co., sole agents.
Mrs. Washington Smith is visiting
friends and relat ives in the Itlack Hills.
A farm for sale in the famous Will
iamette Valley, Oregon.
II. D. Tkavis.
Mrs. I Sen for departed Friday night
for Cent ral City, S. D., to visit her son?
Will and family.
Last Sunday's Illustrated IJee con
tained a tine half-tone of the graduat
ing class of the Plattsmoutlt high
Wm. Jameson, a well know n stock
grower of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was
here Friday.
II. T. ISatton ami daughter Nora, re
turned from their Denver visit Satur
day morning.
II. Milton Miller, of this city, is
among the new subscribers to the
Journal this week.
John II. Hansen attended a picnic
at Millard Sunday given by Platte
deucher Verine, of which society John
is a member.
You feel mean, cross, ugly, down in
the mouth, nothing goes right. Had
liver. Petter take Kocky Mountain
Tea. Drives away the blues. X
cents. Coring & Co.
Miss Alice Sliuldice left Saturday
evening for Chicago, where she will
visit for a week, and then go to Allen
town. Pennsylvania, to spend the
summer with her grandparents.
Prof. E. L. Rouse went to Omaha
Monday morning to attend the meet
ing of the Trans-Mississippi school of
superintendents, which opened in that
city Monday for a two weeks' session.
Cedar Creek, Weeping Water and
Elm wood will celebrate this year.
Louisville will be content with making
the (J. A. II. reunion a grand success
in every particular this year, while
Union will royally entertain the Cass
county pioneers and all others who
chose to attend the reunion.
George Jt. Guild of Plattsmoutlt, son
of our friend I. S. Guild, will graduate
from the West Point military academy
this month. He is the only Nebraska
man in the graduating class. Mr.
Guild was always a studious man and
no doubt will graduate with highest
honors. Nebraska Plizzard.
J. C. Eikenbary, a former resident of
Plattsmoulh, arrived in the city yester
day morning for a brief visit with his
daughters, Mrs. C. K. Polk and Mrs.
George Anderson. Mr. Eikenbary was
sheriff of Cass county several terms,
but his home is now in the Black Hills.
He left here six years ago.
Davies' Millinery, 1513 Douglas St.
Has the very hat ycu want to wear
to the celebration and the very nicest
hats for your vacation trip. You can
depend upon any ladies' headgear that
comes from Davies' being right up-to
date, stylish and becoming. End of
the season ltargains on sale now.
Come and see us. Our prices are
reasonable and a great big stock to
choose from.
have the most com
plete line of first-class
Refrigerators. Never
forget for a minute
that we are the House
hold Furnishers of
Plattsmouth and Cass
county. So when in
need of anything give
us a trial.
Kvery advertised patent medicine at
Gerintr & Co.'s
George X. LaPue, of I'nion, was a
Plattsmouth i.-.itor Sat unlay.
Mrs. C. S. Forbesand childrenn Sun
dayerl with friends in Lincoln.
If you are a judge of a '.rood smoke,
try the "Acorns" f cent cigar and you
will smoke no ot her.
Wo save you money on your pro
scription; have them tilled at our store
Gki.-ixu & ('.
Kev. Asa Sleet Ii has resigned the
pastorate of the M. E. church, and will
remove to Portland, Oregon.
Fix up that old furniture of yours
with "Ijocueret." It varnishes it
and makes it look like new.
Gkkino & Co.
Mrs. Kate Oliver and daughter
Carrie, returned Friday evening from
their visit to KansasCity. They were
t here during the worst of the recent
A re you thin? Would you ilke to
get fat and plump? Tried "laughing"
't wouldn't work now take Kocky
Mountain Tea 'twill do the business.
cents. Goring & Co.
When you want a pleasant physic
try Chamberlain's Stomavh and Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take anil
pleasant in effect. For sale by all
The dance given by the young men
of St. John'sCatholicchurch at Water
man hall Friday night was a grand
success in every particular. The
attendance was large and all enjoyed
the occasion.
Friday afternoon the members of
the P. E. O. society held a farewell
meeting at ttte home of J. H. Water
man, in honor of Mrs. 1. C. Wagner,
who, accompanied by her son Earl,
leaves this week for a visit to Germany.
7 s
Siuiinnimer (Goods I
Prepare for the hot weather and get one of our NW Shirt Waists!
We are showing an extensive
these goods from
Summer Goods special to close we have a large stock of
these goods, which we are offering at special prices on ac
count of the late season. Fine Batistes ffL J-
and Dimities, at V4 tJ M 2
Special Sale on Bed Spreads.
We have
Mrs. R. T. Frans is visiting her
parents in Tabor, Iowa.
Mrs. J. W. Newell, of Omaha,
together with her friend, Mrs. Thacker
Johnson, of Chicago, were the guests
of the former's parents in this city
Land excursions to Canada July and
August. Twenty-four dollars for
round trip. Write for dates and full
particulars. Hastings & Ileyden,
western immigration agents, 510 N. Y.
Life building, Omaha, Neb,
W. II. Ileil & Bra, the Eight Mile
Grove tine cattle breeders, shipped to
J. II. Hinkle, of Trenton, Neb., yester
day, live head of their celebrated herd
of Red Polled cattle one male and four
females. These cattle are rapidlj' be
coming the popular breed of the land.
A stranger, giving his name as Titos.
Dunn, was found near the B. & M.
switch yards Tuesday afternoon, suffer
ing from a big cut or gash on his right
leg, which he claimed had been done
by a negro who attacked him with a
knife. Dr. Cummins, who dressed the
wound, stated that it did not appear to
have been done with a knife, and the
presumption is that it was done by at
tempting to get on a passing train.
However, it was nothing very serious,
as Dunn, who claims to be a mattress
maker, was able to leave town yester
day. Morris Brady, belonging to a B. & M.
section gang, employed on the east side
of the river, while carrying a keg of
water Monday morning, suddenly fell
to his knees and rolled down the steep
embankment. When picked up he was
unconscious and breathing heavily, as
if In great pain. He was conveyed to
the Burlington House in this city,
where he still remains in an uncon
scious condition, with no hope what
ever for his recovery. The attending
physician believes that he is suffering
from some peculiar brain disease.
The unfortunate man's home is said to
be in Ottumwa, Iowa, and he came
here about two weeks ago.
of Good Cheer.
In the good old summertime
there is solace and cooling
refreshment in every drop.
Send for Free Souvenir Booklet.
John Gund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wit.
"Gut Ileil," the favorite cigar.
Read Hayden llros. ad in this paper.
Mrs. C. Neilson is visiting relatives
in Grand Island.
Val Ilurkel and family spent Sunday
with Lincoln friends.
W. I). Jones and A. I!. Todd were
Union visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. P. E. ItulTner returned Tuesday
evening from a two weeks' visit with
her sister, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, in No
haw ka.
Married .Men Attention Nothing
pleases a woman so well as those little
attentions of your honeymoon days, so
take home a lxx of Lowney's line
chocolates. (Soring & Co., sole agents.
line of
25c. to $3.00
sizes, from 32 bust measure
about 75 only and these goods
they won't last long.
Full Size, one lot at 69c
Full size, one lot at 99c
Also the new cut corner ones for the Iron and Brass Bed Spreads at $1.89 & 2.29
With this lot we have 50 pieces of roller toweling, the best value ever
sold in Plattsmouth
15 pieces' Russia Crash, 17 incites wide, at 7c
15 pieces all Linen Crash, 17 inches wide, at 8 l-3c
10 pieces " " li) " " 10c
10 pieces " " 20 " " lie
Special Sale all Linen Cream Damask.
08 inches wide at 50 cents. Only three pieces of this number.
Mrs. Matt Wilken and children
returned from their Chicago visit
Mrs. M. A. Benton, of Blue Springs,
Neb., is the guest of the family of Mr.
E. E. Hilton.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ed Grassman are the
proud parents of a new baby boy, born
last Sunday.
Miss Alice Segrave went to Cherokee,
Iowa, Monday, where she will spend
the summer with her sister, Mrs.
R. A. Bates went to Silver City,
Iowa, Friday, where he remained until
Sunday as the guest of his good friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oaks.
Milford Bates is agent for the
Saturday Evening Post. Leave orders
at this oftice and have it delivered to
your residence orolrice, for 5 cents per
Gray ?
"My hair was falling out and
turning gray very fast. But your
Hair Vigor stopped the'falling and
restored the natural color." Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y.
It's impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair ! Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair! If not,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
SI.M.a btle- AH drwtiMs.
If your drntrpist cannot supply yon,
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be anre andeive the name
of your nearest express office. Address.
J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Call for "Gut Hell" cigars, Be.
Fire-works and all Fourth of July
goods at Gering & Co.'s
Joseph Muck, of St. Joseph, Mo., Is
visiting friends in P.'attsmouth.
John A. Daviescame in from Hutte,
Xeb., Tuesday evening for a brief visit
with old neighUirs and friends.,
Mis. G. W. Wilcox left yesterday
morning for Keokuk, Iowa, in response
to a telegram announcing the danger
ous illness of her daughter.
Miss Helen Jackson, aHer a visit
with Plattsinouth friends returned to
her home in Newton, Iowa, last week,
accompanied by her cousin. Miss
Ilirdella Smith.
Hon. Paul F. Clark, ex-speaker of
the Nebraska house of representatives,
accompanied by his family, were in
the city over Sunday, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Spurlock.
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day as follows: IvanL. Langworth, of
Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Adah Mur
ray, of Murray, Nob.; Jacob Wolf, of
North Platte, Xeb., and Miss liuelah
li. Elson, of Plattsmouth.
Mr. Joseph Poniinville, of Si ill water,
.Minn., after having spent over 2.0
with the best doctors for stomach
trouble, without relief, was advised
by hisdruggistto try a lox of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He
did so, and is a well man today. If
troubled with indigestion, bad taste in
the mouth, lack of appetiteor constipa
tion, give these tablets a trial, and
you are certain to be more than pleased
with the result. For sale at 2T cents
per box by all druggists.
A Hurt Never Hurts.
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly
and heals at the same t ime. For man
or boast. Price, 2 cents.
Castoria at Gering & Co.'s
200 matches for 1c. Gekixo & Co.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oflice with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
A new baby girl arrived Sunday, to
gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
II. A. Bates went' to Tabor, Iowa,
yesterday where be assisted the Silver
City band in playing for the Masonic
Julius Pitz, John Bauer, Jr., and Mr.
Rist attended the Masonic celebration
at Tabor, Iowa, Wednesday. Tabor is
Mr. Rist 's former home.
Marriage licenses were issued Mon
day to the following parties: Fred
Schweigman, of Bennett, Neb., and
Miss Carolina Leidig, of AIvo; Isaac
C. Reed and Miss Jennie Hunt, both of
Weeping Water.
M. Fanger and William Zucker
returned from a business trip to New
York yesterday morning where they
went to purchase a stock of goods for
the new store they will soon open in
the east room of the Herold building.
The title of the new store will be the
"Hub Clothing Emporium."
W. E. Markwalter, special repre
sentative of the celebrated "Coca-Cola"
the most delicious and refresh! jg drink
on earth, was in the city Tuesday in
the interest of the manufacturers.
While here he presented the editor of
the Journal with a fine desk clock, for
which he will accept our thanks. Mr.
Markwalter seems to be a tine gentle
man, and we were very much pleased
to meet him.
Robt. Bates, of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
spent several days the past week with
his mother, Mrs. M. A. Bates and
sister, Miss Lulu Bates, in this city.
Bob is one of the proprietors of the
Plattsmouth Journal aud is an ex
cellent newspaper man. He returned
home last Saturday, accompanied by
his mother and sister.who will spend
the summer in Plattsmouth.
Memphis (Mo.) Eeveille.
L. A
'fi Oi LxSyC j SELL
tffSZSc o$T$TT3T31 it..,,, ' it it "i i"
iMiyvAtv clciraiil line of designs.
7 o o -o-
AT 2.-.c F.ACI! TO
jw -
Mayor F. J. Morgan went to Broken
Bow, Nebraska, last night on a busi
ness trip.
Mrs. F. W. Lehnhoir and little
daughter are visiting friends in New
ton, Iowa, Mrs. L's former home.
The friends of Mr. Lemon Bates w ill
be pleased to learn that the old gentle
man at this time is feeling much bet
ter, for the past few days has continued
to improve.
James Stander, of Louisville, was in
the city Tuesday. From here he went
to Lincoln to attend the state Sunday
school convention, to which be is a
delegate from Cass county.
Mrs. I. C. Wagner and son, Earl left
Tuesday afternoon for Chicago to v isit
a few days, previous to their depature
for Berlin, Germany, where they
expect to remain a year. They will
embark from New York July 1st.
According to the assessors' returns
the valuation of all property in Cass
county is ir.!,028 more than last year,
while the real estate for Plattsmouth
alone has dropped from $:I0.",:S0 last
year $297,802 this year. Plattsmnuth's
personal property this year is 80,118.
Last year it was s:&,:i:$2.
Hon. Matthew Gering, returned
home Tuesday. After the trial of Mis.
Agatha Barton, at Sheridan, Wyom
ing, he enjoyed a few days in the
mountains tishing for trout, a few
specimens of which he brought home
with him. The trial was a very
exciting one, in which Matt appeared
as the principal attorney for the
One of the largest weddings of the
the season occurred at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. Elson, last evening at six
o'clock, when Mr. Jacob Wolfe, of
North Platte, Neb., and Miss Buclah,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elson
Over two hundred guests were present
among whom were many from a dis
tance. The bride and groom departed
on the 10:28 train for Omaha, thence
to New York.
Notice to the Public.
The barbers of Plattsmouth met in
convention in J. P. Kuhney's Barlter
Shop, and adopted the'following bill of
prices to take effect on and after July
1st, 1!)0:$:
Shave 10c, neck shave rc, hot towels
5c, massage 2-kj, whiskers trimmed
10c, mustache dyed 2-k, hairsynge 2.1c,
shampoo 2."c, sea foam 10c, hair tonic
10c, razor honed 2.jc.
A Sore Never Matters
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly and
heals at the same time. For man or
beast Price, 25 cents.
Dwyer Sc Co.,
he fm (grocers i
First Door East of the Court House
Have on hand a complete line of fresh grocer
ies and are receivino; -new consignments every
week. Everything in the Grocery Line, con
sisting of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Canned
Goods, and every other article kept in a first
class grocery store. The finest line of Granite
ware in the citv.
o All Goods Sold at the RJgHt Prices i o
f. Go Bwyir
V fT:?r
Lace Curtains
m r
Muslin Underwear '
to clean up at asccial bargain
"Pi" In a Print Shop.
Just as we were ready to go to press
one of our compositors was so unfor
tunate as to "pi" or spill a galley of
type containing the (.oininissloiiers'
proceedings, which accounts for their
non-appearance this week. They will
appear in the next issue.
Commissioners Can Raise Salary.
The supreme court has just passed
on the quest ion as to the owers of
the commissioners regarding their
raising the salaries of t he deputies in
the employ of the county. It was on
an appeal from Adams county in the
case of the county against Judge.
Bowen. The county board allowed
Bowen, who was county judge, a clerk
at $M) a year. A the end of the year
the excess of fees over expenses being
largo, the loard gave clerk 1 25 more.
This was attacked on several grounds,
but the court holds that the law puts
no limit on the salary other than t lie.
fees must be sutlicient to pay it, ami
that it may, after the services have,
been rendered, pay something ad
ditional, that being a discretionary
Worst of All Experiences.
Can anything he worse than to feel
that every minute willlxj your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. S. If.
Newson, Decatur, Alabama. "For
three years" she writes, "I endured
insufferable pain from indigestion,
stomach and lowel trouble. Death
seemed inevitable when doctors and
all remedies failed. At length I was
induced to try Electric Bitters and
the result was miraculous. I improved
at once and now I'm completely re
covered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach
and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is
the only medicine. Only 50c. It's
guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
A Former Plattsmouth Boy Honored.
At a recent convention of t he master
boiler makers, C. L. Ilemple, of Oma
ha, w as elected as one or the vice presi
dents of the national association. Mr.
Ilemple isaformer Plattsmouth loy,
was reared here, where he learned his
trade in the B. & M. shops. He was
transferred to Havelock, where he lo
came foreman of boiler makers' depart
ment. Several mont hs ago he resigned
to accept a similar position with the
Tnion Pacilic, at an increased salary.
The next meeting of the association
will be held in Denver.
Want Work.
If you want some one to do odd jobs,
cutting grass, etc., leave word at Wurl
& Coffey's. Tel. (i5. A. Hkim 7.1 .
! 1