) eb J St t Do You Who LOCAL BREVITIES. Window glass, at. Gcrhig .V Co.'s "KiiiKitis" for :i most delirious Mllioke. "iSest i:iint on c.iith" at Atwood's drug .sloiv. An elegant and up to-ilatr !" of p:i r :it GeringX. 4 o. 's Carl hay, of Weeping Water, was a I'lattsmoul h visitor Sat unlay. Misses ar r if ami llstelle l'.ainl were down from lu ll vii.- to sH inl Sunday at Imiii. Win. Wagner, of Sju irik't'n-M. Neb., spent several days here visiting 1 1 past week. Mrs. II. K. Woln.tl ami MisslVarl Wilkinson, of Weeping Water, were rialt.smoiitli visitors Saturday. The many friends of Father !arney will In' pleased to Irani that Ik has S4i far m-overed as to at lend early mass last Suntlay. Ilukill, t it ian, of Omaha, w ill be at Frjckt Co.'s drug store every Monday. Kxamination f n-t. Satis tioii guaranteed. Commissioner W. II. Manning tailed Thursday last and renewed for the Journal another year. Mr. Canning left a dollar als- for W. 1'. Tracey. who Is a new addition to our I'liion list. Th Journal's "old friend II. Bestor dropped in Sat unlay, and af tcr . send ing a short lime in social eonversat ion, advanced another year's sulscript ion. We are.always pleased to see our old friends. - Mr. John VolMrt. a prominent fanner of Mt. Pleasant precinct, act ipanird hy his daughter, was a l'l ittsmoulli visitor last Saturday, and while here paid his respects to his old-time friend. Conrad Schlater. Residents of I'lal tsmotit h, w ho for years have neglected to paint their residences, should take alok at l'liil. Theirolf's lions, recently repainted, and see how much more it improves the looks of propert y hy a lit t le paint. There are many others who should do likewise. Paint up. hrush upand clean up. From the last issue of the Ledger we infer that I'nion is infested with those aliominahle nusiances ,,kinxk ers." If the Great Ruler of the I n verse has any respect for the tcilainv of mankind lie would remove these town killers from the face of t he earth. They are a misery to themselves and a pest in every tow n. The first issue of A. C. Potter's new weekly paper, theSpeartish F.nterprise, Is at hand. The F.nterprise is a newsy, well printed and ably-edited paperand starts out w ith a good advertising pat ronage. Central City (S. D.) Register. Mr. Potter is well known in Piatt s moiith, having at one time lieen con nected with the Herald. Tli.i V..I n vv t i li i.t ,r Ii k ni'fiin t changed hands, for the lctter, it would seem, from the appearance of t he last issue, which looked more like a paper than it has for some months. K. A. Kirkpatrick is responsible for the amount of local matter in the last issue. If he would keep right on furnishing local grist he would un iloubtedly tienetit the readers of the IUgister. There is one consolation here in Nebraska, however, if a man falls in the newspaper .business he can always get a job on a railroad section. it-Sat tier & Fassbender. Sprang So is House Cleaning Time. You always want to know where to ;ct the best Furnishings. You are invited to see us for Car pets, Linoleums, of all rinles, and the finest and best Carpet Sweepers on the market. Also, we have the most com Sat tier & Fassbender, Want an Up-to- Date Spring MP- If i! an i-niitrinplatiii"; jjt'ttmtf one call on tin ;11 ri liall' tailor Frank McElroy, examine lint samples ami K-ac youror (Kr in tinu ami In will lo tin the rest. aJI for "Gut Hell" cigars, fxi. Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. A good lead pencil for lc at Gning .V 'o.'s Clyde Mc( lain, of Weeping Water, Niiinlaveil with Plat tsmoiit h friends. i iiiarantecd to wear live years-Pat-I on's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by Bering .V Co. Miss olga Hajek went l Kansas City Tuesday for a two weeks visit with friends. W. A. Pilzer, a prominent young attorney of Nebraska City, was in the city Saturday. Byron Clark returned from a trip to Virginia the latter part of last week, where he had Ixen on business. Miss Carrie Allison, of Murray, one of ('ass county's charming school inarms, was a Plattsmouth visitor Sat unlay. Job llriggs, rather of M. S. Briggs, the harlier, came in from Salem, Jowa, the past week, and will make his fill lire home here. Win. II . Koyal, aged S) years, died at the home of his son-in-law, on Saturday morning. May i, 1!H3. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Tighe who came home with her mother, Mrs. Conrad Schla ter, Wednesday of last week, retur ned to her home, in Wabash, Satur day. J. A.Gutsche has changed his post oilice address from Schenectady, N. V.. to Glenville, Ohio, to which point he orders the Journal sent in the future. When you want a pleasant physic try Cham!erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by all druggists. A number of friends and neighbors wen? entertained by Mr. and Mrs. I' red lensou Saturday evening, and a most pleasant time is reported by all who were present. On May 2:5. the Missouri Paciiic II. K. will sell tickets at one and one third fare for I he round trip to Ne braska City, on account Luilla-Fore-paugh-Fish Wild West Shows. See small advertisement in this issue which offers a cure for eczema, salt rheumat ism and all kindred diseases. It is sure cure and well worth trying. The Journal family knows Mr. Lawton. Mrs. Sylel Brantncr returned home from Omaha last Thursday afternoon, where she has leen in the hospital under treatment for the past seven weeks. She is now in a fair way to fully recover. (Jive the children Rocky Mountain Tea. this month, makes them strong, makes them cat : sleepand grow. Good for the whole family. A spring tonic that makes sick people well. 3."eents. tiering Co. (. W. Harshman, sr., one of the reliable democrats ami well-to-do farmers of Cass county, made his annual visit to these headquarters Saturday, ami renewed for the Journal. Mr. Harshman is a jovial gentleman, and we were happy to meet him. And still they come. Geo. J. Stohl man, of near Louisville, was here Thursday last and brought in a dollar for Fred Stohlman, who it seems, can not get along without this household necessity. There are several hundred more just like Mr. Stohlman who ought to take the Journal. is IHIeireS plete line of first-class Refrigerators. Never forget for a minute that we arethe House hold Furnishers of Plattsmouth and Cass county. So when in need of am'thinjj p;ive us a trial. Save money by buying at Atwood's drug store. Co to At wood's drug store for wall paix-r and paint . Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated "(lut lleil" cigars. I'oau's ami Dodd's kidney pills at Atwood's drug store. Mrs. S. A. Davis visited with friends in the capital city Saturday. Ir. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Office with Dr. K. U. Cummins. If you are a judge of a 'ood smoke, try the "Acorns" " cent cigar ami you w ill smoke no ot her. "L'xiiuisitos" is the popular cigar, and a most elegant smoker. Made only by Herman Spies. Leave orders for pacr hangers and painters at (Jering & Co.'s, and they will semi you tirst class men. Maud Last night Jack told me that he wouldn't marry the Itcstgirl living, unless -what - unless she took Pocky Mountain Tea. Sensible fellow. ;;." cents. (icriiig&Co. A number of prominent farmers visited this oMice Saturday and every one of them say the prosjM'cts are bright for a good supply of fruit of all kinds, provided the season is favorable from now on. Jacob Tritsch, one of Cass county's enterprising farmers, was in the county seat Saturday, and was a most pleasant caller at these headquarters. While here Mr. Tritsch renewed for another year. L. K. and Clias. S. Stone, the latter cashier of the Murray State hank, and the former now engaged in farming, were in the city Monday on business, and found time to pay their respects to .lournal headquarters, lloth are full Hedged democrats, and amongCass county's best young men. While here L. K. renewed for another year. Everything in Ginghams, Demities, Lawns and Mer cerized goods, especially for waistings. Lace Curtains in Brussels Net, Irish Point, Nottejig- ham Lace and Ku filed Net Curtains from Agents "Queen Quality e JLiowrv corsets, Bvitterick Patterns. Forset Mills Hosiery and S UNDER.WEAR. 3 Wall Paper at (ierlnj; & Co.'s Writing paper, pons, ink and all writing material at (ierinj; & C.'s A. II. Weckhach and wife returned Tuesday morning from a short visit with Omaha friends. Two dollars and twenty cents (i-2,20) to Lincoln and return, via Burlington Route. Tickets on sale May 20 to :;, inclusive. If Dame Humor isatall truthful, and she sometimes is, Plattsmouth will have a numlier of weddings not many weeks hence. Carl Fricke has purchased of George M. Spurlock lots 4, 5 and (J, in block 0, in the north part of the city, and con templates erect inpr a new residence thereon. Looks sorter suspicious, Carl. A. B. Smith came in from Denver Monday morning to look after some business matters, and left Tuesday evening for Sheridan, Wyoming. hile here Mr. Smith gave the Jour nal a pleasant call. Mrs. J. Benson, 210 south ltith street, Omaha, Neb. Parasols and sun umbrellas in all the latest and most popular styles Silk Batiste with Colona linings black and solid colors. Handsome black umbrellas with white polka dot borders, plain or colored borders Colonial Silk Umbrellas from 1.50 up. Three yard patterns or Linen and Linen batiste or shirt waists stamped in variety of patterns, stamped skirts to match. At a meeting of the city council Monday night an ordinance, which ap. pears else where in this issue, was passed for the protection of llowers, plants, shrutis, vines, etc., within the city of Plattsmouth and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Frequent complaints have been made of late against the practice of small boys, as well as others, in plucking flowers and bulbs from private premises, and some miscreant stole a number of tine plants from two or three graves in Oak Hill cemetery during the last week, remov ing them carefully, roots and all.' SI In a class or la a Stein Peerless 'Beer is extra fine. If it isn't served where you go, Go where it is served. The BEER of Good Cheer. Send for Free JSouvenlr Booklet. John Qund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wis. "Cut lleil," the favorite cigar. Cet your shoes shined at Sherwood's. Arthur Hoenstein, of Louisville, was here Tuesday. W. A. Cleghorn was dow n from Lou isville Tuesday on business. Oscar Fledge was taken to the peni tentiary by Sheriir McMride Friday. He will have only seven months to serve, the time he has served here in jail being deducted from the year's sentence. N'ow's the time to take Kooky Mountain Tea; it drives out the inicrnlios of w inter; it builds up the stomach, kidneysand liver. A wonder ful spring tonic that makes sick people well, tiering & Co. Carpets! House cleaning time is here, which calls for a new carpet or perhaps 2 or three, and our store is the place to get them good and cheap. We have rn fa C arr1 70c all wool carpets at JUC U JO UIU Axminsters and Velvet Brussels new designs. A special line of Wool Velvet at 8(c sewed. Sultana Carpets 25c and 40c. Mattings all grades. Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleum up to 4 yards wide. see our ijne of Wash Goods 1 Patent Kid. $1.25 to $5.00 99 Shoes. JmJ Much lighter and W more flexible than l patent leather. g Guitar taught hy Miss Nellie Sher wood. Phone 14."J. The most inveterate smokers declare t he "Exquisites" the choicest cigars. Mrs. A. W. Atwood went to Fremont Tuesday morning to visit old friends. Mayor Morgan is in Grand Island this week attending the meeting of the grand lodge A. O. IT. W. .1. L. Thompson and family returned from Geneva Neb., Monday, where tliey went visiting, and where they also attended the wedding of Mr. Thompson's brother. C. M. Seybert, of Cedar Creek, was called here Tuesday as a witness on the case before the county commis sioners in which Otto Becker appear ed as defendant in an effort for saloon license, at Cedar Creek. While here Mr. Seybert took the opportunity to call and renew for the Journal another year. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand- m iui, ana me gray nans ocgan iu 5 creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, ana u sioppea me iiair irom com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. Sl.M a bottle. All drntiittt. If vour lrur;rist cannot prjpply yon. send "us one aoiUr and we w ill express you a bottle, he sure and ?iTe the name of your nearest express oflice. Address, J.C. AVER CO.. Lowell. Mass. Castorla at Gering V Co.'s Kead Hayden Uros. ad In this paper. Violin taught by Miss Nellie Sher wood. J 'hone 113. Ir. K. I). Cummins iscontiued to his home on account of J Mucks. Llegant patterns In wall paper at Atwood's drug stow- very cheap. New subscribers to the Journal come in daily. Why not add your name to the swelling list? Just thinkguaranteed to wear .r years that's what (iering t Co. do ith I'atton'sSun 1'roof Taint. Simon Hanson and family returned to their home in Nchaw ka Sunday, af ter a short visit with 1'lattsmouth rel at i ves. After two week's visiting with 1'lattsmouth friends, Miss Francis Mitchell returned to her home in Oma ha, Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Miller and daughter Viva, or Fort Richmond, California, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Kouse, Mrs. Miller's parents. Dr. I laird leaves today for Los Angeles, California, where he goes as a delegate to the general assembly of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Henry Trout, living four miles south of Plattsmouth, called yesterday morning and ordered a dollar's worth of the Journal sent to Sam (iapen, Hiattsville, Wyoming. Henry Horn, of Cedar Creek who has been atllicted with a growth that has appeared on the side of his head, was in Monday to consult Dr. Living stone and have the same removed. F. (I. Ohlcnhausen, of near Mynard, called Monday and enrolled his name for the Journal. Mr. Ohlcnhausen is a young farmer and has to have a good paper to keep him company during his spare moments. . Carpetsi GXIX9Q2XDGX33)SGXDQGXD0G Kibo iig Ideal g u Dress I I v, C- THAT THIS g J "Vj " 3l TRADE MARK J . vv3l ,s BRANDED S W LeaUier Louis XV. heeL 52 Exact Reproduction of this Style Shoe. Mandolin taught by Miss Nellie Sherwood. 'Phone 14.3. If you want a glass of genuine Im ported Bohemian Beer, stop at the Peerless saloon Saturday of this week. One day only. Mrs. Frank Miles returned Tuesday from a month's visit with relatives in Kingston, Illinois, since which time Frank has been all smiles. Miss Alma Soennichsen, Mrs. John Iieich and Mrs. William Budig, will depart Sunday for Germany on a summer's visit with old country friends. The Journal wished them a pleasant voyage and safe return. "A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I hand ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it," says C. P. Ray der, of Patten's Mills, N. Y. "A few days later lie walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, 'give me another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cured me." For sale by all druggists. At the meeting of the grand lodge, A. O. U. W, at Grand Island this week, the following oflicers were elected. It will be noted that F. J. Morgan, of this city, was re-elected to the position he has held for the past six years, with such efliciency, as to commend him to the orderfor his past labors. Grand master workman. Jacob Jaskalek, South Omaha: grand fore man, George M. Murdock. Nebraska City; grand overseer, J. I). Brayton, Bassett; recorder, Silas R. Barton. Aurora; receiver, Frank J. Morgan, Plattsmouth; guide, J. C; McElhinney, Lyons: watchman, C. Ii. Gray. Her man; medical examiner, F. K. Way, Wahoo: trustee, L. W. Alter, Wayne: supreme lodge representatives, G. If. Barber, Edgar: Jacob Jaskalek, South Omaha, and O. J. Vandyke, Grand Island; committee on law, C. H. Denny, Fairbury; J. C. Dort, Pawnee City; II. M. Waring, Lincoln. DEALER IN Groceries 1 Tin lh'Ht (irmlt'H of Hour, Kvt'rytliin lirht-rl.iKH. any part of tlm East Main St. Store. iOOOOOOOCCCO oeCGCocococosccco&ecccecoooooocooccooo 1 ICE I CREAM SEASON IS il Ami Also, He HERE! tacaoaaooiaiao CO0OO0OO0O0Q0OSOGO0O9O0COGOQOOSCCO0CO The B. Si, M. pay car was here Tues day and made about one thousand people happy. Frank Newman went to Grand Island, Monday evening as a delegate to the grand lodge A. O. IJ. W. Judge B. S. Bainsey has returned from Loveland, Colo., where he went to attend the funeral of his brother John. A marriage license was granted Tuesday to AmosChappen aged 2.5, and Miss Ida Metcalf, aged IK, both of Weeping Water. The. Peerless saloon is the only place to get a glass of Imported Bohemian Beer, and the genuine article at t hat. On tap Saturday of this week only. John McNurlin was in the city Sat urday, and a caller at Journal head quarters. Mr. McNurlin thinks some of removing to Plattsmouth in t he near fnture. The report comes from Kim wood that a three-year-old child of Dick DallesDerein swallowed sonic chicken medicine Tuesday morning, from the effects of which t he child died In-fore a physician could reach the house. The family reside three miles sout heast of Kim wood. In the absence of Mayor Morgan at the regular session of the city council Monday night, noappointmcnt for city attorney was presented for confirma tion by that body. We understand that Hon. II. D.Travis will receive the appointment and be continued; now if he will accept. i Nichlos Young, one of Cass county s j good old German fanners, while in the city today paying his taxes, favored the Journal w ith a brief call and re newed for another year. Mr. Young resides one mile southwest of Union. and has been a resident of Nebraska ! since lKVi, and is entitled to thcappel lation of a pioneer citizen. The county commissioners Tuesday refused to grant Otto Becker license to sell liquor at Cedar Creek. It seems that the application was refused on the plea that he, through his bartender, had repeatedly violated the law. They have refused Becker, now let them re fuse all other applicants, for either saloon or druggist's license in Cedar Creek. S. A. Forbes, aged about 7 years, died at the home of his son, C. S. Forbes, in the city Wednesday, May 12, 190:j. The principal complaint was old age and a worn out system. Mr. Forbes was born in the state of New York in 1829, and since ISsj has ljeen a resident of Nebraska. He has made his home with his son in this city for the past eight years, from whose resi dence the funeral will take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. George K. Dovey was the recip ient yesterday of quite a number of sovenir buttons, sent to her by her daughter. Alice, who is now engaged to take second lead with the Bob White Opera company. They are very handsomely designed, with the .lame of Miss Dovey underneath her portrait and above the words "Golden Bod," the character she assumes with the company. Mrs. Dovey will present these souvenirs to her most intimate friends. Genuine Imported Beer. Genuine Imported Bohemian Beer on tap at Kd Donat's saloon Saturday of this week only. EEI THE PLATTSMOUTH Igg Company is prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. They have the finest ice that can be obtained any where. GEO. POISALL, Manager Plattsmouth 'Phone 121. Nebraska CS. Provisions ('urnl MmI nl (-iiim-il (jo.mIh. (IoimIh promptly ilolivrrnl to city on hliort notice. 'Phone 236. ICwrvboby knows that 8 1 I JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE ;i makes tlu most ilclu-ious iro ovain mi the market. confirtinnerios, fruits, Nuts, &c. Solicits Your Trade. WILL YOU? liny Vour Ici of H. C. IclAKEW wlio always handles nothing but pun: crystal ico Bcltvcrcfc jvcry flDornino! PlatSHmoutli 'J'liono 72-7:5. Ncli. Tl.ono 1 Office-604 Main St. IQGXDOGX8GXS BV KEEPING IM LIME:! And marching straight to where you will bo re paid for ymlr trouble by netting the best on th markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, p fresh daily from the markets. I VEGETABLES, y gathered fresh every morning. U 'Phone 54. jjjj V:t1 rm.i'i ISlix k I'l.iltsiinnjtli. jj fcXDGOOOQGX3SXD(DeSXD Davies Milliuery. Ask any woman who's the best mill iner "why Davies." Ourold custom ers leave, it tons, so will you after you get. acquainted with us lecause our trimmers are artists who absorb your ideas and bring them out in you r hat from Davies so that it suits your face and ligure, and more to the point your pockelbook. Davies, 1.111 Douglas street, Omaha, Nebraska. A Sare Cure For Kczema, Salt Bheum and all kindred diseases. A perfect microbe killer and disinfectant. Cured me when all others failed. Accidentally discovered. Price l,0o, ostpaid. Gko. II. La w'jo.v, Memphis. Mo. Grand Exhibition And Dance. The Plattsmouth Turn-Verciu will give a grand exhibition and dance at their hall on Sat urday night, MayM, l'JO.1, for the benefit of the class that will attend the district Turn fest at Millard, Neb., May 30. The entertain ment will consist of athlete perform ances, and vocal and instrumental music by some of the leading vocalists and musicians of the city. Admission only 2.", cents. After the entertain ment an opportunity will Ik? extended to all who wi.h to engage In dancing. It is the Intention to make this one of the finest entertainments ever given in Turner Hall. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone In almost eery ucighlorhod some one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often lefore medicine could lx? p rex; ii red or a physician sum moned. A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. The risk is tK great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always Ix? depended upon. For saJe by all druggists. Cool (9QXJOaX3eXDCX3aXiXBQ r 8