'I 3 V Osteopathy in Pllittsmouth! v. IP. Il).(5a86, . ..Osteopathic Physician. . . r:tiln:ttr of American School of Nteopathy Kirks 111.-. Missouri. l.mly Attendant. Consultation r'ree. V;it rrii:in Itulliling. Telephone :tn. t rll't hours i;.'IO to I :i. m. ami I t I in. Qi:. MAKSII HK.vri.-iT. All kin. Is of I N til :il work. I'lutes in:idr that lit. "ii year t- M-rlciii'f. 1'rice-t ri-umnnililr. Work guurunirt-d. OKHCK- r'lTilr:it Hi.ix K. Tr.i.tfHOMK No. 3 ok 17 V Abstracts of Title V Thomas VJLaIIii?. Or r'lCK-Anlieuscr-ltiish lllock. - l. TIJAVIS. ATTOKX K Y-AT-I.A W KoOMrt N. !, Ill A.M II. WaTKKMAN. lilJK'K, I'l.ATTS.VlOliTII. NKIlUASKA. MKHItASKA TKI.KPIIONK, .t,trii'r- N'- ( Kt.SlltKM'K. 4M. Independent Cigar FACTORY! THE ,r7J . 5c CIGAR, Challenges Comparison in (Quality ami Workmanship. Jiri.iirs PKlM'KKItlTKC, Manufacturer. COGGCOQOSOSCCOSOOOOOGOO i$ 3obn Bauer's 8 Zbc toardwnrc an makes asiM-cialty of all kinds of Tinwork, such as IJoofiii, (i uttering, etc.. nml nil work jruarnnteed. Call ami prices before contractin work. 50i main Street, plattsmoutb, IRcbrasr.a. cosoaosososcosooocooooooc) OLiobt TOlaves Reaches the Eye rrftly or Incorrectly according to Its condition. If incorrectly t he sight Isde fective and GLASSES must 1h- rnorn AtH will decide what strength will lie required. We charge nothing for this. Tin cost of glasses will 1 determined y tht nature of Hit- It-uses anil the ma terial in the frame. In any i'a.se it will l- moderate Call ami let us examine youreyes SNYDER Sc CO., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Itoeek Ituilding. I'lattsiniHith. Nel. WURL& COFFEY. The Up-to-Date .GROCERS. Here you ran gel anything kept at a first-class grocery store, and at prices to suit the times. Finest line of Canned Goods on the market. Don't fail to call on them for anything in the grocery line. Everything fresh from the markets. WURL & The Plattsmouth Journa I'LliLIMIKD WKKKLV AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. II. A. AM) T. Ii. 15ATKS, I'L'llLIHIIKKS. Kntered at the postofllce at I'lattsmouth, Ne hruska. as sccondclass matter. Thk Mormons can't mm; why tin president sliould npjiose polygamy, if lie really wants to see more laitfe fain Mies. JriMiK Takkkic, Uiehard Olney am .Senator Coinian. ("an any one deny that there is plenty of jjood president ia I timher in the democratic wikhIs? Sknatoic Stonk, of Missouri, is re sionsihle for the statement that W. J liryan would like to he the chairman of the democratic national convention Thk tariff quest ion is a thorn in the Mesh of every republican leader, beyon a doubt, and the "Iowa idea" is a ver itable nightmare to the apostles of pro tection. I n one Texas county there is but on nero, and despite the lamentations o the president and Senator llanna, h( refuses to become a postmaster, aw doesn't want a pension. Tiik Louisville Courier-Journal tells Mr. Cleveland to lapse into obscurity. and the New York World tells him tit step into the White House. The over whelming probability is that he wil do neither. As Kansas objects to having the bat tleship named for her christened with wine, why not attacli a liottle of the obnoxious tlu id to the prow of the ves sel and permit Mrs. Nation to smash it with her little hatchet? Tiik it k are a few men in public life who can straddle a mooted question with the facility of Senator Allison The Cumminsites and the anti-Cum minsites both believe that the senior senator from Iowa is ''all right." Thk negroes of Mr. Hanua's home town have appealed to the crown heads of E'irope to protect them from theirenemies the Americans. Inthe light of Mr. Ifanna's recent ex-slave pension bill we are not altogether sur prised. sknatoi: uki'KW is worrying over the possibility of a democratic victory and the possibility of a change in t lie present coinage standard of the nation Mr. Depew need not worry. There will be a democratic victory and Mr Hryan's councils w ill prevail but even then there will be no return to Hi to 1 Stkikks are being inaugurated inall parts of the country and the present outlook in the industrial world is not encouraging. Workers are beginning to realize that the cost of living is in creasing beea use trusts are advancing prices and that they cannot save what they used to save unless they get more for their work. Tiik Hastings Tribune says that "the Lincoln Daily Star got its wires crossed Tuesday and ran in a picture of Dan Cronin with the name of Frank K. Ilelvey beneath It. This merely goes to show that mistakes are oound to happen in the best regulated fami lies." Cronin should immediately in stitute suit against, the Star. It's aw ful to be taken for a Nebraska City editor. Tiik Brooklyn Eagle, which has had so much to say aoout eliminating IJryan in Nebraska, simply utters the desires of the leading republicans of the nation, as it has now leaked out that that paper has been owned and controlled by republicans long before Mr. Bryan's nomination in 181HJ. As this fact becomes generally known the Eagle will wield but very little influ ence among democrats where hereto fore it has only been regarded as sitn ply off on the money question. Champ Clark, the brilliant and witty congressman from the ninth Missouri district, wants Senator Cock- rell for the democratic standard-bearer in 1904. The Journal has noobjections. Senator Cockrell has served his state in the United States senate for a quar ter of a century, and no man has more friends in that body or wields a great er influence with the departments of government at "Washington, notwith standing his democracy. He is a grand old man, and to know him is but to love and respect him. Tiik mnicipal elections which occur red in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri, Tuesday show very Mattering returns for the democrats. In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati and Colum- qus, the democrats carried most of the principal cities. In Illinois the dem ocrats were victorious in Chicago, Springfield, (juincy and other points. The democrats carried St. Louis by 18,000 majority, and in fact made great gains everywhere. If the republicans can find any consolation in the elec tion returns, they are certainly most easily consoled, and are welcome to all they can get out of them. Thk Nebraska legislature has appro priated f:J5,00) for an exhibit at the St. Louis exposition. This is $35,000 more than ought to have been appro priated. The writer was a member of the Missouri commission to the Omaha exposition and has not forgotten what a time we experienced in trying to raise monej The legislature failed to make any appropriation for an exhibit at Omaha. The members of that com mission visited all the principal cities in the state in their efforts to raise money for this purpose, and what a signal failure we made. But then we presume the Nebraska legislature thought of "doing good for evil" when they voted this appropriation. iHipfiii The only kind of consump tion to fear consumption." is " necriecteu 1.1 People are learning that con sumption is a curable disease It is neglected consumption that is so often incurabl At the faintest suspicion of consumption cret a bottle of Scott's Kmulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott s Lmul sion is. Prompt use of Sct)tt's Emul sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send for free sample. SCOTT & liOWNE, Chemists, f -9-415 Pearl Street, Nm 5"c. and 1.00; all druggists. York. City Election. The election in I'lattsmouth .Tues day passed off very quietly, and but lit- t le interest was manifested inany of the wards except the first and fourth. In these two wards considerable effort was made in the interest of the repub lican candidates. There was no possi ble show to defeat II. X. Dovey for member of the school board, as he seems to be '-the right man in the right place." C A. Marshall, the other successful candidate, ran well, but not near up to Mr. Dovey. As both these are republicans, the lioard, so far as polit ics are concerned, stands the same as it does at present. Mr. Dovey suc ceeds inmseit and Dr. Marshall suc ceeds Ballance, republican. Below is the official vote by wards: J 3 -S ! r- -i i3 SCHOOL BOARD. V . V. I. eon an I I. . 1 1. Larson II. N. Ihivey I y. m i :c !i kit 1114 111 I Til X Mi I 1:1 -x, : !i 10 :ni 41 1 . 4:.' 4.SI I4K (.'. A. .Marshall ('has. .Martin :(4 :hk I .VI 107 Henry .Mailsen. C0UNCILMEN r'ilz'reral(l. (I Twill-hell, r I i.-uiirhert v. s ! 7.5 . . . ' . . . ! 1-.' . . . ... i'H) ... Iu'4 I...: 17 K uiisinann. il : Itniu ry. r M. Kay. s !--; 74 llerold. d M uruhy. r ! -' HI ;Vl f,4 Isiier. s : Peters. U Italia nee. r Sanders, s 4 ! Yondran. il Iliiriey.il :! Koinan. s Por I.kmi A ppro ! ;":(, 15 Azainst " 37 ii A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind. Knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only J"c, at F. (J. Fricke & Co's. drug store. just; guaianieeu 10 wear u . 1 ... years that's what Gering & Co. do with Patton's Sun Proof Paint. ID) ichard & Prinale's u 11 FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTEELS 2 BANDS 2 A Cnr I nnH nf Srpnprvl 4T BIG COMEDIANS! Landford. Toli ver, Craft, Cameron. Special .of Pullman Palace Cars. 12 Comedians 16 Dancers 24SoloSino-ers 10 Big Acts Famous Alabama Quartette! Strongest Singing Turn Ever Introduced by a Minstrel Company. .0 A 11 f Magnificent "i1 Street JU Parade! Takes place dailv at 2:30 p. m. Parmele Prices 25. 35 rd 50 Cents. ONE NIGHT ONLY TKeatre! Wednesday 1 APML,... We never tire of telling the story of Uneeda Dfocuit. We do not believe that lovers of good, whole some food ever tire reading it. Uneeda Biscuit are the result of two ideas. That soda crackers could be made better than they had ever been made before. That it was pos sible to convey them to the home fresh, crisp and clean. The importance of the soda cracker as an article of daily consumption, made this worthy of extraordinary effort. True, many people laughed at the idea of so much thought time labor capital, being devoted to a soda cracker. But the greatest industries of the greatest country in the world have been developed from smaller things than a soda cracker, and so it seemed worth while to make the best soda cracker that could be made and to place it on the table as good as it had been made. To do the first required the selec tion of the best materials, of the best equipment, the highest skill. To do the second upset all traditions. The oldest bakers said there was no way to keep a soda cracker good. f Bottled in Bond. n ' on m D0TTLL PLATTSIOUTn, LICENSE NOTICES. License Notice. TSTOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE ' undersigned li:is tilerl liis iH-titioM as re quired by llinstatutesof tlie State of Xelr:is- KttWitlitlie city clerk or the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, reiuestinjr a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liouors for the couuiii; municipal year in the building situ- Hieu on lot twelve (l) in iiiock thirty (;j ) in tlie city of Plattsnioutli. Nt braska. 1'ETKIt (ilM)S. April 9th, 1003. Applicant. License Notice. TSTOTICE IS HEREBY OI VEX THAT THE A undersigned has tiled his petition as re quired by the statutes of the Slate of Nebras ka with the city clerk or the city or i'latts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for tin? coming municipal year in the building situ ated on the west half (w'41 of lot six (IS) in block thirty-four :) in the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska. Hans H. lionis. April !tli. 1!HJ3. Applicant. License Notice. TSTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT THE A' undersigned has tiled his uet ition as re quired by the statutes of the State of -Nebras ka with the city clerk or the city or riatis mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year in the building situat ed on the east half (el of lot twelve (IJ in block twenty-eight (JS) in the city or Platts mouth. Nebraska. Ei. Egexbkk;ek. April Dlh. latO. Applicant. License Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned lias tiled his petition as re quired bv the statutes of the State of Nebras ka with the city clerk of the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year in tlie building situat ed on the east half (em of lot twelve ill block twenty-nine in O'e city of Platts moutli. Nebraska. tu. 1hnat. A pril St h. 1HU3. A ppl leant . License Notice. NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE tindersiirned has filed his petition as re quired by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka with the city clerk or me city 01 nuiis moutti. Nebraska, requssting a license to bell mult, snirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year In the building situ ated 011 east half (eH of lot three CD in block thirty-three (33) iu the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Cl.Al'8 Spkck. April Wlh, 191)3. Applicant. A .St org Worth Telling NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY XTbc Beet mflbfshs! is tbc Cheapest in tbc inM Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is, come in and try it. PRICES: GuckenheimeriPye, per gallon. Yellowstone, " " . Honey Dew, " " . liiglforn, " " . .$4 00 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 Thierolf, NEBRASKA Druggist's Permit. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT GER ING & CO.. have filed their petition as required by the statutes of the State of Ne braska with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth requesting it permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes for the coining municipal year in the building situ ated on the west half (wl,i) of lot twelve l') of block twenty-eight (s in the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska. liKKixn & Co.. April Dili. i:o:i. Applicants. Druggist's Permit. TSTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A. W. XN At win id lias iiled his petition as required by the statutes of the State of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth re iuesiihga permit to sell malt, spiritous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purxses for the coining municipal vear in the building situated on tlie west half w'i) lot three (3) of Mock thirty-five (35) in the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. A. W. Atwood. April!. l!o.i. Applicant. Druggist's Permit. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT F. G. l-'ricke & Co. have filed t heir peti tion as required by the statutesof the State of Nebraska with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth requesting a permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes tor the coming munitipul year in the huiiding situat ed on lotsouedr a nd t wo (:.') in block thirty six (.W) in tlie city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. E.G. Fkicke & Co April 9th. r.iOX Applicants. License Notice. 1STOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has tiled his petition as re quired by the statutes of the State of Nenras ka with the city clerk of the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous aim vinous liquors for tlie coming municipal year in the building situ ated on lot six tl) in block thirty-three (33) in the city of i'lattsmouth. Nebraska. Phillip Th i r.HOi.F. April 9. 1WI3. Applicant. License Notice. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has tiled his petition as re quired bv the statutes of the State of Nebras ka wit Ii the cit v clerk of the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year In the building situ ated ou the west half (w'4) of lot eight (H) In block twenty-nine (29) in the city of Platts niouth. Nebraska. H. H. Keep. April 9th, 11W3. Applicant. 1 That no one expected it any way. That people were satisfied to eat them stale, as they had been in the habit of doing. And so it fell to the lot of younger minds to tlo this unheard of thing to keep a soda cracker good until eaten. The result was the creation of the In-er-scal Package with red and white seal. An invention that kept out the air, moisture, dust germs, that first retained the natural flavor of the bis cuit, keeping it crisp and fresh until it reached the table, and so Uneeda Biscuit became a reality. The little thing that seemed hardly worth while became a great thing that seemed hardly possible. To-day over 300,000,000 packages have been consumed by the thought ful people of this country and the de mand is ever increasing. That is the story of Uneeda Biscuit. Some day we will tell it over again for the benefit of those who are still "satisfied" with the stale and broken crackers that come in a paper bag, when they can get Uneeda Biscuit whole, fresh, and Don't Cough Last Sunday you in Church. did. Kverylnidy looked at you. known enough They wished you had to stay at home. (Jet a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, stop coughing, and church next Sunday. plan to go to rpn b3 tfjc AY 0 M-'dav, April 27, President llousevelt will lie Omalia. A 1.1; cele bration will be held in hi honor. All th; railroads have made- special ntil to Omaha and return from nil points within seventy-live miles of Omaha. Make Your Preparations and Come to Omaha for this BIG DAY. HAYDKX nnOS. invite yon to make yourself at home at thh bijr, re liable store when in Omaha.. Kvery uocommoJution free. No matter when you come. Don't forget the Excursion Rates on all Railroads, Monday, April 27 It pays to trade at Haydens. IJijrht at your door with everything yon eat, wear or use. wi can save you time, freight and money. The best made in the greatest variety at prices'maJe possible by gigantic spot cash buying and bell ing is the main advantage you get by doing your buying at Ilaydeo'tf. Great Sale on Men's Clothing Remember the best clothes made and in 1903 styles 1,200 men's line suits at a price that has never been rivaled in the history of clothing sales. These suits are made in all the newest fabrics, and the fit and finish are equal to the very best. They are worth up to $12.5'): our special "7 Cfl Eale price Men's suits in all wool black unfinished wor eteds, fancy cheviots, blu serge and easimere, in fancy mixtures, plain colors and stripes, all lined with finest serge lining, best sleeve lining, and well tailored throughout; worth 10.50 our lvlleTc'"!Q. !0 00 Men's extra swell suits in fancy cheviots cas simeres, worsteds, and fancy worsteds, in Scotch plaids, plain colors, strip -s and fancy mixtures i i i. .1 i ,i i ..t. ,. I. n! . an maue wim nariu-jauue(i siiuumcn. fronts making them shape-holding; hana-le.iea collars; lined with the very finest of serge lininjs. The lit and hang is perfect; none of these suits worth less than $13.00 to 122.50: our extra special said fj QQ These are rare values. Spring Furniture Clearing Sale Samples of eighteen of the lar7t furniture factories of Michigan and . o Wisconsin on sale. Over "000 pieces of , y - Up-pi desirable furniture. 16th and Dodge Streets. . WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE 1 m 1 clean. j The most invet erate smokers declare I the "Fxquisitos" t he choicest cigars. For a clear skin, ch ar all the way through, transparent enough to let j sunshine rosy cheeks show through take Pocky Mountain Tea. This I month, spring time. .Ti ce.it s. Gering ' Co. Special Rai road Rates 1 - to Omaha uan lIliVI 4 furniture in this clearing -ale at prices froin i to i regular prices. All samples as well as all odd pieces of furniture in our stock, such as odd dresers, chiffoniers, wash stands, tables, chairs, parlor suits, ward robes, cupboards, cabinets, rockers, in fact i-very department of housefurnishing from kitchen to parlor: dining chairs at 3''c. Couches at $3.75. Iron beds at $1.45. lied springs, !c. (Jo-carts at 15.95. Kedroom suit. S11.U0. Chiffoniers. 13.85. Kitchen cabinets, $2,85, and thousands of other rare values in guaranteed finest finished, most Crsostte Hew Pwt Cfflcg OLIAHA 0