The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1903, Image 3

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    r . - ..J ) - -. , ' " r
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A Stealthy. Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women Many Thousand Women Suffer
Needlessly From This Cause. i
There are multitude of m-omen, es
pecially housewives, and all other women
vblifr A to le on lhir feet constantly. who
are wret(hl liejond de:ritinf, simply
licaune their strength and vitality i, capped
away ly catarrhal ilir hargr from the
pelvic organs. Thete women jft up in
tie morning lircI. "Ir.ig themselves through
iheir ilaily tint i-n tired. only to go to bed
at night us tired a lfre.
Mr: f. Hurt ho. J3 K.nit ttth str-t
. . I tlj. N. ... rltrt "I rtrrt for
Ittrr uh k hut i rni'ill kno
liturnrrhfii. in i-nmifi tion wnb fiufifn
ib. I lir 1im nr alvi ulr.l mi icratifn
I (livixtrd ! llllirh. 1. Jut Miolliilv filie.tcH to
nrwlr it. I ikIiii( t.f thf ltir ,f t'trmia, I tl'im
it t I u mm this fJ! known irmcil) a liuL
t'Miulil lhr-- hotttr-o (if .1 1.1 mire. Now I I
KaitKfl woin:in. Wrima i uinl it -; ii t'Xilc
lll s. ru I I t It o m m h iiiiwor-t 1 k i t Ij
f. I dira.tnl tin .r luiiitii o inn h. I am to
in fx-lft-rl luxllfl. li;tr not felt o U
liftrcn Jfitl. " ilrs.. t- Ituilhn.
!Ht ljnli Mahon, 3 il-n Itiilll Mree
inn, mi.. Kvrrury or III Kl
llixlilrr aixl .HaM-ret'try of I .ml Mrr
" rite: if fc in knew of the hrnrht
to te derived frma inking rerun we would have
m;.riy h:ilier an. I m..r- heultiifiil wnmi-n. M
health h;it nrvrr been lio robust, ami I am easily
!iim.. and f iin not M .n.l nun h. AlMnt a ht
ak'O I U tlltl flown Iri.-ir I h-i.l ot t-iLu . . ..
"v I'eriina. hh.i I urrat rrason t.
fnl. for in two wrrk-t I u out of l..l an.l
mourn w.r tx-if.-r tly wt-ll. :.inl I now hr.,1 that inv
l . j I I. . ...... I. . I .. .
' - iii.iii no iiiiri v. so lll.'lt
I i.ikr l' tiu.; nni'i- r lnu e a nioiiih ami kttiD
u..ll fl. - M L. -
F rim.t is such a porfect sprcifir; for each
r.n ti;.it li-n patients h.ive once it
tii'-v .hi ii v r In; induced to juit it until
they art; rtiianc:it iv cured. I t twins to
rrlievi; thf f !ia'r-ealili- symptoms at once.
'l l.t; :u k.u lie ( eases, thrt trernMing knees
arfr sr rrn;'l lit netl, the appetite restored, the
:;.' siinn in. n!e jwrfect, the dull headache
is st. pped and the weakening drains are
pradttailv cured, 'l'hest; results certainly
follow a nurse of treatment with I'eruna.
I;.irlara Al!erty. corner Seventh and
Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes as
follows in regard to I'eruna:
"lor vears I have suffered with lack
nrhe anil severe pains in the side. I
tii i tored so mui li that 1 Ix-came liscotir
at'ed. A sehool fri-nd told nie how very
mm h I'eruna had benefited her and f sent
out for a Uttle, which did more to relieve'
rnc thaj all the other medicine I have ever
k-.x v . :, 'x.
OHO Kinds for. I6e.
t a fiu-l thntMalzrr aaeeila are found III I
lore aniens an . I on more farm than I
any other In America. 1 here in I
rewon for thia. We own and op- " 1
erate orer o acres fir the prod ac
tum of our choice fu-ktl I n nrrler ti
Induce Toil to Irv them we make "
I lie toiiowinit unim-ei-nieii oner
For 1G Cents Postpaid .
?3 Im wnmHrlml MWU,
S Mil m rlvaat rahaav.
SlBrtr Irttare arltlp
SI rare laliBa rail I. a. .
S4 .pUaiji.1 M aarfa.
tn a1! ;in kinds ix iHtIt fumihinT
tuiifi.4f t-luriniu flowers anil lots
t.iiti f eiioi. e vv.eull. loicuh-
rr wif h wur irrvnt cittjiotnie tUinc al
ahuut M v3inni V lM-r. Itllllon ll.
lap .ra, T'tnt-. llr .muv Speltz
et.- .oil tor oiil J le. uiktaujpsaud
Una antlrav
Ualiai aeed at at AOe. a BMaaV
La Crosse. Wis. .
The Reaaoa Why more wheat In
gron n tn Western Canada In a few
tiort mouths than elsewhere. I
because vegetation a rows In pn
portlon lothe suiiHicUt. The more
northerly latitude In which grain
wlUcume to perfect ton. the liettcr
It ta. Therefore a'Jlha. per Suahel la a ft!r a tartdarilaa
tn t Kaat. Area under crop in Weatera Canada,
1902. l.a7.S30 Aeraa. Yiald. 1903. 117. 921. 764 Bus.
tae on It charve for wh:cti la ! for making entry.
Ahun'it.ince of water and fuel, hulldlnrf material
cheap, irootl trra for pasture and hay. a fertile oll.
a aiifflclens r.ilnf.!:.. an.l a climate KU !uk an asaured
an.t aileipi.te cjioii of icrowth.
-nd ! the fillnwl:i for an Atlaa and otner
literature, and aiao for certtflcate ittv.nv you re fflitht and panaeiiirer r:ite. etc.. etc.:
huper'ntenilent of Immigration. tttnwa. I anada.
VT to W. V. Benrett. 'l New Vorlt Mfc H!d.. Omaha,
2et.. the authurUed Canaalaa tioterniueLt AsenL.
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world.
cf U- M. C. make is now
accepted by shooters as
"the worlds standard" for
it shoots well in any gun.
Tour dealer sells it.
The Union Metallic
Cartridge Co.
vV. N. U. Omaha.
No. 13 1903
t: t;n;. S
t...h SV I Ct I
I 11 x SJ II Jl
I II' .X ii rr I
bi r V Jfc mY a
m I I f .S. r A A i . VK , 111
v - m :. ijjr r i Mir
I 1 1 i .- VrN a III
h1'--- "i ".4,
YOU Wlhb rm
Tr belt nctc-lali M'rtS Mzien and
3 (y-jf.en car wperience hae mode
TdVVER'i flickers. Cbata and Hat
fwxj tSe world over Dry tre vide in
tick or ydlo.v for &'l ki.-vb af wrt work,
and every farnl beannjtfic 3IGN OP
THE rliM u aritertto O'vc xt
ijfactitn. Ail reluble alera sell then.
A.J.T0WI8 C0LIO3I0i.MAi3L.II.lA.
Over 2.000.COO people are now buy
ing? poods from us at wholesale
Trices saving 15 to t0 percent on every
thin if tbey use. You can do it too.
Why not ask us to send you our 1.000
pace catalogue ? It te-ls the story. Send
15 cents for it today.
Thf housx that tells the truth.
; I Thompson's Eye Ualsi
fta . aw w qnck relief and cores worst
Cafes. Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS' treatment
rUX. Sr. H.a.OKX SOaS.Boz&.AUaata.0
Schmoller & Mueller
FOR ONLY $168.00
On $5 Monthly Payments. Write for
Catalogue, Prices, Etc.
Manufacturer. Vhclesale and Retail Piano Dealers
Today the prophet wags his head
and people heed him: lomorrw. ah,
tomorrow. "None so poor to do him
No chromoit or cheap prefntnmt.
but a better quality and one-third
more of Defiance Starch for the same
prire of other starches.
A woman lavs oi;t an echo by get
ting in the first words as well as the
taken. I ased it faithfully for two weeks
1 1
and it completely cured me. I have not
had any pains since, anywhere, but feet
like a new woman. I am truly thankful
or what Peruna has done for me." -Bar
bara AJberty.
Mr. Kat Mann. R Itatharat 8tre.
Torunta, Ont., C4iu, Vine 1'rralUrut of tta
Laxlloa Aid 8 wlxt), writes: " am pirated
14 live praiM lo f cnina for the blesked relief I
found through li use. 1 snttered for ears with
barkarha and draKtiiim down uins and often hat
to k'u to bed and May there hrn I was o busy
hat I could illy be soaied. It was therefore a
simple od-enl to me when Feiuna was bronnht
to my notice. Kvrry drop keemt'd to give me new
fe. and ever doe made me feel nun b better.
and 1 piomihed invsrlf that if 1 found that it cured
le I would advocate it to that other sunenrnc
women should know of it. 1 have been in irfs t
health for one year. I finoy work and ileatute be-
aiihe in u Ii tine heaalu and no trouble seems too
heavy to tear w hen you are in kooi) health. Heruna
has kimidy bern a household blessing, and I never
will be without it again." - Mr. Kate Mann.
.Mra. Anns .Martin. 47 Ilojt St Brnoklya.
N. Y. , write: "IVruna did so much for me'
hat I feel it mv dutv to recommend it to others
who may he imilarlv afflicted. Aliout year aieo
mv health was rompletely broken ilown. had
backache, dirriness and irregularities, and life,
seemefl dnik indeed. We had used I'eruna in our
home as a tonir. and for colds and catnnh. and 1.
deciiled to try it for my trouble. In less than three
months I tecame regular, rnv pains had entirely
disappeared, and I am now perfectly well." Mrs.
Anna Martin.
Mrs. Wm. lletriek, Kenaard, Washing
ton County, Neb., writes:
"I am fifty-six years old and have not
felt well since the Change of fafe began
ten years ago. I was in misery somewhere
most of the time. My back was very weak,
and my flesh so tender it hurt me to lean
against the back of a chair. I had pain
under my shoulder-blades, in the small of
back and hips, f sometimes wished my
self out of this world. If ad hot and cold
spells, dizziness and trembling of the limbs,
and was losing flesh all the time. After
following your directions and taking Peruna
I now feel like a different person. " Mrs.
Wm. Ifetrick.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hariman, giving a full
statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Peruna can be purchased for .$1 per
bottle at all first class drug stores.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hart man Sanitarium, Cclumbus, Ohio.
Bituminous Coal.
It will perhaps surprise some people
to know that the production of bitum
inous coal was eight times as great
as the production of anthracite dur
ing the year 1902; for, in that year,
owing to idleness a,t the mines, the
hard coal position fell to where it was
In the year 1885. While there is a
great deal said and heard of the an
thracite industry because it is concen
trated in the hands of a few persons
and worked as a rule at a profit, there
is a vast extent of the country which
takes the soft or bituminous coal
takes it to the extent of 250,000,000
net tons.
Should tie in every homo. Ask your grocer
for it. Large oz. package only 5 ceuts.
Have something to do, or you will
be a nobody.
Mr. WinMowa ootT1n;j ftyrnpii
Fnr or.'Jiireii teething, softens tlie t:iirr.K. reduces In.
oaumiaiion, allays pain, cures wind colic. &"c a bottlev
Irving in "Inferno."
The inferno scene for Sardou's
"Dante," which will be produced by
Irving, will cost about $20,000. It
opens in a graveyard by moonlight.
Cypress trees will move back and.
the tombs will sink down. The leg
end, "Abandon hope all ye who enter
here." will shine in phosphorescent
greeting over the mouth of hell; gusts
of red smoke will be puffed from this
mouth, and sobs, cries and curses will
be distinctly heard. Bursts of fire,
smoke and thunder will come from
the graves, and a tomb will gape to
let a corpse peer out. "A sparklit
rain of fire will change into a dull
rain of blood, and from that to a
ghastly green." Then there will be
a view of the arctic hell, probably
with real ice. as well as a procession
of spirits, and the final return to earth.
An Uutomatic Baby Nurse.
A Swiss mechanic claims to have
invented an automatic baby nurse.
The aparatus is attached to a cradle.
If the baby cries air waves cause
specially arranged wires to operate a
phonograph, which swings a lullaby,
while simultaneously clockwork is re-,
leased and rocks the cradle. When
the crying stops the wires cease to
vibrate and the cradle stops rocking.
One by one the bachelor's excuses ara
being destroyed.
A Cure for Rheumatism.
Alhambra, 111., March 23d. Physi
cians are much puzzled over the casa
of Mr. F. J. Oswald of this place. Mr.
Oswald suffered much with Rheuma
tism and was treated by doctor after
doctor with the result that he got no
better whatever. They seemed un
able to do anything for him, and he
continued to suffer till he heard of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Mr. Oswald began a treatment of
this remedy, which very soon did for
him what the doctors had failed to do
and they cannot understand it.
This is the same remedy that cured
Hon. Fred A. Busse, our State Treas
urer, of a very severe case of Rheu
matism some years ago and which has
since had an unbroken record of suc
cess in curing all forms of Rheuma
tism and Kidney Trouble.
There seems to be no case of these
rainful diseases that Dodd's Kidney
Pills will not cure promptly and per
manently. Americans are going ;o put up
seven thousand miles of barbed wire
fence. No. it will not be around the
Philippines; it will inclose one Jittle
cattle ranch
One xf Earth's
Island oi Tristan d'Acunlia (he Smallest Atom in the British
Empire Climate h Excellent and the Resit
dents Long' lived,
Tristan d'Acjinha, 1.500 miles due
outh of St. Helena is the smallest,
loneliest atom in the British empire.
It was garrisoned during Napoleon's
Imprisonment at St. Helena, and the
inhabitants are the descendants of
Corporal William Glass, who. with
his wife and two private soldiers,
preferred to remain there on the
withdrawal of the troops.
Wives for the two bachelors were
obtained from St. Helena, and some
women convicts were also landed
there fifty years a&o, while an oc
casional castaway has Increased the
population from time to time.
There are now only some seventy
Inhabitants, of whom a bare score
are men. The climate is excellent,
and the residents are very long-lived.
The island is only eighteen square
miles, and the chief crop is potatoes,
but the live stock consists of 0o cat
tle, 500 sheep and some donkeys, pigs
and poultry. Tobacco and spirits are
unknown, nor are there any laws, the
oldest inhabitant being regarded as
Ceiniminifim is thp prevailing prac
tice, all things being shared in com
mon and proitortior.ately. The little
settlement of Edinburgh is the only
inhabited quarter and the bunch of
well-built stone houses received this
name after the visit of the duke of
Edinburgh in 18C7.
Onco a year th governor of St.
Helena visits Tristran d'Acunha
with the mails and to see after its
welfare and report thereon to the
paternal government at Whitehall.
Otiierwise the island has no com
munication with the outer world.
Ascension island is more import
Habit of Snapping the Fingers
Argument Advanced That It Shovss Close Intimacy Between
the Mind and the Body Physical Movement
Seems to Aid Mental Process,
"Did you ever notice the peculiar
1 abit some men have of snapping
their fingers while trying to recall
something which has escaped their
mind for the moment?" asked a man
who keeps a keen lookout for the
curious in human nature. "Now. here
is a curious study, and one, which, if
pursued may throw much light on a
very interesting subject. Anything
relating to piemory, the retentiveness
of the human mind is always of inter
est to me, and I have noted with
much concern these curious physical
manifestations when the mind picture
liecomes so obscure that its lines are
lost. Why should a man snap his
fingers when he temporarily forgets
a thing? Does this physical move
ment aid the mental processes? Does
the fact prove the material basis of
the mind? It must show a very inti
mate connection between the two.
After all, the intimacy existing be
tween the mind and the body is very
close, and personally, I have always
believed in the theory which teaches
us that psychology has a physiologi
cal basis and can have no other basis.
The simple habit of snapping the fin
Elder Took a Day Off
Brother Parker's Explanation of His Fall From Grace His
Reward for Forty six Years of Faithful Service
to the Church.
Irving Bacheller can always tell a
jtory of the north country, and this
is one of them. .
"Up in St. Lawrence county," he
said, "there was a God-fearing old
man who lived in a small village a
few miles from Potsdam. Mr. Parker
was an elder in the church, a good
husband and father, and a worthy
citizen, who was much respected in
the community. One day he hitched
tip his team and went off with a load
of produce from his farm to Potsdam.
Night fell, but Parker did not return.
His family was much frightened, for
such a thing had never happened be
fore, and they felt sure that some evil
had befallen him. His son went to
Potsdam and called at all his father's
accustomed haunts, only to find that
the old man had sold his potatoes and
started for home before, dark.
"The family remained in great dis
tress all night and until the next
afternoon, when Mr. Parker drove in
St the big farm gate. The old man's
rlothes were torn, his face bruised, a
.small portion of his front scalp was
New Englander's Comment on Future
of Schooner.
Sim Tarbox lives in a New England
seaport town. He is as simple as he is
big and strong, his muscular develop
ment being the result of years of la
bor around ice houses and on ice
One day when business was quiet
SrTn wandered away from his ice wag
on and sat down on the stringpiece
of a pier to admire a shapely three
masted schooner tied up alongside.
Gradually Sim's curiosity was aroused.
Espying the captain sealed near his
cabin, Sim observed:
"I say, skipper, thet's a mighty fine
boat ye got thaer."
"Yes," responded the captain, "she'3
a pretty good boat."
After a silence of several minutes
Sim again broke out: "I say, skipper,
how old be she?"
"Oh," answered the captain, "about
six years, I guess."
"Gee!" said Sim. after what ap
peared to be deep reflection and speak
ing in his deliberate fashion, as his
eyes again swept over the schooner,
"won't she be a highster 'fore she's
Firmness cf Egg Shells.
Most people are awam of the power
of egg shells to resist external pres-
Loneliest Spots
ant, being a fortified naval base. It
is rated by the admiralty as a ship,
and governed In all rt'spects as a
man-of-war. The ruler is the captain,
and his crew consists of 260 inhabi
tants. All the adult males are class
ed sailors, and the captain is as abso
lute as on the quarterdeck.
The climate and soil are good,
ban at; as being largely cultivated,
while goats form the live stock.
Turtles also frequent its shores," and
when a war vessel calls twice a year
it incidentally ships a supply of
chelmonidoe for the king and the
lords of the admiralty.
Three hundred miles east of Capo
Horn lie the Falkland isles, and,
though they are unknown to the
street-bred man. these British out
posts have more than 2,000 inhabi
tants. Sheep raising is the chief
occupation, there being nearly 1,000,
000 sheep in the isles.
The people are happy In being free
from public debt, while the fact that
the only taxes are the Import duties
on liquor and tobacco may well draw
sighs from the heavily taxed people of
Moreover, there Is prison accommo
dation for only eleven criminals, and
so rarely is even one cell occupied
that the solitary warder policeman
puts in his time in the government
printing office.
Until a few years ago education
was somewhat neglected, chiefly on
account of the scattered residences
of the population, but this defect has
been remedied by the appointment of
peripatetic pedagogues, who now visit
the pupils, since the pupils would not
visit them. Pall Mall Gazette.
gers when one's memory fails for the
moment would seem to offer ample
proof of the fact. Curiously enough,
this same condition, a physical move
ment, will manifest itself in many
ways under similar circumstances.
All men do not snap their fingers
when there is a mental lapse which
they are seeking to overcome. , They
find other ways of bridging the gap.
One man will pat his foot when he
forgets temporarily. Another will
bite .his lip, or place his finger
against his temple, or rub one hand
across his forehead, or resort to some
other effort to stimulate his lagging
memory. Why is this? Is one's
memory really aided by these physi
cal movements? It must be. Else
humanity would have dropped them
long ago. Almost every man, when
he forgets something, a name, for in
stance, which is right on the end of
his tongue, will make some kind of
physical effort to conjure the proper
image from its hiding place in the
brain cells. Why it is I do not know.
I know merely that it happens, and I
suppose it answers some good pun
mising. and his horse was broken
winded and all of a lather. He vouch
safed no explanation, but betook him
self to bed, where he slept for four
teen hours, waking with a rich
brown tacte in his mouth.
"The matter got noised abroad, and
eventually the minister and a brother
elder called upon him.
" 'Brother Parker,' said the minis
ter solemnly, it appears to us that
some explanation is due the church
of events which have recently trans
pired, and we have called to see if
you have anything to say about them."
"The old man pondered awhile,
and then asked: 'How long hev I
been a member of the church, boy
and man?'
" "Forty-six years, my brother.'
"'Hev I walked in the ways of the
Lord pretty perpendicular during that
" 'Yes, Brother Parker, you have
served long and faithfully.'
" 'Well,' said the old man, 'I
thought so, too. 'n' I just thought I'd
take a day off.'" New York Times.
sure on the ends, but not many would
credit the results of tests recently
made. Eight ordinary hen's eggs were
submitted to pressure applied exter
nally all over the surface of the shell
and the breaking pressures varied be
tween 400 pounds and 675 pounds per
square inch. With the stresses applied
internally to twelve eggs, these gave
way at pressures varying between 32
pounds and 65 pounds per square inch.
The pressure required to crush the
eggs varied between 40 pounds and 75
pounds. The average thickness of the
shells was 13-1.000 inch.
President's Advice to Cortelyou.
Stories of the doings of children are
always welcome at the white house
and President Roosevelt is ready at
any time to stop the flow of public
business to hear a good story about
some other fellow's boy as well as one
of his own. When he was ready to
appoint Secretary Cortelyou to the of
fice of secretary of commerce and la
bor he asked: "Cortelyou, how is the
measles up at the house?"
"Well, we still have the measles,
but I think the children are getting
along all right."
"If you want to knock off a few
days between the two jobs and help
take care of the children I guess we
can arrange it." said the president.
"It might be a good thing to get ac
quainted with your family."
Its the gentle and effective action of Doan's Kidney Pills In Kidney,
Bladder, and Urinary trouble: that make them famous, wltf
Men, Women, and Children.
Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. I rrcelvctl the
sample of Doan's Kidney Pills, find never
had any medicine do me so much good in
so little time. I had Congestion of the
Kidneys and RlmMer so severe it cauHcd u
pressure on the lungs like Asthma, but
through the use of Doun's Pills I nm free
and easy now. Geo. W. Smith. Veter
inary Surgeon, P. O. Uox 41, Mt. Pleasant,
Ohio. '
Aged people find Doan's Kidney Pills :i
great comfort for declining years.
They cure incontinence and urinary
weakness pec uliar to children.
Baxtek Springs, Kansas I received
the free sample of Doan's Kidney Pills.
For five years I have had much pain in my
back, which physicians suid arose from the
kidneys. Four boxes of Doan's Pills have
entirely cured the trouble. I think I owe
my life to these pills, and I want others to
know it. Sadik Davis, Baxter Spriugs,
Any woman who speaks ill of her
neighbors gives them license to get
back at her.
To Curi a 'oll in Ono tlay.
Take Laxulive Lromo Quinine Tablets. All
iruggtstsrefund money if it fuilstoctiro. -jC.
For a job lot of New Year's resolu
tion at cut rates, apply to any of your
Une Ked Cross Hall Hlne. It makH rlothes
clean and sweet as wlieu new. All grocers.
"Give a man a drink or two of
whisky," he said, in announcing the
warning, "and he is bound to have
some kind of a grievance."
'All that glisters is not gold.''
SUo Jacobs Oil
Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily
Aches and Pains
for which an external remedy may be used.
Price, 25c. and 50c.
Tired Mother's Touching Story of
Anxiety and Suffering.
Ctxtictxrst Brings Blessed Cure to Sltii
Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest
to Its Worn Out Mother.
It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was t?.ken sick.
Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked and
mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a
plucky fight to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early
in 1902 she took to her bed. What followed she told to a visitor,
who called at her tidy home, No. 821 Tenth Ave., New York City.
"I hired a pirl to mind the chil
dren and to do whatever else she
could. I couldn't stay in bed long.
Sick as I was, it was easier foi me
to crawl around than to lie and
worry about my little ones. So
I got up after a few days, and let
the girl go, I had noticed that she
had sores on her face, hands and
arms, but I paid no attention to that
until Charlie, my youngest, began to
pick and scratch himself. He was
then ten months old, and the girl
had paid more attention to him than
to any of the others. Charlie was fret
ful and cross, but as he was cutting1
teeth, I didn't think much of that.
Even when a rash broke out on his
face I wasn't frightened, because
everybody knows that that is quite
common with teething1 babies. Sev
eral of my others had it when little,
and I thought nothing about it.
"But the rash on Charlie's poor
little face spread to his neck, chest,
and back. I had never seen any
thing1 quite like it before. The skin
rose in little lumps, and matter
came out. M3T baby's skin was hot,
and how he did suffer ! He wouldn't
eat, and night after night I walked
the floor with him. weak as I was.
Often I had to stop because I felt
faint and my back throbbed with
pain. But the worst pain of all was
to see my poor little boy burning
with those nasty sores.
"I believed he had caught some
disease, from the girl, but some of
the neighbors said he had eczema,
and that is not ca.ching, they told
me. Yes, I gave him medicine, and
put salves and things on him. I
don't think they were all useless.
Once in a while the itching seemed
to let up a bit, but there was not
much change for the better until a
lady across the street asked me why
I didnt .try the Cuticura Remedies.
I told her I had no faith in those
things you read about in the papers.
She said she didn't want me to go
on faith nor even to spend any
money at first. She gave mi some
Cuticura Ointment I think the
box was about half full and a
piece of Cuticura Soap. I followed
The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin as in eczema ;
the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair, and crusting
of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigurements, as in
pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety
of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, all
demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made
regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence.
The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety
and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood
purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world.
CTTrCTTRA RKMEPTKS are-oMtrimnpriouttlierlvlIIr'Nl wnrl.t. miCF-S: rnrlrnm TtenrtlT.
erit, ale. por butt I. j (in tli form of CLicclate 1N11. 'Sir. ir vial of U) : 'uti.-ur
Ointment, ?e. per box, ami Cuti.-nra Simp. a.v. tT taliM. S. nl 1 ir tl.e grout work . " Humoura
rt th Bl.wM. Skin, ami -a1p. ntnl How toCurcTlicm." 04 paucn. :m IMi-n-cs, with IlUi-tr-uion
Jtimoninlsaiid Ilirection. in all lnnpuniff. inrhiilitip .lapam-- mikI riifm:i. llritUh !i-pot,
fT-'Ji Charterhouse Sir.. London. K. French It.ot,r. Itnoiln la Tai. I'.-irU. I ikU
II. Totot & :.., Sydney. i'CTri-K DKUG AN1 CHKMH AL. COlU'OiCATION. bola IToI
pnetors, Boston, U- B. A.
At hing lmeks nre cased. Hip, bne'd, and
loin pains overcome. Hwelling of Lbs
HnliH ii n I ilropay fcigns vnnlsli.
They correct urine with brick dust sedi
ment, lilph colored, exccHHivct pain In pass.
Ing, dribbling, frequency, IkkI wetting.
Doun's Kidney Pills dUsolve and remove
calculi and gravel. IMIevc licnrt palpita
tion, n:-p)f-HMirs8, lieatlitchrf, tiervousnrws.
-Pills. .
- A tt .F it T
I Ku-ril MllJM n Co., Durfalo, N. Y.
ru-aw wild mt- tiy mail, without cbnr
: ti Ul buz Ixihu'b Kliiury I11U.
Nome .
I'rmt - ofnVe -
j State
; (Cut out rouiMni n ilnlliMl llnni and mall to
j toatrr-Miltiiun ., HufTalo, N. V
i Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential?
American Girls With German Titles.
Twt'tity-slx German tlil;B are worn
by American grll.s who have married
abroad and twenty English peerages.
There are three French ducliessea and
fivo French countesses of American
birth. Seventeen Italian noblemen
and six "KiiksIhiih of title" have laid
their coronets at the feet of American
brides. Holland has two baronesses,
American born; Bavaria, one countess,
and the sovereign Princess of Monaco
closes the list. j
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Deflanco
Starch is taking the place of all
Worry is not to be encouraged, but
the man who never worried never ac
complished very much.
the directions, bathing Charlie and
putting that nice Ointment on the
"I wouldn't have believed that
my baby would have been cured by
a little thing like that. Not (ill of a
sudden, mind you. Little by little,
but so surely. Charlie and I )oth
got more peace by day, and more
sleep by night. The sores sort of
dried up aud went away. I shall
never forget one blessed night when
I went to bed with Charlie beside
me, as won as I got the supper
dishes out of the way and the older
children undressed ; when I woke
up the Rim was streaming in. For
the first time in six months I bad
Elept through the night without a
M Yes, that fat little boy by th
w:ndow is Charlie, and bis skin is
as white as a enow flake, thanks to
the Cuticura Kemedies. 1 think
everybody should know about the
Soap and alo the Ointment, and if
it is going to help other mothers
with sick babies, go ahead and pub
lish what I have told vou
I ' i -x
r a