r- a- r . w - S It sinks irato the skin . and is absorbed by the muscles like rain falling upon the thirsty earth. It jcoes right down to the most intense pain and stops it. The Plattsmonth Journal 1' Weeping Water Fnm the I lt-r:altl . Chas. Karl's little lmy Ml IT a recently, tlisW-at lnr li'w shoulder. Dr. J. W. Thomas has lieen quite sick since last Friday, witli the rip Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jenkins Thursday, Feb. Zl, a ten pound ly. Miss Margaret (countryman secured a school in the Horning district, and commenced teaching last week. Mrs. M. M. P.utler is recovering' from a severe sick spell. of catarrha pneumonia of the left luiitf. Miss Iirothy Wehrhein of IMatts mouth, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Fred (Jorder, since Mnnduy. Mrs. Fred Davis left last Friday for Nevada, Mo., for a two months visit with her home folks. At the home of his daughter, Mrs Kpler, living three miles south of Julian, on February 2t;th occurred the death of Jules (Sirardet, aged Hi years. 'Ju Thursday, February 2ith, Tom, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, living one and a half miles southwest of Wabash, died of measles. Deceased was alnmt thirty years old and hat not lieen in verygod health for some time past. The funeral was held at the Catholic church, Klmwoo!, on Saturday, and services conducted by the pastor of the church. Last Thursday morning Mrs. II. D McNurlm got up almnt .'5 o'clock a. m go into the room w here Kay was sleep ing. .She walked oil the stairway and fell to the tmttom, rolling into the dining room. The injuries she sns tained were painful, spraining her wrist, and bruising her liody in several places. Dr. I'.utler was hastily sum moned and rendered all assistance possible. u o From tlit' Republican. Kd. Tighe ex pects to leave for O'Ncil this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tighe wil live in town and their sons will iive on the ranch. Calvin Russell grows more feeble each day. He has been confined to his bed for some time and lays in a stupor a great deal of the time. (I rand ma lioon passed away on Wed ncsday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs. F.mmens. They will be a short service at 8 o'clock this (Thursday) evening at the house. The burial will be at Utica, Neb , Friday. At Center Valley the number of pupils eurolled is forty-eight. One day last week there were only three pupils present. They were either de tained by sickness themselves or to take care of other members of the family who were down. J. M. Minnier's little daughter who has been dangerously ill with lung fever for the past eight weeks was able to lift her head from the pillow last Saturday for the lirst time. The parents feel greatly encouraged by her condition and feel hopeful for her recovery. Mr. raddleford, one of Cass county's most successful teachers, who is at present teaching at the Chilson school house north of town, has resigned his position and is going to Louisville, Ky where he enters a medical college in two weeks. Mr. laddleford will be missed by the teachers of the county and his place will be hard to fill. The old friends and ueighbors of Edward Tighe and family gathered at their home Sunday evening for a fare well. The pleasure of the occasion was marred by the serious illness of one of the sons, Edward Tighe's family will be greatly missed from this vicinity and they have lived here for the past thirty yeaars. But their friends wish for their heaith and prosperity in their new home. Union From the Ledger. James Chase ir., who. resides near Douglas, Neb., was here Sunday to see his father, who has been seriously ill. Several car loads of material are already here and more coming for the construction of the new steel railroad bridge south of town. James Chaso, sr., has been a very sick man several days and for some time his condition was serious, but we are pleased to state that he is now im proving. O. J. VanDyke, Past Grand Master of the A. O. U. W., came In from Omaha Monday evening, and conduc ted the initiation of 3G new members for the local lodge. ljstmaster Dullois has added a nice new tire proof safe to his office equip ments, and the fellow that "burgles" his valuables will have a job of dyna mite work on hand. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock the marriage of Charles Ed Young of this village and Miss Amanda F. liain of Talmage took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Cowles in Talmage, in the presence of a few Invited guests, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Chadwick. The bride formerly resided at Hamburg, Iowa, and was here on several oc casions visiting her sister, Mrs. Cow les, before their removal to Talmage. She Is a most estimable young lady and deservedly popular among all her acquaintances. They will reside at the "old homestead" place southwest of town and the Ledger joins their many friends in wishing them all the blessings necessary for the happiness of a "youDg" couple. LLC n etd 0 nm o cm tL It will cure anything that any good liniment is designed to cure. Keep it handy in case you or your dumb animals get hurt. CURES Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Burns, Bruises and all hurts. Loviisville From, the Courier. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. James Terry berry, Monday, March 2, a lxy. Fred (Jorder, one of the leading im plement men of the state, was up from Weeping Water Wednesday. There are fully l"0 cases of measles in town so reports say. We are glad to note that all are getting along nice ly however. Slander ISros. have l tough t the build ing they now occupy of Tom I'annele for $2,000. It is a vejy fine two story prick. Diers IJros. big store at Fullertou, burned Sunday evening. The slock was valued at tlO.ooo. They carried considerable insurance so the loss will not be so heavy. (leorge Sattertield will move to Moulton, Nebraska, next week where he has purchased a large ranch and will go Into the cattle business. He orders the Courier sent him. Chas. fJaeltel informs us that one of his I ime-Jersey sows sold at a sale at Waterloo for $150. The same one sold at his sale last fall for Mr. (Jaebel Itas some of the finest Duroc Jersey hogs in the west. The A. O. U. W. !odge gave an oyster supper in the lodge room Wed nesday night. The occasion was the end of a contest for members by two chosen sides. About 10 or 12 new members were added lo this excellent order as the result of this contest. The lodge here has about 1"0 hustling members. It is securing the best men In our community. Elmwood From the Leader-Kclio. Little Ethel Langhorst is quite sick with paralysis, effecting the spine, caused from measles. L. 1 Horton left Tuesday for Ingersol, Oklahoma, to visit relatives and look at the country A ten pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Ilobotham, of Eagle, Thursday of last week. Elder Cyrus Alton, one of our oldest residents, says there is now more sick ness within a radius of from three to five miles of Elniwood than he has known for the past thirty years. Never has there been so much sick ness throughout the country as now. ll our doctors are on the go day and night. The measles are unusually severe and many bad cases are reported. Miss Mable Corey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corey, is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. ,l)r. Alton is in hopes that an operation will not be necessary, but she is a very sick girl. Charley Carmicle, a boy about ten years of age, a nepnew or uranK Daugherty, has been quite sick with appendicitis. Dr. liohannan, who is tending him, says he will get through without an operation. Tom Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke, of near Wabash, w hose death occurred on Thursday of last week, from measles was buried in the Elmwood cemetery Saturday, funeral services being held from the Catholic church. S. J. llyan, an old soldier who had a severe spell of sickness last summer and blood poison settled in one of his feet so that amputation was necessary had so far recovered as to be able to get around fairly well. A short time ago his oilier foot In-come so badly affected thai ampulatian was per formed on it iast Tuesday. His daugh ter, Myrtle who has lieen in Elgin, Okla.. for Hie past few months arrived Wednesday to assist her mother in the care of her sadly afllicted father. We with relatives and friends tender to the sorely tried family oursincerest sympathy. From the Beacon. We were told that Geo. Dehut found his cultivator in the top of a tall tree one morning not long ago and is now wondering how it got there. Our grain dealers are shipping ear corn in stock cars now a ays. mey cannot get grain cars so they do the next best thing. Our grain dealers are hustlers. Mrs. Lucy Miller and family of Cheyenne, Wyoming, arrived Tuesday morning. Mrs. Miller is a daughter of J. P. Burdick and will make her future home with him. NelsP. Johnson was born in Jogstor, Jutland, in Denmark, June 31, 1SG4, died March 1, 1J03 aged 3S years, months and 23 days. He came to America in 1883 and was united in marriage to Miss Augusta Hensen in 18U3. Greenwood From the News. Dr. Lawrence and wife have moved to York, Neb., where they will make their future home. John Weidman and family have moved onto their large farm live miles southeast of town. Frank Nichols has sold his 200 acre farm, three miles east of town, for $70 per acre, to Mr. Whitzel, who had it rented. Edgar McMastcrs, who has worked close to Greenwood, for several years left overland Monday night for Have lock, where he has secured work in the IJurlinglon shops. There is considerable pneumonia in Greenwood and vicinity at this writ ing. Among those who have it are Victor Godden, Mrs. II. Schulke, Gran ville Marshall, Arthur Armstrong. Messrs. Madder and Hurd of Akron, Ohio, promoters of the new electric car line between Omaha and Lincoln, were in the city on Thursday of this week. They assure the residents along the prospective route, that the road is a surety in the near future. Mr. Pollobk of Plattsmouth, general manager of the independent telephone company, was in town Monday, look ing after the interests of his company. He was accompanied by Chief Elect rician Kennedy, who is installing the appratus for the new central office. The upper story of the bank building is being remodled to meet the require ments of the company. Walter Cheuv ront will continue to manage the company's business at this point, and Miss Grace Cheuvront will be the operator. Cedar Creek Special Correspondence Horn to Mr. and Mrs. James Terry berry March 2, a ten pound boy. Miss Maggie Stoehr was visiting in riattsmouth one day last week. While shelling corn one of Adam Kaffenberger's horses became fright ened and run into a barbed wire fence cutting the animal so bad that it will be a long time before she will be able to walk again. Joe Klein was visiting some of his old time friends in this locality last week. If there is anybody sick with the grippe we say try some of JakeLohnes jr's., powders. They will cure you be fore you can taste them. Adam Fornoff and Chas. Richart left last Tuesday for a trip to Okla homa. They expect to be gone a week, Mr. W. IT. Lohnes was transacting business in Plattsmouth last Monday Henry Baker was a passenger for Omaha last Monday. He was ac companied by his little son Glen, and his big grip. 'Twill soon be Easter Sunday; For eggs we nearly pant. The hens refused to lay, The roosters would but can't. Maple Grove Special Correspondence. Ida ISoedeker left Wednesday for a visit to Wisconsin where she will visit for several months. Maggie Young returned from her visit to Oregon Monday. Adam Schafer and Alfred Ganse meier were Weeping Water visitors Wednesday. A surprise party was given at Forest Cunningham's Tuesday night and a good time was had by all. Quite a numbcrof this neighborhood attended the sale at Alien Lund's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen from riatts mouth are visiting in this neighbor hood. Henry Ilirz, a farmer near Platts mouth, was a caller in this locality Friday.; Quite a number from this vicinity attended the dance at the home of John Kraeger, sr , Saturday nioht. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis and George Hild and family were the guests of Mr. John Pock and family Sunday. Alfred Gansemeier purchased a line span of mules of Lewis Young Mon day. Mr. and Mr. W. H Puis were among the Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. MynB.rd Special Correspond, nee. Conditions of roads better, mud dry ing up. W. I). Wheeler started Tuesday to Deadwood, S. D., to see old acquaint ances and the country. Williams Pros, are still here, not having moved as intended, caused by them not not getting cars. They have been waiting for about a week. John Schlotman has moved onto the farm of Wm. Fight, preparatory to farming the coming summer. Leo. Mason is to move in a few dayf to the farm or Harry Todd, south of Murray, where he will enter into the employ of Mr. Todd in the capacity of head farmer. Jim Speck will, as soon, as the measles will permit, move his family to the Williams farm now owned by Mr. Iengcii, being installed head farmer by the above named gentleman. So you see, Mr. Editor, there is some changing about in our little town. A. A. Wettenkainp is said to have a bad case of measles, having taken colli, and getting a backset as they call it. A. L. Cox made a Hying trip to Omaha on Tuesday. Sam'l Parker and son Patio returned Monday from England, where they had been on a tour of investigation in regard to a fortune said to have been left by a relative, but not hing definite vv;is ascertained. We are told Mrs. S. A. Schh tinan Is on the sick list this week, but at this writing is said lo be improving. It is only our well known reputation for truth and veracity, that pervents us from inditing you a whole mess of M uncliaiisen stories, as news is "scace" and then we would he sure to get caught up on it anyway, and that is the main reason why, so we close wish ing the Journal all kinds of good luck as it is the best paper in Cass county, Yor No. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. A. H. Weekbaeh&Co., Leading Grocers keep all Kirst-Cluss (ink-cries ami Canned Goods. Everything in the Provision Line and Sea sonable Goods. Their Stock is always Fresh from the Markets. n.i....i z t i in t n m ikz .'t. Waterman Hlock. Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) J actually cured myself with one bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Uemedy," says Frank V. Terry, editor of the Fnlerorise, SI mi tviile, X. Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from cough ing myself to pieces by taking a tea spoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and 1 would go to sleep perfectly free from cough ami its ac companying pains. To s;iy that the remedy acted as a most agreeable sur prise is putting it very mildly. I had no idea that it would or couid knock out the grip, simply because 1 never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only to be of late duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. (I rip had bid mc adieu." For sale by all druggists. mMmmm ' ' J . I, ft e Bottled ik Bond. 11 k urn 1 fr iji'iifpfenifloilCiiaiiiiiy Oil WJt BOTTLE.. XLbc Best HHlbfshE! to the Cheapest ill the flSnW l'our Whisky h not only ilis Mreealil' to fash, hut undoubted ly injurious to tlio stomach. A lit 1 1 o(i Whisky is a line tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Wlii.skh'H us Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just uh much iiod as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how o;ood it is, come in and try it. PRICES: Cuckenheiinenltye, jter gallon . Yellowstone, 44 44 Honey Dew, 44 44 . Ilig Horn, 44 44 . ,8s4 (X) . 4 00 . 3 00" , 2 M LaJ mm v BIG SALE S CLOTHING Astonishing Clearing Sale Bargains in Men's Clothing. Every Dollar's worth of Present Stock Must be Disposed of. PLATTSAIOUTJI, rh rolf, NEBRASKA Avoca in w From Alvo correspondence of same paper. Wm. Klimke has sold his property the north part of town to Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. Klimke and family ill move to Murdock where lie has property. .Sunday morning as the 9:5.j train was standing at the depot, an old gentleman got off the cars and when the train started, weut to get on again but made a misstep and jumped be tween two cars. He had hold or the bandies on the car and by the aid of Conductor Terry and his brakeman he was saved from a horrible death, if had not held to the cars with his bands be would surely have been horri- ilv mangled. As It was his clothes were nearly tarn off of him. Special Correspondence. Geo. Rowland transacted business at Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Itankin was on the sick list a few days this week. James McAllister, of Dunbar, was in Avoca Sunday. F. M. Copes and family, of Palmyra, was visiting Ora E. Copes and wife Monday. Miss Anna Langhorst is in Elmwood. I). Steffens made a trip to Lorton, Monday evening returning Tuesday morning. Otto Brooks spent a few days this week at Weeping Water. Joseph Malcolm made a business trip to Manley Tuesday. Mrs. G. Buss is numbered among the sick. Mrs. Henry Maseman is under the doc tor 'sea re. Wm. Morleymade a trip to Weeping Water Tuesday. Henry Euschoff came down from Lincoln Tuesday for a few days visit with friends. Mr. Jones, of Syracuse, was here Tuesday visiting his son. For Style, Quality, Fit, Finish and Fabric These Ganr.Es are Unequalled. Line Includes the Best Makes in America. The These Clearing Sale Prices will be 1-3 to 1-2 Less Than Usual Quotations. Rare Chance to Buy Best Clothing at a Big Saving. S00 Pairs of Pants to be Closed Out at $1.00 These pants are well made, in gray checks ad mixtures, in strictly ail wool cassimere, worth $2.00 nn and $2.50; closing sale price.. 01 UU 750 Pairs Men's Odd uit Pants at $1.50 These pants are left from our $12.50 and $15.00 suits, where coats and vests have been sold senarate: Jk they are all in the & if I 50 at latest styles and fa brics: cheviots, serg es, and eassimeres, fancy worsteds and black clav worsteds. none worth less S3. 00 closing out sale price. Men's Overcoats $6.75 Genuine all wool melton overcoats of the best quality, in brown and oxford pray: medium and full lengths; sizes 34 to 50; all lined with a fine Italian cloth body lining, best Skinner satin sleeve lining and well tail ored throughout: none of these over coats worth less than $10.00 and up to f I.OO sale price only Overcoats to Close Out at $10. These overcoats come in kersej-s, 6 75 beavers, vicunas, and cheviots; they come in black, blue, oxford gray and brown mixtures; all lined with a fine serge body lining; Skinner satin sleeve lining and well tailored throughout; worth up to $1S; sale price Q QQ Genuine all Wool Melton Suits Of the very best qualitj, in brown and ox ford gray, in round or square cut sack styles, single or double breasted, i n regulars, stouts slims and extra sizes, all lined with fine Ital ian cloth and handsomely fin ished, worth up to $12.50, sale price 6 75 c a y To Close Out At $10 we of fer over 50 dif ferent patterns to select from. The best styles and colors in fancy cheviots, worsteds, serges, fancy worsteds and unfinished worsteds, in Scotch plaids, brown mixtures, plain colors and stripes, all lined with the finest 6ersre linings and well tailored throughout, worth up to $18; If) flf) ..IU UU THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. CAPITAL STOCK $50 ooo 00 SURPLUS io 000 00 OFFICERS: CHAS. U. PAllMKI.K rilFSIDFNT J. M. l'ATTElISOX VICK-I'KFiSIDENT T. M. I'ATTEIiSOX CASIIIKR We Want Your Business. Low Rates West. Twenty-five dollars to Portland, Ta coma and Scat tie. Twenty-live dollars to Sun Francisco and Los Anyelos. Twenty-rvvo dollars and lift y cents to Spokane. Twenty dollars to Salt Lake City, Uutte and Helena. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other points, including Horn Hasin, Wyoming, Montana, Ida ho, Washington, Oregon, III it ih Col umbia, California, etc. Every day from February I'th to April :oth. Tourist cars daily to California. I 'c rsonal ly coi i d net ed cxci i rsion 1 1 1 ree times a week. Tourist cars daily lo Seattle. Inquire of W. L. Pickett, Platts mouth, or nearest Purlinton Koute agent. E59 Time Table JIUM Plattsmouth. Neb. Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago, St. Joe, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. Denver, Helena, liutte, Portland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. Trains Leave as Follows: X.. .: to r llioJuiH ilon ttrn No. 4 -Ivx-al expri-hx. ditlly. all points ettst itnu south 10:00 a,n No. .')') - Freight, dally except tunday, to I'.ifllir .liuii'tlori Dr. Marshall, block. dentUt, Fit zo raid astonishing value at only. IIAYDEII BROS. NEW SPRING CLOTHING IS HOW READY For your inspection. Not a handsomer showing1 has ever been made in dependable, stylish garments. It will pay you to visit Omaha to do your spring trading. Hayden Bros, show complete varieties in all lines, and you are suie to find what you want and save money. Get Haytfsn's Prices. UiU ycsrsslf it ksse at Hayden Bros, when in Omaha. 1 6th and Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPFLY HOUSE Crsltc Hew Post Cflks OMAHA i Thousands Saved By DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY This wonderful medicine posi tively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. & SI. Trial bottle free. No. 20- ,-al to I'.u-jh,; Juriftlon.. No. 2- Ixx-al express, to Iowa point. Chicago :t!iu the east No. 10-FitM. ixpr..-ss. ditlly. from Un roln to St. .loM-ph. Kansas City, JxmiIs. Chicago, and all pulnu t?at and south . No. ly-Ixx-al express, dally. Omaha, l.lnr-oln. Ix-nvt r and lnterrn-dlale stations 2:40 phi :4 ptil 4:33 ptn 8 :-? put No. 27 Ix-al express to Omaha. vi Ft. Crook utid South Omaha, dally -xc pt Sunday , :S4 am No. :"J - lM-al frelBht. to Cedar Cm-k ulsville and South Ilend. rfn- am lul except Sunday Missouri Pacific Time Table TRAINS OOIN'fl NOItTII. No. 1 5.37 am No. 17 5.40 pro Tit A INS OOINO SOUTH. No. 2 No. 122, local freight. .... . No. 18 .11.31 pni . 7.35 am 10.45 tnu :40 am No. 7-Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and Lincoln 2:12 pus No. C-Through vestlbuled expre fop all points east, No. 3-Vestlbuled ex press, dally, lKi- ver. all points In Colorado.' Utah and California 'i 3:33 p, . No. 13 -Lincoln. Grand Inland. Black Hills. Montana and Pacific oorti - west. it - ' ' No. 33-IcalexpreM.IxuUrllle.'Ah- land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dafly ex cept Sunday No. 20 From Omaha.. Sleeping, dlnlnjr and wcllnlmr claP ri, (seat free) on through t rain. Tlckvt nnd bajfirage checked to any point U . i United Statu or Canadt't. For information, time tables, ntana .nl tickets call on or writ to W. U Ftckett. local agent. I'latumoutn. VeU. or J. Vrancl uZu. u iuUnu I. ft. Wpm :47ftm ir b - 4 V V J ;.r