The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1902, Image 8

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v i
fxin i n e
A. G. Bach
& Co.,
Dealers in
Groceries of
Every Variety
and Best Grades.
Best Grades of
Flour and
Cured Meats...
Cash paid for
Country Produce
to anv
of the
Phone 236
The Up-to-Date
Here you can get anything
kept at a first-class grocery
store, and at prices to suit the
times. Finest line of
(Canned 6oods
on the market. Don't fail to
call on them for anything in
the grocery line. Everything
fresh from the markets.
H CftFFFY. 3
Removing of Household Goods a
Specialty. Also, Heavy
New Suit
Leave your measure
prarK TeElroy
After having selected a suit from
the nice samples of goods
just received.
Same Old Stand
Over Sherwood's Shoe Store
Ropalrlng Cleaning
And Get a Good Ono
In his Elegant Booze.
vmmeT Red Front
o hold vei
i wouidVCila Street V
Weeping Water
From the Herald
Tracy Leyda has purchased the
north-east quarter section of the Ed
Tighe farm paying for It t7J per acre.
...The work on the Methodist church
will probably be discontinued until
spring as the weather is too cold foi
spreading mortar. . . .Owing to a scarci
ty of cars the elevators here hare beeu
loaded to the brim with corn and un
able to receive any more for a few
days.... Dr. J. B II ungate received
his commission Thursday, from the
governor, appointing his assistant sur
geon of the First Nebraska, with rank
of First Lieutenant.... Mrs. . HaTtle
Rector, of Arapahoe, June's Rector of
Ulysses, Byron o Havelock, Simeon,
Olen and HlSt'Lena of Lincoln, were
In attendance at the funeral of Samuel
Rector. ... Dan Bourke has purchased
of John Tighe the elevator he had at
Springfield. We were in hopes that
Dan would get Into something a little
closer to Weeping Water, but he says
he will be here Saturday nights
Miss Bertha Richey returned to Platts
mouth Friday, accompanied by Marion
Dickson. She left the measle boy here
to recover, and took Marion over so
that when be took the disease it
wouldn't Interfere with Mrs. Dick
son's trip to Plattsmouth to spend the
From the Republican.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orris Drum,
a daughter, Monday, December 15,
1002. . . .Cards are out announcing the
marriage of Mr. Will Holden to Miss
Maud Teodorskl at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B W.
Teodorskl, of Louisville, at high noon
on Christmas day... Mr. Calvin Rus
sell sustained a serious fall last Wed
nesday, and hap been confined to his
bed ever since. Mr. Russell has been
feeble for a number of years and this
fall has been a great shock to his
system.... Cbas. Gilmore did a little
canvassing among our citizens this
week in the Interest of his electric
light plant, and met with favorable
success wherever be called, lie says
that if he can now make satisfactory
terms with the manufacturers in the
purchase of the plant, he is ready to
go ahead and put in the machinery.
....G.H.Olive came near having a
serious fire last Friday evening at their
home on the south side. Mrs. Olive
struck a match and the head flew off,
setting fire to the fringe on a sofa,
which was soon all ablaze. It took
some quick work on the part of Mr.
and Mrs. Olive to extinguish the
flames. The loss was estimated to be
20 fully insured.... A young Kansan
claims to have shucked 126 bushels of
corn in six hours and eleven minutes.
The work was done on a wager of $50
a side between himself and a fellow
laborer, with f 10 added by the owner
of the corn. If this Kansas champion
will come up here we will put Roe
Berryman up against him.
From the Ledger.
Ray DuBois and wife and Theo. Du
Bols and wife arrived Tuesday even
ing from Unadilla to attend the f une
ral of their cousin, the late Hiram Du
Bols.... Attorneys II. D. Travis and
D. O- Dwyer were down from Platts
mouth yesterday, settling up the
Brendel-Uilmore controversy InJ ustice
LaRue's court. . . The change of post
masters took place on Monday, at
which time Will DuBois began
writing a big "p. m." after his name
and selling stamps at the same old
price. lie is already familiar with
the work, and handles it in good
shape.... J. W. Gerking of Fairpiay,
Missouri, has been here the past two
weeks with bis daughter, Miss Beile,
who has been very ill with typhoid
fever at M. H. Shoemaker's. Mr.
Gerking resided near here several
years, and has many friends who are
very glad to meet him again.... Tne
case of Brendel vs. Gilmore, a suit to
recover the sum of $55, alledged to be
due on account, was on trial In
J ustice LaRue's court on Thursday ot
last week, and was adjourned for one
week. Yesterday the plaintiff filed a
dismissal of the suit, and thus the
matter ends.... The Missouri Pacific
officials Inform us that plans have
been drawn for additional tracks at
this place, one of which will be a pass
ing track 2,600 feet in length, but will
not be put in until spring. Early in
the spring the old depot is to be
raised and put in good shape and
other substantial improvements will
be made about the railroad property.
From the Leader-Echo.
Drsl Iseely and Muir. of Alvo, op
era ted on the two-year-old girl of
Charles Ingerson, Tuesday for stran
gulated hernia ...The Plattsmouth
telephone exchange commenced doing
business Monday morning with 35
phones la operation. Telephone cards
will be out in a few days. ... At time
of roles to press Mr. Gamble's little
girl, who was operated on Sunday, is
dolus well and there is a good chance
for her recovery. John iiauer, tne
ipan Who lost his leg In a corn sneller
accident, is also doing splendid
Drsv Heely and Bobannao, of this
place, and Dr. Cameron, of palmyra.
ODented on Bertha U am Die, tne six
veav-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Gamble, Sunday afternoon, for
abdominal tumor, removing a tumor
wcl-inns four rounds. The little gir
did feot conpiiln of feeling badly un
til WrfrrrT fc wetx, beluj
la it tz cf fcisltt pricx to that
ins; era to ui cucn
until Sunday. The patient stood the
operation as well as could be expected,
but Is very low at time of writing,
Monday. Her condition was very
serious, the tumor being almost in a
gangrenous state, in spite of the fact
that she had then complained but a
few days.
From tbo Courier.
Miss Annie Sbermrn Is getting along
cicely and is now able to sit up....
Jim Williams and family and Mrs.
Julius Ragoss went to Oklahoma
Tuesday to visit friends and relatives.
. Dr. Schilder, the dentist has gone
to Blair where he will practice bis pro
fession. He was a good dentist, but
didn't find business as good as be de
sired. He accepted a position at tl50
per month The M. W. A. lodge
elected the following officers Friday
evening: V. C, S. A. Morrison; W.
A., J. A. Dawson; Banker. H. E.
Pankonin; Clerk, J. I. Woods; Escort,
L. C. Scott; Watchman, C. F. Rath-
bun; Sentry, J. M, Delezene; Manager,
W. C. Lrsey; physicians, Dr. Teters
and Worth man What came near
being a serious accident happened at
the quarry Tuesday. Some dynamite
took to exploding without any appar
ent cause. George Waldron threw
some of it out of the office in time to
save his life. As it was the office was
torn to pieces, but fortunately no one
was badly hurt. No one knows what
made it go oil The election for a
new school house has been postponed
until January C, 1903. All voters
should be out and vote for what Is
the best interests of the district.
Remember you must have been assess
ed in 1002 either real or personal
property or else have children of
school age. A wife has no right to
vote because her husband owns pro
perty nor has a husband a right to vote
because his wife is a property owner.
From the Register.
Edgar Mark holds the champion
ship on killing jack rabbits. He
killed four Tuesday R. B. Stone
and wife from near Murray were visit
ing relatives and friends at this place.
Sylvester Shanklin and wife de
parted Tuesday night for Hicksville,
Ohio, to visit relatives and friends.
..A couple of young men from
Sweden, by the name of Johnson, ar
rived in Xehawka (Wednesday and
went to work at the quarries They
are both sons of Peter Johnson
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Albin on
Thursday, December 11th, 1902, a son;
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lyle, on
Wednesday December 17th, a son nine
pounds; to Mr. and Mrs. William
Ketch, on Thursday, December I8th,
a daughter; on Wednesday December
17, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Duclos,
a son, 12 pounds.
Maple Grove
Special Correspondence.
James Fleming was a Maple Grove
visitoi Thursday.... Those who at
tended the Schafer-Henninjre wedding
from this locality were: William Puis
and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gansemeier and
Alfred Gansemeier Mr. Julius
Bock, from Wyoming, visited with bis
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bock last
week.... Ernest Young left Sunday
morning for Lincoln, where he will
visit for a few days.... J. B. Cathey
has just completed a new cob house
which is a dandy .. Henry and August
Engelkemier visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Puis Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Egger, of Gage county, Nebraska,
were visiting with Mrs. Schafer and
family last week.... Christmas will
soon be here,' but no Christmas tree
for Maple Grove so we will spend our
Christmas in other towns.
From the News.
B. G. Wurl, of Wurl Bros., Platts
mouth, was here on business Satur
day.... Mr. and Mrs. J. S.Foster left
Monday for a two weeks visit with
friends in Tuama, Iowa. . . . W. F. and
E. E. Hartsook delivered 2,200 bushels
of wheat here last week of their own
raising. . . . Madame Bumor says there
will be several weddings in Greenwood
and vicinity before the new year be
gins Jack rabbits retail here at 15
cents a piece, which is cheaper than
beef at 15 cents a pound.... Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Farmer, four miles north
of town, celebrated their twentieth
wedding anniversary the 12th inst. . . .
The News printed cards this week an
nouncing the marriage of Miss Edith
Birdsall to Mr. J. G. Kimberley on
the 24th, and extend congratulations
to them Mrs. Wm. Armstrong will
have some spring chickens in advance
of her neighbors, she has a brood of
young chickens which were hatched
by one of her fine Plymouth rock hens
on the 15th of December In a bunch of
grass under a foot of snow, In the
orchard, where some boys hunting
rabbits found the hen and her little
chickens. This is the first time we
ever heard of chickens being hatched
In a snow drift.
FIsbt'CIU E? titter.
Those who will persist in closing
their ears against the continual
recommendation of Dr King's New
Discovery for consumption, will have
a long and bitter fight with their
troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal
termination. Jtte&a wrab x. a, ju-ux,
of Beall, Miss, has to say: "Last fall
my wife had every symptom of con
sumption. She took Dr. Klnz'a New
Discovery after everything el had
railed. Improvement came at cac
and four bottles entirely cured fc.
Ouartntesd by P. O. Fricta CsOo,
firr-rteU. PricaKcand CLCa TziU
. - -; -v
Tbo Cspsrtamat Storo Umu
In order to raise this amount
before January 1st, I invite my
city and country friends to call at
my store and get goods in the fol
lowing departments at almost their
own price:
Dry Goods, Groceries, Cloaks,
Millinery, Ladies' Dress and Golf
Skirts, Opera Shawls and Fasci
nators, Jewelry, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Rubber Goods,
Trunks and Valises.
I have just received a large
assortment of the latest style La
dies Belts and Hair Ornaments.
We are now selling goods in any
of the above departments regard
less of cost.
I have decided to continue the
following special sale for a few
10 yards LL muslin, worth 7c
a yard, for only ...39c
10 yards outing flannel for . . . 3 9c
2000 yards Torchon lace, worth 5c
yard, now goes at 1c
A full line of hosiery of all kinds
at a very low price.
Blankets and comforts at great
ly reduced prices.
A beautiful sample line of flan
nel waists at sample prices.
In Cloaks, Furs, Fascinators
and Opera Shawls our prices can
not be beaten.
We also carry a large line of
Shoes, Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens,
Hats and Caps.
In our grocery department we are
20 lbs Best Granulated
Sugar $1.00
Arbucles coffee at 10c package
Good fresh country lard 12c
Other goods in this department
at equally low prices.
We alwavs nav the hicrhest mar
ket price for all kinda of produce.
Don t Hiss this Opportunity. A word
to tbo wlso Is safflolmnt.
Tbo Dopmrtmont Storm lima.
Time Table
Plattemouth. Neb.
Lincoln. Omaha,
Denver, Helena,
Butte, Portland
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
Chicago, St. Joe,
Kansas City, St.
Louis and all
points East and
Trains Leave as Follows:
No. 34 Local to Pacific Junction 1 :3 am
No. 4 Local express, dally, all points
east and south 10:00 am
No. 30 Freight, daily except Sunday,
to Pacific Junction... 2:1 pm
No. 26 Local to Pacific Junction 4 :45 pm
No. 2 Local express, to Iowa points.
Chicago and the east 4:32 pm
No. 10 Fast express, daily, from Lin
coln to St. Joseph, Kansas City, St.
Louis. Chicago, and all points east
and south.: 8:27 pm
No. 19 Local express, dally, Omaha,
Lincoln. Denver and Intermediate
stations. 7:54 am
No. 27 Local express to Omaha, via
Ft. Crook and South Omaha, dally
except Sunday 10:10 am
No. 29 Local freight, to Cedar Creek,
Louisville and South Bend, daily
except Sunday 7:10 am
No. 17 Local, Pacific Junct. to Platts
mouth. 11 :10 am
No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and
Lincoln.. 2:12 pm
No. Through vestlbuled express for
all points east, 7:23 am
No. 3 Vestlbuled express, dally, Den
ver, all points in Colorado, Utah
and California 3:33 pm
No. 13 Lincoln! Grand Island. Black
Hills. Montana and Pacific north
west..... ; 10:28 pm
No. 33 Local express. Louisville. Ash
land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dally ex
cept Sunday 3:50pm
No. 20 From Omaha. 3:47 am
No. 9 Local Pacific Junction to
Plattsmouth 5:25 pm
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the
united states or uanaaa.
For information, time tables, maps and
tickets can on or write to w. u. i-icKett, tocai
agent, Plattsmouth. Neb., or J. Francis, gen
eral passenger agent. Omaha, Nab.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. t ......5.37 am
No. 17 5.40 pm
No.t. 11.34 pm
No. 122, local freight 7.35 am
No. 18...... ... 10.45 am
fcacral ftecfc ml
tared ay
rcmr s. crrr ca..
tec stock yards, Urr uaks ssd I
1 r fn)
I Li IJi Id J H
IN LOOKING -FOR FURNITURE don't forget that it pays
.-r ann Ittfnicfl WrtllT hmito lift r 1. clltlnff AJ
yuti TTaub .vi iui in.., j w w,
i i v : t
rccurus ui viiicis vaiuc? in luiuiiurc oy selling u '
Parlor buits
Two-piece mahogany finish par
lor suit with double shaped
back, silk damask upholstering.
very highly pol
ished, regular .
nrlnA CIA flA
for.:.::...:... a.iw
Three-piece pallor suit, finished
in mahogany, white line inlaid,
eovered in figured tapestry bro
i uipeairy oro
cade, in all new
patterns, price
Three-piece mahogany parlor
suit, upholstered in fine quality
of silk tapestry, beautiful de
sign of crotch mahogany, in
black panels, with hand pol
un nana poi-
ished finish,
Music Cabinets
Solid oak music cabinets, with
five shelves for music, panelled
lie, paneueu
door on front,
carved center
piece, very
neat design
Mahogany finished music "cab
inet, highly finished, - with rod
at top for curtain, stand on
Bi&nu on
French legs, and
is one of
the best
We have a very complete line of
music cabinets In all the different
kinds of wood and finishes; a No
pianola cabinets, at the very lowest
It Is Time to Buy Now
A big line of Irish Point. Brussels
and Point de Arabe lace
curtains, all new pat
terns, worth up to
$7.50, for
Fine real lace in Brussels,
Duchess, Point de Ire
land, Point Arabe
and Chinas, worth
$12.50, for
1 Shiverick Fum'turc
Allopathic Physician and
Office over Dovey's Store. Night calls
at office.
Plattsmouth Telephone No. 250
Rooms 8, 9, 10 and 11, Waterman, Block,
Waterman Block
Plattsmouth ,
Plans. Phones gce
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that
fit. 28 years experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fitzgerald Block.
Telephone No. 8 or 47
V Abstracts of Title V
JI?oma5 Uallip.
OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, countv Court
Cass County, f83- mwumytoun.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph Kalasek,
fUotice Is hereby Riven that the creditors
1 of said deceased will meet the adminis
tratrix of said estate, .before me. County
Judge of Cass County. Nebraska, at the Coun
ty Court room in Plattsmouth in said county,
on the 29th day of January. A. D.. 1903. and
on the ffith day of June. A. I)., 1903, at 10
o'clock a. m.. each day. for the purpose of
Jiresenting their claims for examination, ad
ustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year lor tne administratrix to settle saia
estate, from the 27th day of December, 1902.
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, at P.attsmouth, Nebraska, this 1st day
of December. 1902. J. K. Douglass
IsealI Oouaty Judge.
This slgnatora la on very bos of tbe genuine
we remedy that
This wonderful m.'oirj ped
Vvzij care Ccntsrnpsn, Ctecci?
ncr.La, l!y Fever, Hrjry, Lo-
Crcup V-cpir Cc-v
- uu-iu'uaic cat i
i ii? L) 1 am
It Is
f Bottled in Bond
' Jfiil,ni.fiO(lteiiiir
The next thing to do after the honey
moon, is to go to
"The Old Reliable"
Furniture Dealer.
and fit yourselves out for house
keeping. Everything in the house
furnishing line at the very lowest
Largest Stock in the'City.
A. H. Weekbaeh&Co.; J
keep all First-Class Groceries and Canned Goods.
Everything in the Provision Line and Sea
sonable Goods. Their Stock is. always
Fresh from the Markets.
to come to us if
mm mo
are breaking all
mjj - -
c..: vf ci r. ftn
uui. iu
Polld quartered oak davenports,
upholstered with best grades of
It. R. plush, with imperial
wun imperial
springs, edge and.
seat covering
plain, price
$35.00, for...
Mahogany finished davenports,
with spring seat, upholstered
back and arms with fine grades
of verona velour upholstering
x fine grades
and beautiful de
sign, claw feet,
price $30.00,
We also have a. full line of
bed davenports, such as can be
used twenty-four hours a daju
the year round and impossible
to toll them from the ordinary
davenport, at the very lowest
possible prices.
Ladies' Desks
Solid quartered oak desk, made
very substantial with drop
lear support, nicely
finished, regular
Drlrn if. f.fl
for...::::: "vii
TM.-ino f)nlhd quartered oak ladles'
d-lc, one larae drawer. Krnch da-
l5ri let, nlcfly carved decorations
I deci
rront, good
size whMi oim'ii
and vt;' "oiii-
iKUlar mice
lio.oo for
One of tbo beat ladlaa' dks evsT
offered. French I'sjcs with claw feet,
fine carving- In center of drop leaf,
the head forms the null for tha
orawer, very
complete and
finely finished,
Time to Buy Now
A, nil
Bt-at quality 8-3x10-6 and
Avaiinster rii8. all
the new patterns
to select from
Best quality 8-3x10-6
Bigelow Imperial
rugs, worth
$45.00. for
ShlVerick Furniture Co.
e er w mr werwy wwee
tn tbc JCnM
Poor Whisky ih not only dis
agreeable to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how good it is,
como in and try it.
Guckenheimer Rye, per gallon... $4 00
Yellowstone, " " ... 4 00
Honey Dew, " 44 ... 3 00
Blir Horn. ' ... 2 00
Thiei - olf,
Tr AfTTA lr?-rr