ft It.. ARTIE HELPS... H THE PLACE School Supplies, Imorted Chinaware, And Novelties of all Kinds. l-ilst IH.ks Out, y the Most Eminent Authors, Fancy Stationery, Ktc, Ktc. Tor cordial treatment, Rood and low prices this i headquarters. Watch for his new stock of Holiday Goods, which will arrive soon. ..O..W-V5-.tV ii S . uv'iA THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY, PLATTSMOUTH. NED. Capital Stock $50 000 00 Surplus 9000 00 WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. OFFICERS: ("HAS. C. PAKMELR. President. J. M. PATTEKMON. Vl. e-Fr.-Hld. nt. T. M. I'ATTEIWON. Casliicr. SS Throw away that old lead iencil that never has a ( point on it when you want to use it. Be up-to-date and use a W v 0 h ParHer "Luclty Curve" Fountain Pen Saves both time and trouble. Wc have a full lineof them from Si. 50 up. Ask for them. JEWELERS... SNYDER it 8 8 & CO.. OPTICIANS... fti A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Foueveiu Why not makeyour home a beauty. I wfi: Vtv K two coats or lv ' V;i;tTns Hvnniif 'fiiTem rCTtr?rtTnliiiT VfT4 : niLLCiin. r I I 1 CUA4B(TIED- TO CUTWLi STCnYFUE W LEAD and OIL RY AT LEAST 50PH f F.WT The Plattsmooth Journal l'UULISIIKD WKKKLY AT PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Ii. A. AND T. U. liATKS, rriu.isiiKUH. SUBSCRIPTION One year si .00 Six months 50 Three months 25 Invariably In advance. Entered at the ptrntoffl lit Flattamoutb. Ne braHka. an Sfcondclass biatter. THURSDAY, OCTOHKIi 9, 1902. FUSION STATE TICKET. For Jovernor, WM. II. THOMPSON, ( lom. ) of Hall County. Lieuteiiant-fiovernor, K. A. (jILHKIIT, ( I'op.) f York Omnty. JOHN J-OWKHS, tl'op.) 'f Hitchcock County. niair .vniiiuir, C. Q. Dk FIIANCK, (Fop.) of Jeirersrn County. state Treasurer, J. X. LYMAN, (I'op.) of Adams Counts'. Attorney-ijeneral, JEFFERSON II. liKOADY, (Dem.) of Lancaster County. Com'r Public Lands and Huildinps, J. C. JiUENNAN, (Dem.) of Douglas County. State Supt. of Schools, CLAUDE SMITH, (Fop.) of Dawson County. For Congress, If. H. HANKS, (Dem) of Otoe county. ueo. m. SriHi-cxK. republican candidate for iloat representative, stands charped with not accounting for fees received by him for marriage ceremonies perlormed by him while county judge. Will he explain why he did not? The people demand that lie do so. -FOB SALE BY- F. Q. Fricke & Co. i et congressman Hurkett has not accepted, or even shown courtesy enougn to decline the challenge of hi competitor, jion. ji. j. Hanks. The longer he postpones answering, the less Hie people of the iirst district will know alout his career in congress. A man who is afraid to meet an oppo nent in a friendly discussion of the is sues, is not the proper person to repre sent a people in the halls of contrress. Ox Thursday night of last week the socialists of the iirst congressional district met in mass convention in Lincoln Thursday evening, October 2, and nominated Mr. Chris Christensen, of Plattsmouth for congress. The congressional committee, is composed of A. A. Carlson and Chas. Martin of this city, and Chas. Mangon of Brock. It's Up to You, tlr. SpurlocR. While serving as Judge of Cass county, did you render any statement or account of fees collected by you for performing marriage ceremonies? PreHous to jour Incumbency, did not Judge Ramsey render an account of all fees collected by him. Including thrise received for performing cere monies? Is not the present incumbent, Judge Douglass, doing the same? Then, by what authority did you retain such fees without rendering any account of the same to the tax payers of the county? It may be all right for you to do so, Mr. Spurlock, but then it is due the people of Cass county that you explain why. The salary of county judge is lixed at l,foo per annum, and the in cumbent is bound by law to render an account of all fees collected by him. Did you do this while you held that position? If not. why not, Mr. Spur lock? It's up to you, Mr. Spurlock. PEPPERBEHG'S 'BUBS THE IDEAL J FIVE CENT CIGAR.! iK'It.'louH aroma. IVrfwt burner, l'usltive ly the ijesu No first-Class retailer should tie without lVpperberK'g Buds. They are tho bet Main St. - - Plattsmouth.! w Will He Tell tbe People? The Fowler currency bill embodies all t he iniquitous features of the old wildcat banking plan. It provides for bank notes issued on bank assets, for branch banks, for retirements of the greenbacks, and for making silver dollars redeemable in gold on demand of the holder. It is the foundation stone of a bankers' trust. The Fowler bill has been recommended for passage by the republican majority of the house committee on banking and currency. Mr. Hurkett is now engaged in his canvas for a re-election to congress. He is soliciting votes asking the people of the first congressional dis trict to return him, and yet there are many questions of vital importance to his constituents upon which they do not know where to find him. One of these questions is the Fowler cur rency bill. The people have a right before casting their votes to know just exactly where he stands. At present he maintains a discreet silence. We ask the readers of the Journal if tins is not cowardly, nave the cour age, Mr. Iiurkett, to come out pub licly and say what you will do if called upon to vote on the Fowler bill. Mr. Hanks says he will vote against it if elected; now what do you intend to do? Speak out, like a man. The people love a man who stands up and defends or condems a measure he is for or against. V Abstracts of Title V TI?oma5 Ualli. OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block. H. I. TKAV. ATTOUX EY-AT-IjA V KoOms k. !t. Hi am 11. Watkkman, 15mm k. ri-ATTS.Mol'TII. NEBRASKA. NKI1HAHKA TM.KPIIO.NK. '.OrFICK HO. B3. I KKMDENCK. 4. W. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. OFFICE: Plattsmouth, Waterman Block Nebraska I'latta. iPhonrs DR. M. JENSEN VETERINARIAN The Only Graduate of Veterinary Medicine In Cass County. WEEIMXU WAT El I. - NEBRASKA MARSHALL, .IiENTIST... All kinds of iK'iital work. 1'Iates made that nt. 2i years ex ierience. Trices reasonable. work guaranteed. OFFICE I'lTZ(iKHAl.! Ill.04'K. Tl.l.KI'HONK No. 3 OH 47 , Cass County Democrats. While there seemed to be consider able lukewarmness in the county convention last Thursday, and a feel ing among those whom the party friends desired to place upon the ticket, that to accept the nomination was an empty honor, it is the Journal's honest opinion that there were men suggested for places that should have The convention also adopted a piat-J consented to nomination without a :orm epqorsing the unity conrciitfoni.fnimDer Aneir names woum nave at. maianapblis m 1H)1, and the state platform adopted at Omaha last September. Side WalK Notice. NO I ICE is hereby jjiven thai the Mayor and l,ity Council ot t he city of I'lattsmouth. enraska. win sit as a iioard of etiiialiation. at nine o'clock p. in., on tbe 27tli day of ) tolier. 1!WJ. at the council chanilter in said city, to assess the cost of construct ion and repairing of side walks alonu and adjacent to the following deserllied proierty. to-wit: lfit two. bhu'k nine. O'Neil's addition to f lausinoiitli. East end of lots thlrty-eiifht and thirty-I nine, ami sout n side 01 lots thirty-six ana thirl . v -seven, in Wise's addition to Plaits-I inoutli. East end of lot eiirht v-four in Itllllnirs siyI- dition to I'lattsmouth; and lot seven in block one-hundred and forty-nine (14'J) in said city. The owners of said property are requested io snow cause, ii any. wny saia costs should not. Ije taxed against sahf property. M. -M. SOEXXICIISKS. F. .. AlOHfiAN. City Clerk. Mayor. DRUGGISTS A. G. Bach & Co., Dealers in G reveries of Every Variety and Best Grades. Oucensware, Best Grades of Flour and Cured Meats Cash paid for Cou n t ry Prod uce Goods Delivered to anv Part " of the City Plattsmouth Phone 236 X CALL tAT JAG HOUSE And Get a Good One NO HEADACHES In his Elegant Booze. The Red . Front 515 Alain Street PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA J0IN SCH1(1PP(1C(1SSE, The Old i:. liable Confectioner and Fruit Dealer has now in his era- P,oy a 1 Candy feM Maker, and is now furnishing his pat cki?. rons with the finest pSjqk1 of home-made can l'i; dies of the purest qualties, and wants his friends to give him a trial. His P4! place is also liead bS quarters for fruits of the choicest kind. r i ED. PITZGEKAID, PROPRIETOR OF Livery. Hack and Baggage Line MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goods a Specialty. Also, Heavy ; Draying. To Cure a Cold Jn One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. While George M. Spurlock is en gaged in addressing the voters of Cass and Otoe count ies would it not be just as well for him toexplain to the tax payers of Cass county why he did not account for fees received by him for performing marriage ceremonies? Do this, Mr. Spurlick; the people would be pleased to know by what authority youaoneso wnne serving as county jndge. They have a right to know and it will be no trouble for you to explain to them in your usual smooth manner. Is It Not So? When we get up in the morning and start a tire to warm the babies, we pay tribute to Hanna s coal trust. When we tiraw on our half cotton and half wool pants the cotton and wool com nine prices us. The leather trust squeezes our corns when we pull on our horse hide boots. We gaze through the glass trust when we look out upon cheap wheat llelds. The infant tin trust plays a merry tune on the milk pail. At the breakfast table the iron trust makes our iron spoons, knives and forks heavy, but we season our appetite by a contribution to the salt trust. We sweeten the bitter pill with a contribution to thesugar trust. We add zest to the flagging appetite by a bite of the fruit trust and grease it with the meat trust. At the close of our trusty meal, still trusting in the administration's trust made prosper ity, we take a sip at the coffee trust Ail day Jong, in the belds and oy the fireside, we are trusted. When death claims us the coflin trust gets the last kick at us, and such is the "strenuous life." Ain't this a fact? Judge Broady. Many Nebraskans, says the World Herald, will remember J. D. Calhoun. for a long time the editor of the Lin coln Herald. On one occason. referriner to Judge J. II. Broady, fusion nominee for attorney general, Mr. Calhoun wrote: "Beneath his modest and unassum ing exterior. Judge Broady possesses a brain of perfect clearness, a heart as true as steel, and a soul as honest as sunshine. He is a man of keen percep tion, of solid conviction, of dauntless courage, of perfect courtesy, of su preme fidelity, or entire trutn, and with the grace of tender kindliness and fellowship." Sometimes newspaper eulogies of public men are undeserved, but we think it safe to say that everyone who las the pleasure of Judge Broady's ac quaintance will agree that in this fine tribute to one of the best lawyers and one of the most courteous gentlemen n Nebraska, Mr. Calhoun did not ex- agerate in the least. added strength to the belief that the democratic party had more than a fighting chance for success. It is true, however, that Cass county is considered to be republican by from 300 to 400 majority, yet the political situation and the issues before the people this year wjll have a tendency to strengthen the democratic part' to some extent, and the undercurrent that is at work may be the means of adding many republican votes on the side of democracy. One noticiable feature of the present campaign is the very strong feeling in the republican party against trusts. Men who have been life-long protec tionists are now seriously considering what is to be done with the giant aggregations of wealth that are, now swallowing up all the smaller inde pendent avenues of trade. It has begun to dawn on some here tofore party-blinded republicans that it is only a question of time till all the business of the country will be con trolled by one giant concern, which, like the octopus, after having firmly twined its arms about the body of its victim, slowly eats the very life and existence out of it. It has also been brought to the view of many republi cans that the party with which they have affliliated so long is responsible for this condition of affairs, and that the leaders of that orgainization have gone so far in legislating in the interest of these gigantic combines, to with draw their mnuence woum mean elimination to them and a retirement of the republican party from power, There are many republicans in Cass county today men who have been almost life long in the party traces who are not in the habit of howl ing their sentiments from housetops- men who are well posted on the issues that confront the people that are thinking seriously of casting their lot with the democrats this year. The situation, politically is in no wise discuraging to the democrats of Cass county, and, as above stated, the Journal is of the opinion that there were men proposed in the convention who could have headed the ticket nominated and carried it trimphantly to victory, without the loss of a single man upon it. Significant. The New York Sun (republican) feels constrained "as a responsible ob server of events of importance in this country" to report as follows: "The immediate effect of President Roosevelt's proposition for a consti tutional amendment conferring upon the general government the control of corporations is toward consolidating and reinspiring the democratic party and splitting the republican party." Wall Paper at Gering &Co's. Sheriffs Sale. DV VIKTniiK Ob- AN ALIAS EXKCII-J-J tion. issued by Ueorce K. Ilousevorth. clerk of Hie district eouru within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on Thm lOtb day of Novmmbmr, A. D.. 1902. at 10 o'clock a. ni.. of said dav at the Kmith uoor 01 me court House in the city or Flat ts- dioiuii. in saia countv. sen at duuuc auction. to the hi); best bidder for casb. tbe following reai esiaie lo-wu : ixts one ana two (1 and U) in miock n ve (. in me village of Cedar I reek. Cass County. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise appertaining. The same iH-in-j levied upon and taken as the pro perty of Mrs. Menzie IJoedecker. defendant, to satisfy a. judgment of said court recovered by Charles 11. ltoedeker. plaintiff, againsi said defendant. I'lattsinoiith. Nebraska. Oetolier 6th. A. D.. I!ii JOHN I. MrRKIIlK. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska, Sheriffs Sale. TDY I In UK OF AN OUDEK OF SALE - Issued by George F. lloiisewortb. clerk of the Oistrict Court withlnand for Cass uhiiii.v. .-senrasKa. anu to rue directed, 1 will on Tbe 28th Day of October. A. D. 1902. at lOo clock a. m. of said day. at the south uoor oi ine court House, in the City of Platts mouth. in said countv. sell at llllliile HlwtW.n to the highest bidder for casb. the following real estate, to.wit: Lots one to nine inclusive anu eleven to twenty-four inclusive in block one ill: lots ten to sixteen inclusive aiirl w and lots 24 to 5!i inclusive in block two (2); lots six to seventeen inclusive and nineteen to twenty-six inclusive in block three (3); lots ontr io mm; iiii-iusive ana eleven to twenty six inclusive in blx-k four (4); lots one to four inclusive and seven and eight, and eleven to iweiu -iix inclusive in block live (5); lots one losix inclusive ana eleven to twenty-six in clusive in block six ti): lots one to twnntu.dv inclusive in block seven (7): lots one to twenty-six inclusive in block eight (); lots one to twenty-six inclusive in block (!); lots one to rigmeeii inclusive and twenty to twenty-six inclusive in block ten lti); lots one to twenty six inclusive in block eleven (11); lots one to twenty-six inclusive in block twelve (li); lots one and two aud six to twenty-six inclusive in iiiock uiiricen ti.tj: lots one to twenty-six inclusive in block fourteen (14): lots one to twenty-six inclusive in Diock fifteen, all in Kiehie Place Addition to Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privil eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging ji in .iuj n.coijiidiuiuB. x ne same ueinit levied upon and taken as the property of rarim-rs huiik. oi .iercersourg. et. al., ueiena ants to satisfy a judgment of said Court re covered by the County of Cass, plaintiff. uiiiusi saiuueienuants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. September 25th. A. JOHN I). McBRIDE. Sheriff of Cuss County. Nebraska. JksseL. Root. Plaintiff's Attorney. A. H. Weekbaeh&Co., Leading Grocers Keep all Kirst-Class Groceries and Canned Goods. FRESH VEGETABLES AND ICvery Morning. BERRIES. Telephone 54. Waterman Block. The next tiling to do after the honeymoon, is to tfo to PEARLWAN, The Old Reliable" Furniture Dealer. and fit yourselves out for house keeping. Everything in the house furnishing line at very W 'piS? ,mvesl l,rIl0S- Largest Stock in the City. 1 dens' Fail s2 Suits and Ouorcoato If you intend buying a New Suit or Overcoat this fall, it will pay you to see us before you purchase. You not only have the advantage of a new stock to select from, but we will give you more style, better fabrics and better fit than you can get elsewhere and charge you no more than you've been paying for the ordinary kind. Rfens' Suits, $5 to $25. Mens' O'coats, 05 to 030. Lb Everything that is New and Correct in Hats ant Furnisftirjp, . w Mif DIE i!$ I1AYDEN It Pays to Trade In Omalt' . BROS, offer unlimited varieties t KfWt fiom. The newest choicest, and best productions bought direct for spot cash from the world's leading manufacturers on sale here. Make Yourself at Home at HAY DEN BROS, when in Omaha. Every accommodation free. Baggage checked free. We will do everything possible to make your stay in Om aha at any time as pleasant and profitable as possible. One fare for the round trip to Omaha and return on all railroads to the Christian Church Convention from O '' ber 16 to 23. This will be a good chance to visit Om.dia. Sales will be at their height and the city at its best. Visit 1 Iayden Bros. Grand Furniture Sale Over SQ8.000 worth of Fur niture Jn this preat tale at from 33 i to 5') mmmm Sheriffs Sale. VIKTUE OF AN OHDFIt OF sat.it viucu iv tvenrire v . HntiiiptrnM. n the District Court, within and for Cass county Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 27th day of October. A. D. 1902. at 10 o clock, a. m. of said day. at the South door of the court house. In the City of Platts mouth. in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: All of block one (1); lots ; lotsone to twenty-eight inclusive in block ?eMI1(i');iIo!ne, u twenty-eight inclusive in block eight (S); lots one to twenty-eight in clusive in block nine(!l-lot nna t. one inclusive and lot 23 in block ten (10)- lots one to seventeen inclusive and nineteen to iwemy-eigui inclusive in block eleven (Hi lots one to sixteen inclusive and twenty to twenty-three Inclusive nni t wcniv.n,., . I., t l..i , , 'J. t-VJ -c.s,.i ,u .iune id uiock twelve (12): lots one to 11 inclusive, thirteen to eighteen inclusive, twentv-four to twent v.irh ir,.i., I sive in block thirteen (13): lots one to seven inclusive, ten to tnirteen Inclusive, fifteen to nineteen inclusive, twentv-nn uiirlit InlnuIvAln K1MI. - r. . I " " .'- y v. iu uiuin luuneen 111 ; lots one to twenty inclusive, tvcmi.tirn .....,. eight inclusive in block fifteen f 151 : int. to rourteen inclusive, eighteen to twenty-one inclusive, twentv-three to t wt-nt v.io-i. elusive in block sixteen 16 ; lots one to four inclusive, ume vo nineteen inclusive- twnntv. v.i w tniiij-iiit, jiiLtuaneia uiuck seven teen 171 : lots one to eight inclusive, twelve to twenty-eight inclusive in block eighteen I: lots fifteen to twenty Inclusive, twenty six to twenty-eight inclusive in block nini. teen 1191. all in Vallerv Place Addition t. riiuisuiuuiu. tass countv. eiiraaUa I gether with the privileges and appurtenances Liicirunuj ueiuuging or in anywise appertain ing. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of M. A. White, et. 1 iruusuu io ssiisi v a luasrment or utin Cnm received by tbe County of Cass plaintiff. aftauisi saiu uciruuauts. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 25th, A. D. 19ucu .TXO. r. MrRRinr Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska. Jtj-Ms limrr, t'laimin 9 Attorney. Ier cent off i jjrular pricew. We nave bought the eamjdes and surplus stock of tome of tliM largest and best furniture manufacturers of Michigan and Wisconsin at from one-third to one-half factory price and we give our customers the benefit of these great bargains and an opportunity to secure the best grade of furniture at prices that are less than are usually asked for inferior goods. For the ben efit of our out-of-town customers we will ship any goods desired at prices named in this sale, and if not entirely satisfactory goods may be returned and we win reiunu money paid lor same, or lor tnose who expect to visit OmaL we will hold any furniture they may choose and eive them the privilege of ei Changing it ior other gooas wnen iney come to Omaha. a ex- 3-piece sult9 ?27.00 3-piece suits C32.0O 3-piece suits I.'JS.OO 6-piece suits 3o.00 5-piece suits $42.00 Divans $12.00 Divans flS.OO Coucho3, best velour cver f 6.00 Regular Sale Price Price Couches, best velour 41 - jj jtrr y y.UO ftoo'no Couche. best velour j.uu cover 114.00 S22.00 Couches, best velour HUM cover 118.00 f25.00 Leather couches 2.00 $ 6.85 Leather couches 131.00 $ 7.50 Leather couches S59.0Q Morris chair 115.00 $ 3.95'Morris chairs tlS.OO Regular Saia I'rice Price $ 5.00 I 8.00 til. 85 $18.75 23.0 131.00 t 7.50 t 1.75 Elegant Rockers in rich golden oak, every kind, every shape, at from one-third to one-half off regular prices. Corner chairs and odd pieces for parlor and sitting room at greatly reduced prices. In Kitchen and Dining Room Furniture we show a most complete as sortment and at most astonishingly low price. CABINKTS TAMI I- s! CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS, ETC., IS NEW EST DESIGN'S.' ' XA":'' In metal beds and bedroom furniture of every description we are dis playing the choicest and most varied stock ever put on Bale. The design and finish of these goods is most artistic. You can supply your wants in this sal at a saving of from one-third to one-half besides getting the very finest furni ture made. Get HAYDEN BROS, prices on OFFICE FURNITURE. KlAYDDEKl'mDaaDSa 16th and Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE CTSUtt Mew it Cffkt OUAHA