T Special Sale of a Traveling Man's Samples JUST RECEIVED AT Wm. Herold & Sons Consisting of Short and Long Collars, with and without tabs; Col larettes, Muffs, Etc., in all kinds and qualities of Furs Mink, Otter, Beaver, Seal, Monkey, Etc. The price at which we bought them enables us to sell them at Even Less than Factory Prices. Remember, that these being samples, selected to exhibit to merchants throughout the country, they are better than the usual run of Furs. 27-inch Cloaks, 42-inch Cloaks, Raglans Our line i3 still complete call now before the assortment is broken Blankets and Comfortables Just received a late purchase in this line of merchandise at prices from 25 to 33$ per cent les3 than prices that ruled early in the season a jobber to reduce stock before invoicing "let out" a lot to us at a gre.t reduction. In same purchase was included a lot of Underwear in Men's and Ladies'. You will find U3 headquarters in this class of goods, our prices can not be duplicated in the city we are confident. Mittens, 61oyes and Caps A bi;j shipm?nt of Factory Samples of Gloves, Mittens and Caps, nt one-half off regular wholesale prices, enables us to sell these good3 at one-half the usual retail price. Call and be convinced, as hundreds have in the past few weeks. mherold&sor 505-507 Alain Street. When You Buy Your CHRISTMAS CANDIES ASK FOR THE CELEBRATED BRANDS THE BEST A5D IDREST UNDIES MADE AH First Class Dealers Handle Voegele & Dinning's Fine Confections. Necktie DOLLS For Every Little Girl in Cass County m JJe will make his home at our store this year, a9 he says wo have the largest and best line in. town. All indications point to the largest trade in many years, so do not be one of the last to make your selection. Only a few days more until Christ mas. Come today, make your purchases, get it off your mind and have the satisfaction of knowing that you had first choice of The Largest and Grandest Assortment i I ! ii Prices way Down on These Goods Accordeons, Hollos. CuJtars, Mandolins JCS - Plattsmouth. Neb. PlLttsmoutK Fancy clocks at Crabill's. Castorla at Gering & Co's. Call for "Gut Ileil," 5c cigars. For sterling novelties Crablll has them. Elegant Christmas presents at Ger ing & Co's. Dr. W. B. Elster, Dentist, Water man Block. 'Gut IleU" cigars, 5c, home made, union made. Dolls of all kinds from 1c to 810.00 at Artie Helps'. A full line of everything in linings at "Wurl & Coffey's. All articles bought of Crabill are engraved free of charge. There is nothing like it. Continen tal whiskey, at Ed Donat's. Dr. W. II. Dearing was In the city on Tuesday and Wednesday. Come to Wurl & Coffey for your underwear, hosiery and tlankets. Remember that Crablll has the nicest assortment of rings in town. Call at Ed Donat's and try his twenty-one years old Continental whiskey. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling are the parents of a brand new boy baby. Ask your- friends why the Sattler Furniture company does the business? Cases 50c to $4.00 SANTA CLAUS has ARRIVED f v We are determined to make our atore the shopping place for even a greater number of people than patronized us last year. Assortments are larger, display space increased, stocks greater, and in every line the prices are uniformly lowest. Lehnhoff's m Beautiful Una of Brlng the Children to see the Toys China and Cut Glass Mel Kose Cream for chapped hands. Sold by Gering & Co. A. L. Cox, of Mynard, was In the city on Wednesday. Three hundred dress and golf skirts, 75c and up at M. Fanger's. If it is not an Eastman it is not a "Kodak." Gering& Co. special agents. Special discount of twenty per cent on Kodaks for Christmas at Gering & Co's. The highest price paid for country produce. Eggs 21c, lard 12c, at M. Fanger's. J. L Illtter arrived in town Wednes day evening for a visit with hisPlutts mouth friends. When looking for Christmas pres ents don't fall to visit Crabill's jewelery store. Remember the Department store has the largest line of cloaks and jackets in town. If its watches you are looking for Crabill has them. Both solid and gold filled in all sizes. T. J. Porter, of Murray, will leave on Tuesday for a visit at his former home In Virginia. The place to get the most goods for the least money is at M. Fanger'b Department store. The G. A. R. will hold their annual election of officers at their meeting on Saturday night. If you haven't tasted the Continen tal whiskey at Ed Donat's, you dont know what is good. . "Kodaks" from 80c up. and all guar anteed to make good pictures. Gering & Co. special agents. Mrs. C. Parkhill, of Chicago, is here and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs G. Knapp. Mrs. F. M. Dorrington, of Alliance, Is here for a visit and is the guest of Mrs. E. M. Wintersteen. Ilenry R. Gering has disposed of his interest in the Sattler Furniture company to W. W. Coates. Mrs. Dr. Burgess, of Cedar Rapid1-, Neb., arrived on Monday morning Tor a visit with relatives here. Several thousand beautiful picture books, for children of all ages, from five cents up, at Artie Helps'. Call and taste the twenty-one years old w hiskey, Continental, at Ed Do nat's. There are no comparisons. We carry a complete line of men's overalls, jackets, work shirts, sox, sus penders and underwear. Wurl & Cof fey. If you are looking for a bargain call at Zuckweiler & Lutz's and see their French flannels for 50c a yard, regular price 65c. Mrs. Sam'l Patterson and children. of Arapahoe, arrived Wednesday evening for a visit with her parents and friends. W. L. Browne came in from Lincoln on Wednesday afternoon, and is renew ing acquaintance with his numerous Plattsmouth friends. Tobias Castor, the well known demo cratlc politician, died very suddenly on a B. & M. passenger train near Ilavelock on Thursday morning. Pearlman'sdiscount. sale thirty per cent off on all furniture during the holiday season is a genuine discount sale for the purpose of reducing stock II. A. Schneider, register of deeds elect, has removed with his family to this city and will reside in the Chas Rydberg property on Rock street near Eighth. F G. Egenberger, local agent for the Fred Krug Brewing company, has received a line new delivery waswn to replace the one burned at the fire several months ago. Please remember that when you want to enjoy a really first class smoke you should call for the Acorn five cent cigars. For sale by all first-class dealers Ptak & Bajeck, manufactu rers, corner of Main and Fifth streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Gering & Co. sell Laxative Brotco Quinine. Iron Toys 5c to $2 Wood and Tin Toys of Every Description Beautiful Toilet Sets 75c to $20 Christmas is Almost Here Don't Delay In selecting your Christmas Gifts L. D. BENNETT GROCER Has just received and is ready to show you an extensive line of Beautiful Decorated Chin aware Of almost every description, and an assortment of CAMEO WARE And many other articles suitable for Holiday Gifts nt prices rang ing from oc and upwards. Also have the usual supply of CANDIES Mixed Nuts, Fruits. Etc Have a nice line of candy at 8c per pound, and the best mixed nuts at los per pound. Select your holiday gifts now, and havo them reserved for delivery when wanted. Gut Ileil" cigars, Otto Wurl, Mfr, The B. & M. pay car made its regular monthly visit to Plattsmouth yesterday, and left the usual amount of Christmas money with the com pany's employes here. Herman Lessel, who is employed by the Missouri Tacilic has purchased the W. C. Willetts residence property near the Missouri I'acitic depot, 'for a consideration of SG50. Cold weather will soon be here, so don't Tail to pet some of the celebrated seal brand underwear for ladies and children Sold only by Zuckweiler & Lutz, south Sixth street. Merritt Kerr, of the D. & M. store department, has been transferred to Alliance, and Monte Streight, who has been located at Ilavelock, has teen transferred to Plattsmoutn In order to reJuce his larpe stock of furniture l'earlman will give a dis count of thirty percent off present prices during the next three weeks. This is a bona fide discount sale. Considerable excitement was caused in our little city one evening recently, when a local newspaper published the startling intelligence that the B. & M shops were located in Plattsmouth. Take advantage of Tearlman's dis count sale on furniture and buy an elegant rocker for a Christmas present for your wife. Thirty per cent off on all furniture during the holiday season Chris KoehnWe has been employed until after Christmas to do nothing but picture framimr for the Sattler Furniture company. Our motto is "prompt work.'! A fine line of toys and holiday goods. The B. & M. is taking up the track near the river on the Iowa side op posite town, and will use the material in building the new line of track to be used for I.andling the material for the new bridge. At Monday night's council meeting Police Judge Archer reported that during the month of November twelve arrests were made, eignt tines paid. two tines secured, one case dismissed and one continued. The funeral of the late B. J. Ilerapel occurred from St John's Catholic church on Saturday morning, and was largely attended by relatives and friends. The remains were buried at Oak Hill cemetery. This week the Journal presents a large and attractive line of holiday advertisements, and our readers are requested to read tiiem all over care fully before making their holiday purchases, and then come to Platts mouth to do their trading. Our niei- chants want yeur trade, and offer special inducements to get it. The nicest outing flannels In the city, only 10c a yard at Zuckweiler & Lutz's, south Sixth street. A. H. Weckbach & Co. DEALERS IJ? GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS All Orders Promptly Delivered. COAL. AND WOOD Call Telephone 54 But one marriage lionse l'islxtn issued by County Judge !uglass dm ing the past week Charles Hillary Snavely, age 24, and Hattic li. Roe lofsz, age 21, both of Alvo. The Platte Mutual insurance com pany and Dr. J. II. Hall have finally reached an agreement and settlement of the insurance on the doctor's house which was damaged by tire last winter whereby the company pays $157.06 in full settlement of the claim. A small wrrck occurred on the Missouri Pacific a short distance south of Mynard early Thursday morning A freight train was passing a switch when three of the cars jumped the trackand went intothe ditch. Traffic was delayed for some time, but wrecking crew soon had the track clear. No one was injured. The county conin.issioiiers have au thorized the road opened south on tl section line west of town, and a bridge will be put in across tl.e Weeping a ter at the slaughter house. Tl e road lias to be cleared for a mile south of the creek, and J. W. Sperry is cutting the timber off for the wood. He say it will make a lire road for the farmer who live south-west to come to town on as there will b no hills at all in the mile of new reai. Weeping Wate Republican. The Plattsmouth Telephone com pany have changed their tactics re gardingthe South Omaha franchise and have submitted an entirely new proposition to the city council of that place. The company olT:rs to pay the city $1,000 for a franchise giving the company the privilege to string tw wires over the Postal Telegraph com panv's poles and to maintain two toll stations west and one east of the Union Paciiic tracks. The franchise is to run for ten years. The company do not ask for the privilege of putting in an exchange, and probably neve seriously contemplated doing so. Sheriff's Sale. DY VIRTUE OF AX OUDEU OF SALE ' I-suim! py Georjre F. House-worth, cle of the dUtrirt murt within hiiU fur Csi county. tbrakii. and to rue directed. I will On the 6th day of January. A. D. 1902, At 11:00 o'clock a. m. of said day. at thesout door of the conn house tn the city of i'lattv mouth. In said county, sell at public auction to the highest lihKK-r ror cash, the Tollowin real estate, to-wlt: Fractional lot forty-niii (4H in me soiitn iiair or me souuiwet quartc (i't of swH) of .ei tion eighteen (!). towiihi twelve (1). ransre fourteen (14). in Cas count Nebraska, together with the privileges and aDnurtenance thereunto Oeiontlni; or Innnv vle aoDcrtaiiiinir. The same beinir levied upon and taken :ts the property of Otto Koss et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of satil court recovered tiy I lie County ol Cass, pjaintiu. asruinsi -ma aerenuants. I'lultsuioutli. Neb.. UtifnUrj, A. T). 1P01 W. U. Wheeler. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebra-ka. By .1. 1. MeHrtde, Deputy .lessee iioot. rininuti s attorney. Sheriff's Sale. "DY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE JJ Issued by Georjre F. Huusevrorih. clerk of the district court within and for Ca cotnty, Nebraska, and to me directed. I wil On the 24th day of December A. O. 1901 A t b':O0 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south d or of the court house in the Cit v of Plaits' mouth, in uid c unty. sell at uulillc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wlt: lxt seven (.). In block iitrie(W: lots one I) and two (:.'). in block six teen (10; iotone O"). block eleven (11); lot two oiock eleven (i ); lot thr. e .V. OlocK eleven (ll): lot four (4). block eleven (11 1 ; lots one (1) ana two (U). In block seven (.). in Carter s ad l It Ion to the City of Weeping Water: lot Seven (7) nnd eiplit (s). In block three (.1). Park addition to the City of Weeping Water, all in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges ana appurtenances thereunto !. i nuing or in any ise appertaining. '1 lie same iielng levied upjn and taken as the prop rty of John M. Carteret al.. defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said coi.rt recovered by the County ol Cass. piaintilT. against said de fendants. Piatt-mouth. Neb.. November II. A. D. Wl W. IJ. W HttLEtt, Sheriff. Jesse L. Root. Plaintiil's Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. T3V VIRTUE OF AN ALIAS ORDER OF ' sale Issued bv Geo. r . llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will On the 31st day of December. A. O 1901 At II :00 o'clock a. m. of ! a id da, at the south door of the court bouse In the city of Platts mouth. in said county, sell at public auction totbe highest bidder for cash, the following real estate. k-wii: rractlonai lots elgiit Mve (Sj). eightv-slx (j). eight v-seven in'."). eighty-eight ttw). and eight) --nine (o:0. in lot eleven (I i'. in the sojUj west quarter or i-dt lull eighteen (Ip). In town twelve (li. ranee four teen (14). in Cass county. Nebraska, together Willi the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same lieing levied upon and taken as the property of Orace I. Coneland el al.. defend ants, to satisry u judgment or saiu court re covered by the County of Cass, plaintiff. against -am deienuants. Plattsmoutn, Atu., .November 27. A. u. i 1. v . u. w BEILKI. Sheriff Cass count v. Nebraska. Bv .1. L. McUride. Ueoutv .i. l. noot. 1'iainun s Attorney. Notice to Creditors. State or Nebraska t T . ,,,, , Cass Cocxtv -w-.-.j . In the matter of the estate of John ltauth. deceased: 1STOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A' creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator if said estate, before me. coun ty judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in l'latt.smouth. in said county, on 'he grth day of January. A. 1. i. ana on tne Jt'tii any or June, a. u. iwui at II :u'o'clM'lc a. m. each day. for the pur pose of presenting helr claims for examina tion, adju-tment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said oeceased to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate irom the Srth day of l)ecem!er. )'!. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, al Plattsmoutn. Ae'raska. this 3d day of le-ember. lbul. J. E. Ihuulass. laealj County Judge. Ordinance No. 210. AN ORDINANCE TERMINATING THE lease between the City of Plattsmouth and tho Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light Company for use of gas and electric lighting plant lu saiu city, executed anout uctoiier isiii: disclaiming any ownership on Dart of City of Plaitsmoutli of property described In said lease, and denying any agreement or liability on part or said city to p ly the Knded debt or saiu uas & f.iectnc. iignt Company, and authorizing the City Cle.-k. In the name of the City of Plattsmouth. to give said lessor the notice coiitem plated in Article V of said le.ise. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of tne City of Plattsmouth: Section I. That the said Citv of Platts mouth hereby elects to terminate the lease between the Plattsmouth Uns& tle trie Light Company and the City of Plattsmouth, exe cuted about October ZA. lsJ. Section x. That the Citv Clerk be and here by is directed. In the name of the City of fiattsmoutu. tor--rtnwitn uotuy saia nans mouth Gas & Electric Llsht Com nan V of the election of said City to thus terminate said lease, ana that rrom ana alter reoruary in. IUU2. the said city will refuse to pay any fur ther rent for said property, and will not recognize anv liability under said lease from and after sa'id date, and will on said day. or Intervening dav. deliver to the possession of said Gas & Electric Light Company or any person it may nominate an or said property held by said City under said lease. Section 3. The Citv of Plattsmouth hereby disc. alms any ownership In any of the prop erty des4Tiled In said lease, save and except as tenant under said leaie, and disclaims any liability or agreement to Dav the bonded del t of said Gas iic Electric Light Company. Section 4. mat this ordinance shall De in force from and after its passage and approval according to law. Passed and approved the Ftb day of De rem be r. JDul. John Lutz. President. JIo J-iuptii 5f?ese That's a sign you often see on country places, bu yxm will never see it on this store. WE-WANT YOU TO HUNT Over tho entire town, then come here and you will deci.le that Our Drug Line is More Complete And our Prices Lower than can bo found Elsewhere. Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. Georjre and Dave Kunz left" Tues day morning for a visit with relatives at Springfield and Naperville, Illinois. The boys will also spend a day or two sijjht seeing at Chicago. They expect to return home about December 20th, accompanied by Angust East, who is attending school at ZS'aperville. The Elmwood mills, under the management of Clans Brekenfeld, continues to do a thriving business. Besides supplying their large home trade with Hour, they shipped a car to Springrteld Jast week, and one to Louisville this wee'?, and have a car booked for Eagle next week. Elmer DeFord was shooting at a mark at Henry McLaughlin's plate Thankgivingday, using a revolver and cartridges loaded withshot. In stoop ing over to look at the mark lie ac cidently discharged the weapon, most of the shot lodging in one of his shoes, When it Comes to ReaJ Fine Fvirniture There is no store in Cass County that compares with the immense Etock of fine goods carried by the Sattler Furniture Company No Christmas Present so Nice As an elegant piece of furniture. Why not please your wife by getting st.mething new and useful for Christmas. Examine and price our stock. Settler Fvirniture Company The Big Store on Sixth Street. but fortunately not penetrating the flesh. E. E. Haves and Coon Stoehr left for Oklahoma Tuesday evening, where they have purchased land and will make their future home. May succers go with them is the wish of their many friends. The city council held a red hot S'.ssion Monday night, and some of the deliberations were marked with much bitterness The usual routine business was transacted, and an ordinance terminating the light contract with the Plattsmouth Gas and Electric Light company was read and passed. The ordinance provides that the city will yieid possession on Febtiary 18, 1902, and that the city especially denies any agreement or liability on the part of the city to pay the bonded debt of toe gas and electric light com pany. The usual grist of bills were allowed, and several claims for small pox quarantine were presented and referred to the committee on claims. J Zuckweiler 111-113 South Sixth St. HEADQUARTERS FOR Christmas Gifts Christmas Trees Christmas Candies J CIST RECEIUED A FINE LINE OF Fancy Chinaware and Lamps Very Suitable for Christmas Presents. Everything Good to Eat for Your Christmas Dinner, flowed 09 (Jrourjds Platts. 'Phones fflce. lies zi W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICE: Waterman Block Plattsmouth, Nebraska Sold by F. G. EGENBERGER Plattsmouth. tfebra-ka DR. H. JENSEN VETERINARIAN Tlie Only Graduate of Veterinary Medicine in Cass County. Weeping Water, - - - Nebraska THE IDEAL Five Cent Cigar Delicious aroma Perfect burner Positively the best. No first class retailer should be without BUDS CIGARS PEPPERBERG Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. & Lutz's Plattsmouth. Neb. BUDS I Li 1 1 r