The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 24, 1910, Image 5

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    We are
Pushing Paint
The pointing season
is at hand and we are
ready to take care of
your requirements with
Paint, prepared
It is the best and
most economical paint
you can buy for your
Come in and look at
color cards and have a
paint talk with us.
The Rexall Store
Expert Pill Mixers
Plattsmouth, - - - - Neb.
$25.00 to
The World's Greatest
All-the-Year Resort
Double Daily. Through
Choice ol Scenery
The True Southern Route
via El Taso
Through Scenic Colorado
Pueblo and Denver
Ask for Rates and Schedules
Hugh Norton, Agent.
Just Plain Talk
We are a nation of particular
people We are most particular in
what we eat. We want always to
know that the various food articles
of which we partake, contain only
pure, wholesome ingrcdeints. The
fact that "Fairy Ice Cream" is the
only Ice Cream made in Phittsiiiouth
XhsX has been approved of by the
Nebraska Pure food Commission,
should place this delicious article
upon the table of every family in the
city. Guaranteed absolutely free
from starch or any other adultera
tion. QUART 35c. HALF GAL. 65c.
Special Low Price In
We are still the leading soda
dispensers in the city. Every
thing neat, clean and sanitary
Ingredients prepared by an ex
pert of fifteen years experience.
Be good to yourself and make
this your headquarters.
Candy Makers. Neit door toP .O
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Miss Gertrude Rceson returned
Tuesday morning from' Red Oak, la.,
where she lis been visiting an uncle
since Saturday afternoon.
I Personal and
Happenings of the Week
A. S. Will had husii.iss to iitii.ei
ut South Omaha ?.iii-sday morning.
The P. K. (). Witty will meet Fri
day afternoon at the residence of Mrs.
M.mtlla Ilowland.
Scoit Ross and wife wire J Sunday
visitors in town, being the gucstsof
Mi-s Mae Patterson.
Come off the roost! Be in'Platts
mouih the Fourth of July for the big
gist celebration in ycais.
Mrs. J. Russell ami ten weie- among
Wednesday's crowd if 1 lattsmouth
people who spent the day in Omaha.
John Bauer left Wednesday morning
on the eight fifteen train for a short
business trip to the Market town.
Miss Lillian Cole made t he t rip to
Omaha Wednesday morning, expecting
to spend a few days with friends.
Mrs. C. Higlcyl was an Omaha
traveler Wednesday morning, going
up on one of the early trains of the day.
Mrs. J. W. Jenkins of Murray anil
son were visitors Wednesday at Om
aha, where they spent the day with a
friend. .
Mrs. C. L. Maitin was an' Omaha
passenger on No. 15 Wednesday
morning, giing up to the city for a day
Miss Hallohan, who is cntiitaining
her friend Miss Hayes of Lincoln
spent Wednesday in Omaha in com
pany with her guest.
Ray Patterson lift Wednessday
morning for Lincoln to attend the
banker's convention which was in
session there. .
CharlesJParniele transacted a num
ber of minor business matters at Om
aha Wednesday, being a passenger on
the tight fifteen train in the morning.
Mrs. W. C. and Mrs. A. J.Tippeiis
left Wednesday morning for Glenwood,
la., to spend a short time at the home
of their father in law E. S. Tippen.
Miss Maiie E. Kaufman, Post mis
tress at Cedar Creek, was in town
Tuesday on a .shopping expeditiou,
returning home on tiie 5:20 train.
Mrs. J. F. Clugey and children weu
travelers on the early Burlington
wedni sday morning, going up to Omaha
to spend the day with Mr. Clugey who
is employed there.
Mrs. H. C. Knapp of Cedar Creek
spent Tuesday with her sister Mrs
M. J. Lambson, a Platts-mouth resi
dent. Mrs. Knapp made the return
trip on the 5:20 train Tuesday nfttr
noon. Fred Crawdford and sister Miss
Mabel Crawford arrived in the city
Wednesday morning from their heme
at Alliance, Neb., to spend a week
or two visiting with the Wiles, Todds
and other friends. j tf f
D. C. Rhoden, one of the good Mur
ray residents, and L. T. Allen who's
home is at Springfield, Nebraska,
were in town a short time Wednesday
on their way to Glenwood expecting
to remain there for a short visit.
Mrs. A. E Todd left Wednesday
morning foKOmaha to visit her daugh
ter Miss Eleanor, who had an opera
tion for appendicitis performed a few
days ago at the Central hospital. She
is recovering nicely and she will soon
be able to be about.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Long and baby
left the city Wednesday morning after
being guests at the home of Mrs. Harry
Kuhney since last Thursday. Mrs.
Long departed on No. 6 for Corning,
la., where she makes her home, while
Mr. Long left on the next train to
resume his work at Omaha.
Mrs. M. W. Miles of Louisville
president of her branch of the W. C.
T. U. was in town Tuesday, being
down to attend the flower mission
given by the local organization. She
was in charge of five Louisville girls
who took part in the day's exercises.
They were Ruth Jacobson. Ruth
Jones, Ruth Noyes, Berniee Miles
and Kathennc Richie.
A. A. Wetcncamn and R. E. Hounrd
startedfout Wednesday niornimr for
Atlanta, Ncbraska,a little town
on the liurnngton in the western part
of .the state, to look over the' farm land
with the view of purchasing." Much of
tne land in that vicinity is raw and used
for graz ing, although in the immediate
Local Items
by the People you Know
ncighl tihtcd if Atlanta it is lulu
and producing very pn finable t ri ps.
Miss Amelia Maitins whs an Omaha
caller Tuesdav.
A. T. Fitt and wife made a round
trip the toCate city Tiusdav.
Chas. L. Graves and,. Miss ema
of Union were callers in the city Tues
day, the ftmer appearing as a wit
ness's in a county court case..
f, Mrs. Gernie Thomas, daughter, of
John Sharp, returned to her home at
Omaha Tuesday morning, after being
aguest at.thehome of her parcnu
for several davs. j
jH Mr. and "Mrs. M. W Thomas and
daughter were passengers Tuesday
going to Benson to visit at the home
of Mr. Thomas' son, Louis.
A new baby girl is reported at the
home of James Novaetk ,the little
little miss having! made her appear
ance there Wednesday morning.
,rt I
SJohn Hockstrosscr and daughter
Kathleen, who rtsiile a few miles south
oftown, were in the city .Tuesday
morning en route to Omaha on a com
bined business and pleasure trip..
Henry Hilbert, one of Cass county's
good fanners who lives two miles
west of Plattsmouth, was in town Tues
day morning on his way to Omaha to
spend the day.
r: Rev. Mr. A. L. Ogdeii, of Bethany,
was in.he cityMonday,, Tuesday anil
Wednesday t-f this week occupying
the pulpit at the Christum church.
Miss Trua South is inking a isit
of a few weeks duration with an
uncle and giand-parcnts at Ponca
City Bressie, Okla. She staittd
or. summer's outing the first o
t! ; week.
1 ! ry Spick returned Wii'nculcy
nior. ing from a tiip '.hroiifh lev a ::i d
MisNi.;'ii,isitii)g Mends and relatives
at a i.unber of ( iiTerent points. At
Vulii.-ca he was offered a gooe.lposition
at a printing shop, which he is thinking
vory seriously of accepting for the si m
R. L, McElwuin, brother of B. A
McElwain, the local jeweler, arriveg
in the city Tuesday morning from his
home at Kansas City, where he is
connected with the Jaccard Jewelry
company. He will visit here for a
week or two.
T. J. Will staitcd Tuesday morning
for Hennessey, Okla., to look after
his lane! interests in that vicinity.
While in , hat state he will visit an
Tncle wo lives a shoit ways from tllcn
nessey. Mr. Will is expecting to be
absent from the city about tin days.
Jess Peaty, who is lidding down the
position of superintendent of the
Christian Sunday school during the
absence from the city of Mrs, Mae
Morgan, was in Rock Bluffs Sunday
assisting in the organization if a Sun
day schools class there, which they
expect to hold weekly at the school
building. The prospects for a per
manent class were very encouraging
L. C. ' Larson, the Plattsmouth
carpenter and contractor, made a
trip to the metropolis Tuesday, look
ing after a few matters regarding the
bid which he is presenting for he com
struction of the new post office build
ing. He is the only local carpenter
planning on figuring on the work and
it is hoped he may enter a bid that will
be a winner. . : ; .
O. C. Hudson returned Tuesdav
from Ness County, Kansas, where he
has been for the past week look in ir over
thejjand. He brought back with him
samples ol wneat, barley, oat and al
falfa whicn are so successfully raised
there. Mr. Hudson was verv well
pleased with the land and although
lie tint not make a purchase in the
Sunflower state, he may return there
later and sink a few of his shining
cart-wheels in the soil.
Miss Hilda Barwick departed Tues
day morning on a long and enjoyable
trip to the west. She went first to
Lincoln, where she boarded the Bur
lington for Tacoina, going by way of
Billings and Spokane. At her desti
nation she will remain a month or so
visiting with Mrs. M. T. Gharratt,
formerly Miss Mary Tutt of Platts
mouth, who now resides in the sound
city J Miss Barwick is anticipating
a fine time out in tiic shadows of the
mountains where it is cool the' year
'round. ,
Tha Man Who Will Succeed Earl Gray
In Canada.
When It was announced recently
that the Huue ot Coinuiiiclit huh id
suceeeo Knn lirey a Ktivrriiur penei
al of Canada there wax much reteini;
III (In llmiiiiiloii on Mt-eoiiiil ot Ihe
great aortal liiilneni-e ot the rtuuo ami
because i lie appointment iH f M'iMMi'tt
to prove i ilistlmt luMitenlniJ o the
boiiil lietueen e lunula anil t lie empire
Tlie Duke of Outui'ieht t the only
HvIiiR brother of t'if mte Miik Kl
ward ami one ot the most popular mm
In England, lit tins ihro tbo simple
life or h soldier during all bis career
Wltb Ills wife ami tnelr three children.
one of w hom Is the wife of the crown
prluce of Sweden, the duke likes noth
ing bettor than to puss his time ipiii'iiy
hunting and llslilnj; on bis country es
tate, UiiKsbot Turk, In Surrey.
New Uee For the Telephone.
The rural telephone ts becoming more
and more a thine of dally convenience
and in one slate Is entering a tlclil
that Is unusual and yt't iisclui. i t It
Is iiccoiiiiii i 1 1 dis
xriiiiniiioi' of tht
S it ii d a y "I't-inon
This expt-rli it Is
b c I II n IIIIUlU In
Uluitiu, Uuu., ami
bas so far proven
a great sueeesH
Three churches in
the town are uslnu
WIJI' t service, whlcli
is especially rortne
old and sick. Km-n
cburcb Is t)tn-i
with a transmitter containing an ex
tremely sensitive microphone arrange
ment nud provided with special batter
les and colls. The transmitter bangs
suspended from a rod In front of the
pulpit without obscuring the congre
gation's view of the minister. As the
sermon is delivered the transmitter
takes In the tones and carries them
over the wires to the various listeiiei-M
The Field Youngetere. Who Want to
Come tiack to America.
Most youngsters Imagine that it tiiey
only had plenty of money ihey could
be happy anywhere, but a month or
two away from "ma" and "dad" hkoii
changes this Idea. I'nke the ease ol
the two rli-hest boys in the world,
Henry and Marshall Field, grai'itsotix
of the late Marshall Meld aud chief
be Irs to the n unit red million dollars
left by the Chicago mere-hunt. The,
have been at Ktmi college. In Limliuul
aince luM fall and have now litrome
so hoini'sli U they tlireitteu to ruu iiwhj
to sea unless allowed to reluru home.
The eldt'Ht of the I wo liovs. Miiistnii'
Kleld Iltl. Is dentlned to become Chi
cugii's foremost millionaire, the sole
bearer of the name of Marshall Field
Until he rem ben his majority be will
be trained mentnlly nud physically for
the work of conducting the business
of the largest mercantile bouse In the
world, lie bas alwaya loved the great
Interests of whh-b his grandfather was
Ibe bend and is known by (cores of
employees lu the big Field establishment.
Red Men Sign Papers for
Brown Amusement Co.
For The Fourth
Other Developments In the Fro
fct gress ol the Big Patriotic
There is jming to lie seine eietietd
class to the.l'ouith of July ccleluutii.n
to be Riven in the city of Plattsmouth
on the Nation's hirthday, which is
ajveek from Monday. Every member
ofthe Red'. Men, under whose aus
pices the celebration is to be given,
has got the one idea on his mind that
the day is to be the biggest anil grand
est one that Cass county has ever
seen. They are sitting up nights
thinking up attractions and events
that are new and will please the peo
ple; they are taking hours of time
from their business to solicit subscrip
tions, work up the big parade, anil ar
range for scores of concessions that
are going to crowd the streets. They
are putting up n tin can full of cart
wheels as prizes for the best floats
the best boxer, wrestler, etc. They
have made u dozen fivers look like
thirty cents in renting the ferry to
operate it free during the entire dav-
1o make something interesting for the
young folks, and to book a good
list of free attractions for the crowd
in general. To make a long tale
short, they are putting forth every
possible effort, financially, mentally,
and physically, to make the celebra
tion perfect in every detail,
and if they leave any stones unturned
in making the day x most glorious
one the city has ever experienced, it
is because! the stones are as immov
able as a wait on the eye ball.
The committee having the different
details of the celebration in charge,
having been holding meetings fre
quently the past three weeks, the last
one being held Monday evening, when
nearly all the elcatils of the day,
powwow were definitely settled.
The most important action e,f the
week was the signing up of the Provui
Carnival company Wednesday after
noon, when Harry Lewis, represent
ing the concern, was in the city con
ferring with the members of the com
mittee. The contract for the np-pearnju-e
if the big company was
drawn up at the attorney's cilice in
the afternoon untl calls for nine at
tractions with two free thrillers, a
bullion ase-e nsion nnd a slide for life.
The shows are
Nerva, t he I ig snake.
Melba's I ig show.
James Poys rn Missomi.
Dixie band Minstrels.
Mel-addon's Colli go of Anatomy.
Skidi.o 25.
l-'eriis Wheel.
The carnival company is holding
up a line reputation. It has just
finished a money-mag week for Pea-
trice and is now being on at Wymore
by the fire depaitmeiit. The first
part of next week it is booked for
Wahoo. It will land here Thursday, up I'liday and open for business
Saturday night before the Pouith. The
streets have been blocked off and each
show has been allot te el a space, with
a merry-go-round anil one or two
others at the intersections.
At Monday's meeting, the commit
tee got their line on another at
traction: they formed a healthy purse
to put up for the compete tive exhibi
tion of the different turner societies
of the, city, but as the time for pre
paration is so shoit, the organization
hardly feel they can go into the con-
test.although the T. J. Hokols will be
secured to give an exhibition tf mat
work, setting up exercises and ca
istheiiics. The class contains a gocd
bunch of fifteen or twenty athletes.
Reports from Frank h'chlater and
Thomas Wahling of the parade cin -mittee
showed that Unto' would le i.t
least forty merchants who would enter
floats in the procestioii. The major
ity of the business nun were keen
gout pushing the parade and aftir
agreeing to be represented in the pro
cesMoii, they got bu.-y incorstiucting
thtir outfits wbh ihc nsiilt that to
day several of the l.u.-iiuss houses
have their exhibitions well blocked
out. All the lodges in the city, with
the exceptions perhaps of two smaller
ones, informed the committee that
they sould bank on tin m being in
line stronger than summer butter.
With the mershaiits, lodges and shops
Plattsmouth will have a parade
of at least seventy-five entries which
v. ill cover a dozen or more blocks
The procession will be headed Ly the
M. W. A. band which is to furnish
music during the entire day, so there
will be no lack i f sweet tiauis to keep
matters livened up. ,
One ofthe impoitant repents was
thatof the conecssiij!) ce n mittee
in adc4 by Mr.; MclJanii I. '1 he e c m
mittee has decided to divide the
available space tn the stmts ft r lui.eli
coui.tiis, ug t.ti.i d, care lucks,
etc. inttsjaets ef tweUy-lwo feet,
wliichiue to 1 1 i.v at lie is vaiymg
I'li.LV'f "i( " Mo tl c 1 1
turr of the " U.e lunch
ciunteis ,uo to It- plarul :t the Up
of the price list, but in to jio,
ttct those sccuiiir spate, uid the es
tab.ished city, n.ti chants, the number
of rcfrceshmcht stands i.nd lunch
counters will u- limit id to four of
each and no stand will be rcccted
that will seriously conflict with the
business tf any adjoiiinj; establish
ment. The Red Men mean- to see
that Plattsmouth gets the best ted
out of the dial whenever possible
eonseeiuently they will Rive local peo
ple thtfirst choice of locatie lis.
Messrs. Taylor and Monroe, who
have the juvenile events in charge
have been attempting to recall the
games that used to give tin in plt atuie
when theyjwere "li'le brats" ar.d have
decided upon about a dozen different
races and con tests for the younger
Amcricuns, putting up iient prizes for
the wiiuiers.
No contractlhas been mmle IVr I ,
ers although eiuite a number has jut
theirj applications to give inhil hit n8
ofjthe manly int. Prizts of J20 cn
the werestling match Ui.d $10 en the
boxing bout has bem hung up. These
two contests will probably be l1(,(i
on the coutt house lawn and the
speeches of the clay delivered fitm the
steps of the buildii'ir. It. is nr,,..i
the speakers will lt. two preniient
Reel Men from Omaha, Judge hut ton
and Hem. Hugh Meyers. Jf i-ccims
as though the boys have ovt rice keel
tiothfiig in iiwiKine th t ir i n Mimt ....
for the day, but to put en mii c fin
ishing touches and to bring i;p a few
matters that arc still hanging fj)P
tne? eoiumiuco will nave their last
meeting at thihall Friday evening.
ItsJ Plattsmouth for a Fi.urth if Julv
that will arouse the county! j t
' f r , ' ' '
Former Resident Here on Visit.
Mrs. Frank Olive, foimerly wife of
Captain Marshall.j who was eic of th
well known old rtsieleiits of tl.c city
and atfonc time postmaster, is in town
accompanied by her dnuehtcr, Mrs.
RtJ'soii. While in IlatlMmuth ,h(.y
are gi;ests at th lu-ie irei. ,.f J,rs
J. G. Cummins. Mis. Olive i I
spending a short time with her eiaiph-
ier who resieies at Jfiimiii(;t am, Ala
however, the elin ate ef the i cut try
did not agree very well with Mrs.
Rolsem and it was eiieii.'ul vi e h..u
take a western tiip with her mother.
Monday (he ladies were entertained
at the home of Mrs. l.uijtf Meyers
ol ceeiar t reek, Mis. Olne's sister,
Aflcr remaining in the city ju.d jcin
ity for probably a, they will
depart for l.os Ange'es wfcre Mrs.
Olive now speiids most of tl eir time.
A Break In the Hot Wave.
Washington, June? 22. The weather
bureau today in a special bulletin
gives encouragement to thec in the
northwest have suffered ficm the in
teJise heat during the last ftw days.
Local rains and normal ti mperature
almest general are ut haul. Centin
uance of warm weather in e.thcr sec
tions, however, is predicted.
The bulletin says:
"A break in the hot wave that has
prevailed during the post week in
Montana, South Dakota, Nibrnska,
and Western Minntseta is new in
progress and the indie atie;i:s are that
there will be local roils and scvcial
days of normal tempeiature in these
states. Wann weather is fereeusteel
to continue in the sent Inn states
the Mississippi valley aid the cattem
districts the r.cxt seveial days."
Wescott at Ad Club Dinner.
C. C. Wescott, lie ef tic live ties
of the city, was an iiaiied (,uest at
the Shirt Waist Dinnr ef the Cmaba
Ad club, given at the Heishaw cafe
Tuesday. Mr. Wescott, on his return
was most enthusiastic over the fine
gathering e.f the cream if Croatia's
boosters. The ciganizalitn is one
that has but recently spiuiig into the
limelight, but already it has re me to
the front tf its class. As tn example
of the wide-awake iaturc ef the
Omaha club, might be cited ti c mi d
ong tf a delegate to mut ex-Prc-si-di
nt Roosevelt last wee k. The Icest
er representative tent a shoit tele
gram to his Tedelyship wclceming
him home and inviting him to visit
the Gate City .some time sot n. Among
the prominent numbers of the club is
Henry Gering, the foime r Plattsmouth
man, who is appearing as ejuite a leader
among the metropolis pushers.
Children Cry