The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 21, 1910, Image 5

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' ' V
I John Durman
Expert Blacksmith ::
Has taken charge of tin Wil
liam I'lil? Blacksmith Simp
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kind.- of Fine Horseshoe- i-
ing ami nil kinds of Clack- t.
smithing. Satisfaction guar- T
Call on Him. t
fill the picnic lunch Laf-ktt with cakrs
and with sandwich 8 made of our tea
biscuit or home made bread.
that will le absolutely empty on your
return no matter how full it was on
the start out. Things that we Lake are
always relished.
James V. Kaspar
or tea at any time of the day may
purchased at
Tens of lich delicate favor, ftxrirnce
and strength. We can furnish you w ith
all the desired High Grade Tors on
the market at light piieces.
Inve vou tried us on rnftYp? Our
priciB run frtm 15c to 40c per lb.
comes here when she wishes to buy
candy, soft drinks, ice eream. Whv
ecause- she can depend upon our
goods being absolutely fresh and pure.
Follow her example and you will
profit by so doing. , Leave orders for
Ice cream, Pint 20c, Quart, 35c, Gal
lon, $1.15. Try our Fountain for ice
cream and soda.
Ice Cream Delivered
Ind. Telephone 336. Store.
For all kinds of electrical goods
supplies, electrical wiring and fixtures
call on K. P. Rees. 9t
For fine tailor mude clothing call
and see Frank McFJroy. He makes
clothes fit, in the latest style and at
prices that are right. tf
Buy your cotton flannel gloves and
mittens of tho Plattstnouth Golve
Co., Plattsmouth, Neb., Ind. Phone
White 435. ' w-tf
J. P. Kuhney, the popular tonsor
ial artist has opened a barber shop
in the Perkins house and will be glad
to see all of his old friends at his new
location. New ones will also be wel
come and will be given the beHt in the
shop. Ct
i It Is the Greatest as Well as tha
i Strangest of Rivers.
tihrouded In Impenetrate Forest ana
Vine Growths Through Which a
Gleam of Sunlight Never Show A
Cunoua Woodland Tangle.
u IiiIh the Amazon In Dim world'
p I'M lot river, if inn in iciimii M it-nst
in in voiuiiih ot wuier wiiu n flown
turnout) ii. It 1 the world' Mi'iimn-st
rivi-i hh well
Hie lew travelers ami explorer who
have tourneyed up this wmh-i ri.uise m
ttS mailt xoiiri eH In the Kluclers of Ihe
Soillh American iiiiiiiiitauix lell sKirii-n
wiili h nre almost Itiii'tililile nlxxit the
illi-riil Mui.e of stream which mil If lo
torin l. ein li siri-Ulli liiiviny ilx liirth
In one of the treat lee imixsiw let n
tew hundred mile below, where they
mert-e and create the river, the tem
perature Is such that It wi;rks Its way
tbrouph a perfect lab.vrlnib of tmpli-ul
Only the mariner ciiti tell the place
where the Amazon really tins lis
moult), tieeause Ihe upeuihi: Ii tins
made on the eastern coast of South
America Is ho wide that It esiends over
KM) miles. A hum distance before one
coinea to the mouth of the river, how
ever, one ih really sailing on the wa
ters of the A miiami. becuuse they force
their way ho tar out lino the menu
They say that tfOO in lie out ut Sea oft
the mouth, of the Amazon you i-hii
hoist a bucketful of fresh water out
of the ocean from the deck of a ship.
such Is the quantity of Us water that
flows from that KiKantlc basin.
l.oiiK after you llave entered ihe ac
tual river and have lis hunks iiorlh
and south of you If you are In mid
stream you will still be out of sllit of
laud, such Is the breadth of t lie vast
channel. The river siietches far Into
the ocean and far up the country.
Take a map of South America und
look up a place called lipilios. It lies
four-tJfths of the way across the con
tinent from east to west. Vet from
lipilios there Is a fortnightly service
ot ocean going steamers to Kurope
which descend some 3.1MHJ miles ot the
river before they reach the sea.
it Is not only one branch of the Am
azon, but many, that are thus to be re
garded as the same as ocean highways
The southern branches of the Amazon
are broken by rapids along a line
where a low continental shelf exists.
Above these rapids, however, there Is
again deep water. Thus beyond the
falls of the Madeira there are over
10.000 miles of navigable water on that
river and Its branches. ' ,
Not only Sir .Martin Comlay. but
other travelers who dave ventured
alone the upner river and Its tributa
ries, nay that here a curious woodlaud
tangle exists. To the surface of the
water the sun's rays seldom reach, and
one may go many miles along water
ways where It is well nigh as dark as
night because the sky Is almost coin
pletely shut out by the mass of vines
which Interlace the trees aud are ho
thick with leaves Deprived of tho
sunlight, all Is dark and rank. The
damp air is laden with unhealthfiil
vapor. The surface of the water In
places where the current Is too slug
gish to carry it away is covered with
scum aud weed.
It requires no little courage to ex
plore these fastnesses, for a man real
ly lakes his lite lu his hands, so un
healthy are they. Occasionally, bow
ever, one can see the upper portion of
the forest where there is a little crev
ice In its roof of vines. Above this Is
really a scene of life and beauty. Hlrds
aod buttertlies and other gorgeous In
sects are dying from place to place;
flowers of hundreds of bues and shapes
are blooming from tbe plauts attached
to tree, branch and trunk. While lie
low all may be lifeless aud silent,
above tbe height wbere tbe mass of
vines overshadow tbe river nature has
created a world of brightness and ani
mation; but. as already stated. It is al
most entirely shut out from the human
To attempt to break through this
canopy of vines wblcb bide It from tbe
lower world Is almost Impossible be
muse tbe vines grow so thickly, but
Vine naturalists have peuetrated It
and say that tbe forests really have
two surfaces, tbe one above this artifi
cial root and tbe one below. That
wblcb is above la barred from human
entrance. Its Inhabitants are mostly
birds and Insects that are radiant with
beauty uiiequuled in tbe world.
Whatever grows lo the Amazon mud
strives wltb desperate Internecine
struggle to reach this sky exposed sur
face and there blossoms. Beneath,
wbere man ran walk or float, ull Is
dark. Only here and there a fltful ray
of sunlight struggles through. Orchids
blossom within this shadowy reglou
You can see these bright creatures
CJtfully lu tbe eaveru below, but not In
all their glory, us they must behold
one another above. Sometimes as they
flit about beneath they will chance to
cross a sunbeam slanting through a
bole Id the vegetation; then for an In
stant they flush Into view like an ex
plosion of burning color. It Is thus
that tbe great butterflies are seen to
tbe best effect. No one can Imagine
what a plctare they produce In their
native baums as their wings flash and
close and flash again Id the sunlight as
tbey fly
No; this upper world ot tbe Amazon
forests has been closed to bumnn be
ings and promises to remain a perpet
ual mystery unless wltb tbe nld of
nom serial croft on may oe ibkt to
visit It -Chs rubers' Journal.
Vaudeville at Majestic
Pillman's great vaudeville act con
sisting'cf sfnginjr, dancing'und talk
ing with the usual r mount of the Ut
moving pictures, at the Majestic
Theatie Monday, Tu sday and Wed
nesday nights. Change of program
Wednesday. Admission 1(1 oud 15
Daughter ol L. M. Owen Dca d.
B. 1?. Wot then rcecivid a telegram
this morning from Ord, Neb., telling
of the very sudden death if his grand
daughter. The child was the six
year old daughter of his daughter
Mrs. L. M. Owen, who livtd in Platts
mouth until a short time ago, Mr. Ord
known as "Jack" bung a fireman on
the Burlington. The message did
not give the cause of the suddi n death,
but stated the child had passed away
at 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. Wort he
then left on the first train today
for Lincoln enroute to Ord, where the
death occurred.
New Soldiers at Fort.
The Fourth infantry which will
replace the Sixteenth infantry at Fort
Crook, arrived at the post Thursday
afternoon, making the trip from San
Francisco on a special train. The com
pany left Frisco last Sunday after
noon. The soldiers formerly stationed
at the fort are to sail shortly for Alaska
where they will remuin a year in the
service of the government. The new
command at the fort consists of six
teen officers and 520 nu n.
Death of Elizabeth Hiasky.
The sad news reached the city to
day from Reno, New, of the death
of Miss Elizabeth Hrasky, brother of
George Ilrusky who just returned
yesterday from a visit at his sister's
home. The lady has been suffering
for some timo with an abeess of thc
lung, but it was thought her condition
was improving. The unexpected tele
gram this noon was quite a shock
to Mr Ilrasky who thought he was
leaving his sister on tiic up grade to
health when he started on his return
trip a few days ago.
Fifteen Cent Shaves.
The undersigned barlxrs of the
city ( f Plattsmouth, will, on the anil
after the 4th day of July, 1010, charge
15c f . r shaving. The price of 15
includis neck shave.
Kuhney & Clark.
Charles E. Martin.
A. J. Trility.
W. P. Cook.
Roscncrans & Thackston.
J. P. Perry.
Oscar Wilson.
J. C. York.
John P. Kuhney.
IUUM HIM A I nib wurtu.
Don Piatt's Client Had a Stunted
Sense of Humor.
A quaint story about Don Tlatt la
told In the "Itecollectlons of a Varied
Life." by (ieorge Cary Eggleston. The
story Is given in Mr. Piatt's own
"When I wis a young man trying to
get into a law practice In Ohio and
eager to advertise myself by appear
ing In court a fellow was Indicted for
arson. He enme to me, explaining that
he had no money wltb which to pay a
lawyer, but that be thought I might
like to appear In a ease so Importaut
and that tf I would do the best I could
for him he stood ready to do anything
for me that be could hy way of recom
pense. took the case, of course. It
was a complex one, aud It offered op
portunities for browbeating and 'ball
ing up' witnesses a process that spe
cially Impresses ihe public wltb the
sagacity of a lawyer who does It suc
cessfully. Then. If by auy chance I
should succeed In acquitting my client,
my place at the bur would be assured
as that of 'a sharp young feller who
bad beaten the prosecuting attorney
"But In telling my client I would
take bis cose tbe demon of humor be
trayed me. Just across tbe street from
my lodging was a negro church, and
there was a 'revival' going on at tbe
time. They 'revived' till 2 o'clock or
later every nlgbt wltb shoutings that
Interfered wltb my sleep. 'Wltb play
ful Impulse 1 said to tbe accused man:
"'You seem to be an expert in tbe
arts of arson. If you'll burn that ne
gro church I'll feel that you have paid
me full price for my service lo de
fending you.'
"1 defended htm, and as tbe wit
nesses against him were all of shady
character 1 succeeded in securing bis
acquittal. About 4 o'clock tbe next
morning a Ore broke out under all four
corners of that negro church, and be
fore the local tire department got a
quart of water into net Ion It wa a
heap of smoldering ashi. hymn books
and all. A week or o luier I received
a letter from my ex-clleut. tie wrote
from St. Uhii. 'on hlx whv west.' he
snld. lie expressed the hoie lluil I
was 'ntlstted with results' and begged
llie to believe Hint he was 'n iiinti of
honor, who ni'vei failed lo repay ao
obligation or reward h service.' "
sell any part 55 shares preferred
transferable stock 128.50 per share.
A. O. Anderson, Peterson, Iowa.
From Correspondents
Correspondents are requested to
send their weekly letter so they
Hill reach our office Wednesday
to Insuu fuMIcallcn Filday.
Mm. Henry Mm-phiii met with mmtlixr ar
rlilelll rrul;i. While wslkltitf aiTuM the
room nIh' tri'pi-l omt soim olijivt unl fell
HpriniiiK or fi :n-t urliiv- Ihe hip Imhiiv
Mr. John llronn look h 'l.'partiirn (
few lu ii Kill ii rcliiin U-oiikIu
with him lutly from .wh-i.umii ami whom
he lntriKiiiivtl lo Ui inuny fiicniU SiiihIh)
morning us "Mr. Iinmn. mv tife."
Mr. II Mite, of I'liliKKit anil Tavlor Itleh
arl of I iiKMln were on our ntreet Monday.
Mm. Henry Murlln. who fell while cnuet
liiK her room a few days aim fraciurliiK the
hip hone, wan taken lo the hospital at Klniwooil
wimmI MiiKlay.
Kil Dorr from south of to u has iiun-hawsl
till) 'property formerly owned hy I ha, liran
and will locate here aa noon ax lie can net imw
atwNion. Hctween fort and fifty people from Wahash
attended (lie Hiehards-Mue wedding et Un
coln Ihe I.", (Ii iiiNt.
Mm. (.row Colliert was taken to the Elm
wood hnopital Thursday, and in reported to
be in a eruleal ninditiima.
Mr. and Mm. Harley Ilenfer from Hia
watha, kan., are visiting for a few days in
and ami. ml Wahash.
The Woodmen and Koyal NYhthhom had
an ice cream nodal Saturday eveiunn. on the
lawn. 'Ihe itrouuda were lighted gaily with
jHflHIIfWe lunt.irvn mul .
KvervlKidy hud ull the crcum and lemon ade
wiey anew nnaiuooo Willi.
Mr. and Mm. II. E. Itrown of Neotuhliur,
Nell., uussed Miriiiiuh l.oiiiKvilln lVlilv
Mmliaa, where they have been attending the
liroKKiMx funvetilioii. tin. Ilrown atomied
here fr a few dayi visit with her afeter Aim.
Hteveiiwin and her nelee Mm. E. II. Worth
man. P. C. Slander attended the I'ndertakem
convention at Cirand Inland week.
Mr. and Mm. lilanehnrd of Omaha were
the gui'Nis of Mrs! M. B. McLaren Hednewluy
returning home In Ihe automohile.
Mm. Henry l-eiihotr of Lincoln vlalted Mm.
M. Peterson and Mm. E. V. E. Korhford
Mm. Hurry McC'laln died Juno 10, 1010 at
her home in ChlcuKo.Tht) remaliw were
brought to Lincoln, Ihe homo of Air. Mc
C'laln mother, for Interment. Tho funeral
wax held in tlia city h'riduy. Mm. t P.
Kathhmi and daughter Ethel and Mr. and
Mm. Clms. Noyea drove up from here to at
tend the service. Mr. McCluin hap tliesym
liutliy of his many friend hero during hi
iKU-cavciiient. Harry was horn and ruised
in this vicinity and hi grief Is shared hv
by many school mute and friend who still
reside hi re.
A. L. Ogdcn of lleihuny preached at tho
Christian church Saturday evening.
Miss Carrie Anderson returned from til
Wiso Memorial hospital at Omaha Thurdsay
where slie recently underwent an oMTalon.
M. L. Williams was an Mmulia pusscnger
Mm. Dora OsKcnkop Is visiting her sister
Mm. Prank Hates at t'nion this week.
No truce of the parlies who hroko Into
Nlchol's storo liu yet Imm-ii found.
('has. Noy attended tho convention at
Plat turnout h Prlduy.
Arthur i'ulmer arrived home, from Lincoln
a few days ano to visit with his purcnoi over
Hiindau Arthur hus hecii attending the
Wliivcrsliy in that city and hus im")" a mark
for himself in that lust It in ton. unn litis gone
through his classes with honor, a fuel mat will
foe. received with pleasure by the young man
host of friends.
Tho hull game letwecn Munley and Tedur
Creek ul Ihe latter place Sunday, rn II. ted
III a score of 8 to II in favor of mo !t. ting
Mm. ('has (icrlach of Munley visited
friend in town Nulurday.
A.r. und Mm. (Ico. Prater ut tended the
Pharmaceutical conviiitu n at ( niam. lust
The Woman Christian Tcmperunc I'ulon
held their annual Plowir Ission at the homo
of Mm. M. N. Drake on the lawn Wednesday
afternoon. A irood uroirram wa rendered
and a splendid lunch enjoyed. At eight
o'clock that evening Mm. P. C. Htandcr
gave a reception to the ladles in honor of Mcs
dumi's Moore and Kufnre of Pliitl-smouth
Mis Eunice ingrain came up from Weep
Ing Water Kriduv lo attend tho funreul ol
her aunt. Mm. Mr.Mullen.
Mra.ElizalM'th McMullen died at hcrOhonte
In Uiulsville, Vcdncduy, June 15, .1010
llisvased was a daughter of Auum Ingram
a pioneer net tier of Cas county. Hlui wu
Isirn July 2, IK.Ill. Mho leave a husimnu,
two son and two daughter to mourn tueir
loss., hexides her mollier. hruthcr Kdward
and a sister, Mm. Vena Lee. The. funeral
service were held Huiiduy evwiing from tnir
resldiiiiw and inu-rment wa made at Ulvn.
dale cemct4T.v.
Mrs. Ed AlcMullcn arrivtsl from I'tah Sun
duy uftonxMin to attend the funeral of her
mother. Mm. McMullen.
Luvid kiunison wus given a plcaxunt aur
prise on his sevents'iilh hlrtliduy aiinlve-r
sary Tuwd.iy evening. Mm. kiiuiiNou mrved
un clirunt siipiKT and the young friends pre
wiin-d their inwt with gift and liest wisgiu
for miny linppy n-iurns of (he duy.
E. -i. Prihlihi returned from Colorado
Kriduy. whi'ro ho ha Iss-n virwing the glor
ous scenery around Pike's peak, breathing
rthciHia r 'from Ihe snow cupped mountuinsr
and wulcl In tlio sugar lus ts grow by tho aid
of Irrgallon and Japanese. Ern ay the
Lumeiero studio and the Campbell system ot
of dry farming is great business but tho ho
air in the wood Is something fuierce.
'I lie bronco brother, huve Hold their pool
ho I to Albert Cromwell of lilenwood, la.
Mr. Cromwell ha purchased the llurtshorn
building and will movo hi business Into It.
The A. O. U. W. Imlgo gave a social evening
at their fraternal Pnday evening to a
largo number of friends, lee cream and cak
worn served and a most social evening en
Joyed by all.
Mm. Huslo Fiddock of Elsie, Neb., is vis
iting her father, T. W. Hhryock aud her sister
Mm. P. C. Slander this week.
Mrs. A. Parcell. Mm. V. H. Suavely. Mm.
Agctlia Tucker and 11. Koelofsz wore sliopplng
In Omaha Tuesday.
Mr and Mm. O. D. gtiollhomt drove to
Lincoln Monday.
Mr and Mm. Will ComptiSi, Mm. Comp
ton. sr., and Mm. Hillmun of Weeping Water
NIM'iil Mouday at tbu homo of Mm. (Joorge
Mm. Patu-rson and daughUT Mabel are
guests at the homo of Geo. Kyan.
Mm. Ueo. Hhotwley is visiting relatives
In Wirplng Water tills week.
Dave NhooMlcy left for Pclla. Ia., Saturday
to visit with hi mother who Is very sick at
that place.
K. A. Stone mad, business trip to Omaha
Mm. Wesley Blryd returned from Weep
ing Water Tuesday after a visit of several
day with relative.
.Miss Mae Prouty drove to Greenwood
Monday and took the train for Yankton, S.
D. for a week's visit with friends.
Mm. Dewey of Lincoln pent Sunday at
the home of her mother Mm. Craig
Messrs. Verio Lurch. Alfred Stroemer.
and Karl Bennett and Misses Grace Buck
well. Alma Marshall and Letua Bouse drove
to Khnwood Sunday.
Trcssie and Plora Boyle drove to Kim wood
Tuesday to visit thler uncle Elmer lloyles
W arren Llnch came In from Omaha Sat
urday and spent Sunday with friends.
Mm. J. K. Parcell loft Saturday for Yates.
III., to see wher mother ho is 111.
Dr. Jones of M unlock wa In town Monday.
John Hildderbran drove to Lincoln Tues
day, i
Air. and Mm. J. P. Rouse and daughter
Alcllm were Omaha visitors over Sunday.
Krcii Dreamer and family and Mm. II.
Appicton were shopping in Lincoln Tuesday.
Air. and Mm. Will Moss of Bennett were
guest at the home of I. C. Johnson Saturday.
KolHTt Allckel of Avoca was in town on
business Wednesday.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
" Beam the
Suggestive Questions on
Lesson by Rev. Dr.
International Newspaper
Copy't 11110, by Rev.
June 19th. 1910.
Tlio of the Sower. Mult.
xiii:l!-, 1S-23.
(iolttfii Tt Win n fore puitir.g
away nil filtliness ami
of wiekiiliiess, receive with meek rim
the itiiplaiitttl word, whioli is uMe to
nave your souls. Jus. i:'JI.
Verses 1-2 Jisti.s si ems to have
taufijit liis fellows, on every ojipt r
tunity, about thitips pertaiuinn to
the Kingdom of God. Why is il.ut
both the priulege and duty of iry
Jesus until, to do the siiine thing?
What was the charm in Jtsi.s,
which attracted to him such gnat
Verse 3 Why did Jesus teach in
parables and what are the advantages
or disadvantages, of that method of
In whatrespect does the teaching
Ing of religion resemble the sow
ing of seed? (This question must
be answered In writing by mem
bers of the club.)
Verso 4 How would you character
ize a farmer, or a gardctut, who tried
to sow seed on tho highway?
Should a Christian sow the Boed 5f
the gospel in those hearts which are
not prepared to receive it?
If a path, or a road, runs through
a well prepared field, then some of
tho seed sown by hand, w ill probably
be scattered by the wayside."" Now
what will be the difference in the
crop from the prepared ground and
that from the "wayside?"
Verses 5-7 Why is a Christian
under as much obligation to pre
pare the ground, when that is possible
before sow ing the seed, as a gardener?
Taking the ground to represent
human hearts which Christian sower
Join the International Press
Bible Question Club.
The old fashioned procacher was a
great exhoi ter, for no matter w hat the
subject of his sermon, he always
wound up with a fervid exhortation
for instant compliance oil the putt of
his hearers. The present writer wish
ing he had the power to effectually
exhort all readers of the News to join
the International Bible Question club.
No matter whether you are old or
young, Protestant or Catholic, or an
outsider, it will be an infinite ben
fit to you to read and ponder the sug
gestive Questions on the Sunday school
Lesson, now running in this paper,
reading them in connection with the
Interatit.ioiml Sunday School Lesson.
These questions grip everybody; they
Cut Out and Send to This Office.
Afc AA. AA. AA. Afc AA. A. A-V JJJJAA. A-- AA. AA. AA. AA. AA. aSfc Av
Send the Plattsmouth News-Herald from now
to 19. the close of the Bible Ques
tion Contest, for the special price of $3 enclosed.
C cut n i a inrctcr of the local club.
A. .AA. AA. A. AA. -AvA. AA. AAA.A.JAAAAAA.JAA. AA. AA. AA. -AA. AA. AA, AA. AA. aSa. Asv j&a.
A, (fr Ttt 1 r WjW dT Ta," Wi
Cut Out and Send to This Office.
International Press
I have read the suggestive questions on the
Sunday School Lesson published in the The Platts
mouth News-Herald also the lesson itself lor Sun
day 19 , and intend to read the
series of 52.
Fill Out Coupon and Mall Today.
Fill in your own name or the name of a friend whom you think would be
an earnest contestant and mail to "Contest Editor," News-IIerald: You
ought to send in a subcription so that tho name would appear in the first
standing we publish, that the contestant's friends will know that he or she
are in the race to win. Remember an early start may mean victory.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
hereby enter the name of.
whose residence is.
at a contestant in your Great Subcription contest.
the Sunday School
Linscott For the
Bible Study Club.
T. S. Linwott, D. I).
will reap tic greater lituvcht, the one
w ho sc.v stir foci! h r j w h ie, ami every
wl.eie, or tie (lie who sows on well
pupaicd grot.nd?
Veise 8 Wlieh faithful Christain
is the more nuriic liotis, the one who
lii'g gcod ground to sow on, and gets
a good etop, (I '.he one who has shal
h w, tuiy, and il.orny ground from
which he gets a poor c rep? Why?
Verse J) What in the difference be
tweui the inner ears, with which we
luar moral and sjiititual, and the
ot.twiird or physical ears. k
la it a fault or a misfortune, to have
dull spiritual cars.
Veisis 18-lJ-Vhat is "the word of
the kingdom," which all Christians
should sow?
Whiii, class of persons are these
"way side" hearers?
Is understanding the word undo
the control of every hearer?
Verses 20-21 What relation to
Ciod do those hold who "receive the
word with joy," but after awhile fall
away? N
What is the difference Ixtwcrn
"way side" hearers and "stony ground
hearers, and what is the difference
in their blanieworthiiuss?
Verse 22 What are the causes of
backsliding on the part of those who
have been really converted?
Were these who "received seed
among the thorns" ever really con
verted? Verse 2.r What merit is to be award
ed to those who answer to the "cood
ground hearers"?
What is the fruit which is borne
by every good Christian?
Lesson for Sunday, June 20th, 1910
Parable of the Tim s. Mat t. xiii :2G
W, 3C43.
are as varied as is human experience,
and while they teach nothing direct
they draw from every reader the best
that is in him. They teach more by
suggestion than is possible by diresct
teaching or dogma. Try thim for
There arc five solid gold medals
five sterling nlvcr medals, five teach
er's Bibhs, and thirty-five valuable
books to be given away as piizes, to
our class of papers as previously ex
plained, to those who send in the most
cornonti out e.f the 52. The ties are
to be broktn by the I ei.t rnswtis to
the five questions that ate to I c an
swtnd in wtiting. Ytu will nied the
News for yourself or a fiiend. Use tho
attached coupon for your subsciii)
tion. t
Bible Question Club.
- JL