The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 16, 1910, Image 8

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    (From Monday's Dally)
Come here to celebrate the Fourth.
Mrs. Ulster returned Saturday from
a week's visit with friends in Lin
coln. Mrs. C. L. Martin was among the
Omaha travelers on the Burlington
this morning.
Miss Anna Preisman returned to
Omaha this morning after her regular
weekly visit in the city. '
Mrs. John Fight was a passenger
on the north hound Burlington, g6ing
to Omaha for a brief stay. .
t ". ' . ,
Carl llelak left this morning for
Omaha where he expects to take up
work on the Union Pacific.
Miss Katherine Shields of South Om
aha arrived in the city Saturday night
for a short stay with friends.
Miss Juliet Atwood of Lincoln was
a visitor yesterday at the home of
her aunt Mrs. Thomas Farmele.
' Mrs. A. N. Sullivan left this morning
for the metropolis to make a short
visit with her son C. N. Sullivan.
Clyde Brooks of Omaha was in the
city over Sunday visiting with friends.
He left this morning for his home.
Robert Propst and mother Mrs.
Goodwin of Mynard drove into the
city this morning to attend a few
business matters.
Mrs. E. II. Sage of Maywood,
Nebraska and Mrs. Jennie Wells of
Lincoln are in town for a few days,
being guests at the home of Mrs. II.
J. Streight. f
C. P. McPherson, one of the key ar
tists for the Burlington at Omaha, was
in the city over Sunday visiting with
friends. He returned to work this
morning on No. 15.
Mrs. W. E. Martin of Lincoln re
turned to her home this morning
after being in the city for several days
being entertained at the home of her
sister Mrs. Val Burkel.
Mrs. P. L. Lake of Denver is in the
city making an extended visit with her
Bister Miss Anna O'Neil. The two la
dies left this morning for the day's
pleasure trip to Omaha and return.
II. J. Oltrogge, a traveling man of
the city who represents Smith Bros"
Trunk company, was in town over
Sunday, departing this morning for
his trip through t'iffercnt Iowa towns.
Miss Hazil Cowlts returned to the
Gate City this morning to resume her
duties at the milling company at which
she is employed, having spent Sunday
with her parents in this city.
T. W. Carr of Custer County, Ne
braska arrived in the city last night
to make a visit at the home of his
brother in law A. J. McKinney, one
of tho old residents there.
W. C. Lessley of Lincoln was in
town yesterday, filling the pulpit of
the United Brethren church south
of tho city. He departed on No. 15
this morning for his Capital City
John Kotyzz, a traveling man from
Omaha was in the city over Sunday
visiting one of his old time friends
John Ncnictz, 1 caving this morning
on No. 6 to resume his grip-knight
Mrs. Henry Mr-hunger left this
morning for Omaha to see her sister
Mrs. W. K. Shepherdson of Murray
ip.ho is confined in St. Joseph hospital.
Mj '.. Mcisinger expects to return home
r.i.itnu ii( t lie pvpniiiir t ruins
Ul.tvujv - . - ----- o
Josopli Warga, who has been liv
ing in Denver for the last year, return
ed to the city this morning for a visit
with his folks. He is a tinner by
trade, having been employed at Bauer's
.hardware store while in the city.
;Mrt. Arthur Gibson of Fremont and
1t9. Thomas Gibson of Seattle visited
with their sister in law Mrs. Perry
G ibson one of the inmates of the Mason
sonic home. They returned to Omaha
on one of the earlty trains this morning.
r. n. Gould, chief clerk of Super
intendent Baird at the Burlington
v.n rmted the Gamble residence for
hn summer and will move from his
rnnnK in the Riley to his new quarters
tomorrow. The Gamble's are to spend
the summer m northern Minnesota
A COIHl'iiU"''
crt Propst of Mynard, charging him
eh i.Minir obscene language before a
n Waener. It is
a matter that must bo settled in dis
trict court, but the preliminary in
. .1 i . 1 l. ,w, n n n , 1
justice couri nas noi y v wcu i
Ed Reynolds was a visitor over Sun
day at Nebraska City, where he has
a number of friends.
H. G. Ohgle of Lincoln was a Sun
day visitor at the home of I. C. Lyle,
departing this morning on No. 15 for
his home town.
JUtou iruneii uuu nuu m.ic
t i T.:....i. J .:f
IUC tilling vuiuuu iiATiraio ai t
pot this morning, expecting to
il. .1... i.
the de-
Miss' Edna Adams of Clevelan
Ohio and Miss Carrie Adams of Eagl
Neb., are visiting in the city vjth their
sister Mrs. 0. C. DoVey.'
Mrs. George Reichart of Louis
ville was in the city today for a few
hours, coming in on the Schulyer this
A number of Plattsmouth people
spent Saturday night and Sunday in
Murray, many of them attending the
dance given there Saturday evening.
Among those there were Earl Barclay,
Glen Low, Harry Rice, John Hadraba,
Thomas Mack, Henry Hess and
Mr. Scotten.
C. S. Polk, former owner of the News
left this morning for Louisville, en
route to his home at Boise, Idaho
where he is now practising law. He
has been in the city several days visit
ing his many friends. After spending
the clay in Louisville, he will proceed
to Lincoln for a brief stay before re
turning to his western home.
A young man giving the name of
Nelson was seized with a sudden at
tack of sickness Saturday night while
on board the way car of No. 30, a
Burlington freight. As the train was
slowly moving through the yards
about 11 o'clock at night, Nelson fell
from the platforn of the car receiving
some bad bruises. A carriage was hur
riedly summoned and he was 6ent to
his home in the city where he soon ral
lied. Word just received from the bedside
of Leander Barnes, the young man who
was painfully burned in a gasoline ex
plosion of tho linotype at an Ogalalla
printing shop, assures the parents
of the injured boy, who reside in this
city, that he is resting well and his
burns arc healing as rapidly as could
be expected. His sight will not be
injured and the most 6crious burns
are on his hands which he will be
unable to work with for some months,
In district court today. Judce Travis
set the bond of andervcrt and Breck
enridge at $200 each for their anncar
nee at the next term of court which
nil not be until fall. A petition in
partition and order was filed in dis
trict court for the securing of title of
certain land in Cass county, the plnin-
lffs in the case being Benjamin F.
Landon, et al; defendants John W.
Bellinger, ct al.
Joseph Klein, now of Lincoln, a
former business man of this place
ropped in the city this niorninir to
continue his work with the Eqitable
ife company of New ork with which
lie is now connected. Mr. Klein was
at one time one of the hading cloth
ing merchants of Plattsmouth. He is
now holding a fine position with the
New lork insurance company.
(From Tuesday's Dally)
Mr. and Mrs. John Crahill denarted
this morning for Lincoln.)
L. F. Sallec was a business traveler
to the Gate city today.
Mrs. Robert Troop was a traveler
to Omaha this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Heil are
among the day's callers in the state
Mrs W. II. Freesc is spending the
day in Omaha being a traveler on No.
15 this morning.
Mrs. W. J. MAvlvaney and Mrs. W.
Morcley were among the many Om
aha travelers on No. 15 this morning.
They expect to return home this
Mrs. Roy Tarrant and sister Mrs.
W. C. Ford of Sheridan, Wyoming are
guests at the home of Mrs. Emil Wal
ters, the former being a visitor today
at Omaha.
A. F. Nickels of Murray was in
town for a short while this morning
enroute to South Omaha where he
will disposo of a quantity of sheep.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Marsh are in
Omaha for a day or two where Mr.
Marsh is attending the stock market
at South Omaha and Mrs. Marsh is
visiting friends.
Mrs. H. Steinhauer and little daugh
ter Gladys, departed this morning
for Superior, Nrb., where she will
remain several days visiting at the resi
dence of her cousin George Spong.
0. T. Davis was in town yesterday
arriving in the city in the morning
from his home aa Union.
Mii-s Lillian White and mother
Mrs. Alice White are spending the day
in Omaha w here they are visiting friend
C. R. Jordan of Alvo was a caller at
the county seat yesterday, signing
up at one of the local hotels for the
M.r and Mrs. Fred Denson are in
Omaha and Council Bluffs today visit
ing their friends at those cities.
L V Mrs'- William Portej took one of the
early trains of the day for Omaha,
intending to make the return trip this
Misses Ellen and Alice Pollock are
visitors of the day in Omaha, going
up to that city this morning on an
early Burlington.
Mrs. C. E. Hartford bought a Bur
lington ticket for the state metropo
lis this morning to wliich place she went
for a short visit.
Mrs. J. A. Libcrshal and - Miss
Anna Libcrshal boarded the early
Burlington bound for Omaha where
they remained for t he day.
Remember it's Wednesday night
the ice cream social given by the Loyal
Sons of the Christain church on the
lawn at William Baird's residence. 2t
William Hunter was a traveler
to the city this morning, having some
business up there that required his at
tention. Mrs. 0. Fields and son left today
for a short stay at Pacific Junction
with Mrs. II. M. Fields, Mrs. Fields
mother in law.
C. J. Nordenson, an inmate of the
Masonic Home, boarded the north
bound Burlington this morning, going
up to Omaha for the day.
Mrs. William Barnhart departed
on No. 6 this morning for Pacific Junc
tion where she spent the day with
who is a resident at that place.
Mi: 3 Ben Honnold of Seattle,
who 1 as been a visitor for some time
at the home of Benion Kinkaid, left
this morr.ii'g for Omaha in company
with Mrs. Woodford. After the day's
stay in the city Miss Honnold will
depart for Washington.
Solomon Rowe, who has an 80 acre
farm on the Iowa side about a quarter
mile from the ferry, is expecting to
dispose of his place this summer and
make his departure for Northern Min
nesota or Dakota where he will take
up a farm.
Jesse Perry's tonsorial parlor is
undergoing a general clean up and a
few artistic touches from the brush
of a competent painter, which is mak
ing it assume a very cleanly appearance
Mrs, Liddia Funk, who has been
visiting for the past week or ten days
with her husband at David City,
returned to her home last night.
Mr. Funk is holding a position for the
summer in that city.
Miss Florence McElroy of Lincoln
who has been visiting for the past
several days at the home of her parents
in thjs city, returned to the Capitol
City this afternoon to take up her
Earl Morris of Union is languishing
in the county dungeon awaiting a
hearing, being charged with stnrn
breaking at Union which occurred
night iHlore last. He will probably
be given a hearing tomorrow.
George Gobelman, one of the paint
department employees the Burling
ton, received a deep burn on the left
hand yesterday afternoon while draw
ing 6ome hot water from the pipes.
The middle fingers of the hand were
badly affected, which required the care
ful attention of the company physi
cian. Mrs. Charles M. Foster is informally
celebrating her fiftieth anniversary
today at her comfortable home on
Sduth Tenth sltrect, entertaining a
number of ladies of the Christian
church who are helping to make the
day a pleasant one for her. The after
noon is being sjient in sewing and con
versation, wound up with delicious
Mrs. J. IL Wells of Lincoln and Mrs.
E. II. Sage of Maywood, sister in law
and sister of Mrs II. J. Streight
have been entertained for the past
few days at the Streight residence.
They left this morning for Lincoln
w here Mrs. Sage's son has undergone
an operation for appendicitis at one
of the hospitals. After stopping
a day or two at tho Capital City, Mrs.
JPge will return to her homo. w
D. 0. Dwyer was a business traveler
to the city this morning.
Mrs. M. A. Howland. Mrs. C. C.
Parmele and Mrs, W. J. Streight
constituted a committee of delegates
from the local branch of the P. E. 0.
to attend the convention of the order
which is lieing held for a few days at
Seward. The ladies left this morning
for Omaha, from where they proceeded
to their destination.
(From Wednesday's Dally)
C.S .Newlon and H. II. Miles two
Weepinng Water ret-idents were cal
lers in town yesterday.
Mrs. Joseph Fetzer Li -in the Gate
City today visiting friends and attend
ing some small business matters.
Mrs. Robert Ward and son Evcrettt
were early travelers to Omaha today
spending the day with friends the
Miss Blanche Horning is visiting
a short while with friends at the Cap
itol city, starting there this morning
on No. 15.
M. W. Moose of Murdock was a
business caller in town yestersday,
returning to his home town this af
ternoon. T. L. Pollock and Charles Parmele
had business matters that called them
to Omaha today. They went up on
No. 15 this morning.
Miss Louise Glenn was among the
Omaha passengers on No. 15 this morn
ing. She will visit friends ihere for
the day and return home his evening.
Mrs. A. A. Shae of Norborne. Mis
souri, and Mrs. 0. II. Bayless of Wat
son, Missouri, arrived in the city
yesterday afternoon for a visit at the
home of their mother, Mrs. John Brady
The P. E. 0. Society will meet
Friday afternoon at the home of Miss
Bertha Richie. The meeting is called
for 3 o'clock and the members are re
quested to bring flowe rs.
Mrs. Charles Schwab of Murray,
accompanied by her little son Frank,
made the rounel trip to Omaha ;o.!ay,
returning in time to proceed ;j 1 er
home this evening.
Mike Martin returned to 1 is head
quarters again at tie Perkins House
after being away on a month's visit
at Valpariso, where he has quite ex
tensive land interests.
A. W. Atwood made his departure
for the metropolis this morning where
he will remain today and tomorrow
to attend the State Druggists conven
tion which is in session there for two
days. '
William Caygill, a Wabash farmer
was on the Plattsmouth streets yes
terday. He returned home in the af
ternoon. ...
Mrs. J. W. Sage, Mrs. Dick Streight
and Mrs. Elias Sage were in the crowd
of Omaha travelers at the depot this
morning, going up to that city for the
elay's outing.
Mrs. Henry Ohrt set out on her re
turn trip to Calhoun this morning
having been a visitor in town several
days. She was entertained while in
the city by her brother John Iverson
and sister Miss Nelson.
George M. Porter representing
the Omaha Bee is in the city today on
his regular monthly visit in looking af
ter the interests of the paper. He is
making a number of changes in carrier
boys and has placed the Plattsmouth
agency in different hands.
II. W. Baughman, who resides on
the Dovcy section west of town,
arrived in the city this morning from
an eastern trip. He was called to
the death bed of his brother W; II.
Baughman, a resident of Avon, a little
town a few miles south of Galcsburg,
Will Ramsey went down to Lin
coln yesterday afternoon ,o attend
the annual of liis graduating class
from the University of Nebraska. He
was a member of the class who's re
union will be held tonight.
Pete Evcrs; one of McMakcn's em
ployees, received a very serious cut
in the right hand about nine o'clock
this morning while unloading a bill
of timn at the Burlington elepot,
The jagged cut cxtendoel across the
palm of his hand to such an extent that
eight stitches were necessary to close
up the wound.
Tor InfaaU and Children.
The Kind Yoa tiara Alwajs Bought
Bears tin
Signature of
Tried In Palttsmouth It Has
Stood the Test.
The hardest test in the test of time
and Doan's Kidney Tills have stood it
well in Flattsmouth. Kidney sufferers
can hardly ask for stronger proof
J. B. Partridge, Eighth street,
Plattsmouth, Neb., sas: "I suffered
constantly from pains across mji
loins and kidneys and on several oc
casions I was so badly ciippled that
I could only get about with the aid of
two canes. The use of the, first box of
Doan Kidney Tills, procured from
Gcring & Co'e. Drug store, helped
me so greatly that I continued taking
the remedy until I was entirely re
lieved. It would be impossible for tnc
to speak too highly of Daon's Kidney
The above statement was riven
in June 1906 and on Dec. 29, 190S
Mr. Patridge said : "I still recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills highly. I willing
ly renew the public statement I gave
over two years ago in their favor."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster Milburn, Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. Remember the name Doan's
-and take no other.
Legal Notice
In the District Court of Cass Co.Neb.
In the matter of the Guardianship of
Donovan A. Walling, a minor. Order
to show cause.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George W. Walling,
guardian of the Estate of Donovan
A. Walling, a mineir, praying for a
license to sell an undivided one-third
interest in fee simple in Lets Twelve
(12), Thirteen (13), Sixteen (10) and
Seventeen (17', in West Greenwood
Cass County, Nebraska, for the sup
port and education of said minor and
for the better investment of the resi
due, there being no personal property
belonging to said minor's estate.
It is therefore ordered chat all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at Plattsmouth, on the 20th
day of June, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
to show cause why a license should
not be granted to said guardian to
sell said real estate for the support
and education of said minor and for the
better investment of the residue there
of. It is further ordered that this notice
be published for three weeks success
ively in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald
a newspaper published and of general
circulation in said county, next prior
to the date of said hearing.
Dated this 12th day of May, 1910
Harvey I). Travis,
Judge of the District Court.
Legal Notice.
To Lydia Merriam, Art E. Alex
ander, Lloyd D. Bennett, Margaret
L. Bennett, Medy Bloodworth, Meetly
P. Bloodworth, Abigail Bloodworth,
Spencer Packard, L. R. Baxley, (first
and real name unknown The un
known Heirs or Devisees of Sclden
N. Merriam, deceased, The Un
known Heirs or Devisees of William
Parman, deceased, The Unknown
Heirs or Devisees of Elias Gibbs, de
ceased :
You and each of you will hereby
take notice that on May 28th, 1910,
John Warga, Plaintiff, filed his peti
tion in the District Court of Cnss
County, Nebraska, against you, and
others, the object, purpose and prayer
of which is to remove clouds from and
quiet the title of record by the decree
of said Court, to the North East
quarter of South East quarter and
South East quarter of North East
quarter of Section Five (5) and North
West West quarter of South West
quarter and Government Lot Four
(4) in Section Four (4; and also a tract
of land in said Section 4, described
as: Beginning at quarter sectitm cor
ner on West side of said Section 4,
and running thence north 10 chains;
thence Southeast 72 chains to a point
intersecting a line through the centre
of said section 4, and thence West
to place of beginning, known as sub
lot 14 of Government Lot 3, in said
Section 4, all in Town Eleven (11)
North, Range Fourteen (14, East of
the Sixth P. M. in Cass County,
Nebraska, in Plaintiff as against you
and others, and to exclude you and
each of you from ever asserting or
claiming any right, title or interest
therein, or to any part or parcel
thereof, and for such othor and fur
ther relief as may be just and equit
able. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 11th day of
July 1910, or the allegations contained
in said petition will be taken as true
and decree rendered accordingly.
Dated: May 28, 1910.
12-St Plaintiff.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
Notice to Water Consumers.
All consumers in arrears for water
assessments arc requested to pay up
on or before June 25th, 1910.SeTvice
will be discontinued from all properties
after that date without further no
tice, where consumers are in arrears.
0S-5t riattsmou.h. Water Co.
Ulllt I H I H I 1 I t ;. h.,H"H"'
John Durman
I Expert Blacksmith
Has taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kinds of Fine Horseshoe
ing and all kinds of Black
smithing. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Call on Him.
M-H 1 i l iM t I I I M l 1 I I I I I H
$25.00 to
The World's Greatest
All-the-Year Resort
Double Daily Through
Choice of Scenery
The True Southern Route
via El Paso
Through Scenic Colorado
Pucllo and Denver
Ask for Ratt-s and Schedules
Hugh Norton, Agent.
(Continued from page 1)
first mail that went out of Plattsmouth
on the Burlington, the mail car being
only a common box car. In 1S75 he
was transferred to the Santa Fc
and in 1S77 he moved, with his
family to Atchison, ficm Plattsmouth.
In 1885 his mail car was in a w reck and
Mr. McMaken was injured. He was
then appointed to a position in the
Atchison post olhcc and continued in
this work until the day he was taken
sick, last April.
November 27, 1SS0, Mr. McMaken
was married in Atchison to Miss Kate
Lavender, who survives him.
The deceased was a member of the
A. S. Everett post and had been a
member of the Knights of Pythias
over thirty years.
Notice to Creditors.
Stale of Nebraska
Cass County ss. In County
In the matter of the estate of Edwin
R. Todd, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Executrix of said estate, before me,
County Judge of Cass County, Nebras-
mi, ai iac touiuy v. oun room m Halts-
litrmtli in cnirl f 'nnnli ah fi I. .-..
"ww""! v-vumj, iiii; Vilt Uilj
of July 1910 and on the 12th day of
January 1911 at 10 o'clock a. m. each
day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the cred
itors of said deceased to present their
claims and one ycjir for the Executrix
to settle said estate from the 9th day
of July 1910.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this Gth day of June 1910.
Allen J. Beeson.
(seal) ' County Judee.
To Colorado.
William Starkjohn, Fred Egenbcrge
cr and Sam Shumakcr set forth this
morning, bound for Denver and a num
ber of other Colorado points. They
expect to spend Sunday in Denver after
looking over some of the land in that
vicinity. On the 23rd they will go to
Burlington, Colorado where there is
to be a big trustees auction of farm
land. The land to come under the
hammer is an enormous tract con
taining 33,000 acres, which does not
require1 irriagtion to make it produce
profitably. The sale is being widely
advertised and there will be people
from all over the country to snatch
up any bargains that may be offered.
The Plattsmouth party will be gone
a little over a week.