The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 16, 1910, Image 5

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comes here when she wislics to luiy
candy, soft drinks, ieo cream. Wliy
Because she can di-pend upon our
goods being absolutely fresh and pure.
Follow her example and you will
profit ! y so doinc. Leave orders for
Ice ort 'lii, Pint L'tie, fc;art, 3., Gal
lon, Sl i. Try cur Fountain for ice
cream ai.d soda.
Ice Cream Delivered
Ind. Telephone 33G. Store.
or tea at any time of the day may
purchased at
Teas of rich delicate flavor, frn prance
and strength. We can furnish vou with
all the desired High Grade Teas on
the market at right priccrs.
Have you tried us on coffee? Our
prices run from loc to -10c per lb.
fill the picnic lunch basket with cakes
and with sandwiches made of our tea
biscuit or home made bread.
that will be absolutely empty on your
return no matter how full it was on
the start out. Things that wc bake are
always relished.
James V. Kaspar
Just Plain Talk
We are a nation of particular
people We are most particular in
what we eat. We want always to
know that the various food articles
of which we partake, contain only
pure, wholesome . ingrcdeints. The
fact that "Fairy Ice Cream" is the
only Ice Cream made in P'attsmouth
that has been approved of by the
Nebraska Pure Food Commission,
should place this delicious article
upon the table of every family in the
city. Guaranteed absolutely free
from starch or any other adultera
tion. QUART 35c. HALF GAL. 63c.
Special Low Price In
We are still the leading soda
dispensers in the city. Every
thing neat,.elean and sanitary
Ingredients prepared by an ex
pert of fifteen years experience.
Ik good to yourself and make
this your headquarters.
Candy Makers. Next door to P.O.
Continued from pnge 1
before she was overcome and tic wea
pon was dashed to tie (tour, l.t.t n..t
until the blade had n ached its mark,
as is evident from ihe slight sC'ins
of blood notieablt in il.e room, land
ing her hands secure iy over hi r lt st
with a piece of rope, and iih.i hand
over her mouth to mtilh'c her cry,
the inmidir proceeded to cany out
Lis dastaiiilv iim ntions.
In the isi rustle, a- her hands were i Lemuel, ihe aged lady faintid
away , but she thinks a gag of sone
kind was f.imd in h r mouth, ft r when
siie rccoveree! her m use s, a heavy rope
was about her neck ami hr hands
were both M-curcly bound across her
body. The house was qui; i and the
fiend had departed threugh the win
dow which i.e h:d e Mere el a few
m inutt s previous. Whh cctbiderable '
difliculiv, Mrs. Schmidt made her way
to a window in an effort to see which
way iie had proceeded, but the dark
ness had enveloped him and not a sign
of a clue to his identity remained with
the exceptions of a few brown hairs,
two pieces of rope and the medium
size foot prints left in the soft clay
about the house. Working herself
free from the bounds, she hobbled
across the alley to the home of her
martst neighbor, li. C. Marquardt
where she gave a brief account of the
horrifying crime which soon had the
town stirred up to the highest pitch
of excitement.
On the arrival of the sheriffs, the
de puty was set to work on the wires,
notifying every town in the vicinity
tif the assault and giving the authori
ties a faint description of the man
with dark brown hair a seratche d face.
The sheriff secured all the informa
tion and cbus possible from the
Schmidt residence, anel it was ele
cided to send for the Heat rice blood
hounds. They were immediately dis
patched to Lincoln by rail, w here they
were met by an automobile and rushed
to the little village. The deigs arrived
there yesterday afternoon, but by
that tine the scent had eudently van
ished as the keen scent of the ani
mals proved to no avail. They picked
up short trails which they followed for
a few yards, and then as if the fugi
tive had evaporated the trail was lost
entirely, anel could not be again found
in the vicinity, making it appear as
though the man hael maelc his escape
in some vehicle. At no time did the
dogs evidence their usual signs when
on a hot trail ad they were soon taken
off the job.
During the day parties of farmers
and resident!) of the little town formed
posses and scoured the country for
miles, but the mystery surrrounding
the affair remains as deep as ever.
The sheriff and party went by auto
mobile to Dunbar and early this morn
ing to Nebraska City, returning be
fore daylight, but their trip was fruit
less. Yesterday there were as many
as twenty automobiles from the m-igl
boring territory, each containing from
the neighboring territory, each con
taining from two to six men, which
covered every foot of road within ten
or twenty milts of the place. Every
stranger that was met with was ques
tioned and carefully examined, but no
arrests were made anel no one seems
to have left the village which is being
turneel upside down in an effort to
locate the criminal.
The authorities fee-1 certain that the
crime was committed by someone
acqauintcd with the house and the
neighborhood. It was clearly a well
planned attack. It was known that
at the hour of two, the woman would
be sleeping nwst soundly anel would
not hear him cnetcring. By the rope
he carried shows that the minute tic
tails of the work were perfectly laid
out. 15y not uttering a sound, net
speaking a word or even coughing
scaped any possibility of his voice
being rcceignizcd. The rope has not
been identified and it is doubtful if
it ever will be, as it was a piece of
slightly used, meelium size brown rope,
which is as common as can be. The
lair may have a slight clue, but it is
a small matter upon which to estab
lish an identification.
The shocking crime set the peace
ful little country town wild with in
dignation and excitement and if the
fiend is captured great care will have
to be taken to guard him against
violence. The woman's conelition to
day is greatly improved and is it not
thought her experience will have any
serious effects.
It seems certain that there was
but one person engaged in the work
as the foot prints show but one se't
of tracks. At time of going to press
no new devempments have been made
and the criminal is still at large.
Advertised Letter List.
Flattsmouth, Xeb , June 13, 1910
Ldaies: Mrs Lizzie Dutch, Miss
Dtdla Fishe-r, Mrs Grace Ixing, Miss
Fanny Mutchcek.
Gents: Louis Hushhousen, Wm.
Joseph, S. M. Ore (2 , T. M. Patter
son, E. G. Smith, Ephrim Schwab.
Above letters unclaimed will be
sent to Dead h'ttcr office June 27, 1910.
II. A. Schneider, IVM.
People and Events
Suif Lights on NotaMes
to tlv Public Eye
n e w pi licit
ally mil nf the way
"lilt- house which
Is Hiiiii'il iiihi 1 1 1 1 v
be I 1 1 i , f id mi nvel
aye en-i ot 1.'-'im-Wtzarii
Kdlsoii is
Ulllllll;: Ills tlllell
linn lo another star
tling lini-iitlou III. H
iluinlsi'N to nliiil
I Ml a I n r i! mi'
THOMAS A. KI.ISON. JorUy 1)f b
ot department stores Hi- Is reducing
to pupt-r tin- plaus Hun have lonu m-cit
pled his brum tor hii automatic slur
When thiH plans are complete lie
hopes to see ait'suit'i) replaced oy mi
(omatlc vi'iiillug devle-ex In inosl stores
The cusiemiei need tint walk up to a
glorltted slut ruaclilne, drop in the
proper coin, and his bundle, neatly
wrapped, will he delivered Id his tin nd.
Even ndinlitlny (hat the greater part
ot the goeiel eld In the average utore
cannnt lie haneliiKl In this manner. Mr
Edison believes l Inn the proportion ot
gooels that call be dlspewed of by thp
auiomnilc plan !s so large that the cost
ot store operation will tie greatly re
duena. That un'ims nneler modern
methods ot competition that the cus
tomer will get the benefit Id his pur
chases. .Nor does Mr. lOdlson think that the
clerks who will be thrown out ot em
ployment will long surfer, lie points
out that with every aelde-d machine to
do away with old fashioned and toll
siuii; method more men and women
have been employed and at hlchi-r
wages. i
That hanelshiklng sMint of the presi
dent on New Year'i day. when he
stands to the White House and greuts
a line ot people reaching a mile In
length, has been geMiel practice for Colo
nel Hooseveit. and the way he has been
pxcbuiigliits "grips" abroad has brought
te'iitx to more thiiD one eye. That this
had auytbltiK to do with the recent
injury to the kaisers wrist, however.
Is denied, but the colonel is said to bi
as .t renin ms in bis liaudshiiklDK us
he Is In utile! directions
The return of the es-presldent to
America on June IS has aroused In
tense enthusiasm all over the country,
the evem bringlug people from every
state In the I'nlon.
Tex Itlckard. promoter and retere
of the Jertrles-Johusoii tiirdt. Is aliniist
as much in the llmeligbt just now as
the principals id the altair. ana some
eooei stories are teiii to id et him.
He tievi-r inuts. Is never dlscouraueei
and will L'Hiiinie on anytbiim Klckarei
was stranded up in Alaska during the
hard winter that followed the dlse-ov
ery if cold, lie
bad not posesseel
enough money to
buy a ticket back
to the States wbeti
the last ship sailed
for that desirable
haven, aud be very
naturally dldn t
have euougb money
to pay board a l
Nome for the win
ter to e-eime. with frozen potatoes
quoted on the Nome Stock Exchange at
$J0 apleM-e and none for sale It lonkeii
rather ultnimiiriiie for the Itlckaitt
family when l ex's partner walked Into
the cabin one day
"Tex." wild he dolefully, "were
cleani'd There ain't uothln' left in
the cupboard but a pauts button."
Mr. Ki' kiinl ns dowtie-ant. but imiy
tor a nionieiit
"Well. Hiiil." said lie to the olli.-i
gentlemnti. "I'll cut you the en ids. iet
blgb. to see w ho eats the bllMou '
Itickat'd it tail. lean, sinewy iinei
dark, laineil troni exposuie to ii-.-rt
sun anel wind, lie Is a typ. hi r I i
of the plums, it mnel as nulls anil iu'
as cool and eiiieitnitiiiu as the
frolltiersilieii who svml the ;Iv:iIhi
part tit He'll lives Iii thi' saddle. t;, k
ard Is Inst in- t,vp- viii. n t'.n-i iihi,.
SO llellullttllllt (lfi I'll., il iii Ills It. I'lf.
of Cailforti'ii iI(m ot me .-uriv ntii.s
II- I" n mint ot I-im anil t"i t'os
rffi.vio n ititt-n tb' ni' K iii;. "i
It !.- .1. R
l. y
2 V".
The Wedding Niw Yom Has Bun Dis
cussing For AtKt.
The uxiiiiiiiu em . 1 1 1 . .li ot MIm
Kleitiini Hip, -i AleXHi.l-i 'I New )one
and Ttieinii'iM KiiiiMM .-ii. .i , ot tti..
ex-prcslileml, unite I volet iniipie
Who- tss niv lit), n lii.ih lire
qillt'l. I'll iv little fni virlHi n il urn
llPVOtCit III HI (itiMt,f kjinrCa HIMI
anil umimc. .-M.i'i lit 1 1 v i lie iii n i (
..': . "T' S. v. V
ss h f iV r
Photo by American Pre Association.
was her violin playing that first drew
them together.
Theodore Uoosevelt, Jr.. Is twenty
three years old aud Inherited from his
father a great fondness for vigorous
outdoor exercise, and both In temper
ament anel looks la like the former
Colored Pugilist Ha Taken No
Chances In Thi Direction.
"Look here. Jack." said a visitor tu
Johnson's quarters the day he began
training for bis battle with Jeffrie's:
"you are not ge)lt)g about this business
the right way. Why. you haven t a
single mascot, while Jeffries has three
or four."
And from that time on Johusou bus
bad enough mascots to satisfy a navy
First he purchased a pig; then came a
chicken, a muel turtle, two dogs and
a moDki-.t, while recently he secured a
goat that na enad- things lively
Photo by American frees Association.
around the training cmamp Frequent
ly Jiihnseiu has blte-hi-el Hits amuiai to
a cart and gone out feir a "Joy ride."
but If he broke any speeti records the
police tailed lo get him.
Only Daughter ot King George a Ver
Domestic Miss.
Since Kltiu eieorue v ascended to
the throne the most talked ol yniiiiu
lady iititoiid tins in-en his ouly daugh
ter, iiml tiei very latest photo has just
reached America anel Is shown nere
tier ruyai inclines I'nncess Vii-iurla
Alexiiiiilrs Alice Mary, to give you ber
full name and title, was born April '-'.V
The princess lias been brought up
on tlloc priil' lples ot domestic Hint
pm-ity wild h l oin iii this mid prevmus
geuerntioiis luive mnile Kiigland's royul
buusehold the type ami llioelel of mi
Ideal rnullsli hntne. Anmiiii other
bttlitts lle has t.een tntiyht those ot
thrift and eeonomv mikI has eiften been
seen In the postntltce opislte Marlbor
eatt'h ll"iie di'p'i-itimj Hvinit" In er
own accouot.
s W
: " a ; i 4
! I ii. - '( Vg
In (he Limelight
Sketches of Celebrities
Ekin ra'Kcd About.
K our constlttttloii
Is so ameiiileil n
to provide for
the eli" floe of !Y'
isl Stales i i
bv direct vote I't ' if
people much 't
will to to S ii r ,r
Itolierl l 0"H i
he lias probalo d
voteil unire 1 1 rie
ami attention to it is
mattei than my
other man In i-
gress llic i
nient for ellreet .
tlou of Unlti'd' ..ii s
senators by popular veite has ri h n d
the point where more nun tin-..".
fourths ot the states of the Uulon nave
found some method of circumventing
the original Intention of the constitu
tion, and toelay In thirty-seven of the
states the legislatures have become the
registering machines for the popular
will. This has been effected without
an amendment to the federal constitu
The definite action by the various
state legislatures on the electiou of
Cnlteel States senators has not tnnele a
marked impression on congress, 'l'bre'e
times the house of representatives has
passed the necessary anietielmeut to
the national constitution, but at no
time has the seunte put It up to the
country ot large.
Florida nominates ber senators by
direct primary. If the first primary
deies not result in n majority for any
candidate the two highest tight It out
at o seconel primary thirty days inter.
Georgia Instructs ber legislature liy
the primary method as to the popular
choice for senator. Maryland directly
nominates senatorial candidates by
party re-guiatlons protected by the
state primary taw. Mississippi nomi
nates ber senatorial candidates by a
primary aeleejuately protected by the
state law. North Dakota has direct
American tourist returning from
abroad are loud tu tnelr praise of the
great Brussels exposition, ope.ietl re
cently at Hrussels. Belgium. This In
ternational exhibition has not been ieft
to private enterprise. The govern
ments of the nations have given ofll-
clal enconrageinent and otllcial per
sons and unints of money for Its or
ganlzailoti it is truly a world's fair.
and all the great powers und the little
ones are taking some part In it Amer
ica's exhibit of machinery at the show
bas attracted great attention.
The elevation of (leneral Ixmls
Botha to head the first cabinet of Unit
ed South Africa marks one of the most
extraorelluary developments In innelHrii
political history, tor only a tew years
ago he was leading an armed force
acalnst Eimiiunl He entered the Itoet
army as a comet, but so valuable a
soldier was he. so remarkable a strate
gist, that ne epilckly rose to the rank
of general.
On one occasion during the Boer war
Botha did not retreat with the rest of
the Boers, but slept
the nluht ot May 2'.i
In (Jeruilston with
lu a tew hundred
yards of where
Lord Huberts was
sleeping. He took
Ibis chalice of learn
ing the plans eif the
euemy bwause so
many pe-opie of the
rountry were in the
employ of the Brit
ish that he Unit-veil
be e on let pass for
euie eif them , The
next mnrnluu Botha
e.KN aoTHV
actually Jnim-u one ot Ifniiert's patrols
rode with tiini to the top of the hill ami
then Kiilloped off and Joined bis own
people again
By the act of federation roe-cntly
adopted by the respective parliaments
the four colonies of Cape of Good
Hope. .Natal, the Transvaal anel r
ant'e Ulver become province's ot the
Unleio ot Smith Afrle-a Kue li provluce
will have Us owu council and m-iuI
members te the t'ulon parliament,
which will consist of Ihe senate and
beaise of assembly. Cape Mown will
be the seat ol the legislature aud Pre-
; tot-lH the seat of the executive nor r3
I Uieut.
Rff i
J1 ?'
s s
t - s y
ityjf p
Uncle Sam's Interesting Eorimits
at the Univarsity ot Wisconsin.
Code Sam is wide Hvvuke In ilia
fact thai our ton sis Mre rnpub) dis
appearing, ii lid to bull vvnvs Mild mean
of utilizing ev-ry pari of s tree, two
thirds of which the lorest service re
ports Is now wasted, some interesting
experiments are to lie conducted 1'lin
work will lie carried out in the uew
forest products laboratory Just dedi
cated at the t'nlve-rslty of Wisconsin.
Tin' rapid d'.siippe.-mince of tho
Anierli-nn Ion-is. wha li i- o'ding to
the estimates ot e'.perts. will last but
twenty-live years longer nt the present
rate of consumption, makes plain the
urgency of the problem of saving what
Is left and of using to the utmost all
of the stumps, slabs, small limbs anel
sawdust now burned as waste. Tboso
In charge of the experimental work of
the laboratory believe that tbeso
waste products" cau be used In mak
ing cheaper print paper, wood aleev.
hoi, turpentine) and other useful artl-
cles. and to this end they will devote
themselves to investigation.
rartlcular attention will be given to
the problem of making a satisfactory
print paper from materials other than
spruce and hi'inkie k. and for this pur
pose a complete papermaklng plant
has been made a part of the laboratory
Work of Irvin A. Reed to Free Man Ha
Had Convicted.
It is not often that a district attor
ney works night and day to cemvlct a
man and later on almost moves heaven
and earth to get that same man par
doned. This remarkable turn to a
criminal case, however. Is one of the
receut sensations eif Pennsylvania.
Thomas Deliini'V was e hatKed with
breaking Into the home eif Miss Kate
Becker at Connor's Crosslug. I'a., on
the night or lies-, lit, HKiT, imd. while
tho evidence was purely clre iimstan
tial. he was convicted and sentenced to
eleven yeuirs" imprisonment. Irvln A.
teed was at that time district attorney
of Schuylkill county. I'a., and prose
cuted t tie e-ae.
Recently, however, facts reached Mr.
Reed that led him to believe be bad
committed a great wronu In convicting
Delaney. and since then he has done
everythltiK possible tei free the Impris
oned man, paylne the expenses ejf the
application for a pardon and giving his
services gratuitously
New Style Machine, Built Like a Mo
torcycle, la Speedy.
Those ot us who are smhlng for nn
automobile and lying awake nights
wondering how we ran save up enough
to pun-base one may e-hlrk up a bit.
Before lone, snlel a prominent Inventor
recently, they will be so cheap that
nil may own a e ar. althotiKh this state
ment bas been made many times be
fore. At any rate, a new style auto
bas becc Invented, and. although In
expensive, it may not suit those who
want a big touring machine or none.
The new style auto that has Just
been placed ou the market is built on
about the same principle as a motor
cycle, only It has a more comfortable
seat. When not lu motion the small
balance whevis Hre released by a spring
to keep the machine upright. While
It ba onlT a tour horse-power pi glue,
It can travel about sixty miles an hour.
( :mM