X WASHINGTON LETTER X X X The President lu-inj? away from the city this work there is but little politi cal news. The railroad hill has pn.ed the Senate and will pass the Houc the cumiiiK week. This till is not satis factory to any faction, but it is claimed as an administration victory. The Arizona and New Mexico statehood bill and the postal lank bill will likely go over until next season, as July is now fixed upon as the adjournment date. The BalliiiRor-Pinchot committee ia ready to make its report and the general opinion is that it will divide on political lines and that means there will be no censure of the Secre tary, but with this report is the fur ther general impression that the Sec retary will get out of the Cabinet at an early date. I'inchot has just re turned here from a trip abroml to see his former chief, the ex-President, and he has some interesting informa tion, and probably promises, given him by this world conqueror, but what he has is not for the puglic at this time. In memory of those who fell for the lost cause and w ore the Confederate gray, memorial services are held at Arlington, the National Cemelcry the first Sunday in June of each year, There ore buried there 2G5 Confed erates who died in prison, hospitals and on battle fields in the vicinity of this city, and a tomb marking the spot of the remains of 10,000 unknown, and the martial strains of Dixie will echo through the vales w here less than a week ago resounded the notes of the boys in blue on Decor ation day. This is a tribute to the men who wore the gray, and is largely through the suggestion of President McKinley, who advocated the sharing with the South in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers. Congress appropriated money and authorized the gathering of those remains into one plot at Arlington, which has been done, and this is laid off into a circu lar plan, divided by four paths running to the center, in which it is inytended to erect a monument to these men and their chieftain Gen. llobt. K. Lee, who at one time made his home on this very property. The Postmaster General is still making an effort to discover the cause and if possible a remedy for the growing deficit which confronts his department.. Since he failed to have newspaper postage increased, he has turned his attention to the abuses of the franking privilege, which he finds a source of immense loss to the Government, as the users of this form of postage frank anything from a typewriter to a Jersey cow. Mem bers are now engaged in their annual cleaning up of their matters here and are sending home great quanti ties of stuff under the frank, on which express or freight should be paid. but the thrifty Member considers this privilege one of the perquistitos of the office that he does not propose to miss Speaker Cannon has not been so much in evidence m the legislative program since the House bowled over him and his Rules Committee. Leg islation has gone on and with much more- satisfaction to the people, and the hope now is that the protest has been so strong that reforms will come and stay, so that it will not be neces sary for a new member to gt t the con sent of the Speaker before he intro duces a bill or asks for its consideration The Speaker has truly been the auto erat of the House, and backed bv his Rules Committee was in absolute control of the entire legislation of the country. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Joseph Sedlack, a shop man, suffered a fall from a trestle on the repair track this morning, which resulted in few cuts and bruises on his arm. In the decent, his rhisel beat him to the grou'nd and in alighting on it he re cciveda gash on the left arm and anothe slight one on the index finger. M. A. Streight, who is an express messenger on the Turlington between here and Chicago, is visiting his par ents in the city today. Marshall Andrus of Greenwood is in the city today, coming up this morn ing to appear as witness in a case in justice court. II. II. Windham will leave the city the first of the week to attend as dele gate the national council of th e Knight and Ladies of Security, which is to be held at Springfield, 111. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS riattsmouth, Neb., June, 7, 1010. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present C. I J. Jordan, L. D. Switzer and M. L. Fried) ich, county commissioners, D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, when the following busi ness was transacted in regular form: " County Treasurer this day ordered to make the following transfers in school district funds account of er ror in School District numbers in case of John Ossenkop's assessment: $5.20 transferee! from school district No. 77 to school district No. 79; $12.38 transfcrcd from school district No. 47 to school district No. 79. Bond of O. E. Liston, county phy sician District No 0 opproved. Bond of the Manley State Bank as County Depository for county moneys, approved contract between Dr. P. E. Liston and Cass County entered into this day as County Phy sician District No. C. Bond of Union State Bank of Mur- doek, bidding 2 1-4 per cent for county money filed as a substitute to the one originally filed bidding 3 per cent and same was approved and old bond ordered returned. Bid of W. It. Sperry at S7.00 per yard for concrete bridge Weeping Water Preeeinct Section 2 Town 10 Range 11, received and placed on file. Bid of $55.00 per mile grading road three miles or more North and East of Avoca received and bid accepted. Claims for damages for twenty feet ono half mile long off the side of the east half Section 21, Town 12, Range 13, Cass County, Neb., to be used as public highway $130.00 and removing fence $25.00 filed by Mrs. Magdalene allery also claim for twen ty feet one half mile long off the north side of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 2S, Town 12, Range 13 County of Cass, Neb., to be used as a public highway $150.00 filed by Geo. W. Snyder, both claims were allowed and the road established and Road overseer instructed to open up the road. retition ot riattsmouth citizens praying the board to provide a 10 by 24 foot bridge with lt foot piling on the road now constructed from this city to the ferry on the Missouri Itivcr bottom received and placed on file. . The following claims were allowed on the general fund: M. L. Friedrich, salary and expense ....$ 12.00 Fred Patterson, use of field in struments for May, refused. 5.00 T. S. Svoboda, salary and laun dry 02.50 II. M. Soennichsen, mdes 23. SO J. II. Donnelly, work in asses sors office 54.00 S. F. Girardet, mdse to poor . . 5. 00 L. D. Switzer, salary 40.00 C. R. Jordan, salary. 26.30 J. F. Brendd, salary county physician district 2 1st qtr. 1910 9.25 B. I. Clements, coroners fees W. F. Allen 13.23 C. D. Quinton, same.'. 0.30 Wilson Gilmore, jury fees, same 1.10 C. Cherry, same 1.10 J. L. Record, same 1.10 Geo. R. St oner same 1.10 R. I. Compton, same 1 . 10 S. M. Potter, same 1.10 C. D. Quinton witness 1.10 R. E. Contryman, same 1.10 M. M. Butler, same l.ifl Wm. Cherry, same 1. 10 E. Manspcakcr,salary deputy sheriff month of May 37.00 Dr. E. L. Jones, salary county phy. dist. 5, 1st Q. 1910. . 15 00 Neb. Lighting Co., ga to court house and Jail 21 . 97 C. W. Baylor, coal to paupers . 29 . 20 P. E. Ruffner, assessing 1st 2nd and part 4th ward PlaUs. Dity JS3.00 L. B. Egenberger, mdse to poor 35 . 55 E. F. Marshall, assessing Weeping Water City . . S4.24 R.O.Hutchins, assessing Avio ca precinct 93.06 D. C. Morgan, salary and ex-' Pcnw 1S3.C6 M. Archer, Costs, State vs. Samuel Thomas 4 15 C. D. Quintan, same 7.50 G. P. Meisinger, assessing Eight Mile Grove precinct. 115.12 F. E. Schlater, postage and express i 2 29 II. M. Soennichsen, express . and postage 20.94 George S. Smith, assessing Rock Bluff precinct 174 .25 Ed. P. Belts, assessing Tipton precinct 82.55 A. 1). Despain assessing 3rd, 5th ami part 4th, wards riutts City 1S3.00 John C. Murphy, assessing Center precinct'. 03.53 Henry F. Kropp, assessing Ne- liawkn precinct 86. SO Will Rununel assessing Platts mouth prcinct 132.00 D. P. Jackson, mdse to jail ... 4 . 50 T v P....... ,1 .)!..: ! Tax Certificate 1.50 E. St urzenegger, mdse to poor . 9 . 00 Hatt & Son, mdse to poor 5 00 C. D.' .Quinton boarding count y prisoners and salary . month of May 278. SI) C. D. Quinton boarding city prisoners and committments 14. 00 Plaitsmouth Telephone Co., rent and tolls 26.00 F. G. Frieke & Co., mdse to county farm and jail 17.65 John Bauer, mdse to farm 4. 70 W. C. Ramsey, salary and ex pense S9.S6 Klopp & Bartlett Co., sup plies .64 Lorenz' Bros, mdse to Farm. 20.80 J. II. Tanis, salary and labor. . 81.00 Fred Patterson, salary month of May 30.00 Mary E. Foster,salary and ex pense... 157.14 Geo. W. Snyder, use of land for public highway 150.00 Mrs. Magdalene Vallery, use of land for public highway. 175.00 C. D. Quinton, guards, photo graph and railroad fare. . 31.16 Hatt & Son, nulse to paupers. 10.00 Claims allowed on Road Fund: W. R. Sperry, assigned to City National Bank, Weeping Water, for road work, road district No. 7 '. 124.10 W. R. Sperry, road work, road district No. 7 136.63 G. P. Meisinger, same, r. d. 2 . . 3 .10 Stroemer Lumber Co., ma terial r.d. 15 3.04 Joe Vickers, road work, r. d. 16 4 . 00 HanyAppleman.r.d. 6 14.00 S. C. Boyles, same, r. d. 6 12 . 60 W. M. Kitzel, same. r. d. 0. . . 8.00 Frank Blatzer, same, r. d. 2 . . . 40 . 30 Stroemer Lumber Co., mater ial, r. d. G 9.05 Wm. Rush, road work, r. d. 4 342 . 00 E. D. Hulburt, same, r. d. 6. . 10.05 Howard Richards, same, r. d. 4 25. 25 Wesley Bird, same, r. d. 6 3. 10 C. Sutton, same, r. d. 0 4.00 Stroemer Lumber Co. cement and sand, r.d. 10 11.29 L." Neitzel, material road dist. 7.... 13.90 W. B. Banning, road work, r. . d. 11 63.95 C. Sutton, same, r. d. 16 4.00 Al Meyers, same, r. d. 16 3.60 Robert Swacker, same, r. d. 6. 16.00 Lee Arnett, culvert, r. d. 7. . 49. 13 Lee Arnett, repairs to grader r.d. 9 '. 10.75 I.eeArnett,scraper,r. d.6. . . . 16.00 W. R. Sperry, cement wrok, r. d. 7 13.61 W. E. Palmeter, repairs, r. d. 7 1 . 35 G. W. Leach, road work, r. d. 14 53.00 W. A. Cole, same, r. d. 14 124 . 75 J. C. Niday, same, r. d. 11. . . . 182.00 J. E. Bates, same, r. d. 13 32.15 Sheldon & Sheldon, material r. d. 13 14.50 Same, r. d. 8 21.69 Same, r. d. 14 151.19 Will Laughlin, road work, r. d. 5.... 8.00 Frank Rouse, same, r. d. 5 18.00 W. D. Coleman, same, r. d. 5. 78.25 John A. Ilennings, same, r. d. d. 2 65.00 Henry Sanders, r. d. 2 62.75 Wm. Stohlman, same, r. d. 8. . 195.00 Ben Beekman, same, r. d. 10. . 108.00 J. C. Lemon, same, r. d. 5 26.00 Art Reese, same, r. d. 5. . . . 4.00 Wm. Ketch, same. r. d. 12. . . . 49.25 Lee Arnett, grader, r. d. 1 . . . . 130.00 Lee Arnett, culvert r. d. 14 49 . 40 Same, r. d. 15 24.63 G. W. Voss Lumber Co., ma terial, r.d. 9 24.55 Same.r. d. 14 3.15 O. W. Fischer, road work r. d. 15 112.00 John Copley, same, 16 80 Walter Moreland, same r. d. 10 1.00 Joe Clapp, same, r. d. 16 8.00 Wm. Weyers, same, r. d. 10. . 21 . 10 Wm. Hudson, same, r. d. 10. fc. 1.00 Emil Oberle, same, r. d. 10. . . 2.50 A. J. Trumble, same, r. d. 10. . 21 .25 S. J. Earle, same, r. d. 16. ... 3.00 Grant Stewart, same, r. d. 16. 1 .00 Hoy St ew art , same, r.d 60 Jake Utnland, same, r. d. 16. . 3.00 Lec Stew art, same, r. d. 16 1 .00 W. Mick. road work, r. d. 16 1 . 20 Grant Standley, same, r. d. 16 4.00 Wm. Casey, same, r. d. 16. . . . 6.00 W. A. Hardnoek, same, r.d. 16 42.90 John Elliot, same, r. d. 16 2.00 J. L. Hardnoek, same, r. d. 16. 1 .00 W. W. Coat man, same, r. d.. . 6.80 R. A. Kuehn, Bame, r. d. 16. . . 12.40 Nick Becker, same, r. d. 16. . . 8. 10 W. B. Banning, material, r. d. 11 5.60 J. M. Hoover, road work, r. work, 3 216.60 Mike Lutz, same, r.d. 1 118.60 Fred Weaver, same, r. d. 4 . . . 44 . 20 Charley Frolich, same, r. d. 16 9 .70 Roy Wall, same r.d. 10 4.40 Wm. Hursh, same, r. d. 16. . . 2 00 Claims allowed on the bridge fund: W. R. Sperry assigned to City National Bank Weep ing Water for bridge work. . 225.90 Win. Rush, bridge work,.... 52.50 Sheldon & Sheldon,bridge ma. terial.. 4. 10 W. B. Banning, bridge mater ial 89 . 80 Nebraska Construction Co., lumber 80.57 Stroemer Lumber Co.,bridge material 73.07 Nebraska Construction Co., bridge work 2534.40 Sheldon anil Sheldon, bridge, material ' 91.19 The following claims were allowed on the Commissioners road fund: Village Clerk Greenwood, proportion Comm. roait fund. r. d. 20 200.00 Village' Clerk Elmwood, same r. d. 25 350.OO Village Clerk south Bend,samc r. d. 19 75.00 Village Clerk Eagle, same, r. d. 20 175.00 Village Clerk, Murdock, same r. d. 21 150.00 Village clerk Weeping Water . same, r. d. 24 600.00 Board adjourned to meet June 21, 1910. D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Positively your last chance to buy clothing and other goods at your own price. Fanger will leave Plattsmouth for good July 1st. Auction Saturday afternoon and evening. Everything goes at your own price. Martin Fredrich was a morning passenger to Cedar Creek. Miss Anna Deutch boarded No. 15 this morning for a day's visit in the Gate City. Mrs. W. II. Pitzer of Nebraska City arrived in town this morning for a visit with friends. D. K. Barr was a caller at the court house today, having come in this morning from Louisville. .Mrs. J. P. Tritsch and Mrs. J. W. Nolting wire among the morning passengers for Omaha today. Mrs. J. E. Thompson and son were among the metropolis travelers on the Burlington this morning. Fred Nutzman, a Nehawka resi dent, was in town this morning 011 his way to Omaha to spend the day. Auction Auction, Auction at Fanger's Department Store toiror row(Saturday)aftemoon and even ing. X IVABASII X 3 u xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hi I.' I 1 I 1 miss ray iucnaro.8 irom Lincoln spent a few days at the old home place just recently. W. H. Lann piano tuner from Lincoln did some work in Wabash the last of the week. Mr. Fred Motts representative of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation of Nebraska mlfde a few calls about tow n this week. Mr. C. A. Douglas representative of the Preseott Music company of Lincoln was doing business in Wabash recently. Mrs. John Sollers is the proud po s( ssor of a brand new piano purchased from Preseott & Co. Lincoln. Mrs. W. T. Richards spent a couple of days in Lincoln recently. Mr. W. A. Rouse, Alcvo's hustling insurance man was in Wabash and vi cinity the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norris from Avo ca spent Sunday in Wabash. Mrs O. II. Allen took the three twenty train Tuesday cast. Misss Marie Otte returned from Cherry County this week. Mr. Grover Otte made a flying trip to Omaha Saturday with R. T's touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas from west side Omaha were visiting at W T. Richards Sunday. A fine rain visited this section Tuesday forenoon. Miss Florence Comer of Elmwood dropped down on this little city Tuesday night and made herself quite comfortable at the Wabash House. Come again Florence we are always glad to see you. Had a New Switchman. Big things were doing in the Burling ton switching department yesterday afternoon when there was a long string of cars to be moved and two men of the force out of the city. Pete Lindsay went up to Oaaha rather suddenly and business took Fred Dendson to the city, so Johnson's crew was badly crippled. . However, the work had to be done and "Billy" Clements first trick man at the key, was the one to rise to the occasion. He took off his coat and scrambled over the ears like he had been raised on a freight train, throwing the switches and giving the high balls till Johnson wanted to sign him up on his regular crew. Go to the Big Auction sale at Fanger s tomorrow (Saturday) af ternoon and evening. Every ar ticle In the store to be put up and will go at your own price. f fAY J The Kind You Ilavo Always in use ior over vv years, "d has been made under his per ffflfazfa, 80nal supervision since its infancy. 'cc Allow no one ton"erHv vnn in hia All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good"nYe but Experiments that triflo with aud endanger the health of Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, riorphino nor other Xarcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho ' Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kansas City Weekly Star The most comprehensive farm paper All the news Intelligently told Farm questions an swered by ajpractlcal farmer and experimenter Exactly what you want In market reports. One Year 25 Cents. Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City,' Mo. XKK"X"XKKKK"X"XKKK"XK": it a. f t ? t ? ? ? ? t J. E. DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $450 to 53,000. Don't Eay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper, et me show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska, South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIKE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BODS. Get your bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income' while vou are onable to work. Independent phone 454. X"XKXXXX"XKKXXXt Barclay's tmmm mmmmm mrw msmm. $ upen ah nignt Center ol Block Between 4th and 5th Sts. MICHAEL HILD House Furniture and Undertaking Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., South Sixth Street. .Michael Hild, John Saltier, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phones 137 Tie Daily 10 1 i 1 Mil V f 1 wn n Bought, and which has been lias borne tho signature of Signature of Ntw von errv. ? ? t ? ? t f ? ? Restaurant - i"ri-r-i irriyi.rul-uxrLTLaimru i J nruinn r n THE PLACE TO EAT Everything neat and clean and a good place to go for your SUXDA Y DINNER. Board by the week. Lunch counter S in connection. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. and 247. Cents a Week